RZ - How To Find Purpose

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- a episode of rule zero been absent for much of the summer was you know able to hop on for the first one when we kicked off these series today I've got on with me on my screen from right I'll go clockwise I got Troy Francis on first time I've had him on my channel it's kind of new to my channel in space Troy you're a dating coach from the UK right yeah that's right I'm a dating coach I'm based in London I've written I've got now ten books about dating in game which I've written so there's all of that stuff and I've blog about it and create content and so on a very active on Twitter and all the rest of it so so yeah thank you very much for having me it's great to be here all right cool yo yeah well throw everybody shout out towards the end we got Rhinestone you guys of course familiar with Ryan you know where to find him on Twitter and everywhere else you know he's a long time brother he also got John from Modern Life dating dot-com right down there in the bottom you're in Florida you're about to kick off you want to do a little plug on hot dude nah well the invites are already out no just do a little meetup with my guys haven't started off as a joke but now we got tons of people here from literally all over the world I'm doing a little thing called hot dude con kind of a meme that became reality and yeah we're just gonna go out tonight have a couple drinks and have a couple steaks there's a hurricane inbound and a lot of guys had to cancel so it's a good filter for me because I only want to meet the craziest of the crazies who would come out and risk a hurricane just does category four isn't it yeah it's a pretty big one somebody might die all right well I want to welcome you guys all to a rule 0 episode it's a decentralised show we kind of talked about two to three months ago it's gonna be where it's gonna be so you're gonna have to follow the people you see on the screen if you want to find out where the next episode is on social media because it will move around my my best attempt would be on at least once a month or that'll be my commitment I was doing a lot of traveling the summertime just doing big vacation stuff because that's what you're supposed to do but want to hop into the topic today which was finding purpose basically finding your purpose figuring out what it is that you should be doing with your life and kind of topics around that I mean we've talked a lot about a whole bunch of different things this is something that really mattered to men because I think one of the things that really really throws women off for a loop or even societies in general is a rudderless man nothing turns off women more than a rudderless man nothing is you know least attractive to anybody including you know your male friends if you're sitting around rudderless doing nothing with your life so we kind of wanted to hop into this we're gonna spend 90 minutes on it do you guys want to take some inbound questions on this as well or you just kind of want to run it as a now let's do some questions all right who wants to kick off first finding purpose Detroit ok Ryan there you go Ryan kick it off finding porn you find your purpose in life how did you find your purpose well that's why you found it purpose I think I mean that purpose changes from year to year I know when I first started like out of high school my purpose was to get the hell out of my parents house my hat parents had a great parenting strategy of making me hate them so much that I didn't want to be around which is probably the best thing you can do to your kids so then I got out and I didn't know what to do but I knew you go to college and you follow your dreams my dream was to be a graphic designer so I drew the pirate or the turtle got into that school and then I found out that just getting a college degree isn't a guarantee on anything and then I was kind of rudderless aimless just kind of working and not knowing why and that's when I joined the military oh my god I need purpose queening country's awesome and then I got there yeah same thing it turns out that a peacetime military is not a mission and so I kind of left that as well and I've been basically following my home life as I don't know what I want but I'm very good at finding out what I don't want yeah and so as time gets by my mission changes but I always have a direction of something and I just trust that when I made the decision it was the right one for me like when I joined the military I know what I'm doing because when I was drunk and decided to I think it was a good idea yeah you know what's interesting about that I think it's really easy I mean if you want to start somewhere like top of the funnel I mean like your purpose might be right down at the bottom where you actually narrow it down to the one thing but if you want to stop start at top of the funnel at least narrow out things that you hate I mean if you do interests it that your hate stop doing that cuz that's definitely not your purpose sorry I kind of want to throw it over to you because your yeah your face for me I want to get some get some vocals on you so give us some lyrics on finding purpose yeah I mean I funnily enough I did a video about this just the other day because I think like as you said I think if you're rudderless if you don't have that strong sense of purpose about you then that communicates itself to the people that you meet both men and women so obviously in terms of being an attractive guy you're gonna be a much more attractive man if you have some sort of purpose about you because that gives you that sort of gravitas that people have drawn to so I mean for myself you know and I think it's kind of interesting what Ryan said actually because I think a lot of the time your sense of your true purpose in terms of your mission often comes from childhood it often comes from your very formative sort of younger experiences so when I was a kid I was always really interested in writing you know it's one of the first things I did my dad had a used to run book sharps he works in publishing we had loads loads of books around the house you know my mum bought me a typewriter when I was very young and I was like used to sit in the garden like tapping away at this typewriter and so even though as I went through my younger life and I was sort of in my 20s and drinking and partying a lot that sort of went away a little bit but I think I think when I then sort of sort of sex my life and I said right so what do I actually want to do what I really really want to do writing came back to me as a core purpose in my life and something that I'm passionate about and I think it's always been there so I think for guys it's really important to sort of in your purpose can change throughout the course of your life without without a shadow of a doubt but I think I think sometimes it's really important to look back at those formative experiences and think okay so what was I into when I was really really young and is there a way that I can now pursue that now I'm older and oh as a kid yeah well I did I do well there's a lot of people right now that are making millions of dollars a year playing video games right I mean like the biggest YouTube channel out there right what's his name PewDiePie built the whole thing recording himself playing video games like you know who would have thought that you could become that well-known and have and have so much gravity just playing a stupid game yeah well of course we're quite fortunate now with the internet because you can pretty much make a living doing anything you know you can make a little unboxing bloody you know makeup or whatever whatever it is so it's so so in a sense we've got more opportunity to do to make our passion in almost anything be central to our life but certainly sort of a you know like writing is a pretty generic thing I mean obviously a lot of people love to write and everything else but if you can find a way to do that and then to commercialize it which is you know is it's absolutely doable these days then you're then acting in accordance with your core core purpose and for me that's really really important John you want to you want to train me on on finding purpose kind of like you know kicking off into this well yeah it's so important I mean I don't know if you know rich but like before I decided to do this full-time I was in the medical device recruitment industry and I would you know throughout my life I had done a lot of people based jobs and in the recruitment industry in Tokyo you're probably I as an entry-level consultant you know within two months you'll be interviewing at least ten people a week if you're a good recruiter and I would see all these people I would see guys in there like late 50s early 40s like flat broke panicking scrambling to get a job the resume they've like up you know their entire life just living by this like you know kind of fly by the seat of my pants lifestyle and when I saw that that like really really terrified me and I saw it at a young age but I also saw it in even in Japan as well and that really made me feel like okay I need to live life absolutely on my terms like and like you know reduces many outside sources that I need to lean on like whether it be a company a paycheck or you know have as much control over my lifestyle as possible and I think a lot of guys you know they don't you know I thought that a lot of people thought like this but a lot of people just they just kind of taken in life one day at a time and have no long-term plans and like you that sound like a good philosophy but if you do not clearly identify what you like in life and what you want to do in life like you're gonna just help somebody else build their empire basically it's it's a dog-eat-dog world up and that's like bottom line yeah I'm so if you're not under your purpose you're definitely gonna be building someone else's that's without a doubt rich oh that reminds me of I was over at your house there one of your friends I had mentioned when I started to do this as a full-time thing and I'd mentioned I guess got laid off and then I had some time I had like well I got enough money saved up for a year I'll give it a shot and it was the funny thing you mentioned to me is that most people who start as an entrepreneur you usually start after a layoff and I was like oh that's kind of neat who's that Adam I think it was Adam yeah yeah it's like you'll you'll find no greater purpose to start a business than when you don't have a job to go to every day and punch a clock because a lot like I did a video a couple of days ago but this guy that wanted to quit his job and of course there's a lot of people it'll chime in they'll be like don't quit your job bro make sure you find something else before you leave that job but you will be there's there's no better time in your life to be highly motivated than when you don't have a nine-to-five sure thing you will make it happen if you are on your purpose if it is really your purpose you will find a way to make it happen otherwise you will find an excuse just so you guys know your of income whatever yeah I mean minimum you should have a minimum of six months living income minima I mean ideally years but minimum six months just so you guys are where those of you that are in the chat that are asking questions I posted the join link on the community tab of the YouTube channel for the for the members of the channel so I want to give you guys like front-row access I mean I want to give you a little bit of a premium perk so if you have a question it's better if you click that and join in there's kind of a waiting area there's a few people in there don't join in and wait if you just want to watch it's not for watching it's to ask a question so we're gonna hop in and and have a couple of these guys join and throw some questions at us and see if we can be useful to you one thing I wanted to add that kind of triggered a memory Troy was one of the things that kind of kind of moved me into the purpose that I found myself was I was listening to a podcast by James Altucher yeah fairly well-known author here he's written a book called choose yourself yeah I've met him a couple times and one of the things that he talked about at an event that I was at once was basically mashing up ideas and let it like like have a few ideas let them have ideas sex and see if he can turn into a business and that's kind of what I did with the channel when I created honors and cars and just kind of evolved into something else it's like I love hanging out with entrepreneurs that are putting a dent in the universe and I like fast cars yeah so why not interview my friends in their success ride and that's kind of where this all started but it kind of evolved over time it's just like you just have to do something you know in the absence of clarity do something yeah people will just sit there treading water doing sweet eff all and you're not moving anywhere in the absence of clear to do something move in a direction because you will get clarity as you move in that direction it'll either become clear like a frying pan of the forehead like oh wow I'm doing what I should be doing or it's like I'm going in the wrong direction you just you don't do a 90-degree turn and try something else but doing nothing is the dumbest thing that you can do if you're trying to get on your purpose waiting for it to come to you is not gonna happen you're gonna have to do it yeah hundred percent I really like James Altucher I'm a big fan of his his stuff and actually what I was saying about looking back at your childhood I think that's something that I probably got from him or certainly he's talked about it and he talked about sort of like I think he says something like create a list of like five or 10 things that you merely liked as a kid and it could be like comics he could be Nintendo it could be writing it could be you know sports whatever and then look at those things and see how you could potentially you know bring them together to create something that you can do now and I think that's really really cool I mean for me you know I had this thing about writing so I loved writing you know I wanted to be kind of Hemingway I wanted to write you know and all that all that like a lot of you know young kids do but then you've got the thing okay so what do I write about what do I write that people are actually gonna want to read and the other thing that I was really interested in at the time you know obviously to some extent still is chasing tail so we're when those two things came together because before that I've written a load of stuff that nobody ever read I've written sort of unpublished stuff that sits in the bottom drawer and everything like that and then I realized well actually hang on a minute you know I'm quite interested in dating I'm quite interested in this whole sort of you know game thing that's emerged I find all that really fascinating social dynamics and so on and I also quite like writing so can I bring those two things together you know I mean it probably wasn't what I thought I would do when I was when I was you know ten years old or something you know I probably thought I'll write this amazing novel or something like that but it doesn't really matter you've got to get started with something and then once you get going then you can take it off into a different direction or you can you can sort of move things around but but yeah you need momentum initially don't you yeah one of the questions you can ask yourself is like just kind of fill in the blank like I lose track of time when what are you doing when you lose track of time because that's because that's a good indication that you're on something that's so interesting to you it doesn't matter if three hours pass and it feels like you know 15 minutes sort of thing like that's usually a starting point yeah yeah absolutely absolutely let me see here we got a bunch of guys that are kind of tapped in here I'm gonna throw a mass on cuz I know that face I'm gonna see if he's got a question far away myself your honor yeah yeah me yeah I love the clear bro yep yeah what age do you guys I guess did you guys really start to figure out what your purpose was is it keep going sorry yeah uh I guess for me like I know I know Richie did a video on like what's are doing your 20s like your 20s is for like really figuring things out trying out different things is that kind of like you expect to like kind of have something figure out by your 30s your late 20s well you ahead of the game if you start sooner right I mean I I figured out twice in my life the first time was when I got laid off I mean funnily enough it's at times of trauma right first time was when I got laid off around how old was I I don't know like thirty six seven or something like that I got laid off from a company that worked at because I learned at that time that you get fired for your resume but you got fired because a fit and then I created my debt business to basically compete with what the collection world was doing and solve a problem that nobody else is really solving and I was really into it for like 12 15 years and I'm just kind of fizzled out after awhile which is fine because I mean like your purpose might change over time and then I figured out a second time after is basically you know like red pilled from divorce the same Amami scenario and some stuff that I saw that happened with legislation like business then I kind of got on this new purpose which was what I'm doing right now with the channel sort of thing building the men's group and all that so I mean in my view anyway the sooner that you do it the better off you're gonna be because if you're spending too much time around not accomplishing anything like time flies dude like you know three years will become nine years nine years will become sixty and it was like you know before you know it you can be like what was that well that was your life mate you know it just kind of flew right by you because you haven't done anything with it any well shut up a little guys chime in yeah you know I was just gonna I want to chime in on the the the taking action aspect of it like you know the quickest way you can find out I don't think it has to do with age I just thinks it has to do with like how much stuff you try and how much stuff you end up you know disliking versus liking because you have to you have to take action to get that feedback loop going know if you don't know what you're gonna like want to do with your life just like try something at least if it follows you know if it works you end up thinking like okay well I like do I like this run out like this and at least at that point you have one thing ticked off your box there and you'd be like move forward from there and know like okay this like whatever be like I'll say if fishing is just not for me you move on to the next one for me I happen to be about about 29 and then I just decided like I wanted to do the online thing and this was gonna be my goal and I have to stick with it no matter what like a lot of people think that modern life dating was just made like a year or a year and a half ago but I've been doing this since 2015 it's just I'm just finally getting momentum now because I stuck with it and I try to walk away from it but I just felt like I always felt draw it back to it so that's what I knew is my purpose I was like okay this is gonna work out or I'm gonna be living in the poorhouse and so far it's working so far pretty good mmm yeah Brian else won't hit on that I was gonna say sorry you got first question yeah I was just gonna say I think I think job what John said is correct I mean I don't think that there needs to be a specific age where you need to have everything figured out because I think it's different for everybody but as you know as Richard said obviously the sooner you the sooner you do that gives you a head start I mean for me personally I mean my my twenties were a bit sort of erratic because I was I went away to university and I got into partying and I was sort of like I was having a very unproductive sort of time if you like and I really kind of almost went off the rails for a few years and then I got to about the age of 27 and I sort of pulled things together and then I sat there thinking okay so what do I actually what do I actually want to want to do and that was when this this thing about writing sort of sort of became clear at much clearer to me and then you know because I was because I had clarity of mind I was able to sort of move forward with it but but really it took me a very long time even after that to get to the stage where I am now I mean deciding to want to do the online thing to make money online and everything like that I mean that took me you know I I basically I I didn't get made redundant as such but I kind of need I got into a very untenable situation with a company which meant that I had to leave and after that I had a couple of shorter jobs at different companies and I just thought I'm done with this now I'm done with this corporate thing I need to just do my own thing regardless but I'd worked in the corporate world for over you know well over a decade so it sort of happened to me by degrees but certainly late twenties I kind of worked out the basis of I think yeah on that one every year you asked me whether I was fourteen whether I was twenty four whether I was 34 I would tell you I've got my purpose I know what I'm doing and then if you asked me four years later I'll tell you that that guy was an idiot you're not gonna figure out your purpose you just need to trust when you're doing something that it's your purpose until you find something to show you otherwise and I never thought of it of the time as this is my purpose it was just something that interested me like I said the military I loved it work hard play hard Queen and country I like the whole thing yeah but I never thought is this my life's purpose is this what I want to be known for I found that name gazing really worked against me because I was like too busy thinking about the abstract as opposed to what's right in front of me and in that case what's right in front of me is I got to go sail around the Straits of Hormuz and do communications yeah as opposed to like is this really my life's purpose like yeah just thinking too much is your enemy here I find yeah I think you're quite lucky with that though Ryan because for me reflecting more Backson was something rich Saudi it's sort of like they certainly knew when I wasn't on my purpose because I'm sitting there in these office jobs for years thinking this is what the hell am i doing I'm wasting my life here and I got that honestly written oh this one I had a commuter Markham from downtown so he already knows how miserable that it's yeah yeah so yeah so I I suddenly knew I wasn't on my purpose for it for a long time but it took a sort of a seismic event really to kind of push me on to to go and do something else you had a follow-up que mas yeah now do you guys see purpose cuz I know you guys a lot of you guys talk about jobs like trying to fulfill your purpose for working a job what about purposes that aren't fulfilled through your job like well maybe you maybe you maybe you work a job but you you you see that as a means to an end to then move into like some sort of other purpose that might not be a job maybe God medical like charity work helping people with up but then I don't know if that makes any sense a I think I know what you're talking about but yeah you're not leading yourself to to like the big win right like they're like like there's two ways you can play in life right like you can play to win or you can play not to lose and the way you're describing your your follow-up to this is it sounds a lot more like playing not to lose playing to win is obvious right like you know you're a winner when you're playing to win like you know that you've got successive wins you feel good testosterone levels boost you know people recognize you for who you are and what you do I mean there's other ways that you can put a little dent in the universe but like it's so significant it's so obvious to you like you for me anyway I'll wake up in the middle of the night or o'clock in the morning and I'll be thinking about some like oh man this is a topic that I got to do a video on or this is something that I got to add as a chapter in my book and then I leap out of bed in the morning and I'll take time to go to my laptop as soon as I get up once I make the coffee noise like I'll put my notes and it's like I got my bullet points and like it's done I think about it all the time I don't think like oh it's Sunday and I shouldn't be working it's like I enjoy doing it it doesn't matter to me right mm I don't that make sense or from kind of like taking a different direction than where you wanted to go but I just wanted to kind of come at you with that just to kind of give you so a little bit of a sober second thought makes sense to me that actually sounds like a better way of putting that clean your room analogy from Petersons all these guys that want to slow no it's it makes sense yeah guys want to save the world as a surrogate for saving themselves I would find like it's almost a trope at this point I'll use Trump is an example sorry about that for your channel rich but he basically made billions of dollars married a next supermodel like he's done just about everything you can do in life and about a CD away as possible and so there's the theory going around that he wants to be President to kind of build his legacy as a way of soothing his soul after all that so I would think if you want to be have charity as your mission in life that's a good example yeah go build your fortune have something to repent against first and then start worrying about that yeah all righty boss yeah thanks guys cool man thanks Robin on thank you all right guys hit that like button if you're enjoying the broadcast let YouTube know that this is a bomb and that other people should be watching it I mean if you're not even a member that's cool awesome just you know sure the links oh what's that right they have that yogi oh guy on their show right now I'm sorry just dm2 me that oh like the other whatever like whatever that dudes are thoughts let's just say on the topic I've got a beaut we got Matt here Matt I'm gonna throw you on you got a question for us yeah you're muted right now he's muted you're muted bro there you go I don't you did here okay so I'm 42 now I'm trying to find so I've been doing army stuff for the past 20 years I'm a I'm an army officer I came back on active duty a few years back I thought we were though we were about to do something big but we didn't so now I have been the peacetime army oh you poor thing yes and I find I work really hard all day not really accomplishing anything so I work probably 13 hours 14 hours a day and I feel like I'm just trying to survive or or get through the day I'm not really trying to succeed anymore um I'm thinking I'm gonna get out of the army however you know I've been doing it for 20 years so I make pretty good money at this point like over six figures so are you Canadian Army or American no I'm American okay thanks I was gonna say on that one they have education leave here I don't know if there's an equivalent where if you're really just hurrying up and wait a lot of times what you can do is start looking through the policies you start getting your CEO to approve education leave go after another degree or even use that time for certifications especially if you can tie it into your job spec they tend to approve that kind of stuff a lot easier especially for CEO likes you it makes him look good when his officers are trying to make themselves better and it shows that you're in it to win it is it shift work right now or is it basically nine-to-five plus a bit I'm a staff officer so I'm off orders all day and I do yeah that's why you're miserable and the commander he's in my office pretty much all day so I can't even get a task done you know I start doing something and there is again and now I'm shifted I essentially have no control over anything I'm doing I'm just going from one crisis to another and do they shift your guyses postings every three years like they do up here or no they do which is a good thing because I'm in the middle of nowhere right now kind of complicates they so I'm miserable all day and I'm just in the you know I'm in the country here yeah that's the beauty of these postings is that all you have to do is suffer through it for three years if you want to get out that's fine I would just say have a plan build up by years this is what I did when I got out have a year's worth of expenses so if you had nothing on the go for an entire year you'd be fine picture place you want to move go with someplace that has more of a population a better business thing if you find that so a staff officer administration I don't know what kind of qualifications you have I'm assuming you have a degree maybe it's in business maybe it's in a CPA I don't know if they count as logistics officers when you have staff there but find I think in the States its Delaware where they have a lot of the credit card companies in that so if you decide to do a transition plan your post retirement move to one of those places set this stuff up early so this three years of purgatory right now where you're just sitting there as a yes-man to your CEO is at least you getting everything in place so when you decide to pull the pin and I don't want to do this anymore you can automatically start moving towards where these goals are it's a future planning thing and then worst case scenario you start to love for your job just put those that plan aside and you go back to doing what you love but you essentially have to act as if your act like a jaded girl who's in a relationship she's gonna leave her husband but first she's gonna get into shape she's gonna meet a lot of new guys and then she's gonna get ready to branch swing you got a monkey branch yeah especially since your release process is what six months if once you put it in really well yeah it's at least six months it's usually a year when you put in your paperwork that is the greatest six months to a year of your life because your cease training nobody has any expectations on you it's just easy streets so just make sure you got your planning on par so by the time you do leave it's just a matter of going through the motions and you'll enjoy it way more so I started an MBA and financial planning it's cost me a fortune now and you know I sleepwalk through that as well well the military is banana ho oh sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry like the thing with financial planning though Matt is you got to build a book of business if you're gonna make any money and that'll take years or yeah you want to buy somebody else's book of business how old do you know and 42 and on a scale of one to ten with ten like I love this and one I hate it like we're yacht right now on what you're doing with the military mmm it's pretty bad I mean I can still get up in the morning I'd say about a 5 I guess I'm doing enough to where I can meet the minimum standard but honestly not trying to excel in any way yeah so it's like that saying when somebody says like how long have you worked there then your answer is basically ever since they threatened to fire me right yeah that's pretty much it yeah I mean the words I'm really working hard and trying to move forward yeah like you're dying this like you're dying a slow death with what you're doing but I get that you get you know your pension your benefits and your you know fill in the blank stuff but at some point like you've got to decide for yourself like you know this is my one go out life where do I want to go with this and how am I going to go about doing it right I'm asking questions is you know a good place to start but you know in the absence of clarity do something like find something that you love all right yeah we also want to hit on that is it it sounds a bit like the is the sort of golden handcuffs type situation I mean I was working for a company for a really long time and the pay was really good you know the benefits were really good I was very comfortable there it was challenging but it was sort of like you know I sort of for a very long time I wasn't really going to get fired and so the decision to leave would have had to have been my decision and there was as much as I hated it inside there was nothing that really gave me that impetus her to leave and really looking back now I wish I'd have made the break sooner than I did I made the break in the end because like as Richie was sort of saying earlier I basically kind of got pushed out in the end or nearly got pushed out and then there was a big legal thing and I ended up getting a payout and leaving and that was really the impetus to me don't on and do my own thing but but looking at it now I wish I'd have left years before you know so if you don't get the impetus then sometimes you've got a problem because you're just you're just coasting along but you need to make the ultimately if you can get it in yourself to make the decision then then you put yourself ahead of you you know about the head of everybody else so that's the plan get charged from your CEO have them run yeah that'll get you angry enough to leave [Laughter] all right yeah man 42 good now go ahead rich guy 42 like you know if you haven't gotten on this by now you really need to get on the get on the ball like I'd be I'd be full full panic mode if I were you if I was 42 stuck at some that I hated so well I didn't think you'd get on it what's that I did like it at one point I've been doing it for 20 years the problem is I've got like 7 years of reserve time so I can't retire right away but I think there's probably a reason why 20 years is the retirement age I think I think that's usually when people I've had enough a bit probably right all right thanks Matt okay all right we got this chat question for med but he's driving so he put it in the chat and he hopped and he posted and there's his gentleman it's hard to actually talk cuz I'm driving a Verde file my purpose but I'm working a crap job while I try to get my business started so he's figured it out he's trying to get off the ground but he's still doing his nine-to-five what are your thoughts on getting a better job in the meantime it would it be less scheduling flexibility more hours work but more financial I just quit the job dude if you found your purpose get on it like yeah I mean if you got money saved up or you can live more of a minimalist lifestyle or bring it up roommate cover mortgage or rent or something like that that's what it'd be like stop faffing about man like the problem that guys have again I'll say this again we are masters of complicating our lives and then justifying why we do it right let me know I feel like I say this every single live broadcast I have this problem and I think I have a solution but here's my BS story to insert in between me and my solution right it's like stop with the crap like just move the BS and get on with it guys I don't know I feel like I should just like make that like a template yeah yeah I would say on this so here's $59 he's kind of asking you what to do but he doesn't have a goal he wants his business to work does he know what that means well like I'll use an example like for mine I had 12 months okay in 12 months I need to endure an X amount of money to be basically in the black every month to handle paying for food mortgages all the bills so I know that's my number that I need to hit once that happens everything at that point is just bonus you know so I'm like okay at six months if I haven't done this far then I know I'm failing if I haven't done it at nine months a three month like at that point I already know the answer to this question because I know where I'm going so he's working a crap job while he's trying to get his business started if he doesn't have any kind of metrics for success that he has nothing to measure it against yeah you can leave your job if in three months all you need is $1,000 from your job of course quit your job it's easy to have a thousand dollars in that extra time you have but but Ryan I have a BS excuse to try to you know remedy that and put it off for another eight months right yeah oh yeah that's like that's what these guys always end up doing right and don't get me wrong like I I am NOT a business guy entrepreneurs in cars rich my car sucks and my entrepreneurs are here sucks I'll put that right there no but you've got fire right like you lost your job you didn't have anything to go to and you're like you know what I've been doing this as a hobby pretty much for the last whatever period of time you're good at it yeah you have a good level of awareness you obviously solve people's problems I mean I've sent people to you to solve problems that I don't want to deal with right I don't blame you the one guy I'm thinking of right now man I know that's why I sent him over here because I know you can handle that kind of BS but you're good at what you do right so it's just like you know you've got the fire in you you know you don't have to actually know what the path is between a and B but if you're clear on what B is it's like water like water always flows downhill like it'll always get to the ocean sort of thing right yeah I'm always get to be if you're clear on what B is true and then opportunity cost so right now his job let's say it's eight hours a day 40 hours a week do the math on your business what that 40 hours a week can get you how much of a dollar amount how much of like the infrastructure in place how much of it can be delegated once you answer those questions then it's just a simple binary decision well this 40-hour job makes me 2 grand more a month than my business would with that 40 hours a week so I'll stick with it or if I have to suffer the first three months but then everything picks up in the second three months it covers more than enough to handle it and the same as the military guy he's right I had that same thing at the 10 year mark in the military you either stay 10 years and get your pension or you get out now I just did a cost-benefit analysis I'm like all right so I'll learn this much is my pension so as long as I can earn this much more private sector than it makes sense to leave and I did that I'm like oh it makes more sense to leave so I just left and that trust I knew what I was doing when I planned it for what I was doing and then I'm smart enough to move it through mmm and rich is right the BS like screw the BS you'll figure it out you're not stupid worst case scenario you can always just rejoin come crawling back then they know they got you for life but at least then I can you know where that lack of dignity like a man in 2018 I had to work like a job so I took a jump from the corporate gig to go full-time with the modern life dating and then what happened was I had no I worked teaching English to like children until I compensate for like you know not bleeding my savings so working very minimalistic ly and putting all the hours into modern life dating so if you but honestly if yours if your standard of living is being affected by your job to the point that you hate it like your way if you wake up in the morning and just like dread going into work then you should probably just quit but if it's tolerable and you want to just get another job just to get more money in order to feed it into your business I I say if you're gonna suffer in a corporate environment at least get them for as much money as you can in order to bleed that money into your business you know so you can just get out of that corporate environment as soon as possible I'm all for getting as much money from corporations as you can if you're working for them in order to to fuel your own business because cash flow is king if you don't have cash flow it's trying to try to start a business it's very tough yeah but it seems like he's almost complicating the situation because he's working the job already which is one thing he's getting his business off the ground but now he's saying all right but should I now go for this better paid job well I'm still doing the same thing and to me that seems to be over complicating it he's gonna have to go through the whole process of like applying for this new job and blah blah blah it's probably gonna be more annoying like by the looks of it and and secondly what's what's he really say it's almost like he say to himself I'm not confident that my business is going to get off the ground so therefore as a sort of a head I'm gonna have to I'm gonna go and get this eat this better job which is probably gonna be more odious for me to do well I do the business I mean why not just go all in on the business and say okay I've got the crap job I'm just a hundred so I'm gonna make this business work in the spare time that I've got yeah I just want to hit on kind of a counter point out because I mean there's a point that that you always have to recognize at some at some level I think Kevin O'Leary calls this you know beat it with a stick until it's dead and then bury it six feet under and if you ever watched the show like Dragons Den sharks tank I think they got one of the UK I came over what it's called but essentially you know somebody will show up and they're like I've been running this business for 10 12 years and I need the $200,000 to do whatever and then they'll be like okay well how's the business running how much money is it throwing off and the dudes like well nothing really there's at some point that you got to recognize you're not on a purpose you have a hobby and you might love what you're doing but if you've been running the business for 10 12 years and you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and you're living with your family you got to rent a car because you don't own a vehicle to move people around and stuff like that don't be walking around banging on your chest saying that you're the best because you're not what you're doing is you're just chasing your hobby and you suck at what you're doing and you're not a real businessman so just consider that right I hate seeing people run something that doesn't do anything or it doesn't throw off any money because the whole point of being on your purpose is to make yourself a better person to be able to put a dent in the universe which means people give you money with what you're doing because it is it is a measurement of success okay it is a store of value and a measurement of success so doing something and you're not moving anywhere you're treading water bro hmm what do you guys reckon about we mentioned minimalism before but what do you guys reckon about and the old digital nomad idea of just moving somewhere cheaper in order to get yourself your business established because it seems to me yeah I could I'm as well but it seems to me on sort of if we look at some of the money guys on Twitter it seems to be being a bit disparage now people are saying hey man if you're not making 100k a month you know what the apologies for swearing to me no I don't see anything wrong with that I think if you're starting something out or go somewhere even even go to a different different city or go to a different country whether your overheads are lower um while you're building it up it seems to make perfect sense to me yeah back fan of that if you got the ability to maneuver you don't have a family no kids you know you're not tied down to look hell why not move somewhere that I mean you can run a business for pretty much anywhere in the world right now I mean that's the beauty of the Internet I mean all you need is a laptop in a connection you can do something yeah I'm literally doing that right now yeah I mean you're doing laptop right well it's deliberate that's the thing you're doing it for a reason you're not just living a place because you're there you're living there because the bottom line cuts down maybe you need to live in New York City because you have connections that are there and you need to be close but it's for a reason I think that's the key yeah just don't do anything because like I'm not a big fan of just you know posturing with things to send signals to people when you're broke as a joke I mean like you see these insta-tox all the time where there's some news article it's like such as such in suicide is now and $100,000 worth of debt because she wanted to go from Australia and do this travel vlog for her Instagram to make her followers jealous and it's like that's dumb right if you're gonna do something if you're gonna move around at least make sure you're making money is you're maneuvering and you should be maneuvering in two places at positions that allow you to minimize your cost of living at least you know totally agree with that we've got a super shot here let me just shout out real quick Vinny here says rich what do you do when you when you have a lot of ideas but are broke and can't find anyone to hop on your idea some stuff is almost impossible to do alone that's a excuse that you're giving yourself yeah that that again is you know men are masters of you know complicating their lives and they're justifying why they do it there's lots of jobs that you can start where you don't need or you know businesses that you can start where you don't need capital in fact I wouldn't even start a business right now if you had to borrow capital as a lot of people that have to borrow angel investing money because they got great programming ideas or but that's what they do and they find like four or five six years later when the eggs in the business sales they get nothing because they've given away so much equity raising capital plus you're not in charge anymore they are the people that give you the money are gonna tell you what to do with that money because it's their money it's the golden rule you know it's the golden rule he who has the gold makes the rule right it's as simple as that so if any sorry but that's an you sit you're making for yourself yeah well how much cost of entry does if you have so many ideas there's got to be one of them that doesn't have a huge cost of it you got four people on the screen right now that have entered into a space probably at a very very low cost right I mean all of you guys have right by $50 $150 a month was how I got started right don't give me some BS excuse that you need to find somebody to hop on your idea as soon as you find somebody to hop on I've been in businesses with other people and it's stupid I know enough now not to get in businesses with other people simple as that yeah yeah and why are you broke as a man like that's just yes you've already covered like your wife until you should just like what are you what are you publicly writing that you're broke and then sending super cheque money like you know that just sounds like another excuse because at the end of the day like hold on let me get my magic wand I've I've got to pull out my magic wand and wave it to solve this problem magically you know it's like yeah that's that's generally what the expectation is is you know here's my question solve it for me you know Master Yoda or whatever it's like we don't have the solutions none of these guys have the solutions we didn't even know that we had the solutions when we started doing our and figuring out what it is that we want to accomplish we just kind of figured it out along the way am I right guys yeah yeah yeah yeah I really like that Lean Startup concepts I forget I remember in a minute but the guy the guy who wrote that book but this idea whole Lean Startup isn't yeah yeah absolutely yeah but that that that concept of just of just starting off as is minimalistic ways you can you know and putting out the Minimum Viable Product you know your your first product ok what's the what's the simplest and less least expensive way that I can take this to market and then and then do I get all the instruction okay if I get all the instruction then can I now put some more bells and whistles on it kind of thing but I really love that idea of sort of building it up from a very organic that sounds very similar as guys you talk about something being ramen ready yeah it's like a wireframe like like most softly there's two different ways that software guys will build their stuff out the guys with experience will just wireframe it meaning they'll just put pages together of what things will look like but they don't actually click through to anywhere and it's like a slideshow it's like a PowerPoint and I had this guy you know help me out with the wireframe for a business idea that I had a few years ago basically to automate what my debt business would do and you know a wireframe that we try to figure it out but it didn't work or the other way to do it is spend a hundred grand in programming costs and actually build out the entire thing to test it you don't need to go that far I mean you can wireframe something for less than a thousand bucks and a few hours work and you're done you have an idea of whether or not this is going to take off right mmm it's just you know a lot of people will try to put out something that's perfect and works and it doesn't matter you just have to have something that is somewhat functioning right yeah I heard that upstream Twitter guys and the one guy two years ago he was dropping n bombs on Rolo now is I don't know why but whatever talking about how he was better two years later I saw him again on Twitter and I asked him so you were talking about your magnum opus then what have you done since then and that was exactly what he said it's yeah well it's not quite there yet I'm not gonna release it till it's perfect oh and what you're talking about yeah in that two years since then like geez man I didn't even get anything perfect but I managed to get something started and it drives me nuts because I can tell they don't want to win they just want to feel noble in defeat mm-hmm but sign up now and let's raise some money for my book all right guys do me a favor hit that like button if you're enjoying a broadcast helps me out of town it just lets YouTube know this is a good I'm gonna throw a quick shout-out to channel sponsor where's my little banner here there we go sorry gonna put that over your face but tactical soap guys pheromone infused handmade soap from the state's checkout with coupon code Cooper get 10% off you can get it at Cooper SOCOM or there's a link below in the description area oh there you go Ryan washes his hands every time he's cooking by the way I made some french toast this morning after watching your video on how to make french toast Ryan nice dude the cottage cheese really sells it it helps with the macros and that savoriness really helps to the savory sourness I was so savory a little bit of a cinnamon on top of that too we got a guy Chris run you guys want to talk about anything else before we throw on this next question no I'm good all right let's give him a go here Chris you got a question of course oh good morning I'm a question following up what choice a location when you can't have a picture but you know okay dude do you have a microphone or oh you got some background noise like something's happening alright imma let you guys make sure if you join on you got a decent microphone you got a clear background cuz otherwise none meal the area yeah it was something about moving in expenses I think he said I wanted to move someplace like he wants to move someplace because it's part of his purpose but it's really expensive yeah so how would you go about doing that and I would just say make sure you have your money right your skills right before you head out there or form a job or was he saying he's he's got his idea of his purpose and he also wants to move to this place but the place is going to be expensive and if that was the question I would say you've got a look at your priorities and think well what do i what do I actually want do I just want to live in this cool place or do I want to make the business thing work because really ultimately you should be saying well I'm gonna do anything to make this thing that I really want to do work so if that means not not living in this not living in Manhattan for five years while I get the thing going then that's what you need to do rather than saying well I'm going to try and make it work living in this really fancy place and it's gonna be expensive you know just just keep your eyes on the goal you know I like that yeah see if we got any other comments here we got a hit on that I'm gonna miss Sam Botta what's up just talking about the military guy oh hey Sam how's it goin brother oh by the way how's Oliver yeah Carlin rollo are off this week you guys probably gathered up by now but al bebé on next session or a future show I have to buy and hold real estate business I only have my first duplex what's the best way to scale up for more properties with more semi passive income just dude like the track really there's a long way right like the thing that that that dudes don't get that they keep asking is that real estate is a long slow play right like I have I have a portfolio in private equity investments and it's like every four years every four four and a half years you can double your money and that takes time so you know for years you've done your moment eight years you double it again you keep going right it's like you just keep maneuvering until you can keep putting more money back into real estate that's got a good ROI in a good location but it takes time right there's no shortcut you know that is that is the best way just to figure out the best systems find the best people that have the best systems and then R&D them which is not research and development it's ripoff and duplicate there's really nothing like new out there that you're gonna invent as far as a business there's maybe some things that might come out of it in the near future but for the most part everything you like you're thinking about right now there's some system that already exists out there rather than try to invent it from scratch find something that works you know unplug plug in it off you go right I don't miss my take on it yeah depending on the location I had a duplex rich and I ran I ran an Airbnb it did I ran it you know year round a year round and it brought in about like just south of 40 grand for the year no that's total revenue so like I think the it probably meted like maybe like 27 for the year but compared to like just traditionally renting out Airbnb can be like a pretty ample source of income definitely not passive though you've got to go in there every time yeah you got to do some work you got all you got to do so if you outsource the cleaning or you do the cleaning yourself and also do it as a quality control thing yeah quality all because I've had maids I've fired a lot of maids because people don't know how to clean yeah exactly but they always do the bare minimum dude yeah well I mean they're cleaners for a reason to think about I can do it you can make some some nice pocket change with like two or three Airbnb s running that'd be me go ahead Epis good I mean I've got an air B&B prop property though I may have been being at the moment and yeah I mean the money's pretty good I mean I also outsource all of the all of the management and the cleaning and all the rest of it which they actually take quite a big chunk of change from but but nevertheless you know I still make some quite decent cash from it but it's not it's not stress-free I don't think your property's ever entirely stress-free you know you've always got there's always something could go wrong there's always something you've got to go and sort out so so yeah and like Richard said I think it's a it's a long slog isn't it as well so yeah he said yeah so they're gonna follow up you said in the comments financing is the biggest hurdle right now and that's like there's things within your control and without your control when you're on your purpose right and if you can't get financing based on the market conditions just what financial institutions will not lend or the cost of borrowing becomes too high where the juice is not worth the squeeze then you just have to understand that's just not in my control maybe I can pivot rather than requiring more real estate and subdivide do an air B&B sort of situation there's different ways that you can go about it but it's like again you know hi I'm gonna pull out my wife magic wand here and solve your problem it's like I don't have that solution you know you gotta go and kind of like pivot and start looking around at some potential solutions I mean you'll either find the answer or you'll find an excuse I just don't like the risk in it especially in the Canadian market I've only ever lived in like bubbles like Vancouver before this yeah and now Toronto with its bubble but like all it takes is one interest rate change and if you don't have like a good huge chunk of the stuff put up as principal already a 3% interest rate change will turn your something from economically viable to add money sink yeah they're not giving you the money it's because you can't afford it yeah and then there's the it really boils down to that and then there's the Airbnb thing like our there's been a bunch of buildings here that essentially have revolts from the residents over Airbnb so get them banned so right there completely kills it yeah I want a condo down downtown close to you Ryan and quark down and it's uh there's no air and beat there's no air B&B there you just can't do it so you have to rent it out monthly hmm right yeah and that's just the way that you know a lot of condo Corpse are going out cuz they don't want to deal with a outcry from the residence yeah and it may be different in London I assume there it's like the Wild West when it comes to real estate but it's well a B&B it's not actually I mean youyou you have a my property by the way is in Berlin the Airbnb one so it's different and that's a different story there as well because they had they had laws against Airbnb for a while and now they've loosened it up but you have to go through hoops and all that kind of stuff so regulation is definitely an issue in London you can Airbnb but you can only air B&B for certain amounts of time I you know and they regulate it quite quite carefully so there's always these these fights as you can take into account I would just think there's a much better way to take a down payment of a house than putting it towards this for less risk and more reward well that's my I don't know whatever it is his ideas his idea it's not my idea yeah we got we got a fall up here from Edward I guess that that was a crap audio he says I live in one of the best cities in the u.s. to start a business is one of the best economies you're all correct I'll get my metrics together get my ass to work and I'll get back to success story in 90 days or less keep up the good work thanks man let me ask you guys this question what what are the key things that like you all look for that are an indication that you're on your purpose if that makes sense I mean like they have to know I just don't I just don't feel miserable like you know a lot of people are people a lot of people just endure that's just the way it is yeah they just think okay like I'm supposed to suffering like you know dude it's not the way life should be lived and it can be lived on on your terms and in happiness and and like it just takes work so I cultivate that lifestyle yeah yeah I was gonna add to that you know people people will throw money at you you know if you're on your purpose then it's and it's something that you're building that's like seriously putting a dent in the universe I get emails from people like dude you saved my life and it's like essays of pages I don't even have time to read them half the time but it's like you know you'll know it like I've said it before it's like taking a frying pan to the forehead right I mean you're gonna be enjoying it and you'll know because people be throwing money at you for what you're doing right and it's not even like I even promote a lot of stuff it's like hey if you want to join my community cool all right if you want to you know support the channel cool right it's like I hardly ever shout out to it not just cuz I'm doing what I just enjoy doing yeah yeah yeah I really buy into that and I think there's a it can get into almost quasi spiritual kind of territory in the sense that but when you're on your purpose yeah but but I do at the same time I think there's something in it I think when you're on your purpose you then attract positive stuff to you which includes revenue you know I think I think if you're I think if you're on your purpose and people can feel that then you're gonna start to accrue success well that's what the difference is between purpose and a hobby right hobby doesn't pay you anything yeah you like doing it you know like there's a lot of people that like doing certain things that don't pay them anything and there's people that like doing things but they also make money at at the same time yeah yeah that's what I that's what I see is a big differentiator is people doing things that aren't paying them that they level yeah me sort of the same way kind of a mix I like the if I'm miserable I want to get out of that but that only makes it so far that's a that's how I play not to lose and so I want to at least get that out of the way but after that I find for me and I know this is a feeling thing again I kind of trust my instinct if I'm doing something that I enjoy and it's not making me any money I start to get that little bit of anxiety because you know bills aren't getting paid I'm falling behind on something and that lets me know there's something that needs to change that's where I know I'm going off my mission or if for example the other job paid better than a job I ever had plus 20% because they knew Markham was a really shitty commute I was earning a lot of money but I was grinding my teeth from the commute and I was finding I was buying myself stupid things to kind of compensate for them me being miserable so my body works yeah my body is telling me like something about this is not ideal so I know when I'm on my mission when I'm firing on all cylinders when it comes to and this is gonna sound really hocus-pocus crap but like mind body and spirit bills are getting paid I'm not having to sack make choices at the grocery store it's like well I better grab the cheap lettuce because the expensive lettuce is too much if I don't ever have to make that decision that's a good thing if I'm not glad missed us and if I'm not sitting there with a bunch of money having to buy something and get drunk or like grind my teeth then that lets me know there's no negatives and so I can focus on the positives then I just ride that horse into the ground how does this all tie into the sexual marketplace right so let's tie it into chase and tail for a bit because women obviously admire a man with it with vision and purpose right how does it all tie in for it's more interesting than dial it's the ultimate frame statements like this earth I'm gonna make financial income on my own terms and then you know when you get when you get to the point where you like if you if you're sustainably self-employed with like am Emily invasive business they don't have to look like 10 to 15 hours per week and you're making $100,000 a year doing that you're already like light years ahead of 90% of all of people you're gonna come encounter with celerity and that's that's really not that hard to do that's like the first place of being like hey like I live life when Harper sent on my my times like I'm not a to any manager I don't offer that go listen HR told me I can't wear this on a while I said this de Susie and now she wants to sue me learning that like you just you just you checked out and you're just like living life on your own terms that's what I'm doing right now I can tell you it's the it is the it is awesome when you have the ability just to make your own money on based on self-employment like that's a huge alpha male trait in my opinion like just the fact that you just like I don't want to listen anybody like I'm just gonna make money on my own terms when you're the boss and you have the balls to do it too because a lot of people do not have the balls to do it for some people it's like absolutely terrifying well that's exactly what you need to do because every business everybody should every man should know how to start at least at least know how to start and run a small scale business well if it's part of the competency that makes them an attractive to women right I mean a common man can do more than just change a tire in a car if you get a flat exactly right yeah he is able to acquire resources man a vision and purpose can acquire resources and they are admired by other men other women want to be with him and other men want to be him sort of thing right like never it really kicks in choice very good I think there's the ego if the old David data thing isn't it of you know you should put your mission should be above the woman in your life and so so so John's absolutely on point with what he's saying but I think also just the more just the very obvious thing that you shouldn't that you should always have something that's more important to you than whatever woman that you you're weird or anything else and you know that should be the core thing really so if it's like right I'm building this business I'm creating this life for myself that is the central thing and then the woman comes along for the for the ride and the enjoyment for the excitement whatever but your core is you may love her and very much everything else but your core is this is this work that you're doing and I think that's really important but yeah but beyond that what John's saying a hundred percent man I mean you it is the ultimate sort of I am Rand kind of fu to society isn't it you know it's like I'm not gonna I'm not going to stand in any one else's shadow I'm gonna do my own thing I'm gonna create my own path and I think that is incredibly attractive yeah yeah I mean women want to be with the Giant they don't want to be with somebody that toes the line you know or lives in somebody else's shadow they want to be with a man that casts a shadow yeah that's it that's really where it ties in I think part of it is cuz it's fun like you guys talked about the casting in the shadow thing and the guy who's just a yes-man at work versus the guy who's on his own we had Jack Napier on my show before this and he mentioned for pick up rule number one don't go to a place that you're not having fun because if you're not having fun nobody you approach is gonna see you as a fun guy the guy who goes to work and hates his job how much game do you think he can spout how fun do you think it is to spend some time with him how fun is it to that guy it's not fun to this guy and who's in his bathrobe earning money so it a lot of it's that girls may not like the kind of girl that's a gold diggers like oh he's making six figures that's awesome but you know whatever she wants the guy who's earning half a million dollars a year and works so much that he's absolutely miserable because there's I don't have to deal with am I just have to give him some xanax and put him to bed yeah it's true issue nobody nobody wants to bang a miserable dude who's just like just basically walk around feeling sorry for yourself yeah I think of this as the self-sufficient version of the guy who has nothing but a mattress on his floor you know that she wants him for him and he's fun and he's amazing and he's more interesting than the 500 guys that have swiped right on tinder who work in corporate who say that same stupid line who were afraid about Suzy and HR I'll tell you this cuz I've kind of I've kind of got my goal recently but when you are like a guy who lifts dad's game and take cares himself and like you're suffering but you're pursuing towards the dream dude I'm telling you that thing gets girls so turned on because I because you're getting turned on from it like I mean like I was living in a at one point right but I remember I had a bounty of women cuz every today I went out with I was like listen I'm here to hustle I'm new guys they don't deal I'm trying to get this company like I was very driven and like you know ya headstrong in the direction of where I wanted to get to going right and dude I'm tell you women I think women can smell it and like they're coming so much rare I just got back to the states now and I'm having like some reverse culture shock because I just I didn't realize how fat and unmotivated everybody is like now more than ever if you can be a fit and motivated guy yeah there there is like no end to like how many chicks you can get especially even if you go abroad but like America from what I've been observing now if you could just get your finances right and your fitness right not even crazy just like 50% body fat six figures a year even seventy on self employment status dude you're lightyears ahead him like everybody goes no problem in sexual marketplace the bar is you know with that is the older you get the more relevant and more important that it is I mean a 20 year old guy can be living on a mattress and still get girls a 4000 buy yeah can't right women expect you to have done something by that point in your life yep all the world expects you to have done something by that point in your life well you can't make babies out of the pie hole so you got to do something yeah yeah I mean you know like unless you're one of these like who is that convict that married that high-end actor oh you hear me something or other the pretty one right yeah the pretty one with the pretty eyes yeah yeah yeah get away with it you look like that right yeah but did you see that chick socialite in her 40s was she in at 40 she is it wasn't it wasn't called and the guy who runs Topshop in in the UK was his daughter oh she's wait a bit younger but she's cocaine herself into her 40s oh I thought yeah she was I thought he said her forties but she is not for coming straight out of prison that's a good deal yeah but you know what we got a lot of entrepreneurs that just came out of prison and that's their mo and it doesn't seem to be working so hot so I wouldn't trust that well they're not as pretty as that guy right that's true you know he kind of knocked it out of the park with a genetic pool yeah so that's the plan have awesome genetics go to prison and life's on easy street there you go then you find that the daughter of the top shop guys are just natural they get an easy street some guys the trust fund baby a lot of us are gonna have to work three times as hard just to get half as successful as them and that's fine you rather earn it anyway at least then I can enjoy it when I got it yeah but I think John I think what John said is really is really key it's it's it's not even so much that it's not the money even so much it's the drive isn't it you know I mean it's the it's the drive it's the passion it's the I'm gonna get I'm gonna make things happen I'm gonna but the world is gonna bend to my will it's that if you can get that across and that's the really that's the chick crack thing I think Oh Derek time to crack yeah yeah I'm just gonna drop the rule zero Facebook page in there it's it's getting busy in there guys you can join if you want dude you know the part I love about that yeah is it's not like Twitter where it's a lot of basically no offense to guys but value leaching we give value they take value in there guys are actually starting to swap some notes yeah I'm starting to get into the core of it it's it's getting busy but I also had some criticizing you know the criticism I men's committee of it because a lot of the conversation goes into places that isn't that productive but it's a place where you guys can kind of start I mean yeah Ryan got his private community I got mine at you know the you know the others do too but pop houses for if you want straight value adds that's why the private communities cost money well yeah I mean you're gonna get what you pay for but there's a link guys if you want to kind of start somewhere by the way you have to have a profile picture and it can't be a sock puppet account otherwise you won't get in so there what else do we need to hit on before we close up this episode we got like another 20 minutes I guess I'm just playing devil's advocate for a minute in terms of if we're looking at this in terms of you know wage slave versus self-employed dude I mean of course there are guys who are employed who are killing it who are you know well put together who are you know alpha and whatever else I mean in the classic archetype is like the wolf of Wall Street dude you know let's say it's that kind of guy however in reality how common of those guys I mean you know naught point naught naught 1 percent is that is that is that sort of dude is that Leonardo DiCaprio kind of guy so so so I suppose what I'm saying is you can if it's if it's an employment versus self-employment thing some guys to be it could be so it could be employed and still kill it 100% but if you've got that I'd drive to go do your own thing I think that's what comes through because because most news don't you know yeah I think that you get people that find their purpose working for somebody else because you're because you're confined to so many restrictions it's like you know what I mean I mean there's a young guy that might be in a certain field that he really really enjoys I mean there's guys that will that will build custom cars there's guys that might be a dentist or a professional I don't know like a lawyer or something like that but they really dig what they're doing and maybe they are you know waking up in the middle of night and thinking you know what if I custom fabricate the shifter on this new hot rod that I'm doing this week it'll look like this and the customer really dig it and I'll be very proud of the sort of work you'll probably find that from time to time but like you said it's gonna be a very very small percentage of people that are gonna be able to find their purpose lining somebody else's pocket with gold yeah obsession is a good indicator that you're on the right way absolutely yeah if you're obsessive like you know that like you talk about waking up the middle night the Conor McGregor used to wake up in the middle of night throw like spitting back kicks at the wall and you just be obsessed with the game you know and I think that's like you know yeah the drive thing I don't know man I just I don't do you guys meet too many driven people in your life because I really feel like they're a rarity yes but I've been the plethoric although it was just through the military my core group there since then it's been hard as hell to find people to get even close to that so I'll grant you that well it is it's more rare but I mean excellence is like glue like it kind of sticks together I mean birds of a feather sort of flock together I mean you're gonna get losers that are gonna gravitate together and and complain and do whatever it is that they're gonna do to try to solve their problems but there's but there's people that won't make excuses they'll go and find a solution of the problem and that's why I like to surround myself with excellence I mean it's why I've called my men's community the 1% because when I put it out there that I've got something going on the conversion rate is literally 1% the 99% won't join cuz they're too lazy to cheaper or two-lane they don't want to find the answers they want to find excuses right so that's like the whole you know most of the people out there won't do the work I say this often right I mean most people are just too lazy too dumb too stupid or too full of excuses to put a dent in the universe or to find their own purpose so it's far far easier for them to make excuses and lollygagging around yeah they think they have to do too big of a dent just a little dense wine you don't need much of a dent to pay bills but then you know like a dentist's adem like it's obvious when you put a dent in the door of a car you'll see I think most people would take I mean talk about living on your own terms I think most people would take 70 grand a year on their terms for making it and have like location independence I think a lot of people would take that rather than 100k but glued to a nine-to-five stuck there at a desk you know what it it would have been good if we had Aaron Cleary as well for this one today because because he's kind of found his purpose doing as little as possible right yeah it's great yeah you know what I mean like he lives a minimalist lifestyle you know he's put out the books when he wants he puts out content when he wants you know he does what he wants I mean if you follow him on social mean you know his stream is like how was work today and it's like a picture of the golf course or some mountain that he just hiked up right like that's a guy that's basically living on a minimalist sort of level but he knows that he's on his purpose yeah absolutely and I think one thing it seems to me is that the particularly on Twitter the sort of money guys there's been this kind of inflation in the make money online sort of space where now most some human gotta die from being honest well yeah but I don't take seriously the impression that they give though is if you're not making a hundred K a month in your you're a loser and you know all the rest of it and it's sort of like actually that's that that shouldn't be I mean I preferred it when it was the Tim Ferriss 4-hour work type type type thing where it's like okay you can live so relatively cheap you can start a small online business you could earn you know an amount of money a year it doesn't have to be Millions and you can have an amazing life you know and I thought that was a better I think the problem is now with some of the advice that we're seeing is that guys are almost thinking well if I can't make 10 grand an hour doing this then it's and then I'm a failure so why bother you know whereas actually you don't you don't need that you know I mean though it obviously is great if you can get some that and and no nothing wrong with aspiring to that you don't you don't need that you know you don't need to be driving around in the Lambo to be yeah if c-cups are great that f-cup should be just amazing right except for they don't it's not nobody has them they look weird and it's not natural yeah they're getting away a lot - yeah and I get it it's a flex it's the same as anything it's keeping up with the Joneses just on like a business standpoint so I make a brand on online a month doing nothing well I make too I make 10 well I make a hundred like no you don't like yeah - you're fine dig dig a little bit deeper when it comes to who you're taking advice from online or whoever's fostering cuz a lot of the times are ask him how he knows yeah Oh Dave I got you here waiting in the lobby let's throw you and you got a question for us fire away yeah I'm sort of in a transition period I'm about two years from retirement I've stacked up a fair amount of money for retirement and I've been running the you know the grind for the last 20 years within a small private IT company and you know it's a it's a long stretch looking at probably another 20 years after I leave the workforce to sustain myself but I'm looking to try to get a side hustle to try to do this in a retirement but you know I don't want to spend a gazillion hours a day trying to keep up you know 50 to 70 thousand a year if I can even do that what is the question like what are you trying to solve right now um where I'm going after I leave the workforce okay and if you figured that out like you know what it is that you want to do I want to get into 3d printing 3d printing that's that's a potentially a huge industry here's the question what's the value-added oh yeah like a small thing yeah what are you gonna solve like what's the problem that you want to solve like what's the solution well there's a lot of modeling stuff that I'm involved with in my hobby and there seems to be a lot of folks that are doing that in the in the background you know like photo etched metal do you know decals for custom model kits and stuff like that but is it guys have old models and you're trying to find replacement parts for it or are guys building custom models new models or custom models there's your problem it's not 3d printing you're helping guys who want to build custom models well it's it's using 3d printing as the medium but you have to go in and do the design and the engineering of the part before you keep the print it okay so question are you talking about replate like I used to build plastic airplane models when I was a kid right you know you're 1/16 148 whatever and you kind of glue it all together you paint it you put on the decals of a dry you'd hang it up from the sea only be like oh look at that f-14 fly into the room sort of thing are you talking about like 3d printing from the bottom up including like book deep like pic details and all that sort of stuff so you can see it all is that we're talking about rather than building it with your hands like visiting it and then printing it the technology is such you can do that from from the bottom up yeah yeah you have to break it up into smaller pieces or you take like a like a Harrier one and make parts to build a Herod or one ve that this exists oh I see you're saying okay so I mean like you're talking about the actual programming then like to build the blueprint to print it exactly that's the digital blueprints so what I would be doing then is to find out where those guys are at and build an audience and then sell the blueprints to them audience is huge yeah it's huge they they figure for every model kit that is produced as an example say it's about a hundred one ratio so for one guy that builds a model kit there's a hundred guys that just buy it and sit on the shelter collected so sell one I did sell one once you sell one then see if it's financially viable to sell two and then try four well I tucked I went to the National Convention a month ago and I talked to four guy one guy that was doing model model cars and he was 3d pruning a Cheryl one that doesn't there nope no kidded that exists he put four of them on eBay and had enough money coming in for those fro from those four to get another 3d printer so where's your problem that sounds pretty straightforward yeah sounds like you got a businessman yeah it's it's I just gotta you know light the fire to make it work yeah I want to fire like here's the thing Dave I mean when it comes to your purpose you're either gonna find the solution or you're gonna find an excuse so what are you doing right now like you like do you have a solution you need to discover it or are you trying to find reasons why you can't do it I'm not doing the work there you go so yeah is it like like does it matter that much to you is like the follow question because if it doesn't matter then you're gonna find the excuse you're gonna find reasons not to do it you're gonna what do I do guys you know what's the solution of this sort of thing I don't know how to turn this idea into a business you just go and do it I mean like you just find a way to make it happen maybe you're just not that passionate about it maybe it's not really you know what is it you want to move into when she retire no I haven't hit panic mode yet whoa do it before you panic you don't want it patties I'm gonna screw it up then ya say but look but I mean like nothing will fire you up more than when you're in panic mode right like when you get that package and they slide the envelope across the table like hey we're sending you home here's 15 grand I'll get the hell out of here like that's when you're gonna wake up right that's when you're really gonna kick it into high gear so I don't know marinate on it for a little bit maybe at some point it'll you know really fire you up and you'll leap out of bed in the morning I just want to do it and start coding away and designing stuff the the technology is such that from the cost is where I could put three or four of these things on my desk there that inexpensive and the quality is so high that you can compete against actual manufacturers with it what I hear you what I really like is the diecast stuff like I've seen some some like metal work what did I see it was they it was like a high-heeled done on this woman's shoe but it was made out of metal and on a policy of the way that they layered it like you couldn't you couldn't cut it you couldn't mill it there was no other way to make it other than 3d printing it from the bottom up like that's like stuff with metal looks incredible well they're doing a they're doing dental implants and dental crowns and stuff they sound pretty awesome Dave can I ask you a question sure can you afford to build one right now I can afford to go buy one or two or three easy all right well go buy one and go sell one yeah okay that's a challenge what's the challenge no I mean it's a challenge for me to go meet it's not a challenge you go to conventions and stuff you sound like you do this already as a hobby right right yeah you can go sell one from my perspective and like I said this is a brand-new newbie perspective that first sale is the hardest because you have no idea how to sell it and then somebody buys it you're like oh that wasn't so bad but then the next ten are way easier way easier so sell what if you can't come up with the funds to sell one then there's a problem to solve I need that much money it is you can sell one you just have to do it more hey Dave I just got anything to say before I let you go sure no my t-shirt says yeah yeah do the work just do it man link a long description a spring store pick one up bridge I can see why you were so excited about this yes I'm thinking like I was Dave when I first met you and I can see why you were smiling when like I just sold one and you're like autumn our day fix all right okay what do we got another 10 more minutes what do you guys want to close up on there's got to be some ideas rolling around in those meatballs between our ears that we can give these guys before we go mmm it's so hard I just saw you if you know you're on your purpose and you turn your back on it and you're suffering it's never gonna stop once you go back to it I'll tell you that's gonna connect yeah that's gonna keep Megan you know yeah yeah yeah mmm I like even is a logistical problem I hate thinking of it as in like the most noble thing ever if I build it up to be hard and impossible it's gonna be hard and impossible I just thought of it as simple I want a thousand dollars a month so if I'm gonna sell this I need to sell four of them to get there and then I could sell for the purpose that's purposes for me five years from now to reminisce I don't care now yeah yeah that's interesting though in terms of passion versus doing something that's gonna be sort of viable I mean my sense of it is that everything should be in alignment so the thing that you do you should be passionate about and that's the way that you're going to achieve you know the greatest success in any sphere but there are some people that would say well no I mean just do you know you can be incredibly successful if you just find the right business idea and actually you don't have to be passionate about it I don't know what you guys think about that I mean my my sex success breeds passion well so do you have a so much so just for argument's sake if you just set up a drop shipping store and you sell some stuff that you're not particularly passionate about but he's very popular then is that is that good enough I mean for me that's not that's never really a route that I've wanted to take because I sort of think that the more energy comes from something that you are personally invested in but but people have a different opinion on that you know I suppose I mean the guy who sells rubber dildos for a living he doesn't use them but he seems to like what he does a lot of the businesses oh yeah a lot of people's passion could just be making sales on the Internet yeah you know and what usually ends up happening is just like making sales as you go and build a business that you hate I'll give you a good example I get approached all the time how much to mention my product on your channel how much to sponsor your channel blah blah blah then I'll come back at them and then they'll be like oh you know what I don't really like what I'm doing you want to buy my men's jewelry business and I'm like dude why the would I want to buy their stupid men's jewelry business if you don't even like it right and it's like where are you going with this my friend right like Bill something that you love don't don't just don't just chase money yes chase a passion purpose that you love and money should come as a result of that it's not you're doing it wrong yeah doing a hobby he does like the dildos I don't know maybe it does maybe those guys are building all the sex dolls also you know have big sex doll orgies I don't know does it count as an orgy at that point or is it like a bowl traffic you put them all together into like a giant sex pot put them all together and make a big scissor fest who knows they named it Rollo Tomassi I just know they do alright guys let's uh let's wind it down tell everybody where they can find you Troy go ahead kick it off where can people find you yeah so once I'm on Twitter and my handle is at renegade Playboy on Twitter so you can find me there my website is real Troy Francis calm so those are the two best places I'm on YouTube as well my youtube channel is I miss firing dry so really building that up at the moment I'll leave the link in in the comments a destroyed in the show yeah yeah yeah Ryan oh yeah shame on me Ryan stone comm slash bog for the writing slash newsletter the two places if you really need to go are to my newsletter where I talk about all my stories and pickup and how I learned to be better with women and be a better man as a result it's free and then the patreon community which is just blown up over the past month it's so big now that I've had to add at least one more video per week to you guys and I'm probably gonna add to by the end of the month so it's gonna be enough content for you to basically choke a donkey with everything you need to know succeeding in life as best you can and not bullshitting yourself as in there and it costs less than a Starbucks cup of coffee so that's always good nice mmm John all right listen up we got body language mastery order three going down savor okay the link is on the TV screen right there modern life dating Tom Ford slaps body language sign up to get on the waiting list September 27th 28th 29th 30th and October 1st and the only chances you get to get in there and then it's gonna be closed until quarter for enrollment what you do is you get the head go breakdown female body language videos you get the Q&A session featuring all the men on this panel plus more and then the men's only Facebook group we have over 150 plus students in there right now absolute animals we keep it very Q&A focused and we don't allow rants no crying about feminism way aware this sucks it's just a very informative data based Facebook group so that's all happening over modern life dating comport slaps body language click on the link put your your email in there and you'll be getting notifications starting last week of September cool and we're back on with before the train wreck Monday night you know I've been away a lot this summer so Sean and I will be back on a p.m. Eastern Standard Time I haven't got a topic set yet but follow me on social make the announcement when I build the event that'll be a 90-minute show calling with your before the train wreck questions let me throw out my men's community right there I'm loving this little button you press only 1% of you are going to join the rest of you are gonna make excuses don't come if you're not serious about becoming a better man pounce and go away alright guys thanks for uh thanks for hanging out today I enjoyed it immensely next Saturday who's who's gonna host the role the rule 0 I think it's Rolo's turn but we'll see alright so just follow them on unsocial I won't be there with child that weekend but I'll try to make it back the next one but aside from that thanks for hopping on and join us today we'll see you guys later face all right
Channel: Entrepreneurs in Cars
Views: 24,697
Rating: 4.8988581 out of 5
Keywords: pupose, excellence, chase excellence, rule zero, richard cooper, entrepreneurs in cars
Id: awR7kY7WXgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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