Ellie and Joel being the best chaotic duo

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foreign [Music] [Music] work on that confidence kiddo yeah keep laughing old man see what happens [Music] refreshing yeah it's not nice getting pushed in is it well actually we need to swim through this part anyway I'm gonna start guessing is it a dinosaur [Music] is it my sixth grade history teacher wanted to apologize for being a massive dick is it a lot of kittens okay [ __ ] it I'm done guessing well good [Music] it's like is it a massive comic book collection no wait a new DVD collection [Music] just yes oh my God it is a dinosaur King of the Tyrant lizards whatever is you doing Ellie be careful climbing a dinosaur yeah I didn't see that just don't die I've fallen off of one look at me [Music] oh what are you doing don't jump just climb down [Music] oh man you want to try it on [Music] oh hello sorry the dinosaurs are busy right now oh wait one of the dinosaurs is here Joe it's for you [Music] that was pretty funny did you get it it's usual no I get it okay [Music] don't look that is a cat on a dinosaur oh look at those Talons that is a velociraptor actually it's [Music] pretty sure this one's brain was the size of a walnut oh no way looks like you do have something [Music] don't you dare take it off my birthday there's more Museum stuff over there yeah I never checked that bad building let's go um [Music] get down here oh hey whose birthday is it you can't keep doing that I want a good splash [Music] all right
Channel: Press A
Views: 9,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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