El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 82: Cierre de cuentas | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Do you realize that you put us in danger? Why? We were just talking... I supported you because I wasn't going to leave you alone with those guys, but never do anything like that again. Why didn't you tell me about the $3 million before? Because I wanted you to be impressed at how well I'd done my job. Impress me? Well, you didn't. You did the opposite. You blew it! You should've told me. We're not dealing with just anybody. These people form part of my business. They're thugs and drug dealers. I know, but I don't understand... Didn't you ask me to bring you into the business? If you're going to pull stuff like this, you should go back to working at a diner or start a chain of them or something because you'll be out of the business, is that clear? Think carefully about your next move, Jesus. Why, you scared? Don't be absurd. It's one thing to be worried. It's another to tempt fate. You know who the hell you're stealing from? Some guy, no different from you or me. Just because he's called The Lord of the Skies doesn't mean we have to kneel before him. Stop complicating things more! He supplies us with good drugs that we get to profit. It's always been that way. You're easily satisfied. You've been like that your whole life. And you've always been reckless. But you know what? This isn't a game. I'm going to check in on Mom. Parco. Yes, boss? If my brother asks, tell him I went to see my girl, okay? Okay, boss. I'll tell him. I didn't consider that. I just wanted to do a good job so you'd be happy with me. And what did that accomplish? Now we're all stuck here in the lion's den. You don't need to be upset, Aurelio. Everything got fixed. I understand that... You don't understand anything, Mecha. You're dealing with murderers. Juan seems like a good person. Huh? Juan's the other guy's brother. They're in the same ----. You think they'll try something? I hope not. But these guys are killers like their father before them. They see things in terms of good guys and bad guys, so there's a 50/50 chance of us getting out of here alive. Look at you. How pretty. I heard you're upset and that you've had a rough day. How about we talk about it while I give you a massage? Let's not. I'm not in the mood. So you can go back the way you came. I just wanted to get a smile out of you. I don't feel like smiling. You heard her, Lencho. Why don't you give us some time alone? Bugger off, as you guys say. Whatever that means. Don't worry, you'll understand one day. For now, just leave us. Okay. I'll be close if you need me. Okay. At least he's trying to be funny. I wanted to tell you something. I didn't want to mention it in front of Diego because it's about Nina. She ------ my dad. Nina? Yeah. That's nothing new. The thing is, she also ------ Isma's cop. Dalila. Both at the same time. I can't say I'm surprised. Dalila was with Amado too. She loves the men in this family. Uh-huh. Anyway, I was thinking that we could tell Laura. Maybe then she'll forgive Ismael. I doubt it. I don't think it's a matter of asking forgiveness. Sometimes you just fall out of love, while for others, it blossoms. I've got it. He's at a motel along the highway. One of the more expensive ones. A locale befitting the caliber of the lady. Focus, dude. This is important. Vitas, I've located the vehicle in Victoria. A truck matching the description you gave us stopped at that motel. Okay, send me a picture of the guy for confirmation. It's not working. This camera's as ancient as you. No need to be rude. Can I try something, Greñas? Excuse me. I've got it, Vitas. I'll send it to you right away. All set. Yeah, that's Jesus alright. Stay there in case we need to follow him when he leaves. Alright. Your plans sound really cool. You just need to see them through. I think I will. I'm so hot. It's really stuffy. Wouldn't you rather go inside where it's cooler? How about we go for a dip? I don't want to wet my hair. I mean it. I've got a lot of work meetings tomorrow. If I stay really late, what'll I do about my hair? What do you want from me, babe? I thought you already knew. I've wanted you since the moment I saw you. The feeling is mutual, but what do you want to happen between us? What's wrong with you? Why are you so anxious? I had a fight with my brother. Oh, come on, Jesus. It's the same old story with you two. You should split up. You think I haven't thought about that? But right now, this is all I want. It's the only thing that can calm me down. Okay, but you're not going to be weird like you were last time, are you? Weird? Don't you like everything that I do to you? Yes, but I'm not in the mood for any nasty stuff. Well, I pay you to be in the mood to pleasure me. Is it too much to ask for a massage? Yes, and no, it's not a lot to ask. I'll get the lotion. Damn right I'm not asking a lot. You're where you are because of me. Don't forget where I pulled you from. Listen. I'll ask you the same question. What do you want to happen between us? Your answer doesn't matter. Don't I get to have fun with you a little? You'll have to convince me. I thought I already had. If getting close to you is going to cost me a lot, maybe we should just forget it. Why? You're obviously dying for this to happen. Aren't you willing to pay any price for all this? Take me to your room for a little bit. No, Jesus, I haven't forgotten, but you don't need to remind me all the time. I'm glad you haven't forgotten. My brother's asking me for money that I don't have, so I'll need that diamond ring back that I gave you. My ring? Why? Because I owe money to some dangerous people. I used part of that money to buy your ring. I'm sorry, but I have no choice. You'll give it back, right? When have I ever let you down? Never, but... Here it is. Good. Very good. Alright, go on. Press harder. Thank you very much. Your applause fills my heart. Keep having fun at El Milagrito. Ma'am, will you join me for some mescal? No? Hey, don't be so disrespectful. What? She can't sit down to drink mescal after singing? She's a singer not a prostitute. Come on! I just wanted my spirits lifted after the terrible day I've had. Don't talk to me about terrible days. I've had them too. She really can't have mescal with me? No! And stop being stubborn. That won't be possible, Alfaro, because La Monarca is leaving with me. Right on! You're just full of surprises, Zuk. You don't know the half of it, Alfaro. Please. Cheers. It's on me. Cheers, Alfaro. You're the best, the best of them all. Now I've got so many reasons to be with you. I think you liked it as much as I did. You went all out. Isn't the point of life to enjoy it? I'm going to continue campaigning, so do I have your support? It works both ways, doesn't it? Obviously. Of course I'll back your business, but I need you to protect me from your father. Will you protect me? Yes. I have to answer the phone, but not a word. I'll keep doing this, just stay quiet. Hi, darling. I hope you have a good reason for calling so late. Can't I call anymore, Belen? What's got you so busy at this hour? I already told you that I'm campaigning. I have a lot to do. How about I call you tomorrow morning so we can talk? Goodnight. But... I'm going to have to put a good scare into this woman. Buddy, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 34,162
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporad, El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Capítulo 82 el señor de los cielos, nueva temporada de el señor de los cielos 9, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 82, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada
Id: Ax44Tvg-atk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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