Educational Unranked To Master ON RIVEN

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yo what is up guys and welcome to my first video that is in the format of a full educational un rank two masters and I'm starting it off with Riven we will have full educational Riven games across all ELO brackets growing from Silver all the way to Masters where I play the games and I try to be as educational as I can let you guys know all my thought process so you guys can learn from it and ultimately apply to your own games now I highly recommend that you start off with watching the videos around the ELO bracket that you're currently at and also progress maybe one to two tiers depending on what your goals are for this season and how far you want to climb so you see how the game progresses this was a very big project and my goal is to try and do this for every Top Lane Champion going over the next course of year of doing content creation so right now we're doing Riven my next Champion will be hos and I want to try and do this for every top Lan Champion so I can help everybody out if you like this format please let me know down in the comments and please consider leaving a subscription as it helps me out a lot and I will see you guys into the video let's go every move you made I was watching you if you are serious about improving and climbing to your desired League rank you're in the right place this year I've worked on laying out two courses that will help you in all aspects to improve one is about all the fundamentals for the lightning phase and the other one goes in depth on Tempo and a mid to late I've been changer for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will massively speed up your process and reaching any goal that you have set in mind both courses have a preview video where you can see the style of the videos so check those out before anything you can also always join my Discord to check out some reviews all right let's get into the video all right guys let's get into the first game here now for the first game we instantly get one of the hardest matchups arguably the hardest match up for Riven which is going to be Riven into rington now the setup that you should be running in terms of Rune into a champion like rennington goes as this so you know the normal setup that I run on right now is going to be Transcendence and Nimbus cloak because whenever you hit ignite you gain burst movement speed towards your opponent and it's very beneficient for a site however into the Super tricky matchups especially for the early game so this could be Jacks Fiora set rened types of Champions I like to take this and I'll also take unflinching unin is very good because you gain tenacity against his stuns especially lower HP are um we could argue that we could maybe run tenacity here as well but I really like for my fast let's see what we end up taking here I get a no Jungle which is a pretty strong early game jungler so that is nice uh however we are 80 jungle and 80 top so the rton could be buying tabis and it's going to be pretty hard to kill him there's also a ja so they could be actually picking the rington into the cassid in mid and then I'm playing against the Jack top I guess both matchups I am able to oh okay no it's at least no okay never mind of course they have the ailio smid or what I mean ailos M the aelan Sid okay so Lis and Jung rank on top uh this is a game where I am considering going Gore Drinker and death sense and the biggest reason as to that as well is because they have burst here and burst here and if I go Hydra the r can just always oneshot me right and another benefit I get when I go for the gore drink is that I have a lot of HP and it also opens up of the death stance uh because more resistance is also um easier to get more HP that way right because if I have more HP and more resistance they can of Stack each other and complement each other so that is very good and um I see the rankon is playing PTA resolve flash ignite as well so he's also running a relatively aggressive setup you got to keep that in mind because an aggressive setup can be tricky to play against now this matchup how it goes I win level one actually because he only has q auto or W right A W Auto but or Auto W rather but I have q auto q auto q auto and I have bone plating so what we want to try and do is balance around the bone plating and then try and see if I can get as many trades off at the level one we can go two starting items here we could go for dblade potion or go for long sword three I like long three it gets me a little bit faster towards my Gore Drinker if I don't need like a d blade on my first base plus also it makes it so I can look to trade a little bit more in the early game and why is Draven looking like Gallo what's up with that as always chat and like this is so important for everybody to do always try and get the war down in the early game the biggest advice I can give you when learning to pick up Riven or any Top Lane Champion is used to scout the first four waves so what are we scouting here rankon against Riven I actually have the winning level one they have least in against nocturn both jungles are pretty strong in the early game so what I want to do is know how both jungles are ping in the early game so I know if I should look for a second wave crash third wave crash or four5 crash so how I do that on Ren and also remember game start is level one I'm going to be passing like this and I'll F like this okay I see a lot of people here so that even is going to allow me to get a little bit of a deeper Ward so normally I just hop over here and I W O I have three passive Stacks I win he has no bone plating he's W when ignite I should win okay he turned around I'm dead here as well but I'll take it I'll take it we got flash we got ignite we didn't end up getting our wor but now this already makes the match up 10 times easier I'm going to go for long SW in my opinion it makes no sense to buy a robe Crystal year and the biggest reason as to why is it's not going to make me any stronger in the early laning phase here one very important thing to recognize here as well as my experience if you get a solo kill without anybody else getting an assist in the early game I will actually get my level two from the first five no yes five minutes I need three melees and two castes and then I should get my level two so I'm going to try and play for that cuz remember this guy does not have bone plating and he has no summmer right now plus I have double long sword so again the game is at level one CH and I can't count how many times I get kills just jumping over here either finding the jungler finding enemy top laner and this is a prime example no says to not push top I will be pushing top and the reason I will be pushing top is because I get my level two first so I want to try and height my level up timer by not making it known to rington right and I want to keep my cool Downs up as well so that when I hit the level two the rton won't expect it what so now I'm going to Q forward Alo this get my my level two W Auto boom I'm going to keep trading here I have three potion he only has one so now I can half his HP and I will do a second wave crash and what happens after I do a second wave crash is the wave will start bouncing back into me but that is beneficial because my no is passing to top and this also gives me a timer to look for a wart on since Jung clear he uses one potion okay so I could Ward on Golems or I could W on repu I would say the W on rep off here is more beneficial because I know for sure okay so L is passing to top and no is ping so I'm make it sure so people know and I'm expecting L to be maybe here right now because noct is also here on this third Camp right or this fourth Camp rather okay two means for level three right here chat he's already level three so I got to be a little careful I get my level three as well though now the reason why I like this tra so much is because I still have two potions but rington has zero so because of this it's actually very beneficial for me to look for these equal Health okay this is here I want showing him if he goes for the can I can maybe kill him and okay perfect now my job is to hard push this wave as fast as possible I want to hard push this wave before this next minion wave arrives so here I was able to trade because I the potion Advantage also I had a really good position right but having the extra items so the fights are just pretty easy the combo I use there is e I think I use q eqw and Alto Q right and then it just died very nice uh 1K gold is a little bit of a tricky purchase here so my options will be dblade and another long SW but then I go for Hydra so instead I'm just going to buy a pickaxe here I'm going to sell this and get refillable and the awkward part is here this extra long sh right this is kind of the the awkward part here um you want to build HP in matchups like this mostly so that I can stat check him as you can see right now on items I'm super far ahead on the rington in terms of uh damage right I have 127 and he only has 104 but the main issue that I have of course is that I have no HP I'm still playing on my base HP so that is why I want the dblade right now but alternatively I can also get this Robby Crystal or this Rob Crystal you don't want to finish a full Kindle gem you usually just want to get the Robby Crystal or the Fage because it gives damage and you want damage on the champ like he just hit level four okay I'm going to try and make okay he hit the me that's pretty good for me okay so right now what I'm going to do is he has no e he has no W I want to wait for my e to come back and then I want to just F trade into him he should be dead because he has no e and my egg is back nice okay so next check whenever we get a kill check where next wave is at all right it is right here so now what I want to do is allow this wave to walk through the lane and is walking through the lane as is and now I can hard push this as fast as possible and look to look to reset again beautiful so here literally the first WS were already super free for me why I play to watch my level of timers and then the second thing is I had the first Blood right and again as I always say CH the game starts at level one you get a kill in the early game like that it will completely completely snowall your Landing face at Le died bot on 24 Cs and remember he PA to top so he's going to go to bsite again because if a Junger starts in bsite and they PA into top then next going to go into bolt again I'm going to get my level six here okay I played it well with my level up but I messed up the combo his combos are in a bit longer cor than M though I should I could kill the le as well by AO Q AO Q AO and W nice I still have my Al I get my conquer stack super fast there that's why I still win also he's only level three so I win because of that as well okay A little bit of mechanics there now the thing is the mechanics are a little bit harder to copy right that is going to make sense my mechanics on Riven are very good I have I think in total 5 million Riven points but the way I play with my waves the way I'm making my plan right always slow pushing into hard push know my level timers exactly Len should have been B but he actually went to top which surprised me but I suppose he was looking for the Golems I did see that he was level three I was level six so I feel a lot stronger but I didn't do a hard com with there I qo qoo a lot of people can do that right so there we go now we're going to go for the gor iner first as I said because burst and burst and it also will allow us to go death stance but before we go death St we probably go clear second because one of the issues that you have when you go for gor Drinker is that you have no armor penetration right um re has no armor P okay it's 28 Farm now he just taking one more camp and now he's on Golem so I'm not sure he has no more top side camps left I'm pretty certain of that this plate is not really below havep yet norin is B yeah so I'm thinking Len might want to look for the scotle here right so I'm going to be standing here waiting for him to face check and then we go all right I mean it it is all jungle tracking and it's all fundamentals as always Chad as always now the combo there was Auto kto W or E Auto W Kyo all right let's get this as well the reason I can take this is because Ren is pushing the wave towards me so I'm not really losing anything in this process now he only is a Fage and I'm already close to my full G drinker so from here and out my biggest job is to never die if I never die I can never lose my lead and they can never catch back up okay so right is six I got to be a little careful I don't want to fight him because he has six and I don't okay I mean it doesn't do too much damage but I'm still just going to run away as long as I never die it should should be very hard for enemy team to ever get back in the game 30 for my old 30 for my ignite then I want to fight just going to pop both my potions going to EQ to get the fade shielding if I can bait his cool Downs right here like him eating forward he's dead I'm going to try and bait him here I'm oh oh used it ew I'm waiting for it to flash then I flash as well AO Alo okay sorry flesh Q Alo so the most important thing there is waiting for him to flash so that my Q will still do damage if I Q first and he flashes out of my Q range I will not have enough damage right and keep in mind I'm not playing with nimus so I don't get extra movement speed now the rankon is dead no TP I'm assuming this his b side B is mid however but we should be able to take two plates rankon has just respawned listen St be on both Sid okay I get two plates and I have enough time to push this as well before the rington gets back it will give me extra Tempo over the rington and now the game should be in an absolutely wonderful position I'm going to leave my ward oh you're still level four he's only taken one Camp what are you doing Lon you should be farming you don't want to fight me all right so we go for the gor drink here but because we're so far ahead I'm also going to be buying CDR bus and I'll explain why so when you have 50 haste is the best to have but right now we only have 40 Hast but I can still still show you what I mean so you see my Q has a 9-second cool down but the way it works is whenever I press Q now the cool down is already running so if I let it run out all the way and then the queue again right and then at the end look I do my Q again it is only on two seconds cool down if you make it so you have 50 ability haste so when you 10 more haste then you would actually instantly get your que back so here what I want to do and this is called Cay is I want to full Cay and an E3 on top of my opponent I'll make sense so here I'm going to start C delaying right I'm going to try and bait him to walk up into me and then I want to realistically e Q3 into him then stack my conqueror and then fight in that is the best way that I can look to play to watch my opponent so I'm going to be permanently C laying right now because this is where most of your kills come from so now uh I wanted to Q3 into him I didn't get it so I'm going to Cay again right I'm permanently going to C I'm going to hide it by walking in the bushes oh I let it run out I'm lucky one more time start my Cay this is how you want to play into most matchups Cay again and now if he walks up I will e Q3 and he thinks he has no I he thinks I have no Q now right so now I have eight or six conqueror stacks and now I get my Q back okay it's it ends up not being the the prettiest traight but the point still stands the point still stand but not the pretty straight okay let's eor Jinger q and I ba it his old I have six conquer Stacks I should still win there we go we're simply too strong he has a f and a d blade I have a full G Drinker he cannot win anymore okay so now at this point in the game Who enemy win condition well their Bo L is even their mid L has one kill I suppose but the L is out of the game the rank is out of the game so my biggest job is to never die and as long as I never die this game should be completely good for me okay uh I could maybe roam to Mid no I think I want to stay top rank as no old I should look to kill the tier one turret before I start moving anywhere else on the map we're getting the herald here this is level six he has a tmat so whenever oh there's a okay I respect it I got Gorge iner Triumph oh okay we died wow that Leno kind of caught me off guard I'll be honest yet I didn't not expecting to do a combo like that I didn't I didn't have time to react okay my team cleans up though so that's very good so what is my item next going to be it's going to be Cleaver and now I can showcase you guys I will have 60 but now I can showcase you guys that whenever I C delay I can full um get get my co on back completely no I don't like him taking the turret here he takes all my gold no my money it's okay we got to look for other ways to find gold then okay so now when i k l look right I'm going to start my first queue it's 8cs cool down now but instead when I queed one and Q2 now look with my Q3 boom it's instantly back and this is what makes Riven so hard and strong to deal with I'm just going to take this rep off here okay and then I can look to counter gank in this B Lane here but I first want to take the rep off okay let's run so I want to calculate my Q delay to this distance so I'm going to start Q delaying right now and now when I arrive here my Q3 will be so here I go full qay and now when I go in my Q is here gink to get the kill Al to ult she flashed I will Cay again Cay Dodge this and I Q three still have my conqueror the thresh get assist game over right here this guy use flesh this guy use flesh everybody is out of the game now the game should be over from here on out right I get cleer in my base now as well so now I have two items this guy doesn't have one item like nobody has one item yet and I already have two so so now we're completely completely fine the game should be completely over as long as I don't make mistakes we go for death s next uh again I have so much HP with the G Drinker and a Cleaver and when I build Dev sense also in case you guys didn't know if we read here the first passive when you get death sense is ignore pain 30% of damage taken D to you is D to you over uh 3 seconds instead so when I receive damage if I get the death stance instead of taking 100% damage I will only take 70% damage and the other 30% I will take over the next 3 seconds but I'm able to he or heal and shoot that overtime damage as well so when I have goringer and I have EO so I can shoot to block the damage but I can also heal and whenever I get a kill or assist that overtime damage leaves so whenever you face full ad coms like this or very heavy ad coms like this death sense is extremely good especially when I also have a lot of HP as well there a rep of as a Gore drinker but look my qay does he know e oh okay Q delay again right permanently C Ling permanently C Ling if he ever walks up a little bit too far we can e Q3 in cute lay again right I'm always going to be cute laying so watch this Q3 AO W EQ out not hard he e forward look I'm cute laying again cute laying I have eight conquer stacks and now e all to Q Al and kill Q laying again you see I'm always C Ling and that is a double cast combo so how do we perform the double cast at the end of your e animation you're able to perform two abilities at once watch this so what I did was e and then I auto attack WQ look E Auto WQ I will kill this guy as well because I have gor jinker okay baited rata as well lovely now we're just too strong nobody can stop us anymore we're going to get three items this guy thinks he can fight me no match for my Q DeLay So I'm C delaying again will he know will he know okay he knows he knows about to K you see I'm always Kay once I get 50 haste I'm permanently going to be C laying because nobody can really play against it only when I'm fighting sometimes and I need the damage I'll spam my qes right so I'm C laying again watch this flash Q3 why I have q again and that Q laying again all right C laying again and I'm not spamming it and now we go and look my Q is back up every time that's how you make Riven so broken right it's the qay it's all in the cay now we have death St but I think enemy team has said that the game is over so that is how we utilize Cay then we become super strong like that and yeah that's uh that's why R is so broken like this all right we got our death St and now we can look for our next item which in my opinion is going to be Guardian Angel um the reason we go for Guardian Angel is because ultimately they have no AP damage besides this guy and as the more defensive I build the stronger I will become okay I just this rank is super nice I don't want to make him feel bad all right now let's wrap up the game I'm strong enough let's finish it now I have three items I'll show you guys also what I mean with the with the damage that I'm taking over time so right here I'm going to EQ over the wall I have my que back again right permanently C delay and look the damage I'm supposed to take over time here if I get the kill it disappears you see that's what I mean with the death St passive so now I'm taking overtime damage again but when I get the kill it disappears every time okay I got some damage after from the third shot but that's how it works so that's why death s is so broken on Riven because you can permanently heal and shiot all of the damage you take all right Cay again I mean if you guys haven't known by now we're kaying okay we're kaying always now look I can just dive this guy why C and we don't run away again right so how can he really play against it if I just permanently walk away when I'm cute laying and then when I have it then I walk up just be annoying all the time okay got to respect this ignite here though okay yeah this is not good I make sure I don't lose my shutdown okay they killed this in though and they have no turret here rute Ling okay nice all right now this should be ending the game lovely all righties yeah so uh the gink was the best in this match up we snowb but from level one and then um we made sure we played relatively disciplined and then once we got our Gore Drinker and our CDR boots we started kaying and that only expanded more and more and more and now we took over the game I wanton it beautiful all righties all right this game we B nothing why cuz M didn't raise a let's go let's see what we're up against we have an AP jungler AP mid which is already very nice because our uh damage profile on top side is going to be mixed which is always super nice for Riven because if your opponents are able to rush tabis it's annoying so having an AP jungler and an AP m is already very nice for a champion like Riven let's say like the worst combinations you could have as Riv top is Champions like Graves vgo heck these kind of Champions okay let's see this could be Zer of support because he banned Blitz crank and aali mid because he banned a Catarina and then yon top because he banned Teo so I think we're against yon so I will take armor and this game we are going to go for sorcery uh I don't need resolve against Jon I'd like to go for sorcery this game Transcendence is very good cuz it will give me eight or sorry 10 ability haste at level eight and nimus SL is a very good pairing with Riven because whenever you press ignite or you press flesh you gain burst movement speed towards your opponent also we take electrity this game instead of anything else because ultimately they have no CC besides the zeroth E so I don't need tenacity armor is standard here I could opt for health because yon has a little bit of Max damage with magic damage and um physical damage but I think is still more beneficial for me to just run armor and conqueror of course Triumph Last Stand very standard uh and to this comp they have they don't have a lot of burst right they have Diana aali and Z that deal a lot of magic damage however building ma against that is enough so this game I'm going to be opting for a Hydra game so they my match up in the top side doesn't have too much damage right this Diana of course she does have burst but she doesn't have uh too much burst in the early game so I don't need G drink in this game these are the type of games where I go Hydra for uh so for the first four waves here they have a Diana jungle we have a F6 jungle both junglers kind of want to play for the level six before I have to really be scared of them but I'm still going to be looking to try and see if I can scout where the Diana starting now for the match up in top side uh lethal Tempo Champions generally speaking will be stronger than Riven in the level one so Champions like yaso with exhaust yo with exhaust ja uh triner these five Champions beat Riven level one but this guy's playing with Ignite so now it's more so skill if he has exhaust I automatically lose if he has ignite I can try and DOD one or two of his q's and then I could still win so that I can kill him before he kills me realistically right but keep in mind lethal Temple level one it gives his Q back more faster and of course is going to Auto attack faster so it is still tricky and now what I'll be looking to do is get my w down in the early game as I always do I don't spot the yo all right so here I see his flesh ignite lethal Tempo resolve very aggressive setup so what I do in these type of games is two things if I am able to I will look for the priority because ultimately if I get my level two first any losing matchup or even matchup becomes a winning matchup because if I'm level up I get 80 extra HP I get uh extra damage armor attack speed plus I get an extra ability right which is the most important thing so here my goal in the early game is to try and get priority because by getting priority I I can uh pretty much secure my lighting phase now it looks like fidd STI is going to be pathing into top he starting wolves so you could do wolves GRS blue path into top and I'm not sure yet what the Diana is doing also the Diana's pt8 which is uh interesting okay so I'm going to be walking in the second Bush here okay if he almost there could have been a little tricky and now like I said what I want to try and do is look to okay he's here I just get his bone plating and I run away because he wins there okay I got his bone plating okay I got hit so I have to potion it's facing by him right so I don't go for the extended fight there because he wins the level one he's looking to also play for priority if he Q's three into me here however I can win cuz he has no bone PL thing okay so here I win oh I missp spaced a little bit this is good good trade I have three potions he has one potion so it's good I miss my space in there uh I I miss click twice okay I get my kill back here though I get he gets level two from this melee me I got to be wary of that he killed the cter so he doesn't get level two he gets level two but so do I here level up timer chat oh we got e he didn't potion yet though and so he just loses I flash the reason I flash here is because by flashing I also get enough time to push in this way before the Yon back right so right now I didn't have to use my Q or my w to chase the Yon that allows me to use it on the wave and that also allows me to push this way faster now if I farm perfectly I can go for dblade long sword else I just look for triple long sword um setup right so now because I fleshed on the Yon I know that this next wave I can push before the Yon comes back and that is why it's worth it now of course this comes with a little bit of experience I saw the window right there but it's more so mad that are thinking that after I kill the what's going to happen I have to push the wave out as well how fast can I be okay let's flash I get this so I can go dblade long sword and uh and potion but I said will do double long sword refillable and again the reason as to why is because I want to rush Hydra right so if I put all my gold into Hydra I'm going to get my first item ridiculously fast now the safest thing to do here would be to build dblade long sword it gives me a little bit of extra HP it allows me to St check my opponent better but here I feel like I'm also going to be a bit more confident and I'm going to go for the Triple long SW setup because I know that F six stop set here but is also top side and yon has the bigger wave here so I don't necessarily want to St check him or I want to fight him I just want the Yon to push this because if I ever die when the wave is pushing towards me it is very bad so even though I have triple long sword here and he only has D blade refillable I still want to play a little bit safe here because ultimately if I die it is extremely bad for the game so I'm just going see he's level four I'm level four but look at his wave as well so right now I'm just going to allow him to crash and on the next wave when it bounces into him again I will hit my level five first I will have the bigger Min wave and it will be good for me now if the Yon doesn't push here I will try and hold it here this is what I refer to as the happy spot and this is the happy spot because here I never oh Diana's here 28 Farm okay so I'm never gankable here yon is gankable and it's also very hard for yon to hit me here because I'm so close to my turrets so I want to try and get his bone planting out first here if I got his bone plate oh okay I got bone plating and now I want to get my level five and if I get my level five I can fight them I'm going to hit level five from this min level up timers this should kill him oh got to be a little careful actually okay he might have e again no I still got to be careful get the can exp I forgot that these two had flash KN I actually disrespected him there well play by him oh get the full combo killed him there so the combo I did there it was like a burst combo so I did E to Gap close Auto WQ and and then K that finished him off so right when your opponents are low HP you can do a double cast combo to do extra burst onto your opponent yeah I'll play with there earlier though and again here if I had the D blade I think I would actually win the fight against him because having the extra HP would allow me to get my cool Downs back but because I had the triple long sword he saw it was a little bit more greedy that's why the fight was also a little bit trickier but it's okay we ended up getting away with it he used both Summoners I also truthfully honestly forgot that he saw flush Knight and that's what made us way closer than it realistically should have been and now we go for the pickaxe now here I did beat it mechanically right again the combo I did was E Auto right e into Auto and then at the end you can still WQ look like this I can use two abilities at once so it's a little bit more burst so I do e Alto WQ then Alto and Q Alto and that's why he died that's like the highest burst combo that you can do okay so now I have ult I have big item lead and I have my ignite as well so I want to look to All in This J before he gets level six I will literally jump onto him the second I get back into Lane because I'm just much stronger right now the is 42 CS so she's probably passing the top side again is my assumption okay I want to just all in him before he is six e ult ignite okay now I don't kill the Yon but it's actually completely fine you know why because I put him in an absolutely impossible position right now yon has to choose is he going to recall or if he does that oh he did hit level six though I was going to say if yon Reco here he's going to lose like the full life and I get played but H okay oh was kind of awkward I should have instantly e old and then ignite for the movement speed and then I would maybe kill well it's okay I'm going to make this wave push back into me by holding the wave here and you see instead of this wave meeting in the neutral position now it's meeting close to my side of the light which means this wave is pushing back into me he has no flash he does that all though and I'm a little bit scared of Diana cuz I have no idea where the Diana is at and she could already be level six I flushing 30 he has no bone plating yet cuz I see it right here right so I'm try trying to track his bone plating here I'm close to level seven as well so I think here the best thing for me to do is just play for my level seven first and then see what I can do also my flash is in 20 oh I tried to do the double cast combo there again okay now he's low HP though and no bone plating so now I kind of feel confident that I can dive him but I got to still try and do this as slow as I can I'm waiting to slow push this wave so I get my flash and I need to keep all my abilities up okay all my abilities up and I don't want to use my E I want to use my es A2 to run away so I'm going to go run into him I'm going to wait for him to use his w Wait For The Shield to go away then W Auto oh oh honestly he's playing this so well and he at level seven so H okay what I can do here though is e flash Auto WQ that's the combo e flash Auto WQ you won't respect it okay I missed my auto I did E flash WQ Diana's bot cuz she ganked here okay nice we get some plates and then we'll have our Hydra so honestly this Y is playing a pretty good mean techically but just not quite enough just not quite enough he survived a dive against me though that was impressive but now we did get our third kill we just need this plate and then we Reco we don't stay for more plates because it wouldn't change our recall purchase anyways actually it would we would get boots but it's okay we Reco anyways because I'm too low HP and also if I recall right now yon does not have enough time to push in this wave before I back so I could look to kill him again but if I stayed for the plate I would lose that opportunity so here it is simply better for me to kill now I put this word down or to recall rather I put this word down so I can just buy sweeper and now I see how Theon is going to play so you see here yon is not back yet he's going to arrive back in maybe two three seconds but he will not have enough time to push in this wave because I instant recal so you see he's back already but he's going to maybe try and hard push this but I can get a freeze simply because I didn't look for a second PL right exactly as I said and this is what I refer to as understanding Tempo understanding reset timers AKA let's go so now I'm going to CU delay as at have 35 haste so we can start C delaying a little bit and and now we can start doing the little Cay tricks so I want to Perman Cay goes on 3C cool down all right I don't necessarily need to kill the there's also different ways for me to expand my lead and I think he's on Scott crab so I'm going to actually hard push this so he has to make a decision go for Scott crab or lose a plate so now I in theory don't even need to kill the Yon and I'll show you guys that I can expend my lead without killing him so by hard pushing this wave here and going for the plate he has 52 gold maybe he's doing the scotle I think he is I get 175 gold and now I'm going to proxy this wave so I got 175 gold from the plate yeah he did he has 56 now so he did do it I'm going to there is no other way that's not the way you want to approach that okay yeah so he was doing the skut but he's greedy cuz I flesh and ignite there okay so I said I don't necessarily have to look for kills but of course if he walks into me like that then I will kill him and the reason I was allowed to play so aggressive is because di was both side right okay so now I want to Har push this wave and instantly recall because I'm going to get the biggest power Spike that I can realistically get which is CDR but right here now that I finished C the boots I'll have 55 ability this is the biggest Spike I can ever get okay let's see I CDR boots and I get long turn now I You could argue I could run B here but I don't have flesh I don't have ult so I don't want to look for that plus there's still tier two tier one turret in Top Lane that I want to run for so even though my bot Lane is struggling against our B Lane I don't want to start moving yet although this move timer could have maybe been pretty good it's simply because there's still a tier one tur to play for so here if I full Q delay like this right you see my Q will be back all right Jon doesn't have so when coming back to L here chat instantly C boom and K C lay again and I'm going to e 3 Q into him oh I messed it up man okay Cay again a seems to be b c lay I get my level 10 from this me and then e third q and I want him to feel like he can que into me okay we played C againn they're not really falling for it but it's okay we can play for her instead we don't have to kill him we're playing too much for kills here let's just get this wave and move to her help my J out oh there's three man ging mid also my Mythic this game I can go for a lot of mythics but you see nobody in any team is building armor and it doesn't look like anybody is going to be building armor Zer doesn't build armor EZ doesn't build armor yon doesn't build armor Diana doesn't build armor and aali doesn't build armor so here I want to go for dust plate as my Mythic because it gives me a a flat lethality and ability H right I'm going to last hit it so I get oh no he last hit it I'm going to take it though hope he doesn't mind and um this gives me ability haste and movement speed and it gives me lethality right Eclipse gives me armor penetration but do I need the armor penetration this game no because I don't have armor right so I just hard push this wave and I don't think I want the herald here I want to use the herald later for mid lane so I'm going to instead just har push this wave and look to get this plate under his nose because I'm strong enough for that right now okay I'm going getting a little bit punished but I have the Hydra to heal so now I'm going to full C delay right C delaying as I'm doing I get level 11 here too and if if he walks up here I could actually maybe look to kill him Kay again okay so this is what I want to show you full C lay what and now he's dead because my Q is instantly back up right so I literally C late I eq3 on top of him W old QQ I didn't even Auto attack Maybe One auto attack there but basically everything was all the damage came from my Q just because of one you Q DeLay So how do I expend my lead here I'm going to get this tier one turret in Top Lane then I'm going to recall spend all my gold and then I want to look to Hydra mid or B to get even more plates and get even more gold right and then I can really really expend my lead also I want to hit this wave a little bit slower this turret so I want to allow this wave to walk more through the lane so I can Farm it here instead of the wave walking too far so now because I took a little bit more time my wave walks slower and now I can farm this wave right here zth is here I just want to push this wave because Jon isn't back yet and by pushing in this wave I can almost recall I think what I want to do here is stay for 20 750 gold because then I can just get my Mythic and then recall and then I'm two items on the map right and again I could look for uh Gore Drinker as well as a Mythic but I think D plade is better simply because they have Zero armor this Jon over stays I can actually kill them again because my ult is back so as per usual before we go Q delay all right my Q is still delaying and then I'm just going to Al Al WQ and Q again very simple Di is here as is here zot is here okay I'm going to Harold actually because this turret gives me 600 gold so even though I could get plates right here this will give me 600 gold I think it's worth more and also plates are going to fall off pretty soon so I should do it right now because plates fall off at minute 14 so if I can get the start right here I never have to go top L anymore right cuz we've G all the turrets and then we can start looking to expand our lead across the rest of the map who is their win condition Diana strong actually all of their teammates are pretty strong but I am super strong right they have one item I already have two items so what am I going to it here obviously magic resist right AP damage AP damage a oo nice well done team so I need to get magic resist here first so I'm going to be looking for Mo and uh after M I'll probably look for the death St against the estro and the Yon and then I'm going to be absolutely unkillable this next dragon is good for me and I'm going to Ping that I want to be Bol me Bol please the reason I want to be Bol is because I can play for the tier one tur I can look to kill the erra I can look to kill the zeroth and again as I'm always doing I'm going to be looking to Cay all right Cay here all right asal's eating forward going to C again I have ignite to get movement speed towards him goodbye as it all he healed as well and now I'm going to be B in here as well I'm sorry Jinx I hope you close your eyes there I didn't do it it wasn't me go okay I'm going to kill Dro my phone there oops and again the best way to set up a dive well what did you know Q delay it's not even hard at this point okay little bit of damage we going to wait for his Q3 and then we can go oh my B though Z is kind of playing with te okay it's okay we got the kill we got the flashh um yeah so we got our two items from Top Lane by just playing disciplined getting some good kill Windows especially with the K LA and uh yeah I mean now it's pretty easy to go forward okay and this is also the biggest thing I re any RI player to just really start implementing in their game play very often rithm players can do the like the the Q auto q auto q auto they can do their double cast but they simply don't Cay enough right and you see I'm getting all my kills from just consistently always utilizing Cay whenever I walk somewhere I'm calculating the distance that I would realistically need for my Q delay to come back here I have qate again so I get over the wall and boom I have q again all right I'm cating again so I'm calculating the distance towards this esto all right I'm going to hop over the wall but boom my fq again okay let's Cay right watch this I'm going to flash on top of him you will never expect it so I'm kaying good again he expected it my bad really expected now though okay one more one more K we need one more K one more C I am awaken all right yes FL as well one more Cay It's the final C there we go we just needed five Q delays and then it worked right okay we need to not die though just five CU delays and that finally got them proed anyways C delay all right so yon is here Diana's here nal's one HP plus two people are dead so we have full Tempo on the map to actually try and get this 600 gold here as well this 600 gold would make me completely completely completely Unstoppable it's even more gold right so let's get this k k Koto as fast as I can use all my abilities for the extra Auto attack damage now we're going to have Mo as well next item is going to be death St and um it is GG now I don't want to fight here it's G okay I'm going to have to save the board I'm going to Q delay as I always do because I Q delay I use my Q I need to kill her so I go to dust blade I won okay not worth it Z gets the 1K though I think if I didn't get exhausted and this guy didn't fles maybe I can like live a little bit lower get my ult and kill them more but it's great now here also when you're ahead a golden rule I have whenever we are ahead build defensive the reason we built defensive is when you are already ahead as you guys can clearly see I can kill everybody right I have enough damage to kill everybody they have Zero armor nothing but they can still kill me as well because I'm relatively squishy but that's is why we built defensive because if I'm ahead and I can kill them but then I build defensive they cannot kill me anymore enemy team can just say how can play now we're going to do something really disgusting which is buy a rep potion here because I'm so strong right now and I just actually want to take over the game right here if I get one good Skirmish right now I can one shot everybody I have 360 ad just for reference I probably have double hers more I have triple her ad right that is how strong I am the r potion even amplifies that and we have the herald I want to try and use it to m I I did a wall let's go so now I'm just super super strong and I want to go for Mid we have the herald no don't take it let's go mid we have heral I don't want to go top I don't want to go B we have the tier two turret here with the tier two turret on top I want my f sixti to come here with his Herold but he sadly does not want to so then I'm going to look for some kills I know ezal doesn't have Flash so let's see if we can move behind him here we have done F that's that's why buy rep potion and that is why we Q delay so again I closed the distance I had my Q delayed and we killed them all right whilst we're hitting the turret guess what Q delay okay guess what Q delay are you starting to see a pattern watch this my Q's delayed what we have Herald here okay I'm kaying I want to hear you guys say it too okay I'm kaying make it a Happ it for yourself Q delay I need to hit this once all right we got it chat guess what Q is getting delayed that is how I make all my kills watch this okay Q delay Q delay Q delay and now wo and I have q again goodbye wohoo and guess what we're C laying again C laying and I'm going to jump over this again and asra won't see it coming and I have my Q again and I have my Q again Ute laying again I have permanent Q it is like I'm playing earth that is how you make Riven broken you per delay theer potion was my best choice 1 v9 that is how you carry your games we playing our lane with our fundamentals and mid toate we use our tempo for the neutral objectives we try and refrain from being greedy like I died with my 1K we permanently C delay we l to utilize our lead with our items we roam around the map and we pretty much kill everybody let's get it so as a top player what you should always do in try and secure as L latest pick as possible simply because yo Mr K thank you for your Prime no I have that idea in mind I'm thinking of making a full in-depth Riven matchup guide but it takes a lot of time so you're saying you're going to open a restaurant that's exactly what I said yes I'm not going to bet anything I'm not going to bet anything as well will you do yon Swain Vladimir to I will for sure do yon yaso probably as well Vladimir probably as well Swain I'm not sure Swain is very small players that play top what Champions do I think are good to OTP every Champion kind of works but there's also meta Champions right Champions that are in in general stronger so right now I would say the champion that are easiest to pick up and are really good is rington yon Garen triner for a champion probably more Kaiser what Champions abuse fundamentals the best that's generally speaking Champions that have really strong early games because how I see it most mans are the side level one to level four so that's why I generally speaking really love to play these early strong early game strong Champions what Mor could have done to not lose this game a lot of things too much to go like really I can I can't explain everything from his POV when I'm explaining my POV we'll even do like probably like choth on rank to masses as well by the way we'll also Play tanks I'm not only going to play like strong early game Champions I'm also going to play Champions like G right I'm going to go everywhere like for example I can also do like poppy on rank to master all right uh pick ribon uh do we need to Nest this game probably because they have uh Leona Garin and Jin H it's Cory though so right now the CCS they have is Leona Q Leona o gin W but I can dodge gin W and then it's gar Q silence right so it's gar Q silence Leona Q Leona old GW I think that's not enough and I can dodge a lot only gar q and Leona Q I can dodge so I'll go with ality because I'm confident first for waves first for waves that is where we always start so okay so let's see we're playing against a Garin and what I always do right is these first four waves I'm just scouting scouting everything that I can see I see a Brier in the early game kind of weak Champion to be fair I don't even know how strong she is in the early game but I don't think she's that strong listen very strong early game Champion Garen is kind of weak in the early game but he is playing conqueror sorcery what that means that he's probably playing the same setup as I do where he's playing with nimus cloak right so he doesn't have resolve very similar to the mor guys from last game so no resolve in this guy but he does have flash Knight so that's one thing to keep in mind and then this guy has um they have the stronger early game Junger so again what I always try and do right always try and do is make sure that I'm okay in my first four WS I don't care what ELO you're playing in right now if you're silver if you're gold if you're Platinum emerald diamond if you're bronze if you're iron I really don't care what you're playing right now the most important thing is this think back to some of your recent games if your first four waves go well your lane is nice your game feels nice to play if your first four waves go wrong you're permanently behind in Ling phase and a lot of things that happen after that are a result of how the first four waves went so that would be my biggest priority Target if I'm trying to approve right now is trying to really focus on my first waves especially with a champion like Riven that is required toow Snowball right so we're doing education Riven only today it is really important to focus on your first waves so the first thing that I want you guys to try and learn as a first step is just scouting setups scouting the Summoners scouting the jungle champions in the early game the second thing we do is try and see where both jungles are pathing in the early game I want to see where enemy jungle is pathing and I want to see where my jungle is pathing now Riven is really good at scouting this so what I can just do is cuay like this I hope over and then we wait here a little bit now sometimes they could be stacking in here if you die GG coach D but as you guys can see it works for me A lot of times I might even get some kills sometimes the jungles are defending here I just kill them but if not then we maybe wait a little bit and then boom We W this so now it looks like Brar is going to be passing from B into top which means I'm strong side why am I strong side because my jungler is going to be passing into top in the first four waves meaning I can rely on my jungler if he was paing away from me I know that I would not have a jungler in the early to side and now we need to figure out what luc's doing too so let's focus here this could be a Gore Drinker game and the reason this could be a Gore Drinker game is because they have 80 damage 80 damage 80 damage right I also really want to talk about builds and this is burst and this is burst HP is really good against a champion that works with execute with true damage here and true damage in his ultimate okay so I got I saw a word right here and it looks like enemy Jung passing to top and my Jung is passing to top he has a d shoot start all right that's all the information I need and now we start lighting I want to look for priority because I am the stronger early game Champion okay he Auto attacks me that's okay I like that aggression from him if he CED me I would retal it right so I'm just trying to get the priority by hitting the wave the reason I go for priority is because if I get my level two first I will be stronger he's pushing pretty aggressive he might want to trade me here so I'm going to okay he used K in so I will trade very heavily this is good so now I only need one melee and one Caster to get my level two I know that because I'm very certain about my level up timers so I'm going to focus the casters I'm going to walk up if he goes to walk up a little bit forward here because I'm going to get my level two but he might not expect it and now I would literally just win my Lane by one level up timer here boom light is one that's how you utilize level up timers and I'm telling you this trick of knowing your level up timers exactly gives me solo kills in the early game up to Masters easily easily I got solo kills like that he has no potion he's Force to walk for Less hits I get level three here from one more man which this is means is going to give me level three okay I'm going still want to try and push him but I'm just going to do third R crash and know Le is passing to top I could maybe find Le on his rep up as well here because he is Ping to top I don't I don't think I can kill the gar here okay list is showing he has 12 CS but he has a blue buff and a rep off already so listen has done like blue buff maybe Grump and then rep off instantly so I can kind of go everywhere now I'm going to do a train where just W Auto and then EQ out it's okay he uses w as well that's really good to know and this wave is bouncing into me I got to keep in mind though that Len can come tops side right now Bri's coming into top side I'm going to keep my Passive by Hing here I still have two passive Stacks my spirit is not he has no W if he flashes I'll flash after him it doesn't even clush now first thing first after I solo kill first thing I do I check where next wave is at you see how close this is I want this next wave to walk through the L so that I can Farm it comfortably this is really important because it's going to help me be faster on pushing this wave so you see by just not hitting the minions I allow these minions to come here and now I can push them in a relatively comfortable spot not too close under the turret right and that saves me Tempo timer to get a faster recall here later so it's very important that I let this let this Lane walk through the wave or let this wave walk through the lane rather and now we Recall now 1K gold is a very awkward purchase and that is because if I buy pickax refillable it's it's like okay I guess but I prefer preferably buy like another long here right but I just go pickax refillable and that's okay here like I said I want HP in this matchup the biggest reason why I want HP is because gar place to execution ranges right so he has his ult he has his ignite uh so in order to counter that I want to build HP and that is why we go gink in this game also they have a lot of physical damage this game so if they have a lot of physical damage and if I go g Drinker death St I'll have a lot of H p and I have a lot of armor it's going to be a lot harder for them to kill me all right so I Le see list here 24 CS I'm assuming so he's done all his scams right now but he started here right because we had the W on rep off so his scams are in both side I know L is not going to be top side for a while so now my first goal is to try and thin out this wave so it keeps pushing into me but it doesn't get too big I have the item lead he doesn't have potions so I have the sustain lead oh his Q was still there I get level five first so I want to thin out this wave simply how he's trying to push it in he's level five now too but if I don't thin out this wave it will just crash into my turret right if it goes for wart he is I will utilize that timer to thin out quickly all right still pushing it to me somewhat but now I can at least hold to wave here this forces the guar to walk up for last easy how he just got level five but I'm already halfway to six so here I want to try and utilize the fact that I'll get level six first to try and get the solo kill here again I have the item leite if he goes for last it's death where I punish right so I'm standing next to the last hit and then just q w Auto and EQ out very simple he used q and w here so I have to K on Advantage because I Cate as well if he cues me here he would just lose okay it's okay I I assume L is going to go Bots side but he could come top side I assume he's going BS side though 1 minion for level six so I want to try and bait the Garen to go for this last hits while I'm going to get level six I'm going to stand backwards right to bait it to walk forward but there boom I get level six gar doesn't expect it are going to flashes ah you should flash all right so there's a very simple thing right very simple trick if I stand backwards that like I don't know emotionally whatever it it like baits Garen to feel safe to walk forward right so I'm one milon off for my level six so I stand backwards to psychologically bait the gar to walk up for the last it because he thinks he is safe because I walk backwards but then boom I step forth I get my level six and then I get the kill now I'm going to recall here you might be wondering why didn't you get the plate that is because right now if I stay for the plate I lose my Bounce Time timer because gar could like if I stay for this plate I would recall later and I would probably lose my bounce Tim but now by instantly recalling I get the items I wanted anyways this doesn't really change my recall and now I should be in time before Garen can hard push this wave as well and I can get a freeze again right I didn't even lose the plate that is lucky honestly I didn't calculate that but now while gar is going to try and hard push this as you shoot I should be in time to still freeze this and if I stayed for the plate even if it's four to 5 Seconds extra that I would have stayed for the plate I would have lost this bounce TI and this freeze timer so here I prioritize recalling quicker to use my temple hello guys I'm thank you your Prime brother so now gar is six he doesn't have ignite I do but I have a big item lead so I'm still very confident in fighting him here because of my item lead going to IGN for the movement speed I can't kill him that's okay use flashh I'm going to Ping that it's going to be 12 minutes because he flash up minute 7 and now what I'm going to do is slow push this wave hard push here crash into his turret if he recalls that's okay I take the play I get 600 gold I get my gold Drinker if he stays I'll have my ultimate and I'll kill him so whatever gar decides I still get a good outcome so I'm going to slow push why do I slow push to allow this wave to walk further now I can push this wave in a relatively comfortable spot you see he stayed Leist in his B 46s I'm going to slow push this to get my old K down back he has no flesh he does have W so I'm going to try and ba out this W now how I will approach this dive is try to see if I can make him use his abilities before I even do anything I'm get level eight here so I want to walk up here and try to see if I can can bait him to use his abilities there he uses Q cannot he uses E I played slow right there's nobody here know my purpose I'm going to go e Al W uh and it it's it's okay right the most important thing when diving is to just stay calm now this requires practice of course right but again the biggest thing is I know listen his Bol no one can be here just play it slow you know just play a little bit try and feel it out I don't have an exact plan before I die but the most important thing is to just approach it slowly well same thing here I don't stay for an extra plate why so I get that bounce timer again and I kind of look Garen in the position where every time he comes back into land I'm going to sell my refill ball so I can get a long SW cuz the G drer gives me sustain anyways right now every time you see when I Reco and go back Garen doesn't have enough time to push this wave anymore if he comes back and hard pushes I freeze again so how can Garen play every time I take my Tempo reset and every time gar comes back the wave is slow pushing into me that means he's forced to walk up for last hits but look at the isem difference he can't play the game Garen doesn't have Flash right and he's forced to walk up for last why do I go goringer again burst and burst and he plays to execution with his ult and ignite right I don't have Old Knight so I should be a little careful here I have no idea where Len is at I know Bri upop okay so Len is on heral right Leona is B so it's only L here but I still should be a little reserved you see how this gar is walking forward somewhat so yeah that's what I'm about to say Len is probably here so now I just play safe the wave is still slow pushing towards me so gar is still forced to walk up for last right I need to wait for my ult knite and this gar is that again so here I still will go for the gore Drinker and then my next item will be Cleaver so I have a lot of HP they cannot burst me anymore and they have 80 80 80 I go death St they can't kill me anymore I'll be too tanky so against these burst heavy top sides I'll just go g Drinker if they didn't have that much burst I would go Hydra I'm very close to level 9 I'll have ult knite level 9 here gra his W as well use his W okay a little bit awkward spacing by me that's okay though my Coons are coming back I still have conquer Stacks I don't even have old there you go CH Now what is my goal here again this next wave is already here next wave hav't spawned that's the first time I check so what do I do here I hard push why because I can get this wave in before the gar is back now the thing is I don't necessarily need to recall because I still have everything I've old ignite everything so here I'm going to do a different thing I'm not going to take just one plate and Rico here to play the bounce again I can stay I'm assuming Len is going to go back into bothside here because it just to Herold right so I don't have to really be scared of Len anymore so I can just continue Ling here and I can maybe even Zone this gar from walking back to Turret and if not that I can even 2 one here arguably so I'm just going to get this plate and now I'm just going to stand here and be very annoying Zone care from every resources I can 2 one because I'm checking items if he walks to turd I'll just kill him and now we just stay here and we just stay here and we chill very chill I disconnected oh I pressed alt again uh Grandpa combo anyways uh GG I got the full turret hey that's what I wanted right that's what I wanted fundamentals and GG all right nice all right so next up who's enemy winning condition L is okay their B is losing their mid L is kind of losing so right here I don't really care about killing the gar again so what I do in this moment in the game is I check Tab and and I try to see what is enemy win condition what's this Le and maybe their mid laner killing this garon again I'm double his CS I'm three levels up will killing this Garen again Chas the outcome of this game chat if I kill this gar one more time will the game be different no no it won't so what I want to try and do is get dragons shut down their jungler shut down their mid laner shut down their B Lane I don't need to kill the gar anymore so I see Le s here with Harold I'm going to ro here that's what I want to do alternatively I can also look for mid lane plates right this guy wants to Heralds sucks bro I'm not going to allow you to do that all right so now I don't really need to uzee my things top anymore okay Le is going to stay here I'm not going to give gar everything for free I don't have old yet so I can't dive here I stopped Le play now I go back to top because I obviously don't want to give guar everything for free right but every time I can get a Tempo timer in top side I will look to roam oh actually does play that out all right this Le is persistent I respect it so now in order to get the biggest Tempo timer I can in Top Lane what I do is I slow push his wave a little bit why do I slow push because I want his second wave to spawn as well very similar to Landing phase if you're going to get a bigger r timer you slow push wave number one and I will hard push wave number two now the second wave is passes tier to Turret now I can push the second wave as well and then I won't be on this midwave but I will be on the next midwave and I can probably kill the cor ke here so watch this I'm going to hard push this wave as I'm saying and now I have multiple options I could look for J camps I can't really kill the gar but what I can do now is look to WR to Mid and I'm going to be there on the next midwave right now if I walk to Mid you see this next mid wave will spawn right now and that is the wave that I will be roaming on next to wave I don't have to be there I have to collect my turret like very later but as you guys can see I did slow push to hard push and now I'll be there on the next midwave and corki is dead it's like I'm a psychic Chad it's like macro and Tempo when Sho games GG and you Al this of course and now look I have to do nothing to top side why look look I don't even collect anything so this gives me Tempo to hit mid plates so I got a massive Tempo timer in Top Lane for slow pushing into hard pushing and now I kill the corki and now I get two plates and all the tempo I've used now I just run back to and collect but I was only able to have this big of a Tempo timer because I slow push into hard push in the Sid line did you so now we do the same thing I'm going to slow push into to hard push sh slow push it to hard push right here to get a bigger Tempo timer all right as the wave is walking I see listen is topside so we got to be a little bit careful but he's probably going to go for the Scuttle by looks of it and now I Harish this wave I got to make sure I don't die then I got Cleaver and then I can go to Mid and then I can go to B whatever I want to do right I can to one still here okay listen is mid so again we do the same thing here hard push this wave as fast as possible after I'm done pushing this wave I get my Tempo timer again but this time I'm going to use my Tempo to reset and in the meantime this side bouns back into me so G has to colle this again has to collect this and then pushing another this wave before I have to start collecting so now I can go everywhere I want right I could go into both site for a little quick W off I like that idea this died okay and I could go into B Lane kill our B Lane uh I don't know I could go AFK g game you I have a lot of options here anyways rep is my first priority so that's how you utilize Tempo now of course we got Des third because they have 80 80 80 cor is AP of course so now I will look to sh down their Bo l because I have Temple look I still don't have to collect anything here can I find our b l that is the question she doesn't have hex flesh so she might have flesh doesn't matter kill their Ed car or kill the support all right still don't have to collect anything on top because we have Tempo here all right go look for the corki next all rties hello corki where you going to go you going to go open the wall again it's like deja I found here earlier too all right we kill the cor as well L it of course I mean because if you don't L it I what I'll give him the cannon this time and there's a SC here there's a Harold here to be fair I think one of the most consistent plays for me to do right now is Herold why Harold gives me 300 gold always doesn't matter if I'm ahead or behind so right now all I have to do is not make mistakes if I don't die this gar can never catch back up in terms of resources right so what I want to do is get this Herald and then look for tier two turs tier two turs always give 600 gold so this is the most consistent way to still expend my lead without losing my lead so now I want to grab this right I got the gold here and now I get this 600 gold and like how does enemy team ever get back how do they get back in the game if I die and I look for kills they can get back in the game G is B all right I might not even have to use the heral but I think I will because Garen is both cor is b j j is dead so I'm going to put the heral here we're still toist per minute we're still being very productive all right we're going to get this now I probably don't want to take the inip here because that will give them uh what's it called an opportunity to start farming top side waves but we're also stomping that hard that it might actually be okay here there's four people boths side Jin could come here Jin just respawn so I'm going to Cay predicting the Jin might come top here all right it's Leona this heral is still alive if you guys don't know if a heral charge into a Nexus turet it will actually onot it if you Auto attack it once so if this heral actually reaches there I just Auto attack this once look this this this will die all right I mean I'm just ending the game I guess because enemies all B yeah that's that's that's that's Leal leges I guess well I guess taking that heral was one of the best decisions I could have done nobody name to respected it then that just end the game then I'll just end the game I guess all righty learn type one in chat if you learn something new type one in chat if you learn something new OK doie we are pretty much last pick we have an 80 jungler uh this if if I'm in this position and I will ban a champion rington Mal fight those are the type of BS or maybe poppy poppy is also really good what do you think about solar Baka absolutely insane gang player I think the biggest thing what what I respect uh solar Baka so much is that I don't know any other gang PL main that is so good as him like if if you look at Riv MS is extremely good uh General sniper is extremely good build is really good I'm up there wihan is really good azy is really good but when you look at GP who else is close to the skill on GP that that solar Baka has like who else is there so that's why I really respect solar Baka he's so incredibly good you I'm try this the top because I like the CHS more should I just watch all YouTube videos to climb yes that would be a great way to start uh increasing your knowledge and if you want to greatly increase your knowledge quickly compy I highly recommend checking out my course as well H there's free videos on my course as well if you like the sty you can end up getting the full course but if you type estimation Mark course you get directed to my course you can check like on each course a preview video and then if you like the St you can try and get it completely what Mythic do you guys think that I will take this game what Mythic do you guys think I'll take I'll take tast because I cannot Dodge VQ it stuns me after Jack e this and this undodgeable CC I go to nasty what Mythic do you guys take I'm going this game every everybody said Gore Drinker correct why do we go Gore Drinker burst heavy burst heavy so we need Gore Drinker in order to survive this game if I go Hydra and V is like you know what I want to gun down this rivon she will she will I need HP I need HP here plus melee Champion melee Champion melee Champion melee Champion so it's also really good here so this is a forced G Drinker game now after Gore Drinker we can pivot we can go Cleaver probably Cleaver because after Gore Drinker you need armor penor right this guy can build a lot of armor this guy can build a lot of armor this guy can build a lot of armor so I'm probably going to go Cleaver second and then after Cleaver I'm probably going to go death sense why because this is AP damage this is AP damage but it's not that much AP damage right this is 808080 so probably Gorge iner CLE death sense this game uh only plays yes it's it's a jungle diff and matchup diff all right so this J is playing again chat as always as always as always first for waves V jungle Rango jungler so many dashes thank you for gifting three bro extremely generous thank you so much for the subscriptions I appreciate it greatly so let's see here they have a v in the early game I have a ranger in the early game I would say Vice anybody Jack against Riven is very like we're both strong in the early game but he's playing resol Tempo but he does not have ignite right so it is an aggressive set up Res but it does have teleport what I do with the camera option I put it to per side offset if you have locked you see when I press space it locks in the center if I P all set and I press space it put it here this is just what I'm used to I I like this more so this is what I'm used to instead of going into the center I have it here and I like this more as a setting all right so if the JX doesn't go here in the wave level one I want to look for priority okay it looks like both JS are Bing to top this game he doesn't have a potion oh I Scout your opponent's items in the early game and that's right P to put him in a annoying position now now I'm mentally in his head all right so now he's scared you know he's like I have no potion e run the way so now I get the priority white chat L up timers all right so now I actually only need this melee I don't need this caser to die to get my level two oh his e is on the back yet I know the kons too well also this minion will give me my level two so I'm not too scared here but please die you know what J did though you know what Jack should have done you know what Jack should have done Chad Jack should have insta reset TP backck if Jack's reset and TP backck he would have been in a good position but he hard pushed so he didn't have the fundamental knowledge here so we're still actually completely fine we're still completely fine but yes he had so much damage on his e because of the main aggro so like is I guess just one shot me I guess it's okay now we learn how to play from behind chat hey Ty why didn't chat if you want to learn how to play from behind why chat if you want to learn how to play from behind it's okay we pivot we pivot it don't lose this though I don't want to play anymore so here I'm going to hold this wave outside of the turret range why you might ask to slow down the bounce a very big thing if I went for this casters this melees would have ran into the turret range but by me holding the we out of the turret range I will guarantee the jck sumus to lose some means here extra very small detail but still a good fundamental trick to utilize he has no flesh he might lose another melee which would be amazing any XP I can cancel off here is a big win for me nice he lost one more melee all right so now I want to slow push this wave VI is most likely going to go into bside here because she F to the top 16 cam she do one two three four cams and Ranger took care of a red buff so V has two options go to B for scut and go for spawning camps or she goes for Golem top side I'm level four so I can look for small traes he doesn't have any potions he went for uh a um he has Sheen and a uh wart right he still does have his DP though push a little bit too fast here but I don't think V is coming into top side so I guess V is both side right now we just hit level four both but he has no potions I do so I want to do W Alo EQ out that's a trade pattern you want to do against Jack and here it's still beneficial tradeit for me and now I do my Q into his face every damage I do onto him is good because he has no potions I do he wants to fight me here I have 12 conquer Stacks I'm going my level five here I believe from this and he has no e my cuon down will come back up before his e so what I can do here is probably kill him what he's going to get level five very soon as well so I got to be wary of his level up timer here all right he's going to get level five here he's no e now one for one trade is worth it for me I I I double double double casted the turet he's got to reset ntp of the get him reard get him okay let's push all right Chad now I'm going to get a whip I could also go for D blade double long sword but I'm going to go for whip why because we want the G drink so it's a whip angle here again look how this J did not buy any potions potions in the early game are extremely broken you know why a health potion gives 120 HP over time right you know how much HP a ruby Crystal gives let's check right I think it's 150 150 so one potion is almost equivalent to Ruby Crystal so right now we're kind of equal HP right if I do an equal Health sh with him but I have two potions I'll have 240 HP extra so this is a really good thing one thing I have to keep in mind though is that the plant spawn timer is 6 minutes you know what that means JX will have Tempo into this River first because he's pushing the wave towards me also VI stops side again so I'm not going to be contesting this wave too hard because first of all if I trade right here J can just go into River and collect the plant right so if I trade right here and I does have my HP he does have his HP he can just go to the river and get the plant if he is smart so there's no point in training for me for that plus his Jer stops I I want to trade I do want to keep this wave right here though because this is what I refer to as the happy spot and this is the happy spot because now I am not gankable but the ranger is or but the J is extremely gankable plus he's forced to walk up for last hit so while he's forced to walk up for last hits I can always just use all my abilities like him on him like this and look he can't do anything because I'm this close to to my turret right so this is why I refer to as the happy spot if you can hold to wave here against any melee Bruiser it always guarantees them to pretty much die not and now he wants to recall poor little fellow I want to keep holding the wave here though because this is much more valuable for me so I'm going to drag these means up more a little bit why because now I can preserve this here and now his means comes a bit closer too and now it's in a beautiful position to keep slow pushing towards me beautiful any fundamentals in the chat any fundamentals in the chat we're getting FL ignite back so remember how we were behind but now randomly we're good again any GG now let's get my level seven from these two melees and we can look for an all in use e use Q wave still slow pushing towards me Jax is forced to walk up for lasts he has no bone plainting still going to force this guy to walk up for lasts I'm getting all my kons back but my CU down refreshes faster than his e so what I can do right here is if he walks up I would just one sh okay here e again I no idea where viset but I know Ranger B so I could be weak side I have no idea where viset so let's play safe again but am I gankable no why happy spot I'm going to work here why I'm only scared of Lane gangs v g gank me from both side she cannot gank me from here she can only gank me from Lane so you see I'm keeping the wave in the happy spot how can J play how can play Happy spot abusers use the spot especially against Mele bruisers Vice bolt all right Chad cannot go un all I need it I'm going to proxy here to get myself extra Tempo now my way is walk into the turret get one plate unnecessary stri I'm going to only get the wave and recall I don't going to saay for the plate it kills my tempo I don't even need this Caster I don't want it it's ugly we got a Reco instantly we have a g Drinker we got exactly amount of gold also J will not have enough time to push this way and this wave so we can do the happy spot again any happy spot enjoyers any happy spot enjoyers so now as you guys can see J does not have enough time to push this wave and this wave before I'm back because I understand Tempo so well yes I do coaching flip bun if you're interested in coaching type estimation my Discord you find the link to my Discord server s a dam and we can spot a coaching session all right so you see the wave is slow pushing towards me again we can freeze the wave here again in this happy spot Jack forced to walk up for last HS again no sustain g g v level six though so we got to keep that in mind always do that like that q w Auto okay Vice boths side I have the item lead I'm going to try and do a thing here okay chat so I'm going to Cay watch this I'm going to Cay this Jack is dead he's already dead he doesn't know yet what I'm going to do is C delay all the way and then I'm going to EQ towards him but now he's like oh Riv no Q let's fight let's jump on her but i k the late he and he's dead did I not say it it works every time people in this just X Emerald by the way he still doesn't know how Q delay works on red I did my first Q delay I told you guys this guy's dead how how does it work how does he know because people don't understand how Riven Chon work use your C delay get your free kills did you and G get this blade he probably has TP so I going to be a little careful here I want to get this blade hard push next wave and then we Rec again I'm going to use my cool Downs mostly for the wave all right I get the plate do the same thing hard push this wave now I could go tabis this game tabis is really good cuz this guy is going lethality right and J is going to fine but if I go tabis I don't get 50 cool down now the biggest benefit from buying CDR boots here is that I was being I will start being able to chain my cues let me explain imagine all Lo on top penetrates her happy spot I lost thank you for the $1 donation I appreciate it so let let's take a look at how Q delay works okay I lost two so right now when I have 50 ability H I can start my q1 like this Q2 all the way let extend all the way and now when i q three look my Q is already back that's how Q delay works so right now what we do on jus' face got a got an ed GG so now I'm going to permanently CU delay in this gu's face so C delay right this and I want him to walk up for aets and now I EQ in his face W Auto instantly Q back and now I will chase him he's going to flash and awaken see the AR boots are kind of broken on Riven you couldn't do that with tabes Chad you could not do that with tabes any confirmers any confirmers any confirmers about C layers any c layers in chat [Music] G all right Shen is helping me proxy let's go Chen you're him J has TP so we recall i k cancel one Alo there I did cancel one Alo now we go Cleaver next why he's going toes right it's better to get the HP here after Cleaver we go death sense and nobody can kill me anymore we never really go gor drink or Hydra unless enemy team builds Zero armor actually they're not really building armor huh this guy won't build armor this guy won build armor this guy's not building armor this guy's not building armor only this guy so Gorge Drinker Hydra is not bad here because I'm snowballing but gor C still more consistent every time right now I'm Cay okay this is all I do from now on 60 ability has watch this I'm just going to Cay watch this look Cay Q delay e all3 q all right Q delay again we do it we repeat this every time it will work eventually C lay again he goes for the last hit and C lay again how can J play by the way Q is delayed again by the way how can play when enemy can Q delay GG how can play when enemy can kill theay now can play remember when I started this game 01 anybody remembers did you one and five now so now chat what is eny Win condition all right their boot Lane my boot Lane is 0 and three is killing this jck going to turn this out of this game is going is it going to change out this game now but I want 1,600 gold then I get Cleaver and now I will start expending my lead how do I expend my lead similar to the second game we played and the third game we played we gained Tempo on top side right now and now we're going to expend our lead across the rest of the map how do we do that we want to get 10 point to site I first want to get 1,600 gold so I get my Cleaver and now I will start roaming towards that b side I have my Cleaver now I can recall okay they're both actually died well well done to my team then we don't have to do much now all right so where do we go chat we could go to Dragon we could go to botland tur we don't have to really go here again killing this Dr doesn't change out this game so yes right now they're they're fine brother they're completely fine all right so we got play for this mid one G is 1 and zero they're both still relatively strong we're going for Dragon I'm just going to C here I'm going to push up midwave why to cover for my team as well now we have mid line PRI I'm going to move here enemy midline is forced to collect I'm going to still look to get a shot down their team here there we go we are here we're in the fight this will be good for us ignite for movement speed all shot down their Boat Lane shut down enemy jungler got all their fleshes and we're going to get the B L turet as well so how does enemy team play I just um went away from Top Lane and I expanded my lead across the rest of the map by creating Tempo on top side I don't even care I'm losing waves Jack H play how we feeling now we got B tier one we're going get B tier two almost their Sal Capitan just I'm King CH look at the C look at the C look at the C look at the C oh watch you can jump C again though how do I get TR that way C Ling still all right we got to K again but we don't have old so let's not to take any risk here I have onek shutdown I have enough golden BS let's just recall they're fourman B they use a lot less recall they disciplined that's another very big thing and I'm just going to build this I buil the chain Fest here because ultimately this is another Golden Rule that I have in League of Legends okay I have a golden rule listen if you are ahead in the game we are ahead we are currently ahead building defense is offense you know why I have more than enough damage to kill my opponents but if they cannot kill me anymore how do they deal with me aers so I have enough damage to kill them but if I build defensive right now at this point in the game they cannot kill me anymore so how do they do with me if you revers this if you're behind you should always build full uh full aggressive because if you build defensive when you're behind they still going to one shot you anyways right there you go we're going to get the tier to turet here cuz it's 600 gold but we don't want to lose our 1K shutdown so let's keep VI in mind VI is probably the the the trickiest thing for me to deal with so I want to keep v v stop all right I'm not scared anymore [Music] I'm K laying the time for talk is over no looking [Applause] back yeah all right now we're going to do double C on this guy's face that was a good flash by just and uh now we get a tier two turd as well and uh I didn't even play that that well mechanically I'm just really strong and uh I'm experimentally CA that's it and um now we're Shilling so now we're going to have death St and um now it's kind of GG uh I don't think my team was playing that well this game I just shot down their B and that was our only R Edition G was also shut down off this guy was two Z my b l was 03 right now in a really good position now we build this we're going to build a little bit of magic Crist who an enemy team can kill me now who who can kill me nobody can kill me so now all we need to do is just close out this game cleanly and we do that with the Harold Harold is our next step Harold will secure us to pretty much break open their base and now Weg I just hit plat thanks to your stream started winning Lane almost every time let's go brother well done all right let's get this theer good yeah I also turn Chad off by the way I want to get this so okay that he takes it let's just literally end the game with this by the way yes RI dis playable so right now chat it's 1990 minutes in the game breaking open inhs right now is fine why because Nasher spawns at minute 20 right n is the most consistent way to close out any game so it's completely fine for me to look to break open their en right now now mainly because we're going to be able to utilize that Tempo to to to get ner as well uh probably the best in it for me to L to take down is a b side but I'm already in top side so it's better for me to just lzee my Tempo here and play for top instantly they can't really stop me I think I get anally almost 51 because of my items and because of how strong I am so now we just in a really good position my teammates died it's okay stacking my conqueror got 10 Stacks in here I only need to hit this this tur once by the way that was fun thank you Herold salute to the herald oh good sh got the 1K turet sh gold very good good van GG now let's close out the game though now let's close out the game so the next objective is going to be baras let's get this and then we close out the game where do I know German from I had German in school for 5 six years can I speak German no I do actually understand that pretty well cuz I also left in Germany cuz when I played in um SK gaming uh I was in ger I was living in Germany right so that's why I L my German yeah let's do it me and the bro I should tank so the V do more damage Nash the ranger will probably come as well can still do it enemy team is all five here so we should be fine here the gate as deer me Gates good D brother there you go that's best German I got oh yeah you don't want to hear my German yamata always tells me my accent is so yamat is the rarest just told me every time in care to not speak German so I just speak it on stream they're bullies can you play eals remotely it depends on the team you play thought on Jack skin rework what skin got reworked thank you for 100 bits as well by the way what SK got reworked um I think here what I do is I just stay top actually no I fles I'm close to level 16 though all right let's just close out the game there's also top wave let Focus here for a second look at T I am because of this build okay we level 16 but the Sher boxes are giving me Mentos in game myrow do we end kind of want to go for like a highlight little play okay GG let's go we started 01 we also learned a bit how to play from behind because I can't agree with my game level three but it's okay we came back this Prime went better yeah so we had orange GP Camille Gwen can yeah kind of play a little bit of everything you know kind of play a little bit of everything all right daru matchup why you play rank the profession rington was one of my best Champions rington is one of my best Champions if I'm going to do unranked to master rington only it's going to be really really easy for me to get to Ms I think rankon is arguably the strongest top player right now so uh yeah keep that in mind i' still highly recommend rank them but we already did the rankon guide so um I'm doing Riven now and then we're going to go to Ed and um Garen and then after that we have to I'll see I'm also not sure who I do first but are we're going to need like one or two weeks every time to do one Champion T night one or two weeks per champion and then we just go from there all right let's go to the next game um all righties finally in the first diamond player we play against a Emerald 2 Darius he's playing with ghost flash very standard setup but he has resolve second instead of nimbus so he doesn't play um or sour so he doesn't have Nimbus they have a Diana in the early game I have a kazak in the early game both are kind of weak in the early game uh sorry this guy's Diamond not the so my bad no darus actually wins one against Riven and it is due to his passive if darus Stacks his passive five times onto you he basically gets full build and he one shots you with two out attack so uh Darius can Zone Riven Riven cannot Zone a Darius in this matchup you're able to to go two different starting items you can go for de light start you can go for long sword start I personally prefer the long sword start as it allows me to look for some traits as in this matchup I want to look for small trait instead of all in the early game right I have more burst I prefer small traes he prefers extended fights right so I got to use my burst and my small traes he wants Allin yes doran's blade buff will change my start I will probably play doran's blade every game now as I was saying one thing I need to be really careful for darus in the early game is of course his passive and he's playing with flesh G so when you want to get a war down against a darus you always have to be extremely wary of where he's at if he's in this bush for example he could run me down so what I do against darus I just place the ward right here I'm not going to go any deeper I saw the darus is De BL start okay uh and like I said uh or I didn't say this uh but it's really good to highlight as well if I leave base at 15 seconds and I walk here instantly like this so this is the line you of path you follow you walk through here and then you get here and then you step a little bit outside of the Bush you're always able to scout if Darius goes into the bush or not so here we clearly saw that Darius was not in the bush and it allows us to just go there first I don't know this guy is completely griefing think you can beat a yaso level one with little Tempo ignite I mean he's going to die so this Kix dies and then pings his team classic so okay okay we mute him instantly okay so here let's see what Dar is going to do right we lose to level one he is not starting in Lane that allows me anybody to get my priority here Tino thank you for PR so listen chat even though Darius is a bad match up for me right because he isn't at the lane level one I can get priority and remember if you get your level two first a losing matchup becomes a winning matchup simply because I'm a level up okay it's Q start so it's also a little bit more safe and looks like Diana started the Raptors of my kazic I like this trate why he has de like one potion I have L for three potions I don't like that my bad remember CH one me for my level two I'm going to step backwards so try and bait darus to go for this last hit right level up timers what have I told you do this level up timers trick work until Masters consistently because people don't look at level up timers use this that one little trick one trick priority and level of timers and I've won my Lane to serve the greater good are you convinced I'm telling you I get solo kills up until Masters using that one little trick right there now I'm going to do a slow push in the hopes that Darius walks up if he goes for one of these last hits I'm going to all in not to kill him but to try and get him to even lower HP so I could potentially dive but he didn't get a step up too far so now we just do a third wave crashes all good and I'm going to continue Landing here because Diana is going to pass into both and Kix is passing into b as well so with both JS passing into B this is okay one thing I have to keep in mind here is that he gets level four first because these melees are dying right and he only needs these two melees plus one cast to get his level four already so I'm going to try and thin it out here as much as I can to try and at least match it a little bit but he gets his level four from this Caster how do I know CU I'm a level up timer connoisseur g g know your level up timer chat it's like knowing your recipe or how to cook so there we go waves bouncing to me I have one potion Advantage so what I can do against darus actually is Q delay all the way he loses q and I'm going to EQ for get his b play thing and if I fight him here I actually win because I get my Q again so even though I did full Q delay here in the early game it actually still works for me he flashed the wave is pushing to me oh good he's running out of Mana wave still pushing into me I have two options I can recall or I can look to slow push into hard push I think recalling here is the best option cuz next wave is a cannon wave I'm going to war this push to see if he walks up or not wave still pushing it to me I can recall the only issue is I don't have the best recall gold I think it's just deep late refillable for 600 gold but the wave's in a beautiful position so it still ends up being worth it Dar has missed a full Cannon wave whilst recalling there but the full Cannon wave is still existing for me so obviously this was a very good situation yes I will do a Fiora on rank two masters as well I will literally do every champion on rank two masters it's just going to take some time and we get a prioritize certain Champions right okay so he bought dagger refillable pink wart very interesting p uh like you should go like boots or cloth armor right all right so right now this guy is still going to be level four but I'm almost going to be level five already he has no flesh I do beautiful H to be fair I lost a little bit too much HP there Diana has been spotted with 28 CS so what this Diana has most likely done is full cleared and reset and she stop set right now so I got to be a little bit weed for the Diana so what I want to do is hard push this wave to make it bounce back into me I will get the level six before the darus I can get his pink W right here that he returned with and then on the bounce I'll have my ignite I'll get my level six he has no flashh and then I will look to kill the darus but right now I kind of have to worry about Diana as I have no idea where she's currently at okay this guy's kind of freezing the wave that's okay I think three melees for level six here let's see if we can prep that I get level six but I have no cool down so of course I can't punish oh we got to priortize this I think I can dive here all right don't do what I just did on to the next I got hit by SK I didn't fles that um yeah I got to practice this more I'm still really at diving honestly I think that was actually a free dive but I just misplayed it completely and uh it was kill mentality as well because if I just went to proxy next wave and get and proxy dead and recall I would be in a really really really good situation because ultimately right there darus was stuck on the turet right without flashh if I proxy next wave I would have enough gold for my pickaxe I'd Reco and I would kill him on the bounce right here with my flush and my ult instead I look for a kill the the the thing that is okay though is that I die on my timer so I pushed in the wave and I died whilst I like I'm losing nothing you know so even though I died it's not actually that bad as I died on my own timer after I crashed wave right let's say I would die um when uh what's it called when uh he's pushing W into me let's say I walk up to him right now and I die then I would die on his timer right because I would lose out on the waves I would lose out on the plates so that would be really bad so right now I'm just going to play reserved and we're actually still fine but the kill is still really bad right it's of course not good it's still really bad but it's okay but keep that in mind that if you want to go for riskier play it's better to do it on your timer than on his timer I think if he actually flash onto me there I might be dead it's okay let's just get this crash and and yeah we going have to wait for Al before we can play aggressive again all right this he's level seven oo nice facing by him Diana's bolt thank you for your Prime appreciate it brother all right we got our ult Diana still Bol so I can't look to fight him right now the way I want to approach it is full Kay so I'm going to Kay just to just to prep it and then if Doris walks up into my Q3 then I can all in in theory I don't know where the D at though is he like hiding in the bush waiting for me to use my cool Downs so I'm only going to use my Q's no I don't know what he's doing he's playing really safe I don't want to Reco cuz on my pickaxe unfortunately he has bone pling so what I can do for example is I'm I'm very close to level eight right I'm going to Fay and I want to Q3 on top of him like that and try and get his bone pling but he stepped it it's okay cannot unun Clos Diana could be coming top side at this okay we got a sums not the not the worst I mean in terms of that we're still in a completely fine spot uh we could recall the W is bouncing into me but I think I just want to hush this best of focus the cast is fastest way to H push a wave my J is doing this but it's a little bit scary I'm just recalling if he dies here enemy mid has PR I have no idea where Diana is at I'm not helping him out he has no flesh no ult like I can't help him I have no flesh no ult either okay D on Dragon he flipped it oh looks like y stopped him okay I think my team is very tilted um darus flashed at 8:46 so I'm going to add 5 minutes to that so it's going to be like 1340 top all right I have that timer let's keep that timer and right now I don't have my ult my flesh but I have both in one minute so I want to try and prep a kill in 1 minute is um not sure where Diana is going to go they got the herald unfortunately and um my goal here is to try and slow push this wave allow this next wave to walk through the lane and then hard push this and then okay di is still boths side she has an Rec actually interesting okay he doesn't have tabis yet that's good I think I proxy next wave the reason I proxy is because I don't have kill pressure without my ult anyways and I'm assuming di wants to come top side all right now we can roam here yo still hasn't recall I'm going to W right here see what the Diana does if yaso comes to okay actually died okay now I have ult now I have Flesh on this next one if I can play aggressive I also have deep Vision now everything is scrapped darus has no flesh now we can finally look for a kill paradoxy good to see you brother thank you for the gifted sub okay we see the Diana that's our board uhoh I messed up my cool Downs he has three stacks already oh I didn't let it I didn't let it run out I tried to let it run out and then fight him but I miscalculated so now I'm in a little bit of an awkward scenario I tried to let it like run out and then fight him but I failed I need my ignite now to kill him but I'm very scared of the Diana he's running out of Mana though so if you want to fight a Darius or a JX what you want to very often do is Q delay okay so I'm going to start my Q delay right here now I'm hoping Diana isn't here it's kind of Flippy oh my Q ran out unlucky but maybe it's for the better I have no idea where a Diana said still okay one more time start my C okay Diana oh no it's not Di and now I'll e three Q into him and then my Q comes back and that's how you get kills from r c is the best way to get kills so I literally C into him right right to close the gap stack some conquer already and then my K comes up back in time before he can kill me I can utilize my w to cancel one of his Auto attacks so he also does to get five stacks and then I can finish it off now I'm kind of flipping it here I have no idea where di is at but she was topside like 1 and half minute ago so I'm assuming she's bothside right now somewhere if she's topside then I guess I just die but I lose nothing for it so it's okay okay she's mid all right if I get this and cell refillable I'm going to be very close to Cedar boots as well that is 55 ability has that is the biggest St I can or the biggest Spike that I can get right there so now just go I hope they don't find me here lovely and like I said now I also get CDR boots so now I am at my strongest Spike now of course this was a little bit more uh how would I say this Advanced as in I was calculating my gold I was kind of flipping that if Diana stop it's okay because they wouldn't have any wave to play up so they wouldn't get too many plates either I didn't have a shutdown so even if I died I wouldn't be too bad and now I have I'm back with all my it spikes this was the DAR flash Tim so this Al or Flash for 30 seconds but I also don't have my old for 30 seconds so unfortunately I cannot look for another kill but it's okay we have gotten back in the game we have our one kill now we're still very farmed so even though we didn't really get too many kills this game we still have very good CS just because of playing good fundamentally Kix is B this guy is playing very safe so I assume Diana isn't here there's a dragon in B he y also is walking into bat so my team has stabilized the game very well okay somebody took the SC not too long ago Diana's there she's built a full item yaso is getting close to two items so the yaso is really fat this game even though it's two and three cuz it's very f d is pretty strong the rest isn't too strong okay they actually died my team is playing Amazing all right this guy's flesh again it's just a little bit of spacing onto him he has no e okay but still can't really pressure too much just because of his passive H I could have been there maybe it was better to be there for my team darus has two choices he can either look to hard push or he can look to slow push he has no idea what I'm doing so what I'm going to do right here is try this try to act ASV Rec right this guy should have known for sure I'm a slow push or C rather looks like this guy has no intention of walking up so that just hard push I want to get the tur but it's hard to get it under his nose look like a recall though all right uh yeah I could have been at the dragon like I was saying but it's not the end of the world getting this top tier one is very beautiful and then where am I going to go next chat where should I open up next where would you open up next you said bot Lane you have smart thing I'm going to go bot L right now my b l should go to Mid aali should go to top and game is beautiful uh I can pivot for a lot of items it's probably going to be cleever second but this goes into everything so I'm going to pick my b l away I'm going to tell them to just go mid they should listen this BWI is kind of shitty for me though I'm assuming enemy team is going to play for Herold maybe they said one person but but I can one one this guy I can one one this guy so if they're going to play for health and use their Tempo there as you guys can see cayen is mid aali should probably go top I can just get B Lane here and get the tier one I could also look for five v5s but I prefer playing into the side and in these kind of scenarios in the game 55 would not be a bad idea either at all okay y actually has two items so I can still win even if he has two items if i c so if I C like this and then jump on them like this you see my Q is instantly back so that's how I still win but that's all mechanics now you might be wondering how did you do so much damage if you C lay on top of him right and then e old Q3 I instantly get six conqueror Stacks by the time I'm on top of him and then my Q comes back up so I get six conqueror Stacks I'm already on top of him with my Al and then i q auto q auto q auto with instant 12 conquer Stacks so that's how I can one shot him even though he has two items there I completely one shot him so that's why R is one of the best s Champions with this build right you just need 65 Hast that's why I go see the r boots in most of my games as well without C the boots that would never be a kill so yeah Riv and ability haste they better classic my team all died somewhere okay I don't need to chase it's a fat wave here I need 2K gold I can sell this for 1880 my hands are cuz now I get I have full Cleaver so now after cleer my wall I'm Perman yo coma thank you for 10 voice and business hello okay so now we have two items what is my next item going to be check what Mythic would you get this game to be fair no Mythic is bad G Drinker isn't bad this game because they have burst burst right Eclipse isn't bad because of armor here armor here they might go more armor but I do already have Cleaver and dust blade isn't too bad either cuz no armor no armor yet no armor so like you can kind of go all three legit it's it's just like right here if I want to deci side on my Mythic and this is the thing that is very important in League of Legends as well Chelsea you thank you for n months brother what is very important to try and kind of figure out here is how is enemy team going to be itemizing going further into this game so this is a very important thing like what will enemy team be building so here I see this guy's a Kindle gem now the Kindle gem can go to different ways as in let's let's find it so I can show guys you guys he can go for uh what's it called J show right actually he's probably going to go for J for sure with the Kindle gem so keeping the the fact in mind that this guy is a Kindle gem I'm going to go eclipse this game so this is a thing that you learn through experience for playing in the game but if you want to learn how to itemize yourself ultimately you're going to have to look at enemy team their items and what they're going to be building in the future to make appropriate choices right so here because I know this guy's going to go Jack show that's why I'm going to go Eclipse here does that make sense chat does that make sense so here if I go Gore Drinker I legit won't do damage later on to this guy this guy's tabes and this this guy's tabis so yeah I actually need to eclipse this gin and that is only because I know how enemy teams are most likely going to be building with this item see he's going Jack show so again if you want to learn how to itemize appropriately against enemy team comp don't only look at the items that they are building right now but also look at the items that they're going to be building in the future and that's the best way to utilize like your knowledge to try and go for what item you need so here I can't go Gore Drinker because of tabi this armor here armor armor armor here right I need armor penetration else I won't do damage later on Dust blade isn't the best cuz it gives me ability H and movement speed for Mythic passive but Eclipse if we read Eclipse right here right you actually get armor penetration for every legendary item that you finish so that's why I go for eclipse this game also whilst my team does this Dragon I mean I can kind of move but I don't think it's a good team fight for us so I'm going to Ping them away and I'm going to get the tier two tur here and guarantee myself 600 gold okay now let's focus on the game cuz this game is actually very close all right we're very close to Mythic now all right we need Eclipse soon and then after Eclipse I hope I have a care carry after all this split yes sir don't worry about it C he's going to eat through me beautiful we have eclipse in base right now but I don't want to instantly recoil I can get this wave to maybe we can get a CL armor and then we'll recoil now darus looks to be basing my team is going to be pressuring mid so we have Tempo on the map right now because Darius is dead if I Reco I lose that Tempo but with the yo being that right instead of the darus I can try and utilize that Tempo to maybe pressure the side wave so now if press out the side wave ooh there's a little bit of a Diana angle as well I'm ping him away I don't think we should be chasing here yeah I don't know we're still completely out of numbers uh the only thing that I wanted to say is we can get Tempo on side wave to get the mider one3 that's what what what I wanted to do my teammates died nothing that I can control about that and now my next item has to be a death sensor guard and Angel we can choose for both I don't like guardian angel that much into a CA link cuz you can just always put a trap down but uh yep we're still in a good position now so darus is one item I'm still three items how did I do it efficient mid to late game I got my objectives I didn't really get too many kills but I do have a lot of farm and I got a tier two tur that's why I'm fed okay this y has three items too I'm going to kill again I'll just kill them both my spirit is not lost now my three items now I'm a beast all right let's fix out the b wave and we got to play for ntion and um I do think Guardian Angel is probably the best and the reason why is because darus is true damage right darus the true damage my teammates keep dying low this wi games let me guess fundamentals no actually um macro and Temple but close close um yeah I think I want death sense or sorry Guardian Angel and I can get chain vest and a CL armor which will already give me a little bit of security as well I'll have flashh soon and a budget guardian angel in the sense that I could Flash in their back line and then when I'm about to die just press stop p and get my Coons again that's an insane kill we can maybe play for Nash I'm getting my flash in 20 seconds as well oh my kid R out all right I scared them though I cancel it on accident I don't know why we recall by the way anyways we got three items and now we do a little bit of9 angle get a boys let's go now we're going do the ner well so typ one in chat if you found the mentals GG who found the mentals all right next up Top Lane Stills a tier to third it's a 600 tokens for the good guys those 600 tokens belong to me let me get the rep up for sustain I do have guardian angel in Bas so right here it is actually better for me to quickly recall to stay in Tempo with my teammates so before he starts pushing you know twitch is dead zero is the base a is the base it's better for me to recall right now and now we're all on the same tempo now when you have nure it is very important that you try and avoid playing for J camps because we only have 3 minutes of nure that means around six waves of me so try to avoid wasting Tempo by looking for J C and stuff like this play proactively on the waves so what the Kix is doing here is kind of because now it's very tricky to play with this wave because Kix is doing J camps right so avoid J camps play with the waves as fast as you can because you only get around six and every wave missed this yeah closer to now getting spoiled is not so now I actually have nothing like I only have three mins here right and we die this guy still only has one item although I have four Yas is going to both sides okay I need to try and K get on top of him and dive him I can because I have four items so let's F choose your own beautiful pressuring enemy team that flesh was a good flesh by him so I never really killed as darus this game he's playing very safe but it's good I don't need to I team is not die [Music] though see I'm permanently kill laning yeah my team dying is not really my fault so for my last item I have multiple options I see this guy's going death St this guy's still getting armor this guy's a lot of armor this guy's a lot of armor it's a c just angle so I'm going to have Cleaver eclipse and S just for armor penetration so even though they're getting very tanky I'll still one shoot them okay y might play for this B tier one so time to run there he is he's three items he might go for next wave as well so I'm going to C lay calculating that he's going to go for this wave There You Go Cannot okay that sucks he just question mark p okay I respect it remember that I'll make him eat his own words give me a second chat again low us win this games because uh yeah my team keeps on dying which kind of makes the game tricky they might have vision hereoh I have to flush that one second for my Al I got to be careful cuz Diana can e me and it instant stunts me right they're on the Zer just trying to Zone the Diana doesn't have guard angel got to give him the question mark pink Chad got to give it the back to him all right beautiful game so we just died once when we were diving on our turn that was our only death that was also our only like big mistake other than that we just stayed farmed we stayed ahead of the item curves and um yeah how I so the thing is all the concepts that I applied to my High ELO games I still apply here it's just that people make a lot more mistakes I feel like sometimes people I mean they're not close toart with mechanics but there are some really good mechanical players here still too they just make so many mistakes as well GG clean game why do you think they change cassant because probably every Pro player that is alive has complained about it because this Champion has the most over overtuned kit ever cassant has the most disgusting kit that's has ever been released imagine a tank that can one shot 80 carries always imagine a tank that has two two Unstoppable abilities imagine a tank that has a c CC chain for like 3 seconds by himself I don't know whatever piss off with that champion BR I'm really happy I didn't play professional this year cuz I swear I would have lost my mind playing against cassant every game holy all right we play against Nar it could uh we might want to go to nesty this game let's see would you say Riven is good for low ELO yes but you need you still need to master the champion everywhere you play like the biggest advice I could give to any low ELO player out there right before you start working on your fundamentals it is Champion Mastery it can be driven it can be ranked and it can be guarant I don't care what Champion you play now what you have to realize is for example the stepping stone in learning how to master Riven is higher than rington because if you play 20 rington games you're a good R if you play 20 Riven games you still need to learn a lot so my advice to any low yield player would always be to get like get Champion Mastery first doesn't really matter what Champion it is and then work on your fundamentals so if if is Riven good for low ELO yes if you know how to play it is guarante for ELO yes and it's easier to pick up as well why are they decreasing ping Communications because League of Legends is the most toxic Community out there probably that is probably s to why who would you say is the best Jack to learn off of Rangers but he doesn't play that much anymore sadly all right Chad we're playing against a Nar Echo we have syus rien I'm stronger level one syus is stronger early game than Ekko so this is a really nice position for me in the early game I have a stronger early game jungler and I have a pretty good matchup in the early game for me cuz Nar level one is very weak a lot of so the thing is a lot of top lers have against when they face against the range Champions is they don't recognize how bad most range Champions early game actually is besides like Veil and action they are really strong right but even Jay for example isn't the strongest level one Champion so what I want to do is try and find a position where I can cheese the Nar in early game so I can make use of my strong level one and his weak level one right what's your favorite illegal drug water water has to be my favorite illegal drug I don't do drugs I don't smoke don't like it you should either it's going to work down just SC the first four waves oh n's going to face check me oh baby if I get one more Alo he's dead always even if he fleshes yes sir yes sir all right Chad look at my XP you see how I am 15% I need three melees one Caster I'll be level two let's see if we can utilize that now my next step Nar doesn't have flesh I'm still stronger level one than the Nar so what I'm going to try and do here is Zone the Nar from the first three minions worth of XP again one of the biggest things to learn on Riven is mastering your first wavs and Riven is one of the strongest level one champions in the game Nar is lashing here you know what that means Chad I'm going to make all six of these means meet in the center and I'm going to try and Zone the Nar from the first three means worth of XP then I'll be level two and he's still level one then how can play now I step up I sent in the EXP range it's about your screen he loses the EXP I gain the EXP he lost all of it I got all of it now I'm literally okay two casts I guess for level two and Nar is still Level one so now I'm going to mask my level two here Nar doesn't know I get level two here I know it my is not lost okay it's okay got to make sure I don't lose any extra XP and now let's only last it and just slow push towards n so right here I'm already in the most best position I could ever be in I got the solo kill of course in the level one but also Nar has missed all the XP so I'm going to probably hit level three before this guy hits level two so if you're n right now you think loudly and you say how can play any how can players yeah that's how we go what the hell how can I play how can I play how can I play all right Echo is level three ganking my only job here is to survive if I survive we're in a really good position that's all I got to do because my silus is already 16 Cs and Eko is only 12 CS silus Eko has no top side camps anymore Eko only has both side camps so me keeping the echo here in top side is just so bad for the Eko so this guy only has three camps here like I said my only job here is to actually stay alive and now ekko's game is pretty much over they're going to try and re me again but s is finally here to two EO should be in a trouble uh Nar is level two he has no flush yeah it's just too easy it's just too easy he's still level two why is he level two chat because we zoned him from the first three melees of exp what's Sall harder in the early game gold or exp well there you go it's exp Zone your opponents on the first minut wor XP have fun Ling your opponents willever win actually I should have do this guy I could have doed this guy I should have given this all this I shouldn't have given this all this XP I should have do there my bad anybody found the Mentos found the Mentos I muted myself oh my bad my bad my bad all right I'm level five well he just hit level four so we're still in a good position I said maybe I should have got some boots as well cuz he SPAC me because of boots well my bad my bad my bad my bad L this is okay he's going to get mega here and that might give him fake confidence I'm not sure where ekko's at eeko okay ekko's bside 31 CS so ekko's FOC towards bside we know ekko's here this guy doesn't have e yet but this boots are broken I should have went boots as well my bad it's okay now I going to get mega here I'm very close to level six he doesn't know that by the time he gets level five I get level six br going have flesh I should be able to kill this guy again learn from your Mist you see how the EXP is still completely snowballing that is why exp is just so good in the early game I always get my level up timers faster so it's just completely impossible for Nar to ever play so what I want to do right now is try to get this guy to one HP when you're slow pushing waves like this to your opponents right when you're slow pushing my opponent is not forced to walk up but what I want to try and do is like utilize everything onto him to get to low HP as possible so what I do right now is I do this now Nar has to choose I don't all in here to kill him I'm all in him to make a to to to like force him to make a decision does he stay right now well if he stays he dies if he recalls I get two plates so what can n do that's why you all in before you crash the wave like I said if not recall right if he recall all the way here he would lose these two waves plus I would get two plates if he stays he dies as well so here's a clear example when you're slow pushing towards your opponent try to all in before the wave crashes prime example and he gave me both G I'm going Awards no he wanted and now he's angry this is a freeze actually it's because Echo was here he's going to freeze his wave I'm very close to my Hydra no I'm not it's okay we just Rec anyways and we buy this we don't buy potions why cuz we Ain no another is a she's he wave it's okay we lose shortterm but we get much more long term that's why I to call here how is there no wall up comment there is exclamation mark wall up but don't type it I'll PR you anyways here I don't buy shoes because I want to rush my Hydra as quick as possible so buying boots here would delay 300 gold towards my Hydra right now I'm not necessarily looking to kill lar I'm mainly looking to get towards my Hydra as quick as [Music] possible yo calm down like Faker and world thank you so much Beya for five happy K birthday thank you I guess it's so good to see you Beya I hope you're doing absolutely amazing this is a normal wave normal wave gives around 130 gold so I need 180 gold sucks we don't get enough money so we need to Har push this wave but we don't have enough money yet for our item so we need to stay a little bit longer if it was a cannon wave I would have gotten my gold because Cannon waves give 200 gold because of the Canon this play is really low HP but I can also get 100 Gold by being in proximity of this Herald so that's my goal here being proiv of this Herald cuz I get 100 gold if I last hit it I get 200 gold but junglers don't really like it when you last hit it but I'm a kind of a selfish player when I play solo qu and this guy does not have a SM so we're going to try and last it and uh I suck suck at game okay anyways I get my level eight here still level six so what I'm going to do here is slow push this wave hard push next wave get a clean recall it's the best for my Tempo then we reset we get our Hydra we get boots as well and lovely position he lose the cannon guys know a good coaches he's level seven all right now hard push this wave thank you so much sergy for your Prime I appreciate it brother I can QQ the back line here it's the fastest way to push and now we reset I don't mind losing HP why I'm recalling anyways right and the reason why this was slow pushing to hard push is now look this next wave is here so it's kind of hard for Nar to ever freeze this because it's to hold his me for legit 15 seconds right so he loses a a lot of HP doing this and then also right now because of slow push into hard push Nar does not have enough time to push this wave and push this wave before I'm back right so that's why you slow push into hard push to get the best tempo for yourself and it also doesn't allow your opponents to really get in a good position themselves right so I always lose nothing and very often I get a freeze as well any fundaments in the chat thank you there you go spark Faith now I want to try and cancel snar base get his Temple down and nowar is stuck in lane and I got my full Hydra he's only double so now I'm going to be very annoying proxy no's like what the what the what the hell I died mechanics so yeah now what can I do if he didn't went for me I would have just proxied and taken J can and get the plate if he went for me I watch sh him yeah that's how you utilize fundamentals like your Resa timers and wave manipulation and you set up your kills through your waves so if anything we learn from this is we need to more so learn how to manage waves and manage reset timers to get kills instead of just playing for kills straight up ah but you're kidding me no I didn't W up all you might flush he hey hey hey all right we we have to greedy this is greedy this is greedy this is what you don't do this was kill mentality we could have just ran we could have just ran so this is what you want to avoid because now Nar actually gets back into the game right as long as I don't die he never gets back into the game but the only way that Nar remotely gets back into the game is by me dying because not only do I give him 750 gold right here he's also going to get plates and I'm also losing wave so he's getting wave so I'm losing a wave 130 gold he's getting the wave so that's 260 gold plus I'm losing exp 300 gold he gets 750 gold for my kill here and and he gets a PL so in total here one death I lose around 1.2k gold in or 1.2k gold in XP and like gold you know so that's why every death matters and if I don't die I would be in a beautiful position never do this kind of deaths they really ruin my game so learn from this it's good that we make them gar good indeed all right Chad what do we do slow push into hard push why slow push because his next wave is here and I want to do two waves into his turret so that I can get better Tempo I can maybe get the plate or else I can proxy and Rome this action is two and one let's see if we can shut that guy down as well okay we get 55 ability H now there we go he's back and I'm going to go proxy now why nor is stuck under St he's forced to stay under St what I'm going to do next is proxy this wave and then see if I can fight the echo on the rep off silus is here as well so this is absolutely beautiful wave first and when I get this wave right Nar is stuck under St because From nar's perspective he needs to stay under St because the next one is coming too canot so now we fight this Echo here nice to defend this turret we can just evate I want please thank you King okay there we Dragon next thing we're going to proxy again but this time I'm going to utilize my proxy for something else I'm why is this guy so tanky this option I'm going to proxy this wave and then after I'm done with proxying I'm going to utilize this cannon wave to get the turret because when the cannon waves get into Nars turret Nar has to make a choice does he stop me or does he stop the means while he can stop both so right here is why is he showcasing like Mega he doesn't have flesh right he going to hold the wave there's no other way there we go no really outplay from him he have no Flashman members so I can utilize it like that and I get the kill plus I get the full turret okay I see double animation we have PR this wave we get get the Golems as well and we're a beautiful position what are you trying to do bro I'm just going to get your Golems actually action might come let's not do it it's flip I kind of need 200 gold though because then I have my Mythic right so I want to get 200 gold before I recall if I recall right now it's bad why because I would recall and then I'm like 200 gold away from my Mythic so I go back on the map and then I'd have to recall again do we get this turret it will give me 550 gold that would be absolutely amazing doesn't really make the biggest difference though so I want to get 2400 gold and then recall even though I lose a little bit of Tempo now it give me Tempo in the long run this gives me 50 gold good W in base I guess or I just go for one more weap and then I Rec him all right so to speed my own Tempo here oh this guy doesn't flush I walk through it work so what I'm going to do here CH is actually slow push this way why do I slow push similar to Landing phas by slow pushing here I allow this wave to walk closer and by allowing this next wave to walk closer too I can hard push both waves and get a much bigger tempo tle for myself if I only push this wave and reset I'd have to instantly run back to but by slow pushing wave number one and hard pushing wave number two I get a much bigger Tempo timer and now boom I can just recall and I get an insane Tempo timer okay breathe where do we go next what what do you think I'm going to open up chat what do you think I'm going to open up do we need I'm going to go for this I go for Harold why Harald haral is 300 gold after Herold I look for tier two3 which G 600 gold I don't need to kill the Nar anymore because I will not chase out in this game I need to kill the Echo and the aution they're their win condition right their b l is on five their mid lane is or their top L is one and five but their mid jungle are actually strong so now I have to find ways to shut down the action and I to find way to shut down the echo see nor is freezing Top Lane here do I care no because I can get more resources elsewhere and this is the thing as well people very often feel like oh if my opponent freees on me I need to instantly go there if you can get resources elsewhere that outweigh the resources you're losing in Top Line for n then it's always going to be worth to start roaming so here I get 200 gold and I be I'm going to be both me bot why do I go bot because I can get prior through bot and play for this tier two turret and alternatively I can just R mid and get this tier one turret right so here by going to bot Lane I will create tempo for my team I win silent really hard against Nila and Morgana of course nar's freezing while he's freezing I'm going to make sure I get something else on the map so I'm going to loop around here with the Silas now let's go for the turret actually no we can just walk like this Sil looping around stop looking around though okay both thums this guy instantly f it's okay the action is still really fat the echo is still really fat but I don't care about these guys I'll make them come to me I'm not going to go to them I'm going to make them come to me I have the herald I get 600 tokens here echo's there okay using his Tempo there boom instantly spawned why 600 gold so here I'm expending my lead not by making kills chat but by playing for neutral objectives on the map remember I got the heral which is uh 300 gold and now I'm going to get tier two turret boom plus 600 gold right so now I have 1.5k gold instantly now I'm going to run cuz they're over staying now I can maybe look to to kill them this guy is N9 and two [Music] okay nice wall up where is action his stealth I don't care now we're going to push out this so now we got both tier one both tier two now we're going to get mid tier one we got this guy Summoners we killed the AA or we killed the echo now we get this tur as well and only now do I want to go back to to so what did Nar get well nothing he got some waves what did I get mid tier one Harold B tier two and N of Summoners worth it chat would you argue that's worth it yes yes it's worth it all right let's go for a death is 3K gold so let's try and get 3K gold before recall there's a scul in the river but looks like silus is going to go for it that's all right um aution is still their win condition he's 10 and two so that's the one guy we really have to look out for and that's why I also go for death St first first this is a rep up is respaw but I got to keep in mind I don't want to die with that combo he actually cannot use his ultimate boom we get the 3K gold from this as well and now Chad where do you think I will open up after I recall where should I go after I recall where would you go where would you go after my recall right here where you guys got to go I'm going to go to you know why I go to chat I want to play for the steer two turret guess it's a assist thing I don't care too much about this Dragon right this dragon is not going to change his outcome with this game massively actually if everybody moved there I will go there so now I will adapt I wanted to go top to play for the tier two but it looks like everybody in team is going to go there so then I will go there if Nar stay top I would go top as well because I need to shut this guy down any team can play if I'm here AC flash goodbye enemy last Wing condition n no flashh n flash remember all right Chad the team fight is over when the second the team fight is over I don't keep chasing for kills why don't I chase for kills cuz they're useless I can get so much gold elsewhere I got 150 gold from this wave now I can get 300 gold here stop chasing for kills the second the team fight is over the second I've gotten my kills the second I have Tempo boom use the tempo the Split Second and get turn you saw how that fight was over and I instantly ran to midwave if I didn't do that instant like this I would never get this mid to Turret so I got the mid waves and I got the turret and now I get extra mid waves that is much better than J for a potential Nar kill that maybe I wouldn't even get anyways right so this is how you always get high Tempo High resource income it all revolves around Tempo everything in mid to late if you listen to me closely right everything after the L phase actually revolves around Tempo start understanding Tempo what are ways to get Tempo well for example it's killing your OPP right if they're dead they can't do anything so have Tempo or if they have to recall or if they're Elsewhere on the map so yeah canar is coming top side echo's coming top side aan could be coming tops side I know this guy's no flesh this is a cute light angle it's okay know I get this steer two3 cuz it's 600 gold that's the less like big objective on the M that I can get for free but I need to not die for it of course so we're going to play relatively safe because I don't see anybody on mid lane so they could be sending everybody top so right here I'm going to be a little bit more reserved they even putting this who is this it's Nyla right Nyla is the only one with blue tricket so see they're all top but a you have no flashh you have no life oh beautiful flesh by Mr Echo oh you also had no flesh oh it looks like we just won the game J well there goes the 12 kill action it was almost like I struggle to play against him Pro what I did well chat that's my Tempo and where I opened up did I win because of mechanics probably Landing face yeah did I win because of my backround my temple mostly could do Nash what do I build here I'm going to go guard Angel because I flashh as if they can't kill me how do they do with me and there we get this and I mean I'm just Exodia I'm literally for items when the closest member has two items one item one item one item one item it's completely over it is J for anything I'm not going to use the that going to wall up I'm going to use FL I can do two things right now we can play for Nash but what I can do as well just go Bol and if I go Bol enemy team cannot play for Nash but I'll completely destroy their base so I like going both here more also my teammates are kind of out of tempo actually no they are on Tempo most valuable sweeper this guy has flesh again we got a flash there no other way that was mechanics of course nice keep pushing yo Cletus good to see you brother so we keep pushing s here there could be somebody here I you late nobody here no one home again remember when Echo and action were like kind of scary this game I just neutralized them too easily the only kill this Nar has this game is me mistaking over on Echo aloise that guy is good thank you thank you for the sub thank you B appreciate it thank you so much I kill you for the two months brother all right we're level 16 420 damage on the in sh me passive GG what I I passive all let's one shot some people chat sniper montage now no more this guys three items still going to be a little bit respectful is not well that tickles my ass all right let's get R buff let's heal more Ruff gives you overtime healing and then we get old back and then we'll just deal with them they're getting our old back slowly not enough flash level 17 from one main two I can take up let's do a little bit of mechanic Str oh well okay don't look at my mechanics actually don't look at my mechanics actually oh it's Fortune all right chat we're full build minute 24 what do we get out of the last item I'm kind of vibing with qss here I think okay okay Chad let's do one V5 we get flesh up we level C we have everything let's go let's go one five now we can do now we can go undisciplined now now you can look for Montage if I was coaching you right now i' would say go for Montage you we don't need to do anything anymore we've completed our lines now we can end the game J good good did we learn something new this game did we need something did we learn something new this game oh gragas match up oh what no it's gar match up this is definitely tasty game though gragas Garen elar yeah should run to rest of this game okay this is not going to be an easy game against enemy draft we're going to have a hard game here they have gragas to knock me away they have gar to silence me and they have alisar to knock me away as well there's a lot of things going on in the enem team go that are not good for my Champion so let's go a challenge I like it g flesh ignite conqueror resolve finally the S player this is going to be a very very tricky game for sure now Chad as I always do I have a noooo jungle they have a jarin jungle their jarin jungle is much stronger in the early game than my Noo-noo although noooo can Skirmish what I want to try and do is queue of the wall here and of course prep the first W by getting a w down so I know how jarvin is going to be paing this game all right now this gu is playing with conqueror so so that makes him a little bit more pressive in the early game but one thing you always have to keep in mind is he can Auto q auto but I can Auto q auto q auto right so I actually win the level one simply because I have more Auto attack cancels the only thing I have to be wary of is that if he cancels me during my combo then my Q can run out so that's kind how the level one goes here he's D blade start that's terrible honestly it's really aggressive which I can respect but it's kind of terrible jar is starting top side pathing into bot and noo is pathing into top so I'm actually strong sided here um the only thing to keep in mind here is that jarvin could level three gang top especially because I'm been playing aggressive but with gar leashing here it's going to be easy to get priority uh if you get level two first it's always going to be good for you as well so here we're for strong sided and my plan here is to probably do a second with crash make it bounce back into me jarv is going to go for Golems next so I'm not scared of getting early ganked here by the jarvin no way that jarin does level to G if the Golems CL I want to check if his bone plating but I assume he doesn't but he can still on bom plighting no bom plighting good one melee would actually give me level two I don't need the Caster let's see if the G knows level up D let's see still in Diamond it's working Chad still in Diamond I'm utilizing my level two up ERS and I'm winning my Lane with one trick yeah it's hard to play Le leg bro if you guys are still not doing this in your games you guys are all griefing learn these level of timers out of the top of your head and learn out to space appropriately to abuse it and you will get you'll legit win so many Landing phases now I need one more me for level three let's see if gar knows no looks like G all right nooo is very late on clear I what oh I took enemy Bluff of the interesting JIS here jvin is both sides so I'm going to be pinging here right we know Jin is here level four I'm going to porxy wave number five and right is D is there b chilling and now I can hard push this wave and one go violence to end violence now gar is stuck in Lane whilst I'm already recalling gar has to collect this wave and after that he has to choose does he recall as well or does he look to I'm going to sell potion and get my dblade long sword I like dblade in this match up because Garen plays towards execution ranges right any Champion with execution ranges such as Garen Pantheon OT Troth HP is very broken because of course you keep them out of their execution range so HP is very good now gar has two options he can try to hard push this wave but I'll be back in time because I took my temporary call so now I lose nothing because I proxy maybe I lose one million worth of XP on that I lose nothing and now I have massive items over the G lost one me okay sucks nothing else now jarvin is going to go back into top side cuz there's no camps in both sides so jarvin is guaranteed to be top side again got to keep that in mind here need one me to get my level five all right let's hard push looks like Jarvis is trying to gank maybe choose your own PA are J jarn and gar like brothers they both are like the Masa know all right we wor here so we can scout the second clear of the jarvin now Theory I can just proxy this wave again my spirit is not but can I do anything productive with aoxy I could recall again arguably right or recalling is not that bad or I can Ro M here think I like the roam here it just sucks that I lost one melee cuz losing the one melee that would have given me level six gr got level six there yeah probably not the best play May I should Rec difficult but it's okay gar will be level six cuz he lost zero XP so gar will be level six exactly here all right I need one more melee to make myself level six as well what I'm going to do with this wave is actually make it push toward for me and the way I do that is by pulling the W right here and now push into me because the means don't actually meet in the center they meet close towards the side plus because all the means Agro me and I dropped them at the same time they all Agro the same mean so now the wave will push towards me gar loses a little bit of XP I lost two means already and that might be his third all right G lost three means four means lovely first thing we do when gar comes back as check his items he could have a whip or Tier Two Boots whip so he went full damage here he lost the cannon all right so this G is really really just rushing full damage he wants to one shot me there's a w it goes for Less at all him could have get my last Al in that's gar without W can mean he has W now that's tricky part use W andite let me get that a but come on good job Caster you fought valiantly so I could go for G rink in this game I could go whip refillable here uh but it's kind of risky I think I just kind of like Hydra too much I already double long as well right try to find me good luck I don't need to stay full HP the reason as to why is because garr's got a heart P wave and it should recall and there's still a plant River or there should be a plant in the river plus jar takes it right now and uh the longer I stay in lane or then b r the more means i' be losing all right noooo still hasn't recall 7 Minutes in the game it's like it's so bad that's why when you're tracking the jungl you always have to press tab to see how much Farm they have and what items they have like right now if my if we were to fight a 2v2 this gu these items gu zero items so he just lose by default yo fake Faker welcome mate so we have one plate lead here we have a little bit of a c lead so going F position this is SC respawning as well my spirit is not lost okay there's the pl I was talking about earlier Jin has no or Garett is no old KN rather I know he has a pinkward right here but if I go for the pinkward he can hard P his wave so I don't want to give him prior for free also I'm going to get level eight a little bit before him and my ignite will come back a little bit before his so my first step here would be to try and chunk him towards like maybe 70% of his HP when he goes for last H cuz then all my ignite I can all them for free use W now I do believe this is worth it for me because I can burst so can he but he doesn't have ult yet but I do think the better players should just actually recall I lost a little bit too much HP and he regen a little bit too much actually I'm going to do a trick here wait I'm going to do a trick chat I'm going to do a trick wait I'm going to act if I'm recalling but I'm actually going to walk in the bush he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know surely right surely goes to hard prist wave now surely he doesn't know that I actually did not reset but instead I W do the bush in his face it's really tricky to see like the distinction go e what's up goodbye this is an old trick I used to do it is a little little bit juicy but it works sometimes so instead of recalling the you recall next to the bush and on the very last frame instead of actually recalling you walk into the bush and you think you recalled it's like it's like you don't think about it you know because you just assume you see your opponent disappearing that theyve recalled so you have to S like really close to the bush bush yeah he thought I recall no no no sir I did not recall all right so Kaa is pretty strong the jar is very weak Grog is relatively strong my Z is very okay yeah I mean the game is looking pretty good all right gar start pushing this wave um at this point in the game I never have to kill the gar anymore to expand my lead ultimately I want to look for plates I want to look for um cams I look for basically consistent ways to expand my lead without having to kill the gar right I have I have Hydra only as this so I push waves 10 times faster than he does right now okay he's playing aggressive here so I'm assuming jarv is here also my J is mid and he's showing mid all right I mean I have no idea where jarin is at so now window do all right jar should react to this if he half smart this going to be be a can wave so I want to utilize the can wave to get the plate I hope jarin goes to mid lane because he is the herald here and that allows me to also just P this way going a k no way the J is still here right Ain't No Way chat now he's M oh but does gar know about C CH now I'm alling not to kill this guy I'm alling to get put this guy at one HP so now gar has to choose does he stay on the turret well if he does he's going to die look at this so the thing here is what to learn is when you're slow pushing your waves towards your opponents what you want to do is all in let's say gar recall here he would lose out on these two waves and I would get around three plates right so it would be really worth it for me but if he stays I kill him and I still get all the plates so you put gar in an impossible decision because obviously nobody wants to lose two waves and and and like um lose three playes right so whenever it is your turn in the lane meaning you're slow pushing towards your opponent try to all in as hard as you can to force them in this impossible position because ultimately it's the most uncomfortable place to be in as any player all right I think I'll over stay my temple here just so that I can get these plates for guaranteed cuz I'm only going to have a lot more waves where I can play on does that make sense Chad type one in chat if that made sense else I can maybe rephrase it a bit differently but it was the clearest example can give my hands are good so start abusing this whenever you're slow push towards your opponent try to hard push put them in uncomfortable position now I want to start going to B Lane why because there's nothing for me to really do top Lan anymore and I can play for this two one turn uh uh tobies are so good this game actually so I'm going to be grey so there's too many builds that I can run this game I could go Gore Drinker I could go tabis like I could go Hydra G Drinker because I'm not building a lot of armor I could go tabis and I like death St but I still think that this is completely fine too because I'm already kind of snowballing I to play really smart how do they know I'm here I guess there a war maybe L Ka has a big shut down but in theory right here enemy team still has to recall cuz they got they just got a ton of kills right Ka got like four kills she's dominating now so kaisa should real look to recall and when she's recalling I want to try and get this turet and over stays I'm also fine to fight so realis now that should give me an opportunity to go for this tier one third plat will drop if kaisa overstays okay no kaisa went M so gragas could be here I guess elar is moving here as well I think I have enough time to get this but gar is getting a full tur as wellar is going to flush on to me over the wall oh noar went mid okay I could have gotten it this guys ever Frost got to keep that in mind it sucks that this guy gets a full turret he rly shouldn't I'm going to try and Q3 in this guy's face and then e sideways okay so Q3 in this guys never mind that was a Noo-noo don't get the cannon please let me give me this alone I need full gold I need 1,600 gold oh my reset and then I can also sell my D blade to try and get close to the 1600 1600 gives me Cleaver after cleaver we go probably Eclipse let's [Music] see kisa's here not sure where gar is at not sure where jarvin is at but kaisa is my biggest threat okay gar got full stri breaker from that I still only have 1 1600 so I don't want to Recall yet so we go for Grump instead jarin is fighting mid he has tabi so that's the first armor I actually seeing now so with verifying that jar is going to be building armor I definitely want Eclipse after my cleaver maybe I a SL of a kill here oh he's going to take this teleport learn from your mistakes no okay what I do here is I slow push this side wave why do I slow push it's very similar to laning phase by slow pushing the side wave I allow this wave to walk closer to me and then I'll get double wave and then I can get both sidway guaranteed right but actually everybody is M so I guess I can do it anyways they might use their Tempo on this Herald I really want to try and get the 600 gold but gar is just the guardian so I can't so now we recall um Team fighting is very tricky because CC CC this guy can CC me as so knock up knock up knock up two knockups even so like yeah play 55 is just really really hard this game but I have Tempo on top right now or on both because I push two waves and the side was pushing into me so I'll gladly go top here cuz ultimately if I get high resources I can still carry this game my next item is going to be Mythic probably Cleaver although they don't have that much armor so maybe dust plate is actually better and then after dust blate it also allows it to not knock me up that much right cuz I watch somebody and then I get DUS blate so I think I actually go DUS blade and after DUS blade I'll be looking probably for death stance against the kaisa jarvin don't take any magic resist this game it's only gragas all right I want to try and get this I mean TR should just go B it's okay the thing is this Harold will give me 300 gold and with a 300 gold from Harold I can get a tier two Cur which will give me 600 gold right so ultimately this is a good but no going B like ultimately this is a good investment for me if I can get it cuz it's 300 gold right here right and then that will result into a tier two t which will give me 600 gold but this a good chance J might steal this but I think I've dodged this Vision pretty well okay CH this is massive 300 gold right there you see I'm three kills up right but I'm Legit not even looking for kills I'm looking for neut objectives on the map cuz those are consistent and these will give me my LP so I'm going to sell this and let's get this so right now I got in the 300 gold from the heral I also pushed out the top side wave so I have a little bit of tempo there right gragas is collecting here and now I want to use that heral for this tier two turet granting me 600 gold G getting me really close to three items this guy has two and a half items oh not two and a half two items need it and I'm getting a turet I think that doesn't work like that no oh wa it does what the hell L was broken I might I don't need to H then I don't need to H not TR this is massive you know why cuz now I can just get this turret and I can maybe heral here or Herald here which would be absolutely insane cuz then I can get even more gold yes I'm going to play all to Champions over time no I will just Herald actually cuz the enemy team might be moving for me actually this guy just fled wait it's only elar by the way okay Harold behind Okay get this but by I'm taking my gold I don't get my item yet I need 2K gold chat that I have my item so I think right now we just dip I'm going to get my just is recalling that gives me opportunity to push a d wave there's a camp right here I can take that gives you gold okay I got both our STS and our ult that's massive I'll take that she just misstepped I was Q delaying all the way I was full delaying it and she stepped into my EQ range so yeah that's her mistake I got both her STS and her old that's absolutely massive and she has a recall so that gives us an opportunity to play for Dragon now if I had old bro I would win the game right there it's okay we take it anyways can I wa it give me 200 gold I'll have item I can maybe get enough Tempo to also get the turret because enemy team should also be eyeing the dragon you see I'm not playing for kills at all I'm mainly playing for neutal objectives and the kills will come my way eventually but K St oh she actually recall oh this Skirmish is just bad now I'm not going to go to Skirmish you know what I'm just going to utilize my temple push mid lane here okay I got grp I'll take it they lose oh we lose Dragon but okay I got my Mythic I can also over stay my Tempo here a little bit cuz ultimately if I it's pretty big but they might for Nash they might go for NES now yeah I don't know if they go Nash I don't think I can stop it and I also have a onek shutdown that I don't want to lose I think I have to give Nash here on I can like sneakily steal with ultimate still have a pink on it yeah they're going to don't Nash cuz they're smart what if my old steals it I mean they don't know I'm here oh they know I'm here is no yeah this is what I mean I literally can't team fight by the way this is what I mean with not being able to team fight this game they don't fight me here though like I can't team fight legit lar gragas full one shot me there like I have to avoid team fights there's one more neutral objective for me to play around and that's this tier two turret so I'll be playing for that I guess yes Gore would have been decent actually in fact Gore would have probably been better yes this was a Gore Drinker game why dust plate because they don't really have armor but G Drinker was honestly better yes D blate is bad D is very bad purchase here I should have gone G Drinker you guys are right Gore Drinker death small I car the game I I I probably might even sell this 2.1k I lose 1K gold it's too much I just go for hex Drinker death stance and then we'll see but just I should have went G Drinker this is terrible you guys are 100% right no I don't need eclipse this is the only guy getting Armor All actually this guy is going Z too and this guy's going this guy go armor and this guy has armor too actually eclipse is better what is he doing though this guy doesn't have flush yet that's pretty massive no more guys is pushing our bolt [Music] uh we from EQ we can maybe kill no okay we play for the top tier too I don't know D play is like the worst one Eclipse would have been okay gorer would have been I don't even think G drink is okay armor he's going to armor he's going armor this guy's no I need Eclipse I actually need Eclipse it's still really hard to car this game my mid L is pretty much as a champion she's level 11 my yeah I don't know to kill this one yet okay we got fourth item I think I just finished this but it's kind of terrible no I shouldn't finish it the thing is I do get my my Mythic passive right by finishing this item but I still don't think it's good enough learn from your mistakes okay Ka might have flushing in is W came from here where is she I mean they have Baron R still for 10 seconds so they're out Baron Baron stops at minute three so you can always check if en team still has Baron by checking the timer if the timer after Baron is on 3 minutes the NES is gone for them okay my she has three item now she's pretty strong my spirit is not lost cannot that b damage though I don't son okay massive very good well play by Thresh B okay what can I get M I think I know my some Maximum resource I can get here cuz there's still mid here too there's also a dragon we're getting that so we get lot from this that's the first like real Skirmish I guess that I kind of joined right gar could be looking for me here if not I just get this tier two turret how should I hey you got tier two dragon or tier two dragon you got the Third Dragon in the tier two turret tier two dragon get this R off two do I want guard angel or death St I think guard Angel's kind of better we can Team fight here by the way no too many knockups I can team fight here I have one shot I don't want to lose my flashh either it's Nash in 1 minute we should just dip I should not use anything right now because ultimately Nash is in 1 minute even my teammates die they kind of get nothing with it so it's all right I'll Rico here let me really think here so I can get death St yeah and I also think I should get tabbies n no let's go no J I know I see there with 170 haste holy I I have 63 cool down what 63 only only 63 I'm playing Earth my ear is 2.2 GG okay let's have some fun where are at kaisa I find I don't have much fish in here okay the CER bomba Bomba I'm in this guy's head my movement I got to play so careful against any team one mistake I'm de by the way I don't have guarden Angel one mistaken I'm dead one shot so many knockups we have very fast Nash have two Ed carries and have no SL nice my spirit is not lost I am awaken come here little oh I lo and w wall hops Alo Landing wall hops huh GG this has been a perfect game honestly enemy team was so hard to play against they have a fat gas they a fat kaisa but I just always avoided them and I'm still 300 Cs and some I'm still Nine Kills like enemy team is not even making that many mistakes I'm just making zero love death wi games keep that in mind guys has four items still got to be careful actually it's only the skaw if I kill this we end the game I'm going to kill l good my guys play a bit better perfect game right there jet well that's pretty much the limit she can reach with Riven huh fundamentals tempoal macro like it GG that was one of the better games against a comp that hard counters me like pretty much every champion in enemy team is good against me in one way or another one GG ah yo Ley all right uh who's to Ling here though singed if sing it's very easy because they are um yeah okay so they're both AP I don't need um T this game they have uh you know they don't have any heart to see you should do it alphabetically do you guys think I should do the UN rank to Masters alphabetically or should I just go uh I will also do a mundo on rank two masters yes I will no but the thing is paradoxically I want to do the Champions that get played the most first so I want to do gar and HX first and that is already hard alphabetically so I I think it's not smart I want to do gar and and um H first also I'm only going to do Top Line Jes right all right this thing just called genius smell all right so around Diamond three MMR now plat one this guy is platinum one so this guy is probably a Smurf uh Emerald one I am plat three so this gu is a Smurf as well this guy is Diamond three so we're around the diamond MMR now Diamond three sing player let's go what testicle did I need to give for you to coach me I ain't taking testicles bro you can type esam Mark Discord you send me a d on Discord but uh through pencils not through testicles what you want to do against sing players he's playing with ghost TP so two things that I want to do here first thing is I don't want to allow sing to proxy here so I do that by guarding here and I ask my general to guard here guard here please like uh just just normal just just okay I'm going to do go here good thank you for the te one bro I appreciate it yeah have 50 Subs again today you of the goats thank you so much who's better oh my M this guy might flushy me they have a blit crank as well so you might have to run bro What conflict aits all right so I'm going to war here so I know what L is going to do in the early game nly looks to be starting rep buff I don't know where sing is at all sing could be looking to Pro here let's see if we can find the sing Oh it smells like Piggy over here what is up little piggy they've crossed the line so good remember he does not have flesh yeah I kind of did get access to wave too early on he used both potions though it's okay I'll let this crash you guys know who a good coach is thank you eigor aloise appreciate that that guy is good what was that get Jack's unranked to Master's laughing face yes sir you will thank you so much for the three months I'm very unfamiliar with that badge is that is that like you're working at twitch that's amazing bro good to see you yes we'll also get a JAX on two masters ja is probably like in top five Champions that I wanted do it's going to be Riv first gar a next and then maybe Jack's almostly already belet's can one one him I'm not going to help okay we got 12 out of 12 very good good to see you boss thank you so much for the three n is still passing to top so I got to keep that in mind as well in the meantime we just slow push here I'm assuming s is okay it's TP yeah uh with two waves the maximum he can buy is refill so I don't think there anything other than a refillable potion here yeah I'm going to my level three first and then I'm going to look for a trade here with my level three he's going to get level three as well he has no flash so we can go if he lands knock up then he could be dying I can flush no okay it's too fast actually um if anybody flam my wall up I'm per Banning you yo thank you so much for your Prime bro yo stop it that's going to be an nearly there careful bro you're walking into an okay this wave is slow pushing towards me so it's a beautiful position he could eat Me Right Use Q I'm not going to get level four here exactly from the wave cuz B at Le a little bit of XP uh what I can do here is slow push very slowly uh and then even slow push that wave and then hard push the next wave I'll have pickax in my base and S throughout that entire window is not allowed to walk up the last sets and then I can just look to reset and laylock him so we're still slow pushing here nly died with 13 CS bolt so I guess Bel can actually invade very nice so we slow push this and then we hard push this way vertical a sword mirrors Mr imal good to see you boss I'm do amazing this guy is going to lose all these last hits whilst I'm slow pushing and now the faster we hard push next wave the faster he can recall and the last time this sing gets to play out the bounds he could move to the belet here so I just can't help Focus the cast is the fastest way to hard push any wave beautiful of of course re is very good to hard push waves at level four and now we Rec as fast as possible I got pickax refillable sing has two options here the thing is he literally like stops himself with this by the way smart to S my own planet now the combo did there is you e and at the end of your e animation you can double cast um two abilities once so I E and then I flesh buffer the auto attack and then WQ at the same time click on the ground and I can Auto attack again but I didn't even need it I don't even know my DPI bro I'll be totally honest I bu refillable and we're rushing Hydra there why are we rushing Hydra AP AP Z like gor is okay against them but Hydra is still better especially for Sid linee they have a little bit of burst here but it's okay and after Hydra look at enemy Champions okay so do I need clean for this game most likely not this Champion doesn't buy too much armor this champion doesn't buy too much armor unless she goes Zas no armor no armor could go armor so I probably go Hydra into dust plate and then I go defensive options like death and small and then nobody can kill me anymore okay derp no d t in weld there you go d t in weld I got you boss okay but now I lost my kill window though because I'm trying to pronounce your name the time for talk is over there t in wal all you bro you okay so two decisions here um nearly died both side all says hello 3 thank you for the prime I'm going to this I'm going to instant recall again cuz I can get call fs and long SW with that and I don't need the plates s is Rec or is respawn so he running back to top side as well AE all the main like this and we inst recall we can recall right here oops all right let's go we don't need to buy pink warts pink warts are for noobs because you can't track junglers I can't track the I don't need pink warts watch me die to this newly anyways all good is going to be level six here and uh I'm completely fine letting the S push me in I don't have all so he's probably going to push his away but that's completely fine if he wants a proxy that's okay as well because I can match it I have very fast push and then that will give me tempo as well so uh I think best play for sing right here is to harush this wave and loop out and go proxy I can stop him so if he does that that's all fine yeah and like I said I'll just W it I can't do much about it I don't have my old two Q's will one shot these back lines me in because I have these items and this SC was respawning so I'm going to be eyeing that so s only got the wave but I'm going to wave plus a skel crab and that is why I'm fine with him proxy him because ultimately I am already super far ahead and this is the way I can expend my lead so enemy J is pretty far behind this game but enemy mid laner is really far ahead of my mid laner he's proing there okay near here here do rep up I don't think my mid laner wins this though again two means or two Q's here one CHS this and I want to wait for my q and you can Q EQ through this turret and actually not take any damage five gold for here always make sure you get that so now I Q EQ and I don't take any damage all right so you just got to hug the wall walk as close as you can into third range before your first Q cast and then you take zero damage and now I'll be taking this I actually no it's going to cost me too much HP I think it's better to start this now my Bel vetos should come oh what I I stepped backwards for like no apparent reason by the way what the hell oh thank you nly thank you nly can I get some thank you NES in the chat but I still don't know where my Champion move backwards by the way I will can somebody make a clip cuz I'm fairly certain that I was clicking to towards the N Le maybe I clicked like here so my character started walking backwards because it wanted to walk around the wall so maybe I misclicked and alop paath and switched my Direction but I'm pretty sure I misclicked there or sorry that I should have P like that sorry I'm pretty sure I didn't misclick right no armor no armor no armor no armor no armor you know what that means DUS blade second after hydrat that's what it means I kind of want to Reco cuz I have Hydra this guy's a little piggy it's okay though oh want to do is get one me get my level 9 QQ the back line me and recall okay so here I'm going to get my level 9 first Q QQ all the W let's go what your second best Champion I don't know I can play a lot of Champions rankon Camille Fiora I mean I I kind of want to recall but I guess I'm not forced to yet I don't have flashh hold or anything like that this guy doesn't have flashh at all a why am I getting something for ultimately the play was just bad stop baiting me all right there comes the ego my entire team is kind of losing all right chat low deaths win games let's see if we can make it true my spirit is not lost sing CHP that actually got that's crazy so I got to keep in mind you s TP ref fles s will TP here my hands are so I'm not going to go for the wave we go okay we're a beautiful position you clicked outside Baron and the champion took the automatic path that was going behind yeah okay I thought that was the only reason why my Champion maybe directed that paing so I guess that's actually what I did okay yeah yeah that was really wonky that's I guess what I did I clicked to far up okay let's go so my as's pretty fed my mid and J are really struggling though but she did get the herald so that's pretty good L has no flush it's okay bro Mr genius smell you go do your proxy thing I'll do the same ultimately I'll still get more from it cuz he can only proxy waves but I can proxy wav plus J cams plus Ro mid so if he proxies he only gets um like I'm saying the wave right but I can just get simply a lot more I get the wave plus strong camps plus RS I don't know I can temped to move the dragon here I can do a lot of things first things first grumper boy maybe I'll move to M actually ultimately silus isn't looking too interested in this midwave so it's a full Canon wave ultimately I don't even have to move here to this fight in the sense that if I just stay mid L right here I can get like four plates if Z moves so Z I don't think can do a lot more damage to my teammates if they play well and I'm going to get massive amount of plates so you see here I just play very selfish I play very for myself but if I move all the way B here at maximum maybe I get the kill here on the Z which is 300 gold but if I just move right here like Z killed my belet now right he killed the B it's okay because here in the meantime I'm getting 500 to 600 golds in in plates and waves whereas if I move to the Z here I would have only got a kill maybe and that that is legit a maybe but this is guaranteed that's why I always go for the high risk like Legal ed is also just about um trying to find what's the like the best optimal risks for you right this is guaranteed do you recommend buying the courses over the patron yes if you're very serious about climbing I would recommend the courses to to literally anybody any ELO any Champion you play and if you're um interested to see how they're laid out both courses have like a preview video so you can see how they how they're like um like their style you know so you can um click on that and you can watch free videos before you get the course and um you can also check reviews in Discord because of course it's my word of course I'm going to say my own product is good but and some people that can back me up as well how long are the courses each of them have around 4 hours of full educational content all right I should recall but in the same time s there havep plus plates are dropping soon and on this wave sing will not be there yet so I can har push this wave and get an extra plate and I need 2.4k gold for my Mythic and um I think if I overstay here a little bit my Tempo is all right I'm not really losing out on anything and I can still get plates which if I would recall I would not be getting yes uh d one what I'm doing currently is I'm going to be doing educational on rank two masters on literally every Champion so we start with Riven and then I'll be doing atrox Garen uh like Jack every Champion you know am a i all here just because I feel like this guy actually wants to All In Me now we get a third as well and um yeah now it's just you all right well yeah I got literally everything as in I got the plates I got the turet I got the kill I got the scotle I got all the waves so now now I'm just too strong I I got everything possible there it's simply too good now I need the Caster scared people might come top I'm going to be level 13 whilst the player behind me is level 10 so oh now it's just kind of game over I can play for this tier two I can play for this tier two that would be my next objectives I assume enemy or enemy team wants to utilize their Tempo maybe towards this Herald that is coming up but looks like my teammates are pushing out this B wve already so there's no use for me to move there so instead I move top I farm the camps whilst this wave is bouncing back into me and when it's back into me then I'm just going to push top and look for a top tier too don't you get these cams who do you think is the best micro Ren probably wi shin and uh for EU it's definitely uh built and na it's probably VIP right is a very Timmy metim thank you for two months brother thank you so much for your Prime appreciate it boss you have a very distinct name all right s is both they're both one HP Z not sure where this guy's at so I try to always Q theay whilst I'm hitting the turret because if enemy Champion would to walk up I could do like Q over the turret and then instantly EQ again right so I'm like prepared for anything happens so that's why I always que delay when I'm hitting turrets and not actually fast spamming my qes proxy this so the next wave can walk up too there's still tier to tet to play for here so you see when I'm ahead like this chat I'm not looking for kills I'm not looking to fight I will legit let enemies come to me right I'm standing on his shadow so he legit can't even Shadow anywhere else when you fight against a sh or against Z in a s Side Lane me like I said I'm not even looking for the kills they just coming to me and now we're just going to go Reco and both and play for this 600 gold right here goodbye me Team all now that is a little bit harder to replicate obviously that is all mechanics but he we take those and now we go death St and we buy this and now we're going to be tanky against literally everybody else everybody has one item I'm three uh one item one item okay two items in here one item one not even one item one one one I three en GG's um anyways what I was explaining I don't even remember I think what I wanted to explain is when I'm this far ahead in the game I don't need to look for kills anymore I need to get all the possible gold that I can get on the map and most of the gold on the map is in Harold tier two turrets and jungle camps and side waves right so that's what I'm playing for and then I get so ridiculously far ahead that eventually I'm just literally Unstoppable and then that happens what Champion will be the hardest you think champ like I don't like tanks in Solo qu because you're more more reliant on your environment than anything else so I really like dislike playing tanks because even if you get a lead on those Champions you don't really carry games easily you kind of need a good environment that's why I'm not the biggest fan of Tanks myself but there's some things that are fun to play I think Jo is really fun to play I think Sani is really fun to play I think Mundo is fun to play s is fun to play but champ is like or bro no oh we got the run the match up probably in master 7 more so this can go this can really go either way but let's go we finally get a rank to match up in higher MMR to we still play with full fundamentals and one in arguably the worst match up in the game like I've for been this Champion for the past 5 years so let's go now one thing that I'm already noticing is it's 80 damage no true damage 80 damage no true damage 80 damage no true damage if you guys don't know how death St work if you take damage as a as a champion when you have death St you take 70% of the damage instantly and 30% % of the damage you take over time and you can heal and shield that but true damage negates that passive but since they have zero true damage it's already looking really good for me to look for a death St so my build ID here is gor drink a Cleaver death stance and then I'll be absolutely unkillable later all right so they only have Oriana's AP damage the rest is full ad so it's going to be G Drinker Cleaver death St maybe like a ha Rinker in between uh do any double tenacity no I don't I think I just take un flinching here but I'm going to El here although it is he bankton all right we're in full massr yes we go resolve into the rankt match up without resolve it's absolutely unplayable yo I just wanted to say I just got to Emerald after being gold for years because I found your videos TKS all right so I'm going to go long short refillable or sorry long short three potions against rankt you can also go deite I still like long sword so it allows me to play a little bit more aggressive in the early game how you want to approach this matchup is you want to try and okay he's also playing fles knite the way he should be and I want to try and get his bone pting out now this match up is losing for me after like level two level three right especially his Fury but level one I actually win this match up because he can only Auto q and I can q auto q auto q auto so level one I win this match up I want to utilize my level one strength if I don't I'm going to have a very hard match up to play well this is looking pretty solid right to W start shut up don't say anything it happens and that's just it so long I've wed all right CH going back to fundamentals going back to Fun First Time chat are saying good F yeah yeah bro thank you anyways what we got to do here chat is we are uh going to mentally be resilient and um we're going to drag the me here let them ageg gr to me by making them EG to me they should all Focus onto the same me right here and that might make it so rankon loses 1 million worth of XP but in the meantime I still want to also try and match the priority because I don't want rank to get full priority for free all right loses one melee that's already very massive for me so with him losing one melee me I can look to try and mismatch the level up timers and look to punish him still he has bone planting already be wary of that tried to get it couldn't get it it's w set I forgot about that now I want to kind of wait with getting my level two but I couldn't he's walking forward anyways so this is what rank should not be doing and rank match up is beaten why because they don't respect level up timers in Master's ELO Master's ELO re is level two yeah well well anyways that is why I say know your level up timers sync your kons my kons weren't even properly synced and I still got the kill in Masters by the way and if you guys are not able to do this in Gold your plane lying or your fingers are disconnecting if I can do this in Masters and Diamond one consistently you should you you guys should be able to do this Masters now kind of tricky purchase here because I want to go for the gore shrinker so I think what I do here is actually go this no I won't I bet this I guess I want to go for gor I can't go double long for there it's too it's too awkward there we won our lane he has no potions that's really one thing to to recognize here as well I have two potions so if I trade equal HP to the rank in here I will greatly benefit why because I have potions and he does not Heim could go to his BS side here still or he could return to top side I'm not entirely sure what this Hecker is going to do but assuming that Sho is here I think heck will go Bots side uh I'll ping that this guy has no flesh and Sho might look for a gank here like I said this trade is fine for me why chat because I have potions he does not have potions so I like the strength also he doesn't have e hereo your own and the rank the match up is gone done dusted fundamentals and a little bit of mechanics here and there and game over now I'm going to hard push this wave I'm not going to slow push and make it push into me because I want to look for a reset again unfortunately I will still again not get the gold for a pickaxe but it's okay it's okay we can live without or I do a Sinister idea here and I actually got a proxy I like my Sinister plan here because this next wave will give me exactly 130 gold and that will give me enough for my pickax now rington has to walk through the turret anyways and I just hope he isn't here rankon can't really stop me he should go for the wave if he doesn't he's trolling all right so rton has to go for the wave and that allows me to get enough gold for my pickaxe I don't need the cter I have my pickaxe now now we can recoil and now we get our pickaxe yeah yeah I don't know chat what else we want a mass player still falling for the same traps that I showed you guys in I taught you guys the first game on this account to utilize your level two timers as Riven and I just killed a mass renon doing the same thing he has no ignite I have ignite we're getting flesh at the same time I'm going to be level six he will not be I can look to solo kill him here again because I'm going to have ignite advantage and level six Advantage so let's try and set that up from youres yes this is ranked what do you guys mean yes this is ranked of course it is all right just hit level five I'm halfway to six so let's prep to six here and kill this guy first of all prep his bone plate thing there we go I still have mine I'm going to full qay here and I'm going to try and all in him on my Q3 I wanted to e for it cuz he thinks he have no okay I just prate I can dive him now I'm not sure where the heck is at that is my only fear but he has no e right now he has no fury he's no here we should be able to kill him here although I'm still not sure what he him is at the time for talk is over no more that was mechanics that was nothing short of mechanics but I had to Old ignite Advantage so yeah we get that one we get that one today we Thea good timer thank you stradley for the months thank you boss appreciate it I mean yeah GG and now we just build HP and the reason you build HP at this point in the game is because if I'm already ahead right so right now I am extremely far ahead to the rington the most important thing of course is to not lose my shutgun anymore if he kills me once he pretty much gets two kills if they get an assist they almost get three kills on me so my first and foremost goal is to never die again so what I like to do in these kind of scenarios is build defensive I have enough damage to kill rennington right but if I build defensive I will still have enough damage to kill rington but he will never be able to kill me anymore and that's why you build defensive when you're ahead I can still kill him he cannot kill me anymore he says how can play and goes AFK I'm going to hard push this wave could make it push towards me because but he's going to be level six and he's going to have ignite so I don't want to I just want to get priority and maybe we can look for oh we can't look for it's only 7 Minutes in the game I thought we were a little bit later it's all good good though can maybe look to invade the he let's see where he goes after the midwave he might get level six though I'm going to proxy here this turret is taking damage I don't necessarily need to kill he right here going to proxy see if we can kill okay he did get level six War right here okay he's done these camps Harold is coming up soon maybe I can hit this plate once or twice we get a plate got to make or the r to choose here hit it once all right this guy already killed the he if he has to e for it's not a good trade for him anymore he thinks I can kill me but like I said I've been building defensive a little bit so he simply doesn't have enough damage to kill me I still have enough damage to kill him now I'm going to have full G Dr as well all I need to do right here is get one plate I'll have my full gour Rinker we reset and I mean game is pretty much over I killed it there without ult and ignite and he had both so from this point onwards if also if rank the false B in the early game right you just just becomes such a usage Champion I always St check in for the rest of the game so yeah I mean this match up even though it's one of the hardest matchups in the in in the in the game like arguably this is one of the hardest matches to play in Top Lane I think like gron just count his Riven in every regard besides level one level two well I wanton my match up level one level two even if he buys Bor do you still win yes I'll always be too far ahead for him to do ever do anything so next item is going to be Cleaver and then after Cleaver I go death St and then it's pretty much GG now I could go CD arits this game and the reason I go C the r boots over tabbies is because if I go C the r boots especially when I don't have um Transcendence here too I would at least have 40 ability haste and with 40 ability haste I can somewhat K delay if I go Tavis here I will only have 50 ability haste once I have Cleaver so now I need a full Cleaver to get my 50 ability H so think C ARS is completely fine here I'm going to f k and I can pretty much zero this guy what taking any tra here is good I have Al that they going to be level 9 and uh we just di this guy I can face tank him whilst diving him by the way I just I am a like I said I can face tank it cuz I'm simply too strong and I even have G drinker so at this point in the game like look his it right he only has 15 extra ad with this it's just absolutely unplayable for him and now we take over and now it's a g g my team is doing well too good how should I proceed heck good on top side I'm going to slow push this a little bit because by me not killing the turd I allow this wave to walk up a little bit closer and then I can Farm comfortably plus I deny the cannon I'm stingy like that now we get this this wave is in my range now to form very comfortably and we reset again I mean do I need to say more it's GG P could move I guess so I go here safely um I have a lot of options here I could rush into the cleaver here I think it's fine so um my team is stomping the rest of the map as well so I don't need to really expand my lead I can just play chill here everything is winning B is winning my is winning jungle's winning so the game is absolutely over choose your own path Okie doie okay that bless bless City I'm I'm think I'm Legit going to get two items before this guy gets his first item poor fellow Oriana could come here I guess so not sure what is the best m in your opinion if I was a mid lane and I wanted to one trick a champion I would probably go for CIO P because I feel like that champion is like biggest 1 v9 potential out of all the mid laners like full one9 in most scenarios you win Sid Lane every time and you have very strong Lane and like you have strong level one strong level two and you can always s Side Lane so that's why I would go for champ like copia if I was a mid Lan man I probably want for copia this guy's nothing I will the a flesh he literally tickles me by the way go GG ever play kill I haven't played in much but I will be playing kill on rank to Masters I feel like uh you know like a Chinese Riven where I take uh I leave rankon open I solo kill him level two I take tier 2 at minute 12 and yeah game is pretty much uh over I have two items before this guy's close to one plus Tier Two Boots top in the season who to OTP I think rton is really good to OTP right now Garett is really good uh to any player that wants to like climb right now I recommend rington I also have a video on my YouTube about rington Camille is also pretty good Camille Garen uh rington I mean Riven is one of the best 1 v9 champions in Top Lane so that's why I'm a Riven main right I like to 1 v9 I like to win Sid Lane I like to be taking the game into my own control so that's why I play these Champions that uh that like best for V ning all right I mean this game is uh this game is pretty much in the pocket as long as we don't end and they we fine let's see I can kay on this Oriana and killer so if you want to set up kills with r what you want to do is you Kay and K again and then I can pretty much do nothing because she walks away like a little beit top three one9 champions in Top Lane I would say Jack trinar driven Fiora is up there as well Jack Fiora because they can kind of do everything the thing with triner Jax and Riven is they can all play sidelane they're all good in lane and they can also team fight as well f is a bit more time team fighting I think camil is harder camil is a lot harder because you have quite a bad landing face yon is pretty good as well yeah okay F if Oriana goes both we just one shot her I'll show you guys what I mean with fuk okay well they leave every time mate leaving every time mate I'm just playing for the tier to tur then eventually they'll come to me I don't necessarily need to play for kills they'll come to me if they don't I just get tier two turs like that okay bro found this item let's go boss oh F that was a banger both of you do damage oh red white aili don't want to be too fast all right chat that's it that's it another Mal fight match up let's go so here we see something different it's Mal fight and Brier Brier is mostly a physical damage while Mal fight is a mix so here I can kind of go for both ad health and armor but I think I should just go Health here because it's kind of a combination are you going to play Shen anytime soon I will also do Shen on rank two masters but I'm not sure when it's on the list okay what what the hell what a full Master semr okay let's full focus on the game this Ash has no potion so she might want to hit like a plate and get like refillable she's looking for stuff so I'm going to go here cuz this guy's going to play like a psychopath by looks of it no that guy just dead well looks like it worked they literally playing away from me as well like they're running away from me you know well well well well well will this mfet actually has the comet inspiration setup so it's not that aggressive and also Brier starting Raptors whenever enemy oh and he has D shoeld start with Comet whenever enemy jungle starts Raptor chat be very wary because what enemy jungler can do now is do Raptors and rep puff and then Golems but what do you think they're going to do after Golems they could gank me in Top Lane right oh sh was invading okay this is going to be a banger early game right so I'm trying to pay attention to both jungles here what they're doing but it's very important that I do a second wave crash here and why second wave crash because then I'm not G oh actually Brier skipped Brier is right here level two here against a master top ler still works there we go beautiful trade here why level up Tim GG still got half his HP right there are you not convinced yet about this level up timer trick chat get priority in the matches where you can this Bri just got got uh scammed I would say if this guy goes Q I'm fine with him using Q onto me because it legit drains his Mana so fast okay it's w e okay two two means for level three two melees here and I get my level three Oh I thought I'd be walking out of the E he needs one more me for level three as well going trade some alt attacks beautiful that's okay loses him so much mana and he didn't have bone or Mana flow anyway so I don't mind this I would to probably BS are going to both side right now right but I only scams in both Sid so what I want to do here and start hard pushing I'm going to crash wave four right here and then proxy wave number five and then either recall or look for scotle because both jungles are both side So the faster I hard push here the faster I can start proing as well and now m is stuck on the turret while he's stuck on the turret when your level four is Riven you can hard push the backline means if you land all your q's and your W's so here what I doing this kind of match ups I go here right and I queue this AE and then my w almost kills everything the castes die the M are bit trick Here and Now I can just Reco for free m is still going to be collecting this wave and you see this is the next wave I'm supposed to play on and I'm pretty much back in time with that wave uh you can go for double long here but I'm going to go for just the call fuds gives me a little bit of ability H I'm fine with this so here I lose absolutely nothing now mfet can choose he can recall and walk back I can recall and TP back but ultimately I'm losing zero means and zero exp for this proxy right and you have to do it efficient like me it requires some practice but now I'm back in in m is pulling the wave he's making it push towards him again that's okay right I again I lose nothing okay maybe I lose this one me because he put it so that's well done by the Mal fight and it's pushing towards him but I'm still completely fine Bri's 12 CS she's probably still going bide M sh is going up okay good to know how should I proce M might want to que for the cannon beautiful okay okay solo kill Master moled how did I do early game wave plans and then I get the item on the bounds he walks up for the cannon we get our kill we get his flashh we get his TP he gets triple cloth armor that's what we call crunch but it's okay we don't need to kill him anymore we're in a position right now where we don't necessarily need to kill this guy to still get strong in the game right I can't get pickax so it's just forced to buy this I suppose and this is like the most awkward kind of purchase to have on R because you really want that 900 purchase on pickaxe but it's okay I couldn't get it this game not much I can do about it so we should be hitting level six on the same timer here because I got the solo kill but one thing I have to keep in mind here is that I don't know okay he's maxing Q did 126 damage uh plant spawns in the river at 6 minute okay he's already level six right so I got to be a little careful here cuz if Brier even ganks me here with the Mal fight Al I'm just always dead also with MAA getting pryo it's not really that Worth to me to look to trade that much because if he pushes in this wave he's going to be the first to walk towards the river and get the plant right so I always got to keep that in mind the plant spawns around 610 so here it doesn't make too much sense for me to look for trades literally at all and I'm still doing it this is what you call idiot game play and I didn't have my e if m is smart he pushes in this wave goes for the plant and I'm kind of stuck in Lane he's not the smartest this guy is running out of Mana to by the way he has no Mana for ult if he goes for PL now it doesn't matter you know why like he's going for it now but that will give me enough time to just hard push this wave and recall if he did it earlier instead of sitting under my turret I would be in a hard position but now I actually don't care cuz now I just hard push the wave sure he gets a play now it's like who cares and who asked so now I just get my fre anyways but I can't buy or like thrift shopping I guess we buy Ruby Crystal and we go for Cleaver now they have a five kills Ash if you can't buy pickax in any of your early game recalls you're probably forced to just go Cleaver cuz else it's just too hard to get to your first item yes but he didn't have enough Mana to all in me their clone Cy and now I get a freeze so what I'll do here to hold this freeze is I'm going to war the second Bush see how the M responds and now he's staying in Lane which is fine but you see he needs 100 meta for his ult so I want to try and get him down to lower Mana use your e nice going to use Q as well nice I have 12 conqueror stacks and he doesn't have Mana for cannot go unpunished what do you think of that Chad what do we think of that now of course the added knowledge that you guys need here is that Mal fights all cost 100 Mana that is something I I know that not every that probably not everybody knows right but here this is my second kill on m fight still only by manipulating my reset purchase by by reset timers right and then also canceling the m fight reset timer here by holding a freeze so twice this m fight has died not necessarily because I mechanically outplay him but because I'm playing better with my reset timers my Tempo and my wave manipulation that led to the kills all right type one in chat if you learn something new to thing face okay that's a lot of ones I'm happy good chat and yeah we end up rushing Cleaver simply because we could get pickax I could still pivot and go for this but I think just finishing Cleaver here is completely fine and we're in good position all righty so we just go Cleaver here this game now I don't like to rush this item there's two two reasons why I don't like to rush this item one thing no sustain second thing no wave clear from like my item right m is missing where is this guy he should have be back already he did blue buff and he is B what the hell okay he doesn't have TP that's just really really random he should be back already um okay that's okay though M at going both they're both is their win condition I don't know if he's trying to push them more or just tired of Landing against me and my fundamentals But ultimately I like this scenario but you see my wave play is very limited here because of Cleaver if I had Hydra this wave would have already been in m is still bolt this is like a bad thing because the thing is my Bol L loses 2v2 anyways so by m being there it doesn't really change anything but I can you get a massive amount of resources here so I'm never going to try and match this I'm just okay Mo flash it and Al it probably and yeah I'm getting two plates so I don't don't mind this too much I'm just playing for my own resources holy Mo y lion thank you for the 10 again bro every time y lion entrance like just hopes in the Stream is like here have 10 thank you brother I appreciate it Buzz the goat the absolute goat okay let's keep Focus up here so their Ash is really strong their Ash is pretty strong um my met are playing fine though they're just even in the game uh after this Cleaver we're going to go Hydra for sure I'm probably building TM at first just so I get the wave player that I already wants and because ultimately I'm not really looking to kill this m fight anymore I'm just mainly looking to expend my lead through camps waves stuff like this they could look to gank me here but M doesn't have flush old so I think I can just get the full turret here and that's a good thing for me that would just greatly put me out in terms of gold yo moas it's me yo B box tow welcome okay my got solo B that's unfortunate all right Chad it's tmat plus CDR boots angle and I have two options I could if anybody flams my wall I'm Perma Banning you g i g a m a l p h uhoh must really happy happy 02 thank you for 6 months and this was grief now the reason why in here is two reasons first of all I knew that Mali doesn't have flesh and ult there so I can chase him and kill him um but I think she just flashed um yeah I didn't take to account of the Brier that quickly and um the asold of course now the thing that sucks the most is that uh this kill of course puts me down very far cuz if I didn't die I wouldn't lose this cannon wave I could have formed these two J camps and maybe this Camp as well so the death here I give a shutdown first of all but I also lose a cannon wave I also lose a plate and I also lose the potential of having being able to farm this jungle Camp so in total I lose around 1.2k gold here so this death was very bad let's refrain from deaths like this and let's play very very disciplin for her out because I can still carry the game but remember like I always say especially on a champion like Riven low deaths win games okay I need resources I team died again it's okay I can still carry this game we just got to play really disciplined okay this wave is pushing towards my mid laner and LeBlanc what plates so I all I'm going to try and do right now at this point of the game is how can I get maximum gold income for myself that's all I want this wave is pushing it into me malar probably wants to recall here and he in towards both side right so we going to look for Scuttle and then for two mid waves and maybe even a plate right so mob is mid my entire team died I don't mind it too much I'm going to try and get maximum gold income for myself that's all I need to do to try and carry this game B has a big shot down now is respawning I can get a plate here too right so I push a top wave I got Scuttle I got two mid waves and I'm getting two plates here so that's a massive amount of gold leblan is coming back so after this PL I'm dipping PR could come back with extra items too and now we just need to farm for Hydra I think we need 750 more yeah there we go 750 we got Hydra then we can start looking to really expend lead they're going to play for Herold in 1 minute so I might just want to be B Lan by that time so that whilst they play for Herold I'm just B Lane look to get myself more F I don't want to 5v5 I obviously lose 5v5 against a team fight right now so I think here I just want to hard push this wave and goalt already and the reason I want to be Bol is because enemy team in theory should play for Herold your own okay Ezra goes B here but as just stop right so I can One V one fight against and I can even look to kill him on S Side Lane I'm going to Ping her to go mid ah this gu is muted okay so Ash ult is one thing I need to be wary of Lord is it owner 4 400 gold we got our Hydra this as is full or this third is full HP Ash BL mid that's a recall okay malet could be running into bot right not sure M could also be around heral wait nobody enemy teams around Herald okay m is here very weird game right now their mid turet is really low I need one more WAP and I have my Hydra I'm thinking here what if I proxy but I don't see Bri here right so if Brier was on this heral I would have proxy but right now do because just because I'm not seeing Brier I'm not yeah I don't feel safe enough to proxy I'm still very sad about my one death cuz it put me behind so far okay there's the Brier she about magic Andes like I'm going level up by the way no way all right he made a really big blunder by even fighting me those are the best ways for me to try and get back in this game bar is probably not looking for me if she is it's okay it's a good death because I get this whole wave I I just Reco here if I die I die it is what it is while walking back to L now I can go yeah okay it is what it is uh next item so 80 damage 80 damage but it's going pretty tanky tanky right so tank and tank so I think here my best item is going to be eclipse and I can explain this as well if I go g Drinker I only get HP ability haste I don't get any any armor penetration uh dust plade is very good for extra ability haste and movement speed as you see the Mythic passive but because they have a full tank Champion here and this guy is really tanky too I go for Eclipse cuz if you read here it gives me armor penetration at move speed so this is arguably the best uh yeah I did end up dying sucks but I couldn't really go anywhere else um he gets a tur here it's okay I really want to get this rep off what this would be insane okay nice they trade one for one one but mon River okay while this W is pushing towards me that gives me an opportunity to look get this quickly we can car this game but we got to play really really smart with resources jet that's like the only way I can car this game pretty much we really got to get all the resources we can on the map all right I'm level 12 but there's other players in the game that are level 12 as well all right this wave is walking this wave is going to meet as well but whilst he doing that I can farm this Camp as well so we just got a rep off and we just got a Croc camp for free they only have one Dragon but they're probably going to play for next dragon uh I am both side which kind of sucks um maybe I should have been top but I don't think I could have been top all right so I push this out I think Ash no flash but I can't hit bot L here cuz they could gank me uh I could look for a 5v5 But ultimately we don't win that so maybe we can play for this and this and we say skip drag try turrets oh that's pretty big that should secur mider one as well I mean that is just really good luck and okay we got the heral too but I want to try and use this Tempo to go top in as well and if enemy team plays for Dragon I can utilize that Tempo to get this and maybe get this and this is 600 gold so I'm going to ping my team to not fight for this cuz I don't think I still don't think we win I two items two and have items two items like I don't think my team should be fighting thing so I'm going to Ping them away hopefully they listen and I'm going to utilize the tempo that we have right now how should I like to I they're too strong you know we can 55 we don't have M so it's better for me to look to cross map here to gain maximum resources look my CS now right also if I get this tier two turd that's 600 more gold the blun could come choose your own path Le Blan can still come here it's okay sadly M was top well played by him he has good macro too right it's very good for him to be top but I'm going to Recon go b l now I'm going to play for this Nash is up in one and half minutes so now it's time for me to go botland again um I'll get Durk against three players that have Zero armor and let's see if we can play for this tier one now ultimately I only have three kills but I'm the closest to three items of anybody in the game even though this guy is well this guy has 11 kills uh this guy has eight kills right but I'm still maybe even ahead of them in Gold What conflict await I'm not really getting a lot of kill opportunities he took my wave already if Ezra walks up here I'm kind of scared that there could be other players potentially nearby I think the skel was gone but okay B reconing would be amazing I going to try and verify that okay so she has recall their next objective their next neutral should be Nasher okay L Blanc there that's there I'm going to try and probably get this under M's nose oh m is top okay we've seen everybody on the map nobody's here only Brier could be here from base nobody else is here guys know who a good coach is aloise that guy is good good 1,300 for Mythic by the way I don't have sweeper no okay we got to dip Vitas thank you for the prime bro 300 go for a Mythic this guy is playing aggressive so there's probably still people looking for me here I just always try and utilize my Tempo in a way where I can get resources for myself so now we push this out first wave I'm going to instantly go for Golems my team does have really fast Baron with these three so we have really fast bar if they look to make a play on me the one you want to get B for me is very easy because look at their items right she's also building magic resist but I have full damage and 100 gold off so I'm going to m fight here I want to L against Le I can 100 to zero if I kill l so let's see here two options I think I want to hard push this just to create pressure for my team they can't really 4v4 but if I get pressure from both side enem team has to always be careful of me right I could Reco for my Mythic right now m is looking to flank as well you like that chat holy that guy's boosted didn't that has monster boost by way I mean I predicted the BL W but my my Ms are a stroke mid game happens bro I mean they could play for Nash I don't have all for 30 I can't really stop it they play Nash my Sho is trying to weave in as much damage as he can so that's good oh no right everybody died of course there's a wor here I don't know how to play I I I can't really do much when my team is permanently dead you know I can't stop them I didn't have old just have it maybe I shouldn't have went for EZ and stayed around the Nash maybe I misplayed but hard to say in hindsight I also use my flesh on a one kill as a r it's very tricky for me to get anything here dragon is in 130 but the side wave here is pushing away from me so it's not too appealing for me to go here I don't know who left a side wave like this but he's kind of a piggy this is my side wave it's still my one death that really turned around this game can still try and win though I think we should skip this Dragon again but to be fair I'm also three items in and continuously cross mapping is not really going to carry this game anymore I should look for a pick or something like if I can onot this guy we can play for Dragon you're kidding me by the way well that's just pure playing unlucky I think she flashed as well and I use my old again a moment of nice out play all dying you are kidding me with that what the hell is that healing boss what the hell is that champion I could even do e like something if I get that onek I can car this game ah so hard to play bro it's hard to play again I didn't have Team fight or my old in a team fight though I don't want this guy to take my so long ah I mean we got s flesh and M flesh but yeah this m is always going to ult me so it's very tricky to play uh I I I'm trying to pick up this L Blanc right if I got to pick on the L Blanc it would have been such a free team fight but she ah she got just out of my range it's so sad like her W just went out of my old range if that leunk dies the game looks different uh this B almost is full build very nice M there's no ult and no flashh my is not push it to the limits there is he dead no he ain't dead would have been amazing if he died I can get guardan angel from this at least who got the onek shut down Z did okay I forgot about the Bri was just 3 one in there one shot the ash tank the S kill the M too please solid please don't all be dying though Pro we 1350 we have 1450 we got guard Angel but next wave is a cannon wave I just need to make sure I don't miss this Cannon and we're chilling okay I don't have enough Tempo to get this turret I do have four items now see I only have five kills but I'm still the first player in this game to get to four items the as can me here it's probably going to be an ash here so I'm still the first player to hit the four items here even though I have four kills right this guy doesn't have four yet this guy doesn't have four yet so that's just because I've been farming very consistently and and playing for my neutral objectives I have flesh now too pretty sure es fles last fight my Zer and moard do skill so that is one very big benefit now next objective is the mo The Nasher right so I think the most important thing for me to do here or next objective is is Nasher my team should not die I want to push out both wave so the side wave opposite to the neutral objective is at least pushing towards my opponent so then we have Tempo in one way or another I don't have TP so I need my teammates to back off and not die because M can TP and I cannot and I like it's 55 for NES so I even get a Tempo timer here to look for this turret if M isn't here if m is here my biggest goal is to try and just just chunk him if I chunk him the next fight should already just be a little bit easier right the more HP he loses the easier next fight should be in theory he might have to recall too okay this is really really good they're all ohly a can this die okay mechanics okay too far too far too far old okay surely we get NES and stuff right team Dunes how are be dead please do NES can't do more CR line M or M gets a tier two come come you pigs what the are why are we not doing this the time for talk is over n if Bri Ste it now I'm going AFK by way yeah now we guess oh now I guess we can't do it legit legit this Zer is playing full muted that's what happens when 8 car full mutes it's okay like I guess we don't want Nash we just got to stop the soul now that's a few full muted ad carry by the way any clappers for Zary any clappers for that ADC carry brain that's what happens when you when ADC brain thinks for herself very nice very nice that I can sping them anymore either good job right games okay okay they died so look at this okay now we're actually in control they don't get Soul now let's get Nash as well cuz Bri is dead I'm full bu already so I don't even need more gold but I can always sell items right because my guardian angel is uh on cool right now so I can always sell it so I can play for this tier 2 turret gives me 600 gold again which is very nice we got to be careful for Ezra and and and as I guess I don't have guarden Angels so we can't really dive him for free okay that's okay we don't go it's all good we got ases flash um I mean I'm going to push out the stop wave what should I get for item though have Guardian Angel is it just Ras maybe Mo I don't have any magic assist right I just get all or just keep I think I maybe just keep it keeps is here I'm getting Tempo towards this the the baron buff is off of this wave so they don't know that I'm actually here because these me aren bar Buffs I'm hogging the both side of this bush so Le Blanc doesn't know that that I'm actually here it doesn't look like the Blan is coming though I see M right there so let's get this turret now it's plus 600 gold 2 and a half minutes for G Angels still very far away we got M as well okay this guy's three items we got an an PR here what Sher doing there it is I don't think I can help the brao we're dying here too assuming M Ed oh [Music] behind P some Riv moment hey that was a Penta by the way he doesn't take that from me can this guy stop healing too please all right the most wholesome River moment in the game that's what happens when Riven gets full built and uh that's how you can still m v on your games yeah this game was absolutely unwinable but somehow we did it yeah sir yeah sir all righty all righty Unstoppable I think that's a thing you can only do on Riven though yeah Riven definitely is one of the better Champions at trying to still carry games like this it would be harder for a champion like hro to to to replicate this at the most wholesome River moment who wins as you're going in Mele oh no wait I mean they both did go into mid range though like this e went into mid range same as the Blanc plus 69 Banger how much gold we behind Z Road not damn care yeah yeah yeah you know yeah I don't know bro that guy Zer kind of tried her best if I'm brutally [Music] honest
Channel: AloisNL
Views: 815,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of legends, League of legends Riven plays, League of legends riven challenger, challenger coaching league of legends, Alois Riven, Alois_NL Riven, league of legends cinematic, league of legends music, league of legends reaction, Riven Montage, Riven guide, League of legends riven coaching guide, league of legends laning tricks, aurelion sol rework, akali, irelia, league tier list, 1v9, challenger
Id: Gua-wZBzmzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 6sec (13986 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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