El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 1: La Bestia despierta | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES I've never seen you look so worried, sir. I don't have a good feeling about this meeting, Vitaminas. The president views me as a decision maker in the country, as someone with power, but I don't have a good feeling about this meeting. Much less the guys back there. Once a cop, always a cop. Have you confirmed the location? Don't worry, I'll do what we agreed on. I've waited a long time to get to reveal an event like this. <i> I'll fill you in later.</i> It's a shame you won't be around to hear me, Fernando. Boss. What's up, baby? I've got confirmation on the location. Hey, from here on out, we'll be taking over. <i> Hey, Isma.</i> <i> Is everything ready?</i> Everything's ready, but like I said, this smells fishy, Dad. Of course it reeks, son. There are politicians and clerics in the mix. But if they want to cut a deal with us, it's because they fear we'll set the country on fire again. Yeah. Okay, son. See you later. Hey, Mr. President! What's up? I see you're surrounded by the very best. Politicians, the clergy, Americans. Financial powers. You were just missing the Devil and well, I think that's me. Alright, Casillas, let's get to the point. What'd you want to talk to me about? The eggs and bacon are here. Let's get cooking. THREE MONTHS EARLIER That's it, girl. Well done! Yeah! Hey, princess. I see now what you're like. I do. In life, some people are born to be subjugated and others to do the subjugating. Which one are you? Let's find out. Come on. These guys are being stubborn, homie. They're offering half of what we agreed on. We won't get a deal if we play nice. Well, you know what? We're not going to let this trip go to waste, are we? What's up? The merch is right there, isn't it? I'm not giving you more money. Oh, yeah? Give it back! -Come on! -Do it. Son of a... Bastards! What'd you think? That you could con us because business is low? Leave them there, Skinny. So everyone knows not to mess with the Casillases! Let's go! NEW YORK, USA. They really went all out. I expect no less, given all the money we're making them. Way to go, coz! Brian can't stop eyeing Ms. Williams! How do you pronounce your name? Rebeca. Rebeca Williams. Be cool, be cool. I need you to visit Texas right away, Rebeca. Oh? Well, Brian, I'd love to meet your lands. Are you trying to impress her with the size of your ranch? If there's one thing Rebeca loves, it's animals and land. Maybe you'll love it so much that you'll want to stay. Maybe. Maybe. I just got back to New York, and you're already trying to kick me out? Listen, we looked into Brian and he's perfect for you. We sent you the report via e-mail. He's a lover of prehistoric cave art. He loves to hunt, fish, and farming. And cattle. Plus, the poor thing is divorced. -He's free. -He's perfect for you, Diana. His money is clean and we'll get to keep laundering money, ladies. You have a good nose, coz. We still have a lot of money left to launder, so we'll have to ask Felina for help. -Diana. -Be right back. Bye, Rebeca. Did you make love to her just as violently? Who? Mecha. You may think it morbid, but whenever we have sex, I wonder what you were like with her. When you're with me, your body is obviously present, but your heart... I don't have a heart, babe. And like you said, this is just recreational sex. It's nice, fun, and enjoyable... but it's just sex. Don't get it twisted. DEA MEXICO CITY As you can see, 96% of fentanyl production is concentrated in Baja California, Sinaloa, and Sonora, but it's also spreading rapidly to the rest of the country. Yes, but how accurate is this information? It's up to date, Alfaro. The president refuses to accept that Mexico is full of labs that produce this poison. I was talking to Zuk. And just so you know, the president has always shown a fierce willingness to address the issues that plague our country. Really? Open your eyes, Alfaro. Go on, Zuk. Hey, son. Isma, is it true you ran into trouble in Tijuana? Yes, Dad. We ran into some nobodies who tried to cross the line, but we showed them, right, Skinny? I'm heading back to Mexico City to deal with the fentanyl issue. Yeah, that stuff is selling a lot in Tijuana and the north. <i> Know what I'm going to do?</i> I'm going to deal with the head of the Chinese himself. They brought that crap to Mexico. <i> Oh, yeah?</i> Well, if we find him, we can take him out, Dad. Problem solved. Go to Mexico City and I'll tell you what to do. Sure. I just hope you're not making a mistake. I don't make mistakes. MEXICO CITY Going public in the stock market was a great move, but we have to bolster our credibility with the press. No more being weighed down. We need journalists of great renown making the news. That's right, I said "making." Don't you think you're overstepping, Belen? This is what we need now. These are the résumés of the professionals with the best credibility in the country. And who's going to pick them? You? Dad... Sons, could I have a moment alone with Belen, please? Yes, Dad. I understand where you're going, Belen, but do we have to pick a fight to achieve our goals? -Of course not. -Dad. You built this place. You did. Are you really going to let this... this woman tell you what to do? Honey. Hey, Felina. Just got in to Mexico City. I need to speak with you in person. I'm going through things at Zambrana Ranch. Fernando made him buy some artwork that's worth something. You know I don't give a rat's ass about art. Very funny, you nasty pig. I'll head out and I'll bring what I found here. I'll help you sell it so we can make something of it. What do you say we meet in two hours? Cool. Any news about your son? What do you say we forget about that? So Felina is scared of kids? Felina, that won't make it go away. Handle it and get it over with. Right now, I just need to focus on work. I'll call you when I land. Bye.
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, nueva temporada de el señor de los cielos 9, rafael amaya regresa al señor de los cielos, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 1, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, cuando sale el señor de los cielos 9, regreso del señor de los cielos, novelas de narcos
Id: -mlsHIU-UCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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