Irelia Mid is so fair! Bruiser items aren't OP! Tank entire teams and still kill everyone!

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hey everybody Welcome to the next commentary today we are playing some there's a person behind us aelia midlane versus Renekton so I'm guessing he counterpicked me um so this should be who who is he talking to anyways um this might be a challenging midlan I mean I don't really play aelia that often so I don't consider myself that good at her in fact I've played a lot of AP irelia but we're not doing that this game and she feels not that bad because uh AP ratio on her W is crazy her e has a good base damage and AP ratio ultimate hits twice so we'll see how it goes playing Just standard we're going to go bort because that's where you always go and then that will probably help out quite a bit with the healing aspect of uh my champion I mean that's all I can do dude where are you going this guy is soaking so much exp right now okay he's just D like good try brother I'm not really sure what that was but this guy also has ignite still wow I actually killed him at level one that's so gigantic use Q twice there to put myself under turret and then immediately get back I landed my uh stun so that refreshed our blade Surge and the most important thing I know if you really want to be good at aelia is you need to be Auto weaving between qes because if you only use your que when you land blades here like you that just it's not going to work you need to be Auto weaving all the time um so I think that was the real thing that enabled us to kill him there that we were able to get off some nice autos Pro Player bro I've never heard of this David goggin's with my message him dardo I don't think D's oh yeah he's just a coach he's not pro anymore so I went for a little bit of a trade I don't know if that was worth it though because like I lost so much damn Mana though so I'm just going to run away you know I don't want to get hit by fiddle six fear there it's really bad if I do we do have TP thankfully so even if I die it's not like the end of the day for me so that's pretty nice going to stun him and get the minion not bad little bit of an awkward position to be in cuz I need to get the cannon but he clearly wants to not give it to me oh what got it you can hit me with everything it doesn't do really matter it's not going to deal enough to kill me so I'm pretty happy about that there's no way fiddle six flashes over the wall to kill me right hope not that was not the real fiddle sticks can you kill me from this HP oh ouch dude that hurts but I have my item you know what because you're not just like shoving this out immediately I think I should just base here I had no Q angle I could have went for a q stun and no reset I guess but he had double e yeah I'm coming doesn't matter if I miss right it does real no whatever nice try if you guys kill him that's great wow Renekton EAS CD is lower than I expected because he kind of used it in the same gank that he already was being ganked you know whenever I I don't know when I play Mages and stuff and versus Mages normally if you can get on top of them after they use their first Escape ability they're not going to have it again they're just going to die I got the plate I'm pretty happy about that missed my stun I'll just back away we heal for quite a bit but it might not be enough to still beat this guy I'll probably run out of Mana before then wait that didn't go for a cannon okay thought Tower was going to go for Cannon there why did Renekton go bot okay like he just gave up so much to do that this is so Random they're not going to stay though I don't even think they're going to run back through river right he's probably going to go the long way back so Renekton gave up a full wave for nothing also I should probably go like pickaxe plus dagger here it's probably better so we're doing good Farm wise I mean if this is a counter pick I don't know if it is I mean we're kind of chilling cuz normally counter picks only win during the early game anyways use Auto attacks instead of Q wait what why did my Q not reset there did I really not get that I just want to shove out because it's rection just wasting time if you guys just don't fight but they did what triple okay unfortunate the good news is that I'm just going to get a bunch of stuff here I don't know what caused them to want to fight that so badly I'll rotate down for this one this is probably going to be a pretty long fight too she seems kind of gone wait he didn't die okay so son's just getting herself killed just to die I guess like she just ran straight to the enemy team I'm just farming this if I get this plate I actually finish my item uh okay I don't I mean I should have stunned earlier yeah I misplayed but why is he fighting me I don't understand that's so Random oh I messed up my Q I messed up my queue again okay a one for one with not even playing it well is okay with me like because I messed up my Q two times that ruined everything I don't even know what I messed up the first one was obvious I know how I messed up but the second one didn't make any sense I don't know what I pressed that caused me to lose it but uh not bad I don't know how my w also missed I was hoping my w would hit Thea and kill her and then I have flash after so oh my God that missed but we're spiked right this is a super good point looks like the next item people normally go is thundered sky or witsen depending on what you're facing in this case probably a thundard is better I think so I'll go for that you know what let's continue shoving mid screw it I think this is maybe an angle to get this turret maybe it'd be so sick if I can secure this right now with these grubs can't though oh this guy is profane okay I don't have plated steel caps versus him so he has plated versus me he's worth so much I feel like seraphine's coming mid how am I alive honestly oh you I don't I'm literally one HP I would die if I tried to help out with that yeah dude Renekton damage is insane I can't even like get through his anything with my build currently I guess we have to wait I'm still farming pretty well Nar there's Renekton there fiddle so Jinx is 100% dead but because they all went bot side this is mine and that was with plating too it's not even 14 minutes so I got a plate you like that they're not doing Dragon that's pretty good for us they probably should be doing it right now Bor is getting clapped I guess with my build it's more about team fighting than split pushing I mean if I wanted to split push versus Renekton then I wouldn't have went Merk Treads I am so dead oh my God I'm not I I can't believe they didn't commit further all right it's going to die before I can even help Jinx is also dead before I can even help like this whole entire fight is just stupid even if I go in here it's just not going to work how was fit in our jungle I mean you just didn't see what happened to me Jinx also doesn't understand I mean we just saw him he literally almost killed me but I guess none of the uh players saw that it's kind of funny dang man that was really close could sell this now I don't need the refillable any longer I wonder if I can beat Renekton when I even finish two core like completed and he doesn't have two core yet if he has like one and a half if he would still win I'm so far away from Tor though I guess it's not even important to focus on it huh just clearing I probably can't get this yeah we're so close together in items but I feel like he would just run me down if I fought him right now if anything we could maybe beat him if gragas is able to assist before I get one shot okay he might walk into that brush now ooh this could be it unless fiddlestick is here to counter gank it huge huge play dude huge play thank you so much for that all right so fiddle six might be down here no he's top you see him as soon as I started hitting this if I got Ed over the wall I would instantly die so he just did that to Nar now all right cool we're chilling Jinx is dead what do even people build after this wit send I can go witsend I'm going to be team fighting right so death Dance w send sterk shieldbow Frozen Heart type deal I even took tenacity runes like not this but you know how like the bottom third tree has the like 10% slow resistance stuff I took that as well so I really a huge dude I'm not confident though okay cool that's all we need to do so we got their exhaust from missing our ability that's sick being able to burn exhaust from doing literally nothing is awesome imagine what would have happened if I actually landed my stuff do you want me to go top I mean I can I do feel like I am kind of pressuring these guys though it's just that Renekton might come inid now I'm on the wood oh Ron's not here this is maybe a wable fight if I can get there yeah we win this I use Flash preemptively CU I was nervous about my team dying beforehand what are you trying to bait her to fight you he's not even falling for it I have my item wow Jinx almost won that y sick dude all right cool uh got Sona Flash and ultimate because I landed a stun on her and almost killed her very close if she didn't flash away I probably could have gotten her with next q and now we have our witsend that's why I even stayed in the first place cuz we have 1,600 gold we're up 50 CS dragon is coming up and it is their like third so probably should contest it B I mean fresh is so far away dude this is actually so sad B's ultied My ultimate just got removed by gragas o I mean I'm literally versus five of them so GG for me they're just fiveman grouping and I mean the thresh was not at the beginning of the team fight which is really bad we really need to be like together really need to be together probably a death dance next is best that's probably not contestable so we'll just ignore it we'll just have to contest the next one if anything oh my God I missed my Q this fight is without I think we win this I know that I just went into like a bunch of people and messed up my stuff I use my w at a good timing I wanted to fight this really hard because I tpd in when Fior is still bsid so it's 4v5 and I was like I fiddle sticks are probably around here but who cares right I'll just like try to face tank it for my team cuz I am probably the tankiest person right now with my items and stuff and it was worth it it was one for four and baron C fight's easy yeah dude you're popping off Nar you're you're going crazy Nar let's go only lose bot tower for Baron and four kills very nice gragas realizes it was 54 nice wonder why that was dude Jinx you are so overextended oh my God Is there a way that I can save you wow literally one HP literally one HP W if fidd six didn't ulti in I bet I could have turned too that was so sad that he just flashed in to make it so he could get on top of me cuz I was about to get some procs off but Jinx got caught out man Jinx got caught out mid turret nice dragon is coming up and I'm probably not going to have my item by then it's a bit upset setting they are just group pushing all right I'll come group I mean we probably need it I don't think Jinx can wave clear gragas are you dead brother I don't know why I just got ultied by sarapen and Sona I mean it doesn't really do anything to me I'm pretty strong midd six used flash last fight so they should be okay in fact all his face check it screw it man I can't die here plus uh once you start getting to like level 16 as you can see my qcd doesn't matter anymore uh my qcd is 4 seconds so you don't even need to worry about Landing your e or your whatever I can I went onto fiddle six with my q and stunned him and then waited for my next CD to do it again yeah just do do this do this do this this this this this this this this this please do it we need it now I do not want to lose this good and we have our DD our death dance so now we're just way tankier as long as I can just get an assist on somebody that I recently damaged if I can do that I will be super tanky because that's how death Dan kind of works the tankiness is uh you taking damage slowly over time but the damage goes away if you are able to assist with killing somebody looks like she's going this way also Nar is super dead I don't even know what to build after this aeric right what do you think that she's here oh yeah she is okay we can kill her but our bot side's about to get destroyed oh my God they're not destroying our bot side no they are I think that we should fight this honestly I think we would win I'm going to iron pot huh the the Q on P six Effigy actually re that's my ability welcome to death stce GG I just got saved because of death stce like really hard so what happened is if you want to look through the replay uh look at my debuffs and look at how much damage my death dance icon says and that's B basically how much damage that I should be taking but I'm not and I'm taking it over time and then as soon as somebody died I we just automatically W you can see this because it Fizzles out all of that damage that I would have taken it's kind of a broken item in a way I've always hated this item a lot I can understand why it's an item because it like definitely gives you like its pseudo tankiness where like it only works as tankiness if you win so like technically if you get hit by a full combo of Zoe it's going to deal the same amount of damage but it's going to deal to you over time so it's supposed to make it so you're like tanky for a moment I still think it's really ridiculous though because obviously once something like that happens then it feels super broken but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed that IIA commentary um in stuff I'm going to give it to no one so thanks for watching guys hopefully you enjoyed it if you did drop a like on the video or subscribe and I'll see all of you guys in the next commentary farewell bye-bye
Channel: PekinWoof
Views: 58,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenger, challenger commentary, challenger full game commentary, league of legends, how to be good at league, league pro commentary, how to be challenger, league guide, league of legends guide
Id: qkuuA0KsAGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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