Elisha's Emerging: God's Antidote

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to another installment of the word for the moment video blog as I often say we are just very thrilled with all the responses we've been getting on the blog's many emails have come in and comments and such and so I'm really glad people are postured to receive the message the Lord has given us I know that what we're preaching is not for everyone is for the remnant it's for people that's being made ready and I wish it were for everyone I wish everyone in the body of Christ was expecting and postured and have allowed the Lord to do all of the grooming and sifting and all the things that need to be done to be able to steward what's coming because the word stewardship it's going to be very important in the days ahead Paul called himself in 2nd Corinthians for believe it was a faithful trustworthy steward and I pray that's what we will be at a visionary thing one time but two years ago I guess or I saw the Lord come up to the Apostle Paul and drape a robe if you will or a cloak over his shoulders and it was called a cloak of grace it was the Ephesians chapter 3 grace that he talks about this administration of the grace that was given to him to reveal the mysteries that for ages past had been hidden but was now being revealed by the apostles and prophets and I saw the Lord come up to the Apostle Paul and draped this cloak over his shoulders and interestingly in my vision the Lord steps back just to see what Paul will do with it what's Paul going to do with this grace the Lord took this amazing grace that Paul talked about and delegated it to him and and then said now how what are you gonna do with it how are you going to steward it you're gonna build your kingdom you're gonna be on my kingdom and I we of course know that Paul was faithful and trustworthy with the grace that was given to him so much so that he was able to say one day if anyone preached any other gospel but the one that I preached let them be accursed because he received it not by the teaching of men but by the revelation of Jesus Christ that's where we are to be trustworthy stewards of the grace of God so that the word that is delegated to us can be so pure so undiluted that we don't receive it through the reading of a commentary or by some ideas and theologies of men but by the revelation of Jesus Christ it'll be grounded in the word it'll be grounded in the revelation of the word so everything we do from this point forward will be the revelation of Jesus Christ and the last blog I began to talk about the fact that this past season has ended we had been for a season in an overlap where the ending of the church age and the more of an introduction of the kingdom age but now that date that days over the church mentality is when I say church as we have known it as an organized system Church as it's defined in the Bible the ecclesia now it's a different issue the called out ones we are the church the called out ones and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the ecclesia the called out body of people some call it the mystical body of Christ we're not all located in one building we're scattered throughout humanity but we are but we belong to the Lord that church is a different thing the church as an organized system has come to an end the methods and formulas and traditions and things that we have done to to inspire people are to motivate people or even to entertain people in church they have come to an end the grace is gone it's not there anymore now we're about to see a new age coming but we're in this interval this interval between the two and so many people don't know what to do we get the emails I've talked to so many leaders and just attending a leadership meeting in Oregon a couple of weeks back what do we do we're in the interval and this in part of what I shared with them is what I'm sharing with you now that the Lord has made it very plain and very clear at least in part for our little piece of the puzzle the Lord said I'm releasing the spirit and power of Elijah to bridge those two ages the ending of one before the coming of the next and I want to talk about that some today what does it mean that we bridge two ages when the Lord first began to talk to me about this he took me to Ephesians chapter 4 a very familiar passage that we often quote about apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers he said we're gonna have those we're gonna have apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers until you know for though it says we'll have them for the building up of the body of Christ for the work of ministry to - to prepare the people to make ready a people that we have apostles and prophets for a season but this is until and the word until and I my encounter was like the word bridge on the other side of until on the other side of the bridge there's something else what's on the other side the unity of the faith to the true knowledge of the Son of God some translation says to the knowledge of the Son of God if you look at the word it's the true knowledge true knowledge as opposed to some knowledge that is not based in truth so the unity of the faith the true knowledge of the Son of God and to a mature man to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ that's what's on the other side of unti oh that's on the other side of the bridge we have apostles and prophets to bring us up - to bring up the body of Christ for the work of ministry but then we get catapulted over into another dimension a higher dimension a dimension where there is the fullness of the stature and a mature man and this is the way it is now that we have come to the end of a church age and now we're about to be bridged over into a new age and I just want to highlight a few things I don't normally reference notes very much when I do these blogs because I like for the Lord to just pull it out of me but there's a couple of points that I want to make certain that I want to make and by the way I have some notes here I have an outline that I have prepared for this message and I won't get all the details of the outline out blog but caleb is going to upload these notes to our website attach them to this particular blog if you would like the notes you will be able to go to white dove ministries or go to the word for the moment video section and find this particularly and there should be a link there that will take you to the notes if you try that and can't get them right Caleb I don't want five or six thousand people writing but you know if you can't get them write to him to the email address on the website and he emailed you back and make sure you get the notes just a little something I want to sow into the body of Christ for this message but here we are what's on the other side what what are we anticipating that's the real question what's coming in the days ahead and I just put down a few things that I feel like that we're going to begin to see starting now where we're in this introduction stage and I'll just say that the outset right now messengers are being raised up that are forerunners forerunner messengers right now as we speak 20-19 going into 2024 Runner messengers are being highlighted and and I believe in some cases commissioned and anointed and whatever whatever else the Lord has to do but and I don't know how long that process will be but I know that we're in a season of time where the Lord says I'm not I'm looking for messengers messengers of the covenant messengers that will prepare the way for what I'm going to do people that are uncompromising people that are anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah to make ready a people for the coming of the Lord because the Lord is going to come quickly to his temple and that temple is not a building made of bricks and mortar it is a temple in the hearts of men he's gonna come quickly to this temple the temple of his bride and he's going to occupy his bride on planet Earth and he is going to do works through her that would go beyond the concept of anything we have known certainly in this generation perhaps in any prior generation that's where we are so what's coming what are we looking forward to when I believe we're number one the righteous generation a generation of the righteous you know one of the things that we have talked about is we have seen isolated forerunners in ages past you know I can name the seven that stood out to me at least in the prior in the 20th century there may have been more but basically just handfuls of people here and they're spotted throughout history that have come into a place of the fullness of a mature man the fullness of sonship and even tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come but the scripture says in Psalm 14 we're going to have a generation of the righteous a multitude of people many people that walk with God in high places that are his friend that had been entrusted with the revelation of the father men and women that can be anointed with the Holy Spirit and power and they will go about doing good healing all that are oppressed of the devil why because God is with them God is with them that's where we're after God is with of them therefore they will overcome darkness the righteous generally I got to move on because this is going to get too long if I take that much time on each point the righteous generation psalm 14 the generation that will seek his face Psalm 24 the generation that will seek his face not just his hand people that really want to know God a body of people that were born for such a time as this and woven into the very fabric of their DNA is not just a desire to see the ways their works of God but know the ways of God a people that will seek his face which speaks of intimacy a fellowship of understanding the heart of God the latter rain generation from Joel chapter 2 we've had the former rain this is the latter rain the latter rain is seven times greater the greater works generation John 14:12 we've not yet seen that a generation of people not just a handful of forerunners but a company of people that do the works Christ did and even greater works than those with this company of people do the righteous generation the generation that will seek his face the latter rain generation the greater works generation the bride's revival generation the church has seen multiple revivals but yet the world is not seeing the bride's revival the bride's revival is a body of people that have experienced union that's what the bride is the invisible union of the heavenly bridegroom with the earthly bride and what she will manifest on earth will be unlike anything we've seen before that is what will bring in the great harvest so we're anticipating in this age to come the bride's revival the sons of the kingdom spoken of in Matthew 13 in other places the emergence and the harvest of a body of people that that are the son the mature sons of the kingdom according to Ephesians chapter 4 the restoration of all things as was spoken by his servants the prophets acts 3:21 we've talked about this before I won't spend a lot of time there this is what we're anticipating this is what I believe the age to come will incorporate that these will be the mandates of this generation that we are moving into to be the restoration of all things that this will be the generation of justice a people that will encounter the Lord the way John Denton did in Revelation chapter 1 when we saw the son of man walking among the seven golden lampstands with his face shining like the Sun at the brightness of noonday his hair as white as as snow and his eyes like flames of fire and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword and his voice sounded like many waters and his feet look like burnished bronze and he was clothed in a rope that's what John saw and what was that that was the Lord being revealed as the supreme judge so what do we know about the end of the age what do we know about what's coming then it will be the revelation of God's justice now for the people of God that is a welcome thing that will be the greatest day the greatest hour when the Lord balances the books according to Daniel chapter 7 where the Horn of the adversary has waged war with the Saints and overpowered them for season what until there's another until what's on the other side of until until the Lord renders a verdict in favor of the Saints and the Saints take possession of the kingdom the Justice of God when the Lord looks back over 2,000 years of church history and sees everything that was stolen from God's people and he renders a verdict and restores it back into one generation all the gifts and callings and anointings and all the shed blood of all the martyrs a recompense now it's also going to be a bad day if you're not on the right side of God because he will bring justice and vengeance with that that's just the reality the Justice of God do will be a blessing for the righteous and they in Vincents on the unright on unrighteousness so it will be the the restoration of all things the third day ministry the plumb line ministry I've spoken to that often Zachariah for I had this experience where I saw the plumb line coming from heaven falling upon what I called apostolic hubs and I was told they were to produce plumb line prophets that means their revelation is not diluted with the ideas and thoughts and traditions of me and a plumb line revelation that does not deviate to the right or to the left but the pure revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ the powers of the age to come generation and the sons of the king of those are eleven things that I feel like the Lord is Pilate I'm not saying they're the only eleven they are eleven things that I feel like the Lord has highlighted to me that we will begin to see in this coming age the age that we're waiting for because it is the kingdom age you know I did a excuse me I did a blog a couple of weeks back few weeks back back in September I guess it would have been after Nevel Johnson passed away which you know just broke our heart and after I did the blog the the responses were amazing just hundreds and hundreds of emails and comments and whatever so I decided to go and listen to the last thing that Neville priests or the last thing that they had posted at that time that he had shared before he died and just to my surprise he was saying the same very thing that the age as we have known it has come to an end and the age that we're going to be seeing is the the kingdom age the revelation of the kingdom which ultimately will culminate eventually with the Lord Himself returning to Planet Earth but before that happens we have to bring in the harvest in a manifestation of the kingdom the unseen realm we contend not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers and rulers of darkness in heavenly places in the unseen realm and the sons of the kingdom and the Bride of Christ will begin to manifest the kingdom and bring in the greatest harvest of souls but the very thing that Neville shared was that very this very message about the age of the kingdom being revealed since then I think they have actually put up one more post I haven't seen it or watched it but I did notice that another one has been put up you know since he passed away but I just thought that was interesting that the very one of the very last things that Neville did was that I just want to talk briefly about the spirit and power of Elijah because that's what the Lord in my dream I haven't mentioned it in this blog but in the prior blog I shared the fact that I had a dream and in the dream I was preaching about this very thing I was just thora tative lee declaring that the old age has ended and and the New Age has not yet fully been manifested in and we're in this interval between the two but the interval is is connected with a bridge of the spirit and power of Elijah and that there are people being raised up in this hour to be the messengers of the covenant covenant in the order of John the Baptist and we know prophetically that before the first coming of the Lord away you break down Malachi 4 is that the spirit and power of Elijah was to precede the Lord's first coming but the way it's also worded that it was have another administration before his second coming the first administration was to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children the second administration before his second coming will be to turn the hearts of the children's back to the faith of the Apostolic fathers and we know from Matthew chapter 11 when the Lord was speaking about John the Baptist he makes this kind of this amazing statement you know they were talking about John what did you go out to see a reed shaken by the wind he asks of course not not John you go out to see a guy dressed in fine linen not that guy you have to go to a king's palace defying that but what did you go out to see a prophet yes I'll tell you more than a prophet he says if you can receive it he was Elijah that was prophesied if you can receive it he was the Elijah to come now he wasn't the person Elijah he was John the Baptist Elijah someone else but he came in the spirit and power of Elijah that's so important to understand because in just in the last generation you know there there was a manifestation of the spirit of Elijah and some people said he was Elijah no no one else is going to be Elijah but Elijah but there can be a body of people anointed with the spirit and the power of Elijah it is a very unique anointing it is uncompromising the spirit and power of Elijah is an uncompromising unyielding anointing that says if God be godless serving let's have a Mount Carmel showdown if the Lord shows up and vindicates himself and let's serve God and put away all this idolatry and all of these traditions of men that have so infiltrated the covenant people of God and separate ourselves and all that you know it's something I want to point out about John the Baptist you know I have a few notes here you can read them as you go through but but some liberties that others had John the Baptist didn't I just want to comment about that for just a moment because I feel like the Lord is telling me and others you know there is a place beside me and and people are being invited by the Lord of me not by me but by the Lord the Lord the Lord is saying there's our place by me but there are certain things you can't bling bring there there may be some liberties that certain people enjoy on planet Earth that maybe this company cannot maybe they're going to be asked to give up a few things in order to have this place with God and I just want to point that out because I've gotten some emails from people you know where they just are feeling like you know maybe some other people get away with things I hate them I hate to bring up examples but John the Baptist's you know everybody else drank wine and his day but he couldn't that was part of his calling was it worth it to him of course of course it was to have this walk with God jesus said of all men born of women none was greater than John the Baptist's up to that point of course the Lord being the exception to that yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than that I just one of these mysterious things that he had to say but I do believe those of you that are responding to this call to be a messenger a messenger of the Covenant a messenger anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah be prepared for the Lord to say well you need to leave some of this stuff out here in the outer court leave some of this stuff out in the holy place let's go into the Holy of Holies where there's more purity and separation and covenant even people that will make a personal covenant with God he is a voice of preparation and a voice of restoration John the Baptist himself said I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness so what does that mean the bridge is a voice with a message those of you that are being called to be a part of this bridge between the two ages you're going to be a voice you are a voice and you will have a message because you're a messenger I like what it says in Malachi chapter 2 when it begins to talk about the messenger of the Covenant well men will seek instruction from his mouth and unrighteousness will not be found on his lips and and he will turn many back to righteousness that's the very thing that this is called to do we are called to bring people out of cold formal religion and return them back to an intimacy in a walk with the Living God that is undiluted that is untainted by the spirit of this world where church is no longer about entertainment but it is about worship let's just be real about it you know we're not going to church to be entertained we're going to church to become disciples at real a true believer a real true genuine believer wants to be discipled they want to be discipled the word disciple means an instructed one in the ways of the kingdom they want to know about the kingdom they want to know how to walk with God they want to know how to have encounters and experiences with a Living God with a Holy Spirit anoints them with power and intimacy and fellowship not everyone will be preachers not everyone's going to preach some of the greatest some of the greatest men and women of our generation will never be known in a public platform but they will have such an intimacy and a walk with God that when they fall to their knees the heavens rattle and they will shift things in the spirit I can guarantee you that's what's going to begin to happen in this age so they are a bridge and a voice with a message a voice of preparation I really could spend a whole lot of time here preparing for the coming of the Lord we have been those that are being called and set apart to be messengers today have been through a season of preparation whether you know it or not you've been through a season of refining and you know Peter Peter had to be prepared to stand up on the day of Pentecost and he went through an excruciating an excruciating preparation the Lord dealt with an issue of his heart he said Satan is asked to sift you like wheat but don't worry I've prayed for you and that happened Peter denied the Lord Oh an excruciating horrible Grievous thing and Peter wanted to die for three days but when the Lord was resurrected Peter was resurrected and had the power and the authority and the Grace and the mercy to stand up on the day of Pentecost and preached that amazing message that he preached in 3000 gotta say that's the kind of preparation that people have been going through a voice of preparation of voice of restoration restoring what's been lost restoring lost metals restoring lost years those of us that are messengers today will begin to speak about recovery recovering what was pure what was the the true expression of revival that may have come in prior seasons are are restoring what has been lost individually restoring finances even in some cases but mainly the restoration of our heritage turning the hearts of the children back to the faith of our apostolic fathers the valleys of depression and living below God's plan will be brought up so he's speaking about Isaiah and from Isaiah 40 prophesying the coming of the messenger speaking of John the Baptist he will bring the valleys up and I that was my wording I felt like the Lord told me the valleys of depression in the valley the valley of the shadow of death that many of us have gone through we're going to come up out of the valley of the shadow of death who want to come up out of living below God's best begin to live our life with the fullness of what God ordained the mountains of opposition will be brought low the run and rocky consequences of our past will be made like a plane I like that one we have made mistakes I have made mistakes but the Lord is so merciful he is merciful he will wipe them away I just have to comment on this one thing last evening I was listening to a link that someone had sent to me that had listened to my prior blog about Roland buck and and he began to talk about his experience when he was caught up to heaven on January 21st 1977 Roland buck was speaking about this in an audio message taped back in 1977 and he experienced many things but one of the things that stood out to him was that the Lord showed him his archives he showed him the lives of men and women that had walked the earth one of which was Abraham and so the Lord allowed Roland buck to read the archives of the life of Abraham and he began to read many of the biblical things that we know about in the life of Abraham many things that were not recorded in the Bible were recorded in these archives I remember hearing him say one time one of the things that stood out was Abraham's propensity for hospitality and kindness to other people and foreigners and such that was in the archive it's not so much mentioned in the Bible so Roland buck begins to read this and he comes to the end of it and he turns to the Lord and says Lord where is his other file what about the things he met where he messed up words where is that file and the Lord said that's the only file even the Lord said I don't record failure in heaven I don't record failure in heaven so when Abraham lied about say that's not even recorded why it's under the blood it's under the blood he received mercy and it's not even written in the archives of heaven that's why Paul in Romans chapter 4 could say Abraham staggered not at the promise of God and we read that would say what do you mean each tag or not what about when he lied about Sarah and what about him and God almost got a bimolecular whole household killed because he lied about Sarah what do you mean stag not the promises of God what about ishmaol so forth because Paul saw Abraham's life from Heaven's perspective and failure was not recorded because it's under the blood it says though it never existed and that's comforting that is comforting to know that the Lord can forget our failures oh it's no excuse to continue in our failures because the spirit and power of Elijah will bring repentance true repentance and it will be a turning turning preparing restoring turning our hearts from the direction we were going to the direction that we need to go that means we don't do that stuff anymore we recognize our mistakes we repent of them but trust that the mercy of God washes them away by the cleansing blood of the Lamb amen so much more I want to say but I realize I'm running out of time I like to point out he didn't have a lamp he was a lamp John 5:35 he John the Baptist was the lamp that was burning he didn't have a lamp he was the lamp you are to be burning once shining once he was the lamp that was burning and was shining and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light we are to be lamps that burn brightly with the anointing of the Holy Spirit so let me close with this the spirit and power of Elijah will deal with the lukewarm spirit produced by the Laodicean Church the prevailing spirit of our age is the layout is the lukewarm spirit the Laodicean spirit the word Laodicea means justice of the people the people rule and for far too long the people have been ruling the church and the Lord says no this is my church somewhere he has the idea that he is the king this is a theocracy and I fully yield to the Lord as the king of his people and the king of the church and the leader and the head of the people of God and we as a people that are anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah will begin to confront the Laodicean spirit that produces apathy and lethargy I mean just comment on one of these things that it is opposing lukewarm Christianity revealing deception one of our greatest challenges facing the church in this day is the willingness of many to embrace another gospel and another spirit creating a falling away from the truth those anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah in this hour will confront that to bridge us over in to the age that is coming here's how we do it I just want to say this very quick I had him he had time to talk about the fact that he was the friend of God these messengers will be the friend of God no longer John 15 no longer do I call you servants but I'm gonna call you my friend who could have fathom such a thing I just think about that a minute folks who could have fathom that the creator of the universe opened the door to this arena this relationship he says no you're not going to just serve me you're gonna be my friend and because you're my friend I'm gonna tell you everything the father is given to me you're gonna know the heart of God you're gonna know the whys of wife certain things are taking place the friend of God I don't know there can be much better than that you know yeah you to be the Bride of Christ to be his wife that's pretty awesome too to be a son of the Living God and to be the friend of God they're awesome things how do we do this I want to give you 7 things become people of prayer and fasting possess no tolerance for Jezebel religion I could do an entire blog on it maybe I will on the next one possess no tolerance for Jezebel religion have uncompromising agreement with the Living Word us number three number four word live according to Galatians 5:24 and Romans 14 13 and give no place for the flesh number five live in covenant relationship with God number six understanding the ministry of friendship with God what does it mean to be called the friend of God and if as such what is my responsibility what is my role am I like Paul to whom a cloak of grace was delegated and entrusted to and the Lord stands back to see what's my friend going to do with my anointing is he going to give me glory is he going to esteem my name is he going to use that anointing to advance the kingdom of God how is he going to do it for selfish gain or for notoriety that's the real question when the Lord releases this mantle this cloak of grace I pray to God our hearts are pure that we have been so sifted we would not even think about using that anointing for anything other than to esteeming his name is holy that's my prayer we understand the ministry of friendship with God number six and number seven speaking the truth in love Wow I know I covered a lot of points in a very short period of time the notes will be available if you would like them I hope many of you will dig into this more but this is where I believe we are we're in this interval I don't know how long the interval be I'm hoping short I hope it's a short season before we can begin to move more into the fullness know what's coming Lord I pray your blessings upon these people that have watched this block I pray Lord that you will anoint them with the spirit and power of Elijah make us messengers Lord messengers of the Covenant that push away all the rocks and the stumbling stones that standing the way to bring down the mountains of opposition and bring up the valleys of depression and all the rocky places of our past is I'm supposing Lord do that for us do for us what we cannot do for ourselves anoint us Lord in John 15:5 you are the vine we are the branch Lord if we abide in you and you abide in us then then we bear much fruit for apart from you Lord we can do nothing that's my prayer every day now apart from you Lord we can do nothing but with you all things are possible release this grace find the trustworthy stewards Lord and delegate your grace to them is my prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] you
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 42,885
Rating: 4.9163556 out of 5
Id: r8XN-bYeomo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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