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Most people are unaware of this, but if you have a comprehensive insurance policy on your truck and the pump fails and takes out the fuel system you can claim the repair cost under that policy. All it takes is saying that you must’ve gotten fuel contaminated with water at some point which caused the pump to fail. I’ve never seen a fuel system claim denied by any insurance company but most of my customers would’ve never even known had I not informed them of it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ambulancemechanic 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don’t know how common it is. But I’ve been scared to death for 2 years by it.

I’m looking into replacing my cp4 and installing the bypass- Pumps just wear out, The grenading is probably on tuned trucks that starve the pump

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/datbino 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not extremely common but my dad had his fail. Took out everything and was over $10k bill but was done under warranty. Definitely get the SPE kit. A couple hundred bucks now could save you ten thousand bucks later.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cjchico 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve been terrified of this since I inherited the truck. I’ve put a FASS on it to try to avoid this and am Loki g at that SPE bypass kit because you don’t have to cut that fuel line... I know this is something that rarely happens, but I don’t want it to happen to me 😣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThorMcGee 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

is this different on the 6.4L? My dad's '08 just sits up for long periods with no maintenance so i changed both fuel filters and an oil change last month.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tomslick427 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Supposedly happens around 100k-120k. Problem is, if you take measures to prevent problems, there's no way to know if it's working or if you just have good fuel in your area and a good pump.

I have a 2012 duramax. Apparently they make a bypass for the Ford's, which is great. All I can do short of swapping it all out is put in a finer, stronger filter. I bought one from alligator performance and put it in shortly after I heard about CP4 issues.

So the problem being lubricity, I read up on additives and have been running 1/2 oz to 10 gallons of summer Optilube in the truck. Got the truck at around 90k and am currently at 141k. I use an old stabil bottle with Optilube in it to measure out additive.

My mother and law ran the truck up on a 1000 mile trip and didn't use any additive. When it came back I added some to the tank and it immediately got quieter. This stuff works.

For me, the filter is insurance and hopefully the additive resolves the lubricity issue. The cost of the Optilube is negligible IMO. With the filter in, I wouldn't consider doing an entire cp3 conversion unless the thing imploded. I'm pretty confident it won't.

Plenty of people drive these trucks everyday for work that have no idea of this issue. So it can't be all that common, but I imagine it will become an issue on high mileage trucks years down the road.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sidescrollin 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh man interior on this thing is hammered what am i going to do with all this stuff in here so much mud and dirt stains 2017 trucks freaking ruined all right we'll take us up guys welcome back to the channel it's been like a little over two weeks some super sad stuff's been going on in the family um these past two weeks have not been fun i don't have the big c i am healthy the problems aren't related to the big c so i don't know well let's get off that depressing subject though all right so anyways i am drinking crappy mcdonald's coffee i don't know why but the real reason why we're here is today we finally have the cp4 disaster prevention kit for the 67 power show and also really quick the freaking shop has been turned into a body shop do not bring your stuff here for bodywork yeah that's it yeah that's a dodge dart right there after here i'm just gonna dart over to starbucks and get a real coffee all right enough playing games so coming from the 60 powerstruck everyone had the term you know bulletproof the truck does the truck bulletproof no which the whole term bulletproof doesn't even make any sense i think it mainly came from the company bulletproof diesel or whatever they're called where they made the parts to bulletproof the 6o powerstrokes so the 6 0s kind of gave the power show a bad rap seven threes were okay six o's trash six fours trash six sevens very good but that history of the trash is uh still pulling on the six sevens ankles you know everyone thinks that these trucks are still kind of junky and take it from me firsthand go back through the channel we've hammered the truck 85 000 miles never had any real issues mechanically the engines and transmissions are very strong now the achilles heel i would say if you were going to ask me what's the worst thing on the 67 power stroke there's a couple little things that we address with the spe parts but not really like life or death for the truck you know like there's the billet fuel drain valve those little tabs snap off like ccv reroute stuff that's more like performance oriented but if you were to come up to me and ask me what is the biggest issue you would think would be with these trucks it would have to lie with the cp4 hold on i got one all right so cp4 is right here now this looks like it looks like a mini engine you know you got two kind of cylinder head action thingies you got like a main crankshaft option here i'm going to get a little closer so you guys can see so yeah cp4 and if you were going to ask me what would be the thing that was going to break on your truck it would be this here now when the cp4 operates it operates very very well it holds a high psi and for the injection pressure it looks kind of cool looks a lot cooler than a cp3 but when it fails it fails big time and completely destroys your injectors rest of your fuel lines your fuel cooler your fuel filters you gotta drain the fuel tank it's a big process and it's a big nightmare that could lead to i don't know like tens of thousands of dollars to get you know eight new injectors new fuel lines new fuel cooler you gotta drop the tank there's a ton of labor involved all from this all right so real quick what happens to these is when it's introduced to like dirty fuel or contaminated fuel such as water dirt or whatever it doesn't get lubed properly in the bottom end thus shredding the bottom end now this is a quick concept here's a quick overview of what goes back and then that debris from the bottom end can travel up through get pressurized go through the fuel line go through the fuel rail go to the injectors and then your injectors wiped out and you're talking some big money and also the return fuel will be contaminated going back through your fuel lines through your fuel cooler back to the tank thus creating like a huge nightmare all right so by now i'm sure everyone out there with the six seven power stroke or that is familiar with these trucks have seen some type of disaster prevention kit there's a couple on the market and that's probably one of the biggest questions one of the most asked questions i get for my truck is is hey what kind of disaster prevention kit would you recommend are you running one why are you not running one um so a lot of question going on with a disaster prevention kit for these trucks so throughout all the other kits on the market none have really caught my eye i'm not gonna lie i was kind of lazy about it i probably should have been running one i haven't been running one i'm still not running one because it's right here on the cart and also one of the big reasons i was holding off is because i had the pleasure to see this kit in development and i was like why am i going to go buy another disaster prevention kit when the almighty kit is about to be released all right so essentially a disaster prevention kit seems like it's this intense thing it's actually not it's very very simple so what you want to do is you want to keep the fuel from the bottom end of the cp4 separate from the fuel that gets pressurized and then goes to your injectors so you want to have two kind of supplies going to this pump one supply feeding the pump heads which pressurizes and goes to the injectors and another supply feeding the bottom end keeping the bottom end of the pump lubed properly so when you break it down like that it's super simple in spe dan the mad scientist at spe has released this unit to achieve that exact goal and also there's one additional thing that makes this kit incredible all right guys so keeping this as simple as i can you want to feed the pump with two fuel supplies you want to feed the pump heads and then you want to feed the bottom end both separately so traditionally on the pump the pump only has one fuel input so your fuel goes in here goes down to the bottom end gets pressurized in the bottom end then goes to the pump heads it's pressurizing the pump heads then comes out here goes to the fuel line goes to the injector truck goes full send okay there's no other place there's there's only there's only that one fuel input this is a return valve so once your bottom end hits a certain pressure return fuel will come out of here go back to the tank so there's only one way to feed the pump as it sits from the factory so the way you feed the pump heads with fresh fuel and not feed it with bottom end fuel is with this little puppy right here so what you do is you pull off your valve on the top of your cp4 pull that valve off this little distribution block thing goes under the valve sits on there like that and what this does is it blocks off that hole you see that hole right there that feeds the pump heads so what this does is this this goes in it blocks off that hole and it provides that new port right there where the fresh fuel is fed directly in to the pump heads so that there is pretty standard that is the standard way to feed fresh fuel in to supply the pump heads without supplying it from the bottom end and then once you have that on your your valve goes back on boom boom you are supplied with longer bolts obviously because you now have the thickness of this little distribution block type thing and you are set that is all that is mounted onto the cp4 pump itself you don't have to change anything else with the pump you don't have to take it off you don't have to change you don't have to unplug anything here you don't have to block anything off you install that you're done all right so now the main question is how are you going to feed filtered fuel to this 90 degree fitting on the cp4 pump so now is when things get very very cool you have two hard fuel lines coming off the cpu for the truck you can see a bigger one in a smaller one so small one big one big one is obviously feed and small is the return so if you chase your big feed line over keep chasing it keep chasing it you can see it right there with the fuel temp sensor this port so keep following that keep following that you can see that quick connect right there with the green little snap ring onto this plastic molded line so you can see where the plastic molded line connects to the feed line there loops up and around comes up to the center output on the fuel filter so the other disaster prevention kits on the market would have you cut and modify this hard feed line that goes to the cp4 you would have to cut that somewhere where you would use a compression fitting where it just kind of pushes together and then it would feed their new distribution block that goes on top of the cp4 now the serious part of this kit is there is no cutting required so you're supplied this this and this so those three pieces are what makes it possible to not cut that fuel that hard feed line so coming back under the hood in the engine bay very very simple you pull this plastic molded line off the hard line green tabs pull that sucker off pull this off get rid of this once you have the hard line end exposed you take your distribution block and you push it on internally inside of this piece here there is o-rings and different type of things to act just like the ford factory push-on connection so you push this block right onto the end of that hard line and it snaps on then you have a securement backing with the bolt put that on its added security bam that's on the end of the fuel line so then you have your 90 degree fitting facing the center valley engine of the truck and then you have this top push pin connection facing vertical facing straight up so it will sit in there on the hard line just like this so now i'm pretty sure that you can figure out what you do next you take your new supply molded line connected onto your top push pin coming off the distribution block and this goes up and goes to that middle pin on the fuel filter sits just like that once that's on you take your stainless steel braided uh supply line and this will go right onto the 90 degree fitting that comes off the distribution block okay so we're still sitting just like this on the truck and this new supplied stainless steel line runs parallel with the original oe hard line and it runs over and connects to the 90 degree fitting that you previously installed on the cp4 pump so this sits in the truck like this and you have your 90 degree fitting facing the driver's side and then your stainless steel line connects right to that and boom you are now supplied fresh fuel from your fuel filter in the factory line you never even touch the factory line the factory line is still feeding the pump so the factory line is still connected to the feed port and it goes down and lose the bottom end and then it does its thing down there and pressurizes and then it comes back up through the return port and then it'll go back to the tank so that is a very quick example on how the cp4 is fed fresh fuel without cutting or modifying any lines so technically the only thing that you're actually removing off of the truck and not putting back on is the factory plastic molded line that you will take off from the hard line up to the fuel filter you'll take that off and you'll use this new supplied one and everything else stays on the truck okay so now we're feeding the cp4 with fresh fuel it's coming in through there it's doing its thing it's getting pressurized in the pump heads go to the ejectors trucks doing burnouts everything's good to go so now you may ask so if a failure occurs with your cp4 the bottom end goes out right debris goes through it's churning burning bearings that contaminated fuel is still going to come out of this return line right there and go back through your fuel line through your fuel cooler down your frame rail into the tank so then you'll have all that debris in your tank no other kit on the market no disaster prevention kit addresses the return side if a failure happens you're going to still send all of that crud back to the tank which is kind of stupid if you ask me because supplying it with fresh fuel is only half the battle so the mad scientist dan and spe supplies you with this little mini beer keg of an apparatus here with a fancy spe logo on the top so i already took out the three bolts so inside of this little beer keg is a serious little fuel filter screen so the microphone size on this thing is serious you can't really even see light through it so this will catch 99 percent of the material that comes out of the bottom end if you have a cp4 failure and a very cool feature to this whole little mini beer keg is that this installs in literally 30 seconds and doesn't require any cutting also so this is what it'll look like when it's ready to go on the truck so moving underneath the hood over to here so what this does is this catches the return fuel and filters it so the return side here is the small one so you follow your return side over your return side runs parallel to the feed line goes down does a nice little 90 right there and it then merges with the return side from the fuel rail merges right there you can see a little t and then you have a quick connect fitting that pushes on to the t so you have a return line coming off the fuel rail right to the t and then you have the main return line coming from the cp4 the t merged together go into this push quick connect here and then this is your return line that goes up down back to the tank so the coolest easiest thing you could do simply pop that quick connect return line off of the tee take your new filter apparatus mini keg you push it down onto the tee put your locking plate and your bolt in boom that sucker's on the tee and then you take the plastic fuel line that you pulled off initially and you push that sucker right on to the new barb coming off of the mini keg a literal 30 second install and now your return fuel is filtered all right guys so first initial thoughts first response kind of deal to this disaster prevention kit it's absolutely incredible and i'm not even saying this because i'm buddies with dan this is absolute hands down the best disaster prevention kit on the market it addresses the feed you don't have to cut any lines it addresses the return filters with this little mini keg the build quality is insane there's all o-rings in there and all the bolts everything's perfect and the machining is it's incredible now if i can install this and have no leaks this is going to be the holy grail of disaster prevention because i know it's not going to leak i've seen it on the sp test truck for a ton of miles so now you can officially bullet proof your 67 power stroke with this kit here this thing addresses the only real threat to the truck that can cause like actual thousands of dollars in damage which is super cool so now especially for me i'm running like 720 horsepower it's definitely probably a good thing to be running one of these i don't want to explode the pump since we're pushing it to its limits i am running the warren 55 over pump and we're running the tune pretty hot we still have a little bit left on the tune we might add some more to it we're going to see where that goes like i said the past two weeks have just been you know a little crappy for me um but we're you know trying to build some momentum we're coming back and we're here reviewing parts but all right guys that is about it for the first initial overview of how to bulletproof your six seven power show do it with this disaster prevention kit the holy grail if you guys want to get one of these hit the first link description i'm always trying to just bring some honest fire reviews on 67 powerstrike parts to you guys out there for any type of information that i can share and spread bam all right tune in next video we're going to install this puppy i didn't want to put both of those in the same video because it would have been a super long video so overview then installation coming soon and that's it i'm out peace i'm going to dart over to starbucks my dodge dart you
Channel: TopCorey
Views: 240,556
Rating: 4.8902378 out of 5
Keywords: 6.7 POWERSTROKE, ford, f250, f350, powerstroke disaster prevention kit, diesel disaster prevention kit, spe diesel, S&S disaster prevention kit, powerstroke cp4 failure, diesel cp4, cp4 to cp3 conversion, diesel high pressure fuel pump, built powerstroke, 6.7 powerstroke straight pipe, 6.7 powerstroke deleted, how to add 230hp to your powerstroke, how to make 600hp in your powerstroke, 6.0 powerstroke build, bulletproof powerstroke, bulletproof diesel, bulleproof powerstroke
Id: 5jbIEIts8rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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