Elevate Winning the Battle of the Mind Part 1

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the dilemma for us is this the language of faith is the fruit of a renewed mind without the welcome assistance of the Holy Ghost you will never speak the words of destiny but will continually reinforce the personal dialogue become a sation that you have watched this not so much with the positive parts of business but the negative [Music] hello I'm David Evans and I want to welcome you to elevate let me ask you something are you convinced that nothing good is ever going to come your way are you stuck in a rut we always expect the worst to happen and rarely find any joy in your daily life if that describes you but I've got something you need to give welcome to a false reality that has been orchestrated by the devil to keep you in your place it's true the devil wants you to think defeat it live defeat it and lose defeated but that is not what God wants for you God wants you to win this battle that's raging inside of you to do that you've got to change the way you think starting today in over the next few weeks I'm going to show you how to change how you think change how you speak and change what you expect to happen in your life this series is called from ridiculous to radical too real This Means War and today we're going to talk about winning the battle in your mind Romans chapter 7 when you have Romans 7 save men let's take a journey down to verse 18 Paul writing to the Roman Church for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not in other words I know what to do I just have a hard time doing it for the good that I would I do not the thing I know that's good I end up not doing that but the even which I would not that I do the very thing I know I shouldn't do I end up doing now if I do that I would not if I do what I say what I know I shouldn't do it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth continually in me I find then a law a principle working that when I would do good evil is present with me for I delight in the law of God after the inward man it is but I see another principle another law in my members in my mind in my in my heart and my body warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law or the principle or the system of sin which is in my body all wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin go over to chapter 12 when you get verse 1 say men I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service it is and be not conformed to this world but be you be transformed by the renewing constant renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good and acceptable and perfect will of God for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith I want to talk to you from the general thought of winning the battle in my mind winning the battle in my mind somebody shout this means war this means war I don't know if you have come to this very obvious conclusion but I find and you may find also that we tend to speak the language of our experience whatever we go through that tends to dominate whatever our past experiences have been that language of that season all those years tends to dominate our conversation if people want to know where we've been what we've done what we have experienced all they have to do is listen attentively to the words that come out of our mouths it's amazing how you can meet a person and have an impression and then hang around them just a little longer and their mouths will reveal things to you that an immediate meeting did not it is mind boggling that you can just listen over the period of weeks and months and begin to fully hear and understand why people are like they are because our experience is not only shaped the way we think but anything that shapes our thinking shapes our speaking so now that we are born again the dilemma Jack is this how do I change my inner monologue and therefore change my outer dialogue to match who God now says I am how do I disconnect from my experience and change what I say to others but mostly to myself how do I change the language of my association with my own identity how do I find a way to speak to me differently and align what I say what God's promise and God's will in my life the dilemma for us is this the language of faith is the fruit of a renewed mind without the welcome assistance of the Holy Ghost you will never speak the words of destiny but will continually reinforce the personal dialogue become a sation that you have watch this not so much with the positive parts of the history but the negative parts I know you've run into someone who you barely know and they start reciting every major negative thing that ever happened because they do not identify themselves by the good they identify themselves by the negative am i talking to you how many times was this have you had to stop yourself from revealing with your mouth something you know about you some dark point in your history that you thought no one would ever find out but it was you testifying against you in your own court of observation so we need the assistance of the only go because without the assistance of the Holy Ghost there is no transformation of the mind we need the Word of God because without the partnership of the Word of God and the Spirit of God there can be no transformation no renewal of the mind that we presently had the assertion in Scripture number one is that our minds mean renewing it says not made new but renewing so somewhere in our history somewhere in our generational connection somewhere in that cultural connectivity there was a mind that was in good shape but somewhere along the line my mind started being withered by life I don't know if you can be dishonest but I am continually amazed by the changes not so much that age but the stress of life brings to my mind said there may be 10 people in here who had the same tolerance for nonsense that they had 20 years ago the mind is gone and I realized it's stressful situation after stressful situation after stressful situation that slowly erodes your ability watch this and your desire to deal with foolishness ain't nobody talking to me all of a sudden I don't want to watch certain things on TV anymore I don't like seeing my heroes get killed this transformation of the mind is essential for you and I as a principle of God the the warfare waged in all of our minds were only be one when our thoughts are brought into alignment with the Word of God there's our struggle we start having what I call a word response to things rather than an earthly response it is there this this because when my mind is transformed watch this my emotional response has changed when my mind is transformed what I say comes out of my heart and the right thing starts coming out now I know I'm just talking to a bunch of perfect people but I know I am but he said anybody here to ever says anything they shouldn't say [Applause] what much I got five - people what says so so my mind gets changed and gets aligned with the Word of God and I stop having an old me response and I start having a new me response this making sense you see words of faith are different than words of the flesh words of faith are consistent with the mind the will and the promises of God one of my assignments this month is to align you with God's will to give you a fighting chance to beat the old you in a fight see the Bible is clear the words you speak are connected to experience an experience birth belief the words we speak are connected to experience and experience birth a belief therefore I believe therefore I speak so Paul in Romans chapter 12 verse 1 Paul delivers this message with some passion and some urgency he makes a decision he said you've got to make a decision to give your life to God he says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body your total being a living sacrifice so he delivered this message with urgency and he tells you that if you're going to get with God you've got to make a decision to do so in other words child Paul is saying change the emphasis alter the target switch the presentation of your identity to self and the people and change your life trying to impress God it's now easier than ever to stay connected with David G Evans in the Bethany Baptist Church family follow the ministry and rejoice in all that God is doing by following us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube on Facebook you'll be up to date on the latest happening you can watch our Sunday services on Facebook live 8 an 11:00 a.m. Eastern here comes the power [Music] [Applause] words of wisdom and encouragement can be found on Twitter and you'll get up to the minute sermon points as they happen in our weekly worship services follow us on Instagram to be blessed by the inspirational and special moments that are highlighted each week and the people who are the heart of our ministry and if it's a video you want subscribe to the Bethany Baptist Church channel on YouTube see the celebrations the special events and the many many people who are helping to transform lives one at a time stay connected with David G Evans on Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube and become a member of our broadcast family today see my problem is we spend a lot of time just trying to get people's accolade and sometimes people's accolade becomes more important than gods but see I need your accolade so I can be reassured you loved me I loved Allah closely y'all didn't hear what I said God loves you each other's words Paul says presenting yourself to God as reasonable service must be and this reasonable thing must be intentional this this presentation of your being this recategorize ation yourself recategorize in yourself requires a cooperative relationship with the holy spirit but also with the Word of God you see he wants he says pulling ourselves intentionally allowing ourselves to be led into a life in the kingdom of God a life in the will of God a life in the pleasure of God a life that causes us to jump out of the box that the world tries to create provides you see the world system can invade your thinking and your identity and your emotion it's important you understand that this is the part of what the scripture is trying to tell us be not conformed to this world I know Congress has probable but they're not God I know the president thinks it's strong but it's not God I know the lawyers think they know everything but they're not God some men trust in chariots some men trust in horses but we will trust in the law somebody help me praise Him my dear I will trust in him until I die why cuz he's been good so many doors he open so many ways he made but the system this world system seeks to invade your thinking and therefore invade your identity how you see yourself but the problem with the world is has prescribed limits for you gender limits education limits racial limits the world has prescribed boxes to put you in but my Bible reads differently that with God the limitations are taking off your life what's this because they're first taking off your mind Davis says before a battle comes I visualize I can see myself running through troops leaping over walls the mind has to be conquered first with God limitations are taken away Philippians 4:13 says something all of us I can do all things through Christ so if I can't do it with my natural ability I call on Jesus for supernatural help I can do all things through Christ who has personally given me strength II constantly helping me out he's constantly restoring me constantly reviving me he's constantly giving me strength you let anybody tell you be careful you know you in purpose you know you're on your assignment and folk don't have your assignment tell you you're gonna burn out the devil is alive nobody told you we're burning out when you were in the street nobody said you were burning out when you stayed up to three nights in a row nobody took that trash finally get it right and they tell you doing too much ain't doing too much I'm trying to make up for lost time I've wasted more time than I have I gotta get this thing together so the work of the word the Holy Ghost is this to break the barriers what's this in your mind because once the fences come down on your mind nothing can stop people you don't know as long as you stop seeing locked doors and see every locked door as an opportunity all bets are off is it but an ending this month I want you to the point where if you go to the doctor and doctor tell you something wrong you start praising the Lord why would I praise the Lord because God just revealed to me what is going to do again God just showed me by the problem I was going to deliver me y'all not hear what I'm saying I want you to have a word response to your problem finally get it right and they tell you doing too much ain't doing too much I'm trying to make up for lost time I've wasted more time than I have I gotta get this thing together so the work of the word the Holy Ghost is this to break the barriers what's this in your mind because once the fences come down on your mind nothing can stop people you don't know as long as you stop seeing locked doors and see every locked door as an opportunity all bets are off is it by the end of this month I want you to the point where if you go to the doctor and doctor tell you something wrong you start praising the Lord why would I praise the Lord because God just revealed to me what is gonna do again God just showed me by the problem I was going to deliver me y'all not hear what I'm saying I want you to have a word response to your problem so God wants to break the barrier so that means there's some warfare what's this now there's some warfare that's essential for you in this next thirty days and my job is to equip you so rather than shrink when the challenge has come you declare war on everything I need to ask you a very important question exactly what have you been saying to yourself the Bible says very clearly I speak what I believe now let's be honest are you speaking to your mountains like a victorious child of God or are you letting the devil convince you that your best days the best days are behind you until you let the Holy Spirit of God do a makeover in your mind you will never be on the winning side of this battle I know this is reality for many of you watching me right now I want to show you over the next few weeks how to make a u-turn in your mind and start heading in the direction God has planned for you I know it's not easy I admit it's not easy and that's why I want to pray with you right now god I thank you for the power of your spirit resting on our lives and I know right now those things I believe I speak so God we need a transformation of the mind today I pray for all those that struggle with being positive struggle with speaking the Word of God but the Bible is clear think on these things victory whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are of good report if there be any praise if there be any virtue at all if there's anything you can find in your day that's positive think on those things and Lord you will transform by the power of your spirit what we say and I pray this in Jesus name Amen my word for you today don't you dare give up my announcer is coming to tell you about some valuable resources that will help you win this battle so watch this and I'll be right back what if you could make one decision to unleash everything great in your life would you do it would you say yes aren't you tired of your relationships your health and so much more suffering because you lack the truth you need to change the life you desire is within your reach you can achieve all the success happiness and prosperity you deserve by simply learning the secrets that lead to real personal transformation change is hard but not impossible you just have to make one radical decision to get real and there's no better authority on the real steps to change than David G Evans some men trusting Jerry some men trust in offices but we will trust in the law David G Evans is leading the charge to bring you the power to change your life he is committed to the mission of helping you transform and become a person of power and it starts with his all new system to change your situation at the centerpiece of this life-altering collection is David Evans groundbreaking training course from ridiculous to radical too real This Means War in this series you will discover the steps to change this series includes two powerful messages each on winning the battle in your mind and cultivating a language of faith that's four messages for power filled hours of material if you want a better marriage this series has the answers if you want to achieve financial independence God's Way the secrets in this series will empower you to make it happen if you want a life of power anointing and influence this series will show you how to get it and there's more you're looking for series immediate results so Bishop Evans will also include one of his best-selling messages called weapon of warfare this classic teaching will build you up to start fighting in the spirit for what you deserve this powerhouse collection from ridiculous to radical to real and weapon of warfare will give you all the biblical strategies you need to change anything in your life this collection will ship to you immediately with your gift today to David G Evans ministries this ministry is revolutionizing the kingdom by empowering believers souls are being saved daily and we need your help to grow this impact in a real way call now and sow your seed of just $35 for your transformation to help people around the world your $35 loved go straight to the front lines of ministry providing help to those that needed most calm now make the decision to get the power you need to change your life forever now I want you to get this entire collection of resources so be sure to call we'll go online today the way you think the way you speak is going to make a huge difference in the way you win now be sure to connect with me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram my handle is there on the screen or log on anytime to our website at davidshannondds.com I hope you have been blessed this week and I look forward to seeing you next time right here on elevate [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 3,294
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Id: JMTulqlvJNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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