El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 88: Un asunto de negocios | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Be honest with me. Did something happen to my son? Nothing happened to him! But it will. I only came to warn you because he's our son. What are you talking about? He wants to work alone, so alone he will be. No support from me or the family. What are you saying? You can't do that to him, Aurelio! I'm not. He's doing it to himself. And falling flat on his face. You're so handsome, so bright. You're so smart and charismatic, and people love you. Now's the time to achieve what I want. No! I have to go! Have you forgotten that you're in bed with the future president? That's not why I'm with you. I don't need that. I like you. I like you too. Let's make a pact. Give me your hand. Give me your hands. What your father managed to achieve with Gomez Labrador, I'm going to triple it for you when I become president. So how would we end up meeting again? How would we? -A little bit? -A little. You okay, Cabo? I'm not in the greatest of moods. So I recommend you keep the bad news to yourself. With all due respect, Cabo, you're still recovering. You need some time off. Time? Time is what I don't have. Neither of us. We're walking a tightrope. What do you mean? If we can't reach the upper echelons of power with Belen San Roman, we'll be at the mercy of the Casillases or at risk of extermination from the government. That's why I'm working so hard to get in with Belen. She's going to be president. She's upset right now, but give her some time to get over it. And you? You gonna be on your computer with those things on all day? What do I do if I need you? That notification I just sent you is a list of all the equipment I need, among them a kind of intercom system that can't be hacked. As soon as we land, send someone to buy all this crap that this... genius needs, got it? Will do. Rutila, where's my video game buddy? Already in bed. I had a rough day, but I have good news. At least for you, Felina. I heard that the purpose of the president's visit to the hospital was to inform Dalila Zuk that she is the new Secretary of National Security. Yet another murderer in this country is rewarded. Now, Rutila, I know you're no fan of hers, but both you and I should be grateful that Alfaro was stripped of his power. Tell your boss I can't talk right now. I just remembered I have something to do. I advise you to have a seat. You know you can't keep me against my will. And you know that I'm just following orders, so I advise that you sit down and finish your drink. Okay, since you asked nicely. Much better. Listen, Mr. Vitaminas, do you know if your boss has bad intentions with me. If the boss wanted to hurt you, you wouldn't be sitting there drinking mescal. Okay. All I know is that if the Lord of the Skies says "jump," we all ask, "how high?" May I come in? I have nowhere to run to, so... I haven't been that bad to you. A little bit. Let me help you. Are you in pain? How do you feel? Guess the doctor's blood is doing the trick. My neck hurts, but I'm okay. I'm glad. I wanted to ask, now that you're Secretary, what's going to happen? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Castillo. I still haven't been officially named. But it came from the president himself. What more do you want? He fired Alfaro in the hallway. When you're up and about, he'll integrate you into the cabinet immediately. How did Alfaro take it? Alfaro's like an old alley cat. He always lands on his feet. Right now he's trying to find the situation that best works for him, creating alliances. By the way, he asked me to keep an eye on you. What is he doing? The last I heard is that I can't ship merch along the Pacific coast because the unions are pissed that our son killed several fishermen. Why? Because they didn't want to work for him. So he killed them. Doesn't that seem right to you? Is that what we are? We're businesspeople. Drug traffickers. We don't mess with unions. Oh, please, Aurelio! Don't tell me what's right and what isn't! I've never gotten involved in your squabbles with my son or with anyone else. You did business with Dalvio, and did I get involved? No, right? And he was my husband! Which I was always grateful for. But my son is a different matter. You've forgotten something. What? That I was the one who made a man out of you. What's that got to do with anything? This old timer knows a thing or two. Why did you really come? To alleviate your ------- guilt? Did you put a hit out on my son? What happened with Manzano? He's the one who shot me. I know, I saw him. I was there. But you should forget about Manzano. He's another of Casillas' victims. At least that's what he led me to believe. Dalila, Manzano killed Colon. Do we have proof? A bullet casing from his gun, a sample of Colon's blood. If Manzano did kill Colon, we'll never find out how. He had been fleeing with Felina. We could go after her. Maybe she knows something. Eunice Lara has done a good job keeping clean. We won't find anything. Yes, but we both know how she makes her living, laundering the Casillases' money. Why are you defending her? Do you like her? No, but I don't dislike her. I learned to shoot an honest-to-God wood and metal Kalashnikov before I'd turned 15. An original AK-47? Uh-huh. The guerillas made us refer to it after the Russian that invented it as a way of having Mother Russia fighting alongside us! Idiots! How about we drink something in the living room? Alright, let me finish this one. I prefer the taste of liquor to recalling bad times. Let's go. I hope you've got aguardiente. For you, always. Shall we? Shall we? I can't toast, but you all can. Let's go. That's why I came. To have a drink with the family. Maybe I'll even get drunk. I swear I really need it. Get drunk. I'll catch up to you. Bye. Bye. Marce, hating each other won't get us anywhere. We can fix this another way. Easy for you to say. You have another person. You're not hurt by what's going on, Rafael. I love you, Marcela. And you know how much I adore Sofi. I need to see her. There's no reason to take this to trial. You and I can fix this. You don't need to bare your lawyer claws. You already pulled a knife and stabbed me in the back with it. You're using our daughter to get back at me, and I haven't acted like a jerk or been a bad father to Sofi. Haven't been a jerk? What do you call sleeping with someone else? What about destroying what we had or trading me for another person who happens to be the worst kind of criminal? My intentions weren't to push you aside. I was honest with you, don't you remember? Shut up, shut up, shut up. I can't stand you. Find yourself a good lawyer. I mean it, Rafael. -Really? -Yes. That's how you want to fix things? Yes. Then get ready because I'm going to find the best lawyer money can buy. If they need to mop the floor with you, fine by me. You've never seen me like this, have you? Don't provoke me because I can be worse. We always did what you wanted, did things your way. But I won't let you keep me from seeing my daughter. No way. I don't care what you say, but I'm going to say goodbye to her. If I wanted Ismael dead, you know I wouldn't ---- around with that. That's the last thing I'd expect of a father. Like you said, he's our son! Ours! I did what I could. I warned him of what would happen and he didn't give a damn. He's gonna slam into a brick wall! What kind of danger is he in? Just say it! Come out with it! Tata, you know how crooked they are in Tijuana. He thinks he runs the place even though there's already someone there. Tata, they're gonna kill him. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 70,343
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 88, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, capitulo 88 el señor de los cielos 9, Ismael y Belen refuerzan sus lazos, El amor que hay entre Ismael y Belen, Aurelio y la tata preocupados por ismael, Aurelio Casillas preocupado por Ismael Casillas, Ismael Casillas
Id: Lj0tTJaSLR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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