Connect With Your Divine Aspect of Intuition. Guided Meditation to Initiate Receiving.

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in this meditation you will develop a deep connection to your intuition but first understand this sometimes your intuition will not make sense to you in the moment that it comes many times it will but because the information the feelings or block of insight comes from your higher self that is connected to the source of all that is it is beyond our current circumstances or present understanding the information comes from an unbounded awareness of a much larger picture than what we can see at the moment coming from that expanded place it may not make logical sense in our 3d reality but just because you do not understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and is not worthy of your attention you can choose to ignore it or trust it intuition is the link between our human selves and the divine mind if you progress through this meditation and are wanting to tune into your inner guidance more accessing the deep intuitive part of yourself you need to intend to trust it your intuition will always lead you towards joy and fulfillment because it comes from the source just as you do the more willing you are to trust it the louder and more pronounced it will become in your life at first what is subtle and quiet will grow into a stronger and more noticeable feeling this is your sixth sense if you choose to use it and just like all things the more you practice tuning into it trusting its messages and using it in life the louder and stronger it will become if you wish to take this journey let's repeat this statement of intention I intend to trust my intuition I can hear it clearly I know that it is source leading me I trust it very good when you are ready find a comfortable position and gently close down your eyes feel your body sinking into this generous present moment as you become aware of your breathing start to notice the sensations of the air as it moves into and out of your nostrils the sharp cool sensation of the air on the way in and the warm soft sensation of the air on the way out [Music] pay attention to each breath vo yourself becoming more and more relaxed with every single exhalation you you feel your body becoming heavier and heavier pay attention to each breath feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed with every single exhalation [Music] [Music] [Music] feel your body becoming heavier and heavier as you sit here now feel your toes and feet relaxing and sinking into the floor or chair feel your legs and buttocks relaxing feeling heavy and sinking into the floor or chair feel your pelvis stomach and back relaxing now feeling heavier and heavier as they sink into the floor feel your chest and shoulders as they relax and become heavier and heavier your arms hands and fingers relaxing now feeling heavier and heavier feel your neck and throat relaxing as you sit here now relaxing relaxing finally feel all of the muscles around your eyes relaxing now as your face and scope relaxes and feels heavy as you sit here now [Music] relaxing relaxing you feel a wave of relaxation now flowing over you washing away any remaining tension and allowing your body to totally relax now drop your attention down into your heart taking all awareness into your heart and take a moment to breathe from this place [Music] [Music] imagine a stairwell in front of you it leads you down even deeper into the core of your being walk over to the top of the staircase and take the first step down holding on to the railing with your right hand the steps are solid and stable and made of stone stepping down again noticing that with every step you take you are feeling more and more relaxed slowly stepping down you step down again and again feeling calm and peaceful as you move deeper and deeper within take another step down and as you do you notice a door at the bottom of the stairwell you can see light shining from their gap under the door only another three steps down now [Music] and you're standing in front of a large solid wooden door [Music] suddenly you notice a key has appeared in your left hand it would seem that you had been holding it all this time you put the key in the lock and open the door as the door opens you step forward into a bright green grassy meadow the Sun is warm and bright and gently touches your forehead and Shore as the birds fly around singing in glorious joy for the new day you step out onto the thick green grass you can feel yourself sink a little with each step as the grass is so tremendously lush as you look up from the grass you notice six small cottages or houses in the distance there are paths that lead to each of them the one to the very far left is the one we will take today it is the home of your intuition as you walk along the path you become completely enveloped with a feeling of joy your heart opens wide as you look around and nature seems to talk to you it's like you can hear the feelings of happiness in the songs from the birds you can feel the love and peace emanating from the distant trees as they gently sway to the rhythm of the breeze [Music] the clouds in the sky seem to be an interesting ever-changing painting of colors and textures you can feel the subtle movement of the earth as it spins on its axis [Music] there is a soft hum that fills the space that is only audible when you stop [Music] and really listen [Music] every breath you take fills you with feelings of an abundance of love [Music] it encompasses you you sense it moving into your body with every inhalation [Music] you take your time to walk along the path towards the house [Music] as you approach the cottage you notice a beam of pearly white light radiating down from the sky and penetrating through the roof like an antenna or transmitter receiving information from the greater space beyond the clouds Bansal waves of energy of rolling down the beam of light as you walk up to the front door of the home there is a sign it says you may enter only if you take off your shoes and leave them at the door and with it take off your doubt fear and worry leave all those things at the door or so you feel quite prepared to do this as you already feel so blissful after your walk along the path the door gently swings open [Music] you are mesmerised as the first thing you see as you enter the cottage is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen standing in a shower of pearly white light from the heavens above she is dressed in a long white flowing dress her hair tumbles and turns over her shoulders her eyes sparkle with an essence of the light that is reigning upon her she sweetly smiles at you you instantly feel an affinity that she is the Divine Feminine energy she explains with a voice that resonates right to the core of you that every man or woman on the planet has within them both masculine and feminine energies as we are made in the likeness of the Creator the feminine energy within all of us is our connection to our intuition it is the part of us that receives she is constantly connected and allowing the infinite intelligence or source of all that is to flow uninhibited to her and through her she has a direct line of communication vibrating at the specific frequency which allows her to receive and translate information into something that you will be able to understand she explains to you that you can enter this space with her and she will give this information to you in a way and form that you will be able to easily understand however in order to enter that space with her you must align to the frequency of receiving to do that you must surrender they go and trust feel yourself courageously opening your heart and allowing a feeling of faith and trust in that which is greater than you faith and trust in the source of all that is that oneness that you are a part of let it wash over your physical body [Music] become open to possibilities [Music] [Music] if you feel you are ready to set aside all concerns if you've surrendered your analytical mind and become open and available to listen and to trust whatever you see feel or hear is from your highest wisdom connected to the source and step up into the light and let her hold your hands feel the surge of grace moving through you it is powerful but solved it is invigorating and delicate feel it inside your body I will give you some time to feel the beauty of this divine feminine energy to be in alignment with her as you receive allow letting accept any information that is flowing from source to you now [Music] I'll give you ten minutes and at the end a gentle Bell will sound which will indicate there is one more minute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you're ready look into the Divine Feminine and gellick eyes and thank her for sharing the wisdom with you when it is right for you to let go of her hands turn and walk to the door pay attention to the way you're feeling right now bend down and put your shoes on do you notice that fear doubt and worry has completely vanished slowly make your way back along the path toward the door [Music] enjoying the warmth of the Sun and the harmony of the birds remember what you received [Music] know that you can return any time you wish and ask any specific questions or gain clarity ask questions before you enter the meadow and simply be willing to trust and allow the answers to flow walking along the path [Music] if you didn't hear or see much don't be concerned your answers lie in life and everything will be revealed to you at the perfect time and in the perfect place and you will know it when you see it stay open to possibilities and allow guidance and grace to be within you [Music] finally making it back to the door opening the door and make your way back up the stairs ten nine eight seven six five four three two one returning to your body allow yourself to feel your body sitting on the floor or chair become aware of your chest moving as you breathe [Music] taking three deep breaths as you feel your awareness coming fully back into this moment right now [Music] this is Jess Shepard from rising iron meditation thank you for spending these moments with me my love and appreciation flows out to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rising Higher Meditation ®
Views: 2,029,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guided meditation, meditation, meditation music, Alignment, insight, awareness, Sleep music, Relaxing music, chill out music, Yoga, Zen, Healing music, Healing, guided meditation for alignment, releasing resistance, allowing, intention, Law of Attraction, Law of Allowing, Meditation for beginners, Meditation for Anxiety or Depression, Mindfulness, Chakras, Intuition, Divine Feminine, Connect to Intuition, What is Intuition, How to grow intuition, Reprogram, Mind, Develop Intuition
Id: 0223jb1B6fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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