Toxic culture of luxury closets

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this is just an example of what your favorite  celebrity or favorite influencer that's kind of   what they have and you know what I'm kind of  guilty too I was blindsided by all these you   know Glitz and Glam and you know these celebrity  wardrobes and these designer handbag Collections   and blah blah blah to the point that I On My  Level Up Journey felt like that was important   for me to also acquire and so you are lured by  the shiny object syndrome thinking that I have   to acquire these things because if I don't have  these things I'm technically not a successful   woman I'm technically not high value I felt that  one should create a Luxury Collection you go on   YouTube and you watch these fashion or luxury  bloggers influencers whatever and everybody just   talks about this thing of create your Luxury  Collection add to your Luxury Collection why   do we even need a Luxury Collection it's not  that it's new it's just that it has Amplified   tremendously in recent years to the point where  like okay I'm looking left right and center and   and all I see is like every other Joe has these  massive wardrobes massive collections my walking   wardrobe that by the way has been a dream for many  many years and one can Wonder well why has it been   a dream like why is a Walkin wardrobe like the  ultimate dream for a woman okay full disclosure   I'm not getting rid of My Walkin wardrobe but I  just want to like downsize a little bit but so   I remember sitting in my walking wardrobe and I  have racks and racks of clothing and then I had   just signed up for a massive storage to host  my racks and racks of clothes as you can see   here and that's not even everything and I look  at my handbag collection and this is where we   really need to have a serious conversation  because this is actually where I caught [Music] myself so according to like celebrity and  influencer standards measure my little collection   I'm like a loser in people's eyes no really  loser so I have like seven Kelly bags I have   a few Chanel bags I have some few other random  designer handbags and then I'm like thinking to   myself why does it still feel like my handbag  collection is small like this is nothing and   then I realized even though I sit on this mountain  of stuff I feel like I don't have enough because   I just keep comparing myself to these crazy  images in my hand that I have internalized   from watching social media from watching TV and  just looking at these obscene collections of of   stuff that people have and normalize that and  I've been looking at these people thinking that   these are successful beautiful women if I want  to be a successful beautiful woman then I have   to have a collection like that if I just go to my  Instagram explore page and I see the stuff that's   there I'm getting like physically sick it's just  just showing off item after item unboxing after   unboxing wearing this wearing that what it makes  me think is that I need more stuff I need more   things to wear I can't repeat my outfit and so  as I'm sitting there inside my closet and I'm   looking at my Hermes bags which I by the way love  but at the same time I'm wondering how did I even   like get so obsessed about them and why why and it  led me back to all the like tense conversations I   would have with my girlfriend's about these  bags and how to get more of them like how   much is enough and that's when I realized that  well at this point you're like a broken record   a high value woman in the leveling up process  who just never has enough you just keep getting   more and more and more all of this signals  that probably somewhere deep inside I have   a weak sense of self which is true even though  I have improved a lot my like self-esteem and   insecurities obviously there's still work to  do and obviously consumerism Society hits me   straight into my weak points I'm not going to  sit here and blame everything on society but   half of it is of course my own responsibility  and that responsibility stems from lack of   self-awareness or just lack of being honest with  yourself many of you know I've been doing therapy   for long time like 8 years by now I have really  improved my self-awareness but damn it ladies I   did not improve it enough to not not fall into  luxury sheep [Music] Behavior I don't want you   to think that I'm now kind of beating myself up  about it and I'm angry at myself no I'm not I   think I'm angry about how easy it is to fall into  it and how it's nearly impossible for any regular   person to not fall into it I know that I do have  a percentage of you who are very hyperaware and   probably don't fall into these traps I thought  that in my leveling up process I had certain   material goals and I really thought that once I  would reach those material goals I would become   more happy it would feel a certain way to sit in  that walking wardrobe and look at your massive   Hermes handbag collection or shoe collection or  whatever but guess what I felt I felt nothing   why on Earth was I working so hard to get to  this place only to feel nothing I think it's   about being aware of what the current consumerism  culture actually does and when you are self-aware   you will be able to stay away and withstand the  temptation of this trap because ultimately what   this trap does is that you there as a regular Joe  is thinking okay I want to achieve more happiness   how do I achieve more happiness and then you  look at the world around you and you see these   happy people on TV and social media showered in  this wearing that looking so happy and fabulous   and owning all of these gorgeous things and  your subconscious basically interprets that   as oh so that means I too should get XY Z if I  want to be happy and to get those things what do   you need to do well you have to work you have  to make money you have to afford that so you   work harder and harder and harder just so that  you can achieve that illusion that you are fed   with so you end up sacrificing your time your  energy your happy moments moments that matter   in your life you sacrifice your health your  well-being only to fool yourself to understand   that wait a second I'm actually not achieving more  happiness I'm just getting more unhappiness as a result this has also led me to really rethink  my own shopping habits my own War wardrobe and   my own Luxury Collection I'm cringing like a  Luxury Collection because again I find this   terminology to be so ridiculous like why do  we need a Luxury Collection great investment   o investment for what true Investments do  not look like luxury I'm sorry to say okay   yeah surely a designer handbag may go up in  value but trust me there are so many other   Investments that you can do if you just like  improve your financial literacy that will be   so much more more worth it than like spending  money on a stupid bag and you might be thinking   to yourself well Anna you can go and easily sell  your Kelly handbag for the double or triple that   you bought it originally for yeah but guess how  much I had to spend in order to even be offered   one so it's all just again a freaking illusion  that doesn't make sense it's just stupid so if   you are one of my loyal followers whether you are  on my patreon Channel or you are subscribed to my   emails where you know by the way I send you some  more intimate conversations that I am sharing here   publicly make sure you go and subscribe well  there I shared the fact that I've recently   had this massive closet sale and by the way I am  still selling stuff so if you want to buy any of   my pre-loved items you can go to this link here  shop. and simply you know buy some of my   many hundreds of items that are still available  for sale I've gotten rid of almost half half of   my entire wardrobe can you believe it half and  many of you have asked me but why are you selling   Anna and I guess partly I have already explained  it because I've had some form of material Inner   Awakening where I just feel like how much is  enough and then realize that what I own is too   excessive I own way too much stuff for what is  needed I think no sane or healthy human being   need or even should own this amount of things  now that I have got to experience certain level   of success I understand that happiness does not  live there it's all an illusion it's just [Music] stuff so the big question is then how am I going  to shop from now on am I still going to Cate a   Luxury Collection I'm definitely not buying any  more designer handbags I feel like even with my   small collection I have more more more than what  is even needed I'm no longer buying Hermes bags   I love your Hermes but honestly I don't need  50 Hermes bags to be a successful classy woman   I also don't need to buy new clothes every month  actually I slowed down my shopping habits to the   point where I don't really buy that much stuff  anymore maybe once or twice a year because I   really really need something but then again of  course I do have some stuff to rely on but even   that I'm trying to shrink now which is why I  have this massive closet sale I want to also   only purchase things now where I am madly in love  with this garment and I really want to use it a   lot like that is my mentality from now on I feel  like I have a lot of items that I only wear once   in a blue moon because there's just something  about it maybe it's the fit or the style or the   fabric or the color or just something about  it that makes me like okay it's a beautiful   item but I'm not madly in love with it and of  course there are always some certain items in   your wardrobe that you for some odd reason end up  being like crazy about and like wear all the time   like this Anna Bay linen shirt that I absolutely  love because it's like you know it's just comfy   and Airy and you can just you know throw it with  anything and then just walk out things that you   really feel at ease in that give you confidence  and make you look fantastic right my motto is   only buy wow items and by wow items it doesn't  only have to be like oh my goodness the item   that's going to make you look the absolute most  beautiful but it should also be how you feel in   it the level of confidence it give you like does  it make you feel wow when you wear it and wow can   be everything from you feel like wow beautiful  to wow comfortable there's so many different   Wows that we can achieve with the feeling of one  piece of garment I want to be more intentional   with the things that I purchase and I become  highly highly selective of what I purchase and   ultimately to me that is what being high value  or having a classy approach to life is you don't   just purchase whatever for whatever reason only  to end up feeling like an absolute stupid sheep   like in my case ladies if you follow me here  and please do subscribe if you still haven't   I want you to be a smart cookie I want you to be a  highly intelligent woman woman who is intentional   with what she does who have a classy thinking and  approach to life don't fall into these traps and   of course mistakes will happen and if they do  happen like in my case you don't have to beat   yourself up about it like listen we're all in the  same boat mistakes happen and it's okay the point   is to learn from our mistakes so having said this  I hope you have enjoyed this video I have more   videos on very similar topics that can definitely  help you reflect on current time our shopping   habits but also how we look after ourselves make  sure you hop on over to those videos because I   have more interesting conversations that I  want to share with you I will see you [Music] there
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 252,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna bey, luxury lifestyle is toxic, luxury closets, flex culture is toxic, luxury closet, luxury closet tour, luxury closet clean out, closet tour, walk in closet, toxic online, video essay, anna bey flex culture, toxic people, toxic, reality tv internet analysis, internet analysis, commentary, luxury lifestyle, tiktok, luxury wardrobe, designer closet tour, luxury walk in wardrobe, fashion influencer, luxury custom closets, toxic social media culture, Social media
Id: b920z1tfIYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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