PRISM as other Magical Girls! (Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, Princess Tutu!)

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the four shows I picked were all relatively short and things that I had seen or even re-watched recently for a second video I wanted to do four shows again but two of the shows that I wanted to do I hadn't finished before so I thought I had to make sure I watched all of both of them before I got started so I wouldn't make myself look stupid but the problems with both of these shows is that they're long as [ __ ] one of them doesn't even have an English dub how am I supposed to watch actually 150 plus episodes with my full attention at any designated amount of time and still get any work done so that's it I've gotten loads of comments and emails of people asking when I would do a second one I knew it was in high demand I put more pressure on myself excellent recipe for me getting nowhere fast so this time I decided to implement a second part to this exercise technically making it harder so it would be easier on me this time I decided I would try and recapture the show's art style on top of the designs and with more things to focus on being able to do right I could relax a little bit on feeling so compelled to be completely Canon compliant might be weird it did make me feel better this ended up being pretty much a moot point though I will explain later we've been waiting long enough let's get started the first show I wanted to place the prism cast in with Sailor Moon the definitive magical girl show arguably the single most important magical girl show to exist absolutely genre defining drawing my quintet in this universe could be interesting not only because I have not finished the anime or the manga yet but because canonically there are a bunch of other Sailors and she and they exist in various places as well as have designs that vary all the way from this looks just like the main sailor Scouts too if you put a gun to my head I would not be able to guess which series they were from in the original manga you have the Sailor Scout the future Sailor Scouts distant future Sailor Scouts multiple sailor groups from outside solar systems some of these characters are manga only some of them have completely different roles in the 90s anime and then have their roles changed again in the crystal anime there's live action exclusive Sailors there's musical exclusive Sailors thousands of hours of content and I hardly have time to read the wiki articles for these characters I'm giving up we're keeping it simple and by simple I mean we are staying in line with the main Sailors and Future Sailors I don't know about the distant future ones I haven't gotten that far yet uh in essence everyone is essentially going to get a sailor uniform that's very similar to the base ones just the few original aspects to tell the groups apart I think once I do finish Sailor Moon I might want to come back and redo this one to make it a bit more original not just fall in line with the the regular and future Sailor Scouts because I really didn't take into consideration how little I would have to say the way I did it all of the uniforms are essentially the same with palette swaps and the palettes being just directly translated from their transformation colors in their original designs cats came out the most interesting in the end but nobody individually needed much brain power so this first one is easily the most boring of all the redesigns I've done but I spent 10 hours drawing it so you get to hear me talk about it now I started with just a skeleton sketch of the poses I wanted and the first thing I had to focus on when refining the sketches was getting the proper Sailor Moon style proportions their torsos are about two of their heads and their legs are about two of their torsos long long legs their appendages don't have a ton of definition the arms and legs just these super subtle Curves in my personal style I like to exaggerate things a lot more so I was having a difficult time reeling it in the other difficult part which I imagine will be a problem with most magical girl Aus that I do in the future is that everyone in Sailor Moon has very Samy body types their faces are the same shape they're all the same kind of skinny my prism characters are just a lot more varied generally like cat's supposed to be more muscular emi's a twin zoomy's chubby things that aren't often present in these kinds of shows unless it's a joke character which isn't the cutest in cases where same face same body was prevalent in a series I mostly decided to take the L and fall in line since this is a deliberate reimagining of how the characters would have looked had they been designed for that other show in the first place the other L I took here was I did end up giving Emmy a skirt even though they aren't the most comfortable in them since this is a reimagining and the only canonically non-binary Sailor Scout also wears a skirt I figured that's what now kotakiuchi would have designed them like canonically in prism though Emmy will put up with just about anything as long as they get to fight crime in the name of Justice you could say they're very goal oriented so I think it's still in character that they would put up with it but I also feel like if I did like if Sailor Moon was written for these characters I feel like there would be more of a discussion around it with Annie's character and I think that's kind of interesting I gave everyone sort of a mix between their civilian hairstyles and their transformed hairstyles basically whatever gave their hair the most natural style paired with the most unnatural color since with the exception of Sailor Moon most of the Sailor Scouts have pretty plain hair that also being Why cat got her fully transformed hair to match Sailor Moon is a natural hair leader of the group thing you could say that unnatural hairstyles would fit right in considering how absolutely batshit insane the hairstyles of the future Sailor Scouts are but I didn't want to go that far as far as changes I made to their fukus I removed their sleeves I made their necklines taller I shortened the gloves I added some bands of gold at their hips and the ends of their skirts I also had to really brighten up all of the colors that translated over from their original designs since sailor Scouts are pretty saturated and to pay homage to their Source material I made everyone's brooches the same as their prism shapes and I gave them matching gold bands in the same place for their matching silver bands are in their prism designs and that's pretty much it I I feel like the more I drew in this style the more I adapted to it I I was feeling pretty comfortable by the time I finished that was kind of cool and I think it turned out okay the skirts throw me off but honestly I think the way the show draws and especially Shades pleated skirts in general just doesn't make sense to me what is the light source here but in the manga their skirts are stylized even Wilder so I guess I digress first things first yes I consider kill the kill to be a magical girl anime second thing second for anyone who hasn't seen kill a kill two characters have kamui's these are the magical girls they're school girl uniforms that transform into sexy fighting suits and any other students can potentially get a Goku uniform I'm not really sure what's up with one Stars they all look the same uh no stars look like this the only three star uniforms are owned by the Elite Four student council type group and they all have alternate regalia forms I didn't want to have to design two outfits so we're going for the middle the two star uniforms which are held by Club leaders and are styled very specifically for that club some make sense some are really out there I have a lot to work with the process of making the kill a kill sketch was bizarre to say it in a word I love Studio triggers art style I've done many style studies on trigger before I've been pretty good at it I was so goddamn stressed out over drawing this for some reason I don't know if I was suddenly just being super hard on myself but it felt like all at once I had forgotten every last study that I had ever done this felt like a test so all of my sketches start really messy and ugly and insecure and scared and then I slowly sculpt it until I can pull something trigger adjacent from it I find this deeply ironic since trigger's art style is known for how loose it is and I was not keeping my sketches loose I excavated them loose outfit wise I really wanted to draw a cat in a kamui and make everyone else some kind of Club president except for you she just lives there just a civilian designed for her I guess this would be some kind of alternate Kill la Kill where cat acted in ryuko's place except I like to think that she started the school as a no star for a while before getting her camuy instead of just showing up with it I thought hokuto would make for a really good book club leader since she prefers to hide in quiet places and I imagine she's pretty into books now they just have to be in Braille I thought Izumi would make for a good fashion design Club leader and then Emmy could be the track club leader they like zipping around a bunch I I could have gone for a skateboard Club leader probably I know Killa kill has some silly clubs like [ __ ] ping pong Club what a uniform but I went with Track Club since I thought special track shoes would be fun to draw about the time I got into sketching a zoomy I felt like I was finally getting into the swing of the style like it came a lot easier and that was kind of a relief things went a lot faster from there sorta kinda I struggled a lot with getting Emmy's pose down that wasn't a style thing though that's just that was I didn't have any good references and that pose is just hard for me at least ah [ __ ] any of you who enjoy drawing running unlike the Sailor Moon piece all of these outfits are very individual so I have much more to talk about for cats kamui I tried to make it a little more conservative both because I don't want to get in trouble with YouTube but also I don't really love senkatsu and Jun katsu's transform designs there's like a single a line in the show justifying why they're so skimpy I disagree with that lore but whatever I guess it's not like I don't appreciate a good horny design I mean on adults this should not be a high school show there's no reason for this to be a high school show but like call it what it is it's Coomer bait but also someone made a he he ha ha joke at it about what if Killa kill was dubbed by four kids so I genuinely think these designs [ __ ] pretty hard so everything on cat is super low cut she's got her tummy exposed but otherwise it's really sleek and skin tight I put these Fang looking things around her torsoda squish her chest together a bit and to play with camillis being monsters and ryuko has these white spikes that poke out of her skirt I'm not sure if those are also supposed to allude to teeth I think they are I took those and I had them go all the way up the sides of cat's legs almost like almost like Fringe almost like cowboy pants I'm also just gonna go ahead and say that in this in this prism luck Hill Universe this is a college we're going with a college why wasn't it in college Rico and Satsuki both have these like engines of sorts on their backs so I made cats look like a mirrored down version of her shoulder pads they make a funky X together and for the hair pieces that ryuko and Satsuki have I made them bigger and part of a headband since I think that's pretty on brand for cat I give her headbands a lot then color wise I considered making her kamui all white like junketsu but I knew the accent color had to be a rainbow gradient it had to and it popped a lot better with sunketsu's black I also gave Cat Stark white hair to reflect her original magical girl form but I added some bright yellow accents like ryuko has in red since I thought it would look good designing Goku uniforms was definitely more of a challenge like as the book club leader what kind of outfit appearance would really be suited like librarian clothes Librarians don't really have a dress code but I feel like most people picture them as like really conservative sweet ladies so I did my best to capture that pencil skirt with a little mini cardigan and her hair up in a bun the hair I left is kind of a mix between her civilian hair with the bangs of her transformed hair it's hard to put into words why I thought that would be the best option I just did I also gave her glasses because they feel very librarian book reader e obviously they're non-prescription though they're just for show later I make them out of life fibers for fun and I think Goku uniforms in themselves are already considered weapons but most of the two stars have this separate weapon object that's made of light fibers and for hokuto I made that object weapon her books one that she's holding and then a bunch of comically large ones making up like a throne I imagine these could either be some nasty projectiles or maybe the pages could fly out and attack maybe they turn into paper planes and start pelting people like Mako getting pelted with tennis balls for Zoomy if I thought designing a librarian and was weird I certainly wasn't prepared for how to design a fashion designer without it being like super over the top or dramatic I could have really pushed this to a high fashion angle but the more ridiculous Goku uniforms in the show are honestly my least favorites so in the end I decided that izumi's uniform could be like how she would design a cute school uniform and then for her object weapon I gave her measuring tape I figured she could use it like a lasso a whip maybe it could grow in size stuff like that I considered giving her a mini sewing machine around her waist I thought that would really fit kill a kill but I don't think it fits Azumi in prism she is into fashion design and especially into the business side of things but she doesn't actually make clothes herself she usually gets Emmy or Kyoshi to do it Kyoshi already knows how to sew but Emmy learned on the job specifically to help Zoom me out and to earn some extra money just a tad bit of flavor there I also considered giving Izumi sewing scissors I could have easily made those oversized and fun but I didn't want to compete with the importance of the actual scissor blades in the show so I left it as a small accessory tucked into her hair it's kind of funny though where Izumi was the sketch that made me feel like I had more or less gotten the hang of the trigger art style cleaning her up I was slowly progressively realizing that I think I was straying closer and closer to my own art style the heads weren't tall enough the hands looked like mine the clothing looked wrong it all still sort of looked right but it also looked wrong I've been studying trigger so much and I've adopted so much of it into my style and I've been staring at this piece for so long I was getting really confused is this my art style or is my art style close enough that of course I would draw parallels is this really what my art looks like or have I just been looking at it for too long do I remember what my art looks like am I giving myself too much credit I feel like other than the body types and the facial features this is just something that I would draw this feeling persisted all the way through drawing Emmy especially while trying to figure out how to draw their running outfit in motion in ultimately I'm just I'm just too far along I don't have time to fix anything that I think needs to be fixed I have to power through most notable thing about Emmy's Goku uniform is the track shoes I figured I could have made them cartoonishly big and that wouldn't fit with other Goku uniform weapon conventions but I wasn't sure how I could do that without it looking goofy so I decided to emphasize the spikes that some track shoes have on their toes I imagine it's to help sprinters get traction I don't know I didn't emphasize them too much here but I like to imagine in action they can grow in size in combat to the point that Emmy would just be wearing these ridiculous platform shoes just a lot sharper and finally I get to you she is so small half of her body is obscured this should be the easiest part but I just wasn't feeling it and I stopped and I zoom out and I sit back and I stare no I definitely got too comfortable I have to start over so I did regrettably we're gonna speed through most of this it took me ages while starting over I was a lot more careful about paying attention to kill a kill's proportions and I took the opportunity to make slight changes to everyone as I went particularly really changed hokoto's body type to make her [ __ ] huge super tall love that for her and I ended up changing a lot about izumi's outfit because I came to the decision that what would be more in line with Canon outfits wouldn't necessarily match my personal preference I think the new design is less cute but more suited and as far as the learning experience goes from having done two style studies so far I've definitely noticed for the first time in my life that I draw chests really short like both of these Styles have had way more room between the characters neck and their breasts and that explains a lot actually I have always struggled to fit foldy collars on some shirts like flannels and denim jackets now I know why and as we are caught back up that brings us back to you she was super easy just gave her some overalls and some cute colors for her shoes and T-shirt If katsumi is the ryuko in this universe maybe instead of staying with one of her friends she stays with you and kiyoshi while she's not at school the college school the college that we're pretending that this show takes place in and that's the kill a kill piece I liked how the first one was looking but ultimately I'm really glad I went back and I did it again I think it looks much more accurate now I did have to sacrifice the fourth show for this drawing though I wanted to do Shugo Chara too that's the other show with a million episodes that I was nervous about catching up on and a huge part of the reason why I decided to also copy Styles in the first place and I didn't even get to it whatever fine maybe next time whenever I get to next time foreign will be the last series I do a redesign on for this video thanks to starting the kill a kill piece over and it is so criminally underrated Princess Tutu is my favorite magical girl show of all time please go watch it but here's the gist so you guys understand what the [ __ ] I'm drawing while princess tutu's whole shtick is all the characters doing ballet and there's a lot of references to famous ballets the plot is that our main characters are sort of escaped from a storybook for lack of a better more concise description this storybook is a tragedy and despite having escaped all of these characters are set to meet the same fate set for them that they have in the story and they don't want that so they have to fight against fate and even against themselves if they want to make their own happy endings at this point in all the prism content I've posted you might have noticed that I have a Zoomy and Emmy together a lot they hate each other they can't get enough I knew if I was going to be representing prism as a ballet that I was going to pick the Nutcracker I love The Nutcracker and zumie and Emmy had to be Clara and the Nutcracker himself I will not be answering any further questions is why I picked them anyway I decided I want to play it pretty safe since I didn't want to repeat my mistakes from the kill a kill piece and end up doing everything over so this time I started out with sketches sort of warming up for the style I was about to be drawing and troubleshooting their outfits right away for this section I wanted to talk about the soft idea I had for the plot of this Au I think that's going to take up the majority of this speed paint so I'll quickly go over the designs and the rolls now Azumi and Emmy are of course Clara and the Nutcracker respectively Claire is often depicted in a nightgown so I wanted to start there and slowly worked backwards to transform it from a plain and simple nightgown into a ballet costume that just sort of resembles a nightgown and Emmy got an easy princely outfit that's reminiscent of what nutcrackers are usually dressed in adding that classic tall hat would have really helped solidify the Nutcracker theme I think but I also felt very overt so instead I gave Emmy some painted cheeks then probably the most interesting part I decided that katsumi and hokuto could act as the villains of this age unlike Kazumi and Emmy who are both relatively outgoing and confident katsumi and hokuto both have extremely deep set self-worth and self-image issues they often really can't stand the person they see themselves as and I think that makes for a really interesting setup for them to be designated villains who don't want to be villains I made katsumi the mouse King but there aren't really any other villains in the original Nutcracker Tales so I had to get more creative with hokito I'd already decided that you would act as a sidekick character in this context a lot like Azura for anyone who's seen Princess Tutu and I thought she'd make for a super cute Sugar Plum Fairy who followed the Rat King around and sees the best in cat and acts as this Beacon of innocence and positivity and hope so to connect the three of them I decided that hokito could be like an evil Sugar Plum Fairy Queen but her colors would be a lot more muted it would kind of feel like rotting fruit I decided that these two villains would both have black accents to indica hate them as a little more villainous and then red accents on the underside of their tutu and Cape as a sort of ominous reminder of the blood that's been drawn by their hands so now I'd like to talk about the story I have in mind it's pretty Bare Bones but I figure most people watch these videos to get the lore and character building Snippets more than to see the designs so I thought that this might be fun I imagine this this a u would be sort of like a spin-off series like a new season that's completely removed from the original but shares similar traits and the most notable similar trait being characters from a story Escape their story to a new world but are still destined to their old Fates so I will be splitting this up by explaining the storybook they escaped from and then what the plot of the show would be so keep in mind those are two different things I think the storybook in the spin-off would be a very different version of The Nutcracker very different from the the ballet and the original story but would admittedly be much more like the Barbie Nutcracker movie which I do love in this storybook the Rat King and the Nutcracker would have been lifelong Rivals and the Rat King would be responsible for the curse that turned the prince into a nutcracker the Sugar Plum Fairy Queen and Clara would also be sort of Rivals but in a more one-sided way the Sugar Plum Fairy Queen has grown old and bitter and her life was never enough for her she plays this classic evil queen role of harboring Wicked jealousy and when she sees Clara she hates her immediately Claire is young and beautiful and friendly she's loved by everyone she meets and the Sugar Plum Fairy Queen is so violently jealous that she also lays a curse on Clara not turning her into a nutcracker I don't know what the curse would be these are just musings for fun in the storybook Clara and the Nutcracker would meet they'd share their stories and woes about both being cursed and they'd agree to work together to help each other defeat the rat king and the fairy queen to undo their curses along their Journeys they fall madly in love and they do defeat their enemies but in the process one of them sacrifices themselves to protect the other ending on a tragic note but like in the original Princess Tutu the storybook is unfinished so only the author knows which one of them is destined to die now for the show plot that would take place in the real world Azumi Emmy cat and hokito would all be attending ballet school together like in the original Princess Tutu and none of them are really friends additionally at this point when the story starts none of them remember anything about the storybook they used to be a part of and Emmy is not a nutcracker it's it's more of a metaphorical thing than the real thing I don't know but none of them are really friends and in fact Emmy and Izumi both can't stand each other but they're brought together because one day seemingly out of nowhere they're attacked by strange Monsters made up of negative emotions they both gain their powers and ability to transform at the same time and they learn that they have to work together if either of them want to make it out of this alive and they hate it they can't get through a single fight without bickering they almost cause more trouble for each other than they actually help but they're still under attack by this unknown entity and they individually aren't strong enough to simply walk away and survive so they're stuck together they are also now both aware of their pasts and they are aware that they are destined to fall in love and they both freak out over it I could never love you [ __ ] gross I hope I'm the one who dies in the end so I don't have to put up with you anymore girl Shenanigans of that sort meanwhile katsumi and hokuto are both responsible for these attacks cats sending out her ghastly swarm of rats to take hold of a victim and fill them with negative emotions until they turn into a monster and hokuto sending out her Frozen tears in much the same way they both attack out of these volatile grudges that they hold against Emmy in Azumi but they aren't really sure why they feel so strongly about this and they aren't even totally aware of their own actions it's like they get worked up into this rage and blackout only to have some evil version of themselves take over and wreak havoc in their name katsubi and hokuto have reasons to quarrel with Emmy and Izumi of course but it's on a much smaller scale nothing that would justify actually sending monsters after them they don't know why they're doing that katsumi and Emmy are both very serious about what they do in prism it's their prism job but in this case it's ballet classes cats just very organized and coordinated very business-minded no-nonsense and Emmy's really impulsive and prone to goofing off it's something that pisses cat right the [ __ ] off but at the same time she almost wishes she could let go of all of her expectations for herself and have fun sometimes too hokuto is deeply insecure she feels trapped by her own anxieties and scares herself out of most actions in the actual prism story I think this makes hoguto actually admire Azumi for being a bold and confident person I think she really likes that about her but in this Princess Tutu Au will say instead that hokuto Harbors resentment over it that Izumi can so easily be the kind of person that hokato doesn't dare to dream about being as this story progresses zumie and Emmy would slowly over time find that they're actually much better friends than they thought they care about each other a lot more than they thought even growing to be best friends and neither of them wants the other to meet this fate where supposedly someone dies at the end so their motivation shifts from just working together to finding a way to defy fate so they can both live and stay friends forever but at the same time as this positive development katsumi and hokuto would come to learn about all of these terrible things that they've been doing they come to remember their past they realize what they've been doing while they black out and they're thrown into their own personal crises over it swinging between wanting to just succumb to their terrible fate so maybe it won't hurt anymore if they don't fight it and also wanting to fight it wanting to be better people may be finding that even though it would be harder to get there another way to not hurt anymore would be if they could find happiness it just feels like an impossible goal they've been told who they are maybe there's no point in fighting it and during all this you would be running around happily between all four of them because all of them as her friends she finds small ways to motivate all of them to do their best I'm sure of course after hokuto and katsumi having themselves revealed to them later there would be an even more a bigger more dramatic reveal where Emmy cat Izumi and hokuto all find out each other's identities maybe things get way worse before they get better but then again maybe if they work together there's still hope and I'm gonna leave it there I've been talking long enough the rest is up to your imaginations here's the finished Princess Tutu piece I think it's fun how very different they look from their original designs I had a lot of fun drawing this and brainstorming a plot outline in general that brings us to the end of the second installment of prism as other magical girls win and slash if I get around to making a third one I will definitely include Shugo Chara then and I'll take this time between now and the next video to catch up a bit more on that maybe I'll get closer to finishing it I probably won't finish it it's long as [ __ ] I'm currently not sure what I would do for the other two or three shows though so feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments maybe I'll pick up a new show or two if I haven't seen it before and enough people ask for it and thank you guys so much for watching if you liked this video and you'd like to support me and support more prism content in the future I have a patreon two dollars a month gets you access to everything I post from Works in progress to early uploads five dollars a month gets you access to my patreon only streams I do two a month we play games and work on videos together and my ten dollar a month tier gets your name read at the credits at the end of my videos just like this thank you so much to nabora inigami Black caller three Torah Jordan Ripley Sean M alien drag queen short cakes and fake Seb the orc Cafe mellow chew dusk Andre Inger lease aswix big sweep that's what you get for spelling your username like that crumb lunch dust Munchies Michael Jacob Goodwin Russell the jimmies DJ cat meow Berserker 102 Hikari U Jordan Alexander Sanchez makaru fields of Starlight minnow candy resuri on Kurt Coleman winren dracos Andrew Robinson cristaru schooly sweet Comet Tail Cody Richard ah Nico's Darcy cat dagger 2 yakomo soul Queen emiraki ashfir Nico zawa Orion the Stars night Mage exp D Henry peachy mint yukichigo Silver Shadow Dojo kid Dylan MX Thunder Evermore Wilma's dwarf art Lauren chiaro fire Newt 451 Boise scriblet project empty green five Matthew Sweet kitsu kodal cuddles Kara Stark strange Mama peaches zelfus Michael Sasha Rose Jakey Jelly Bean Johnny stars galavant and galliforms Gabrielle klinner sailor star bones Arya days Jasper Barrel Alabaster solix Ambit bunny Kik Yuri Talia Griffin Andy Harpo the marks Charlie the kitten fondraven retrofon Midge Mayhem it's a me Mari jet dark flame sketchy beats Rayleigh Sheridan pancake Pearl chin Sushi mcnushi siga ink blood Oculus portfolio more please summer Stars book bound Sirius Star vesticyle rainey's Corner sakuru love La rice Dahlia Dream Craft Sparky night snail Devin J Allen Kyle James Taylor creepy LPS 44 blazing Locust Ace Schmo shrimpy boy Twisted mind River Mori wet sock of pain Mochi Mercy moon pie dumpling Jamie Cloud Bo Cinema roll Claire A.D King Jester paboliti Ursula 707 datafox beetlesticks Christina respetto Caster pixie pranksis Lucas kajipurin Oliver Ruiz jacksonberry Laney montz look victorium Wesley mabane QB Commodore Harris the Rat King Alpha Oregon Alpha AC Roberts dewdrops I Draco straw Evie Chan dark heart blue Jade warlock chase the names Raymond Aaron the confused M Trey Mew Mew the bun ningyo vesselius scissor Reaper Tabby laffy Annie Sunny Side Up arcadicu help up bonzala witch coca Ashley T criminoid River pancakes boots and cats Crow creaking it Miss Manic Panic 360 Avia boy bubbleberry via v velvey b Natalia the written 73 dogger Cloud Axolotl 107 angsty T plush B Mario Medina Abigail Wargo Bayless scream it's [ __ ] windy I try to fight ghostly goat Karina floraline Ali mocha separate Christos crimskoy sholia melvonix V Rogers art kamiki Miata Sunset lemonade fill up the yolk Lola young Nana shards of shattered space Gremlin Fusion fire red V Nate art Raven troll Johnny oriano rain Jake Luna Lou the Mew the legend of Alice Danny glitter white rhino2222 Daphne Jolly neon pansu a goat taily boring Studios Luna Yoku Zachary Borg Jake vantrue Madison Kitty freak Gil Tice Phantom Bagel Kiger Capri Crocker monster freak dragon draws NYX flame stymphalian chaosu popsicle personify Cactus princess EC art Goji Dragon Vendetta Leon Dexter rudio fathoms tazara Starling Studio Mia bare mallow fond Envy Safari chaos sithari shaos Martin Anderson Connor Robinson Nikolai galagaxian honeybeast Eddie star bread and my baby wizard of nine Jalen Rhododendron cat your resident Disney princess Exorcist lillum gravity drop Sammy sammer Mark delark bun bun boy Luby z x Julia Queen Sunoco night King Miss contrary glasses protag Mist G damn creativity still Emmy PTR draws fulan cool the crystal Paladin sweetly sinstra strawberry Kitty the Sleepy detective MIM silverno ovive and CJ Duffy thank you guys so much thank you guys for watching have a great day bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GinjaNinjaOwO
Views: 412,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginjaninjaowo, art, drawing, cartoon, anime, #RealFarm, Mahou Shoujo, MAgical Girl, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, Studio Trigger, Princess Tutu, PRISM, #PRISMCorps
Id: Up963K1sMoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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