James Webb Telescope Just Announced First Real Image Of Massive Structure In Space

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in a surprising Twist of events NASA's James webspace telescope has made a discovery that has astronomers around the world intrigued in a few weeks ago the telescope discovered the earliest known galaxy in the universe but now it has detected something even more massive a super massive hole moving away from its Galaxy at an incredible speed of 4 million mph this latest Discovery has important implications and has generated much speculation among scientists and space enthusiasts about what it means for our understanding of the cosmos the jwsd was launched on a mission to explore the first galaxies in the universe and has captured stunning images of the death of stars and galaxies from a few hundred million years after the big bang we invite you to join us to explore the latest discoveries from this telescope remember to like And subscribe for more content like this the latest Discovery is challenging the scientific community's current understanding of black holes black holes are generally thought of as huge entities that pull every including light towards them but the recently observed black hole appears to be having the opposite effect instead of absorbing light it is creating new Young Stars along a Long Trail this new trail of newborn Stars has been observed in the wake of the black hole which is situated an incredible 200,000 light years away scientists are puzzled by the unusual behavior of this black hole compared to others but a team led by astronomy Professor Peter be recently reported their findings in in the astrophysical journal letters NASA's Hubble Space Telescope also confirmed these observations suggesting that the black hole awakens new stars when it comes into contact with gas and cools it we are seeing the Wake behind the black hole but that's not all NASA has made an exciting announcement about the galactic merger ARP 220 which was captured by the James webspace telescope this impressive Galactic merger can be seen shining among other galaxies in the night sky when two spiral galaxies merge the phenomenon known as ARP 220 shines brightest in the infrared making it perfect for observation by the James webspace telescope it is classified as an ultraluminous infrared Galaxy with a Luminosity of trillions of suns compared to our own galaxy The Milky Way which has a much lower Luminosity of about 10 billion Suns ARP 220 is located in the constellation of serpens about 250 million light years away it is considered the brightest of the three closest Galactic collisions to Earth and is listed as object Number 220 in the atlas of peculiar galaxies about 700 million years ago two spiral galaxies collided triggering a huge explosion of star formation this created a dense region about 5,000 light years across that contains about 200 large star clusters surprisingly this small area contains as much gas as the entire Milky Way previous observ ations with radio telescopes discovered about 100 Supernova remnants in less than 500 light years across then the Hubble Space Telescope revealed that the parental galaxies are located 1,200 light years apart and that each core contains a rotating ring of star formation that emits dazzling infrared light the latest views from the James webspace telescope show an impressive Galactic merger of the two galaxies this image also shows faint title Tales extending from the outskirts of the merger indic ating the gravitational pole between the two galaxies finally the red cyan and orange streams and filaments represent scattered or ionic materials in ARP 220 another stunning Discovery stunned scientists when researchers found the primordial galaxies at the edge of the universe they were skeptical about their authenticity some thought they might be nearby galaxies in Disguise so they shared the data with other scientists around the world hoping for the best amazingly the James webspace telescope confirmed that these ancient galaxies are real thanks to this revolutionary telescope we can now observe the oldest galaxies ever seen astronomers estimate that light from these galaxies has traveled more than 13.5 billion years to reach Earth giving us a glimpse into the distant past of the universe these galaxies were discovered when the universe was young shedding light on how quickly the first generations of galaxies emerged the the spectral data confirm that these galaxies are at the edge of our view some even farther away than Hubble could see the discovery is crucial because it validates one of the most important tasks of the James webspace telescope to study the early Universe through light that has been traveling for more than 13.5 billion years the ability to measure extreme red shifts is what sets James web apart allowing researchers to peer into the infrared range and observe the first galaxies in the universe the excitement in the air is palpable as this disc y marks an important milestone in the exploration of the universe and in understanding its Evolution Discovery has had a major impact on our understanding of the universe and has prompted NASA to develop even more powerful telescopes than the James webspace telescope to confirm whether our understanding of the Big Bang is correct data obtained from web spectrometer and near infrared camera have revealed that four of the six primordial Galaxies have extreme red shifts suggesting that Webb is observing them as if they existed 300 to 500 million years after the the Big Bang this is surprising since the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years old and the existence of these galaxies suggests that we need to revise our understanding of the early Universe this has generated concern in the scientific Community as these new discoveries challenge the current cosmological inflation model and the Big Bang Theory which has some loopholes such as going against the law of thermodynamics and not having a clear explanation of what caused the Big Bang in addition the James webspace telescope is discovering galaxies almost as old as the Big Bang itself which questions everything that we thought we knew about the origin of the universe according to theoretical physicist M Kaku at the discovery of ancient galaxies by the James webspace telescope has called into question everything we knew about the beginning of the universe previously these galaxies were thought to be less developed than the Milky Way but the new findings suggest that we may be missing crucial information the fact that the telescope has identified six galaxies that exist half a billion years after the big bang and are up to 10 times larger than the Milky Way raises the question of whether our current theories about the creation of the universe are correct Kaku explained that it takes billions of years to create a Galaxy like the Milky Way so it is strange to find such large young primordial galaxies this discovery may require us to revise and rewrite the textbooks on the beginning of the universe findings from the James web Space Telescope challenge what we thought we knew about the Big Bang leaving scientists at a Crossroads despite this NASA recently tweeted about a Galaxy cluster that lies just 650 million years after the big bang adding another intriguing piece to the puzzle astronomers have analyzed the data and concluded that this fledgling cluster is expected to grow in size and become something similar to the Colossal coma a656 cluster the place where all this is taking place is unique and special as it is in an area of accelerating Galactic Evolution thanks to the James webspace telescope researchers can now measure the velocities of these seven galaxies which gives them the confidence to confirm that they are bound together in a protocluster to put this in perspective NASA scientists compared these distant galaxies to small drops of water in different rivers that will eventually join together to form a large powerful River clearly what we previously believed about the Big Bang is not adding up as expected however more data from the web telescope May reveal evidence that could confirm or disprove the theory who knows maybe the Big Bang did happen but what caused it is a different story in any case we will have to wait for more discoveries but the answer may be closer than we think what do you think about these discoveries share your thoughts in the comments box and I'll see you in the next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: WorldView Theory
Views: 171
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Keywords: worldviewtheory, james webb, james webb telescope, james webb space telescope, james webb just announced, james webb just detected, massive object in space, james webb first real image, interesting facts, jwst, voyager, voyager space, universe, space, science, science news, space news, solar system, james webb new images, tech, image james webb
Id: P5kC6etOU1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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