Should I Delete My Diesel? The Truth about Diesel Emissions

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are you the owner of a new diesel are trying to decide your new truck will be gas or diesel stick around you're gonna want to see this [Music] hi welcome insane diesel so today we're gonna talk about the great question should I delete my diesel engine diesel trucks are very useful in becoming more popular usually because they get better gas lines in a gas engine at greater towing power and the engines are far more durable whether you are new to Diesel's or simply getting a newer model you're gonna have to deal with the new emissions controls does me leave you with questions like what the heck is diesel exhaust fluid and what is regen and likely the really great question on your mind is probably should I get delete or how do I get him to leave well today is your lucky day because I'm gonna walk you through that right now hi I'm earnest welcome to the real deal insane diesel so first what is the delete you may have heard the term but I aren't really sure what it means what the reasons are what you should and you know what the options are so let's dive in in general a delete means the process of removing our blocking off one or more of the government mandated emissions control devices and changing the related engine computer programming remove the systems include EGR DPF and the SCR we'll discuss what those systems are in a minute and why they are removed in any case it can't be difficult and should be done by someone with experience and the ability to reprogram the engine computer first here are the more popular reasons for doing a delete they include 30 to 50 percent increase in gas mileage that's huge five to ten percent increase in power and 50 to 100 percent increase in engine life another big deal not too shabby the reasons not to do delete expensive and difficult they could cost thousands of dollars to do it's illegal for public roads and can result in high penalties like huh $10,000 federal fine and can boi dealer warranties can't pass emissions in certain counties in states like California preventing renewal and registration now the reality is that enforcement is rare so fewer paralyzed corporations are more tightly governed but most elites legal for off-road use are still driven daily on the road it may be difficult for to find a mechanic or garage willing to do the delete generally they will sell you a kit plus labor and the engine computer also needs to be reprogrammed to exclude the emission systems and to program the engine for optimum performance instead of being optimized for emissions what emissions you may ask there are several missions that the government became concerned with on easels in particular including the nitric oxides expressed with NO x diesel particulate matter which is your black smoke or soot that comes out the engine and carbon monoxides so now let's see what each emission system does nitric oxides are toxic gases and are believed to promote smog acid rain and complications for the human respiratory system 2003 diesel manufacturers were required to implement nitric oxide emissions controls and did so via an EGR or exhaust gas recirculation system nitric oxides are produced in high numbers because is the byproduct of a healthy efficient hot engine combustion system so the height of the combustion the more nitric oxides are produced the purpose of the EGR is to route some of those the existing exhaust gases back through EGR tubing to the EGR valve which then determines when and how much exhaust gases to reintroduce into the cylinder and that those exhaust gases can replace up to 50% of the fuel air mixture and a healthy engine with waste gases making a cooler combustion in the engines cooler combustion less nitric oxides unfortunately a cooler combustion means less efficient combustion which means more soot means less power and reduced gas much but that is all so it can also coat parts of the cylinder and increase the amount of abrasive silat that blows by and ends up in the oil while the EGR reduces nitric oxides and creates cooler combustion it increases other types of types of emissions as well so the delete the delete includes removing the EGR valve and capping it off as well as removing the related EGR tubing and capping it off on the exhaust manifold and then reprogramming the engine computer so the engine won't run without it without throwing trouble codes or a check engine light anomaly or putting your engine into limp mode deleting the EGR system will allow small increases in gas mileage and power and reduce contamination and the induction parts of the engine as well as reducing the amount of abrasive soil so I want to talk a second about the do see now you don't see one in my diagram here anywhere it can it's another emissions control device that can be used to complement some of these other systems or replace them depending on the system so you may have heard of it I'm just gonna mention it briefly it can it can be it stands for diesel oxidation catalyst just like a catalytic converter and it can convert emissions like hydrocarbons nitric oxides particulate matter and carbon monoxide into safer substances by passing them over a catalyst and combining with oxygen and this can be done with relatively little downside to the engine and here are some formulas to show that hydrocarbons combined with oxygen and carbon monoxide combined with oxygen create safer gases like carbon dioxide and water apparently that is important because plants can absorb carbon dioxide better than carbon monoxide alright now let's go on to the diesel particulate filter the DPF in your 2008 model year engines and EPA required diesel engines to address the DPM or diesel particulate matter or soot which is partially burned diesel fuel that's coming out the tailpipe the DPF has also run by the engine computer catches soot particles in a fine screen when build-up occurs the engine computer will put the DPF in region mode or reach regeneration mode this includes injecting fuel into the exhaust to heat up the DPF to over 1,100 degrees in order to burn off the particulate matter in - that means fuel is used to make heat only and doesn't go towards engine power the DPF is where your gas mileage really takes a hit so in regen mode along with the fuel injection the engine computer also increases the engine idle in order to heat up the DPF this is not noticeable when going down the highway but during stop and going around town driving you can prematurely end the cycle before completion if you step on the gas or step on the brake if this happens too often the DPF can plug causing significant back pressure resulting in even lower engine performance economy and likely costly repairs to either clean or replace the DPF and most diesels fuel is injected into the down pipe before the DPF to heat it up on some diesels however the fuel is and/or was directed and injected directly into the engine itself after the power stroke and then pushed into the exhaust and the DPF unfortunately some of the raw fuel while in the cylinder washes down and removes the protective oil coating on the cylinder walls and causing preprint premature wear and then ends up in the oil to injure off - on the oil causes oil dilution often resulting in catastrophic engine failure at the bearings because of lost lubrication because the DPF uses so much gas that doesn't go towards moving the vehicle forward gas mileage can drop a stunning 30 to 50 percent now I have no scientist regarding a 50% more fuel to reduce emissions doesn't really make sense physics says that if carbon molecules and fuel are going into the engine they're gonna come out more fuel in more missions out we can alter the types of molecules to an extent through the combustion process and catalytic converters that maybe change the part in number that may change the exhaust and a number of parts per million but we are going to get 50% more million parts of emissions deleting the DPF deleting the DPF remains removing the device capping the electrical connectors of the scr for example because usually do them both at the same time and installing a straight pipe in this place the engine computer must then be reprogrammed to exclude the system and improve engine performance deleting the DPF SCR will result in a huge increase in gas mileage and a better running engine ironically well I may not be fun or healthy to breathe in a black hat right kind of diesel sit is heavier than air and settles out quickly it simply doesn't stick around long is it worth burning that much you feel for you decide a selective catalytic reduction in the DPF can create nitric oxides so in the 2013 model year the EPA required treating downstream nitric oxides again and the vehicle manufacturers implemented the svr scr or selective catalytic reduction addresses the nitric oxides by injecting de F or diesel exhaust fluid sounds silly right like blinker fluid but it's for real that means you have to fill up the scr reservoir when the light comes up on your dash basically it's a blue windshield washer colored fluid that you have to buy and pour into little blue cap usually found inside where your fuel door is if you run low that what engine warning light comes on if you run out the engine computer we'll put your truck in limp mode and you'll go nowhere fast until you put some back in also very cold weather or simply age can crystallize the fluid and plug the injector lines or the injector itself and contamination can also do the same and trigger our limp mode remember it's always a good idea to run your truck often and run in too hot to avoid many engine problems your diesel engine was made to work not to sit and we'll discuss that in another video as well so here's how it works the engine computer determines how much DF to inject into the SCR DF is essentially ammonia or urea like cow pee not kidding the chemical formula looks something like this NH 4 plus nitric oxides and the tailback comes instead nitrogen and water which is healthy to breathe that's part of our normal hair downsides if the DPF fails it can pass on water and slip from the engine and a sludgy compound and plug up the scr a bad scr may require the replacement repair of the DPF as well or it may quickly plug again deleting the scr means removing the device the injector being the electrical connectors and installing a straight exhaust pipe in its place the engine computer must then be reprogrammed to exclude the system and improve engine performance most kits will include parts of deleting the DPF at the same time that straight pipe will cover both of these systems as it turns out the SCR doesn't consume all of the ammonia or nh4 inject it into it and California has discovered that it may come out the tailpipe in such large amounts that plants are dying along aside the freeway and guess what you're breathing if you're following a diesels then you won't see the black cloud instead you'll be getting an ammonia and so how good is that delete sound now but good luck with that in California you know it seems too often that with government fixes the solution is worse than the problem Truck Trend says this so there you have it while some emission controls our low-cost and helpful most come in an extreme cost to you in your engine if you can't or don't want to do a delete for warranty or other reasons the best protection for your vehicle is smart maintenance this includes a good vibe pass filter and doing oil analysis once or twice a year we like to see what your comments are and what you think about emissions controls and deletes whoo plug your mouth at something exhausting I think I'll have some diesel exhaust living just kidding it's Gatorade don't drink diesel exhaust fluid [Music] you
Channel: Real Deal
Views: 911,499
Rating: 4.8179321 out of 5
Keywords: Diesel Delete, EGR Delete, DPF Delete, emissions delete
Id: l9Tik1yJ1HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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