Elden Ring Lore | The Albinaurics

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the archery is seen as the Nexus for the vast majority of life in the lands between the focal point through which we can observe the cycle of natural life there are however some exceptions Outcast to the current order there are those who live in death those Touched By The Crucible and then there are those beings made by the hand of humankind in the depths of the Eternal cities we find the pitable Abominations known as the dragon Ken soldiers an unnatural attempt by the Knox to recreate the power of the Dragons there are the silver tier mimics a result of Knox alchemy that exists to mimic natural life but of course the most iconic example of artificial life in the lands between is the albanorics a people of two different Generations found all throughout the lands between the urban oryx are a fascinating case in the lore not only because of their artificial nature but because of the widespread persecution that they face from a myriad of different factions and aside from these story beats the obanorcs are a case study in the themes of alchemy life and Destiny all in one at their core the albanorics are an alchemical Trope an attempt to create the perfect form of life and get into doing a new flawed race has been born a race full of hopes and desires yet are mercilessly persecuted for their disconnect from the earth tree and its cycle of Life by studying these Fascinating People we can not only learn more about the nature of life within the lands between but also about the beliefs and prejudices of those found within it it is one of the greatest stories told in nailed and ring anchored by The Game's greatest lore item that not only enriches our understanding of life within this world but simultaneously manages to be a genuinely emotional story of a people who deserves so much more so join me this week as we explore the plight of the albinorex and remember guys if you like Elden ring lore then consider subscribing to the channel as I have hours of lore content for you to enjoy I think it is fitting that we start this discussion with the greatest lore item in the game an item that holds a special place in this channel if you are new to the channel the albanoric blood clot which reads as follows the thick coagulated blood of the albinorex material used for crafting items all benarex are life forms made by human hands thus many believe them to live impure lives Untouched by the archery's grace so the core of the identity of the Albin oryx is defined by two key components one they are artificial and two they are not connected to the world or cycle of the earth tree the latter is something we will look at later in the video but it is the former their artificial nature that is tied to their Origins and is thus what we will begin with besides being artificially created the urban Orcs May initially appear like a mystery in terms of where they actually come from but we can start to understand when we unpack the related lore items a good example of where to start is of course the Ripple blade a weapon wielded by the albanorics themselves which reads the following unique weapon wielded by Young Albin oryx their sword is modeled after the rebels that are thought to be the origin of their species some may see this as a somewhat abstract description of their origin story but the idea of ripples is of course to make us think of a liquid origin indeed we may get further evidence of said liquid via the blue silver armor this is the armor set worn by the albinoric wolf archers this set reads as follows chainmail Hood crafted with blue silver worn by the wolf writing albenoric archers blue silver is a metal born from the same mother as The Archers themselves and pervades protection from Magic and frost so according to this piece of lore the albanorics are born from the same source of Metallurgy as the blue silver armor and with that Rebel description in hand we can conclude that they are born from some kind of liquid silver this also seems to match up with the actual look of the albinaric blood clot and the silver liquid that they bleed when you hit them and it can lead us to a fairly surface level conclusion already at this stage they are man-made and they are born of a liquid silver thus they are a human-made experiment born of some kind of alchemy however we can dig a little deeper and find the origins of this Alchemy if we dare look at some cut content and related life forms with that said let us start with the cut content I'm referring to as I always say when we look at cut content it is a double-edged sword in some cases it can be used to look at the intention behind some lore in other areas it was obviously completely scrapped and no longer has any bearing so take it with a pinch of salt but what I'm bringing your attention to is a cut dialogue from tops who at one stage would have said the following additional line after telling us about the Glenstone key before we entered Leonia proper he said oh one more thing where are the albanorics accursed souls born of a forbidden right of the Eternal City the curse weathered the legs of the old and silenced the tongues of the frogs and now they hold deep grudges for anyone left untouched so it appears it would have been made extremely clear as to where the open oryx originated from at one point the Eternal cities now this does make a lot of sense given what we know of the Eternal cities and the nox and their experimentation and so it is to the Knox that we turn to next even before we found this cut dialogue The Knocks have always been a really solid fit for the creators of the Alban oryx given the knox's proven aptitude for experimentation Alchemy and life manipulation so let's go over the knocks and their history briefly but if you want a more intense Take On The Knocks I have done an eternal cities lore video which I will link below we know from the Knox armor sets that they were banished underground for conspiring against the greater well and now they are in internal anticipation of their league of the coming of the age of stars and a lord of Knight and therefore it is logical to conclude that most of the Knox efforts and experimentations are part of their effort to overthrow the greater will and bring up a lord of night the first example of this is the object that I assume led to their banishment in the first place the Finger Slayer blade this blade is a bizarre product but it is evidently knitted to kill E2 fingers as Rani seems unable to do it without this tool suggesting its form and Origins are special and necessary indeed it is a blade that is formed from a corpse something that should immediately make the player think of these sacred Relic Blade the blade wielded by the Eldon beast at the end of the game the secret Relic blade seems to be a more refined and divine process done almost instantaneously by the Elden Beast to create a well-formed and sophisticated weapon this is of course in stark contrast to the appearance of the gross and malformed Finger Slayer blade which leads me to conclude that this is a perversion of the same process utilized by the Eldon Beast the anoxian penchant for experimentation science and Alchemy is further expressed through the Dragon Kin soldiers an attempt to manufacture and hybridize the power of the dragons that has ultimately led to a pitiful failure so it is clear that the knocks are no strangers to life manipulation via science and this can be further explored via their work on puppetry that introduces us to their alchemical work we learned that puppetry can be traced back to the Knox via the knights maiden and sorceress puppet description which reads an old puppet crafted in the Eternal City these sisters members of a cold-blooded race who wielded flowing weapons became puppets of their own volition preceptor syllabus will of course continue the work of the Eternal cities in this regard and it is by working with syllabus that we learned that puppetry is essentially a process of alchemy as syllabus distills new puppet portions for us when we bring him Starlight shards even attempting to bind a demigod like Rani via Amber stars and the description of Amber Starlight shards makes it clear that puppetry must be linked to fate manipulation the distillation of Fate latent within the Stars to control or puppet someone else's destiny the fact that the Knox developed a process to distill the Fate latent within the Stars to bind people really as an indicator of their alchemical brilliance this Brilliance is also reflected in a similar work the celestial Dew the description of which reads as follows ahead and tear found in the Eternal City also known as a knight tier allows one to carry out an Absolution at the church of vows reversing all antagonizations Once Upon a Time the stars of the night sky guided fear and this is a recollection of those times again this is an incredible product again somehow distilling the Fate latent within the Stars manipulating it and allowing one to reverse the actions that they have taken all through a portion the point of going over these facts so carefully is because it gives a really great idea that these people are capable Alchemists and thus the perfect candidates for the creation of The albanorics Who as we have already discussed are seemingly born from a liquid silver chemical formula to further reinforce the connections to the nox there is another potential form of artificial life which we must consider the silver tiers the silver tiers are a fairly mysterious life form but ones that also appear to be both a substance and a living creature a substance that is remarkably similar to the blood of the albanorics so in this next chapter we'll examine the potential motive behind the creation of these silver tiers and what it can potentially tell us about the origin of the albanorics by reverse engineering the details of the silver tears creation when it comes to consider the nature of these creatures the silver tiers there is nothing in game that explicitly mentions they are artificial lives however as we will look at in a moment there's extensive content regarding it's over tier that makes it pretty clear that this is the intention however there are alchemical substance form their presence within the Eternal cities should be enough for us to consider that possibility after all as we already examined the knocks are master experimenters and Masters at manipulating life and fate aside from that the silver tier husk an item related to the silver tiers gives us a lot of insight into the potential purpose of these beings and their relation to life the item reads as follows a heart and husk shed by a formless life form known as the Silver tier found in and around the Eternal City the silver tier makes a mockery of life reborn again and again into imitation perhaps one day it will be reborn a lord the end of the statement is a very pointed statement as it refers to the mimicry ability of the silver tiers as we witness in our fight with the mimic tear and the hope that it will one day take the form of a lord again this Harkens back to the overarching goals of the nox to remind you the monk armor set States now they live under a false Sky an eternal anticipation of their liege of the coming age of stars and their lord of night this to me marries up well with the silver tier husk which talks about mimic tears being reborn a Lord and again is one of the connections on the in-game lore that makes us think that the silver tiers are man-made by The Knocks they are an alchemical attempt to create a life form that will one day mimic the form of a lord they are Lord of Nate however if these implications were not enough for you and you wanted a more explicit reasoning as to how the silver tiers are man-made by The Knocks to achieve the same there was a cut content Quest that went over this entire subject far more explicitly and I'm referring to the cut quest of esime the mimic who would be Lord there is a great reimagining of this Quest that has been done by null written and I will link that video below as it even includes these lost dialogues in short you would meet a sentient mimic called asimi who would latch onto in a sort of symbiotic relationship she would pervade you power while she would slowly copy your form the finale of The Quest would see asimi leaving you after fully mimicking your form with the intention of her being that you would become Eldon lore and you would allow her to become The Sovereign Eternal but instead you seek them out and defeat them this again lines up with what we already know of the silver tiers from the silver Haas description though the ultimate aim of these experiments of these tiers were to mimic the form of a lord they are sovereign Eternal they are Lord of night and because it lines up with the existing lore and doesn't seem to contradict it I have no reason to doubt the lore found in this Quest and if I was to guess why it was caught I would say it's because it actually provides just too much of a lord dump and possibly provided an alternative ending that they just didn't have time to implement properly end part of this Quest asimi would ask the player to visit the Eternal cities to find the source of her people the dialogue would go as follows my Lord host great host may I ask something of you a chalice is close by the Cradle of my kind which remained finding it for me The Chalice will quench my first rejuvenate My Flesh and allow me to Grant you further strength my Lord host great Lord host a tear chalice lies in these lands too are mother chalice please search out this most sacred chalice it is suffused with the Blessed wonders of the Stars it will allow us to become a perfect whole so obviously this dialogue is really revealing and it talks about a mother chalice the source of silver tears and this really sums up what I have been implying that the silver tears were an alchemical creation of the knocks an attempt to mimic and artificially create their lord of night a sovereign eternal the talk of a mother chalice suffused with the Stars obviously makes us think of a liquid a formula we have already seen how the Knox can manipulate and distill the Fate latent within the stars and why not use this to create a new life form with this understanding we can now turn our attention back to the subjects of this video the urban orix themselves who are an artificial being that bleed a silver formula the aim of the Knox is to bring about an age of stars and a lord of night and to me this is the driving force behind all of their creation one way or another the dragon Ken soldiers and the puppets give them new weapons to wield against the greater will and their enemies and the manipulation of Fate gives them an edge and of course a new life form in the hope of artificially creating a lord of night is an attempt to bring their ultimate goal into fruition via their own hands and knowledge it is clear that the albinorex are beings of magical origin meaning that the Arcane was used to create them we learn of this innate arcaneness via the albanoric staff which reads as follows the albinorex harbor a secret they cast sorcery using their innate arcaneness to me they are innate arcaneeness is no doubt linked to the alchemical magical and fate manipulation techniques we've already seen the Knox employed to create artificial life and manipulate life in essence it is not hard to say that the albinorex may be a connected line of work that resulted in the silver tiers and the albinorex especially given their silver blood and artificial nature indeed even item placement may suggest a kinship between the two beings as we can find the larval core of a silver tier and among some corpses at the albanoric village oh zilli also makes this connection as well between the silver tiers and the albanark people and highlights a previous item description of the silver blue armor the armor worn by the Archer albanorex and this older item description the albanorics had a much different name as it refers to them as the children of silver and this is of course tying us back to what we looked at at the beginning of the video where there's plenty of evidence that the albanorics are born from a silver liquid alchemical formula with the blue silver armor even now directly saying they are born from the same source as The Silver at their armor and conclusion the albanorics are most likely a nox homunculi an alchemical experiment to create the perfect being to create the Sovereign Eternal and much like the silver tiers they are born of a liquid formula hence their silver blood one of the theories of alchemy is the notion of the three frames a theory developed by an alchemist called paracelsus in the 16th century the three frames are salt sulfur and notably for our video Mercury but there's also a spiritual element to each of these materials as there always is with Alchemy salt represented the body in anything solid Mercury represented the mind in anything fluid and sulfur represented the soul anything that combusted so an error case it is clear that we would assign the silver working material behind the urban oryx as a fluid Mercury material a bridge between body and soul and yet neither and it now makes sense when you think about this alchemical background why the associations with silver a liquid silver or Mercury are used so heavily in the game when we look at the nox's alchemical Creations under this idea this Theory every being had an aspect of all three the Mind Body and Soul salt Mercury and sulfur however these Mercurial beings these silver tears and the open oryx do they have a soul are they missing one of the three frames this would lend us a greater understanding and why the obanorics are seen as impure with that said there's one other aspect of the albinorex alchemical formula that we must touch on the primordial Dew mentioned in the albanoric shield item description now realistically this could be just a flurry way of describing the formula from which the urban oryx were formed but it doesn't do us any favors to willfully ignore the other references to do we find throughout the game I'm of course referring to the Dew that is heavily associated with the age of Plenty mentioned in the sacred Dew Talisman and the icon Shield this Dew was literally the life energy that dripped from the bows of the earth tree as sap and it was literal Life Energy and given the word you is used in regards to the creation of the urban oryx there's a good chance that this primordial Dew was used in their formation especially since the word primordial is used the word primordials also used when describing the Dew that fell from the earth Tree in this age of Plenty specifically in regards to the Amber medallions which are formed of the hardened Amber the hardened Dew that fell from the archery in the age of Godfrey first Elden Lord and this is not to mention the many references to primordial life when talking about The Crucible the primordial form of the artery itself so to me it is almost certain that this primordial Dew that is mentioned in the urban art Shield was probably a droplet of sap taken from the earth tree used to bring life to these Mercurial beings and we will return to this subject at the end of the video when we talk about Latina Loretta and the Turing sister and how this may thematically come full circle but the end of the albanoric story so why were the albanorics created in the first place well given all we have said on the silver tiers and their probable connection to the Albin oryx the likely explanation is the albanorics were created for the same reason an attempt to create an artificial Lord of knights so far we have made particular focus on not seeing Alchemy and this is Justified given the nox products such as the celestial Dew puppet formula and the silver tiers Alchemy is particularly important to understanding what the albanarch symbolize and why they would be created in the first place it is no great Revelation at this stage to say that the ideas of alchemy thematically influence some of the parts of Eldon ring of course the most prominent example would be the idea of the Rebus the perfect meld of male and female in a single body as represented by the Marika Radigan Rebus there's a concept an Alchemy called the homunculus which was the alchemical pursuit of creating the perfectly formed miniature human being as pointed out by zilli there's actually a magic the Gathering card called homunculus that very much looks like a second generation albionoric this is relevant because in one of xylostorm's Discovery videos he makes the observation that magic the Gathering is very much an inspiration for various Elden ring motifs and so this connection seems all the more probable if this homunculous card was used as the artistic inspiration for the second generation Albin oryx the alchemical process of creating a perfectly formed human being seems like the perfect solution for a society who wants to find their lord of night by any means necessary and so it was that the Knox tried to create their own perfect being they are Lord of night and instead they created a flawed yet sentient creation the albinorex at least that is my most logical speculation the very nature of the albanarchs is an interesting thing to consider as well as it brings us back to the Holy Grail of Lord items the albanuric blood clot the item description of the blood clot makes it clear that the main reason that the albanorics are treated like dirt is because they are not natural and specifically they are not touched by the grace of the earth tree the very existence of the albinorex is antithetical to the Earth tree A fitting creation for a civilization directly opposed to the greater well everything about the albinorex origins thematically fits with them being in Knox Creation in an attempt at creating a lord of night to oppose the order of Grace now while I consider the knocks to be the most logical progenitors of the obanor society I do of course acknowledge that there is another connection that we have to consider in regards to their development and so it is time to address the various real lucarian connections I want to preface this chapter by saying that personally I am in no doubt that the knocks are a better fit for the creators of the album oryx thematically and of what we know of the Knox however there are some undeniable and interesting connections to the leonian people that we do need to discuss for three main reasons the connections between the carrions and the urbanorics the prominence of albinorex and liernia and finally an old item description for the silver armor let us start with the latter the silver armor so thanks to Julie's video on the urban oryx we have access to the previous version of the silver Armor's item description that I mentioned before but let's read that in fill now these Maids constructed in real lucaria headed to the paling Tower to enter nikola's service so obviously a lot has changed in the lore there is no paling Tower and these life forms are no longer known as the children of silver they are the albanorics so we could just straight away discount this item description and move on however I do think cut content can sometimes still be useful in trying to understand the intentions behind the lore even if the details have changed especially since there are still connections to Raya lucaria Leonia and the carrions in regards to the albanorics much as I use the location of the silver tiers within the Eternal cities to justify their Origins being attributed to the Knox many would use the location of the vast majority of albanark population in leernia to link their creation to the realicarians or the carrians and this is totally fair especially given we don't find any Urban oryx in the Eternal cities indeed the description of the albanoric shield even outright states that the main enemies of the albanorics are Sorcerers perhaps because they were created in leernia and have essentially been a blight on the lands ever since and in conflict with their previous creators I.E the real lucarion or carrion sorcerers there is further evidence that the Albin oryx could have been created by Sorcerers rather than by Knox Alchemy and as such I refer us to an item description I stated earlier the description of the albinaric staff which talks about their innate arcaneness and while I link this to the Fate manipulation and Alchemy of the nox it could quite easily be tied to the Arcane practices of real Lucario in a lot of ways the real occurians and carrions overlap with the practices and beliefs of the norcs both study the power latent within the stars both are concerned with the Fate found within the stars and both have factions that are interested in bringing about an age of stars we even get evidence of the impact of noxian culture upon leonian culture this is irrefutable in regards to the Church of vows which is a church lined with noxian statues and this is also a structure meant to utilize a noxian creation the celestial Dew once again used to alter fate and restore bonds once thought completely broken and indeed Radigan once used this nazian practice before his marriage to Ronaldo Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial Dew repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to ronalda the order of the earth tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven this miracle blesses the church to this day and so you need only follow radigan's example to restore any bond however strained or severed to its rightful state of Harmony in addition salivus preceptor to the carrion royal family continues Research into puppetry and even seeks to take the teachings further bang snaring a demigod themselves Ronaldo's son Redan would go to Celia to learn gravity sorcery Celia essentially being an offshoot colony of the Eternal cities as thanks I vow to impart to you my knowledge of the Lost sorceries of the salience descendants of the Eternal [Music] finally Rani of course has some contact with the Eternal City when she conspires with him to commit the night of the black knaves the point being is that there are plenty of opportunities for a crossover culture and ideas between Knox and leernia and so it is therefore not Unthinkable to believe that a faction of leonian sorcerers replicated or built upon the works of the nox in regards to artificial life forms indeed we do see a number of first generation albinorex specifically serving the carrion family such as pedia and other members found throughout the caring manner we also have Loretta herself possibly an albanoric who serves as a carrying Knight who may well be the most successful attempt at harnessing the potential of the albinarics a mounted ball-wielding Knight no less that could just be a more successful variant of the mounted ball-wielding of anorex we see in the consecrated snow fields so what is the truth behind their creation did the Knox create them or was it a real lucarian or carrying creation well the balance of Truth is for you to decide but I believe both can be true I do believe that they do originate from the work of the Knox the evidence we looked at previously is too strong and the thematics fit very well however it could have been expanded upon by real occurrens and carrions my belief is that the work did originate with the Knox as an experiment to create a lord of night but that the real lucarians and carrions may wealth piggybacked off it in an attempt to create Warriors and servants and this would explain why there are so many album arts in leernia specifically some serving the carrion royal family like I say the balance of Truth or where you decide they come from is for you to decide I believe it falls between the two either way the results are the same human hands created these flawed beings and whatever purpose they hoped to harness these beings for is clearly failed and the urban arcs now are in direct conflict with the forces of real licaria and are persecuted by many others so let us now examine the current state of the albanorics themselves and their plight in the lands between however it happened the albanorics were created but they are no mere tools as probably intended instead they have developed into their very own people with their own desires and beliefs there's of course the main distinguishing feature of the albanark peoples the two very distinct generation the first more humanoid variation which comes in two different variants the older male version and the younger female version then there is the second generation which are the more Frog Light and dumpy ones we learned that there are two different generations of the same people via the albanoric ashes which reads a strapping Duo of cartwheeling spirits who wield Ripple swords and spew freezing breath both are second generation Albion oryx with dumpy heads that resemble those of frogs so the fact that there are a second generation could mean one of two things firstly it could be that the first generation of albanorics are able to reproduce but their offspring are radically different from them or devolve and then there's of course explanation number two which is much like how iPhones have different Generations the second generation of Albin Orcs could be a second line of urban orix but they are a second attempt by their creators to improve upon the first generation given what we know about the urban oryx at the end of Latina's Quest it appears they cannot reproduce and so it must be option two we know that one of the main faults of the first generation is of course their failing and fading legs this is a process described To Us by old Albus himself my legs fade and with them my life my life this is the immovable fate of all albinotics so why do their legs fade and fail well given the alchemical and magical origin of the urban oryx it would make sense that this is an alchemical feeling the legs don't only fail they literally fade as we can see from the shadowy remnants we can see attached to the older Albin oryx so it makes sense now that there is a second generation of Albin oryx the first generation are quote unquote faulty and the second generation do improve in this regard they are able to walk but they have their own feelings we will look at momentarily there are other aspects of the first generation I'd like to analyze first one point of interest is of course the first generation's unbelievable skill with magical bows Latina's ashes do confirm that they are magical archers which explains why their arrows literally track moving opponents their ability to do this must be a result of their innate magical arcaneness and I do see this as evidence that Loretta is one of their number as she too is able to summon magical homing arrows but without a bow possibly showing she is more potent in this regard more successful not even needing the physical medium for this ability there's one other aspect of the first generation I want to talk about and that is their appearance I have already spoken on the fact that there are two variants to the first generation as most people will notice there is the older variant which has male features and then there is the younger variant which has female features now the simplest explanation and probably the most likely is that this is just the design Choice made by the team that they had younger models and they're female and they had older models that are male however there is something else to consider given the alchemical roots and connotations to the urban oryx and the question I post here is this are the first generation Urban orix some kind of Rebus what I am suggesting here is is it possible that they are female when they are young but become male when they age and that they are some sort of alchemical hermaphrodite now I know this is a bit out there but I can't help but notice that the female urbanorics are always mentioned to be young Latina refers to philia the giant towering albinorek as they are young but tiring sister Albus also refers to Latina as young and yet all the male appearance characters in the urban Arc Society are older bearded and decrepit and their legs are literally fading while the legs of the younger albanorics are of course also not working they aren't fading yet which suggests there is an age Gap now the reason that this is important to something connected to Alchemy is because of the concept of the Rebus if you aren't aware of the Rebus or you haven't heard my earlier videos where I've spoken about it the Rebus is said to be the ultimate goal of alchemy it is the perfect meal between man and female in a single body and of course this is represented in game by America and Radigan so being beings of alchemical creation what if they are created to follow the same ideals to be the perfect creation of alchemy to mirror the God of this age this of course wild speculation and it's not something I certainly consider to be Canon but it is a nice idea especially since it would tie in with the alchemical themes of the urban orix as well as nicely explaining why there are only young female open Orcs and older male albanorics that is too wild for you I do have another possible explanation for you and it does again return us to that older description of the silver armor which specifically describes the maidens as being built in real Lucario perhaps the first generation female albanarchs are the creations of real lucaria and the older male ones are the creations of the knocks and this would also make sense and tie in to the fact that Loretta serves the carrion royal family and is most likely following the design of the female Archer Albin oryx again all speculation and the most likely explanation is that it's just the design choices for the male and female models of the albinaric first Generations however the other final point about the albanorics and their form I want to discuss before moving on to the second generation specifically is the general connection the urbanworks have to frost so one of the major indicators to this connection is of course found in the albinore caches which tells us the fact they can spew freezing breath we also find it connected to the Archer albanorics for the blue silver armor tells us that it is made from the same material as The Archers itself and it provides a protection to frost so what is the connection to frost well in general there seems to be a connection to frost and the celestial bodies the main source for this information of course comes via Rani and her story about meeting the snow wedge for example if we read the item description of the Frozen Armament which reads as follows sorcery said to have been used by the old snow wedge the snowy Crone taught the young Rani to fear the Dark Moon as she imparted her cold sorcery and so when Rani attempts to bring about the age of stars the Dark Moon Becomes Her sigil and her guide however equally the cold seems to be part of her makeup part of her identity this is reinforced by the description of the royal Greatsword which reads and defines of the Fate he was born into Blythe swore to serve no master but Rani as Perth the sword was imbued with cold magic at the moment the oath was sworn and so the cold is as equal to the moon when it comes to Rani and her ideals and to me this is just because the cold or Frost is associated with the moon and other celestial bodies in this world and this is in contrast to the art tree which once used to represent warmth as we learned from the warming Stone item description and so to me the association with cold that we find with the urban orix has to do with their Origins once again we know that the knocks are course associated with the celestial and most likely use the distillation or Essence of the Stars to create the albanorics in the first place and that in essence explains their affinity for the cold but with that said let us now move on to the second generation and examine these peculiar creatures well without the weaknesses of the first generation regarding their legs they have obviously come with their own flaws aside from being more monstrous and malformed then there are more human first generation they also apparently cannot speak this again according to the cut tops dialogue that we referred to earlier that states that the frogs have been silenced in regards to their tongues I have no doubt to believe that this is still true in the in-game Canon despite it not being mentioned explicitly anywhere else in Canon I think this is also reflected in the way they behave especially if you compare them to the first generation there is a huge difference in the culture whereas the first generation seem more human or are willing to set up their own societies much like a human society would the second generation seemed to move around in roving gangs or bands much like an animal pack and if these beings lack the ability to intelligently communicate like the first generation can this indeed does make sense even the armor and clothing that they wear pales in comparison if you compare it to the silver Arbor of the Archer albanorics the second generation Alvin oryx where dirty sacks and dirty chainmail but this doesn't mean that there isn't any connection or interaction between the two generations indeed in the consecrated snow fuels it seems as though they exist peacefully side by side with the albinaric archers and the second generation Urban oryx guarding ordina liturgical town indeed I commented on the apparel of the second generation albanorics how it's dirty and crude and it reflects the more beastial and basic nature of the second generation and while this mesh is well with the huge clubs of some of the larger second generation Albion oryx it clashes quite harshly with some of the other weapons wielded by the second generation the Silver Shield the Ripple blade and the Ripple Crescent halberd which seems so finely crafted to a degree Beyond even some human capabilities indeed not only the form of these weapons are sophisticated but also the lore bended within its design as you can see from all of the descriptions for these weapons they are meant to be artistic representations of the albinorex origins the Ripple of their alchemical formula given what we see of the second generation albanorics the way in which they behave the clothes that they wear and the clubs that they wield it seems very unlikely that they are the ones that crafted these weapons I would instead suggests that these weapons are supplied to them by the first generation albanorics who would be more familiar with their mythology and Origins and more likely to be able to forge impressive weapons given what we see of their craftsmanship in their silver armor this is my own speculation of course but I believe it to be a sensible conclusion to surmise the first generation appeared to be closer what we'd consider to be a normal human society we can see this in the way in which the ACT speak interact and build communities the second generation albinorex while still sentient do seem to be more simplistic in nature moving in Roman gangs more aggressive and Territorial and more likely to be manipulated as we will see in later chapters despite this the second generation clearly have caused a lot of issues for the real lucarians and the cuckoo Warriors their location around the crumpled ruins of the academy town is interesting for a number of reasons not the least that the real lucarians and the kukunites seem to have had to barricade themselves in at the rail lucarian Academy essentially seating the ground outside of it to these albanorics where the albinaries responsible for the downfall for the destruction of the academy town probably not as it does seem that some kind of natural disaster has befallen this region an erosion that has led to a collapse of the land that once surrounded the real lucarian Academy we can see this in the bridges as well despite this the albanarks now seem to have taken control of these ruins and this is a fair payment as we will learn in the next chapter when we talk about the persecution that the albanor people have faced than the lands between one of the best written sources to understand the type of hatred the urban oryx face is the albinaric port a weapon that can be made from the blood of the urban arcs themselves the item description reads as follows the Knights of the Cuckoos do declare Behold thy defiled blood unlike any humor that flows in our grand Realm there's basis for cuckoo forces hatred of the Albin oryx of course ties in with what was said in the albanuric blood clot that people hate the urban arcs because they are not natural beings and in essence there seems to be the basis for a lot of their mistreatment as they aren't even seen as living beings worthy of consideration while quite late on in the video it is worth analyzing the etymology of the name albinorek to see how it is an appropriate name Alban most directly means white but can also mean without color or pigment an auric means gold so the most likely meaning for the open oryx as intended is without Gold without the gold color these are pale beings absent the gold absent the touch of the earth tree again tying back to what's said in the albanoric blood clot it is this lack of gold the lack of a connection to the archery that makes them so hated and again it ties back to what we talked about when we talked about the prime materials they are missing that third aspect the soul or the touch of the earth tree the Knights of the cuckoo are of course the knights that are contracted on behalf of Rio Lucario and these forces have a pretty Sinister reputation we learn of this repetition via the real lucaria Soldier ashes which reads the soldiers of real Lucario were also known as the Cuckoos they were given free reign by the academy to wage war as they pleased and they were Infamous for their rapacious ways the cruelty of these soldiers limb well to the narrative described by the open art pot they hunt the open Orcs because of their defiled blood and yet given their reputation it wouldn't be hard to imagine cuckoo forces not needing much encouragement to visit atrocities upon these people and taking some kind of pleasure in it it also ties into the description of the albinarc shield which describes the fact that Sorcerers were their main enemies and it is obviously the conflict with ryalakaria that this Shield is denoting the clashes with Rhea lucaria are most likely driven by hate and territory as we have already commented on the fact that the albanorics occupy a lot of real lucarian territory yet aside from the conflicts between the second generation and the forces of real lucaria the first generation found in leernia seem to have made a life for themselves in the village of the albanorics they do seem to have built a community and even have their own myths and goals as we can later see when Albus describes us their promised land yet unfortunately this life has been destroyed and the village that we see now is the site of an atrocity the most obvious and Stark example of how poorly the albanorics are treated in the lands between when we first arrived in the village we are greeted by the corpses of albinorex hanging and piles of corpse has been burned in a harrowing scene of genocide and cruelty nephilis haunting words as we enter the village only add to the grisly atmosphere that awaits us within the oppression of the weak pillage unchecked the goons that we find in this Village Fallen perfumers are getting overnir's men who end his Pursuit for knowledge has destroyed this entire Village and as callous disregard for the lives here even shocks nephili when she realizes it's her adoptive father that's behind this attack and I can no longer trust him father to think he'd ordered his men to enact such tragedy where is the Justice he departs in that he once told me that if he became Eldon Lord he would never allow the downtrodden to be cheated ever again simply lying to me of course we later find out that Gideon has done this for a Pretty Petty reason he is obsessed with knowledge with his own Legend of being the all-knowing in essence he wants to have information he doesn't have the location of the missing demigods not really just to find their great runes but just so he can carry on being the all-knowing and indeed later on he directs us to find information on the missing demigods and even notes his frustration and not knowing all of the information I heard speculation Nicola embedded himself in the early tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form indeed it seems those words held wait how vexing that they all know and didn't have the full story yet before employing our services he obviously used his own men his own goons to try and find the information from the urban Orcs himself in regards to the helic tree and obviously meccola and Millennia he has Latina interrogated and her wolf killed and he burns the entire Village to the ground just so he can find the path to the Helix tree and have the answers to the questions that he seeks a pretty casual disregard for life and it just shows how lowly some people consider oven oryx that Gideon weighs their lives worth less than just knowing A simple piece of information how little regard is given to the lives of these people is also echoed in prayer to reikar's treatment of the albanorics I discuss Prater reichardt's experimentation in full in my Reichard lore video which I will link below but in essence the prison town at volcano Manor is a testament to reichard's insanity and his cruelty Reichard uses the abductor versions to bring people to the present tone found at the back of volcano Manor where he is evidently experimented with life forms as part of his greater aim in overthrowing the earth tree to create the manned serpents soldiers for his vision in present time we find a large population of albanorics in terrible circumstances as they fill the halls of the ironically named guest house in various torture devices including the really cruel black dumpling which makes the wearer go insane and The Wretched tortured black dumpling wearing almanorics are some of the most wretched and pitiful enemies you face in the entire game these poor Urban orix have been pushed to the limits of pain and mental torture also interestingly this is where we find the albanoric mask located on another torture device the description of the Mask is interesting as it makes a very clear implication that this is the mask made from the skin of an Albin auric the final description of the albanoric Mask reads as follows a far cry from godskin this albinore kite mask is the product of malicious mockery the implication being is that this albinoric was skinned by a godskin and this makes sense given that there is a godskin present at present town the godskin noble found an eagle Temple now while to some this godskin Noble boss may feel random I have discussed on my record video why it makes sense firstly they are both allies of convenience they both wish to overthrow the gods but secondly they also both get something out of the arrangement as already shown by the scandalbonarik the goskin noble gets access to plenty subjects for skinning and for skin much as the godskin Apostle of domino manipulates their festivities to get access to fresh skin reichardt gains the godskin Nobles knowledge of blending life bearing in mind the godskin noble set reads the following Nobles are the most ancient apostles who are said to have assimilated inhuman physiology indeed it is important to note that the godskin Nobles have assimilated Serpentine features namely A Tale To mostly human physiology so now we understand why the godskin noble is here but why are they all been oryx here why are they tortured well because they too are artificial beings and for someone like reichardt looking to craft weapons to overthrow the archery and eventually create his own life forms the man serpents Why not start with the creations of the norcs a society who has long been seeking to overthrow the archery and create life forms to that end as beings made from an alchemical formula refers engineering the urban orix could be key for a reichar to understand how he can make his own life forms this is of course my speculation but I believe it is the story that prison town is trying to tell us what is important is the further illustration of the senseless harm that is inflected upon the urban oryx seemingly without care nor thought human upon human conflicts are memorialized in Sword monuments at the very least but all bonarks seem to be beneath notice at all treated as though they aren't really living thinking sentient beings just another material or animal to be harvested or an annoyance to be exterminated the dehumanization of the urban oryx is one of the most brittle stories of the land between and the core of it is once again found in the albinaric blood clot it is because they are seen out with the archery order they aren't even seen as real life the examples we have gone through here are only scratching the surface of the barbarism that the albanarchs face and it always seems done in such a casual senseless fashion for example we also find strung up Alvin oryx in The Hideout of necromancer Garrus and we can only assume that he too has used them as a subject for his experimentation into necromancy cast out and brutalized it is little wonder that the urban Orcs are Outsiders who must eke out a living in a cruel and unforgiving world they are outcasts and in the next chapter we will find out where this brutalization has pushed them to and where they try to find sanctuary while Leonia is the main Hub of albinaric activity in the lands between we do find them in a couple of different locations one of the more interesting locations is of course in mogwin Palace where they appear to be in service to the Lord of blood and I find the story of these Wayward albinorex particularly interesting because it can tell us a lot of the albanoric people both in a physical sense and of their desperation the Morgan Dynasty presents itself as one of love and acceptance a safe haven for those who have no place in the world of Grace luminary Moog has strength vision and of course love this of course given legitimacy but the fact that Moog himself is an omen are people unwelcome in the world of Grace he is the king of the outcasts in a sense it is no wonder that A persecuted people may feel drawn to such a community and indeed the placement of the enemies within liernia and the consecrated snow field hint at this draw that the Morgan Dynasty has to the albinorex the center of the formless mother's influence in leernia is of course Rose Church and if you want more detailed look at all things mogwin Dynasty I would direct you to my Moog Lord of blood video near Rose Church you can find a group of Albin oryx staring at the Rose Church almost curiously as if they are being drawn to this church and are considering joining the Morgan Dynasty we also see this in the consecrated snow field when you find an organic standing very close to the bloody portal that leads to the morgue Palace when we form our own Covenant with the formless mother and Morgan Dynasty we give our finger over tavari who then seems to inject us with something and we then receive the bloody finger item in return oh good Heavens clench your teeth or something the description for this bloody finger item reads as follows glistening blood has been siphoned into the nail of this finger it's sickly pale skin feels nothing new but the nail still aches with sweetest pain this isn't an item this is error finger we have been afflicted by the blood that very siphoned into our fingernail and we can see the effect of this transfusion in our eyes which go a cloudy red after this process this is a covenant in its purest form an exchange of blood that forms a binding pact between ourselves and Moog indeed as I suggested months ago in my Moog lore video I believe that the blood being siphoned into US is the accursed omen blood of the Lord of blood himself indeed vary says this following the ceremony never forget that feeling of agony for it is what binds you to luminary Moog to all of us it bains us to morgue because it is his blood it binds us to the dynasty as we all know share the blood the Almond blood that runs through our veins and I believe we can see the effect of the omen Blood on the dynasty Nobles who have almond horns and pale skin like morgue like The Omen with this in mind let us turn our attention back to the urban oryx as it seems some of them have taken up the offer of love and acceptance by the mowgwin dynasty a lot of Albin oryx end up in the consecrated snow fields promised lands that we will discuss in a moment and while most seem to seek the Aegis of mikola others seem to find another path here a certain blood-covered portal that lead to the lands of morgue at the area where the portal spaces out on the cliff overlooking the blood-blated lines of morgue we get a really interesting scene we see a grip of blood Albin oryx patrolling a grip of regular Albion oryx and to me this scene couldn't be clearer these are new inductees that are being guarded but for they too are accepted and inducted when filming these shots up close it generally brought my heart a little the exhausted look of the regular Albion oryx of a people who have been persecuted and hunted their whole lives finally feeling they have some kind of sanctuary and while morgue does preach love it is clear he cares as little for the open oryx as the rest of the lands between for F1 looks carefully at the environmental details in Morgan Palace we are confronted by a horrific scene albenoric corpses strewn carelessly left to rot and soak in the bloody bogs with no care for dignity or burial so the storytelling here is pretty clear not all albinorex who make it here Will Survive whatever induction process they must Undertake and the callous treatment of their dead speaks volumes about morgue's real feelings towards his albanoric soldiers morgue only cares for them as short Trippers and I think this really highlights the sad reality of the second generation albanorics they are simple trusting beings and while we cannot blame them for seeking Refuge here it is clear that morgue abuses that trust but tragedy aside let us look at the blood Albion oryx and what it can tell us about the Alban oryx in general looking at this original scene again the two groups are contrasted quite clearly not only do the blood albinarcs have bright red skin but as I note in my MOG video like the sanguine Nobles these blood Albin oryx also have Omen horns poking through their skin at the top of their heads this again suggests that those albanorics that become bound to the dynasty go through the same joining process that we do they have morgue's Omen blood injected the radical nature of their transformation is really interesting however as we can see the effects on humans are a little bit more subtle and more like a corruption or infection whereas it seems more akin to a palette change entirely for the Albin oryx this does make sense however when we consider the alchemical origins of the urban orix that we discussed previously I see it as the albinorex being malleable though they are still formulaic in a way and by adding a new element to the formula it drastically Alters the open Orcs as it would a potion we have also to consider the words of the albanoric staff albinorex are innately Arcane and as such their bodies may be affected differently by The Omen curse then a more mundane creature like a human this is not the only instance of this formula change in certain parts of the consecrated snow field we can find the golden eyed Orban oryx who can wield the golden desk incantations of mikola the unalloid of course we don't know for certain what material could have affected them in this way these golden eyed ones but a good educated guess could be that it's unalloyed gold given that they are in the lands of mikola and the promised lands of their people with that said it is to these promised lands that we turn to next to discuss the future of the urban Arc peoples and their Heroes Latina and Loretta in the face of so much persecution within the lines between it is very little wonder that the albanorics have come up with a classic Promised Land Story one that we can hear from the mouth of old Albus himself a chosen land awaits us albinorex The Medallion is the key that leads to the city it's only a quaint treasure for we who cannot make the journey but for dear Latana it is needed to fulfill our purpose yet this isn't a mere math as it seems as though the village has already placed their hopes with Latina a young female urbanoric who always pleads with us to give The Medallion to and take to the promised lands this is the young woman that of near has already beaten and interrogated in his quest to find mikola upon meeting Latina once we sure that we have The Medallion and earned albus's trust she opens up and asks for her help in reaching nikola's helic tree the promised land the old Albus mentions to us this of course brings us to Loretta one of the fabled Knights of the carrion Dynasty and apparently the only person moved by the plight of the urban oryx Not only was Loreto one of the legendary carrion Nate but she was a personal guard to the carrion royalty and we learn of this via her armor set which reads as follows Loretta wants a royal carrion Nate went on a journey in search of a Haven for the urban oryx and determined that the Halo tree was their best chance for eventual salvation the rest is as they say history Loretta replaces her glintstone for unalloid gold in her sickle and becomes a defender of the helic tree rather than carry a manner where it reaches the open oryx of Loretta's discovery of this promised land and many albinorex meet the pilgrimage here such as the golden Albin oryx we previously discussed found in and around ordina we then also have the albinrix of the first generation the wolf archers who protect passage to the Haley tree Itself by defending ordinal liturgical town for all intents and purposes this is a sort of happy ending Loretta has found somewhere for the urban oryx to hide out safely to build a new future under the Aegis of mikola in his lands an emperion well-known to extend his protection to the outcasts of archery Society such as we see many Miss begotten in Helix Tree Town itself and as we learn through the description of the Sacred Crone Helm which reads as follows who is it that mikola shall bless if not the law and the meek indeed we have to assume that Lake Loretta the albanorics found in the consecrated snow field or some loyalty to mikola guarding passage to the helic tree in exchange for being allowed to settle here as well as being evidenced by the golden Albin oryx that we spoke of earlier albanorics that seem to have taken on the Miracles and appearance of the unalloid himself and in fact the albanoric people are the main obstacle preventing us from accessing the helic tree itself but did Loretta find this Safe Haven because she is a human who has greater empathy than her fellow leonians or does she have a deeper more personal reason for helping the Alban oryx this is of course hinted at Via her Shield description which reads the shape is said to imitate that of a sacred drop of dew which inspired the Absurd river that loretha herself was an Albin auric the implication here is that the sacred drop of dew that's imitated by her Shield is the one that's also displayed on the general albanoric Shield the source of all albinaric life but as that's an absurd rumor or is it actually real we never see beneath Loretta's visor and she is always mounted and therefore could be in a similar situation to the first generation albanorics in that she has lost use of her legs and always has to be mounted we also have to consider that Loretta's magic is extremely reminiscent of the magic wielded by The albanoric Archers she summons a bow that fires homing arrows much like The albanoric Archers can use magical homing arrows as well this could be a more important form of that particular archery magic at the end of the day we don't know for certain and this bit of Laura's worded in a way as to causes some confusion but if I was to give my opinion I would say she is meant to be an albinorek given the way she uses magic and the fact that she is always mounted never mind the fact that she went to such lengths to find a home for the Alban oryx but again I leave you to your own conclusions [Music] foreign either way it was Loretta who finally paved the way for a better chance at life for the Alban oryx but perhaps there's more for them here than just a safe haven perhaps there is a future for the albinore people Albus impressed upon us the importance of Latina making it to the promised lands and if we do so if we help Lieutenant reach the promised land of the consecrated snow fields we can witness one of the happiest moments in any Souls game a future for the Albert people that they so sorely deserve oh yeah towering sister of ours let the birthing droplet in and create life for us for all the album oryx when we first enter the consecrated snow fields there is a dialogue where Latina States the following we have reached the lands of mikola's Haley tree where Lobo and I began our travels it is entirely thanks to you that I am so close to home these great snow-laden lands stretch far to the North and Beyond the ancient powers and the liturgical town of ordina Lies the place to which I must return Latina has been here before this is where she began her journey and where she is to return and given that she is of the Archer archetype and this is the only place we find them it makes sense that this is her home this means that Latina traveled from here to leernia to collect something and then return it to the terroring sister this makes sense of why Gideon specifically targets Latina he knows that she has come from the Helix tree area and thus must have a way back or at least have knowledge of how to get back there but what has Latina come for she evidently came for the item that she passes on to the Towering sister what she calls the birthing droplet in item or a substance that will allow the tearing sister to provide new life for the albenoric people the broad Strokes of what is happening here is quite straightforward to everyone this birthing droplet will allow the albinoks to give birth to reproduce or create their own new life as an independent race it is a quiet moment but to me is as powerful as the a future for the Krogan scene in Mass Effect 3 we have just witnessed the future of a people being granted but what is the nitty-gritty of what's Happening Here what's the science why is the giant sister giant what is the birthing droplet and where did it come from first of all why the giant sister is important and why she is Giant well first of all we do have a name for this character as if you are horrendous enough to kill Latina she cries out in name felia with one less L felia is the Greek word for Love philia Is the Love of her people she is the hope of her people and evidently the vessel through which they hope to bring about a new generation of Albin oryx but why is she large and why is she special so we don't really know this for sure but to try and provide some kind of satisfactory answer I would again refers to the origins of the albanorics and specifically looking at the blue silver armor this time paying special attention to the semantics it says blue silver is a metal born from the same mother as The Archers themselves and provides protection from Magic and frost when talking about the origins of the Albin oryx I skept over the mother aspect of it to focus on the Alchemy but it is curious to note that the term mother is actually used here does this imply that there was a mother albernuric an original creation a progenitor to their race that was used to spawn or clone the rest perhaps a mother almanoric figure like philia was used as a template or queen that gave birth to the blue silver as described by the silver blue armor set no I don't necessarily claim that this is philia herself especially given that Latina calls her young implying that she is newly born or created but perhaps she has a recreation of this mother perhaps she has been created by the urbanworks themselves as a host for a new generation of Albin oryx recreating that original experiment this is of course my own speculation but she is obviously very different she is meant to be a special host for a new generation and it does really make me think of this mother mentioned in the blue silver armor set another theory that I've seen is that people suggest that she is Loretta given Loretta's Shield position here however I don't think this is true given that we fight Loretta in her corporeal form in halik Tree Town now in regards to the birthing droplet that Latina passes to the Towering sister we have already spoken of how the albanorics are alchemical in nature and that by adding or introducing something foreign into their forms it can radically alter their makeup such as Omen blood and the blood Albin oryx or possibly unalloid gold in the gold eye open oryx this brings us around to our early discussion of the original albionoric formula and the three primes where I posited that the albanorics were created from a combined formula of mercury suffused with Celestial Essence and a primordial Dew from the earth tree here it seems the Albin oryx are repeating the same process but on their own terms they control their future again like when I was talking about the primordial Dew I think there's only one sensible place to look when talking about this breath and droplet and that is the earth tree the Earth tree is synonymous with life and thus it makes sense when Latina talks about bringing new life to the albanoic people the sap of the earth tree a life-bringing substance would make sense here and thus we come full circle with the albinart blood clot the urban art people are persecuted because of their disconnect from the herd tree and is rigidly defined and controlled cycle of Life how fitting would it be then if it was the sap of that very Earth tree that gives the open Orcs a new chance at life to bring about their own births and their own future and how fitting is it that we come full circle with the item description we started this video with the greatest lore item in the game the albinore blood clot are people that are not touched by the arteries Grace finally are given a new chance with the art trees own sap so thanks guys that is my take on the open work people and their tragic tale in the lands between it is one of the most interesting and poignant stories in all of from software's games in my opinion and it was a very special video for me to make because the open Works have always been a really interesting and important part of the lore for me and if you are new to the channel you may have caught on that the albinart blood clot has always been a bit of a running meme on this channel as I recently hit 100K I thought it would be important to do the Albin oryx and do the Albert blood clot some justice so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please leave a comment and a like below if you think I missed anything please leave your comment below and let me know where I went wrong as well as leaving your thoughts on what I should cover next if you'd like to support the channel in other ways I do have Channel memberships as well as a patreon but until next time guys I will see you in the consecrated snow fields take care and have a wonderful night
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 316,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring lore, elden ring, elden ring story, elden ring gameplay, lore, explained, elden ring lore explained, elden ring endings explained, fundamentalism, golden order, erdtree, marika, radagon, those who live in death, roundtable hold, maliketh, golden lineage, great tree, elden ring story explained, elden ring explained, elden ring godwyn, Albinauric, Albinaurics, loretta, latenna, albus, village of the albinaurics, the eternal cities
Id: OQz4u0_5SqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 8sec (4628 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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