El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 84: Paradojas de la vida | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES This is the road. They must be close by. There's the car! It's them! Come on! Manzano! Freeze! Don't get yourself killed. Take cover! Come to the door! -Sir! -Dalila! Hold her head. Be gentle. Easy, easy. Breathe. You're bleeding out. We're going to help you. We can't wait for an ambulance. Get the car. Calm down. I'm here. I'm here. Let's go. Let's go. Easy, easy. Breathe. You shot Dalila. I fired at them all, but I did see her go down. I guess I hit her. She has friends in the state, DEA, and other places. We need to switch cars because they saw these. She was careless. She shouldn't have risked herself like that. She's a trained agent. I didn't plan it, but that's what happens when you pull out a weapon. In any case, they must be looking for us. Stay with us. Stay with me! Hang in there. Breathe! Hang in there! We'll get through this! Damn you, Manzano! Hurry! This is it, Piltrafa. I'll be over there sending money to my mom. She's still sick. Be right back. I have a message from Mirruña. I think we've brought him over to our side. What are you talking about? We're working one of Cabo's men so he'll work with us. If he reached out, then he took the offer, right? Or do you think he's setting us up? You talked to him. What do you think? I think he'll do it because Cabo treats him poorly. -What do I say to him? -Nothing, give it to me. Okay, you handle it. We can't go get him and there's no one else who can. I have to get him to wait for us. Gentlemen, focus on the task at hand. Everyone's after us right now. I know that, but this is important too. If I can get Cabo's location from him, we can end him. I'm very interested in killing that vermin, but we need to focus and change cars now. They'll soon give chase via air. Well, Castillo? Did you catch the gringo? What do you mean? Who shot her? Manzano. She's gravely injured and I'm taking her to a hospital. Hang in there. I warned you! She works with you and everything goes to Hell! Shut up and listen to me! We need aerial support. They're traveling in two black Suburbans. This is urgent! This is urgent! Send me your location! Let's go! Deploy the helicopter. Follow two black Suburbans near La Marquesa. Hurry! Step on it! How much are we talking about? He answered. We can't see you now. We're busy. You know what work is like. See you this afternoon. No, that wasn't the deal. Did you lie to me? Can you talk? No. The deal is still on, but you need to do your part. Things are tough in Tijuana. Cabo's over there. That's all I can tell you. Cabo's in Tijuana. He's after Ismael. We need to tell him. Isma, it's Diego. Hey, man. Did my dad ask you to call me? Are you his lapdog now? What's up? I'm no one's lapdog and your dad doesn't know I'm calling. We just found out that Cabo's in Tijuana and could be looking for you. I'll call again when I get more information. Hold on. What? My beef is with my dad, not you. I'm sorry. Tell me more. How'd you get the info? I'm talking one of his men into working with us, but nothing's set in stone yet. We need to make sure he's telling the truth, but thanks for the info. Cabo, the men have been notified, like you asked. And? They say Ismael Casillas showed up stepping strong. He's taking control of all the stalls and he's trying to negotiate with our guys, the guys that were left hanging after he stole our merch. A debt that bastard will have to pay some day. That's not all, though. There's more? He's a gutsy bastard, huh? Go on. He took out a guy called Guajardo. He smuggled drugs and dealt in the fish and avocado business. Guajardo, Guajardo... Guajardo... I'd planned to negotiate with him. Oh, well. Relax, relax. Help me, Mercury. Relax, relax. We're almost there. We're here. Castillo, I can't... Come on, breathe! She was shot in the neck. She's lost a lot of blood. I'll look after this patient. You're Dr. Salgado, right? Yes, I am. We've met before. Can someone other than you treat her? Head to Tijuana, Skinny. If Diego's information about Cabito is true, we'll score big. Can you picture it? Dad would be gobsmacked if we took out his archnemesis. We'd score big, homie. We have several fronts to protect now, so I hope the mess we made is a lesson to all the cartels that operate here. The news of what happened spread like wildfire. Even Mr. Aurelio heard of it. That's the biz, man. And if the info on Cabo is true, my dad, even though he's pissed, could make a play that could involve us all. What do you mean by that? My dad is among the most creative people I've met. You should remember that. Go to Tijuana. -Okay. -Alright. Let's go! Let's go to Tijuana! Hey, homie! Don't get so upset. You'll make yourself sick. I know that raising the price of fish and avocados really only affects the average folk, but that's nothing new. Mafias like that have always existed. If he doesn't do it, someone else will. You experienced it in Mexicali, didn't you? They raised the price of the goods we needed... as they saw fit. Ismael is trying to forge his own path. He wants to impress you and show you that he can do it. That's the thing with children. What's that got to do with anything? Children need to be reprimanded. That's our responsibility to them as parents. Speaking of which, call Diego and check on him. Hey, Mom. We're worried about you, son. How's it going? Was there any trouble? Yeah, but it's all under control now. Let me talk to Aurelio. Hey, babe. It's Felina. What's up, partner? How are you? Things got complicated. Your gringo shot the cop who was dating Ismael. Did he kill her? No, but she and Castillo gave chase to us. We were at a distance, but he shot her in the neck. She was bleeding. She might not survive. Okay. More problems? Manzano shot the girl Ismael was sleeping with. The woman for whom he left Laura. That's going to be a problem, damn it. We're here to save lives. Unlike you, we don't kill. Stop. Castillo. Castillo, let her do it. Laura, I'm in your hands. Take her to the OR. You may go. We take full responsibility for her. Stay strong, Zuk! It seems things with Felina and the gringo got complicated. The DEA caught them, but they managed to get away. How are they? They're fine, but Ismael's girl was shot. Laura? No, dummy. Dalila. When? How? During the chase. Last I heard, she's in surgery. She sort of had it coming, didn't she? Yeah, but I'm worried because we're too exposed, coz. Where are you? At the riding school. You know what? Wait for me there. Okay. High-five! The song is coming along nicely. What's wrong? What's the matter? You seem worried. You're able to express your pain. Maybe this will even help your singing. What are you talking about? Your new lover was shot. Get the transfusion pack ready. What's your blood type? O negative. O negative. What a coincidence. I'm O negative too. We have so much in common. Now, stay calm and relax. Laura, you called. What's going on? Yes. Bullet wound, no exit wound. The bullet is lodged between the second and third vertebrae. We need to operate. Her internal jugular vein may have been compromised. Do whatever you have to do, Laura. Do you know each other? More than we'd care to. Will you assist me? Sure. Get the anesthesia ready. What happened? Who shot her and why? All I know is that she was out on an op. Life goes on, though. Get back to singing. Go on, get to work! How's the future First Lady doing? Well, becoming First Lady isn't all that boring after all. Told you so. This is only the beginning. You're going to have a lot more fun. Awesome. I'm grateful to you for being here. Let's go after the presidency! We do it for Mexico and your families. Belen thinks of you! Belen! Belen! How was it? What do you think? That was very good. -Did I say everything? -You were perfect. Let's go back to the hotel so you can change. No, let's just go. I don't want to stop by the hotel. Why not? You said you wanted... Yes, but I've changed my mind. Let's go. Why? Because I said so. We're pressed for time and we have much to do. Let's go. You're not being honest. We can't keep going if you don't tell me what's going on. Alright, punk, you want to know what's going on? Fine. Let's set the record straight so you'll settle down. It's just a question. Why do you belittle me when I always support you? I don't want to go to the hotel... because there's a life-sucking tick waiting for me there. Who is it? Why don't you want to see him? The organized crime syndicates decide if I become president or not, not us. Have I made myself clear or do you need more details? THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, Episodios completos de el señor de los cielos 9, Capitulo 84 de el señor de los cielos 9, cap 84 temporada 9 el señor de los cielos, Nuevos episodios de el señor de los cielos, Manzano y la felina, Relacion de manzano y la felina, La felina el señor de los cielos 9, Aurelio trata de corregir a Ismael, Aurelio e Ismael el señor de los cielos 9
Id: HcVU7qTzR2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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