El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 17: El cuarto poder | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES She won't latch onto my breast. Don't force her. Maybe she's gotten used to the bottle. Wait, Mecha. Let me take her. -She's going to cry. -No! She's my baby. Calm down, Mecha. Of course she's your baby, but maybe she's full. Calm down, Mecha. Help me with the baby. Let me take her, Mecha. It's alright. Help me turn her on her side, Esteban! She's having a seizure. Call the nurses. Make sure she doesn't hurt herself. Did you start her on magnesium sulfate? She has arrythmia. She's not breathing. MEXICO CITY I don't know what to say. I thought you'd be jumping for joy. Well, yeah. But some birds might not fly out of their cage even if you open it for them. When is this happening? They're meeting tomorrow. Get ready. Come on, idiots. Because she's the daughter of the Lord of the Skies. Chema Venegas' wife? What's wrong? Don't tell me you're still shocked over who our party friend turned out to be. I'd never imagined she'd be someone so... Never mind. Forget it. My mother was in a bad mood, wasn't she? I feel like whenever she sees me, I ruin her day. Don't start with that. Your mom's super cool. Yeah. I'm so glad you're going to join the company. Thank you so much, Rey. Will you let me have a word with her alone? Of course. Excuse me. I was planning to tell you to go back. If it's because of that broad, you're way off. I didn't know anything. It's just a coincidence. It's got nothing to do with it. I was planning to do it anyway. Now, if you're willing to work and really commit, I can give you a chance. Wow! Thanks! You always talk to me like I'm incompetent. Like I'm an idiot who owes you for the air that I breathe. You owe me your life, yet all you do is attack me. Your dad said he wants you to visit him. And make a line at the prison to see him? You do it because you get something in return, but what'll I get out of it? He'll give you something. Besides, if you're smart, you don't have to wait in line. Besides, he's your dad, dammit! Behave like an adult. Mecha! You can't die. You just had a beautiful baby girl. Come on, Mecha! Do it for your daughter. Wake up! -We're losing her. -Mecha! We have to double her anticonvulsant meds. We can't risk another episode. It's been almost two minutes since these sudden seizures began. Give me the flashlight. Thank God we were here. She still hasn't come to. We have to run some tests. She needs a scan. Still out of it. Mecha... you have to wake up. You have to live for your daughter, Mecha. Yeah, I know that was too much for you, darling. It's your first time out of the house. But I'm here to take care of you. And we're going to go out and lie down on the floor and we're going to draw clouds in the sky, baby. I'm here for you. I'm here for you. She's okay for now. But she needs some tests. Maybe she shouldn't have seen the baby. It's only normal for her to try to breastfeed her and also that the baby would be fussy. That didn't help, but we'll take it one step at a time. Yeah. -Shall we? -Sure. I already told Catrasca. See? Uncle Catrasca's coming. We're going home to your dad. Everything's fine. -I'll catch up, okay? -Sure. Her blood pressure is stable. She's sleeping now. Thank you so much for all your help, Esteban. It's so reassuring to have you around. It's Ismael. I'm not going to answer. You should. I have to go check on my patient anyway. My boss may fire me if I don't. You're going to make me laugh? Sure. Laugh. We were losing her and you brought her back, Laura. Laugh. We have to celebrate life. What's up, coz? Everything okay? Laura's not answering. Why don't you call your dad? He knows everything. Yeah, right. Why? You still pissed off? Still thinking of branching out? What do you want, coz? For me to recite a list of everything that's annoying me? Did you talk to your sister? What did she tell you? She said she really doesn't know anything. Jaime took off with El Cabo and they're not there. She really couldn't get anything out of that ---- Jaimito? Nope, nothing. That's weird, right? Supposedly, Jaime doesn't know anything. They don't know where he was heading. But I don't believe a single word that moron says. I have a question... You're sleeping with Ricardo in that disgusting place? It doesn't repulse you? Hey! Watch it! I won't discuss my sex life with you. Sorry. I was just a little curious about whether you were sleeping with him and your husband at the same time. Why? Why do you hate me so much? I don't hate you. I love you. You're my mother. But it irks me that you're always trying to control my life. That's what mothers do... they look after their children. Don't you think I'm old enough to make my own mistakes? Your life hasn't exactly been a string of successes. Talking to you is a fool's errand. You always have to be right. Listen, I do want to work here, but I don't want to deal with you. I'll deal with Rey, agreed? Fine. Deal with him. And I'm going to resume my horseback riding lessons. I'll find the best place and send you the bill. I should get something out of being a millionaire's daughter, shouldn't I? That's right. Don't worry about that. Money is not an issue. What a temper! Greñas says he has several houses for you to pick from, boss. Good. We should go see them. Take care of that. I'll be right with you. Hello, handsome. Hello. What are you doing out here all alone? Nothing. I was just a little bored. Bored? Where I come from, they say boredom is the root of evil. Where you come from? Where's that? Colombia. It's a little far from here. Where I come from... is the whole planet. How about that? You're so poetic. That's lovely. Is it okay if I add it to my repertoire? Why aren't you playing with your tablet? My mom controls my screen time. Really? But your mom's not around so you can play. You think she's going to die? Die? Your mom? No way! She'll be back. Everything's going to be fine. In the meantime, you're gonna freak when you see the games I find you. Let's go. MEXICO CITY The clothes in this bag are expensive. I also have some cash. God bless you and your children, ma'am. Where's the nearest cell phone store? Right around the corner. Thanks. How can they not have found her? Did you ask Greñas to give you the GPS locators? Yeah, he's working on that, Boss. Listen, everything's ready for the meeting with that woman. Just say the word and we'll be on our way. Who? That Belen lady? That's the one. Okay. Look. Oh, they made it. How's my princess? Come here. Look at her. How's my baby? How's Mecha doing? She was very excited to see her. Can we talk? I'll take care of her. Will you? Yeah. Gorgeous... I bet she's pretty hungry. What happened? Mecha's not doing well? I ordered additional tests but she's not doing well. Since the hospital's hours, I ordered additional equipment and for a special area to be set up so you can visit her. It's the most we can do. Thanks, Laura. I can't believe Ismael doesn't realize the kind of woman he has. One thing is my struggles with Ismael and another completely different thing is you guys, the family. As long as I'm here, I'll always... Hold on. While you're here with us? What's up with that? Well, yeah. If Ismael would rather be with that DEA chick, I have no choice but to start anew, right? Greñas, I need you to lend this kid the best games you have. I have a bunch, but Rutila will kill me if I let him play. -Let her! -C'mon... No, I'm just kidding. I'll handle Rutila. Come on. All right, then. Alright, kid. Let's see what you're made of. That was quick. Show me the houses you picked for me. Sure. We have these right here. I like the one at the bottom. That one's a horseback- riding school. In fact, they're looking for investors. How about that? They just found one. JP, see if we can meet right away. I want to see it and make an offer. Yes, ma'am. You got it. Where's Diana? I want her to come with us. Let me find her. Does anyone know where Diana is? She stepped out. You have a patient waiting for you, doctor. -What's her name? -Don't know. She just walked in and said she'd wait for you. Need anything else, doctor? No, thank you. Excuse me. -Hello. -Hello. How are you? I'm okay. I came... because I want more of your medicine. It makes me feel very good, doc. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 158,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Carmen Aub, Rutila, Julio Bracho, Ivan Arana, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, el señor de los cielos 9 ultimos capitulos, esdlc, El cuarto poder, Los medios de comunicacion hablan de los casillas, Los casillas son responsables de todo mal, Los medios hablan mal de los casillas, La familia casillas es difamada, Difaman a los casillas
Id: b-_JxCm0h4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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