Eggman VS Wily (Sonic VS Mega Man) | DEATH BATTLE!

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🎵 (Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston) Boomstick: It's no secret that scientists are, well, crazy as hell. But these two take it way too far! Wiz: Dr. Ivo Robotnik, aka the Eggman... Boomstick: ...and Dr. Albert Wily, aka Einstein without rogaine. Wiz: In this scenario, both Doctors will be leading their mechanized armies to see who is the deadliest robot commander. Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE. (Cues: Dr Eggman's Theme - Sonic SatAM) Wiz: Dr. Eggman is the obese, yet strangely athletic, evil mastermind responsible for terrorizing the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, in his quest to rule a global empire. His engineering mastery has led to a massive army of unique robot warriors using the strangest fuel source, kidnapped animals. Boomstick: He's PETA's worst nightmare! Wiz: His army is based around speed and defense, including Moto Bugs, Caterkillers, Buzz Bombers, Egg Pawns and SWATbots. Boomstick: But Eggman's got way more than that! His Egg Fleet is a huge armada of Battleships, led by the Massive Egg Carrier, which supports a huge front mounted laser cannon. (Cues: Sonic 3 and Kunckles - Robonik Orchestral remix) Wiz: The Eggman army is spearheaded by his deadliest robot warriors, the Badniks. The EggRobo is a smartbot crafted in Eggman's own image and designed to carry out tasks Eggman himself would normally do. Boomstick: What's this guy's deal with eggs? Wiz: On its own, Silver Sonic appears slow and bulky but it is powered by a Chaos Emerald. Making it a much faster and more practical machine. Boomstick: Then he made another robo-hog, Mecha Sonic, who focuses on firepower over speed! Wiz: Mecha Sonic can even absorb Chaos energy to attain a short lived Super Form. Boomstick: But Eggman wanted more than just Sonic bots. Mecha Knuckles can glide and vomit giant rockets... Wiz: And E-101 Beta remains one of Eggman's most versatile creations. Boomstick: He's a flying robot with Super Speed, teleportation and a reflector shield! He shoots homing missiles and Kamehamehas and has one of my favorite defensive abilities ever, the backhand! Wiz: The Shadow Androids are fast and durable and typically fight in groups of three. However, their design is so complex, they sometimes glitch in close combat. And speaking of glitches, despite being an absolute genius, Dr. Eggman appears to suffer from a peculiar personality disorder that sent him through several different "phases". Boomstick: Let's just hope that Scratch and Grounder phase doesn't show up today. Wiz: But none of Eggman's creations have ever been as deadly or as successful as his ultimate killing machine... Boomstick: Hyper Metal Sonic! (Cues: Final Boss JP Version Theme - Sonic CD) Wiz: Metal Sonic was specifically designed to be better than Sonic the Hedgehog in every way and was a complete success. Metal can move much faster than Sonic, easily reaching near mach 5 speeds. Metal's abilities include Sonic's spindash and homing attack, along with the impenetrable Black Shield. Boomstick: He's also got a chest laser, rocket powered flight and the Maximum Overdrive attack. Where he overloads his circuits to create a glowy energy field that'll burn through pretty much anything! Wiz: And that's not all. Somehow, Eggman managed to make Metal Sonic an ever evolving force. (Cues: Sonic 3 - Final Boss Orchestral Remix) Metal has the uncanny ability to scan and copy data from others, flawlessly replicating their abilities. Boomstick: Damn, Eggman sure stepped up his game! Wiz: Obtaining enough power can transform Metal into a number of more impressive forms, all of which increase his abilities immeasurably. Boomstick: The only downside to giving Metal Sonic a super brain is Eggman sometimes has trouble keeping him in line. Wiz: But even with his metallic minions waging his war, Dr. Eggman is perfectly willing to step into the battlefield himself. He pilots the Eggmobile, a fast single man pod with twin mounted Machine Guns. The Eggmobile's most vital function, however, is its universal compatibility to operate almost all of Eggman's machines. Boomstick: Like the humungous Death Egg Robot with its spiked rocket arms and lasers! Wiz: Eggman is vicious and clever. He's an expert at playing his opponents right into his hands. At the same time, though, he can be overly obsessive to the point of overlooking some important factors in an effort to concentrate on a single goal. But while this can be a perilous game for Eggman, it also makes him dangerously unpredictable. Dr. Robotnik: A nice dream. But dreams are meant to be... ...BROKEN! Wiz: After being continuously out-shined by his insensitive colleague, Dr. Light. Dr. Albert W. Wily turned to a life of crime in an attempt to achieve fame and power. Boomstick: How did he plan to get so famous, you ask? By taking over the world! Wiz: Whether through his own engineering or impressive hacking. Over the years, Wily developed a large, diverse robot army built on the ideals of both solid defense and ranged firepower. Mets, Sniper Joes and Bladers make up the bulk... Boomstick: With Hotheads and Elephants, oh my! Wiz: Wily is a mastermind in more than just hardware. His Roboenza virus is a deadly disease for robots, making them unstable and violent with no regard for human life. Boomstick: But Wily's weirdest bot is definitely the Yellow Devil. A giant pulsating yellow blob thing that pulls itself apart and uses its own body as a weapon. Wiz: Wily's army is led by his Robot Masters. Guts Man was a civil engineering machine remade as a powerhouse who can lift over two tons. Boomstick: Metal Man was made specifically for killing things. You can tell 'cause he's got evil red eyes! Wiz: He wields ceramic titanium Metal Blades, one of the deadliest weapons in video game history, and is made of lightweight material, making him quick-footed. Boomstick: Slash Man is fast and agile and wields the Slash Claw, a portable alien blade that's designed to destroy asteroids! OK. Wiz: Magnet Man is a tactical fighter who uses homing Magnet Missiles and the Magnet shield to outmaneuver enemies. And then there's Sheep Man. Originally designed to actually herd sheep, he was reprogrammed by Wily to turn into clouds, get bored easily and fall apart when hit by rubber baseballs. Boomstick: What the fu- Wiz: Napalm Man is a walking weapon. Boomstick: And a robot Master after my own heart. He likes blowing shit up so much, that he built his own weapons museum, and then blew it up! Wiz: Pharaoh Man possesses a large arsenal of mysterious powers including fireballs, energy waves, teleportation, a magic shield and levitation. Boomstick: And he's also known for being a little punch-happy! Wiz: But Dr. Wily's Ultimate Robot Master is none other than Bass. A direct Imitation of his Nemesis, Mega Man. Boomstick: He even has a robo-dog helper called Treble. Wiz: Bass is powered by Bassnium, an extremely potent and unique energy source. Boomstick: Bassnium? You just made that up. Wiz: I wish I did. Boomstick: Well, he wields the Bass Buster, an arm cannon that has both rapid fire and Charge shot settings. Wiz: He is programmed to be able to copy any action he has seen. If he gets a hold of another's weapon, he can use it to the same effectiveness as the original owner. Boomstick: He can also fuse with Treble using the Super adapter creating... Super Bass! Wiz: Bass is extremely powerful but fairly brash and arrogant. He seeks to prove he is the strongest robot warrior there is and will even disobey Dr. Wily's orders if he thinks they impede his goal. Though he will not kill his creator, he has occasionally attacked him. Boomstick: That's when Wily busts out his personal fighting vehicle! Wiz: The Wily Machine has gone through several variations... Boomstick: ...Even a dinosaur! Wiz: Though Wily's favorite appears to be machine #8. Boomstick: Good old 8 can fly, launch missiles and has a triple barrel laser cannon and a Boomerang Buzzsaw. Wiz: It also houses Wily's personal transportation, the Wily Capsule. Boomstick: Which makes the worst sound you've ever heard in your life! (Cue Wily Capsule sound) Boomstick: Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP! (groan) Wiz: Wily designs and commands his robots with long term strategy in mind and, as a result, often keeps his team as flexible as possible. Though this means each robot has specific exploitable weaknesses. As a unit, Wily's team is prepared for anything. Dr. Wily: I will create Chaos, destroy everything, and the best part, ooh, the very best part is... ...I have finally gotten the best of Dr. Light! *laughs maniacally* Wiz: All right the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all! Boomstick: But first we got an Advertisement from... ...Uh. Wiz: Actually Boomstick we don't need to do those anymore. Boomstick: Really? Wiz: Absolutely! Boomstick: Freedom! It's time for adless DEATH BATTLE! Except for the beginning unless you're Advantage which really help us support the show so we can make more things for each other until the death thank you we love you! Announcer: FIGHT Dr. Eggman: Attack!!! Attack!!! No matter. Get a load of this! E-101 Beta: Target confirmed. Scratch: Ba ha ha ha! Watch it! I got him! Grounder: No, I got him! I thought you had him! Scratch: I thought YOU had him! Dr. Eggman: No! Call in the Egg Fleet! Gwahahahhahahaha! Ho ho ho! Sucker!!! What? It's a Dummy! Not yet! (Eggman laughs maniacally) Metal Sonic: Kneel before your master! Dr. Eggman: What are you doing?!? Metal Overlord: (Godzilla roar) Announcer: K.O.! Boomstick: Well, that world's f*****. Our bad. Wiz: So... I suppose technically Wily won because he used the Roboenza, which ultimately meant the end for Eggman. Boomstick: But... then he died too... ...and that's technically Eggman's robot, soo... Wiz: Then the winner is... uh... Boomstick: Metal Sonic? Wiz: Metal Sonic. Wanna see more DEATH BATTLE? Boomstick: I do. Wiz: See those convenient links right in front of you? Boomstick: Of course. Wiz: Click that and you can see another episode right now! Boomstick: Make sure you subscribe to our Youtube channel so you're always up to date, and always check out Where you'll get the latest information on everything we do. Wiz: A big thanks to Michael Laspacho of Infinity Mugen Team for the Metal Man sprites. Keep an eye out for his Robot Monster Mayhem coming next year. Boomstick: Also thanks to Caden Redpearl for the voices of Eggman & Metal Sonic. Wiz: And if you like to support the show and get early access to episodes and exclusive outtakes reels. Take a look at our Screwattack Advantage program. Boomstick: Thanks for watchin'!
Views: 8,396,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: who would win, bass, metal sonic, robot masters, ScrewAttack, video games, death battle, hey let's play, gameplay, hard news, video game vault, top 10, top 5, The Best Ever, The Worst Ever, reviews, Sony, Sega, Nintendo, Xbox, PS4 Mario vs Sonic, Mario, Sonic, Death Battle, versus, Ben Singer, Chad James, Torrian Crawford, Wily VS Eggman
Id: qitt0AsCSYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2012
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