Eden Streak #29 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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let's do it I'll actually I thought I finished my assignments but turned out I only done about half of them send help dude it's okay bad bad damage and bad fire right though I was like split shot yeah bad health bad damage bad fire rate good active item good passive item in a hermit card not excel you know I wouldn't mind it being an excel if they yeah no no no wouldn't mind it if they gave me the soul arts to start with then it's okay in my opinion to get your balls out of my face get your flippin balls out of my face they're in my face I want them out until you get your grades out balls I want you out of my house yikes this seemed like a good start and now I'm kind of thinking that it's not I'm kind of thing that it's not two-point-seven damage at 16 fire rate is actually really really really really really bad bad stats don't matter huts your huts your god I don't know about that until you get your grades a able fell it's a gradable I need something to double with my my chest voxel friends please give me a friend could I have friend let's see here a lot Cuba meat would be fine hell even a little Stephen something something extra to help me out here I'm gonna need it burgers it's up [Music] I'm not trying to be a complainer I'm just trying to say sixteen fire rates uh holy Wow and then walking into that guy after I think I shot him and he was gonna die it turns out I shot the wall because he flies through the wall of course you know quantum physics flies why wouldn't you fly through the wall and what if I could it made some spice here in this first item room we're going downhill fast you're gonna need some tinted rocks or something good one that's a good item room I liked it did you guys like that one is the parasite your friend no but the little chub is it's like oh here's a friend here's like the worst friend he'll do something at least aid me a little bit little chipper Ino can you be little and chubby probably yeah it's a clock and then you give me a room like this I'm not giving you an egg this isn't a gradable good excelente poor flavors how many flavors poor flavors let's use that here crawlspace please good crawlspace well done GG hey actually good man okay I'm kind of not okay I'm a little bit not okay all the flavors no just poor of them go double little Java double the chub Doublemint gum PD PD Baxter hey Hudson goals really enjoy your content lately when's the next episode of cat prawns though cat prawns all day every day you get cat prawns appreciate the bits little Chubby's are actually you know they're doing some stuff they're making a little wall of chub yikes yikes give me help give me liberty or give me health fire rates good too though get down to ten maybe yeah hundred from Soul Eater Joe oh look out guys hide your kids hide your wife and hide your soul thanks for the bedspread no cool can't believe it's been 14 months keep up the good work huts welcome back can you read the puck penny questions please hope you see this low I want to make something and I would like to know what your two favorite characters of any game you have ever played two favorite characters see it always helps me get things a jump started you guys if if you answer that first two favorite characters of any game go chat here's the shop open oh that's right because I cursor the amazed through the shop you're right when you come out that door it's automatically unlocked ooh you know I was gonna open up the top out of the regular secret room but I'm kind of thinking about going for this for the soul heart I think we're gonna need it I think we're gonna need that [Music] yeah I'll give it a name jak and daxter a hollow tonight Shulk link did he use to plop eeeh Eden and Isaac you know are we ready to go should we grab that battery I don't think it's really uh you know uh huh will Mari on the lost big dick Joe Azir and Lilith what's us here ape escape 3 you mean I think that uh favorite characters cuz it doesn't even have to be favorite game what if I said samus what if I said samus she badass and like what what I don't know man poop from the poop in the soup yeah favorites definitely [ __ ] love you like that would make you my soup Master Chief Samus is a gradable you know I would give her an A and that's not talking like dirty that's just like you know balls in a in the middle of a battle with aliens I want her on my side he's got a it literally has a cannon for an arm you don't have to be like that girl's got a cannon burner no she had she you don't need to say that cuz he just has one John from genital jousting handsome Jack from Borderlands Joel from last of us you know we got we got some good ones got some good ones coming up here I'm gonna have to say uh Samus and Lincoln we're going with Nintendo characters but like damn it Nintendo why did you have to have like a grasp on the market you back when we were we had nostalgia you know grabbed this by the balls not on like general Bostick speed down oh you know what let's just let's see what else we can lower you know let's just take all of our stats and just I'd love to do that ten bombs that's a stats upgrade nice Joel from vine sauce what about Michael from Vsauce Ellie from last of us life is strange Chloe dog from duck hunt thanks I'll tweet you later when I make awesome game okay the yeesh Wow they tried to really get me there and they started that room scared me yes yes yes tinted rocks good little chubby when you land on he's like practically doubling our damage output and we have two of them oh man that's all we need Oh men that's a whole man that man hose himself out at night all right auto horn go ahead and give me good deal devil do not give me Krampus I'm not ready to fight I'm not ready I am ready for good States damage upgrade please we'll take one of those maybe even two Abaddon Abaddon brimstone or Abaddon I need it I need it the deal with Santa fire rate upgrade again you know the stats the stats are good at this point in time I'd like some damage oh god I need it oh I needed it you should play the bum friend ones first nope uh hi I'm gonna stab you a gradable no don't oh I yes ha ha I need it so badly saving grace should we even attempt to find the why is it another curse of the UH curse the maze why you do these boy I find the seeker I'm at some point it's a carrot mmm mom's carrot you don't want to know what she does it accurate [Music] rip synergies up better than ripping my my flippin thing you guys this eating streak you know it's doing a good thing you know I think it's doing a good it's making me excited about things I'm not normally excited about that makes me excited I think I know where the seeker room is I think the game doesn't want me to know but I think I know you know I don't know where the top secret room is though your guess is as good as mine do-do-do-do ah don't do that no I already checked there didn't I I meant to go here I want to go here you have my questions is our MIDI pots to be played Oh Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask III did play Majora's Mask but I didn't get very far and I think you know what if I play Majora's Mask what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna play it on streem and I'm gonna lie you guys to help me out with it I think that would be fun but not FAC C but not backseat we have some some people that are really really good at dropping the appropriate amount of hints that's what I appreciate okay where's teleporting all around dude speaking of dude dude main three months in a row do a win I'm so I'm trying really really hard to do a win here and you know what you might complain about me getting mom's knife oh this is good room ah but in the end it's just gonna make the run go faster and it's gonna up my streak which is exciting it's exciting come on give me a Steam sale as well deal it's gotta be something good that comes out of getting uh something good that comes out of getting ten bombs in our item room double charge I'm gonna save my money save my money in case we can't get like a shop with a re-roll err with some soul hearts we need the health real bad and in five months internal five months in a row baby I'm growing a beard as beautiful as yours well you have to prove that you have to prove that I'm trying to figure out the pattern here so I don't hurt myself good good let's not take more damage here from the spikes let's not do that top secret room would have been really really good to find but I'm saving my bombs saving it what's up anime I'm thinking about doing more game giveaways today you guys we got a bunch we have a ton of games but I don't have my game giveaway thing set up so maybe we take a look a little bit of a breather here regain our bearings and we go ahead and give away a game right now what do we got let us give away ba ba ba ba pop-pop booty bop bop-bop-bop shitty beep beep beep gosh there's so many let me give away all of animes we did give away all of animes we got hey hello Annie Corvallis too stupid Doge demonic and Princess Luna got some keys left from the of and be rich okay Coco Coco Coco let's give away be Rich's gmod how about that if you guys want gmod type capital G into the chat nice man $10 from dude may in my g-spot it shall be yours too from heave API heyit's I've been trying to catch a stream but I'm from Germany so it's a bit hard this is all I have to give I have a wonderful day thank you so much you babes appreciate that very much all right you guys Capital V is all you need to type into the chat in order to win this game key when a winner gets announced I'll tell you now so I don't have to tell you again when a winner gets announced - all you have to do is type something to the chat just to make sure that you are there and that you exist claim the prize and then the the mods will get in contact with you and give you your game key over twitch whispers or twitch whispers which should be a thing that should be very readily available if you are on Twitch should be a thing that you can get to that's how this is gonna go it's the only way it's gonna go Here I am thinking like well let's just take the pill cuz it couldn't be bad it couldn't be bad dude we're [ __ ] this up hard well I can't believe I cannot believe it I can't believe it I don't want to it's just like the tiny little movement that I had was like [ __ ] hell mate challenge runs today those are only on YouTube so now what do you think as a Golden Retriever as a pupper mmm the golden troopers the only ones that I know of are very special very special Kuro prime sub welcome you know there are loyal dogs but they're kind of as smart as a wall breath of the wild Zelda today I think so tonight I think so G mods being given away you guys type capital G into the chat 237 people I'm like I'm not touching the game until until we were done with this and I can't I need a hundred percent focus oh yeah you need to make sure that everybody knows that they can't type it more than a couple times if you guys type the UH if you guys type the keyword multiple times you actually get kicked out of it so that's just there to stop you guys from spamming it because it doesn't do anything it's separate all of us so I'll only type it once please you will get entered don't worry about it like what what if it didn't catch did me what if it doesn't do its job annoyed gamer three months in a row finally able to catch a stream Love You Man appreciate that was uh twelve months a full year welcome back and Bo master asks hey hots I've been watching some old videos and I've been wondering will you play Gunjan again yes I get asked that about you like 17 times a day will be playing dungeon again when gun gins and Dragons pops out it's a thing it's coming out look it up alright let's do this you guys three two one should donk tip Jim thank you for the fall you have one minute to claim this prize Tim Tim you know what let's just wait honestly let's wait on this I'm nervous I shower 20 months in a row damn I'm getting old 20 months ain't nothing Tim Tim 666 420 come on Tim Tim don't let me down Tim Tim tam-tam this is for gmod classic gaming guys if you've ever seen was it prop hunted guys I've ever seen prop hunt was especially original prop punt the old stuff with seananners and gassy mexican and those guys oh god some of my favorite [ __ ] I used to watch some what favorite videos I don't know how you said as you did it congratulations Tim Tim look out for your whispers from the mods appreciate the follow once again alright let's go man I need some rocks let me get my rocks off I'm just feeling exceptionally out of it right now like it does not bode well for our Eden Street I got woken up very very very early I usually sleep in a little bit you know until like 9:00 or so I got woken up really early because chantels car got stuck because it snowed a lot a lot a lot last night we're talking like a foot of snow monkey man kills eight months in a row and Chino says what's up bro what's up Chino we need some need some help we need some help burritos kangaroo just anything see this is like a shop or an item room or something no it's a bunch of balls why would it be why would it be something helpful nah that's like it'd be helpful help who needs help who needs and uses help Nub's now yeah justice yeah buddy temperance I could pull all the temperance up I do suppose I do suppose so sad should I go for a hilf upgrade maybe even break her in it I'm gonna go for a health upgrade these guys pay out with a lot of health upgrades watch he's gonna give me a [ __ ] compass or something's like yeah but what [ __ ] dude here's your bread OPP cheese and Glock goddamn it goddamn it ah [ __ ] what do I use this blank rune keep it with us this is a good trinket though I'm actually gonna just play this I'm not gonna play that I'm just not gonna play that I just saw the guy I'm gonna play that it's not in the mood happy about it all right okay then nice play medicine and play machine for health while the stock refresh Seth tier-one sob thank you so much in Kalon 23 months in a row one more for two years all the best from one country that eats the animals on its coat of arms EMU and kangaroo hmm in the extra ten hungry moms [ __ ] [ __ ] you don't stab the barrel where was I supposed to go or the other place come on this is unacceptable you know how hard I worked to get to this point in time you know with people I stepped on huh that's not good for me oh my god why justice help me miss that doesn't help just don't don't [ __ ] poke your knife into something man [Music] just give me a Degas what was that haggle Oz I needed a day guys last chance for romance and he gave me another haggle Oz and another haagen-dazs ice cream I didn't need that long skinny rooms have like a 25% chance of just being a [ __ ] room just uh oh well you're dead rum oh yeah all loving the spikes man thank you for health right oh um I'm shaking I'm shaking right now I'm not even fast enough to get through this oh oh oh so [ __ ] hard dude why give me the soul hearts smelter though what's better what's better for me to SH Milt our trinkets or to keep keep our money for potential shop refresh soul hearts my hand like hurts like I don't know if I'm just like sitting there tense I'm just like ah and then I'm like more slow I'm like panicking I'm like choking right now Oh choking hard there goes my ring off my finger smelt a fish hang on a second Coffee coffee's good coffee is good I didn't have my coffee this morning I also feel like [ __ ] so I took a nap and I was like oh just take like a thirty minute power nap usually those do pretty well woke up like two hours later like gasping for breath like like a woke up out of the freakin matrix potato peeler everyone stay in the shelter grizzly micro of eight two months in a row I'm back love you hots good luck with the shelter my dude the box of friends is you know it's been pretty okay it's just aa Shmuel to fish well you know if I had a buddy in a box I would go back if I can get enough money for buddy in a box yeah I say we go for it and if I don't get enough money then I won't take it it sounds reasonable oh [ __ ] I just I don't like seeing explosive enemies when I've got a knife I don't like see it seeing explosive barrels if I got a knife don't mess with me man oh yeah that well hmm uh-huh yeah I think so I think I will be using that thank you sir man I have been on the edge of my seat tour a lot two months in RL what is up give me some day causes I'm real slow I'm real slow right now Yara Oh give me the yarid with it Oh couple per throws is mate what are you every have used that peripheral not really no [Music] nice man aguilas here hey Klaus coalition will pop up thank you for the prime sub friend and you're welcome for being really really good about saying that name correctly you welcome [Music] doodlee doodlee do reroll the shop of the perk girl / throws in rear all consumables honestly though there was a solar for sale I would have spent all my money on soul hearts and then I would have been like oh we're good for the rest of the game gosh I am Novus so annoy this I don't like this wrong way money say we go for help instead we could get the money to get the buddy in the box but we don't eat it well we don't need it let's / throw here the card huts I'm gonna go back to the card for sure but we might be able to take the card with us if we use pole both of our / throws here for some health yeah oh good hell yeah you know you know you know you know why would I read roll the shop I don't understand all of it I need the I need the horse hat can someone buy me one of those the horse mask that's such a dead meme excellence we love dead memes here we thrive off of other you know one man's garbage mean meme is another man's riches and I mean per throw the box of friends oh you mean the thing that was actually sitting out there because it was free yeah and I could have done that but I really really wanted to hell I'm not too concerned about our shop items you guys I see what you mean though he had a point best case scenario right there probably would have been ooh I don't know blank card Steam sale maybe hey hangman for consumables I got to go with card against humanity because that gives us hopefully the trinket which we have the smelter for and then gives us a ton of soul hearts from the poo but I'm gonna only do that 100 on a 4x4 or a 2x2 room I mean who comes to us for - one is Street rip Harambee Jesus oh [ __ ] dude the champions it's like oh yeah it just happens to spit in that direction and just so happens to be a champion good good though I'm happy about it I'm happy did that cyan ask a question hey Lots can you make me win a giveaway no I actually can't literally could not do that wouldn't know how scooby-doo prime sub what is up Swank Scoob oh yeah Oh could you give me another room with more champions that's spit randomly oh good yeah it's been a while Frank is that you I hate this game so much sometimes that room this room is such a dumb room so is this one though for really being honest with ourselves this room sucks this form is just should not exist completely unfair give me some red chests in that in the other room and I'll go for it otherwise go away if we have to panic use our card against humanity I'm gonna be ashamed yeah I got to do that Oh for nothing Oh for to find a ma to good the Moffitt didn't do anything actually pretty good the selection of bosses I'm fighting though real really blows Burford are five months in a row son card yeah it's pretty good okay I'd see probably one of the last streams I'll catch for a while do the classes but I've always loved watching extremes afterwards while I procrastinate and write my papers give me something to listen to okay Murr further this is for you so where oh the rainbow did you like it I wrote it myself it's called where I die miserably cold and alone stupid rainbows wait you're still alive nope we start over another run yeah that's we're gonna help ya that's good though plus is a godly voice you're welcome easy to a little chub easy there old air partner whoa thanks for giving that key by the way that's really useful thanks nice key I told you to take the flight card sack of P Nuys yeah oh good more like really good rooms I'm just happy that we could stick with like really good rooms that make a lot of sense that are fair and balanced fair and balanced all the way man oh thank the Lord thank Josh grobin you raise me up so I can stand on mountains you raise me up anyone's having laggy streams smoke just you everybody shame them I'm not a jerk you're a jerk that's a pretty good Josh Groban impression okay going to the cursed room Mel balls we're saying there are no balls in the curse room balls of steel well then I don't want to go remember Josh Groban on crazy ex-girlfriend because I sure do know on what who just put it down to 480p rip oh man that was close skimmed the taint you know this is probably a good enough card against humanity' room I say we just go for it the sooner the better probably sue the better probably good just don't take my health place can I get some more trinkets to blitz that guy one dollar chat anyone agreed that hutch did put singing videos out on vlog Channel all o'clock or deemed a question hots dad and chat I need some advice I don't want to ruin the mood I was just told my best friend was diagnosed with cancer and I have no idea how to take this well don't forget that it's not you that's taking it it's them be there for them be really nice to them ask that they need anything and if they say no respect that and be a lifeline to talk to absolutely so a lot of times we end up making other people's problems our problems and then it that they you know that's not what they're looking for they're not looking for you to panic that's all I got to say about it frog ruff I'm sorry to hear about that - that's sucks dude frog ruff have you played nuclear throne before if not would you consider playing it on stream or YouTube you know yes I think maybe possibly I don't know I don't I don't I just don't [Music] son card I'm sticking with that let's come back in uh poop all this room I'm not trying to be cold or turned off you guys is just give him I'll give you my advice and then I gotta I gotta get back in him into the zone do your shantel have any food allergies bubble pop pop pop no I'm allergic to trees and grass Chantal might be lactose intolerant but she still will like eat cheese and [ __ ] like not enough to like have her stop eating what she wants to so I like some polling melts the harp yeah are the hairpin yeah I should do that what's the hairpin again I think it's uh when I walk into when I walk into a boss room it automatically charges up my active item I think I think maybe as Chantel tried vegan cheese I think if I were to say the words vegan cheese to her she'd be like get the hell out that's how I would react to it the vegan cheese [Music] I don't know about that I don't know if she she cares enough about about for that Monster Hunter when it comes out milk I don't know Monster Hunter don't play it Kalon ask question D of nuclear throne I have a spare copy on Steam i do have it i already have it so you want to give it away you can do that but i have it currently i've played it a little bit really difficult decided that like i didn't want another gunjan type game to spend all my time on to get good at and that's kind of what it seems like that's kind of why I steer away from it it's kind of war steered away from it we were gonna poo right let's do that first I think in our challenge room there stay in a while but it's kind of mostly to the fact that we have to backtrack and do every single thing possible in order to survive and we have 0.77 speed so strap yourselves in boys remember I said this moms knife room is gonna go fast ha funny ant dog for mozzarella I made two subs with just cheese in it and then broiled them it was so cheesy and so good so much cheese apparently the thing you do - like how can I donate my copy for the next giveaway says Kalon talk to the mods they have the whole list they they control that whole thing for me what was gonna say but a good test to see if you have if you're lactose intolerant is to drink two glasses of milk and apparently if you're not writhing in pain then you're not lactose intolerant like you just you just do a big little test right off the bat you just say mmm give me that give me that milk my friend went to the doctor and asked and the doctor recommended to do that to see so fellow cheese hater dude I don't even know I don't even know what kind of a sad life one could live hating on cheese I don't know hello 16 months in a row who's got the but car we had at last oh yeah oh that's what we wanted he raised me up so I can stand on pieces of [ __ ] you raise me up salad shuriken four months in a row welcome back at before months I'm so close to being a butt baby kinda the gift this isn't a break no we we take our gifting very seriously here and we don't just pop it for no reason we don't just pop it like it's hot I really wish that our shop had like real items in it so that we could spend all this cash that we have only once so hearts so far which is kind of sad but kind of better than no soul arts you know what so I'm watching again with Chantal Breaking Bad I thought it was a good show so I said to get back into it another so hard yeah buddy oh yeah good then we took the shields see I told you I'd swing grab all the money regardless because the keys you know a gradable we did it we Came we saw the conquered and we got what we wanted it's good it's nice man there's poop in my room you like Breaking Bad I do yeah never sock better call Saul though I heard good things I guess I'm done suppose I heard some good things no just want to spit out a green bomb gotta set some boundaries you know gotta set those boundaries Krampus I'm ready to fight you now Wow super dodge oh you know that's all well and good but I think I'm pretty okay with the knife I think I'm gonna be okay right or would you guys recommend reroll the shop level perthro use blood donation machine to get blood bag mmm true true dat I started watching izombie on Netflix with sugar and as a compromise so she would watch tokyo ghoul she loved tokyo ghoul and i completely hooked on iZombie the info on it was BS the show is actually really amazing I think Chantal watches iZombie I think so so now it's like it's too late you know I can't jump in she's already seen it smelled for life smelter smelter smell to keep the smelter you know the get you the smelter is good you guys but we've already melted some good stuff you know at this point in time we probably just find it a good trinket and just hold on to it [Music] Tokyo ghoul is so good Lumi 27 months yeah cots what's up zu zu me how much called you zoomy zoomy that's lame this hella lame what do you call a Louie that goes fast alright I'm out of here I'm out of here no more jokes Oh your blood bag I guess bill happy birthday the cup cakes or the cupcake cake Cup zoomy I'll go for a blood bag I mean there's so many red hearts over there it's just like do we need to is it worth the backtracking it's so slow oh my god undertale music plan plan plan Wow should be double Shuba Dibby Dibby Dibby [Music] let's see here how many times do we want to walk back and forth to try to get this blood bag I don't I don't know how many more I have in me keep the smelter this is why I Lully stopped watching this game is so goddamn boring because you guys make me do so many stupid things go to the next floor the Chris gets it we were worried about living and now or not where's my love what's up be rich I saw some of your games I'm gonna give away today I just gave one way just a second ago unless you've been here the whole time you already knew [Music] what does the smell do fam the smelter will permanently apply a trinket to my body and my mind and then destroy itself [Music] it's not that boring this is pretty boring one's a nice giveaway right
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,309
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch
Id: aFjepvOBjqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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