El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 8: Palabra de hombre | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES My most sincere condolences, ma'am. Thank you. Did you know my husband? No, I knew Rocco. He recently hired me for a job. I'm a private investigator. Here you are. We need to talk, ma'am. I should benefit from Rocco's death just as much as you. Wouldn't you agree? Yes, that's reasonable. How much do you want? Um... Why don't you set a sum, ma'am? No. You set the sum. Think about it, ma'am. You have my number. I'm very sorry for your loss. See you around. Yes, we really have to be careful. Laura, when you think Rutila is feeling calmer, put her on. I want to hear my daughter's voice. She needs time, Aurelio. I think I'll get to take her home today and everything will be easier there. I trust you. Look after her. Ask her if she wants to talk to me. I don't, Aurelio. I'm not your errand boy! Figure things out. I'm not here to deliver messages. You should show me some respect. Respect? You don't know the meaning of the word. Break it off with your lover. That'd be a good start. Settle down already, Laura. She hung up on me. -She did? -Yeah. You know what women are like, but you could try to put on an act. The mission to capture Aurelio was well planned, sir. We missed out on a golden opportunity. So you wanted a massacre? Is that it, Alfaro? I have to protect the citizens. You were at a hospital! Anything else, Alfaro? Yes, sir. I understand that we can't capture Aurelio Casillas, the all-powerful Lord of the Skies, because of what that would mean, but the gringos are going to want something, sir. Something substantial. We're working on a mission to capture Ismael Guerra, son of the all-powerful Lord. Do you approve of that, sir? -Sir. -What's up? I'm ready to go. -Yeah? -Yep. Great. Get Chatas and Catrasca and tell Greñas to check on Felina in Leticia. He needs to keep an eye on her. You got it. Women are like that. Don't be so obvious. She's taking things too far. -She noticed, huh? -She's pissed. We could intercept Ismael in either of these five points. Are these far away from Dalila's? They're all ten blocks away. There's no obvious connection that could point to her. We'll need five tactical groups. Manzano offered his people and we could ask Alfaro for more. Well, check it out. May I know what you're up to? We're just working on a routine mission, Carla. Sorry. How mysterious of you! Don't worry, though. I didn't see anything. Carla. I'm sorry. It's fine. Get back to work. COLOMBIAN JUNGLE Memo, how much longer until we get there? We should've been there by now, but distances are a funny thing here, ma'am. I hope it won't take much longer. We've probably been spotted by now. Hey! Hey, hey! PENITENTIARY MEXICO CITY Hey, Blanquita. You didn't thank me for the coroner who put together your husband's autopsy report. <i> I was working on your other request, but you beat me to it.</i> <i> You're too much.</i> Look, I'm not in a good mood. I need something else. It's a private investigator. I'll send you his information. Wait, there's something else. <i> Your daughter turned up and she's more annoying than ever.</i> Why are you telling me? You raised her. She's ashamed of you and she hates me. She's had a rough go of it, but remember that you're doomed if you go against family. It's been a while, babe. Come on, get in. Get in. Want me to drag you in here? No, guys. When chicks are being stubborn, you need to distance yourself and give them some space. Shape up, man. You're always in trouble. I don't want that. You're in love with that hot cop. Hey, hey, hey... -What's going on? -I don't like this, homie. We've been set up! Watch out, watch out! This doesn't look good. Of course not, dude! What do we do? Hold on. -What do we do? -Get ready, -------! That's what you need to do! What's this supposed to mean? What do you want, Aurelio? Come on, get in. Get in. Come on. I can manage on my own. Thank you. Put the windows up. We were set up, guys. Probably by the DEA. They'll have to kill us first! You know the drill, guys. We'll split up at the next intersection, got it? The bridge! Go, go, go! Go, go, go! Excuse me, drop me off at the corner. Something personal came up and I have to take off. No, don't stop. Now's not the time for personal matters. Nothing's more important than having the president's blessing to catch Ismael Casillas. Plus, we agreed with Manzano to secure his extradition. The president never authorized his extradition. Leave that to me. I'll handle it later. I gave Manzano my word. Besides, it's only a matter of time before he is. They already confronted them. They're surrounded, but they're fighting back. Where are they? At the intersection of Pinos and Cipres. We're close, Manzano. What escape route can they use? They have none. Damn traffic! Bastards! Greñas! Greñas, the cops are attacking us. Locate us and find us a way out. They keep firing at us! They want me alive, Zopi! Otherwise, they'd bring out the big guns! You know the drill. How are you holding up? Spread out, guys! -Got it! -Got it! Go, go, go! -Which one of them is Ismael? -Calm down. You want me to calm down? Hey, what's going on? What's up? The cops have Ismael surrounded. There's a shootout. I'm in the city's camera system and there are cops everywhere. Hey... Chief. Chief? Untie me! It hurts! Untie me! It hurts! Are you deaf? Do you understand what I'm saying? -------. Sorry, babe, but safety first. Where are we, Aurelio? Relax. Look, if I wanted to hurt you, you'd be dead by now. -What are you going to do to me? -Relax. What am I going to do to you? Well, I'm trying to understand you. Can we talk? Vitas, make sure no one bothers us. You got it. Come on. Vitas, look. What? -Look! - ----, Isma is in trouble! We have to tell the boss. No, he said he didn't want to be disturbed. I'm being told that they've split up. That's just a strategy to try and get away. Ismael is who we're after. Where were they headed? They'll try to use the drains again. Let's go, Colon. Take care of the others! We want Ismael alive! Stop the others no matter what! Out of my way! Out of my way! Don't shoot! Step aside! Straight ahead. Greñas, those dogs are hot on my tail. Where do I go? Where do I go, man? I think you can jump into the building to your left. It's not that easy, Greñas! Take another step and I'll shoot. Drop the act. You want me alive. Try me then. Go on.
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 220,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Carmen Aub, Itatí Cantoral, Belen San Roman, Arturo Peniche, Flavio San Roman, Isabella Castillo, Julio Bracho, Ricardo Almenar, Ivan Arana, Ismael Guerra, Alfaro y la DEA, Romper un trato con Aurelio Casillas, Gómez Labrador no es la excepción, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, Capítulo 8 del señor de los cielos 9
Id: JBII8f8Freo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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