Eeveelutions as HUMAN GIRLS

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behold the object of most of the world's affection a famously feminine looking Pokemon line with an 87.5 male dominated gender ratio and I know I'm far from the only person who used to spend hours soft resetting for a girl back when you could only get Evie as a gift Pokemon in the mainline games it's been a hot minute since I turned some non-human things into human things so today I wanted to take all the EVs and turn them into cute girls because I freaking can I've designed kajenkas for Eeveelutions before but those are like old neslaco seasons and designing a gaginka to represent a Pokemon in general versus representing your personal character is a little different plus I've never actually designed a full set before so I went into this project with high hopes for fun and very little actual ideas or plans but but real fast before we get started this the sponsored video because we've got to save up money for our studio and today we're sponsored by life makeover life makeover is a new life simulation social networking game click the link down in the description below to download now in life makeover you can completely customize your avatar get new clothes even make your own clothes create your own fashion brand stick a kitty on your titty no one can tell you no once you're all dressed up invite your friends from all over the world to your home which you've designed to show off right now they're running a limited edition Banner called Guardian cutie it began on July 12th and ends on August 1st and the featured five star outfits are themed after a panda and a rabbit I think all the colors on this Rabbit dress are just so pretty I'm in my rainbow ERA this is targeted at me part of the game is that you can literally design your own clothes using pieces from their Library a lot of the outfits you can get you can go and change the colors for but what I found the most fun was the function that lets you draw your own designs see Bunny look okay okay I'll take you back to the video hang on and we're back so anyway while sketching Evie I thought it would be good if I tried to make the face and eye shapes of the human designs match up with those of their Pokemon counterparts which would be pretty easy since they all end up with little button noses and relatively round faces pretty much the easiest kind of face in the world to draw I also thought it would be cute if I designed all of these characters as a found family with Evie as a little girl in all of the evolutions as like these big sister figures to her not biologically related but like figures and she looks up to all her big sisters so much that she wants to be just like all of them every single one so I gave her mismatched clothes as a hint to each possible Evolution and a lot of accessories because kids are fashion icons I gave her pigtails to look like Evie's tail in a headband with ribbons to sort of simulate the ears framed inside the ponytails so I guess the tails are also the ears it's fine this is the finished first draft for Evie I decided after I sketched her out that I'd go and do the first drafts of all of the evolutions next and after finishing all of the first drafts I would go back and finalize each design for Vaporeon my first idea was to give her an athletic body type and I wanted to keep my poses pretty basic for this drafting since I figure it's better to focus on showing off the design rather than posing them nicely I'll worry about that later I gave her a two-piece swimsuit under some cute little shorts and I added some ribbons to the side of her bikini bottoms that I later reshaped to look more like vaporeon's tail I wanted her to look like she could have either just walked out of a swim meet or she was like ready to dive into the pool at any moment you know when it came to her hair I just had to do a fishtail braid it was too perfect I couldn't not and I gave her the sheer yellow cover up to try getting the yellow from vaporeon's fins into the design somehow keyword being try I will continually try to make this cover-up work and I will continually decide against it for Jolteon I sort of had a vision I wanted to give her this rectangular body type wanted her sharp wanted her punk I gave her the sicked cropped leather jacket with like fur accents I kept her hair nice and short spiky like jolteon's butt honestly the outfit came together pretty quickly if anything I think I relied too much on using black there's just not a lot of black and jolteon's design so I'll have to address that when I come back to finalize all of them he looks a little more like volceron right now uh whoops we'll fix that Flareon is so [ __ ] fluffy I knew I was gonna make her fat I wanted her big I wanted her Glam the very first thing in my mind aside from the body type is I wanted to give her a feather boa and the rest of the outfit had to be coordinated around that that was the vision I was excited except I kind of had a hard time with it like I was aiming for such high Glam that it edged its way out of my wheelhouse and I don't look at a lot of stuff with this type of fashion so I was struggling to get it somewhere I was happy with in the end the draft feels very basic it looks more like a quirky Middle School dance attire than like high fashion socialite I need to up the elegance and make it a little more elaborate and then hopefully we'll be in business I don't know I have high hopes for this design but I'm not confident in this at all yet around here because I was basically going into this with no ideas I figured I might as well cast the net and see what we come up with I asked my friends if anyone had any requests for the design of their favorite Evolution and I had a couple takers my friend Jamie begged for Espeon style to be pastel Punk so that's what I did all for you baby mwah I know I just did this with Jolteon but like I really haven't done too many Punk designs before and I wanted them to be like different flavors of punk so I was trying to play with things like excessive buckles and adding layering to the clothing I had fun shaping her pigtails to be like espeon's ears and like side Fringe things but then I also gave her actual side Fringe just to double down on it I guess I wanted to try and give her some sun imagery in her outfit because I knew umbreons would definitely have moons so I included nice big round chains it opted to use white on most of her clothes instead of black she ended up being super heavy on the metal work I thought it looked Punk but I also think I took it a little too far and I gave her some acne in the place of esteon's forehead gem the finished draft is pretty cluttered I definitely think I need to find a good way to simplify this when I come back around for ombre Brian my friend Patrick requested that I make her and I quote Channel all of the hot goth girls from 2000's animated shows and I said so true I had a vision of giving her these huge hair twists to allude to umbreon's ear and tail shapes but with big gold Clips in them to make them like the yellow rings on its ears I also thought instead of trying to reflect umbreon's ring pattern in her clothing that I'd give her some Vitiligo between the hair and the skin I thought that these two elements really stood out so I decided to keep the rest of the outfit pretty simple to not compete for your attention I tried using bright blue for the stylized silver accents like I've been doing a lot lately I I thought it would be cute if she matched Espeon in that way but I kept the outfit so minimal that the blue accent overpowers the yellow and that's not what I want uh yeah I'm definitely going to be making these blue accents gold when we come back my friend skinny immediately suggested Cottage core Leafeon and that is so easy litter really so very easy let's go when I was sketching out her body type I tried to give her a cute little belly but here here's the thing about adding clothes to a character I hate doing it I have to cover up all the skin and the body folds that I like drawing if it's all interesting shapes and I have to cover it up and I hate it alas it comes with the territory I tried to keep the clothes pretty simple and sweet lots of big Ruffles flowy feminine fabric leather gloves and boots with cute little detail on them for brown Paws very straightforward for a Leafeon I feel like that's an agreeable statement probably I wanted to add something to the skirt so it wasn't just solid green but honestly this is good enough as a draft for now I'll come back to that those are the only ideas I was given I went on to Glaceon completely on my own and like should have been fine I did the first floor on my own but Glaceon is like the one that inspired me the least of glacion's design so much but I have like no idea how I wanted to turn this into a girl it's kinda he jotted things down and prayed that something would work maybe I could stumble ass backwards onto a decent idea that I could finish out and call the draft just to get something on the page because that's always the hardest part I started with the idea of some hip scarves that would look like glaceon's tail and generally I went with clothes for Colder Weather warm leggings and I guess a Virgin Killer sweater except it's under an actual sweater so mayhaps the virgins live I'm not the proudest of this one it's cute I guess but it's not very cohesive I'm expecting I'm going to change Glaceon and Flareon the most in the end which finally brings us to Sylveon I didn't go into Sylveon with very many ideas namely just that I'd like to give this love Pokemon some love handles pink and frilly and girly are not design elements that I'm stranger to though so I wasn't worried I went with kind of magical girl slash Idol Vibes for her since I feel like that's pretty Sylveon core the pigtails I gave her look both like her ears and her ribbons and she's got this super roughly dress with gloves and little bow decals all over the place I gave up on the shoes I don't like that they're plain but whatever I can fix that later I'm happy with how she looks but I can definitely imagine a couple of changes after I finished all these first drafts I got to do the fun part of lining them all up side by side and resizing them into their proportions all tracked with each other that's something I definitely need to work on if I don't have another character on canvas for reference my proportions will vary wildly so doing this I got to discover how tall everyone actually was Flareon looks like she ended up the tallest she wasn't it was Umbreon but I used her as the base for resizing everyone else and I did this by trying to match the size of everyone's heads overall I was pleasantly surprised with how all these drafts turned out I expected I'd want to experiment a lot more but a lot of these designs I only really want to change a couple of things about them which is awesome because it saves me so much time so we come back to Evie I think the first draft is pretty cute but I think I could have added more to it if I really wanted to go in on the chaotic kid who dresses herself energy so I decided instead of just wearing something for each Evolution but I could try giving her an article of clothing for every Evolution's appearance and then one accessory for every evolution method which just required a little juggling so she's got a bracelet for her Stone Evolutions there's Tamagotchi toys on her bag for friendship and love evolutions and then there's like ice rock and Moss Rock they're both just pins on her little Pokeball eat a bag I didn't have ideas for those Here's the final Eevee she has a tendency to repeat people word for word when they say something that gets her excited and she is infamously a fountain of energy Vaporeon I didn't change all that much in the end it was mostly about cleanup but I did add a pattern to her shorts for a little more visual detail and I remembered that as a kid I had friends who would like put stickers on their skin before they spent a lot of time outside so that they could get like a temporary tattoo in the form of tan marks so I put some fun little decorative tan marks around her arm to kind of allude to vaporeon's back Ridge things and I did it I waffled on if I liked the yellow cover up again or not I I feel like it clutters the design so I don't know I I like the idea of it I don't like it so I have this other draft where I gave her funny little yellow earrings instead and I called it good enough these pick whichever one you like most this is the final Vaporeon I think she's kind of like a classic lifeguard hunk she's sweet but adamant about following the rules and she's kind of dumb I did Jolteon but I forgot to record it again there I go again that's okay though she looks like this I most just shaped her spiky hair a little bit more deliberately and I changed her pants to yellow plus a couple of other little things it's like a game of Spot the Difference here have fun but yeah final Jolteon she's pretty punk rock she listens to music on her earbuds way too loud and she's a questioning Anarchist I really thought I was gonna change flareon's outfit a lot more than I did I split up her neckline to make the dress a little more open and I nixed the tights I thought showing more skin instead of less would be a better choice for this design and I made a bunch of other small changes that I thought felt appropriately glamorous I was much more deliberate about the hair shape with this design too and I feel like that went a long way I added some extra colors to give it more identity I tried to make sure that either the hair or the feather bow were shaded wherever the two overlapped so the yellows didn't blend together here's the the final Flareon she probably talks with a fake accent and she has a funny habit of receiving flowers from Secret admirers in the middle of the most random moments Espeon I thought was pretty solid aside from being busy I cropped her jacket so it took up less space and I removed the studs so it wouldn't be so detailed that it was distracting I tightened up the metal accessory detail and I gave her a red gem on her bracelet just a bunch of things to serve to simplify the design but then while I was coloring I was much more liberal with what material I made holographic which like immediately makes it more complicated again but I like at least it's in a more focused way final Espeon she Sports a very over-the-top look but she acts super reserved and mysterious and you're pretty sure that she's subtly trying to convince you that she's a vampire Umbreon basically did not change I followed through on making all of those blue accessories gold and that I was golden get it you get it I gave her a pose that I felt like would show off her hair a lot more than it did in the draft and I kept the shading on her hair pretty simple and focused on its shapes instead of trying to paint more individual strands but I had an entire blast shading her dress and her shoes and making them super shiny Here's the final Umbreon she wants you to believe in yourself and her clothes definitely squeak when she walks Leafeon also really did not change except for some flower detail I added to the skirt like I should have done in the first place I went a little wild on the pose with the skirt though because it sounded fun at the time to draw it all spinny and billowing up in the air it sounded fun at the time but oh my God that's a lot of skirt I do love how she turned out though I had fun with shading the skirt Ruffles and the boot details this is the final Leafeon she's the sweetest person you've ever met in your life and she's trans glacion is finally where we get into some substantial changes and that's all the way at the end damn I'm very happy with how this has proceeded I considered replacing the hip scarf with an actual scarf but I ended up giving her a nice winter coat that had the shape of glaceon's tail as a belt and had a fluffy collar to make the fluffy boots feel more properly Incorporated I think maybe I should have given the jacket or the sweater dress a pattern because it might still be too plain like maybe I should have used the argyle like that one of Evie's leg warmers on the sweater I I don't know regardless I'm way happier with this outfit the final Glaceon girl always seems to know more about you than you remember telling her but she's a fantastic Tipper and with Sylveon again I only wanted to refine it a little I was fairly happy with the first draft I added more detail to her shoes so they wouldn't just stand out as being plain and I adjusted some of the details on her skirt she pretty much just moved into a cute little Idol pose this is the final Sylveon she has 4 000 followers on Instagram so far and she's not Beyond taking your phone so that you can follow her too she means well she's just a little overzealous and these are all my Eeveelution gaginkas I like to imagine that the cast of A Slice of Life anime and they get up to goofy hijinks as they struggle in butt heads over being good role models and babysitters for hyperactive Eevee I'm really happy with these I'm fond of them I miss doing some good old human designs this was fun oh [ __ ] I forgot one patreon beats what is Pokemon patreon is an evolved form of Eevee it evolves by experiencing strong feelings of gratitude it is an extremely loyal Pokemon that is sensitive to others emotions when its senses dishonesty or ill intentions the fur around its neck can fluff up to double in size and its ears will begin to vibrate as a show of aggression with practice patreon is capable of learning human speech and can repeat what it hears such as reminders that by paying two dollars a month you can access everything we post and for five dollars a month you can join our patreon exclusive live streams it can even learn the names of those who pay ten dollars a month just like this rain oil scrambled eggs MC Skittles Aubry fish Hearts Emil Kaylee JC foxington Bianco Merlin overloaded dupsy Atticus Psy McCarthy zoner King 34 Angelic pudding Rayleigh Sheridan and gel Aphrodite morgami liami shell Aquarius sketches 13. dreamy Elfie the wonderful Astrid zero peachy Stars zero chaos era Goblin dog comics Anika kicked me desk create star Soul Studios 3p asakura toru's number one fan light of alpha Morgan Shadow squatter Snapdragon Fern Scarab wing wing tropical Rogue again Ash Fallen mules mokumi Aki komodori number one more at lader simp Harris the Rat King alpha artigay alpha AC Roberts luxtorium shine demon ULU dark heart blue Jade warlock honey dude Beetle sticks Christina respetto Caster Pebble ET Ursula 707 Theta Fox axelberry Sprite Bowl conceptio kaiji piran River pancakes Belle three Ash is too common via V velve Natalia the written 73 the loud artist just a sketchy nerd the names Raymond Aaron the confused M Trey arsidachu help-up size or Reaper Tabby Lafayette Sunny Side Up sketchy beats Mitch Mayhem it's a me Mari Oculus portfolio Mar please naburra sushi mcnushi Jasper Barrel Alabaster solex Gabriel cleaner sailor starbones Arya days Charlie the kitten Ambit bunny Twisted mind Ace cunya shrimpy boy Bo Cinema roll Claire a b king Jester moon pie dumpling Jamie Cloud lorice Dahlia Dream Craft series Star best of style rainey's Corner nerd King 14 creepy LPS 44 blazing locusts Sparky Knight snail Devon J Allen Potter Robinson Nikolai galgaxian honeybeast font MB Martin Anderson J ryblum Buttercup row Eddie star and my baby ECR Goji Dragon Vendetta howasu Elizabeth Ichi popsicle personify tazara starlink Studio Leon Dexter radio fathoms your resident Disney princess PTR draws full and cool the crystal Paladin down creativity slme mem silver notes CJ Duffy Sable Skies sweetly sinstra the Sleepy detective Mark dolor Bonbon boy oh yubies Exorcist Lillian gravity drop Sammy samor contrary Mist Queen sonoko night King sunset young Manor shards of shattered space Gremlin Cassie writes I'm a scream it's [ __ ] whippy blue genuine hero Mario Medina Skater Boy Goblin suffer Christos Spidey Jr zeolia ghosty go Karina floraline Kitty freak gelitis Phantom Bagel Zachary Borges Jake van true Madison dragon draws stimpalian tiger Capri Crocker basically BB monster Freak The Legend of Alice Danny glitter Johnny Ariano Rane Jake Luna Lou the Mew boring Studios Luna Yoku Daphne Jolie galavanting Gala forms Inger lease Sean M Jordan Ripley dusk drawbar Bowie knife Thunder Evermore Orion of the Stars he Henry Mama peaches fire Newt 451 Madu Berserker 102 Michael emiraki catdagger 2 dracos fuzzy Shadow 2468 School of sweet winrun Jacob Goodwin DJ cat meow and blah fields of Starlight project Imperium 5 sweet jitsu alien drag queen shirt cake snake Andre Dojo kid Mew kichigo nekozawa zelfus he the queen porcy makaru Jordan Alexander Sanchez Gus Lotus Russell the chimneys Nico starsi Andrew Robinson cristaru Kirk Coleman Cody Richard Hikari Yu Johnny Stars Charles Stark strange Gucci man ashfir aswix thank you all so much for watching have a great day beep [Music]
Channel: GinjaNinjaOwO
Views: 608,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginjaninjaowo, art, drawing, cartoon, anime
Id: HvgLubzS9gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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