EEVblog #395 - World's Most Expensive Hard Drive Teardown

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I can't watch that guys videos. His voice is too damned annoying...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/michrech πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks like an aquarium thermometer that was stuck to it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gholam13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't with his cadence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SynthPrax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have never seen this, but my father in law talks about repairing these and replacing platters onsite.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ahhh good old eevblog. I watched that video like 3years ago. Pretty interesting stuff

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CookieLinux πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

His voice is higher than Linus's voice. I was soo sure before watching the video, that it was impossible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/outwar6010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is this for a kids show? This guy speaks like he's talking to a 5 year old.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robotorigami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If anyone ever gets over to the UK, take a trip to Hursley IBM, not only was it where the Spitfire was researched, it houses a lot of old tech. Heres an old AS400 a lot of backs used to use.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mwako πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy is so massively Australian

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/quote_engine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi welcome to tear down Tuesday the humble harddrive you've seen it probably take them for granted this is a modern 2 terabyte three-and-a-half inch hard drive that you'd get in a typical desktop computer and they're available in pretty small sizes these especially for their size incredible these can go up to 4 terabyte in three-and-a-half inch size this is the smallest art current form factor you can buy the 1.8 inch and they're available in up to 300 odd gigabytes in these sizes but that wasn't always the case these things have had an amazing evolution back from the mid 50s when they'll developed by IBM and well I can remember by my first hard drive mid 80s or there abouts 20 megabytes that's not 20 gigabytes it's 20 megabytes let alone terabytes that you can get in these things incredible cost me about 300 bucks or there abouts nowadays you can get what a terabyte for under a hundred bucks kidding me oh so these are fascinating technology there's developed in density by orders many orders of magnitude over many decades not to mention reducing in cost as well so I thought would crack one open have a look the technology inside but not one of these weird US modern ones no thought would go a bit retro late 70s early 80s great period let me get it for you hang on this could take a bit let me move the yeah chair out of the way this is a real hard drive folks the mother of all hard drives let's check it out here we go hang on ah bend the legs tada this is a hard drive oh it's an IBM hard drive late seventies early eighties not sure of the exact year whopping ten megabytes and yes it weighs thirty eight and a half kilos or about 85 pounds two salutΓ© monster we're gonna tear this sucker down and don't worry about me dropping it no worries we're an Australian safety boots beauty let's go and if you're wondering what this thing was worth back in late 70s early 80s about a quarter of a million bucks beauty and yes folks I wasn't kidding this sucker is really worth a quarter of a million dollars or it was worth a quarter of a million dollars back in late 70s early 80s and this particular unit was used well into the 80s because they didn't want to write off the cost of these things they were cost so much money to our install service and maintain even no hard drives were drop-in or even big server ones like this dropping by orders of magnitude they didn't want to write off that cost very quickly so it was still used for quite some time and this particular one is actually from a bank it's from the ANZ Bank here in Australia and it was used to presumably I'm a store or store all of the banking records and no it has been securely wiped so no-one's our credit card numbers are on here not that we did we have credit cards back in the 80s maybe bank card hmm anyway this is an IBM ah let's have a look it's an got the original sticker on it here IBM there it is IBM asterisks three nine seven X so I assume it's like a I don't know if 39 7 X series or something or 3 9 7 X series something like that I'm not sure I haven't been able to find much info on it so if people have any information on that please let me know and check out this funky little temperature dial here they've actually got it is about half way it is around about 23 24 degrees here in the lab and this is completely passive now this thing is an absolute beast if it's actually designed on a sliding chassis hence the handle here it's got the big carry handle and handle on the other side so this chunk of metal on the back here is actually a sliding frame designed to slide into a rack there enter we can already see some of the stuff perhaps we've got some cabling with some beauty connectors on here absolute ah classics look at that and yet so this thing was designed to slide in with the aid of a tool you can't have you know even over back then they still had a H and s and you couldn't have people lifting up near 40 kilo or 90 pound units and you know shoving them into racks so they had some sort of tool to help lift them up and put them into the rack and you can see that they had shock and vibration mounts as well you can actually see the compliance in that one if I give it a bit of a wobble you can see the compliance in the rubber there that would dampen shock and vibration from the both from the rack and into the hard drive and also outwards and you know that would be a very cleverly designed so that it avoids any resonant modes during operation and all sorts of stuff and these would be ultra reliable hard drives so you know these are in banks storing data this is serious and this is why these suckers cost back in those days a quarter of a million dollars each do you believe it you may have noticed on the unit this little port here they've actually got one here and one on the other side of the unit what was this for it's actually for pressurized Halon gas which is actually quite a dangerous gas to be pumped into these hard drives so they operate under that Halon gas and it's actually a fire suppressant now this Halon gas wasn't just used in the hard drive itself to save the data and there's the other port over on that side there so they would pump pressurized Halon gas into this thing but the entire rooms that these things were housed in the computer server rooms had Halon gas as well not during operation but if there was any fire then they would a big alarm bell would ring off and you've got like a minute to get out of there or put on your gas mask otherwise you would you know you would die because they would fill the room with this Halon gas fire suppressant they are really serious about protecting the data in these hard drives and on the back of the unit here where it slid in it had sliding forward like this presumably there would be the mating multi-pin bus connector under there like that it had mate with that power and something else here I'm not sure what and that would be how it slots into the rack so this would be the end that goes into the rack and the handle would be on the other end and on the front of the unit here they've got like another port maybe that's a some sort of test port I don't know as in like a test like a gas our Porter it might be a pressure valve or something like that I'm not exactly sure what and we've got some power coming around to this side as well maybe going into the spindle motor or something because we've got some heavy-duty cabling going on in here so anyway we'll find that out when we crack this sucker open and here we go let's take it open now I think we've got one big sort of you know die cast slash machined top on the thing so I think if we undo these are hex screws around here we should just be able to lift up this top part at least for starters and artsy the good stuff the pornographic stuff which is the platen so let's crack this thing open see what we get ha ha here we go folks this is going to be exciting I think it seems to be lifting off here we go let me see volume 2 come crashing down tada ha ha look at the porn in there and check this out what a Bobby does life fair dinkum aha it's an absolute cracker this one look at the we've got two four six eight nine platters in here single-sided head so they'd be doing and I just over one Meg per plate unbelievable and if we get in there off the measuring tape we're looking at eleven inch or there abouts you're working the old money with these are hard drives 11 inch platters in there beautiful so this is what a quarter of million bucks would buy you in super reliable server storage technology in the late seventies early eighties and err if you compare and contrast that with you may have noticed it sitting here in modern well modern these came out in nineteen mid-90s so really only you know ten fifteen years difference kind of thing between this thing which is a ten megabytes to a couple of hundred gig this was later on but you know we're talking four orders of magnitude look at it unbelievable but if you break these things down you'll find that they're still essentially working identically yeah the encoding format and the densities and the data rates of all change them in the data rates inside Baden hard drives are absolutely incredible serial data rates in and out of the heads and all the physics and with the magnetics is all change but they're essentially the operation is still the same we've got the plotters coded with the magnetic material we've got the spindle we've got the actuators we've got the heads we've got the head there's probably a head preamplifier on there and you know and the decoding electronics they're all going to essentially be identical to modern hard drives and look at the solid machined chezy's on these things absolutely incredible and if you check out inside the head unit itself fully o-ring sealed of course but you'll notice they're also got air filters in there either side so that air filter down in there would be filtering the Halon pressurized Halon gas which goes into this thing now on the bottom here it looks like we're going to have our spindle motor down in here that would be this cover plate down in there if we take that off we might be able to look at the spindle motor under that looks like a huge monster and with this is almost certainly our actuator motor down here now I'm not actually sure how much electronics we're going to find in this thing I mean we'll have our amplifier head on the top here on the actuator arm itself looks like these are just sort of looks like some sort of interconnect system I'll try and get those out later and flat flex a ribbon cable coming over and dump that certainly doesn't have the processing in it like our modern hard drives do today that's for sure here you go that wasn't hard at all watch this the snap that oh look at that all the bit customized connector solution that you know it's like you won't find you know solution like that off the shelf it's just totally customized for this particular unit no wonder they had to no charge in a quarter of a million bucks a pop they have to amortize all the R&D cost of this thing and it looks like all the data for our heads pops out along all these traces there's a lot of traces down in there and it pops down into it looks like probably I don't know if there's in the electronics under that but probably down to that main header connector we saw down there and these flat flexes here they just pop off here and then going into these two traces down the bottom there which probably go down to the main interconnect connector down on the back there presumably and check it out folks I found a genuine hardware bug in this thing right inside the channel there maybe during servicing and down on the bottom of the unit here you can see this custom plastic a flat flex connect is sort of embedded in some plastic like this that that big huge a couple hundred Penn bus connector joins on two so that actually does it looks like go straight down to there and then straight on to this panel end down in here there you go it goes straight down into there straight into these connectors and then straight over into the heads there so um yeah this thing you know it doesn't look like it contains any processing electronics at all apart from the apart from the ASIC presumably that would be on the head driver in there the head amplifier slash buffer that'll be about it well check this out folks look at that date code february 18th 1991 so i don't know if it was in manufactured in 91 or whether or not they retrofitted a new cable to this thing in 91 but there you go that's fascinating that they are still manufacturing that if they were if it is 91 they'll still manufacturing these 10 megabyte hard drives right up until that time and it turns out this temperature strip on the back here which does actually work by the way i've had it to go up and down in temperature is just a peel off tape like that that they stick on it it's there's no mechanism at all inside that look at that it's gone up to 28 now so it claims 30 there we go slowly going up 32 as i touch this thing it goes up in temperature neat and if we take the cover plate off the spindle motor here it looks like correct me if i'm wrong but we have a nine pole three-phase induction motor because there seems to be three phases there there we go we've got three main windings we've got black red and white there with the big thick cables like that there's a green earth wire presumably and a couple of other signal wires as well so there you go that's a bit of a beast i'm not sure how much our mass it actually has to rotate and what speed what operational speed this thing would have worked out but that's a pretty funky looking unit I like it yeah once again we seem to have that date code ninth week 91 so I think this sucker was actually manufactured in 1991 but hey IBM would have had artists you know big you know decade long our decades-long service contracts for these things and they didn't want to rock the boat these wanted to replace them with exactly what they got so looks like they were still manufacturing these in 1991 go figure but you know I guess if they you know did the contract and manufactured first designed and manufactured these back in the early 80s or late 70s you know it's not much more than a decade our service life which but this kind of industry is that not that uncommon at all and on this interface board here you can clearly see what's likely a positional wire sensor probably some sort of a hall sensor or something like that so they've got one there one there and one there and I just love looking inside these platen sleeve that it's a thing of beauty joy forever you can see in here part of the rubber seal as well which actually goes all the way down the side there right down here and over and around that into a machined groove in the shows like that so that seals this you know the air of this section because the filter is just in between here so the filter the air comes in here and then has to go through the filter to get to the rest of it now check out the really cool linear slides on here look we've got two machined into these blocks here and you can see the rollers inside there so obviously this head which likely contains like a four or five heads on it is designed to slide out of this somehow but haven't quite figured it out yet I've taken some screws off here but it's some really quite a complex block overall this whole head system it really is quite amazing so I'm still trying to figure out how to slide this damn thing out and if we take off this black cover here there's actually a grub screw in the back of this which then goes onto this spring and pushes that in and you can see the linear slide in there moving back and forth now I can't pull that out but what that does is that adjusts the head here so you'll be out as I move that you'll be able to see the head just move it tweaking it back and forth like that alright I figured out how to get this whole module out and with hindsight it was obvious you had to take out the actuator motor from the bottom first because that shaft was holding the whole thing in through that little hole down in there like that so there it is there so once you get that out from the bottom you can lift out carefully okay you don't scratch the disks I'm sure there's a better way to do it but today we have entire head assembly now these things of course would be designed to be very serviceable I mean you aren't going to just throw out you know if it fails you're not going to throw out one of these huge machined diecast jerseys or anything like that massively expensive I mean you know this thing costs a quarter of a million dollars you're going to service the thing so everything is designed with servicing in mind if the you know if you need to replace the platters you're going to replace the platters if you need to replace the heads you're going to replace those any of the you know well there's not much else in it that can fail really because this is essentially just a spindle motor with a platen and actuator and some heads and that's pretty much it it's just raw data out but yeah these things um these are not today's consumer throwaway items you can see why they've gone for this sort flex PCB sort of embedded in this plastic membrane here it's to get a good sealing around here you can see it all gummed up right around the bottom around there and that's you know complete airtight seal so that's how they penetrate this thing and also right around inside there as well so that's how they penetrate the main chassis down here we'll keep in an airtight seal with you know how many you know 32 heads or whatever having to go through and penetrate get all the data out of this thing so that's how they decided to do it and it's never really seen anything like that before it's a quite remarkable construction technique and here's where all the precision engineering comes in with the head even though the tolerances on this hard drive are huge compared to today's standards you can see the heads are able to move very smoothly trust me that is pornographically smooth on those linear bearings in there absolutely beautiful and we've got a total of 32 heads I thought this was a single-sided I was told it was a single sided platen but it's not because if you here you can see there is a thirty two heads total there's actually a head back here and there's a head up here I'll show you these indeed more detail in a second but you can see that that little flex arm there and the one on the top the heads are a bit out of whack because they're designed to free float and I'll show you that closer in a sec but there you go that one does the upper side of that top plate this one does the underside of the top plate so the top surface of the top plate is not used but we've got sixteen heads down there and we've got another 16 heads back here so we've hard drives a lot of the access time is going to be taken up with the physical movement of the actuator arm back and forth like that or swept across the disk in modern hard drives you've seen them you know sweep back and forth really really quick well this would do the same thing it had moved in and out in and out really very quickly but it takes time to get to the position settle down before it can read or write the data so the less distance you have to move like that the greater your capable your data rate is going to be and if you've got Joule heads well you can write twice as much information while moving half the distance we have a look at these heads in a bit more detail you can see the armature that is really slight press you can see the spring bar in there designed to just put the required amount of pressure onto the head and in this example here you can see that the platter would sit in between the two like that and then they would rest on the surface and you'll notice that they're really very compliant and designed to sit very flat on that surface with very minimal amount of pressure can probably see one of the little wires on the backside there for the head and when I said single wire well it's actually a dual pair look at that you can see the red and the green in there hopefully you can see the arm moving up and down and that's actually a twisted pair going over and soldered onto the flat flex membrane over there and very nicely clamped in there it's got some tubing over it so you don't actually short or pinch out the wires they're really beautiful construction and these would all be you know hand assembled and somebody's tweaked it with their tongue at the right angle ah beautiful you might be able to see it a bit clearer there they've put some tape over the top of that just to work anchor the wires in place just to take the stress out of those before their solder because you don't want any flexion on that or any vibration ruining that solder joint there and getting fatigue on that so they're distressing that with some tape there really is a beautiful fine construction technique I really like it imagine what today's modern hard drives are like well don't even ask and if you have a close-up of the head there you can see that if I can get the pointer in here you can see that the where the two wires are soldered onto I've actually broken that one off and that goes into a coil down in there and it looks like there's a second identical coil on this side but it's not actually connected there selphie flip it up like that you can see oh look at that we've got an individual serial number on there individually serial numbered isn't that sexy aha I love it and the backside of course is nothing special but that would be a rather obscure material ferrite head now you'll notice that the head here is not completely flat it contains these skids either side of it here and there's two reasons for this it raises the ferrite and head above the surface of the disk by a fixed amount but the first reason is that it reduces the friction of course because the less surface area less friction you're going to have but the second reason they do it is that that forms a little aerodynamic pocket inside there which helps stabilize and level the head when it's flying over the surface and that can be very important for repeatability and that's why the head floats on those little armatures you've seen in there because it's essentially a self leveling device it's not just in a fixed position it just you know floats just above the surface they're under aerodynamic pressure really neat design now a lot of the early magnetic alloy materials used in these heads the things you've probably never heard of like a moly denim perm alloy things like send us and Alfa Noll go figure but then they moved on to some more amorphous ferromagnetic alloys and pretty much um ferrets dominate the industry these days for heads even around out this area so this era so this is probably some form of ferrite material and these new ferrite materials are usually either like a nickel zinc or a magnesium zinc type combination alloy but they're certainly not just your regular ferrite you'll find in your inductors and stuff like that these are pretty you know obscure materials you know alloy materials used for very specific properties and all has to do with the width and the density and the hardness and all sorts of things that you're trying to get in modern hard drive the modern ones these days ah who knows what they're you in doing it's rocket science now these heads have to have near zero magneto striction it's called which basically means that this thing can change shape based on the applied magnetic field very slightly but because this is a highly precision engineered head even back then I mean the modern ones today order of magnitude more sensitive of course but even back then you have to be very careful that this thing when you're writing the ones and zeros to it changing the magnetic field that it does not physically change shape and that can work vice-versa as well so any strain on this thing can actually generate a magnetic field so they can be used as a sensor in that respect so you don't want any of those type of a fair in a magnetic recording head so these materials will be chosen to have near zero magneto striction effect now these heads actually have to perform three functions on these hard drives because they've only got the one head so they have to do both read write and also erase as well and a basic a very crude inductive ferrite head like this will have a ferrite material with the gap in there the gap is the part that sits over the track and does the recording and we've got you know a couple of turns of coil in there and that generates a three dimensional that's important a three dimensional magnetic field in here with a primarily as much coming out the y-direction onto the platter because if the platters you know this thing's flat against your platter like that then you want it to go out there and you don't want much in the x-direction here because that's their fringing effects which are then can't you know if your track width is in there like that you don't want any fringing effects to affect other tracks I mean they're they're not physical bumps like that on you know I'm just drawing the the magnetic tracks in the platter like that you don't want any fringing effects coming out the X direction here and causing problems with adjacent tracks that you've just written you know if you're writing data dear you don't want to accidentally write another bit into a track that you've just an adjacent track you've just written data to so these are very complex and solving the three dimensional magnetic field equations there's their integrals over space and they are there's all sorts of complex stuff that basically you know you can't solve them because they're finite distance they're not like an infinite space and stuff like that very difficult very complex mathematical and three-dimensional field magnetic field solving stuff and you can do an entire PhD thesis on just magnetic heads sure many people have and the same thing goes with the Z direction here I mean this platter might be you know spinning around in that direction so you know you've got your tract on your hard drive there so ya stepper motors come in here for your head and it's right into this track here and this disc is spinning in this direction you need to write each bit and you don't want fringing effects in the Z direction either because that can interfere with the last bit you just wrote on that you know rotating magnetic disk and there's lots of complex interactions with the you know the width of the gap and the distance between the gap and the platter and the type of material on the platter and the magnetic fields and all sorts of stuff whether or not the calls are laminated and ah man you can analyze these until the cows come home now one of the issues with these are heads especially across these sort of distances is what's called thermal tract shift and that basically means and well as it implies there's a thermal shift when these things heat up these heads can physically expand just minut amount minut amounts and then it changes it affects the position of the head relative to where it's supposed to be on the track so you know as these things warm up you get our expansion out of these arms and that can cause issues with track a live on a track misalignment so you can also get changes in ambient temperature causing the same thing and that can be a big deal even at these sort of densities we'll take a quick peek inside the actuator motor here and let's have a look there's the model number for those playing along at home and let's pop this way you've got a bit of spring movement there there we go check that out isn't that beautiful and there's our motor down there we've got another couple of cogs in there and looks like we've got a device you acting as a heat sink in there I'm not sure what that suckers doing at all so it looks like we've got a some sort of a spring return gear reduction mechanism here the motor drives this reduction gear system which then winds up that spring and there's a lot of I mean I can't manually move that is a huge huge amount of torque required to move that sucker it's a traditional linear actuator motor controlled by these two strips over here dull there you go and what this is is this is a lock mechanism to lock the heads it it actually goes in here like this so it comes in here and I can turn that and boom I can pull and lock those heads back into position like that so that locks both sets a heads and once it's released it's only like a half turn like a quarter turn or something like that so it's you know so that's why this thing has that spring return mechanism it just I guess if there's you know power fails or something then it automatically bang locks the heads back into position like that ah really obvious so what we've got is we've got like a voice coil in here it's like it very much like a speaker exactly how a speaker works but instead of moving a cone we're using moving for actuator arms and their separate banks like that of four arms so they can move independently with these two voice coils let's check out the voice coil resistance here if we can get in there tada your traditional 8 ohms hmm are you thinking what I'm thinking absolutely but of course this sort of linear actuator is not going to have the same sort of bandwidth as a traditional loudspeaker it purely because we've got a lot more mass in this actuator arm mechanism here than you do in like a paper cone on your traditional loudspeaker so this thing is probably only going to have a bandwidth of you know maybe a kilohertz or two at most just enough to get the access time required for the head so we can just easily drive our linear actuator with our function generator here now put in a sine wave at 10 Hertz and tada there it goes works just like a loudspeaker if I take it right down to one volt for example we're getting tiny little bit of movement there if you can see that and if I up that five volts 10 volts maximum of 20 volts on this function gin there we go and of course we can adjust the frequency as 10 Hertz at the moment so let me just that down 1 Hertz boom boom boom boom boom fantastic and if we do a 1 Hertz triangle wave there you can see the the more linear motion of it because of the ramp instead of the sine wave that's a 1 Hertz sine wave and you can see the difference in the ramp and if we do a 1 hit square wave if it's going to go bang bang bang bang bang bang and although we're not going to be able to see higher frequencies well certainly be I want to hear them here we go I'll put the mic up to it and you'll be able to hear that's 1 kilohertz and then 2 O 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kilohertz whoo and you probably can't hear that now that's 15 kilohertz so there you duty I think I'm finally able to get this bastard out of here oh there we go oh man I'm struggling with that locking bar for ages mongrel precision engineering my ass anyway check it out we can now should be able to lift up entire module beauty so each one of these linear actuators weighs almost 3.4 kilos on its own that's for our 4 actuator arms and 16 heads unbelievable man but these are all solid machined linear guides on these things absolutely incredible now I've taken the screws on this thing off but I can't seem to get the two halves open I think they've been pressed in there you can see the you can see those press fit studs in there it looks like they've been actually you know hammered together and squeezed fit it in there so I might have to try and pry it open it sir because if you can kind of just see that we you can kind of see the coil in here somewhere there it is down in there you can see that we can actually see that coil inside there going over that central bar take a look at that nice so I don't think we're actually going to be able to see anything else by taking this thing apart and I can't I've got the hammer out and used a bit of percussive maintenance but I cannot force this thing open so I might leave it as is but there's nothing more interesting in there than just that our coil going over the central magnet in there that would be that would be basically it and we've got those our linear bearings look at those they're just pornographic really haha ever seen a speaker that good I've taken off one of the heads here it's still connected via the flat flex here there's no way to avoid that you can see a custom IBM can under there that no doubt contains the head preamp and is soldered directly on to the flat flex there which of course goes over to the main connector that we've seen before so let's see if I can pop that can over open and see what we can find I mean we've got our four pairs you go in into this thing from the four heads and then we've got the pair's go in out and that just carries the raw head data back to the main header connector into as we saw right at the start of the video into our the big rack connect the system so jeez you know it's basically just a raw data output harddrive now please excuse these heads I've got them falling off all over the place and missing they're very delicate but look at this here's this interlock bar in here here it is right here and if I pull that back you can see the heads pinched together like that so that's part of that locking protection bar that was the pain in the ass to get out it's just a motor to pull the heads back lock them in place and shut them down these spring head mechanisms they're really very delicate little beasts they would have been carefully designed to apply just the right amount of pressure you know and they would have thoroughly tested them really tweaked and highly engineered part of hard drive design is just getting the correct pressure there on the heads I was able to pull the head module out of the flat flex there and and look at that looks like it is fully potted bummer but of course that could just be the bottom of it so we should be able to get in there and maybe hey pry open this I sense a sir REMIC hybrid coming on well there you go that was hardly worth popping off at all just a bairdi mounted on a ceramic substrate there with a couple of like Oh 603 caps ah anyway that would no doubt be a custom IBM ASIC does all the head driver functionality record read arrays the whole works now as for these platters these are very carefully machined aluminium discs and the material on there is like a cobalt based alloy usually and that will be sputtered on there in a vacuum deposition process and you can see that some of it's all just spilled on the edges of the disk there which doesn't matter a rat's ass really it's all about the conformity and the thickness of the coating now of course I was going to try and get these up ladders out but I just cannot get my shifter on the top of that my shifting spinner on there to open it up I'm going to need some more heavy-duty art tools I don't have here in the lab everyone's done up good and tight unfortunately but there you have it um that's pretty much all there is to this classic IBM hard drive and ER as I said before if you do have more details on this particular model we would love to hear about it so please leave it in the comments or alright go to the eevblog forum which is where all the action is going to happen on the torque of this sucker so the technology in this thing is a pretty basic as far as modern hard drives go but it is incredibly machined these linear actuators fantastic just love it brilliant stuff and the magnetic air density on these platters use the 11 inch platters in this thing is absolutely nothing compared to modern hard drives and as you saw there's no controller in this thing at all the controller would be in the rack hard drive system because all we've got these little are pre head preamps in there which we saw and that's basically it is just amplifying the signal and then driving it along right into the backplane bus and well that's going to be one hell of a controller when it's got to control all these hard drives with all that raw data coming in but this thing's only ten megabytes not huge data rate but anyway I hope you enjoyed it that is the most expensive teardown to date it's worth a quarter of a million dollars do you believe it but hey we're talking about banks here catch you next time and of course no tear downs complete without sacrificing some blood to the teardown gods
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 1,430,454
Rating: 4.73737 out of 5
Keywords: worlds most expensive, hard drive, teardown, ibm, server, bank, banking, how it works, cobalt, platter, spindle, most expensive, retro, vintage, 8 inch, 11 inch, disk drive, head, 3390, model
Id: CBjoWMA5d84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2012
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