THE SILENCE (2019) Ending Explained

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[Music] hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this sitting explain we'll be looking at the latest in the ever-expanding sea of Netflix originals the silence where the world is under attack from that gremlin things that hunt by sound as a hearing-impaired teen and her family seek help in a remote refuge now if that premise sounds familiar it's because it is strikingly similar to a quiet place with many people wondering if this is a cash grab rip off of the popular thriller what's referred to as a Mach buster in this case despite their many similarities as well as some with Netflix's previous smash hit burn box it's easy to think that's what we're dealing with here yep The Silence is based on a book that was released some time before a quiet place and the movie has actually been sitting on the Shelf for quite some time only for Netflix to now swoop up the rights and dump it amongst its staggering pile of other content so it isn't technically a ripoff in the traditional sense what's amusing is this Mach Buster moniker is still perfect for the silence even if it is not a ripoff it still feels like one a situation of almost being so bad as good like a b-movie that promises cheesy good times the problem being that everything in these silence is played completely seriously which left me wishing for that over-the-top inherent craziness and stupidity of those Mach busters but as we peel back the layers behind those that wrote the movie things become even more interesting as the writers actually got their start working on some of these exact kinds of projects blatant ripoffs of popular films slap together to make a quick buck off people that can't tell the difference between the genuine article and their low-budget copies it's really shameful of the two brothers who yes our grandsons of Dick Van Dyke that claims this dubious honor bursting onto the scene and taking Hollywood by storm with his first script streetracer a riff on fast and furious which proudly touts being based on true events it is true people have driven cars before followed by the day the earth stopped instead of the Day the Earth Stood Still pretty creative way to express the same idea as the original title just by shuffling a few words around then we got trans morphers the fall of man which I don't know who would be duped by that cover because my god and even starring Shane this time way to save on that budget bro paranormal entity guess where that came from this ripoff even spawning several sequels of its own but of course the top of the mountain the peak of all things in motion picture Titanic - what what in the world - have the balls to name your movie after one of the most successful films of all time with an astronomical budget you also make a crappy sequel that has nothing to do with the original only designed to trick unsuspecting viewers into watching their garbage all of that said with the Van Dyke's esteemed background churning out mach busters when it comes to their newest effort the silence it would have benefited from kind of being in on the joke innocence playing with and having more fun with the movies concepts because it ends up still feeling like a cheap ripoff of better films without any of the fun which is kind of a bummer our investigation now uncovering the most likely reason Netflix pick up the film that has been gathering dust for some time the ever precious algorithm this stars Kiernan Shipka from their extremely popular Sabrina the Teenage Witch update and they obviously saw an opportunity to seize that potential audience here dust Lea it was saved from obscurity and dumped on Netflix purely to feed the Machine this is also probably why so many people have questions about the movie and its ending because it's shoddily written but I will do what I can to piece together what's there along with some help from the original book that clarifies some important things left out of the movie adaptation so let's check out the silence breaking down the movie what the monsters are and their characteristics they're not exactly subtle grandeur meeting behind the story and breaking down the inconclusive ending the beginning sets the stage for the invasion that dominates the film's world and surprise surprise it's a couple of dumb dumb humans responsible seeing two explorers deep in an uncharted underground cave system in Pennsylvania the two busting through to a new cave system and they seemed really stoked about it giving each other high-fives and everything yeah speed launching rules though they will soon regret their decision to open this sealed cave where they begin to hear strange screeching sounds from the darkness below followed by a swarm of winged creatures that is sinned from the opening chomping the two to bits before escaping through the opening above to the outside world well way to go guys thanks a lot for unleashing these violent bat thingies that you're so happy you open up that cave now huh just had to do it it's not until later that we actually get a good look at the creatures but they are called vests for a visa which means wasp in Spanish due to the dangerous nature of how they swarm together to attack they're pretty small and not especially dangerous on their own kind of looking like a bat gremlin like I said or something but it's when they join together that they become much more deadly they also have no eyes and dusty with no way to see that you sound to hunt their prey essentially these little guys are ancient creatures that have been trapped and evolved underground for millions of years before finally now being led out into the world at this point they have yet to reach Montclair New Jersey where we meet teenager Ally literally walking with a giant iPad dead to the world around her for an additional reason as she has lost her hearing after a car wreck three years ago rather than let this debilitate her she mentions how her dad said she adapted quickly to being deaf saying she has the power to feel those around her though some goober kids try to make fun of her inability to hear she doesn't seem that bothered by it at all meanwhile in town her father Hugh and his brother Glen are in the middle of hard-nosed negotiations related to box work on a construction contract as their conversation turns to Ally it becomes clear that her father is worried about her in particular regarding her losing her hearing afraid that she can't survive in the world on her own and he isn't prepared to let her go yet both her parents are potentially overprotective of her her mom calling up news from school about Ally and her bullies encouraging Hugh to not mention it as it would only upset her rather than treat her like a normal child they see her deafness as a debilitating disability as though she somehow is incapable of taking care of herself because of this and if Ally lugging around an iPad while outside was just too subtle a statement on our dependence on technology when we meet Ally's twelve-year-old brother Jude playing one of those horribly unbelievable movie versions of video games and his mom comes in complaining he has just too many electronics I know yeesh kids nowadays just love their tablets and such why don't you go outside and fly a kite oh because that's boring sorry to disturb you son go back to your magical video games technology what are we gonna do returning home after walking yourself back from school running into her beau Rob mom is concerned once again about Ally wanting to know where she's been and we mentioning Rob Kellie goes full mom mode on her asking if they've kissed to Ali's annoyance and disgust then something odd catches her eye the we dog Otis barking at something outside the window noticing the hairs on his back are standing straight up usually indicating a dog as an aggressive mode but what threat could be worrying him all right the bad things of course and it's Rob who shares a video with Ally giving her her first look at the creatures a massive swirling cloud of them banded together in the air though it's only later that night that the news first picks up the story learning that the best has spread from their source of the caves and have now attacked both Pittsburgh and Philly and other smaller towns in the areas are being attacked too showing us the invasion is already beginning to spread well one news channel considers the event under control videos come in showing a different story people running in mayhem bloodied bodies littering the ground then alley getting her big clue of how to manage the vests the frightened mob wielding a sign reading don't make noise which is pretty lucky for the Andrews family who are all proficient in sign language so it's kind of thanks to Ally's accident that they had the ability to still communicate the news tells them to stay put indoors to which hew agrees is their best bet until Ally considers the reality that in fact cities would be the worst place to be as there are more possible victims and sounds to lure the vets so they decide to hit the road instead intending to head north to escape the invasion as they leave town seeing they probably made the right call in the distance spotting a massive swarm of the creatures looming over the New York City skyline and just to make sure we understand everyone in town is doomed we randomly follow a group trapped on a subway car all trying to stay quiet except one screaming baby didn't get the memo a man nearly dragging him off the train before his mother takes him herself slowly making her way down the tracks then stopped cold by a distant sound the baby beginning to cry again causing the FASTA to descend upon the woman and the others in the subway car so good thing they didn't stay behind luckily the Internet still works for whatever reason so Ally can still get info dumps on the creatures from various news sources and still talk to her boys and making her promise to stay in touch and assuring her this will all be over soon it looks like they weren't the only ones who elected to get the heck out of Dodge the family coming across a traffic stack up all the roads around are completely congested so Glyn decides to go off-road taking the family away from major thoroughfares and into dusty back forest roads away from the rest civilization they are able to keep going over hearing on the radio that the spread has reached more states and their good fortune is short-lived when a group of deer crossed the road Glenn swerving to avoid them his car careening off the side of the road flipping wildly down a grassy embankment below Hugh rushes to his brother's aid but as unable to too much as his leg is caught in the wreckage and it looks like they have no choice but to leave Glenn behind Hugh vowing to get to a hospital to get him help handing Glenn one of his guns before returning to the minivan inside Otis begins to bark the hair on his back standing up on end letting us know that the vests are on their way here Allie shouts to turn the engine off all sitting in silence waiting until the first vest appears smashing at the window followed by many more attacking the weak spots repeatedly hearing their screams nearby Glenn steps into action making a triumphant sacrifice to save the family those actual demeanor is more like then okay I guess I'll save him or whatever more than a moment of heroics I usually like John Corbett but something about this moment was very off like even he's going man this movie's a piece of [ __ ] this is all the Corbett you're gonna get who's that good no more takes I'm going on my trailer the shots do draw several of the best to him doing his damnedest to fend them off until unsurprisingly getting overwhelmed by the creatures and as he's a mobile will be an easy feast for the vets and his heroic slash bore as sacrifice was ultimately pointless as Otis is still barking his head off this sounds bringing the vest right back to the minivan and Hugh has to make a tough call uh sure II notice out of the back trunk and to his fate having no other choice to do so to save his family stuck in the minivan later a vest stands by watching over while the hoard is gone if they attempt to start the car it will be all over for them before continuing on here creates a way to lure away even more of the vests setting Glen's car on fire the explosion taking several creatures with it in the blaze heading out on foot they stop for a break when grandma isn't doing so well and he takes the time to apologize for having to kill Ally's dog but it's a little dude who finds the location of their next random encounter a fenced off cabin nearby which okay upon further inspection even looks like the farmhouse term a quiet place which really shows just how much they have in common even if only a coincidence pretty dead-on here kind of weird attempting to open the gate sets an alarm off bringing out the angry old owner lady going full get off my lawn here with a shotgun and everything of course her threat brings the vests causing her to get munch to death by a pack of the monsters so I guess this lady was completely oblivious about what the heck is going on here because otherwise she's just a huge [ __ ] Oh oops me screaming brought the monsters that hunt by sound the best busy feeding on her carcass Hugh sneaks through a drainage pipe emerging on the other side of the fence tiptoeing paths are still feeding critters to get inside the house waiting for the others to come through their Trek is much less smooth than his Jude stopped by a rattlesnake in the pipe the best flying in and snatching it up as another dive bombs from the other side slamming down on Karen's leg and gashing her Hugh turning on a wood chipper proves to be a smart idea Allegiant foolishly flying into the blades and getting mulched with zero consideration so I guess these things are kind of dumb kinda really dumb at least it worked the whole family getting inside but mom's leg is causing her severe discomfort dad getting to work on tending to the wood which looks really bad as though the scratch kind of infects out from the original bite marks like yeah she gonna be dead soon at least amongst all the terrible things going on the Internet is still functioning perfectly allowing Ally to contact the distressed Rob coughing and breathing heavily asking where his parents are he reveals their dead ally telling him to get out of there and find them Bob the call disconnects before she can say where they are oh well so much for Rob at least I can still check my newsfeed I'll be discovering articles with headlines like they are the cure we are the disease Oh gotcha we're going for mankind is truly the monster thing or whatever yep yeah Kelly's leg is most certainly infected only getting worse as grandma says she only has a few days without antibiotics wit none to speak of in the house human Ally are forced outside on a dangerous mission in search of supplies to save her coming across an abandoned downtown area adorned with graffiti like written thanks for the warning it's a random turtleneck wearing weirdo watching them down the street that they should be more concerned about the whacked-out pastor from a local church as we learn in a minute getting through the back door of a pharmacy ally and Hugh are horrified by the putrid smell in the air seeing the source a bunch of mangle chewed up corpses strewn around the store though we see the bodies are still serving a new kind of function alley approaches a body noticing that it is convulsing spotting eggs burrowed into the chest cavity along with all the other bodies being filled with tiny vests bags seeing how they can quickly reproduce and spawn more to aid in their speedy invasion a few of the creatures fly inside perching above on the shelves as one begins to sniff the air looks like they're gonna need to figure out a plan and quick alleys spotting a fire alarm knowing the sound would allow them to escape hughes sets a mop ablaze jamming it towards the sprinkler triggering the alarm the sprinkler beginning to rain down the sound causing the best to fly around erratically unable to focus on their sounds as they sneak back outside but there's another threat waiting for them the weirdo priest guy asking for them to join his flock referring to themselves as the hushed they try to leave getting a weird vibe from the guy as he gets more aggressive with his recruitment and seeing why his followers are called the hushed the pastor has cut off his own tongue if you can't talk you can't get attacked good thinking or you know just don't talk very much and be careful no need for self-mutilation in my opinion but their mission is success mom has given her much-needed antibiotics and Ally has new information about what's going on in the grander picture there is some hope to escape the invasion learning that people far north of the Arctic Circle have survived the best apparently can't survive in the extreme cold on the flip side their overall situation is becoming more dire as time is running out talking of areas where electricity has been lost called the gray people there have been completely cut off from the outside world these entire regions essentially being wiped off the map clearly the damage is only going to get worse from here hew noting that it's like we're back in the Dark Ages which sounds about right Jude informs everyone that a new visitor has arrived at the doorstep the batshit pastor and he's brought some friends here who decides to sort this out calmly informing them the family doesn't want to join his Church of stupid weirdos the pastor then reveals the real intention of his visit riding the girl is fertile intending to use Allie as a starting point to repopulate the new world so again making we're the whole idea there going forward the pastor's actions it hope man is truly the evil one chestnut fresh as ever this sends human side to retrieve a gun hearing best in the distance begging them to stay silent and the crew simply walks off but of course this won't be the last one here if these jokers since they're an actual threat unlike the stupid bat gremlin things they're not even a real villain later ally is surprised by a new message coming from Rob alive and well heading north to a place called the refuge but that pesky internet in the middle of woods that they probably wouldn't even have if this wasn't the end times disconnects as usual at the worst moment before she can find out where this suppose at refuge is soon after the family is duped by another visitor a sweet innocent little girl it appears but this one is undercover and a part of the hushed who is strapped with a bomb of sorts a bunch of iPhones strapped to her chest and all with alarms set to go off in unison this is almost too corny for me to handle this being a metaphoric waiting an actual bomb to the dangers of Technology the alarm sound on the girl all at once including even more tape to the houses outside windows instantly bringing the vows to the house who collects all their phones dunking them in water and ceasing the noises but the vests are still attacking from every angle then a second series of alarms are triggered the creature is about to burst through the family rushing down to the basement for safety only to find more hushed goons down there waiting for them attempting to take Ally the family do their best to stand their ground yet ultimately are overpowered but grandma isn't giving up yet chasing them down outside she throws herself at the dudes getting onto the ground allowing Ally to escape their grasp and Grandma and an extremely over-the-top melodramatic moment screams out the best attacking everyone in the pile getting queued up to bits to save Ally but instead of running or going back inside or you know doing anything ally stands there like a fool allowing the priest and the rest to grab her again dragging her away sorry you died for nothing grandma ha thanks anyway I appreciate it the rest of the family throws down against them saving the day again in the fight with the priest who gets stabbed but absolutely obliterates him to death another message moment in order to save Ally the family especially Hugh were forced to tap into a more violent primitive part of themselves having to lower themselves to the followers level to survive ultimately using at least some of their own humanity in the process as they're now killers even if 100% justified he even initially holds himself back looking to the mother and daughter before revenge pushes him to kill the pastor anyway even though everything up to this point has been non-stop trouble it seems to be smooth sailin going forward from here for the family as without incident they make the entire rest of the trek north to the refuge in the final scene seeing ally has been reunited with Rob on the hunt for vests with bows and arrows as she ruminate on the state of the world going forward they know the creatures don't like colds but considers what happens if they evolve as they already have in the past knowing that it's up to us to adapt first and remember what separates us from the Chompy little bad guys to summarize the whole intention with the story here when you boil down humans to their core we are idiots with no self-control starting with unleashing the bests the book makes it clear that they were specifically looking for these ancient caves so it's our own curiosity that is responsible for them being unleashed and you know destroying the world strike one for humans literally opening up Pandora's box just to see what's inside and pretty much everyone the family encounter reflect the worst of humanity the kids making fun of her disability at school a guy who tries to take their car at gunpoint a guy on the subway ready to toss out a little baby to save his own skin the crazy old lady who was ready to kill on sight apparently humans are just terrible and of course the worst of humanity is represented by the creepy pastor guy as soon as society Falls people will turn to more primal methodologies to survive in the new world willing to forcibly kidnap ally just to repopulate the world with their new insane ideals additionally everyone is attached to their smart devices and technology I'll he's still obsessing over FaceTime and news articles even though the world is collapsing we just love technology so much we can't control our obsessions and there's something about a - that Ally's window to the world is through a screen rather than an actual window all the news that she gets is through her iPad not through the real world sound familiar the key being as Allie points out in the end is to remember what makes us different than these violent creatures it's up to us to adapt as a species rather than allowing us to fall into the same traps of our own primal nature over it over again it's not exactly the freshest statement as we've seen the same concepts in many movies of the ilk but there you go this brings us to the conclusion of this ending explained on the silence I do wish had had done so much more than what we were given and had the potential to do something different than the multitude of apocalyptic scenarios we've already gotten on the silver screen so far but unfortunately the silence fails to do anything new or interesting just a monster b-movie but without any of the fun don't forget you can send me requests for TV shows or movies of any kind you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at dawn flicks what did you guys think of the silence and it's ending did you like this or bird box better let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
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Views: 1,338,752
Rating: 4.9250922 out of 5
Keywords: the silence, the silence ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, monsters, explanation, trailer, netflix, original, new nextflix movie, the silence 2019, clip, kiernan shipka, sabrina, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: sRk82DnSRgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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