El Señor de los Cielos 9, resumen episodios 24 al 28 | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES You're such a brute! I've been called worse. I appreciate it, babe. You were very good. The DEA just informed us that a woman who just gave birth to Aurelio's child resides. The DEA also said that Aurelio could be traveling there soon. Excellent! Get me the coordinates so we can go there and take them out. Well, that's the problem. If the DEA finds out there's been a leak, I could get in trouble. Oh, I get it. Right, right. Right. So what do we do? We need to kill those bastards without getting you in trouble. I'd appreciate it. You're right. So how would we do that? I want proof. I want evidence. Is everything okay? Neni, what's wrong? Cabo, explain what's happening. He betrayed me! He sold me out! -Jaime? -Yes, that bastard Jaime. Cabo, Cabo! What's up, Jaimito? What do you mean? I don't know what you mean. Your niece is being weird. I don't know what's up with her. Jaimito, think about it. I know you can. What'd you do? They figured out that we're setting them up. What? Aurelio, I swear that I had nothing to do with it. I mean it. Don't do anything. If Cabo contacts you, let me know. I know the gov's done some disgusting things, but this is on another level. Now you know how deep he's in. Did he think I'd take his betrayal lying down? Forget that. If his wife saw the video, she's probably going to kill him. He sold me out to the Casillases and that comes at a price. Mom, you need to tell your husband or boyfriend or whatever he is that they plan to attack his house in Sinaloa, which is probably where you are. You need to leave now! How do you know? What'd you get yourself into now? Promise you'll tell him. I'll call him now. But are you okay? Tell me how... I can't right now. Bye. Isturiz, where did you get this? I don't know where the video came from, but Berenice asked me to send it to you. She's with Jaime. Is she okay? She asked me to send it to you because Diana is very rash. But I feel Berenice might be in danger. Get back to work. I've got this. Look, Cabo, I've been thinking, and I'd like to offer you a female candidate. This woman is powerful and charismatic enough to make it to the presidency. I don't know if she's considered running, but she will soon. Out with it then. Her people have reached out to me and I'm sure you're going to like her. Her name is Belen San Roman. I like to surround myself with smart people. People who know what they want and who'll do whatever it takes to achieve it. Is that what you're like? I know what I want. What do you want? I want power. I want the power you have. We confirmed what you said about Sinaloa. They're trying to ambush us. I told you! Who is it? I can't identify them, but there are several and they're armed. There's heat on the house. It's over. Son, get my daughter and the women out of there. Make sure they're not tailed. You just bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell. We'll see about that, kid. It won't be easy. I know it won't be but I'm persistent. I'm very persistent. You're going to remember me for the rest of your life. Every day and every night you will remember me. We've been located. I think we've got a mole. That drone was not watching the house. They already knew we were here. Casillas is much more protected than I thought. Let's go. No, I'm not interested in money. I'm interested in the country. I'm interested in Mexico. Power. Control. You should understand. You have it. I want it and I'm going to have it. I just want you to join my party. I'm not just what you see before you. I'm not just a millionaire widow with nothing to do. You'd be surprised to find out what's in here. I have a lot of resources. I can get you some very important things. I'm sure you can, but I already have a candidate. Aurelio, will you show him? Or shall I? You can do the honors. Go for it. Alright. This is what happened. Take it. Kill her, kill her! Kill her! You killed my mother, Jaime! You're a murderer! I'm going to kill you myself! Let me go! I hate you! I won't keep living with my mother's murderer, is that clear? We're going after the presidency. You won't have to share a bed. Stay with him during the campaign and then get divorced. I can't do it! I don't want to do it and I'm not going to do it! Give me your gun! -Let go! -Give it to me! You're both murderers! -Calm down! -Murderer! -I'm going to kill you! -Calm down. Listen to Aurelio. Listen to what he's saying. Listen to him! Damn it, Jaime, you killed her. You just killed your wife. Accidentally, but you killed her. Vitas, have her taken to the Alchemist. The Alchemist? What's that? Who's that? The Alchemist will make sure to erase all trace of her existence. She'll be submerged in acid so her body will disintegrate. He's very efficient. Start talking! What happened to my sister? Hey, hey. Relax. She and I were in the car. Tell them, tell them. It's okay. And? We were in the car, okay? And... we were arguing, Diana. We were fighting. Then something happened... You know she's not right in the head, don't you? You know that, don't you? She got out of the car and... She got out of the car? I don't understand. She got out of the car after we pulled over. She was fine. She took off running. She ran into oncoming traffic and I lost sight of her. I don't know where she is. Why'd she take off? Where's Greñas? It's okay, coz. She's going to be fine. Greñas looked into it and he says the security cameras weren't working. Diana, don't worry. Greñas will find her. Straight to voicemail. She's not answering. Maybe she's not answering because Cabo has her. What? That can't be. Nothing changes in this damn business. Well, Greñas? What is it? This is all I was able to find. This is it? It's very short. -That's it? -That's all I got. -Show me. -Damn. Show them, Jaime. We're already working on it. You are Gomez Labrador's Secretary of National Security, but I'd like to have you as an advisor for the eventuality that is my presidential administration. Oh, wow! I didn't know you had political aspirations, much less that you planned to run for president, ma'am. Belen. Call me Belen. Of course I do. I'm concerned for the future of the country given the situation and I have ambitious plans. I'll soon announce them properly. With a mariachi band and plenty of mezcal. Plus, with the media access you have at your disposal. The media empire your late husband left you -my most sincere condolences- is known nationally and internationally and that gives you quite an edge, doesn't it, Belen? We shouldn't skimp on resources. That'd be hypocritical of me. I go after what I want and it's gone well for me. That is commendable. Thank you. We deserve better. That could be my campaign slogan. Let's go after the country we deserve. Do you like it? I like it! It's strong, it will get your supporters involved, and it's also inclusive. Yes, I like it too. It's great and very inclusive. We all deserve a shining sun that will illuminate the greatness of Mexico and its people. My father could be lying to us about everything with Bere. If that's true, everything's gone to hell in this family. Oh, Isma, Dad is no angel. What would he gain from it? Bere's family, isn't she? Dad has done so many strange things that I don't know what to expect from him anymore. Yeah, but this is different. One thing is for him to want that fool as president and another is for him to be working with him to screw us over. I've known Jaime since he was drooling after Teran. He'd do anything to be on Dad's good side. I'd forgotten you'd been the First Mistress of the Republic. You think I'm in the mood for jokes? Sorry. If Dad wanted him dead, he'd be six-feet under. He isn't because he wants him as his errand boy. You know what? We need to stop being so paranoid. Dad's doing what's best for him and he's doing things his way. Listen, sis, he's always protected us. Careful with those gringos. You're driving them crazy. We need to keep the clients hooked and alive. I got what I wanted, Felina. I showed Manzano how things are done. Do whatever you want. I have other things to do now. See you later. Alright. Look after Diana. Thank you, Felina. What? What are you looking at? You're not used to seeing me smile, are you? Let's go, Vitas! CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
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Keywords: el señor de los cielos 9 resumen de los episodios 24 al 28, el senor de los cielos 9 mejores momentos episodios 24 al 28, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, resumen semanal episodios 24 al 28, Telemundo Novelas, Aurelio Casillas, Istúriz, Belén, Uzcátegui, momentos destacados de El Señor de los Cielos 9, trama intensa, resumenes de el señor de los cielos 9
Id: P5Cyb7NZ4cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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