Elden Ring Lore | The Greater Will is NOT an Outer God

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oh most of the greatest fantasy universes have a creation myth a grand tale of cosmic beings weaving the fabric of the world into existence such as eru ilivitar of The Lord of the Rings Mythos who brings Arda into existence through his great song Elden ring is no different we learn via hayata that it is the greater will who is responsible for the diverse life that we witness on this Mortal plane by fracturing something known as the one great while this may seem like a brief segment of the lore it spawns multiple questions about the formation of Life as we know it as well as a bigger question what actually is the greater will many in the community including myself have been Hasty in categorizing the greater well as one of the outer gods and of course there is logic to this given they share a certain nebulous characterization however is this actually true or is the greater well something more the greater well as the dominant force in their setting controlling life creating it and imposing its order upon it so we have to ask ourselves does this fit the template of an outer God or does the greater well more closely match the template of an abrahamic Creator God these are the ground questions that this video hopes to address for pondering these foundational ideas has added even more depth to this incredible world of Elden ring for me and I hope by the end of this video you feel the same even if you do not agree with all the points I make so join me this week as we assess the nature of the greater will and the outer gods but before we start guys if you like Elden ring lore then consider subscribing to the channel and liking this video as I have errors of lore content for you to sink your teeth into but he desired rather to subdue to his will both elves and Men envying the gifts with which olivatar promised to endow them and he wished himself to have subjects and servants and to be called lord and to be Master over other Wells such for the desires of melkor the first dark lord of the Lord of the Rings saga a cosmic being who envied the ability of his progenitor and livitar to create life for milk or wish to create for himself rather than being a mere instrument of something greater than he and if he could not create he would dominate warp and control Arda and those who inhabited it Mel court and delivered are both are unfathomable Cosmic beings Beyond human cane but only one of them had the ability to create only one of them was the Supreme deity a being based on tolkien's own Catholic beliefs any Supreme Soul deity that idea and deference is the core of this video the differences between it being who can create and one who can merely act upon the world which has already been created it is my aim to do a comprehensive analysis of both the greater will and the outer Gods their abilities their aims and their nature ultimately to highlight their differences I myself have been quick to name the greater will and outer God such as in my Michela lore video but the more I've studied the lore and attempted to understand the nature of Eldon Ring's world and its history the more I have come to disagree with this idea I think that the greater well is something more than an outer God and that it takes the possession of the Supreme deity of this world my main reasons for doing so and therefore the outline of my thesis are number one in-game references to Outer gods and the greater wealth not crossing paths two the language used for both of these different gods three what outer Gods actually are and what they can do and four the greater will as a supreme Creator deity that doesn't fit the mold of an outer God so with this thesis laid out let us tackle the first of these and that is the mentions of outer gods and the greater will in game and their lack of interaction there are eight direct mentions to Outer gods in the game with four of these being semi-repetitive as they are tied to Michaela's needles Ben totality these eight references reference the Scarlet Rock God via the Scorpion singer and via the lake of rot map then there is the formless mother or mother of blood which is mentioned by Morgan's sacred spear then there is the outer god of the death rate Birds and the twin bird which is mentioned on the twin bird Kate shield and then finally there is the outer god of the frenzied flame which is implied to B1 via the mickler's needle and the other versions of this needle because it is used to Ward away the influence of the outer gods and this item's only use is to Ward away the influence of the French seed flame there's also another mention of the ancient god of rot in the blue dancer Talisman so let's be generous and bring that up to nine direct mentions to the outer gods in game there are 15 unique references to the greater Welland game including item descriptions dialogue and I say unique because there are repeat references in all of the Knox armor and the two mirror Helms none of the mentions of the Avatar Gods name the greater well as one of their number nor do any of the mentions of the greater well label it as an outer God and there should really be our first clue that the greater wealth stands apart from these nebulous deities or at least make it clear that it is not a certainty that it is an outer God and thankfully from my theory this is also backed up by the original Japanese used a Nuance that was brought to my attention by the viewer the great Cosmic axiotyl who commented on one of my community posts the great Cosmic axioto claims the information they are providing comes via their famous Italian YouTuber sebaku no Mako in episode 38 of his Eldon ring series which I will link below axiotel noted that the term in Japanese for outer God sotonaro is fitting because it is used to define beings that fall outside a group or a system outside God oxiathl then notes that the greater well is never referred to in the same way and in fact the term in Japanese for greater will is a word that is closely related to the biblical God in the Japanese translations this idea of the greater well-being linguistically tied to the biblical God is backed up by YouTuber Doug mangai a horrendously underrated channel that provides some of the most in-depth breakdowns of the Japanese I have ever seen and I highly recommend you take a look at their channel in a video on Hiatus dialogue regarding the greater well Dogman guy backs up the idea that the greater well is linguistically tied to the abrahamic or biblical God by noting that the Japanese for greater well in the game borrows from the Japanese translation of the Old Testament and they believe that by using the same language the writers of Elden ring are very much trying to evoke the idea that the greater well is the god of the lands between so again a massive shout out to dugmangai for this awesome work but to make sure I covered all my bases I turned to someone I often do for Japanese translations the last protagonist he was able to provide the following information when I asked him to verify these translations and last protagonists did indeed confirm that the greater well is not referred to in the same manner as the outer gods linguistically so thanks again to last protagonist for this verification to the great Cosmic axiotyl for bringing this to my attention and finally to dig mangai for his excellent work this linguistic proof should be evidence enough that the greater well is meant to be standing apart from what we know as the outer gods that the authors want us to believe it is something different however this was apparent to me even before I realized there was differences in the Japanese mainly because of the differences in presentation and in the lore I believe the outer Gods behave and operate in a different manner to the greater well so next I think it would be prudent for us to discuss the outer Gods so that we can properly comprehend their nature and see how it differs from the greater well 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manscaped anti-chafing boxers head over to manscape.com and get 20 off plus free shipping and those two free gifts when you use my promo code small at manscape.com so big thanks to manscape for sponsoring this video and know back to the lore the Earth are God's in essence are great Cosmic beings that operate in a different plane of thought and existence to us for those who have played bloodborne and are familiar with the great ones will automatically realize that the authors are meaning to evoke this same kind of idea of cosmic being and the linguistic evidence shown by the great Cosmic axiotyl and by last protagonist they'll be looked over in the previous chapter we know that outer gods are outer Gods because they exist out with this plane of existence they are outside the order established on the Mortal plane of Eldon ring the cosmic and the Divine have often intersected in fantasy before and so there shouldn't be a massive concept for us to understand in this world there are grounded Gods elected by these higher beings to rule on their behalf Gods like America then there are the cosmic gods that exist outside our human understanding of life and outside the normal parameters of this world as you have no doubt sensed by the amount of quotes I've used my main allegory for this entire video is the silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings Mythos the gods of that Universe elevator and the Valar are also Cosmic in nature as the event of creation as detailed in the silmarillion take place within the void of space but beyond their Cosmic and inhuman nature many questions still remain where did they come from did the greater will create them are they themselves aspect of the greater will or do they exist entirely separately from the greater will what will follow will of course be my own speculation but let us start with a very basic fact about the outer gods that they are very very old firstly the outer God of rot is referred to as ancient in the blue dancer charm as it reads as follows a cloth doll depicting a dancer garbed in blue an ancient heirloom of some sort the dancer in blue represents a fairy who in Legend bestowed a flowing sword upon a blind swordsman played in hand The Swordsman sealed away an ancient god a God that was wrought itself in addition we know the outer god of the death birds and their death rates has also existed for a very long time given they have existed in the time before the Earth tree and this is told to us directly by the explosive ghost flame item description which reads as follows and the time when there is no archery death was burned in ghost flame death birds were the keepers of that flame so you get the picture so if these beings are so old then it is possible that the outer gods are individual concept that fractured into the existence when the one great itself was fractured and life began to spread this is an idea presented by the Reddit user lapses 55 in a comment where they liken the outer Gods as representations of certain fundamental laws in the world like death and disease there are those that take this idea further for the greater well-created these concept created these outer Gods although they are beings that were also birthed from the fracturing of the one great I.E they too are products of its hands I don't believe that the greater well-created the outer gods and personally my favorite theory is that the outer gods are cosmic beings that are completely external to the world of Elden ring going back to those linguistic translations by the great Cosmic axiotyl and last protagonist that they are not creations of this world nor do they belong to it they are simply Cosmic beings from the great void of space who have essentially been attracted to this world that is at least my understanding on the emphasis that is put on these Gods being external to this world and again we can find allegories for these beings in tolkien's legendarium there are cosmic beings that also exist outside the creations of a louvitar and are a noble and not even understood by the gods themselves for example there's angoliant the great spider who corrupted the two trees while allied with melkor in chapter 8 of the cell morelian Mongolian is described as having unknown Origins even to the Eldar and is believed to have crawled from the abyss surrounding Arda I.E the void of space and chose to remain there Mongolian therefore is an external being outside of the creation of ardor who has simply come here and at this point I'd just like to interject that if you are interested in talking lore like I am I would recommend the channel the red book this is a tremendous channel that I've been enjoying immensely recently who goes into a lot of depth and detail about specific Topics in the Tolkien legendarium and I will link that channel below if you are interested like on Golian I speculate that the outer gods are cosmic beings unknowable and incomprehensible to us separate from the creation of this world that come from a realm Beyond errors and are drawn to this Mortal plane like moths to a flame I have nothing solid to back this up of course beside the linguistic evidence that we've already looked at and the usual tropes of great Cosmic beings with these ideas of the cosmic and external gods in mind let us take a moment to analyze each of the confirmed outer Gods to assess what their abilities and limits actually are first of the confirmed outer Gods is the formless mother or mother of Truth which moves communion with it results in him becoming the Lord of blood there is then the outer God of rot one of the most directly referenced of their kind and this is the god sealed underneath the lake of rot and responsible for the spread of the Scarlet wrought and its incubation within millennia then we have the outer god of the deaf birds that being which acts through its Envoy the twin bird and her children the death Birds who spread the death rates then finally the only other definitive outer God is confirmed via implication that we'd spoke about earlier and this is the outer god of the frenzied flame which spreads its influence through Frenzy there are other potential candidates such as the forces behind the various moons the god of the crystalians or the failed God but quite frankly we just can't know for certain because they're not referred to directly as outer gods and no I do not believe there is an outer god of the dragons and I will cover this in my greater well section shortly but let us review the outer gods and attempt to answer some big questions namely what do they want and what can they actually do let us start with one that we have covered on the channel before the formless mother who Moog has become associated with we learn via the bloodborne incantation that blood is this formless Mother's medium of communion and communication as it reads the mother of Truth craves wounds when MOG stood before her deep underground his accursed blood erupted with fire and he was basorted with defilement that he was born into via wounds and blood the formless mother is able to spread her influence as we learned Via Mobile spear moogs enhanced Powers come via his master blessing his accursive blood telling us that this formless mother is actually able to affect blood to the point where it can Empower mode because of his defiled blood within his body in turn Moore communes with the formless mother by causing her wounds and spreading blood again the more blood the more her influence spreads and regions where blood is abundant such as Morgan Palace and Rose Church in leernia we can see this corruption taking place in the form of giant cysts blood roses and Afflicted forms of life and this is presumably a sample of how the world would be should the formless mother and her Lord of blood claim Dominion and is also important to note that this order the order of blood replicates the command structure of the greater well there will be a god of blood in mikola and there is a lord of blood in place of an Elden Lord a stark mirror to America and her Eldon Lord so everything about this order and about the powers of the formless mother and outer God is about corruption nothing here is being created let us look at another of the outer Gods the god of the Scarlet Rock which is again a God we have touched upon in this channel one of the most clear references to this God is via the Scorpion Stinger but probably a more interesting reference comes from the blue dancer Talisman we've already read that item description but in essence it talks about an event with this ancient god a God that was wrought itself was sealed away and from the item description of the lake of rot map we know that it was sealed below this Lake of rot like the formless mother this outer God exerts its influence over the world and corrupts it via a material in this case this material is the Scarlet Rock like the formless mother it too has selected a vessel God the powerful Millennia who serves as an infection Vector for the Scarlet rot as we can see by her effect on Caleb which has spread the Scarlet wrought significantly I speak on the Scarlet raw in great detail in my Millennial lore video but what is clear is that the Scarlet rot is no mere pestilence but an aspect or a power of this outer God that will remake the world in its image it doesn't just waste away the body as a pestilence as Gary tells us even the demigods could not read the world of this pestilence it is something more than mere disease however the Scarlet rot isn't just death it is also life and we can get an idea of what this order of rots would look like via the poison Mist incantation which reads as follows the death that begets life that comes to all equally that is to say it is the cycle of rebirth put into practice sweeping death brought via pestilence and New Life rising from the carrying of the Dead such as the silverfish-like pests this is of course realistic as in the real world when things die New Life comes from that death you get maggots and flies in the corpses of the dead as well as bacteria growing within carrion the Scarlet rot is a transformative medium that would transform and kill life on this Earth but also bring about new forms of life we get a preview of what such a world would be like in The Afflicted lands of Khalid and the hollowed helic tree life certainly but also death in abundance a cycle of death and life there's also the most enigmatic of the definitive outer gods and that is the outer god of the deaf birds and their twin bird mother this is again a subject I've spoke on in great detail in my deathbeds video but again this outer God is focused upon spreading its influence upon the land notably in its dominion over funerary practices in the age before the archery and the spreading of its death rates however the most important probably to consider for this argument is the frenzied flame and like the prior two examples the outer God of chaos does not act directly upon the world backs through emissaries such as the three fingers maidens like kayeta and the demon shabiri as well as having a corrupting Force like the others the frenzied flame and the spread of the frenzy affliction the aim of this outer God is to once again affect which has already been created by the greater well on making it so that the life is melted down into one form I will be doing a frenzied flame lore video in the near future so I won't go into it too much depth but suffice it to say that this outer God spreads its influence via the frenzied flame much as the formless mother does by Blood and lately God of rot does via the Scarlet Raw so while this outer God does operate in the same general manner as the others it is unique in that it stands more starkly as a mirror reflection to the greater will and indeed it is such an inverse of the greater will that some believe that it was once a part of the greater will that the two fingers and the three fingers were once one making a whole hand or that at the very least it proves that the greater will is an outer God because the frenzied flame is so similar in its nature to the greater will and of course while these are valid I do not necessarily agree with either and instead I see the outer God of chaos and it Stark mirroring of the greater well as posturing as a mockery of the greater will and its ideals mainly because it seeks to undo the greater world's idea of life and indeed I don't see as much different from the possessions taken by the outer God of blood for example all of these outer Gods follow the same pattern they are attempting to corrupt the lands between but they will also offer up a new Pantheon directly copying and perverting the established Pantheon of the greater well the formless mother offers the most complete example of what I mean there is a lord of blood in opposition to the Elden lord and there could be a god of blood in opposition to America we see partial constructions of this and the other outer Gods as well such as Millennia being groomed to become the goddess of rot and the player character who can become the Lord of frenzied flame in opposition to the Elden Lord everything that the outer Gods take they take from the greater well and there may be some Cosmic balance to it that we don't fully comprehend that there needs to be a lord or there needs to be a god my point being is that the frenzied Flame manifesting the three fingers doesn't automatically mean that we need to think of the two fingers and the three fingers being one hand there are many two fingers after all so it's not like there is just one two fingers there are two fingers in each of the Divine towers and there is of course a two fingers for Rani so there isn't a total of five fingers anyway so this has never really made much sense to me and I see this two fingers plus three equals five as two literal an interpretation instead I see it as symbolic that the frenzied flame outer God has chosen three fingers to represent its vision of uniting everyone once again as whole that the three and the two do make a whole five a whole hand but it is symbolic symbolic of its ideals rather than it literally being three fingers that were torn from the two that just doesn't make sense to me I believe that the frenzied flame is essentially just a mockery of the greater world's position because it mirrors its own ideals so starkly everything the outer gods do is based around the greater will in subverting something the greater well has already created and established they do not create anything and this brings me to the very meat of why I do not believe the greater well as an outer God for it has done something they cannot it has created life the outer Gods corrupt subvert or destroy that which has already been made by the greater well almost as if the enviously eye the lands between and this Mortal plain a parallel to male court and olivitar from Lord of the Rings the god of rot will afflict the world with pestilence so that new life may emerge from the death but all of this is based upon the greater Wells already living creation the greater Wells lands and peoples so too could be said of morgue and his formless mother we see a preview of their world in mogwin's Palace an infested world of blood and blood crazed beasts yet a corruption it remains this is not true creation the greater well-formed life like clay can be molded on a scale far beyond any of the outer God's powers yes they have servants envoys and vassals and they can corrupt but what is that compared to the scale of the greater Wells creation this ultimately begs a question at the core of this video what is the greater well the name itself greater well is a time to me that is always suggested that it is the greatest of these Cosmic beings and throughout the following sections I will attempt to prove this by showing its relationship to life creation and Order remember the outer gods are external Gods because they are external to this world the Greater well-created Life on this Earth it can't possibly be an external God because it is so intrinsically linked to the life on this Earth and that is what I will show for the next following chapters that the main reason it is not an outer God or an external God is because it is not external to this world it is intrinsically linked to it in fact indeed the way in which the greater will is referred to by NPCs is as if this being is truly the ultimate Authority in this plane of existence the tragic Corruption of the order has taken its to across the realm life lies in ruin fall into pieces foul curses and misery spread unabating but the greater will has not abandoned a realm nor the life that inhabits it of their Newfound strength triggered the shattering a war from which no Lord arose a war leading to abandonment by the greater will both of these references to the greater well and its abandonment of the world already creates an image of a god whose very domain is the safe keeping of this world and the lands found within it much like the biblical God and much like the biblical God his Creations can disappoint him and be renounced much like the demigods and indeed marker for her actions the Christian imagery associated with the greater will and its punishments are undeniable with the punishment of America being crucified the punishment of the magma worms being akin to the serpent being cursed to crawl along their bellies and the punishment of the guilty with Briars just to name a few and as we will discuss later there are parallels of the Ten Commandments to be made with the teachings of the two fingers in consort with the biblical language in the Japanese associated with the greater will this imagery and relationship between the greater well and its World very much Paints the picture of a supreme abrahamic deity one of the other massive similarities the greater will has to the biblical God is of course creation and I want to start this discussion with what I see not only as the most important dialogue for this discussion but one of the most important dialogues in the entire game I'm of course referring to Hiatus dialogue after she has touched the frenzied flame and begins to Divine its will thank you thank you I have touched them the words of the three fingers as your maiden allow me to Divine them or that there is came from the one great then came fractures and births for the greater will made a mistake torment to bear friction every sin Every curse everyone born of the mistake and so what was borrowed must be returned melt it all away with the yellow chaos flame until all is won again I do not understand why it took me so long to realize how significant this dialogue truly is of course I understood its importance in regards to the one great and the motivations of the frenzied flame however when researching for my dragon lore video it finally clicked the greater well has the power of creation and in fact is most likely responsible for all life that we find in this world while this is evident to most as it was for me the importance of it is something that is often overlooked and so let us analyze this dialogue firstly hayata states that it was the greater will who was responsible for the division of the one great so what is the one great well there are those who argue that the greater well once formed part of the one great due to the similarities between the word great in one great and greater will yeah again I turned to dugman guide to disprove this where he states that the differences in language use specifically the biblical language associated with greater will makes it far distinct from one great and to me it's a concept that we're not really meant to understand it's back to this idea of cosmic creation But ultimately I just see it as a form of life that was just whole and not divided and is something that we can't really understand and that ultimately all life that we now see in the lands between was once all melded together in a singular form like different pots cups and plates be made from the same batch of clay the life found within this one great has been taken and divided and distinguished from something that was whole and indistinguishable the Earth tree to the ground and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes oh May chaos take the world May chaos take the world yet debated it was and life took on new desperate forms leading to the species that we see today and my dragon's lore video I did consider the question of how the greater will actually achieved this how it fractured this one great as pointed out in a Sinclair lore podcast which I will link below Sophie and Sen make the great point that when the greater will acts it never acts directly hence it has a vassal Beast a vassal God two fingers Elden Lord and Eldon ring to enforce its rule on the lands between and this then brings me back to one of the most important item descriptions in the game the Eldon Stars which reads as follows it is said that long ago the greater well sent a golden star bearing a beast into the lines between which would later become the Elden ring I therefore theorized that the greater well always acts through its intermediaries and that the Advent of the one great being fractured must be no different so the arrival of the Eldon Beast and the Eldon ring to me is a significant event that marks the beginning of the greater Wells influence on this world and I believe it was the presence and arrival of the Eldon ring an Elden Beast that influenced the one great and began the fracturing process that these two events the fracturing and the arrival of the Eldon ring are two intersecting events to me the greater well is very biblical and that it has two main facets to its domain the creation of life being number one and the enforcement of order upon that life that it's created the idea of order being a primary concern of the greater well is told to us early on in its Mythos with the arrival of the Elden Beast it's vassal Beast upon the Mortal plane for its remembrance reads as follows it was the vassal beast of the greater well and a living incarnation of the concept of order the concept of order was literally introduced to the World by the greater well and those who brandished the Elden ring are representatives of that order the enforcers of the greater Wells order we know that the Eldon ring is a tool that enforces the laws and Order of the world foreign of the death Prince for each incarnation of the Elden ring built up by its different runes is an order and this makes sense given the ruins of the Eldon Reign govern the laws of this world in a certain manner that together holistically encompasses an order ratat score has done a great video on this very subject called the greater well doesn't care about the golden order and I will link that video Below in that video rather task score highlights the depictions of the Elden ring found within pharmaceutical and speculates on something I also have in various videos that this was the Elden ring brandished by placidusacks in the time of the dragon's rule an Elden ring that represented an order for a far more primeval era in this video write a task or aptly says that the greater will just wants an order and doesn't necessarily care what form order takes I agree but we take it further in that I don't think it's necessarily that the greater world doesn't care more that the greater well recognizes that for different eras different forms of order and different laws are required whether that be the more wild era of The Crucible and the dragon's Eldon ring or the more refined and ordered period of the golden order and whatever version of order we seek to impose as radigan's successor all that is required that there be an order that meets the need of that particular era and while these actually govern the laws of the world one can't help but see the parallels between the biblical God again with the set of Commandments and the moral code and laws that would derived from it this brings us back around to the idea of Life we've already looked at how the greater well fills the biblical role of a god through its creation and its application of Law and Punishment as well as the symbolism and imagery associated with the greater well however I want to look at the greater world's relationship with life which I believe is pivotal in understanding its true nature and how it stands apart from the other outer Gods thanks to the godskin noble set we know that the crucible was the primordial form of the earth tree and this is important because they are both tied to the greater will and the greater Wells management of life first of all we know that the crucible was a churn where all life was Blended together for the aspects of The Crucible incantations I'll read the following this is a manifestation of the archery's Primal vital energies an aspect of the primordial Crucible where all life was once Blended together we also learned from the gelded great Shield that once found within The Crucible was primordial matter which reminds me of the primordial soup and the matter found within of our own planet's history this hot broth contained the building blocks to all life on our Earth likewise The Crucible seems to be the source of all life on this Earth as indeed the aspects of the crystal incantations does say not just life but all life and indeed soluria's spear item description backs up this idea given that The Crucible is close in nature to life itself it is the source of life now while we learn that all life was Blended together in The Crucible I do not believe that the unity of life is the purpose of this era and indeed I more actually see the archery era as the idea of convergence and regression but that's something I talk about in more detail in my archery lore video instead I believe The Crucible is the way in which the one great was divided up and desperate life was born from it and the reason that all life was Blended together within The Crucible is that it was the next stage in evolution from the one great which itself was life all Blended together and to me it was through the crucible that life was fractured and made desperate the fact that all life is tied to this source and thus the greater well is backed up by its successor and next evolutionary form the air tree straight off the back we can establish that all natural life is seen as connected to the Earth tree something we learned via the greatest lore item in the game the albertoric blood clot this top-tier item reads as follows the thick coagulated blood of the albinorex albanorics are life forms made by human hands thus many believe them to live impure lives Untouched by the Ard tree's Grace thus if albanarchs are seen as Untouched by the archery's grace because they are artificial then the implication must be the all-natural life is seen as connected to the Earth tree and indeed if the Earth tree is the next form of The Crucible and The Crucible is the source of all life this makes sense that these two mediums of the greater Wells power are intrinsically linked to life itself one begat life and One controls life and again if you want an in-depth look at the Earth tree and what its actual function is I would highly recommend my archery lore video in which I go into detail on its control over the cycle of life but in short the archery establishes a new era of Life a new system threats the greater well and its vassals can control life the laws of regression and causality of the golden order speak of life being connected and how life will regress and ultimately converge regression towards the mean means that outliers cannot be tolerated and life must exist within a more refined set of parameters ultimately moving towards convergence of all life this convergence is achieved by life literally being recycled through the archery via our tree burial even in death the materials are reabsorbed and recycled through the art tree I have always seen the process of archery burial as a way of recycling this life that the dead are given back to the archery and absorbed and that this era of the earth tree unlike the era of The Crucible is about the status quo about refining and controlling the growth of life but if the dead are absorbed by the Earth tree and this is a cycle of life I have always wondered are new life forms born from the air tree well we may have found a plausible answer thanks to the Keen mind of the tarnished archaeologists in tarnished archaeologist video Elden ranks cycle of Life which I highly recommend as it goes into far more depth on these ideas of the cycle of life he makes an astute observation on the doors found within catacombs where the archery burials themselves take place on the design of these doors we see bodies being absorbed by the roots of the archery and as tarnish archaeologist says this is a literal representation of what we see an earth tree burial with that in mind tarnished archaeologist Ponders if what we see at the base of the tree is literal then can the same be applied to what we see at the top of this depiction as we see people being born as a fruit or Dew from a tree tarnished archaeologist supports the idea that life is born from the earth Tree by citing the dialogues of melanor if you go to choose the frenzied flame path in this dialogue where Melina pleads with you not to choose the path of the frenzied flame Melina equates the destruction of the earth tree via the burning of it in the frenzied flame as literally the denial of new life as if birth and life is tied to the archery itself finally tarnished archeology also backs up the Earth trees Association of recycling life with ronalis Amber a likening it to an Amber from the earth tree which enclosed a great Rune of rebirth and the process of its rebirth is a microcosm of the archery's command over the cycle of life and at this Junction the video I do just want to ask you to check out tarnished archaeologist's Channel they really are a detail-focused channel and videos like their Earth tree is an illusion video really have me rethinking what I believe about the game's fundamentals again the entire point of this Segway about the art tree and The Crucible is that the greater world is not just the creator of life but also the God who oversees it controls and manages it but is intrinsically linked to it via the Earth tree The Crucible and the Eldon ring life is so intrinsically linked to the greater will that it can't possibly be termed as an outer God an outer God literally is an external God as we have discussed before how can the greater will be one of their number when it is so intrinsically tied to the very nature of Life found within its World it very much is the opposite of an external God and I think the greater world's deep connection the intrinsic link to life found on this planet is no better Illustrated than by its connection to the dragons and sorts to these ancient beasts that we turn to next in my prior lore video on the ancient dragons I related the chief of their kind places to Tiamat the Mesopotamian god of the sea and a being symbolic of the chaos of primordial creation and as I said in that video I feel as though this is an apt connection because the dragons are meant to be symbolic of the early primordial era of life on a planet as we know they belong to the period known as prehistory and this is something we can learn from any of the Dragon protection talismans which read as follows the ancient dragons who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Earth tree would protect their lord as a wall of living Rock and so it is that the shape of the Dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections in a way they evoke the era of the dinosaur to us the same idea of Primal primeval life and a chaotic era of life that is so beyond human comprehension it is easy to see these Mighty reptilian beasts taking the place of dinosaurs in this fictional World however something else I pondered in that video but didn't really explore was the Deep connection the dragons have to the greater well and the Perfection of their form so let's go over that again with the most obvious connections of all the fact that the dragons had an Elden Lord a possession of lordship that is clearly linked to the Eldon ring and therefore the greater will there are people who would counter this claim by claiming that the term Eldon does not appear in the Japanese as I explained in a pinned comment on my dragon's lore video this simply is not true and I will now cite the opinion of various Japanese speakers firstly I once again cite dugmangai an excellent source of Elden ring item translations and in his video six essential Elden ring item descriptions in Japanese he confirms that the term ELD found in the Japanese appears both in the item description of Elden stars and the dragon Lord's Remembrance in exactly the same way I've also had this confirmed by a friend of the channel and reputable Authority on the game's translation last protagonist who again confirmed to me that the dragon lord Remembrance in the Japanese clearly paints placidusacks as Eldon Lord there are also other translations which repeat the same sentiment such as the Reddit comment by user Lamy one which I will link below and a comment on my dragon's video from viewertio and so if you do disagree at this point I highly recommend that you check out all of these sources especially Dickman guys video so with the semantics firmly tied to the term Elden Lord what other ties can be seen between the dragons and the greater well as I said at the onset of this chapter I feel the very makeup of the Dragons shows that at their core they are closely tied to the greater will and its gold firstly we can see the gold prominently displayed on their physiology on the golden membrane of their wings and this facet of their physiology is explored in detail by Zuri the Witch and they are a horrible nightmare video which I will link below and this video was really correctly identifies that this gold only appears on the soft tissue of their dragons whereas the rest of their body is covered in the gravel Stone scales the gold appears on portions like the Wang membrane or the wounds of Passage I.E on the skin underneath his Stony scales I find this to be a really exciting detail because it means the literal flesh of these beings is gold tying them to the greater well more closely than other beings given their skin and flesh is literally gold this is tied to the fact that the red lightning wielded by the dragons itself is imbued with gold as is directly stated by the gravel Stone talisman finally the Elden lord of the Dragons placedusax has a closer tie to the greater will via his powerful breath unlike the orange fiery breath of his Brethren placidusax has a golden fire as is stated in placiduous axes ruin as I did mention in my dragon lore video golden fire is significant not only because it is the gold of the greater well but because there is only one other being that breathes this type of golden fire the Eldon Beast the eldenbeast is very much directly tied to the greater will it is the vassal beast of the greater will and brought the Elden ring to the lands between that placentusax is granted very similar powers to a vassal of the greater will itself implies a deep connection between the dragons and the greater will especially between their Elden Lord earlier on in the video I argued that the greater will fills the road of the abrahamic or Christian God as a grand Creator deity and as I said in my dragon's video I Feel the dragons are almost too perfect they are perfect vessels for its Vision they are Immortal and they wield gold and are immensely powerful and intelligent beings Farm Mozilla was their domain and in that domain there is an inscription or depiction of the Elden ring any more Primal form myself and many others believe that the dragons were the first custodians of the Elden ring and the placiduous acts and his God that has now fled were the vassal Pantheon much like Godfrey and Marca would be later on the dragons are so perfect the perfect instruments to wield the Elden ring so in tune with the gold and so powerful and given the fact that the gold is very much part of their physiology they feel like they are handcrafted in Genesis of the Bible God also makes a handcrafted being designed specifically to rule over on his behalf humans and so now I'm going to read from the Genesis part of the Bible just so you get an understanding of what I'm referring to so God created Mankind in his own image and the image of God he created male and female he created them God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase a number fill the Earth and subdue it reel over the fish and the Sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground God made humanity and His Image and they were his instrument on the earth that he had created to rule over all life is it possible that the grand creator of Elden Ring's world is parallel with this and made his own perfect Creations designed to rule over all other life forms like the Christian God are the dragons made in the greater Will's image one can't help but return to the Eldon Beast which itself is fairly draconic in appearance a cosmic being and breathes fire like the dragons do this is a being as close to the greater well as we will ever see and is it possible that the dragons too were made in its image the perfect beings to rule over the greater Wells new domain another parallel that sets it as the abrahamic God of this world of Elden Ring's world even if you don't believe that this is a parallel the hand of the greater well upon the dragons is undeniable its influence in developing this perfect life form a being that lives beyond time and literally has gold in its varied DNA this again seems something far beyond what the outer gods are capable of they corrupt and transform life that already exists but here we have a god manipulating a life form at its very core and is very DNA infusing it with its gold and much like the biblical God it seems as though the greater will has had a hand in helping societies develop and guiding his Creations there's of course the beastmen who we learn have been granted intelligence that before they were just Beasts for the Cinque dear item description reads as follows the design celebrates it BEAST's five fingers symbolic of the intelligence once granted upon their kind the beastmen of far Mozilla were once granted intelligence and as described by the bestial Vitality incantation they were once beasts that became something more they were beings that were given intelligence to them rather than having it evolved and they would move from Beasts to being beings who wielded stone tools as described by the bestial sling and later iron tools as described by the beastman cleaver this very much mirrors the development of our ancestors from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age but instead reminds me of 2001 A Space Odyssey in which humanity and its ancestors are guided through different stages of development by an outside Cosmic intelligence whoever we credit the granting of intelligence too it will always lead back to the greater Wells designs whether it was placidusacks the Elden Beast or the Elden ring and again it makes me think of the biblical God who in the Bible is described as teaching Humanity at various points such as through the lessons taught to Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel and earlier I did speak about the Ten Commandments how in the Bible these came down to humanity via God and they helped develop the idea of morals and laws and indeed an Elden ring we get the idea that it too the greater will gave us Commandments or words of Faith via the two fingers heirloom which reads as follows fingers cannot speak yet these were eloquent persistently did they wriggle spelling out mysteries in the air thus that we gain the words the words of our faith how closely is this tied to the Ten Commandments coming down from an abrahamic God these are the words the words of Faith the words of the greater will coming down to us again it just fills a rule for me of that abrahamic God and now with that all said I think it's time we do a summary of everything we have discussed in this video when the greater Wells sent the Elden Beast and the Elden rang down to the Mortal plain the aim was to create diverse life and I am off the belief that the Elden Beast and the fracturing of the one great are coinciding events to stimulate life and that Life as we know it in this world of Elden ring is therefore intrinsically linked to the Eldon ring it was begativit and therefore all life is connected to the Earth tree and the greater will earlier on in this video we determined the outer gods are named so because they are external to this group or this world how can the greater well be considered an external God when it is so closely tied to life on this planet and the creation of this life it is as much part of this world as we are as the tarnished like the abrahamic biblical God the greater will has its chosen vassals its prophets its invoice and its holy scriptures and ideas come from the two fingers life and Society has been Guided by their Supreme creator for all intents and purposes the greater World dominates life on this world and imposes its will and Order upon all this to me stands in stark contrast to the outer Gods who are only able to manipulate and corrupt that which has already been created by the greater will in a way there are lesser versions of the greater will stylizing their own lesser orders and ideals on its established Pantheon and an almost envious display of posturing the connections to biblical iconography and language is undeniable the crucification of Marco the handing down of holy words from the two fingers and the punishment of the Guilty by Briars the outer gods are no doubt Cosmic beings of immense power that we don't really understand but they are external to this world and while they are trying to subvert them and they surely can with our help the power and influence of the greater well Terrors above them and for me is something far greater than these outside meddlers at least when it comes to this Mortal plane whether or not you agree that the greater well is different from the outer Gods I believe there's plenty of evidence that helps establish its Primacy and that it is orders of magnitude greater than they are especially when it comes to dealing with this Mortal plane and ultimately for me it takes the possession of a grand supreme deity in this particular Epic so thanks guys that is my take on the greater well and the outer gods and the difference there in between if you like this video please consider giving a like and a subscribe as I do primarily cover Elden ring lore content if you'd like to support the channel in other ways I do have a membership and a patreon but until next time guys let me know your thoughts on the greater will and comment below with anything you disagree with or anything you think I've missed but until next time guys I will see you at the feet of the two fingers take care and have a great day foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 302,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring lore, elden ring, elden ring story, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, elden ring endings explained, fundamentalism, golden order, erdtree, radagon, roundtable hold, golden lineage, great tree, elden ring story explained, elden ring explained, elden ring godwyn, night of the black knives, the greater will, outer gods, mother of truth, scarlet rot, frenzied flame, three fingers, two fingers, melina, hyetta, marika, malenia
Id: cOXnissPGhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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