El Señor de los Cielos 9, resumen episodios 87 al 91 | Telemundo Novelas

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This is a clean business. The government's not looking for anybody. It's pretty risk-free. It gets even better. You make a lot of money in this, and you boys like money, don't you? You've got the numbers in front of you, check 'em out. -What do you get out of it? -Me? Nothing, except for that my son Ismael just got into that business, and you guys have to fight him for it. I don't think you understand. I'm his father. My responsibility is to teach him a lesson, to show him what this business is all about. I tried every way I could think of. -This is my final option. -But, boss... Listen, the idea is for him to learn, and if he's gonna remember, it has to hurt him. He has to face the consequences. It could end up worse than that, boss. I don't want to get him killed. Isma's not an idiot. He can defend himself. In the meantime, he'll suffer a few blows. It's the only way he'll learn. Your father thinks he's God. He thinks he can do whatever he wants and manipulate the lives of everyone. Even his children's. Not mine. That's why I admire you so much. I'm going to be traveling the country, but I still want to see you because I love that you... How do you know what I like in bed, you mind reader? I don't know, but you know what I like too. You could've achieved as much if not more than your father. Why'd you really come? To alleviate your ------- guilt? Did you put a hit out on my son? Sleeping with another woman doesn't make you a jerk? What about destroying what we had or trading me for another person who happens to be the worst kind of criminal? My intentions weren't to push you aside. I was honest with you, don't you remember? Shut up, shut up, shut up. I can't stand you. Find yourself a good lawyer. I mean it, Rafael. -Really? -Yes. That's how you want to fix things? Yes. Then get ready because I'm going to find the best lawyer money can buy. If they need to mop the floor with you, fine by me. You and I were such good friends and now you have such disdain for me. Don't forget that I know things about you. We know things about each other. And we're still going to know them, Alfaro, we just have to learn to treat each other decently. I just had a talk with your master. He asked me to remain on standby. Okay. Milton, this isn't love. It's business plain and simple. I'm sad to hear you think so. I was growing fond of you. You misjudged me. I guess the Colombian hood did come out after all, bruh. You're a businessman, an entrepreneur. Don't behave like a troglodyte. Now act like a man or kill me. You'll have to earn the right to sleep with me! I'll die before I'm forced to be with anyone. Alright, Belencita. There's something you should know. Killing you... is still an option. I'm not afraid. I want you to handle my brother's businesses. There's a lot of money at stake. Are you game? Do business with his killers? Yes, that's right. I know you need the money, so put your feelings aside. Do the math and let me know. We have to be prepared. Whether I win or lose, you have to kill Cabo. Do we have an agreement? We do. I see you're doing well, Dalila. Very good. That must mean you're in good hands. I was given the best care, sir. Good, very good. I'm here to make your appointment official. From now on, you are Secretary of National Security. That was just the beginning. The Figueroas accepted my father's offer and didn't hold back. Ismael didn't hold back either and was just as fierce. Dad thought he'd throw in the towel, but he didn't. It was quite the opposite. Everyone in the family was doing their own thing. Felina continued in her quest to clear her name and laundered money in Mexico and Colombia. She also continued with her lawsuit against the state. The electoral campaign continued. In the polls, sometimes Jaime was up, sometimes Belen was up. Dad always kept an eye on them. He never lost sight of them. The country had a new Secretary of National Security and our enemies kept to themselves. We later found out that Cabo and Ricardo Almenar were setting up fentanyl labs with the Chinese. Dad thought Ismael would overtake him even if he had people close to him around him. That wasn't the case, though. Unfortunately, the day he most feared finally came, a day of his own making because he brought us into the world. He brought us up to be his replacement, to be his heirs... to be the Casillas dynasty. TWO MONTHS LATER I asked you a question! Yes! Yes! I notified them. Wanna know why? Because they're the only ones who can save us! Otherwise, we're dead! Do you have any proof that I was that person? I knew you'd say that. I don't have any evidence of it, but we know Lucas got you out of National Security offices and you drove away in a car. We also believe you spent time together in a cottage in Desierto de los Leones. You're dead wrong, darling. I did leave the National Security offices with Lucas, I won't deny that, but you know what? That DEA agent ditched me before... What's the place called? Desierto de los Leones. Listen, guys, I'm really grateful, but next time you do something on your own, I'm going to see you as my enemies. That goes for everyone! You're not okay with this business, are you? Out with it. How should I put it? Business is business. Having your sister killed... that's something else entirely. That's the nature of the business. But it's not something you forget. Mr. Hector Figueroa. Relax, relax, man. Hold on. It's Milton Jimenez. Yes, it's Cabo. The one and only. Listen closely to what I have to say because this offer is going to make us very good friends. Listen up. In a few moments, I'm going to send you the whereabouts of Ismael Casillas and his father, the infamous Lord of the Skies. They're going to meet up somewhere in Tijuana. I'll send you the location. So here's my offer. If you hand them to me alive, I'll give you $10 million. What do you say? Let's negotiate! Who wants me alive? Zopi, Vitas, go get him! Grab him! I want you alive, son. Thank you, Dad. It's over, son. The tests showed... that Sofi has leukemia. I sent it to you. I was keeping that ace up my sleeve, but I think it's time to use it. Choke her now! Kill her! Kill her, mother------! Kill her, mother------! Kill her! That's it! Kill her! One thing, though. Don't show that video because then I'd be exposed. Use it to accuse Jaimito and you'll see the results. It'll cost him the election. And once you're president of the country, remember me. Clean up my image so that I may go visit you at the National Palace. I'm here to share some big news with you. I'm marrying Jaime. Honey! Honey. Belen, has she told you the news? Should I propose to her now or during the debate? You decide. What do you say? My baby, Rafa! My baby! Have them run the test again! Can you do the test again? Maybe there's still a chance. -No, there's nothing we can do. -There is! -That's not how this works. -Yes, it is! No, Marcela! Please try to understand! You may not be compatible, but that doesn't mean there aren't other possibilities to consider. What do you mean? Come in. Eunice, what are you doing here? I'm very happy, Belen San Roman. I've suffered much and it's about time luck favored me. I'm up in the polls, so that's one reason to be happy. The other reason for my happiness is Amanda. She's an extraordinary woman and I'd like to use this platform, and include our viewers, to ask for Amanda's hand in marriage. What do you say, Belen? I'm certain fate has blessed you by introducing you to my daughter, a wonderful woman. Unfortunately, as a mother, I can't let my only daughter marry a murderer. Excuse me? What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're relying on some cheap gossip to benefit yourself? That's not fair. In case you didn't know, you can face legal consequences for slander. You'll be the one facing legal consequences. I can prove my claims. I have a video I'm going to air on a national network. All the men and women in Mexico will know who Jaime Rosales really is. Play the video. Kill her, you bastard! Kill her now! Choke her! Kill her! Kill her, mother------! Kill her! That's it! Kill her! Kill her! Choke her! Kill her! Kill her, you bastard! She just signed her death sentence. Kill her, you bastard! Kill her! CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
Views: 135,476
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, el señor de los cielos 9 resumen de los episodios 83 al 86, el senor de los cielos 9 mejores momentos episodios 83 al 86, nuevo capitulo de el señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 83 al 86, resumen de el esdlc, capitulo 83 al 86 esdlc, El señor de los cielos 9 mejores momentos, el senor de los cielos 9 lo mejor de la semana
Id: oP2sC8SjRbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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