The WORST Rude Behaviors in 2024

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I feel like we live in times what I call the  oblivious epidemic where everybody is just   so self-centered and self- focused that I don't  give a damn what's happening around me I'm just   doing me who cares this whole video is based on  my opinions only this doesn't mean that everybody   has to think like I do but I do think some of it  is common sense though I mean just my opinion of   course okay this one really annoys me let me  know if it's the same for you in the comments   below but it's about when people are just so  like Carefree about kind of the world around   them that they will just you know stop abruptly  on the street they will not care if they walk   into you or they're simply walking really slowly  not for like medical reasons or they're older or   something like that no they don't care if there  are a lot of people behind them and they slow   these people down it is important not to take  like good manners and etiquette to an extreme   where we're so self-obsessed about what everybody  else thinks and we're just there to please others   but I think you know we also have to be realistic  that you know you're not alone on this earth like   you are actually cohabiting with other people  and that means that we all have to find a form   of Middle Ground so that coexisting with each  other becomes in a way effortless and so for   this reason I really do think that everybody  carries a social responsibility to be like okay   let me check in with their surroundings around me  to make sure that I am kind of doing my duty or my   part of what everybody should be doing and then  of course there has to be a balance of you don't   have to pull the entire load and you are allowed  to also focus on yourself and prioritize what's   good for you and so and so but always bear in  mind that okay there are other people too and you   do carry responsibilities so in this case you are  not in the comfort of your own home where you can   do whatever you want you are utilizing a public  space where everybody owns the space Not Just you now the next point is certainly becoming  a pandemic in our society you know we all know   there is a phone Obsession happening but what is  really worrisome is when people are not just using   their phones you know when they're sitting down  or when they're just standing still now it's like   okay it's normal to use your phone when you're  driving you know at the same time looking down   instead of looking up or let's say when you are  walking on the street and actually that can be   a major Hazard especially for traffic TR around  you what's also very problematic and we had just   spoken about people who walk kind of slow but in  this case when you're walking and staring at your   phone you're naturally going to be walking much  slower and depending on what's happening around   you that can be quite frustrating as many of you  know on this channel I teach loads of different   things not just Elegance or etiquette but also  style and leveling up and personal development   for those who want to become the best version of  themselves and so a common misconception that I do   see is that people think that aha so what you're  saying is that we have to be in our kind of formal   behavior all the time otherwise we're like bad  people like I'm not doing this video here because   I want you to always be like you know uptight  and strict and never be yourself I think we   have lost a lot of social skills and just simply  decent mannerisms that affect our surroundings   and because we're losing that more and more as  we are becoming a more individualistic Society   it is negatively not just impacting us but I  would say our society as a whole so I'm not   saying now that you have to become little miss  perfect absolutely not like do elegance and do   etiquette in moderation which is why I've created  this master class on the subject of table manners   because listen the way we eat at home does not  necessarily always have to be very formal very   strict but I want you to be equipped for all  kinds of situations out there this master class   is available for you if you go to annab etiquette.  comom and sign up I have also more master classes   on LevelUp so go over there if you  want more in-depth training and coaching with me now this point is also very much aligned with  kind of the weird times that we're currently in   and I'm talking about this whole uh you know  when people are just creating like Tik toks and   only fans content in public spaces and hindering  in other people from like getting on with their   lives I'm not let them as perfect here because as  a content creator I have certainly also you know   put a bit of emphasis on like oh I need a cute  outfit picture oh let me like pose in the middle   of the street people just have to stop for a  second right I'm trying to not do that very often   these days because I find that kind of behavior a  bit annoying and I don't want to be that annoying   person but then of course I think there are  extremes I mean everyone is allowed to take a cute   picture on the street and if a bypass has to just  stop for a second I don't think that's the end of   the world but I think what becomes problematic  is when we have these ticktockers who have to   do like their you know Dances or lip syncing that  is not just a quick snapshot of a photo this is   like 1 minute or 30 seconds and I think that is  pushing it now the worst though only fans content   why God why we know what kind of content that is  we know that it's slightly spicy and provocative   and honestly like quite really like you have  to really do that in public I think we need   to have certain boundaries as we are strangers  like I do not want to see someone get intimate   up close with somebody who is a complete stranger  to me I think that's quite offputting and I think   it's not something that should become an accepted  thing in our society like my opinion of course   and if we're just going to talk PDA in general  you know kissing your partner or holding hands   or hugging is fine but when it starts starting  to become slightly more explicit it just looks weird we live in very full and obsessed at times  but guess what that's not the only Obsession we   have there's also this big picture taking  Obsession and that is all thanks to social   media and the fact that we all now have a camera  and a video camera in our pocket carrying with us   absolutely everywhere but that's not necessarily  good news I mean certainly it's nice that we   capture our beautiful memories more often than  before however what is now becoming slightly   I'd say a bit sad actually I think it's more  sad than anything else is that if going to a   concert before would look something like this  now it actually just looks like this and one   can say like yeah but who cares so what I don't  think it's just a so what because in the end of   the day you're there to be in the moment not  just to look at other people's phones like I   also do Wonder like do people actually rewatch  the stuff that they filmed cuz I know whenever   I have been that person I have pulled out my phone  to film like a concert or something I don't think   I've ever rewatch that stuff after so why are we  so obsessed to like Snap absolutely everything   that's going on around us so this part is  actually going to cover multiple etiquette   and elegance mistakes in my opinion and I think  that modern times have unfortunately led us to   this place but I think it's so important for us  to kind of think about these things and reflect   and reflect on our own behavior and be like okay  how can I also improve my contribution to society   because it's not just about me and me and me in  the end of the day we're here together I'm not   alone on planet Earth and for this reason  we need to take the whole Collective into account can we just pause for a second and  talk about online Behavior what is up with   people's manners online it's like they think  like ah because I can be anonymous I can say   whatever I want I can go on anab based video and  say that she looks ugly or that I hate her I mean   you know cliche would you actually say that to me  in person if you met me on the street cuz so far   I mean I have had loads of people come up to me  on the street and those have always been my fans   I've never had a hater come up on the street even  though I know haters have seen me on the street so   what is the deal then why can you leave me a nasty  comment but you can't come up to me on the street   and tell me this in person well the problem is  is the anonymity factor and the fact that people   are just cowards I haven't encourage it all oh  by the way if you like my dress it's actually   part of my clothing line collection just go  to annab and look at my clothing   line that you can now purchase I think a lot  of people think that it's kind of okay to be   negative online because it's not the same thing as  being in person it actually is I do believe that   people are just more emotionally disconnected  Ed from their Humanity it is as if they let   out their inner animal online and this actually  leads me to the next problem area in our modern times like if you think that you're doing Society  a service by engaging in cancel culture and like   create some form of mob to go after somebody  because oh my goodness somebody made a mistake   right think again I think there are two problem  areas with councel culture because I think there   are times when it is necessary especially to  uncover things that really require justice   but so many times is just a matter of people  going after somebody because they don't like   their opinion or they don't like if they made  a mistake in the past and they think that that   tells the whole whole story of who they are today  which I think is very narrow thinking it is not   a classy mindset whatsoever to have I also do  think that in times when finally we are embrac   in diversity diversity in people but cancel  culture is actually doing the complete opposite   of what diversity is for because diversity  is really about accepting everybody as they   are no matter what kind of shape sizes and  forms they come in or colors or you name   it but what council culture does is that it  says I have no tolerance if you don't think   like me if you have a different opinion if you  think like this or like that then we're going   to cancel you the mob is going to come after you  and make sure and nobody likes you and so cancel   culture becomes this kind of psychological  game that people like to do because you know   nobody wants to be rejected and especially  not rejected from a group they can't s with us then we have not showing up when you have  RSVP yes you know we live in times where this   is the norm I mean I don't know how it was about  50 years ago maybe some Boomers can let me know   in the comments below but like what is going on  the fact that every h who organizes something   now takes for granted that at least 30% of those  who have RSVP yes are not going to show up some   might let you know last minute like really last  minute and some are not even going to bother with   that why are we living now in times where people  think that that is okay well I think it kind of   circles back to what I said earlier we live in  times when we're so focused on ourselves that we   just can't walk the extra mile for other people  to take certain social responsibility because   we're so oblivious to it now and so for that  reason I hope that here in this Channel at least   we can take our social responsibility without  turning into door mats or going in extremes   or being so obsessed about other people and just  catering for their needs no we're not doing that   we are finding a middle ground for what is fair  for what is right as long as that works for us   now if you want to take this etiquette master  class go to annab and also to LevelUp where you will find more information on  how you can can get further coaching and in-depth   training with me now in my next video I will be  teaching you more on Elegance so make sure you   watch any of these two videos that you see  on the screen because I will see you there
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 170,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegance mistakes, elegance mistakes 2024, anna bey, anna bey elegance, Elegance, school of affluence, manners and etiquette, bad manners 2024, etiquette and manners, anna bey elegance rules, how to be elegant and feminine, bad manners, phone etiquette, etiquette, elegant, how to be elegant and classy, how to be classy, why society has failed, how to be elegant woman, how to be a lady, how to be elegant and graceful, table manners, good manners, Manners, How to be elegant
Id: E5WHH2Ov8aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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