Britain's Haunted Castles: Tutbury (2023)

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[Music] [Music] feel feel anything make a noise for [Music] [Music] us [Applause] [Music] tap Castle's pretty famous in the Ghost World people interested in paranormal investigation and that's because it's got a very long history of ghosts that have been talked about for a long long time I mean and ghosts have been part of our culture for a long long time I mean Shakespeare writes about it in Hamlet of course we have fairies that the chud is viewed as dangerous in fact act in Midsummer Night's Dream this idea of uh places that have had particularly strong events happening almost like making a record you know impregnated within the very walls and this Castle seen blood and Siege and thunder we've had some terrible periods of time of great brutality and darkness but also periods of time where people lived and led and had the babies for hundreds of years kings and queens visiting staying and so that's why this place is oh it must be something it's going to be ghosts it'll be there a ghost in my opinion is an energy that has not left the Earth plane so spirit is a entity that has gone onto the next realm into the spirit realm a ghost is an energy or an entity that has remained on the Earth plane so that's why we will have stories of a ghost that is causing lights to be switched on and off or doors opening and closing cuz generally a ghost is someone that is unhappy and has also passed quite traumatically car accident fire murder so they they stay stuck between this world and the next spirit is when we are released from our physical body our spirit Rises up to the light we move into the the spirit world and we're joined by by our loved ones generally when we go those loved ones come to connect with us to collect us so to speak a poist is an energy an entity that tends to be very negative and may have controllers controlling it so they're not really in control themselves but they're controlled by something else usually a master of some sort that's causing them to create Havoc around a person or within an establishment or within a home we were able to prove with a dig uh with a British Museum and and bman University that in fact Romans were here uh we know the Vikings came past I mean not just in a few ships with a dragon's head hundreds of ships on the way through to repon so this endless kind of idea of humanity being on this green table on top of a hill and the reason it's very important is because we've got two Roman roads near here now that gives you access to moving your War engines your goods people these most of us a rural community even in the Juda period I mean yes and so consequently a chance to move things around and trade that's why rivers are equally as important and we have both here so it's a very important Central spot and about 4 miles down the road is a place where it's the furthest from anywhere else in England from the sea so we're pretty far away as well so welcome to the king's bedroom at turey Castle it's a very small room room isn't it but it's called that because Charles I and Prince rert used this as a withdrawing room as the Civil War was building and building and would cost the castle its life really because it was largely destroyed in the Civil War now there's something about this room and we can't really pin it down we've had psychologists in here psychiatrists in here we've had weather experts some of the top experts and they don't understand why this room has such an odd energy to it we found people faint in here so I have to be very careful about people but also people say they feel that by coming in here they going to somewhere else they can't describe it um what's impressive is the folks who think that there's no such thing as ghosts or no such thing as that and then have very uh very much affected by the room the way it shows itself is feeling like there's a swimming cap on you can be that like you're falling forward rooms quite uneven um in terms of floor and walls it's fair enough to say the room's uneven but actually it's not that that's particularly affecting people I understand in here in my costumes I play all these characters Kath and aragan Mary quen Scott's behind me and others but I want to know why such a small space should have such an amazing impact on so many people now since the internet of course that there's a problem there it can be a damaging effect because people think they're having it because they've seen someone else has but I can tell you for 10 13 14 years people were experiencing things here and they were often the same and yet some of them from all over the world they were able to say there's a child in here darting I've Just Seen A Child and lots and lots of feelings of presence in the room lower back pain some people say there was a rape in here and that's why it's lower back pain but you know what what let's have a bit of evidence all I know is I've had people run out of here I've had people who were very hardened run out of here I've had soldiers weep in here and I know that the atmosphere at times is so charged my staff won't come in it doesn't mean it's evil but it's something we can't get a grip on while I'm speaking to you now the temperature has dropped pretty dramatically keep looking and the idea of people people going ghost hunting as an interest in life has had a Revival there's no question about it of late but we must remember with the founding of the spiritualist movement towards the end of the 19th century in two massive Wars between the wars particularly there was a great deal of interest in these in seances and table tipping and this sort of thing well there have been plenty of it of course in the Victorian period too and we talk about being mesmerized this was the start of real interest a mesma was a real man living uh on the um in Switzerland and he lived and earned his money on considering how hypnosis might help people think differently or be part of healing so that in its turn also plugging in if you like to our spirituality and this Castle plugs into a lot of people's spirituality adrenaline is a very physical thing that shock and that you know the Fright that's just their their way of enjoying themselves that's a very physical thing a very large number of people are aware that Mary Queen Scots was a prisoner here and are very interested in that of course she was a tremendous glamorous tragic figure in in our history and indeed that the castle was owned by Elizabeth the first going and in fact going right the way back to 1199 The Castle been owned by the Monarch and still is I should say but what's so interesting about the m in Scots and Elizabeth idea is Elizabeth was actually due to visit uh here uh in 1571 but Mary had already been so she sort of called off I don't think I want to breathe the same air Mary was Prisoner here for the very first time on the 2nd of February 1569 before that time having escaped from Scotland uh mosta had been in kalal where she crossed over you know in a boat and was there for a while then she traveled down to England at all that time she was under housee because Elizabeth was taking the pulse of every Royal House of Europe with her ambassadors and the quote were we have the scotch Queen do you want her but apparently not so when Mary came here on the 2nd of February 1569 she was told and this Castle was absolutely vast and full of streets and crowded and horses moving around all these things going on she was told she was now a prisoner and of course she was being questioned about the death of her second husband darnley who was a really horrible Man actually that doesn't mean he's entitled to be murdered or entitled to murder him rather but what it does mean is that she had some answering to do because he was very very close to the English throne in succession and he was no doubt about it murdered many people believed she was colluded with her third husband Bothwell so when she came here she had two dead husbands second murdered first husband franois France the doofan died young at 17 years of age and then she marries and I mean Elizabeth must have laughed when she married him because she's reported to saying don't marry her so she sends a beautiful young man in line to the English Throne because she knew his morals were in the gutter his behavior was generally appalling and the lads of Scotland were disgusted this manac come amongst them and the sovereignty being looked after by a child a minority sovereignty as it's called had gone on in Scotland um since the early to mid 1400s right the way through it and Mary herself had been as well a child of six days old when she came to the throne so there was all this stuff going on the background so when she arrived here there were these murders and death associated with her and on top of that she'd been locked up in Scotland she had escaped been the battle um of langside and she had escaped into England her third Husband by them was going mad in a jail in Denmark he was chained to a concrete post going round and round like a dog and uh he was extremely attractive and a cousin and in their lives a lot of the problem so there's that she'd left behind her son James who she'd signed over to for the Regency of her bastard half brother Murray he'd been after it for a long time and she'd lost her son her kingdom and her dignity because at this point she is being shown on leaflets as a crowned mermaid which is a prostitute and the running hair at the bottom which is the symbol of Bothwell it must have been absolutely terrifying for it to come home be told us in fact it was so terrifying that she vomited black blood sign of an ulcer collapsed across the neck of the horse was held down they made a walk in here all this had happened and she wasn't even 27 so you can see why some of the Courts of Europe mind have been a bit concerned about the choices that she'd made and in fact she historically you know we have much record of her saying my heart is my own well it isn't she's not a shepherdess running through a field her heart and her womb belong to her people and the decisions she makes should be for the purposes of trade and peace for the nation's sake and of course Elizabeth was going to be a master and mistress in her own kingdom wasn't she that's a famous quote of hers and Elizabeth um had her locked up for nearly 19 years so she was here four times in total the last time for 11 months and then the babington plot happened and she went from here and she didn't know that all was known she didn't know that one of her closest Associates was a double agent and all of these things meant that this is a woman who was constantly confronted by betrayal yeah I think it's a good point I think that the dogma of religion is something that Society no longer believes in you know religion hundreds of years ago was to keep control over people in a sense and we are so free now with our broad-mindedness we don't need that kind of institution however I think that obviously I'm spiritual and religion plays a part in that in the sense that when I do my work I call upon the AR archangels I call upon Archangel Michael Gabriel Raphael Uriel sandin metadon all these different Angels because they hold an energy so there is the beauty in religion not just the rules of religion now the ghostly side of her is very interesting here because people who serve in the British army or in the armed forces are the ones who are most likely to claim they've seen her or don't know what they're seeing and we had a mass sighting about 20 years years ago when we had a very large group of army uh come here who' been in the Army and then they'd formed a historical Army group I'm great you'd think they'd be had enough of it really but and and they told me how marvelous it was when I'd appeared in the middle of the night in the white gown on top of the North Tower and frighten the hell out of them and how they'd all enjoyed it and I wasn't here and I haven't got a white gown and the tower was locked up and that and interestingly like you can sometimes get people get quite nasty and go come on Joe over we know it was you I said most certainly wasn't me I was in bed and that's interesting we've had a marine who saw Mary Crossing at speed across the gardens in in good Sunshine actually in an afternoon the ghosts here are not necessarily come when it's wet and windy we get quite a lot of them uh in the daylight as well on sunny days and people just think there's a bloking armor walking about they think it's the real actor we've had that twice and they're not even thinking it's a ghost and I tend to not disabuse them of that just in case they don't come back um some people get married with us at midnight instead of having reception they have a ghost hunt the interest is phenomenal really but the castle has got some very interesting stories associated with it if you hear your voice you're welcome so ghost interact with people in the sense that if you are sensitive enough you will know the go G is there you will see um you may see flash flash of Darkness or a flash of light across the room you know obviously if you're sensitive enough and open and empathic you'll get that feeling of there's a frequency in here that makes me feel very cold or when they're loving spirit and good spirit you can actually feel heat a lot of heat a ghost is some energy that still has a residual significance within the place or the property and so that's how they remain in that place because they're either attached or the person living in that property is still attached to them for example a wife whose husband died and she's so longing for that husband to be with her that she's holding his energy so the ghost of him is still wandering around still sits on the bed with her at night and she can feel you know even there's a sea even an indentation in the bed or a ringing of the doorbell but then or even a tapping noises which is often Spirit wanting to get your attention so a ghost can be actually I think I think the word ghost is you know for me it's all spirit it's all Spirit at the end of the day just that you have negative and you have positive a residual evidence is is is what a ghost is but it's usually the ghost is usually that of a lower a lower frequency and I think of spirit Spirit is something that is is beautiful and loving the most predominant sighting or feeling that people have here and very often nothing to do with a ghost hunt you know just in an afternoon was after the staircase in this room of the Great Hall was found which was in January 2000 on the 27th of January i' had an airing cupboard removed uh in the lower floor and the back wall caved in and there were the stairs I it was remarkable they're not very old they're about 1770s but compared with the wall behind me and the stairs that feed from this room where one of the walls is about 1360 and and yeah that's what we consider pretty old here so we don't know why they were filled in we don't know anything about it all I can say is that they were we opened them up uh by the way there was no Echo now some people listening to this will say why couldn't you hear an echo but there was a double layer of wood on the floor and it was very tightly sealed as was the Airing cupboard so consequently you couldn't tell and at the back you couldn't it was just a wall so it opened up then we started and certainly I had a very long coat pulled out one day from me out here when I was on my own here um but I was quite near where you're sitting or rather you at home can see me is directly opposite me is is where this happened and my coat was pulled out and I thought oh I've caught it on a nail with a cotton you apply logic straight away you think that's what's happening and walked across the room and then my coat went out again elsewhere but I mean not a bit I mean it went out so I thought well I must be off and I went I got me handbag and I set off downstairs and I remember vividly very interesting saying don't let them see your friend we're taught not to be a victim to the living when we walk particularly women at talk so I'm going down the stairs with me and I could hear the stairs moving behind me and when I got to the front door horror upon horror I had locked myself in so I I then had to scramble in my handbag which is the bag of Narnia but eventually I found the keid got out locked up and just laughed and I thought I'm exhausted I'm just exhausted like or if you get flu you know your bed cover can look like it's moving I thought that's what's happened I mean I'm just because I was doing 60 to 80 hours a week commonly and I was completely alone however so as I drove off um there's a thick M Gathering here at the castle now we get that naturally sometimes because we have the river dve just below 150t up and in certain weather conditions the Mist kind of blow up and lays it's wonderful kick it about um so I still think that a very large number of the things that happen here are natural through the weather or shift in the building one day we had things flying off the uh gift shop in the day and I got people to go and stand outside CU I didn't know what was happening and actually it was an earthquake believe it or not that struck one side of the building um and it had affected it substantially well well our normal senses are what we see what we hear what we feel you know what we taste something paranormal is something that can be seen and felt outside of those senses and when a lot of people see the the same thing or feel the same thing then that is evidence of some something that is Paranormal if somebody hears the same sound but there's no sound coming from a radio or a TV for example but they're hearing somebody talking and say three other people in the room can hear that voice as well well that's paranormal we're using our six sense the sense of clar audience and there there are many claes there's CLA sentient which is feeling Clare audient hearing as I just mentioned Clairvoyant which is seeing with the third eye so you're not seeing something that you can tangibly physically touch but you're seeing something that is within your mind so to speak but other people can be seeing it too so there's evidence of of a group of people seeing the same thing any but then we started with a child a little girl in the bedroom and people going in there and saying I'm sure there's a ghost of a little girl in there and what was interesting this is way before the internet as soon as you got the internet you've had it haven't you because people are writing stuff and other people are experiencing or they want to experience it but the same name interestingly kept coming up Ellie Ellena ell and that must have come up seriously about nine times out of 10 and people saw this figure darting across the room or they were aware of a kind of pulse of light moving uh blue lights I've seen those too I've seen blue lights too affections for University people who had to look at it and they said it's very high static but it comes now and again all the time which in itself is interesting I'm interested in the blue lights for those of you of the Christian faith will know that blue lights appeared above the apostles in the upper room the Holy Spirit and they spoke in voices and tongues and this blue light seen in here occasionally we have a red light appear and it looks like the end of a cigarette and when that appears we go something very unpleasant linked with that we don't know what it is but we go and I certainly sent staff home before now when the atmosphere has become so gripping and you think well is it Masseria people just being silly no and then one night when I was sitting in the office in the early days women running a place like this would not be what you call common I was in the office and suddenly I screamed out because something had gripped me here not on the breast just above it just ripped me really hard and I brushed it away and when just my sex show was with me when I looked inside my blouse there were fingerprints uh or Mark red lines and she saw it and I said if I imagined that but subsequently you do think well is it a muscle spasm or you know have I is it my own hand that caused the mar so you fight it and I think it's appropriate to fight here other work here brand new staff brand new people get a growling sound that's I don't tell them imine they'll know now um and I don't tell them because I want them to have their own experiences and then we can explain what's going on because sometimes with people if you tell them then they get it um I don't mean they're lying necessarily but you know imagination's a terrific thing and you get what was that now be with me and experience it what I want you to do is have an open mind I'm going to close this door and and I want you to put out your left or right hand for me down a bit she's she looks far straight away that's that fireplace is blocked we have heating on in here got it straight away have you got it straight away any tingling in your fingers legs tingling straight away that's not correct about you're getting it now just Curve Your Hand a little bit Ellie Ellie will you come Ellie sometimes people can feel something there but I'll also say this is the anniversary of Mary Queen of Scott's death and she knew this room if you're here you're great you are welcome you know you are any other Force here you're here declare yourself I want you to watch over there can you got any movement there it might be just tiredness but m anybody got anything around them it's very clear isn't it temperature is much lower yes definitely some energy here it's yeah but there's a room up there it's warm is anybody here give us just a sign if you can stand guard Spirit stand guard over us if was any Darkness step [Music] back getting quite wobbling myself Ellie come and play Ellie it can be dangerous to open up to Paranormal Activity because in my opinion I think that playing around with the Ouija board can be dangerous because it's like getting in a car and having had no driving license you have no idea of the vehicle that you're controlling and so when you develop with a spiritual teacher then you're learning a process very very carefully and very slowly allowing you to open up opening up your aura opening up your chakras and learning to control your vehicle in a different realm in a different state a demon is not human generally well I suppose you could be demonic and be human actually if you're so tormented that you become demonic I'll speak in this room particularly as Mary Queen of scars in full costume the lights will pulse but only on one side the room sometimes but they're on the same connection it's not separate it's not a separate system and all of this constant arrangement of it's almost like there were certain times of the year when it's very very much more active it's like when the big bers are you see in August we get terribly busy just before Christmas we get terribly busy when I say busy I mean ghosts but this little girl has a tremendous number of people have experienced her and then I get people to put the hand out now I do get people to turn the lights out in there not to frighten them but because when you are in the dark your other senses become very much more active so it enables smell or touch or awareness of somebody near because the body's on alert if you like you can go into forest and and there can be a beautiful feeling in the forest and then you you can get to a point of Aer you think oh I don't I don't like this here and maybe because something tragic happened there or it could be because that particular land is filled with historical battle yeah absolutely places places hold the Resonance of you know happiness and of tragedy and if you're sensitive enough clar sentient empathic then absolutely you can pick up the energy you can hear it you can feel it you it's tangible and I would like to say at this point no we don't set things up here if we did what's the point so we've had we've had Dowsers here and we had a lot that were linked with DAR University just before we did a massive dig and they claimed that there is remains in an S shape of a child or a small person in the wall without knowing the story about Ellie so this figure darting about is seen when I've been Mar Queen Scots as well it's like something's come and looked at me you get that sensation because the dress is extremely accurate the Gown that I wear and there is some footage of me talking as Mary and you see a white light seem to come out of me and around dancing around and then goes into the back of the fireplace beside me well the reason that's interesting is because we after that was filmed looked in the back of the fire place because quite clearly it's too shallow forgot completely about this footage of this white light and sure enough where it went in there's a space at the back it's almost telling us and it's lined with cream Stones about that big and we didn't know it was there historical places will be filled with the energy of those that resided there in the past and within the objects that belong in that home especially Jewel y there's uh what we call psychometry when you take a a watch or a ring or a necklace and you can into it you can tune in again psychically or on a mediumistic level into the energy that's being held within the object and you can read from that and you can get a whole load of information like the who owned that watch their personality what was going on at the the time when they bought that watch let's say you know it could have been in the 1940s or it could have been during a wedding or a celebration so yes definitely objects hold a resonance and an ability to yeah to hold on to Memories history make a noise for us so there are hints all the time if there's going to be trouble here the castle let you know you know if there's going to be a burglary or something like that you can certainly know about it not that they're common now we can't move uh cameras and security now but if there was going to be an attempt or any difficulty like that we certainly knew about it I did of a man one day in here in front of 30 people who suddenly started speaking Latin he said there was a wolf at the walls of the town and I came out to him as Mary and he said in French he said you're not my queen the great cow of Rome it was really quite risky and I got him on all fours on the floor in the end because he was going to hit me and he was a fake now I'm telling you this because he'd learned all this St by heart it wanted to be on telly and one of the great crisis is you can get that as well but in the middle of all of it there's not much really denying that there is something something and we're drawn to it some people on Classic FM you know and some are on uh you know Netflix some people are caught up with one particular wavelength and the particular times of Health mental health women close to menstration I've noticed are particularly active with spotting things and seeing things it's as if the physical body becomes weakened and the spiritual body wakes these are all theories but some people we've had 30 psychologists in here one night one went into that room making people think about about ghosts it's really interesting the people of the past she was not out to come out had people in there who are absolute non-believers think it's rubbish but come with a girlfriend like coming to the castle think it's a nice experience and some get stuff some really get things so we've had this history of ghosts wandering around but one day when I was Mar in here and I had a large school group in which happily this was being filmed because ofstead were filming their outside visits and these children were about 8 9 and I was on the throne talking and at the end two children in the middle two boys uh at the same moment went where's the little boy gone so I said what little boy and the teacher came forward went what little boy here a skirt on and a white top and short hair he was laughing at you had his arms out the other went yes and he was this this and this they were clearly telling the same Tale the same vision they had seen at the same time and I looked across at one of the teachers who went they're not lying they're not lying I mean they saw it and I said where did he come from you saw him he came up the stairs and then he came and stood with you but where's he gone now so there were those kind of moments um and you're you're very much aware and full of respect for the people who feel these things and see these things I had a lawyer in one night who swore blind I'd got fairy lights around me I definitely didn't have fairy lights and I made him look and he found that quite nerving he couldn't believe his logic was defeated by this he went outside and rang his mother which made me laugh we you know there's not one of us that hasn't laid someone in the ground that hasn't hoped and prayed there's another life and a bit of you say when you part with someone through death family people you love can't be it the sense of disbelief is overwhelming and for a lot of people it isn't it you know they they believe there's another life people with faith and this place place every now and again seems to pull forward this these individuals who step through the door we've always thought in this country or that's been where it really comes from uh that the Halloween business is is really all Hallow's Eve of course the S All Saints Day night before that the veil between the living and the dead was its thinnest and to make people in purgatory feel more comfortable we used to light Fires for them you know outside our houses and on the Village Green so that they could look through the veil of purgatory and see the fires and be comforted all these practices you see and in many cultures in the world there are days of the Dead when ancestors are respected people here who lived and enough and had their babies some were Kings some were Queens I think are we not equal in the sight of God so maybe it's servants as well that we see here what I do know is the nasty piece of work I discussed with you earlier with the red light he he's vicious people get pushed about a bit with him and um he's not above touching women not above whispering in the L I believe that we are intrinsically Seekers I think that's part of human The Human Condition to want to learn to receive knowledge to evolve and we can only do do that by seeking looking so I think it's intrinsically in many of us and that's why we are [Music] surging keep looking Ellie come and play Ellie getting colder and colder and colder I think you feel anything some people watching this at home may see things in the room people often do Ellie [Music] copy me ah copy me make a noise for US ah sometimes we get that strange I think that's all we'll get it's definitely colder there definitely vibrations on my hands so it's still in here and but still the temperature distinctive at night when you're in here and you see that's the way Castle used to look before Cromwell destroyed it what a tragedy this beautiful place it reminds me of nania you know it's wonderful all pulled down by Act of parliament no wonder there's anger here but there's also joy and love for the people that have lived here sometimes people see a figure here sitting downstairs or something that that g seem to be interested in we seem to be concerned about people crossing on the stairs in my end is my beginning says Mary Queen of Scots and some people think that in this room there is still evidence of another life A New Beginning put your hand out a little for me just one I might need the other one anything C how's your how's your head okay no no pain did have you like put your hand forward a little that way around if you want to stand near me yeah Ellie can you just hold this lady gently hold her hand a little if you relax your hand it just gently look pretty come on [Music] did you do that did you see that pulled yeah or something's happening with you have you had anything like this before you're a bit Fay probably that's a compliment there's definitely something happening here now it's gone and that's what's strange it's either here or it's not you see it's gone so when she says she felt it she felt it and we've had so many intellectuals in here so many people who would apply strong logic who say no there something here I've never seen think like it do like it like going to the back of the Wardrobe isn't it but sometimes it's not sometimes it's very dark in here I don't mean dark in that sense I mean you feel there's a presence which you really need to get away from don't think these places are just full of knights in armor there are some very dark people here too of both sexes I think it's bitterly cold and yet this radiator is actually hot it shouldn't be it shouldn't be cold that is have hope in your hearts just in case days some people come here spend a whole lifetime and get something here and others who've been once and experienced something are sadden they can't get it again but it's not fake you know it's the real thing people really feel it it should bear in the me Cy me [Music] [Music] [Music] h
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 7,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diana, princess diana, prince harry, prince william, king charles, charles and diana, kristin stewart, princess of wales, people's princess, royal family, british royal family, history, british history, queen elizabeth ii, queen elizabeth, king charles iii, camilla, queen camilla, duke of sussex, duchess of sussex, meghan markle, duchess meghan, prince andrew, sarah ferguson, prince edward, kate middleton, princess kate, prince of wales, princess margaret, the crown
Id: SEbGl-6GgLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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