El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 81: Secreto de Estado | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Oh, they re worse than hitting your COVID-infected grandma. -You re the worst one, right? -Don t believe him. I treat others as others treat me. What s up, Aurelio? Hey, Chuy! How s it going? You know I don t like being called Chuy. You re as unsociable as ever. This is my wife. My brother, Jesus. Nice to meet you. Mercedes de la Cruz. Likewise. -Please sit down. -Thanks. -Tequila? -No, thanks. -Let s talk business first. -Okay, you re the boss. Is everything okay, Aurelio? Yeah, everything s fine. Just dealing with family stuff. You know how kids can be. Right. Family. We re here because from now on, my wife is going to be in charge of the businesses we do with you. But this practically runs itself. What he means is that you won t have much to do. I wouldn t say that. What are you scared of, Jesus? That I bring to light that one of you two has been fudging the numbers to line your pockets? Who is it? Or is it both of you? Alright, dude, what s that about? Fill me in. We just want to know what the deal is so we can best manage the situation, right, honey? Let me see if I got this straight. Is this how we ll be answering to you from now on? When haven t we? We have a deal with Aurelio. Who s in charge of the small suppliers? The balance show money coming in from large distributors and from sales to smaller dealers in Mexico and on the border with the Americans. That s right. My brother and I split that responsibility. The numbers don t add up. Everything had been running smoothly until now, isn t that right? -That s right. -There you go. But when we checked the numbers, we realized that a lot of money was missing, which had never happened before with you. I d like to see the lady s numbers because there s no problem with the accounting. Are you questioning my wife? Explain it to them, hon. That s why we re here. To check out those numbers. Yes, yes, yes. That s it. That s it, you got it. There you go! Very good! Why are you clapping? Did I win a pageant? Am I a clown? I m happy that you re walking. You'll be your old self soon. I m going to get much better. But first, there s something that s been bugging me. Pitufo! Mirruña! Yes, sir. Give me a moment. Come, boys. Is something wrong with either of you? I ask because I feel a heaviness in the air, and it s not exactly because of the sausages and beans we ate. What s wrong, boys? Sit down, your highnesses. Speak up. Mirruña s been acting weird since he got back. Is that so? Talk to me, son. What s wrong? Did your mother get sick? Your girlfriend dump you? Did your dog die? Do you have an ingrown nail? Talk to me. Some shrimp. Check it out. Looks delicious. Eat up. That's it. What? Good, right? The sauce is delicious. Let me try. It s good. You look very handsome, and all this is very nice and tastes delicious. Looks like we re in for an amazing evening. I wouldn t have it any other way. How s business? Look, lady... I love it when they call me lady.” I can imagine. I want to be straight with you. Why do you like it? Does it remind you of where you re from? Wow, you ve done your homework. You investigated me. Yep. May I ask you a question? Go for it. Are you the one charging the fishermen protection fees? No, quite the opposite. I m ensuring them the ability to operate free of danger and clearing the region so they can get ahead. -Isn't that what you also want? -Yes. I want what s best for everyone. But above all... I m very interested in your state. It s a lovely state. Yeah, sure. I want what s best for everyone too. As you know, I m from Tijuana. And I think I m the only one who can tell you what the region needs. What do you say we toast to that? To Tijuana. To Tijuana. Speak up, son. I know you. There s something eating at you. Let it out or I ll get it out of you. No, Cabo. The thing is, I have a life. I don t just work for you. Things aren t good back home, Cabo. My mother s sick and I wanted to finish building the house on the lot that you sold me, but I don t have enough money. Is that all? You sure? Because I know you and something s going on. You re scared, fool. Scared, Cabo? I m not scared. If you just come out with it, things won t go so bad for you. You want the truth, Cabo? Yes, sir. I m very scared of you. I don t know how to tell you things because I m scared you ll take it the wrong way and beat me with a bat or cut off my ear or shoot me. Is that right, Pitufin? Do you not actually respect me but fear me? We respect you, Cabo. We respect you very much. Cabo, you ve been straight with us. You re a real man. You ll stand up to anybody. But I worry about you hearing something, there being a misunderstanding and you retaliating. Cabo, I d do anything for you. Anything at all, Cabo. You re important to me. I just had to make sure. Get some rest, soldier. I m going to keep exercising. Cabo won t die. He s like a cockroach that keeps going no matter how much you step on it. He s a nasty guy and I think sometimes you overdo it, boss. What are you talking about? We're just partners. It s just talk. I know, boss, but you know I m loyal to you. I look out for you, and sometimes you say too much. You don t need to protect me. Instead, help me find Felina. She s out of jail, and she s not answering my calls. Why are you so interested in her, boss? Isn t she friendly with the Casillases? She could be a problem. That s the kind of problem I like. Thick, womanly, mature problems that ll tie me up and smack me, not like these same old whores with their dyed hair. What ve you got? What is that? Look, I win again. Double or nothing. Okay. Look. If I were you, I wouldn t worry about looking for a job. Know what I d do? I d open my own food business. I m sure you d do great. I do this for others pleasure and for my own, but people like us aren t cut out to run restaurants. -What? -It was a joke. Where s your sense of humor? After everything you ve done under the table, don t tell me you re not loaded. I have some savings, but not enough when you consider the DEA is after me. Especially Castillo. He wants to catch me to look good to his bosses. He s quite the bloodhound. Not enough to find you, I hope. If you go down, Castillo will hand me over to that tub of lard Alfaro. It s sad that all signs point to Colon being dead. I still had hope that he d be resting on a deserted island somewhere. Me too. But that hope continues to dwindle. I hope we can at least find his body and give him a proper burial. He was my friend, you know. I mean, there are things we didn t agree on, but he was a good friend. It s weird to be talking about him like he s dead, but there s so much evidence pointing to Manzano... I don t know, Carla. Yeah, but you re still a long ways off from catching him. Especially if Aurelio is helping him. It won t be easy. Casillas pulls all the strings in this country. He controls everything. So I m going to have to call Alfaro for a team up because the agency can t handle this alone. Alfaro?
Channel: Telemundo
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, nueva temporada de el señor de los cielos 9, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 81, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, novelas de narcos, capitulo 81 el señor de los cielos 9, Aurelio casillas en el señor de los cielos, Mecha descubre un fraude
Id: tH2uUeFU1tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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