I Spent 10 HOURS to Understand Baptiste's Effectiveness as a Support Hero

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Baptist so I've been doing a little research and discovered Baptist seems to be a popular support when it comes to the top 500 leaderboard I mean he's everywhere with more research I went into overbuff and compared his competitive stats from bronze to grandmas and it seems the higher the rank the more Play Time Baptist gets so the question is if I spent 10 hours learning Baptist would I be able to claw my way back to Masters and climb the ranks with ease well there's only more way to find [Music] out now if you've been watching my 10 hour series you know that I love DPS so theoretically Baptist should be a great fit for me right I am now Diamond 3 wrong well let's just say I was a little lost and conflicted when I should heal or damage which caused me to kind of just zone out on what the heck I was doing I felt very sluggish with my play style that said I did discover that immortality and combining B Splash heals is pretty effective against aarya's grab most of the time dude I couldn't even out heal that I used everything even life we used the tree and life we is stuck I don't know about you guys but I hate zarya oh zarya I hate zarya in this game she is so broken new Queen Street was the best game within the hour what a punch I believed I used my immortality at the right times I think that was a decent immortality there plus I was being a little selfish with my ALT however it seemed to be working [Music] well no no her bab I started to find the rhythm of when to do damage and when to heal [Music] I got you I got you I'm not going to lie I did a good play right there vict medic way hours 2 and three I got a taste of how insane BS damage really is let's go and I wanted more oh I'm popping I started to find the rhythm of bats play [Music] style oh that might be played and focusing on damage was actually working really well Echo and mercies were easy pickups and I started gaining a lot of confidence with Baptist oh that was a bad idea this is so [Music] l i was pressing the wrong button I was a bit panicking use on me I felt Unstoppable versing anyone in a 1 V one no unfortunately out of all that I didn't get a single play of the game oh okay that was no no no that was so bad however my progress was already showing I got 20K kills I was getting some great saves with my immortality and heals you good you get break it break it this is sp oh never mind okay maybe not that one but I did seem to shut down a lot of ults with my immortality denying a Genji blade felt so good and I was less afraid of Genji when I had immortality in my back pocket we lost that bite but I did shut down the Genji off plus I learned some valuable tips First Baptist and Bastion are a great combo that tree unable oh I think I'm I think I'm doing some play second immortality actually works from High Ground to low ground if you're still in the barrier oh no I oh wait that still works oh okay and lastly in my promo game I did learn that diva can actually eat my heels wait diva is actually so annoying for my right clicks so I would say diva is a decent counter towards Baptist five wins and one loss later I went up one that's it starting off hours 4 and 5 seemed to go smoothly I managed to land a decent 4K which was a good feeling oh nice oh nice let's go let's go but this good feel feeling didn't last for long I'm done with this game soon after my progress started to Plateau starting with my aim wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't quit that I felt like I was using my immortality as well but it just didn't seem to be enough yet our back hello thank you hello what the I was getting consistently sniped by Widow makers nice oh I got sh by the way learned that Sombra completely denies my ALT well that's not fun and at a point I lost five games in a row most of them being Incredibly Close which made it even more frustrating to top it all off I dranked back to Diamond 3 expected and I came to a realization man support's not easy I knew playing Baptist I had the potential to reach Masters there's a reason why High ranked players use him but something needed to change and fast we get steamrolled okay so before starting this challenge my friend dark Soldier gave me a super useful tip about regena of burst AKA the shift key not only does it heal you but your allies as well you didn't know that so in hour 6 I wanted to learn scratch that I needed to learn more about baptist and quick if I wanted to have any chance in reaching Masters so where's a place I can get some quick information you guessed it OverWatch Wiki first you can place bap's amplification Matrix a max range of 35 M which to me is insanely far bap's healing per second is 50 indirect and 70 direct which is Handy to know because I usually over use my healing grenades oh baps burst does a Max of 150 damage meaning if you have insane aim you can kill a tracer in one burst knowing this will definitely give me more confidence in my 1 v1s The Arc of baps healing grenades is identical to the immortality field this can help you to map out where you're going to throw the immortality plus you can really throw this thing a fair distance which can be used for lineups on certain Maps now the biggest tip that completely shocked me was in the settings you can actually turn off automatic reload meaning bionic launcher only reloads automatically if both fire modes are out of ammo or you manually choose to reload this setting is so important for more control of your ammo I personally have the worst habit when it comes to reloading I constantly press R when I don't need to wasting time to do more damage or heal an ally which could possibly mean life or death so this setting is going to be hard to get used to what the been in my I window in hour 7 things were looking up once again my aim was feeling crisp and I saw huge progress with my utility and positioning I was making sure to get high ground so healing would be easier plus staying away from [Music] [Music] danger traces were no longer a problem get the freak out of here Tracer and I finally achieved one of my goals did it plus I did one of my intense clutches of all [Music] time down oh my [ __ ] oh my heart is pumping in my games I didn't really feel like a support I played similar to a soldier 76 play style and I was using exob boost well with the environment of the map giving me the advantage when in a 1 V one where did he go plus I learned immortality absolutely denies sigma's Al oo that was five wins three losses not too bad not too bad are you kidding me unfortunately I stayed the same rank which was annoying to say the least however I knew I had some good momentum for the hours to come why do they want me so bad what the freak is going on in hour 8 I started to understand why Baptist is a popular support for higher ranks his utility just feels unmatched compared to a lot of supports and he works really well with other heroes in this case Reaper's Al and Baptist immortality is a great combo the momentum from our 7 continued into our eight thanks Mercy pocket initial FL yes my first play of the game in ranked [Music] that [Music] holy [ __ ] good all [Music] B wow what a shot one more that is all we need oh I just [Music] made I'm de I'm Al I got you thank you five wins one loss in my 9th hour season 8 was was here and Baptist got one slight Nerf to his ammo which to be honest it didn't really make any difference in my performance in this game I believed I ticked all the boxes of being a Baptist player and use my utility to its maximum value I had some intense matches throughout this hour and things got pretty heated it oh that is so [Music] INR oh thank you I also learned several interesting facts oh no first dude ratra just presses q and everyone dies second there's a platform here on jalta that's a wait that's a platform oh is this new and lastly I never knew Reinhardt could be so scary wow you're are my not what do we have here uhoh off come here my ultimate honestly this Reinhardt was really good he was doing some unique plays which was working however he underestimated one thing Reinhard live with honor die this Glory old friend ranard you're a hero due to that sacrifice we actually managed to win the game good job guys GG and I was one step closer to Masters I was meant to do that I believe you in my last hour Baptist was becoming easier to play I was now faster with my immortality saves deploy oh nice I saw that aim was feeling smooth and I got one of my biggest saves throughout this whole challenge this Hanzo was not dying on my watch imortality feel [Music] Dey let's go Hano rest of my GES were going amazing and I felt like a Baptist main at this point 16k heals let's go junker town was the last game that stood between me and hopefully reaching Masters and things were looking good okay that's one of my best saves let them up the of the I even landed a pretty decent 4K hostile Mark let them up I only I spot an enemy no but then less than 5 m away from winning tragedy stru a I just couldn't do anymore damn it I don't know and after I hit a bit of a rough patch all I needed was one more win but I kept on losing which was so frustrating allo me I just needed one more win it's always the last game I don't know man it's like mental stuff I don't know what I'm saying this game wasn't looking good however I wasn't going to give up I was one win away from Masters and I couldn't afford to lose anymore all of a sudden this game started to turn around in our favor one is within our [Music] Gras a shot we took the lead and now it's just a matter of getting them off [Music] point nice let's go and finally the feeling of oh [ __ ] I'm going to lose 10 games in a row was gone please and all there was left to do it has to be Masters it has to be let's go we made it back to finish off my last promo I did cross over to 11 hours of play time with Baptist I managed to achieve half my goals though sadly I didn't unlock any sprays probably because B sprays are the hardest I've come across to unlock I mean saving literally your whole team with a single use of IM morality is no easy task and this one getting 2,000 Amplified without dying yeah still difficult for me anyway let me know if any of you guys struggled on getting these sprays cuz I honestly feel like these are pretty hard to get anyways Baptist was definitely fun and crazy powerful for real though sometimes I kind of question how insane his damage is I believe Bap has one of or possibly the best 1 V one potential in the whole game with Baptist you don't have to rely on your team if you're in a tricky situation he has the tools to easily defend himself against enemies making him a great choice compare this to a support like Mercy she has nothing to defend herself with unless you play mercy like a battle Angel but besides this she has to rely a lot on her team to protect her and if your team is doing bad and not utilizing her damage boost effectively she basically becomes useless though with Baptist he's the best of both worlds if your team is struggling on damage and eims you focus more on damaging to help your DPS out vice versa dude bti this is so good basically you have to find the correct Rhythm and ratio with your heals and damage in your matches I can definitely see why Baptist is a popular support among higher ranks anyways I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like And subscribe if you want to see future content and comment below on what you think about baptist God bless and Merry Christmas Lucas what you got me [Music] killed [Music]
Channel: Niftty
Views: 182,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mx56lyQSs-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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