EGR and CCV Delete - 2020 F350 6.7 Powerstroke

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i know i know i've been doing this a lot a lot of cold starts in the start of the video but i love it you guys love it welcome back to channel today we are actually working on our super duty that's the plan anyways uh let's go in the shop and we'll talk so we're in the garage now uh i'm gonna do a little cleanup from yesterday but if you didn't see the last video we threw a light bar up on this this thing took it out last night of course it was raining all yesterday so this thing the wheels are just disgusting mud on it but uh tow rope actually did not bad i added a strap there i didn't show that but kind of happy with that so let's do a little start on this thing i know it doesn't sound that impressive stock exhaust but so today on the video once i back this thing up without hitting anything oh yeah there we go i love this thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so here's the plan for today if you didn't see our delete video um well you wouldn't have seen this but if you did you know what's in here we have a dirty diesels uh egr delete um kit from them so [Music] see what we got in the box here so real simple it's got all the hardware that you need apparently so what's there and then you've got your block off plates so i don't want to scratch these but one block off plate this will be the um one that actually goes on the egr that will be caught off the manifold and then we have our big coolant plate so that is what we got in this kit i forget how much i paid for that but we do have that we're going to try and get this done today of course we'll go through the instructions and then also we have a smeating diesel um let's see what this oh yeah so this is a ccv delete so crankcase ventilation the reason you want to do one of these on a well six seven power stroke doesn't matter what year it is um what can happen when you turn these suckers up they make a lot more crankcase pressure um so with the factory uh how do i say this factory ventilation system it has a filter it runs through that filter well when the filter gets plugged um that causes higher current case pressure well pressure's got to go somewhere so what has been happening is it blows out the front structure on these trucks now it doesn't seem like that big of an issue but these uh super duties here of course you can see there's just a jumble of pipes and mess under the hood well from what i have heard and what i've read and researched to do that front structure the oil pan has to come off to get the oil pan off you have to pull the transmission out just alone you're probably 10 hours just doing the front structure and that's not even putting it all back together so for people that are deleting their trucks and don't have warranty anymore this is something you really really want to do so you don't have to do that so it's a super simple setup um i don't even think this is 120 bucks canadian but you open up this of course one hand is always hard but you have one side this is a block off plate and then you have this will where your blow by tube will go which that's this thing if you didn't know this is just three quarter inch heater hose but this will be technically a blow by tube so any crankcase pressure it will come out this fitting through this fitting and go to the earth so what it's for the only thing you guys want to do now other things i've heard is you don't want to drain this or you don't want it to drain you don't want it to go under the like the driver's side of the cab just with kind of the oil that you'll have you'll get that little bit of a smell so what we're going to try and do is route it to the passenger side make a drip over there and then uh yeah but let's go ahead we'll start with the ccv and then we'll get on to the egr in the back half of this video all right so this is my first time doing this with along with you guys um but there's two fuel lines here return line it looks like um down here and then there's this one these clips you just kind of have to pull these little white deals they'll pop out of the way so then we got to go ahead we got to pull these off so there's a few bolts 10 mil head so we'll just start pulling these out lines are disconnected we got the four bolts out of this crankcase filter set up now i just got to figure out how this little d-dag comes off of here i don't know if it's polar if it's a twist how that works there it is get that off let's see if we can wrestle this out so there's that okay so let's just go over what i did there so you can see there that hole in the back it's got two screws on it that's two your hold down bolts and you got one up here at the front right there and then there's another one right there so you do that this line this line this line has to be disconnected and then you gotta pop this little deal off so this is what the clamp looks like it's got three little keepers on it you just have to kind of pry those out of the way and that sucker will pull off so mine as soon as it came loose this actually slid in so it slid up this little collar and then the hose popped off really not too bad i don't know i haven't been doing this for about 10 minutes and i already got this sucker off so here is this big ugly piece of crap so there's your two rear bolts your front bolt and then there's your top bolt so this is what we're deleting today so looking at our parts this one will be our lower one lower block off so that is replacing this just like that and this deal is right here bolts in the back and then we'll have our 90 degree fitting that kind of good stuff and then there is this little rubber deal so i'm guessing this will be it'll go over there so i got this all installed um there's that front block off plate and then we got the rear one on i installed the fitting first it is loose because we're going to go ahead we'll tighten that afterwards so i tried rotting this hose i have a couple options but uh they end up going kind of by the exhaust so what we're going to jump into now is let's get this egr cooler out uh kind of looks like it's about to rain but we'll just keep at it so this big thing right here that'll be what's coming out next um so probably i'll just stick you guys on a time-lapse i'll start ripping and turn and then first thing you want to do during your uh your engine coolant there's a little drain valve right in here should be able to see it where that blue hose goes it's kind of tricky you gotta turn it so it'll start uh vertical you'll turn it counterclockwise 90 degrees and then at that point you turn it another 90 degrees but you kind of have to pull out mine was really stiff but i just played with it back and forth finally got it out so the instructions say drain about 12 liters we're just gonna fill up our pail because there's no issue we got lots of room so use a clean bucket because you will want to reuse this coolant when we're done okay so first thing you guys want to do pull your air intake super simple then we're going to the lines then you got to pull that egt probe once you've done that you have a long and you have the short egr pipes they're just super simple eight mil with a ratchet pull those out once you get that done now you have seven bolts that hold the egr down i'll try and put a picture up here that shows you every single one that you need to get at there's three on the top three on the bottom and then one kind in the center at the front rear ones a little bit tricky to get at um but not too bad once you get that done we're pretty much right on to the block off plates there's three bolts on the rectangular long one two on the other one make sure you clean all your o-rings make sure that's all good moving along here um once you're at this point tape so you want to dielectric grease tape up the connectors we're not going to use anymore and then just go ahead and wrote some lines wrote all your electrical tape them up really good and button it all back up fill with coolant okay so we got the egr delete done um i'm just letting it cycle right now trying to bleed some of the air out um just to the cooling system but here's this egr so this sucker is massive so here's your coolant parts that's what that other plate is um that of course that we put on there that big black rectangular one there's seven bolts that hold it on so there's six across the length you can see every single bolt um and then there's one more and that's right here so you got one two one there and then you got your three on the bottom so one two three and of course this is the bottom this will be the top side um but yeah really simple to do the only other thing i did a little different um than kind of how the kit does sorry it's a little loud i remove these holes so this is usually right here and they just could either reuse this and then barb it in to make it longer all right take it all apart i switch this key around just sort of points a little different make it rip a little bit and yeah [Music] get it hot and you'll just want to when you're doing this first pizza [Applause] [Music] that looks a lot better [Music] once i kind of heat cycle this once then i will wrote my blow by team and we'll show you guys that so i went ahead we got this sucker loaded so you can see it comes off our 90 back in there boom 90 comes up i got it running over the intake there's no heat up there then it runs down kind of under your uh exhaust back pressure sensor and then it runs out the other side where if you come over here it comes down i got it so it's running on the outside of the frame then all it did is i took drilled two holes put a zip tie here and what that's doing is that's keeping this from hitting there's some wires that come in here gotta be careful you don't want it rubbing and then i just have it short and it's cut so now i'll be able to come over here i'll be able to check it in the winter and or you'll be able to see that it's you know there's some air flowing out of there there should be a little bit of blow-by but uh yeah let's go ahead we'll fire this sucker up again and uh see what it's like come in just gonna shut you guys down so show you guys no codes up on the dash other than the doors open and the hoods open this does have the am am diesel performance uh six and a quarter horse tune it's their five level we got the switch on the fly deal been super happy it's also got trans canning flow pro 5 inch exhaust now these are things you will not want to do unless you have delete tuning done to your vehicle you'll have all kinds of codes it won't be good this bucket there's i don't know probably three four inches in the bottom so we guess about four liters or a gallon of coolant is left now your uh egr here like this sucker it probably holds all that fluid so we're not going to throw that stuff out i'm going to take old washer fluid jugs we're going to save that fluid because we'll probably need them but we'll just come over here i can feel like a little bit on there but not much so real good thank you for tuning in to the channel watching this video if you're doing the same thing to your 2020 or newer six seven um i hope this will be helpful come back for our next video we'll be heading to quad for me long here pretty soon so there'll be lots of content coming up
Views: 1,889
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OwfLLZMD6ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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