Educating The East End - Episode 6 (Documentary) | Our Stories

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[Music] it's Monday morning right come on let's hear the cogs of your brain working and with GCS is just 6 weeks away the school are making sure all year 11 students are fully focused right we're going to go through this cuz unless you do exactly what I say you're going to find yourself shorter than Mark Harriet you included year 11 is a real pressure cooker for preparing young people for a really important set of exams and young people aren't predictable and all kinds of things go on which is why we have to keep drilling it in day in day out keep reminding them how long they've got one year 11 student that teachers think is losing direction is Paige she's been called to see assistant head Mr Palumbo Paige you weren't in registration this morning were you no now why weren't you in registration I don't really find registration beneficial to me sir I've got to be honest Paige I'm going to sit for a meeting this afternoon between 3:15 and 4:15 which is not going to help me can I opt out that no it's like your exams your exams it's just it's like constant even teachers that don't teach you and lagging you about your exams it's like the whole school it's just against the year 11s right now I could consider it treny which would get you an hour and a half on a Friday because at this point now you need to be doing what we're telling you not cuz we're like great big leaders and but because we know what you need to do now right and I know from years of experience that when you open that envelope in August you will either go yes or you will think buer second thought should have listened the solution is what please go to registration every okay okay sir thank you have a nice day thank you sir you too [ __ ] this such kids you know and Paige yeah Paige she got big hair yeah she's like a pretty like a really pretty doll she hangs out with like all the popular people in her year she's cool cuz of her hair I don't know it's all fizzy and that like it's every she's like a big Barbie but like not a white one yeah she's really pretty I was going to say that I think everybody has a crush on her but I wouldn't be like P's circle of friends are one of the most high-profile within the school when she when she likes someone she really really likes but then that's why he went off my girls they definitely mean the well to me because you feel like you can trust everyone in in that group we know that we'll be friends forever and friends for life I think she fell in love with him nothing is true love at this age you can't love someone like you love your mom or you love your dad at 15 she's hurting herself at the heart of the group are Paige's friends Georgia and Yasmin we are all huge drama queens we explode about the littlest things just like oh my God screaming about it why did you write my name on that I love them to be I actually do I love them but sometimes they they get on my nerves I just want to beat them up if like used to see an American movie they'd be the like cheerleaders kind of thing so they're the popular girls that everyone will like have the crushes on and if you walk into a room you know they're there kind of thing what the [ __ ] oh I thought you listen to my conversation I think it's really easy to stereotype girls like those year 11 girls when actually they are one of the most ambitious and um articulate group of young people that I've worked with uh Paige what do you think it means it's constructed by society's norms and values excellent pretty much okay the girls are expected to achieve High grades in their exams yeah I'm doing economics politics literature and history really I want to be a Bara fantastic I think I'm predicted seven A's and 3 B's so I want to be successful I want to make a name for myself so this there's a lactic acid buildup going on here like I'm having muscle fatigue they've got the potential to be a grade students but it's not a certainty what would you say is the one thing that kind of distracts the girls boys boys that's the type of man I want like that big muscular like just pick me up I know it's bad cuz I shouldn't base everything what I do around boys but no matter how many times girl say well no I don't they do every girl does it's just because we just love boys we just love them we should have well we should but we love them too much sometimes it's midday and Georgia is talking to pastoral worker Hazel about her weekend see you my God they're nasty I know she has a dirtiest love bite on her neck yeah I saw it you saw it yeah have you ever had any my one mom when nuts nuts trust me nuts nuts see you later b trust you if you just ad Georgia has come to school with a love bite oh my God you saw it how embarrassed I am come here I don't want to let people know as they go on Earth was an accident he was hungry then I'm in shock I've never had one okay I had one I think years ago I know it sounds really bad I was so young I had one years ago I don't like them I think they disgust him when the girls have got a problem the first place they head is the PE office to see Miss Winter I'm there to advise I'm there to help but they know if you ask Miss Winter this question she will give you a straight answer personally I think you're too young to be feeling the way you feel over a boy you've got your whole life ahead of you you've got such a long time for that no Georgia be get rid oh my god get rid Georgia please there is a large majority of our girls that that really are boy crazy I think if they came to school and it was void of boys they'd be [Music] disturbed [Music] it's period three Paige and Yasmin are heading to the library to complete coursework that counts for 50% of their final grade I'm always by myself that's normally me the isolation Zone on my Jack Joneses sitting with them is Jordan captain of the school football team and Pages onoff boyfriend a Miss White I'm taking I'm taking my we we've never actually like been out been out but we've both liked each other and like he always used to come around my house and I always used to go around his it wasn't like an official thing but we kind of acted like it was right okay but M he's good-looking he has nice teeth some girls look for teeth he's Charming he'll always like give you compliments and he'll make you feel like like oh like Jordan just complimented me like but this term Jordan has been paying more attention to Paige's best friend Yasmin working come on then Miss can I at least have Jordan with me please no no no no no no he's a character we I have a really hate each other or we're really close it's just been since you s we've just been like this Mr Bell he's not allowed to communicate with Jasmin IA see look you're failing already lock down [Music] I think the nature of girls friendships is they are very tight but they're also very brittle and it doesn't take a lot to destroy that relationship you think I was joking no like ow when they fall out they fall out spectacularly and it can become quite pricious and quite [Music] nasty morning everyone morning thanks Mr Palumbo is slightly anxious because today we are giving out the year 11 exam timetables T you guys been girl oh my God I need to highlight my priority ones meaning revise your ass off for these ones Georgia yes sir sh is about maximizing your time now to actually do the best that you can do it's that simple ridiculous how exams haven't hit me yet I'm still not revising it's morning break at Frederick brema don't sit in my feat there's enough for two people to see there's not yes there is how big your B let's go Gabby Georg is not the only member of her family at the school she has a little sister in year seven Gabby come on he said I was late and then he started getting a room and I got kept in for 2 minutes extra and he said I was late do what his form detention no his to my next Mas Gabby Gabby Gabby he was like oh you don't want to BL to class that's ironic isn't it now I think because she has me in the school and because everyone knows me I think she's trying to Shadow me in a way she's definitely trying to be old before her is yeah are we going to watch watch them yes boys run run run run [Music] run I love so there's a few I'm not going to name anyone but there's a few which are on my mind so is that different to Primary School yes oh my God I used to be like no go away from me if a boy came me now I'm like hey I MH trust me run boy you see him from here with his little mini curly ladies hurry up the year sevens are influenced a lot by the year 11s They want to be like that they want to be confident they want to be as attractive they want to be as popular as the year 11 girls are and you know cuz they are inspiring but they're not always inspiring for the right reasons okay four plus X over here okay see something come in look at my neck it's a love Gabby and her best friend Eda have given each other love bites who give you a love bit boy no it wasn't a boy it was E I gave e one as well we used to hate each other she used to be really mean to me you used to be mean as well I'm not just a bad one I thought she was a pompus what does that mean means that you're really like s oh three days it's my birthday woohoo turn up you're still 11 you young but I'm 12 I'm 12 turn up she's 11 I'm 12 three days I'm 12 she's still 11 third one here what on the second no fourth one right I told you I wasn't a hicky I do look my sister she's a really like strong and she's an independent person she is really amazing you can just say yeah it's my sister H I want that tattoo we want to go on to the world now do we or is there any more points on the [Music] UK there's less than a month to go until the year 11 sit their first exam Thomas and most students thoughts are full of revision and study but some are more concerned about the biggest social event of the year curs coming down Miss I want to get something like this oh that's nce does the belt come with it yeah I don't even know if I'm going PR it's so long I can't wait for prom is that bra is that your bra oh I was going to say no that's a lovely color what you're wearing how you're doing your nails how you're doing in your hair who you're going with I want you to be my prom [Music] day it's like organizing a wedding a prom and the reason why I've never been married is because I haven't got the time to organize it actually it's not it's cuz my cuz my partner won't marry [Music] me have you got a picture of it I just told you how did you take a picture of your kebab and not the dress [Music] I want to go upon that I give up this particular year they've made it an issue that they have to have a date and it's driving me nuts I'll decide by Friday pink you promise me Friday's your deadline it's second period Paige Jordan and Yasmin are in the library see if you can get a B try and get a B in this paper please please what lesson what lesson can you stop staring at me please I don't like it don't care okay Jordan and Paige are meant to be attending prom together but recently their relationship has become more distant why do I have my reason I have my reason I can't remember we came I think it was after the holidays me and Jordan came back to school and it just all evaporated and then for that all to change for no reason that I was aware of cuz he hadn't told me a reason it just kind of all just cut off suddenly that upset me since then Jordan and yasmin's friendship has become [Music] stronger me thank you Emir did you call me it's after lunch and Paige is in science where she receives some unexpected news I thought you [Music] knew nothing you go together I'm going to go home hunt you few ws and I'll come back and take do you know P just bear up I don't know so she look like she had tears in her eyes in it what's wrong nothing paig you can't be crying and telling me there's nothing if you don't want to say it to me cuz I just don't want to talk to anyone about it okay then don't talk to anyone I'm all meant to be girls all or whatever we're clearly not all girls are we if girls going do [ __ ] like that I already told you about her you do never want to listen to me that is your problem don't be like Jordan or PR Jordan's this when it's your girl who's doing it to you and I told so tell her this I don't understand guys come come here come she can [ __ ] off you has been don't talk to her you what cuz of you're going prom with Jordan thanks she was that cuz you're going PR with Jordan it's just out of order but I have a boyfriend you guys are acted as me and Jordan are going to but you have a boyfriend exactly understand it's not like oh yeah Jordan I love you so much I'm going to go out of you we're going to be together forever no like am I not allowed to have a friend why couldn't right asine where are you going be I'm in English I I'm study the fact that someone can make such a big impact on a friendship that you've had for years shows that your friendship is not that strong that's the problem me and Paige don't argue so when we do it's like such a serious thing it come to my mind that is she going to go prom with me cuz I know girls move a bit weird I'm in PE now they like who's everyone going prom with like Ry you're going with Pon all that yeah so I'm hearing she's going with r is it I didn't even know she didn't even tell me that's the worst thing I was like cool I'll just ask you asine in it cuz I didn't think anyone asked her I don't care if I was meant to go with her first I'll go with yasine I'll be calm I'm telling you now I'm cutting her off but why because I'm not dealing with this fake [ __ ] anymore I don't think it's Jordan's fault because but it takes two people at the end of the day he knows how I feel about the situation cuz I've told him I'll will cut you off any other boy if I can have you I said that to him I'll cut off anyone she's just seeing it as it's you and yasine you and yasine you and cuz she being selfish he completely cut me off for no reason after I told him how I felt and everything and then went to go to Yasmin she's just about for herself and like things only occur to her when she realizes she she's not on top kind of thing I think we need to talk to Yasmin just was she here I don't care okay get her up here this is how it all started listen to me listen to me these just want to all talk right now I'm not in that mentality to stand there and talk to people because I will get pissed off and I will kick off but yes me you need to talk about it because will talk but not now stay [Music] here are you're not going to come and talk to [Music] us what she say proves a lot to be honest years years of friendship and this is what you get all of us that fall out she doesn't want to [ __ ] talk to anyone what did she say it's just fake it's all just fake girls you really can't sit here what are you here for we're talking about our friendship group I feel hurt by Jordan and then betrayed by Yasmine she was my best friend and she knew how I felt kind of thing what annoys me the most about this entire situation is that the fact that it's not over something substantial it's over prom I don't really I just want you to know that you're my best friend you'll always be my best friend oh during the gcsc periods the stress of that can have an immense impact on relationships between students and they can turn on each other you know it really tests the Bedrock of some of your friendships [Music] it's the morning after the row and the girls are all back in school have you spoke to asman I Ain close to cry what's wrong I ain't close to cry I'm just close to killing someone no matter how much I try to say that it's not jealousy it's just whatever but it is just jealousy really because seeing someone that you like with someone else that's not you you you will feel jealous and you do feel upset about it it doesn't take long for news of the argument to reach Miss winter so what's the matter with yine you saying she was having problems with her crew and uh Paige but then why would they have had a falling night is yesmin ain't bothered about Jordan but what Jordan wants to be with Yasmin or I he just asked her as a mate he did ask her as a mate but they're not seen seen it like that well I don't get it I don't get it do you regret that boys have come in between friendships no I definitely definitely don't regret that because that has showed my friendship group's weaknesses and that is boys apply the key words app the foundation that America was built and you've got to remember that it's a relative so 2x + 4 + x + 3 equals to 31 and then it's 10 a.m. and georg's sister Gabby is in maths you can use the inverse operation or the balance method yes m in recent weeks staff have become concerned about a deterioration in her behavior would have mean 3 to9 is nine no you died it by three Gabby can you just let him talk please he's not making sense can you just let him finish please Gabby he's not making sense you just copy what I just said you idiot no just let him Gabby just let him he hasn't finished finished cuz I'm sexy she's just got a bad attitude towards everything she's just going downhill she's getting in trouble all the time can you go I didn't do anything everyone gets a wrong impression to me I mean I get called Georgia all the time but I'm nothing like my sister because of her I think I'm already on like the kind of hit list Georgia stands up for herself she's a very feisty person I send you out for this reason what reason for just not minding your own business for leaving your seats I was talking to him I wasn't I wasn't the one who was not minding my business it was him why am I not allowed back in it wasn't me don't let me in there talking to you I think it's important to show to everyone else who you are and like yeah just show that who you are and yourself Gabby if you want to be in my class make sure do the right things please okay I don't want to be in your class this is so stupid I shoted myself ID you Ro she doesn't know whether she wants to be like Georgia or whether she doesn't want to be like Georgia she doesn't really know who Gabby is um she has a long road to climb to find [Music] herself right let's pull this together how many person have reviewed this for the exam knowing that there's only 3 weeks left in school normal lesson like this 3 weeks of it remain is that a surprise well you need to wake up that's the short time you have not to make you panic and there's still time is what you do with the time okay would like to start us off on question [Music] one it's lunchtime and none of the girls have spoken to Yasmin since last night's R oh the has been still sitting with us I was just about to say that [Applause] yeah they say how they're planning to do stuff you I got my name should when when I come over they'll try and lower the combo or do you see what I'm saying like kind of [ __ ] is that bro this is annoying like I'm I'm starting to get vexed I need to like go away otherwise I'm going to get really angry yeah is angry oh well hurry [Music] on who remember yeah who way you need to think of it I you're winning you're the girl out of all of us are going to get 10 Straight A's think of the future don't think of present forget everyone for now you know you can do it you're not have it in me anymore let's get into the time Mom of my dad yeah I lost my dad almost 7 years ago um he died of cancer and this month is his anniversary of his death I remember every single day that my dad was Ill without doubt I grown up hiding my feelings um I say I don't care about a lot cuz it's easier than saying I do care about a lot you could have a potentially bright girl or boy and because of what's going on around them whether it's friendship groups whether it's home life whatever they can go from maybe being an a to a c it it can have a massive impact on their lives but you can't let that [Music] happen come on let's go ladies so your tie please Amanda so you color out it scuffed up at the back I need tught your shirt in you look a mess gab come here it's not my skirt it's my socks I think it might be both oh and have we got gum in our mouth as well gabs failure come on Gabby stop trying it that's for your gum what lesson you got now give you a note thanks let's go then it's Wednesday morning and Paige and Georgia are looking for Miss Winter oh miss Gabby's getting worse you know you need to sort her out what is her problem cuz my mom gets her this much Freedom she tries to take the Mick and tries to take all of it but the amount of times she had to say you're not Georgia well she does kind of look up to you but she's just getting bad like I've tried talk to her she doesn't listen now you're going to make your own weather forecast I'm going to give to you a map you get some [Music] my whoever telling me to sh I want to flip and hurt you I think I am quite hard on her at times because I think you're really young and you should me going through what you're what you're doing or what you're going through now it's just yeah like with the tubles with teachers I never had that and we trying on makeup like she tried to put on a lot I was like nope and I took it all off I want her to have more time just to live be scruffy and not care I come across as really confident on the outside but if you kind of break through that bit you kind of come to a person that isn't really confident the je I'm a bit shy is it better bright do you think about what you look like a lot sometimes I do there not really a particular thing I just don't like my face have you always felt like that not always but it's just kind of got bigger as as I've come into Secondary School do you like my gold lips gold lips I put on makeup at a young age I think I put on makeup in year eight so I was really young when I started wear makeup and I know Gabby sometimes puts it on here and there but I don't want her to because I regret putting on makeup and now I feel like I can't take it off when I put it on I feel pretty and I feel nice about myself but when I don't have it on I Think Jesus Christ I look terrible it's like a vicious I think it's like a vicious cycle will never end every year something new gets pushed their way whether it's bigger boobs or bigger hair or bigger eyelashes or bigger lips there's always something out there to entice them to be older than what they [Music] are it's after school and Jordan meets Yasmin in the [Music] library I don't know I think they were talking about you today me I don't know you a topical conversation they it was like Paige apparently saying how um after all the things happening she how she was going to drop you out apparently this and that rubbish I'm just thinking like come on all right I can't have this right now a lot of the girls and particularly the most confident the loudest the girls appear here the toughest underneath that there's a great amount of vulnerability it takes nothing to crack that fer really nothing and that crack can be devastating the mounting presses within the Friendship group have also taken their toll on Paige oh Paige B I'm trying to keep my sit down sit sit sit sit down B [Music] what is [Music] it it's not not it's sad that something so small has wrecked the group oh I'm so sick yeah that something that should be so insignificant it seems to be so significant girls you know what there are more important things to worry about if these boys only knew the power that you will give them their heads must be like this why girls I don't understand in year seven I didn't care for boys at all and I was so self assured I feel like I'm not as confident as I was when I wasn't focused on boys I definitely think that that's like chipped away at me slowly your friendships get mashed up screwed up messed up because of a boy you need to learn girls that we as women we run things we do all of us all teachers with every student we try very hard to keep them on that straight road we're not just teachers we're we're nurturers really you know what as it's even harder when you get into big wide world and you're grown up you'll have many Associates in life you'll have only a handful of friends only you two can decide whether you want that friendship again because sometimes friends do things really horrible things and we let them back in our hearts again we do that's that's your call Page My ultimate goal for these young ladies is to instill within themselves a sense of self-respect that is at the top of my list when you leave school girls you remember this conversation you [Music] will you're cooking tomorrow we just a two of us we can make it if we no so what skills come uh we learn by playing music together it's Tuesday morning and Gabby is in music with Mr Grant Talk Amongst yourselves for one minute please he smells M gr G um Gabby sit at this table AA sit at this table why do we have to move cuz I don't like you two sitting [Music] together so basically for this project we're all going to be playing in a band together everyone will get to choose the song Gabby eyes on me I'm not over there thank you nominations for songs mad by Gary that made me quiet that is a good song A guys is that helpful it ruined the song sakes Mr Grant isn't in a good mood about this okay you're stop talking now please time is the essence right now can anybody tell me what was happening to the world war war lovely brilliant well done let's have this idea of people coming together games instead of War yeah with only a couple of weeks remaining until year 11s go on study leave Paige and Yasmin still aren't speaking there are times where it's kind of reached to stalemate so it's so important just just nip it in the B and just give them a reality check and say let's get back on track let's focus it's midday and Paige has been called to see Miss [Music] Smith don't worry you're not in trouble right okay how's everything going yes good were you all right yesterday afternoon cuz there seem to be something going on oh yeah that was just friendship group things Yasmin has also been called to see Miss Winter hi hi n you said what Paige and you why can't girls why can't you sort it out I'm sad for you all because deep down I know you hurt I know you do oh it's incredibly important to try and keep the girls on track it's easier said than done because their heart rolls over their heads a lot of the time I'm getting a bit worried about some of you girls getting quite stressed about the whole thing you know you've got to be revised in and it's just being really disciplined and just cutting down on the on the other stuff I feel very confused about the situation but rather than me forever being angry forever being upset I think it's it's better for me if I move on really you're pretending that she means nothing to you she actually does so it needs to be oneon-one before school is out girls sort it out see you later girls all right thanks all right take care you have to be quite persistent with them when it comes between the balance between boys and gcsc actually gcse's got to come first make sure that your mcbeth's go with you as well you've got homework to do all right girles it's break time miss winter is on playground Duty girls SE Gabby anywhere she was inside that was her that was her that was her Gabby is most definitely in a rush to be 16 and she needs just to just to come down a bit and just know that you're 11 you are a good Sportsman you are you're fantastic you're good at net ball you're good at basketball you're good at running you're good at dance so this new Gabby I don't like it I need to find the Gabby that I need I know yeah quite often we have conversations as to whether a student is misbehaving or they're a bit naughty and if they are can we do something about it give them a sporting privilege to see if that'll have an effect on on their behavior in a positive way your events are 1,500 M and long jump how' you feel about being Captain fine fine I am expecting you to do very well okay thank you thank you gires Gabby he has a great heart and I think there is a lot more good that we haven't seen I think she's going to be great I really do it's non-school uniform day at Frederick brema wait I'll tell you for St later cuz I just quickly tell me now it's be long just tell me Duty bits and with the end of term fast approaching Miss Smith has called an assembly good morning year 11 morning is there life out there this morning good morning year 11 good morning obviously we are now at a crucial time your revision timetable should be in place you should be following it every minute is going to matter for you and while the pressure is on at the moment you know you are going to have a fantastic summer holiday knowing you have done everything you can to get yourself the best possible results in the summer keep your eyes on that prize the envelope and the Sun that needs to be your motivation moving forward thank you so the rest of you do technology you go now please no I didn't ask office you how if he's not in who are we giving our to no as most of her friendship group go off to study together Yasmin goes to the library I do feel sorry for her because the rest of the Friendship group have kind of like disowned her kind of thing and it's it's not nice to see I never do anything for you thank you Miss no one's perfect everyone makes mistakes you just have to put into perspective like am I really going to risk this friendship over a temporary [Music] person hey it's 11:00 a.m. and paig has decided to seek out Yasmin sometimes you have to like get over the embarrass and the hurt and just think you know this is going to be good for me in the long run so I'm just going to have to you know forgive and forget the whole Jordan thing I don't really know but it's just not nice to see from my point of view anyway PA is just as stubborn as I am so I actually thought we'd never speak again to be honest I didn't mean that to come across to hurt anyone or the whole prom thing I didn't take it seriously I didn't even tell I kind of assured her that I had no intention of being with Jordan so it's all right now they all when I wasn't friends with her I did feel I felt different in myself and it's not like a little thing that I can just ignore it's like a prominent I need this thing back and what is that thing it's just Yasmin I don't know like that thing is it's just Yasmin this is the best gossip our year group has ever had oh yeah ever feel like I have a sister in her like as if she's like my twin so that was my heart is like solving boys should never ever get in the way of friendship because boys are going to come and go and you gain so many positive things out of a friendship that you can't with a boy so I mean it's just just kind of getting your priorities right really I [Music] guess thank you [Music] Scott [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] around P [Music] yeah oh my God I can't do it yes you can next time can I bring a pillow into the exam no year 11 boys unwilling to work Oscar can pay attention and teachers at their wit's end the success is in the effort you can do it as tempers flare in the runup to GCS yo for two of you there is a likelihood you're going to get screwed jeez man
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 2,236,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Educating Essex, Educating Yorkshire, Educating: What I Wish I'd Known..., Educating Greater Manchester, Educating Cardiff, Educating East End, Educating The East End - Episode 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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