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what's up guys back again with some more 67 videos oh but even more important we got supercross live on my boy jett lawrence and i tallmack better be winning today i'll be real pissed and i'm not even gonna make any more videos because i'll just be that mad until was it wednesday the next day they raced so yeah so today we are doing a ccv reroute and as well we're gonna do the disaster bench kit now i know we did it on steve's truck back is that about um there's a little bit i think it's just the hose length difference but um there's a little variation a little variation but we're gonna run you through it uh i'm gonna show you some new stuff that's kind of in the directions because we had some comments about like teflon tape and whatnot so i'm gonna show you some cool alternatives to that uh as so but the way i'm kind of gonna do this obviously there's gonna be a part two which is gonna be the um doing the uh the disaster prevention kit because we're going to focus on getting that ccv out first but the thing is what i'm going to say is if you're going to do this i would recommend doing them at the same time i don't want to make that into one video because it'd be kind of a long video but if you do them both at the same time it just makes it a little easier so i figure we can knock out two birds with one stone um and do both but i'll try and do the we'll do the ccv first and then after the ccv we'll go into the the um disaster prevention kit so uh yeah we're gonna get that started uh i'll we got a table i'm gonna lay out some of the parts and uh show you guys what you get with the the new kits and uh yeah we'll get wrenching let's get it all right guys we got the parts got it all packaged up for you so we'll do a little unboxing of what you're going to get all right so we're going to start off with the ccv so let's get into it josh anybody any comments about ccv's that we could answer possibly on this video uh someone messaged me and on facebook and asked whether or not they think or we thought it would be beneficial to route it into the exhaust weld the bung in on a 45 and do that whole thing i think i think i mean like i don't think it's necessarily beneficial i think if you don't like the smell of the oil uh that'd be the only real benefit of it you know what i mean it's still yeah but then it's still gonna burn off in the exhaust so it's kind of yeah but it's put but you can smell it at a stop light at a stop light you wouldn't smell coming out of your exhaust yeah that'd be the only that'd be the only really benefit of it yeah other than that i mean it would draw a little vacuum if it was on the exhaust on it i know people if anybody doesn't know what that is i think there's probably enough youtube videos about it i don't know what they're titled um but essentially you bought a bung i'm like 45 the exhaust is exiting to rear of the truck you would put a bung in on a 45 drill hole while it'll bong onto the exhaust and it's actually great you might think that it wouldn't do anything i guess the the way the pressure works if you actually hold i saw a guy demonstrating it where he held a lighter up to the the bung after you welded it on and it would suck the flame and towards the exhaust so it could be bad like say you're running the truck really hard up a hill you know it's gonna draw more into the exhaust um so you might put more vacuum on your crankcase which i mean i guess wouldn't be a bad thing um i i don't think it would pull any oil out but i don't know that to be a fact because i think i've only ever done it to one drug so i don't have much too much experience with doing it but i really don't see anybody like the benefit of it i would recommend looking at that up on your own and doing a little more research because i haven't done too much with it normally people just vent them into the atmosphere and it works out pretty good for them the only thing that we have people that do if they don't like it right next to them is i think you can order a supplied like a longer supplied length of hose through spe and they will i believe give you a longer length of hose so you can round it back farther in the truck but so as far as the unboxing like so there's your instructions they're pretty simple no big deal they're pretty easy to read there's not much steps to it as far as the pieces you'll get like i said the hose this will be i believe the drain back plate everything is already installed nice and eyes black that and then here's where you will connect the hose just fitting this gun o-ring is already installed pretty simple and three bolts it's all it's all it requires this i actually like to zip tie this on so if you have zip ties i don't know it's just it i'll explain when we put it on what i do even though it won't blow off but we'll go over it um other than that that's it let's get the install so i'm going to pull this hot side pipe off only because some other ccvs they actually have different connectors on them there's two different styles and this one is a little bit more of a pain uh so i'm gonna try and get it off and nothing's really on there uh i'm gonna try and get that off but taking the hot side off we'll give you just a little more room for your hands to work because it's down under this uh plastic uh intake so it can be a little bit of a pain but don't worry it won't be that hard so we got it off so we're just showing you what the benefit of this easy see all that oil in there you can actually see it it's powdered up right next to that turbo intake down in there you can see all the oil in there so yeah and that builds up in your intercooler and whatnot too so we got her out now you saw what i did i don't know if we caught it all on film there's these little clips i don't know why ford decides to do it this way it's supposed to be pulled out and twisted right but it it doesn't want to allow you to do that while it's on the truck so the best thing to do is see this this is that like heat shrink rubber hose you cut on either end and uh i just take a screwdriver and lift up each flap [Music] and spin it to the next one lift it up and sometimes you may have to stick like a zip tie behind there just to hold it above that little groove and it'll uh allow you to get out there's three of them so you just pop those out you're not going back to this but you could still if you wanted to make this work if you had to put it back to stock um but yeah you don't need this anymore so it's no big deal first thing it comes off oh well is my socket off the bolt is this filler neck pretty simple one bolt holds it in then you rotate it get it out rotate around take the cap off so it comes out easier because it always wants to hit this stupid thing take this i'm gonna take this return line off too it'll help you get in there and when you go to pull it out it's gonna get a little more room i don't think i'm gonna pull this out because you do have to mess with these fuel lines to kind of pop it out of the way so we'll try and do it i'm not saying the easiest way possible but without removing all my stuff and then the bolt down in there two in the back and then she'll come out um that's a 10 millimeter and i believe the two in the back are 10 millimeters as well um so yeah we'll get that out and keep going a little on my hand from that ccd that's just a quick touch too man [Music] so guys i know the videos might take a little bit more time uh the way they've been shooting them and some people are like oh you know why do you need a 20 minute long video or 25 minute long well if you look at some people on youtube when they do these projects they decide to like tell you how it's done and tell you that you need to remove those bolts but then they don't show you actually doing it and the tools that they may use so i feel like taking a little time and showing you maybe the tool that i'm using and how i'm getting in there exactly yeah a few extra two three minutes here and there matt up to a longer youtube video which is sometimes unpleasant to watch but you can skip through that but if somebody that needs to know that information or needs to see the tool to use to maybe if they're thinking about doing a certain project in a truck to order maybe a tool that's kind of why we make them a little bit longer not to get into more detail and make the video longer worth explaining it but some people kind of question why we do that and that's i feel like a lot of people will be like oh you just remove these three bolts and get it out well i mean not everything is that easy i mean in theory you just remove some bolts and put some things back on it's that simple i mean just look at the instructions every other youtubers telling you how to do it like the instruction is now i'm showing you how to do it beyond those instructions to make it easier so and some people aren't as mechanically inclined and it might help them tackle a job that they otherwise might not be able to do yeah it gives them an idea of what they're getting into if they want to yeah tackle it so the two bolts in the back are i don't want to say easy to get to but this third one you can use a wrench to get it loose and try and get it off with your finger i am personally going to take there's an eight millimeter bolt down here underneath this return line right here and then right here i don't know if you can see it there's two there i'm gonna take that and then i'll be able to just hold down on this and get my uh extension and wobble socket right on that bolt and pop it right out so we'll get that done i don't so i'll show you how that's done and get it up so we're gonna hit bolt one first here right there get some more torque on her that's the downside to those wobble extensions okay and then bolt two [Music] right here in between your second and third injectors well actually on this truck that would be uh six and seven so this would be nice to have like even smaller fingers all right see now that gives you a little wiggle room to get in there and get what you need to get done see got the socket on get her out [Music] so i believe there is a fourth fold on this yeah yeah there's four total bolts but these are the three none of these bolts that you're taking out will be reused so there's one still up in here switch plate now i get it [Music] so [Applause] i'm just kind of clock it a little bit pop her out there you are now one thing if you do end up keeping this right these are your injector codes and i guess the diesel feel kind of wiped those way so that's nice but maybe take a picture of these because for some reason whenever you if you injectors ever come out and go back in they're supposed to be calibrated using a scan tool um so yeah you kind of want to know those but yeah clearly uh we're already past that step so i guess i'm gonna go wash my hands and we'll get back to the installation um one thing see here's your drain back it's all filled with glow and so you want to put a paper towel in there to soak some of that up in the meantime so soak it up and kind of clean it out you need a light on that no and then also back here obviously just kind of clean your surfaces off you know you don't want them all crummy because our rings don't seal that well with all the garbage on there but yeah i'll clean that up and uh we'll get back to the installation take your drain block drain back plate a little schlub going on schluber up you know wipe that on the pants yo i had a bolt i still have the bolt rotator into position i need to go get the socket for this we're hurting boys subscribe to the damn channel comment like subscribe be cool josh is better at answering people back than he is like working on things yeah well i mean that's not true you're not bad at wrenching you just don't know these trucks as much as i do but some people think i'm way too far young to give advice so i'm going to set this up with the hose on it previous to going on to the truck only because it just kind of blah blah it just kind of makes it easier in my eyes pardon me for watching supercross while doing this trying to juggle both how many balls can you juggle two in my mouth and threw my hands at least at least there was some honesty in that all right so it should go something like that give it like a pre-tighten pre-tension job and then these two through the washers on said bolts take these up there yep all right guys so we're back getting that it was installed we had to take an intermission because the camera was about to turn the molten camera because we're so hot so we had to take a little break so i'm just kind of pulling it through i run it behind this thing's rolling away on me but i run it back behind here and then uh goes down you'll be able to read your hand in here and pull it down i like to drop it in through the fender uh i'll show you that in a second yeah just pull it in can you get the bolts in and then uh we'll run the bolts in i'll show you what i do down there yeah then just start kind of reassembling everything so i'm gonna get it all fed down through i'll catch back up with you in here in a second so one one thing guys that i forgot to mention as you can see with this we got it hold it down kinda into place see how this one kind of uh i don't know what i'm using for the terminology but how it's equal on both sides and this one kind of swoops out down like so this one this bolt goes towards the rear to the firewall just so you know uh there is a right no wrong way so i just wanted to point that out but other than that just put the two bolts on and you're ready to install so um yeah just wanna make sure i covered that all right so guys here's the hose plenty of extra hose uh if you want to route it back you can generally what i do is i'll just grab my thumb right here so here this isn't gonna be the cleanest cut my knife isn't even it's at the bottom of the frame rail right yeah so it'll it'll go right here and i'll just zip tie it to this line and then that'll be easy um one zip tie cut it right below that that's normal where i dump it at and uh seems to work pretty good you can run it up and back but i don't see the point it doesn't really bother me either way so that's normal where i do it so last piece of the puzzle is this all right this is gonna go right here lower intake now i'm gonna show you why i just use a zip tie there's let me pop it off see this little groove i'm gonna put my zip tie right in there tighten it down the only reason that i use a zip tie is generally won't come off because it's sucking in but i just like to secure it and ever in the case of your turbo does bark and it worked possibly blow it off it's i've never had it happen but i also am aware of it that it's slightly possible that i could i just throw a zip tie around it um and it'll be fine but that's just my my little thing that i do see won't come off now i'm not trying to spin it and get a few more little clicks out of it but that's pretty much all she wrote she's down in that groove so cut that and you're done we'll put everything back on and give her the old fire up and show you in action i know there's not much to show but we'll still do it so yeah i mean it didn't take us too long i've been watching my super cross because it's near and dear to my heart so it's taking us a little bit longer i've been watching like the jeff lawrence interviews and whatnot they have going on i still think it took us like an hour and a half with all uh that stuff going on so i would say yeah i would say about two-ish two-ish hours somebody i think i saw somebody in the comments say three which is respectable i understand like you may not have the wobble sockets and everything where you have to use like a wrench and just kind of have to go with it and it might take a little more time but is what it is also uh if you guys don't know we have an affiliate link down in the comments so anything you see on the truck that you would like to order if you order through the affiliate link it helps the channel out and it's actually allowing us to slowly put the parts in the truck to make it you know a channel truck building it for the channel showing you guys what it's capable of i know right now we're kind of on the more reliable you know low end uh we're not really making big power yet but we are slowly in the process of putting parts on the truck we're trying to do like i said one video a week to show you that we're doing something so if you guys click the link if you see anything that you'd like to buy from sp or just surf the website and possibly buy anything check the link out uh it's free to use it doesn't there's no up charge on anything it just helps us out a little bit if you do buy anything so that would be much appreciated also if you guys would comment like subscribe subscribing helps us immensely commenting also it helps the youtube algorithm and it also allows us to get in touch with uh our fan base and if you have any q questions comments concerns you can contact us and talk to josh or me generally josh going to give you more thorough response i'm like yeah just send it sorry busy doing other things but i try i try to help out as best i can but josh is much more thorough so normally i let him respond and then if he has any questions he calls me and kind of puts it in better words than i can i can just kind of briefly describe it he knows how to translate what i say so thank you guys and uh yeah we'll get this thing put back together and give her a fire up and try everything in action all right guys now after you get done with the kit give it a few fuel primes fire it up seems to be good man so you
Channel: Results Will Vary
Views: 23,144
Rating: 4.8854804 out of 5
Keywords: Powerstroke, Ford, powerstroke straight pipe, 6.7 powerstroke, 6.7 powerstroke exhaust, 6.7 powerstroke oil change, 6.7 powerstroke high miles, 6.7 powerstroke deleted, 6.7 powerstroke best upgrade, Powerstroke tech talk, Powerstroke sound, Powerstroke cold start, Powerstroke vs Cummins, Powerstroke vs Duramax, Powerstroke 6.7 Straight pipe, powerstroke 6.7 delete, Powerstroke 6.7 problems, Powerstroke 6.7 turbo upgrade, powerstroke 6.7 Exhaust, Powerstroke 6.7 cold start
Id: C4FYq4EEuIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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