Inside Singapore's elite education system | SBS Dateline
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Channel: SBS Dateline
Views: 1,762,970
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Keywords: SBS, Dateline, Documentary, Journalism, Current Affairs, Reporting, International Film
Id: eoelS0XIhSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Probably showing my privilege, but had no idea that after PSLE some schools are already that much into vocational learning.
Is this the norm or exceptions? Just curious, i spend my primary school time playing catching at recess, catch spider behind school and play marble hopscrotch etc. Barely did much homework. Secondary school is just football after school daily. The only time i find homework a littler overwhelming was JC and to be honest, i didnt do half of them and still get away with it. I dont score particularly well, but just manage to be reasonable enough to progress to each stage of education and i dont see my friends around me except 1 or 2 person says sorry, need to go home do homework. Usually its 2 days till school start from June or Dec and like Bro, shit i havent done any homework. Did the last 10- 20 years changed so much?
Then why so many go Australian uni
one of my reflections from this is that the picture of success in Singapore is more of a financial aspect. personally, I would not push my child to be hyper-intelligent to have a financially well-endowed family that would try to make their children the same. for some people, things like many friends, big families, happy lives etc are ideas that can be viewed as successful.
as someone who spent 12 years in an 'elite' institution locally(pri,sec,jc), i can tell you having an education in these so called 'elite establishments' means jackshit in the real world globally.
yea okay its like a singapore passport, you get entry into more places, but most of these artifically 'educated' people fucking drop the ball so hard in world renowned establishments because of their strictly in the box mentality or in singlish terms, "TEXTBOOK NEVER TEACH ME WHAT!"
if you want to be a political figure in singapore, for a particular lightning party, then yea your results and for some reason, past schools matter. but other than that, it really doesn't fucking matter.
chin up people. stop subscribing to such bs.
if you're talking purely from educational terms, yes elite schools here do it slightly differently. but that is secondary to the NETWORK that one gains from having entered such schools.
connections > education IRL. that's just the harsh truth of life and the govt constantly pumps the bs meritocracy so regular plebs believe they have a chance.
Damn, poor kid got redpilled on everything he is missing out on. His response was basically, "I wish we had more time to complete our schoolwork" and afterwards, not suprisingly, he has to do the dishes. I swear that kid is going to think about what's the point of it all during hard times and regret that he was never socialized enough as a kid.