El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 14: De alianzas y venganzas | Telemundo

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Thank you. What's up, you crazy kid? Casillas. Manzano. Alone at last. I'm going to make you pay for everything you owe me. If you got this far, spare me the speech and kill me already. So soon? Let me enjoy it at least. I decide if you live or die, Manzano. Nothing in this country shocks me anymore. If the president and its main powers meet with a criminal, there's no saving Mexico. Yeah, yeah. "There's no saving Mexico." That's why I'm here. I'm here to save it. You can't call the nurse. And you can't call your guards 'cause they're meeting with mine. That's so you won't complain, you whiny gringos. Hey, hey, hey! Take it easy. Take it easy. We're just passing through. They're not going to bother anyone for a while, Vitaminas. -Cool. -Let's go. Watch them. I went to check on her, like I normally do, and she was gone. Greñas, check the security cameras. Sure. Security? Given the times and the situation, your security system is looking pretty flimsy, Greñas. He's in charge of supplies. -No way, damn it! -Call Rutila. No can do, ma'am. She left her phone. Pompeyo, you're making me nervous. Calm down, dear. Think. Who's gonna have a better idea of where she is than you? She wants to drink. She kept asking for drinks. Well, then everything's fine. If you like booze, you know where to go. She wanted to drink, so she went out for drinks. Now we just have to figure out where she went. MEXICO CITY Room service! She arrived without a tail and she's gun free, homie. You're good to go. This is reckless, Ismael. Alfaro won't stop looking for you. I don't care about Alfaro. Why aren't you happy? Why are you so angry? Are you going to start psychoanalyzing me? I'm here because you're sure I didn't sell you out, but what do you want from me? For you to shut up. Don't you get that I like it when you're quiet? -Oh, yeah? -Uh-huh. Then shut up! Ismael isn't answering. He was traveling from Sinaloa, so he should be here by now. Something probably came up. That's why he's so busy. He'll be here. Laurita, that doesn't matter right now. Rutila's in danger. What can we do about it? There's nothing we can do. Besides, we all know Rutila. She's very crafty. Does Aurelio know? No. He's busy. Vitaminas knows, so Aurelio will find out soon enough. Rutila must be unwell for her to fail to see the danger she's exposing herself to. Unless... she wants to try it again. No, don't give me that look. Pardon my frankness, but if she tried it once, why wouldn't she try again? Ever since my parents died, I feel like I'm in a fog. Like I'm living a nightmare. I don't know if I stay with Jaime because I love him, because I hate him, because... I just don't know. I want to forget my parents were killed in front of me. Everything had been hell... until you showed up, Isturiz. You're the nicest thing that's happened to me in a long time. Babe, I'm no angel. You know that. But I'm sure I'd never hurt you like that bastard Jaime did. The world believes the US to be a superhero, a first-world power, the best at everything they do and that Mexicans are disgusting and useless. But that perception, that image will soon end, Manzano. You may brag about everything you do here, but you can't corrupt my country's soul. I think I've done more for your country than you have. You have no idea how much fentanyl, -tons of it- I've rerouted from the US. You want an invitation to the White House to offer advice and receive a medal? Manzano, when you recover and you get out of that bed, you'll run to beg me to put an end to the mess. Remember how I said something unavoidable was going to happen? Well, it's happening. And I'm just here to give you a heads up. Later. The guys from the shift change will know something's up. We have to tell the boss about Rutila or he'll be pissed. -Watch out. -What was that? Why would I get pissed? It's Ms. Rutila, sir. She held one of our guys at gun point and escaped the house. We don't know where she is. Really? You can't trust anyone anymore. Let's go! Hey. I think you want to be alone, but being annoying is my only personality trait. Maybe that makes me a bad person. She's the worst. I'm trying to find him a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. We still don't know yet. We're in the research stage. He's my step-brother. We've only seen each other a handful of times. My mom married his dad, may he rest in peace. And we party together. We're both very drunk. Well, he is. Maybe he's drinking because he knows I'm paying. I'm going to order champagne. What are you drinking? Want some? No. Believe me, I'm bad company. But you're so cute, babe. You're pale, you have a vampy air about you, but you're cute. You also look familiar. I feel like I've seen you before. Are you on TV? -No?. -A magazine then? Why are you by yourself? Because sometimes booze is the best company. Fine, let's have a drink. It'll be my treat. Pour them another of whatever they're having. Cheers. -Cheers! -Cheers! Rutila isn't stupid. If she doesn't want to be found, she won't be found. She'll just make everything more difficult for us. I don't think she's going to hurt herself. She just wanted to get some fresh air. Sure she did! Is that what we're calling getting drunk now? You should've given her some booze here instead. No, that's not advised given all the meds she's taking. Excuse me. I spoke to the guard who drove Ms. Rutila away and she got out of the car in Polanco and he lost her in the crowd. Where can we look for her? How many clubs are in Polanco? Well... Around 400. It'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Hello. Yes, we're here with Pompeyo. Let me put you on speaker. You guys have spent more time around Rutila. Do you think she'll try to commit suicide again? No, Aurelio, she just wants to get drunk. I don't think she'll try anything either. This isn't about what you think. I need you to find her! I need you and your doctor friend to come to Sinaloa. Mecha isn't well. What happened? Complications during birth. She's at Hospital Central. That hospital belongs to us. I'll find out who our best doctors are there. Fine, but I want you here, Laura. Is Ismael there? He's not home. Call me when he gets in. In Mexico City, in Sinaloa, Sonora and Tamaulipas. Where does this wave of violence the government seems to want to hide come from? Watch this and judge for yourselves. Who is the president of Mexico working for? Why does Gomez Labrador want to keep this quiet? Did you watch it? Very good! We're going to cause yet another stir. It wouldn't be the first time. If they try to shut us down, even better. We'll make a scene. And if they say I want to call attention to myself, great. I do. I'll get right to the point. We need to get an interview with Aurelio Casillas. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo
Views: 127,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Señor de los Cielos, Aurelio Casillas, Rafael Amaya, Carmen Aub, Rutila, Itatí Cantoral, Belen San Roman, Arturo Peniche, Flavio San Roman, Diana, Isabella Castillo, Julio Bracho, Ricardo Almenar, Ivan Arana, Ismael Guerra, Capítulo 14, Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, Bajo amenaza de muerte, Jaime le ofrece al Cabo, contacto directo con Alfaro, Manzano reta a Casillas
Id: BpKOwqMrGU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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