Eden Streak #24 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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we're gonna just like jump in here 23 going for 24 technically alright swoopy hair to be got bad damage good fire 8 health is fine not Excel floor curse of darkness we have a pill that I'm not gonna use yet we got the book of secrets which will show me something on the map which is the compass this time we have a sack of pea nice we have golbez 97 for two months we have a shadow a Dirac sea for two months as well woot and a extra three hundred bits just saw the call to twitch and huts too so set an alarm in the UK so I know by the way take my prime stub and have some bits appreciate it you guys seriously it's like a free five dollars is it free though or are you paying for that in your Amazon Prime thing you know like you already technically paying for it don't let it go to waste also fine you know what if I have to I'll take it I'll take that burden from you you're very welcome I'm feeling good today so you know I think I could handle I don't know 4,000 of them probably like if you have you know it's just just saying my mom is paying for it well yeah right wink I'm not using my parents HBO account I'm a real adult ostian 28 months say Hutt's can't catch a lot of you strange glad I can watch this one and downhills Zeus get the dust up the bad TV live spirited Tiger a prime sub sweetie wolf grove 255 bits nice to see you all cheery wasn't that more exciting no one else all grumpy and depressed no just me Thank You Danielle Zeus with a gifted sub appreciate it very very generous you guys chat chad is way too generous if you're new here you'll you'll figure that out you'll get real sick of them touch slap when choppers slap to avoid that guy dead like cookie for months so being subbed already how very nice so very nice let's hear we have a what was his name again I don't get him enough to really memorize his name how long are these streams anywhere from like 3 hours to 10 hours depending on how I feel and how it goes nerd has puns 5 subs is up Jonathan extra powershift kappapride boys a gaunt Grandmaster and Neil kappapride boys how many gifted sub subscribe six months on there you might Sharon don't call me Sharon does anybody know what his name is only extreme dungeon again I'm not sure I'm not sure we also have eggs at the gungeon that's a thing we were struggling with robot and cultists runs sweet failed both at some point I'd like to beat them but I'm not sure when we also have darkest dungeon you guys I'm kind of thinking this is what I'm thinking we do a we do a couple eaten runs and then we do some throwback undermine right I have a lot of upgrades but still have a lot of cool stuff yet to buy from the blacksmith and then after a couple of undermine runs maybe maybe darkest dungeon we'll see Tim Doug 34 months what is up welcome back good number that's a Nord virus 415 what's up you and your stories gave me huge moral support to start streaming by myself love you and your content and I hope that I can become such a good streamer slash youtuber as you good luck good luck friend oh do you like exit the gungeon I I really like the fact that I can now plug my controller into my phone I think it's uh it's an interesting start of something fun potentially I don't hate it it's it's just a lot going on I want to beat it still 37 months from said about what's up welcome back over three years already what a luxury I'll reveal first whatever I'm just like that's why it is don't even try to say her name Alexia welcome back 22 I'm currently on my new PC that I put together all by myself feels good man and she's gone blue screen ps4 controllers can connect as well that is true and not all Xbox controllers can be plugged in though yeah it have to be I got special one look it up they'll tell you it's kind of like this little top thing up here has to be one piece you'll notice the old ones have a separate like plastic piece up here around the Xbox button that's how you can tell pretty much and I miss your dog this here I'm gonna go to the oh I can't I don't have a bomb fight the boss go get the eternal art and then our health is you know back to where it should be okay but seriously what was this familiars name we can totally get something special with him maybe now health is like really good for the next floor word ordeal the devil will hopefully be let's go to shop [ __ ] baby yeah you're right does [ __ ] baby he does if I get rotten baby [ __ ] baby will do that right trying to remember it's been a while since I've had [ __ ] baby he hasn't you know hasn't been on the forefront of my mind there's my soul art that I'm looking for protect our deal with the devil chances and also will allow us to get a bomb but I'm thinking fate fave fave this I've sense my brain does that [ __ ] all the time save the five cents for an arcade since we had a lot of health fave the size how I'm like actually surprised that my brain was able to think so far ahead to switch the letters around do you guys ever do that it's the sign of a genius Mongolian baby [ __ ] baby what is he supposed to look like by the way what is that supposed to mean like what's with the blue is that supposed to like be a reference to something pop-culture II maybe autumn sky chaser seven months to stop a box happy 7 months thanks for all the smiles absolutely thanks for the support friend Oh composite human infant what does that mean though composite of what all their babies half human half plastic obviously a mango wrapped it all together then I say Overlord hunter bits but all the time since I got a stream hope you had a great time streaming hey man I've missed ya dad I'll be sure to try and drop by more often well thanks for the bits I've been really well lately been really well then like almost getting a video every day on my youtube channel which was my main goal to begin with and I still had the ability to binge watch the office for the first time haven't seen it yet already on season 5 so maybe as soon as I finished the office we'll have some spare time for things but ya know it actually does really help my it's crazy it's crazy if you find like a hobby that you really enjoy doing that really makes you want to get up the next day that can really affect your mood you might be like lose the stupid TV show but like TV show game whatever friend place thing trying hard to find something like that huge difference mentally food could be food don't let that get the better of you but ya know you know do your thing I love the last darkest dungeon VIN Hut's the wolf alden johnson thank you so much the Tia ones sub I appreciate it thanks for supporting me let's find our shop so we can buy some stuff we're probably gonna give up health I hate this room there's no that was no way there was no [ __ ] way that I could do that or that purple guy's gonna go to the right are they gonna go to the left I'm gonna [ __ ] me in the neck capito prime sub welcome you guys TV equals life trying to finish Naruto Naruto episode 1 for one piece I think it's impossible I would have to start we talking about something else now or still the office most TV shows are exponentially better if you start from episode 1 because they actually like [ __ ] build characters and stuff you can't just jump in and like episode 45 and be like well I don't care that guy died one like true fans are like [ __ ] crying what'll look that show well you started watching at season 4 and then you saw one episode of season 8 of course you don't like the [ __ ] in the show you don't even know what the show is use that before we get the charge here cuz I'm smart fairy tale ended hey hurt thanks for the update video saying Amazon private gets a free sub but we never would have never known then wanted to support you for a while though see this is why we have to spam it you guys by the way push Prime subs and when has Amazon Prime gets a free twitch rhymes dub yeah all i have to do is to link your account you missed the sub did i rock mobs who else was it Rock mops thanks Rock mops appreciated two months maybe you missed a sub that I said case you didn't know twitch Prime subs nice to turn a lot from them poops yeah no I definitely don't let me forget that by the way I'm not gonna take it now because we're still using the blood donation machine see see you guys you think that I would have petrified poop because of all the prizes I'm getting just an extremely lucky person who raised the game thanks dad by the way are the old subs being nice to the new subs so I don't want to have to mediate you guys serious petrified Dukey finished Demon Slayer recently and can't wait for new episodes let's hear I guess we could go ahead and visit our machine once again we have enough old subs versus new subs fight club ever in the chat this time I doubt that some of the prize stops paying out the ass today this is great we did get our arcade people still don't understand that you need to have five cents or more moving on to an even numbered floor in order to see in arcade that is the that's how you do it those are the rules people still don't know that [ __ ] don't speak of right club what about left clever kill me you can't even blame autocorrect for that because fights a real word you [ __ ] it up here our car our garbage our damage is pretty garbage it's what I tried to say but our fire rate makes up for it as long as we have fire right it's still what the hell happened there Oh GB bug went through them and shrunken head viagra real talks so excited for Dark Souls yeah that's gonna be a [ __ ] show you guys I I have played Dark Souls but like started a new game made it maybe an hour in start a new game maybe made it two hours in started a new game made it like eight hours in and then like you know I think that the last boss that I got to was what's the one out to the gargoyles there's one that's like in a small little room that's got like a little staircase in the back that like leads nowhere but you can like jump up there and like do your the like jump move on them Minotaur boss is that that sounds about right I think I got to that guy and then just quit Capra demon no idea Tristan you'll need a pump Asst look at these poops man when oil [Music] it's kappa demon is [ __ ] I don't remember I don't remember it being difficult but but that was because I looked up how to beat this and it was like walk up the stairs do a jump attack on him dodge out of the way walk up the stairs do a jump attack on him jet [ __ ] what's up 35 like if I through the hood can't speak today brains like half capacity T help me looking forward to the dank soul stream hunts also the Capra demon is a suck boss if that means that the boss sucks then yes if it means something else you'd have to explain to me plus-minus prime sub welcome + - it makes me think of that Pokemon that the two Pokemon one of the names of those little guys little the + electric ones and - minam and Maxim magazine plus soul and minam they probably want her to do minam and Maxim and they're like we can't we literally can't do Maxim I hated that dad joke well then it worked wonderfully I will probably take the void here by probably I mean I'm taking the void here and we got a damage up something to celebrate [Music] I hate the void don't forget the eternal art it's up J right scribe that guy um shop we got a lot of money no I have off bottom is in bad I tweaked my neck you guys two days ago there's anybody a licensed chiropractor and the chat it's this weird thing it's like right here and what's up is like I can bend my neck this way but I can't go past here on this side and it just like really hurts I don't know how to fix that I know massage therapy dil UJ Reich do you how did you manage that I woke up that way I probably slept on it wrong I woke up in the morning and then like stretched my neck and it was like well that's not good I'm gonna days a run got immediate devil deal from red chest and bought brimstone thinking it was Abaddon and died riperoni you see this room it's gonna be the secret room every time how is the Minnesota right now stormy it's raining past couple days it's been raining mmm almost got me good damage good fire rate by the way fringle d what's up what's good big boy just eaten today no I'm thinking about doing some undermine some throwback undermine and then maybe darkest dungeon after that any tattoo plans yeah so like I'm thinking about doing more with this maybe some like larger larger skinnier trees in the background kind of make it a little bit more busy I feel like it's not as busy as I want to be like this isn't the favorite part that I have and I'm liking the idea of like the gray with the black with the white maybe even a lighter gray in there like some different tones tints what are you going to call it and then down here I'll probably come up with some sort of like really cool geometric pattern I just haven't I haven't really nothing's jumped out I'm in a really wait till something like grabs me and I'm like oh god I have to have that and then I'll probably still sleep on that for like I don't know a couple months I never get a color tattoo you know I thought about doing something like wouldn't it be really cool if on like my shoulder area when that'd be cool if I did something were more trees in the background and then did like some sort of like really cool detailed moon on my shoulder and then filled it with like a sunset or maybe like a purple the blue sort of color and the backgrounds be sick but no guarantees of anything like that I just thought about that today actually and I was like I could look really good these guys in the middle can literally just [ __ ] go to hell they are the worst I hate them a lot why not mirror the tree silhouettes slightly and make the mirrored trees be colorful or something like an aurora borealis seeming like [Music] my computer is restarting my whole computer has crashed power surge is detected during previous power on hey soos anti surge was triggered unstable power supply unit what does that windows updates not Windows updates I have a new PC set up you guys press f12 run set up a trigger to protect system from unstable power supply unit so I have to buy a new power supply I'm assuming I don't think that they're both they're both plugged into the same thing right same surge protector same cord is loose oh maybe [Music] really didn't look like the Cardinals loose when I go here at first well I'm fixing everything that was just that was just weird I like that bridge background hype I don't even know it's gotta be the power supply right if it's saying it's a faulty power supply you know and it made it quite clear in the error message connection insides like something if the PC is hit or kick to the worse the worse inside your a power supply what's up Jacob that was I don't know I guess that I made it quite clear I'm gonna probably open it up you know after the stream or if this happens again maybe I'll just shut the stream off for a while until I can figure out what the problem is because this is problematic I blame Obama maybe this trip but that's what I'm saying the strip everything is plugged in both computers are plugged into it so if there was a surge or something the power failure both the computers would shut off could be motherboard it's the one that I did not replace the motherboard in [Music] that was odd I think it probably saved from the last floor did we do anything in this floor what happens we got our ass kicked by these guys I remember that and then we went into the secret room yeah now my sound doesn't work don't you just love that when that happens captain sheephead what's up also welcome adduce on woken prime subs welcome you guys both y'all you missed my sub but I just didn't see it yet okay let me thanks this you guys let me get the the volume working I use a voice meter to output through my speakers and to the capture card so that should do it I think I can hear him maybe alien cookies though it's really loud I remember what we got from this was it like a heart no is that yeah I wouldn't have done that again had I known remembered I stopped driving and crashed maybe it caused it everyone fine with blaming Vulcan cool deal 800 bits null force zero hello lots I've been watching your videos for years now and I have been trying to catch a stream I'm just glad I was finally able to I'm glad as well welcome welcome welcome welcome thanks for the 800 bits by the way I blame squat also very reasonable just imagine the sounds anyone just mean Jesus the DVD boom that's also a good one I got me I blame Mickey Mouse shoutout to all the single motherboards out there keep it up can you even have a double motherboard I look motherboards just like my to my GPUs STI he pinched me they're a little bit well done brimstone meow I was a long time ago let's voice back confirmed no one's gonna say anything about Tim Allen no one says anything about Tamela they're just gonna make me make these weird [ __ ] noises and look like an idiot and not be like ah I got you dog Tim Allen sounds nice double no double motherboards in my Christian computer that's what I was trying to go for you guys [ __ ] you blew it was gonna be funny GB bug went up there touched whatever was in that corner and turned into a dime I'm fine with this actually I shall take I want to open that as well save the key though for shop forty cents again another key never minds open it I like how I can like touch the UH I can touch the key thing right the lock block and like hitting it I'm like like take my [ __ ] key and then sometimes I'm like walking by it and a thing like steals the [ __ ] key out of my pocket Mickey be damned mine's key lock it's never there when it needs it when I needs it this is hard been not the CCO five hundred bits say its first three mile been able to catch in the past three point five years thanks to the laughs and thanks chat to chat shut out my goodness that could have been bad he was void before entering item room oh yeah we should we should avoid the item room why would I use it before the item room 260 viewercount we can do better than this is below bedrock there's just so many people that view my stuff unless it's like the same to learn 66 people that put my shin and replay on huts too but I would imagine there's probably people that only watch stuff on stream and not even on knots too so if I get 10,000 views plus sometimes 20,000 sometimes 50,000 a couple videos I think around like a hundred thousand views and hunts too but I can't get any of those people to my actual stream well if I could get ten thousand viewers every single time I logged on I would be [ __ ] king of the world you have no idea at that point in time might be like so rich and famous I would just move to LA I'd be like I have to it's if you hit this number you have to go to LA it's required I would step on them but the babies that he spits out I don't think you're gonna be yeah that's how they get you put the Gods flesh shrink you step on an enemy that spawns other enemies and they spawn non shrunken enemies and then you immediately take contact damage I'll play this a little bit winter wolf 35 what is up welcome back so a bunch of comments that said they can't catch a stream for various reasons whiners what I call them Minnesota is the best state I know I live there tell me some good mods for Isaac um Tim Allen mod next question please this is not really what I wanted I won like a better trinket and I'm willing to pay there are any eggs of the gungeon bosses you'd like to see be retro actively included in the main game um I think they're really really interesting but no I dislike most of them I think it's really it boils down to the fact that the rooms are so small and x2 the gungeon that when they try to continue on with the same shot speed it's like unbelievable not even the same shot speed like some of the shots are like way faster than anything in enter the gungeon and you're in a tiny room if you just literally have to predict the shots rosary beat increases chance of getting angel room is it because there's one that increases chance for soul arts is that bead the pearl I mean and then there's one that increases chance for [Music] the turtle hearts and then there's one that increases chance for Angel rooms rosary beads sounds right though for angel rooms I should use my charge in this thing when I had the chance into the gungeon content on the main channel coming up unsure I'm thinking about redoing the way that I accept challenges you guys in the reddit page and I'm thinking about just having some like like like a mega thread of sorts where I asked specifically like today I'm gonna be doing a Gunjan every item is X give me your best idea right and on that single thread is where you guys will post your stuff and upload other comments and it'll just kind of take everything and just put it in one little nice spot only when I'm ready for it right this would basically get rid of any of the whole like you know like I submitted my challenge and you didn't even listen to me you do you do challenges anymore like that kind of stuff that would be great you guys have to spend less time like doing that and trying to make it you know known on the reddit and I only call on it when I'm ready to make the video of course you'd still be able to you know write whatever the hell you wanted on the reddit since it's open to anything really now keep your dick takes place just that shitty room that we tried to avoid we just see wherever he's gonna come up and we go to the opposite side of the screen genius idea got him strength God what's love yeah it's not mystic wolf every item is clone I'd pay good money to just watch normal runs to be honest does capito shot speed upgrade pretty nice really pretty swell I think this is technically a better trinkets keep doing that fool okay if we can get a battery somewhere was there a battery for sale in the shop would you totally go into the cursed room I could handle it we did get our devil deal though and like one of the good reasons for going into a curse from besides a guppy item is getting a teleport to the devil room Oh even better every item is your mom ah little Hans kills his dad more at 7 every item is Joe Joe mama your mom is everyone's item dad got him Joe's mama Joe's mama if I may who's Joe every item is leg mmm everyone left every item is bullets plus one damage there we go better better better better better better and we're ready to leave I think that we leave anything behind I left why are you not taking free safety blankets isn't it a free soul heart safety blanket I think is one free hit in the boss room world your 5 months Hutt's love welcome back friend el I've never gotten hit as you all know so it's kind of a pointless item for me I don't know why I put a penny in there for good luck rocket stones out of it first I'm sending bits to my favorite streamer thank you for getting me through tough times with all the laughs you're the best thank you so much for supporting me my friend appreciate that we're gonna call it at 3 soul hearts on the floor on the ground or to seoul arts internal health upgrade and we will Judas I'll do it wasn't my rules though our shot speed really got a boost there every item is Junkin blankets when forgetting the boss from and plus one soul heart temporary though right probably should have put a bomb in the other side since higher chance of a secret room being there it's just I mean it didn't matter in the end with the golden bomb but NARS II what's up 26 doesn't even matter to Safi on it matters to me in my heart's you saying that my heart doesn't matter cuz I will fight your ass and just your ass though might not be strong enough to fight your whole body I've gotten in a lot of fights so you know my confidence is you'll do what's in my ass every item is HUDs heart matters I'm gonna try to remember not to pick up soul arts we just get to Hierophant cards too and that would settle it did you watch the bumbo chapter one video by Edie is there like a different one other than like the 13 trailer or teaser videos that have come out I was gonna say let's go to the shop first just in case we get a Diplo but what floor are we on foot he caves I'll take it then otherwise I would have sucked it if you're on like Depp's one or Deb's two every item is bad trip pill really good one it's very funny Isaac's Hartree skin there's a lot of really cool reskin mods but we don't play with them because they're technically mods and this is a none modest every item is missing know if I got a missing no and then I got another missing no I don't think missing no changes right so I think it still wouldn't give me more items like there was an idea there right I like if it turned all the other missing nose into something else but I don't think it does do you ever down whipped cream by the bottle No I've done it out of the bottle who was I with I was with somebody and they were just like casually talking about taking whippets and it was like somebody would not like somebody I think they were like old or something like that like oh yeah then you can like totally take a whip it and you're like you what do you want to talk about it was it the Pope and then I'm gonna talk about it in case be like what are those Oh water whippets they're fluffy monsters make our own the Kanto region casual whip bruh I have never and never would want to isn't that one of those things that like if you did it wrong you could literally die after one time pretty sure it just destroys your brain potentially I think it was a song by REM [Music] not so much to use my suck on so maybe I'll just try to find some where to file both Seager home so it doesn't it really doesn't really matter we'll just save the charge I'm taking a whip Oh whip it right now whip it real good you say REO wasn't it [ __ ] Talking Heads what are you drunk what are you a wizard Harry ever items papa fly I do want to find like a really funny ridiculous thing and I still I still want to do the Greg thing and win Arthur in or three months a ohad sloppy content keep it up it's Arthur or inert by the way Arthur Arthur Renard but there's one are you trying to confuse me or whip it is a it is debo huts huffing freon is the one that kills you pretty sure that anything that takes away oxygen potentially from your brain can just put you right out to many accounts that's the bad one I think that's the one to splode II thought flies I'm not mistaken nope nope go to my fridge at 3 a.m. for pudding what's that thing that they say like don't eat after 8 p.m. I've got a friends who is dabbling in the the intermittent fasting he doesn't eat after like 5 p.m. every day yeah [ __ ] that ok boss you have no health stop cheating plz suckable honestly if we're gonna end up turning into dark Judas we're gonna lose it anyways I don't know where I would go to get in the charge actually it's a good one not really anyway you can do that nope that's my knowledge i suckable I've said that before g4s game ready drivers available if you install that nvidia and shut off my stream we're done professionally mountain dew it 21 months apple juice time you're gonna bring enough to share up the class sir share with the class i mean dark slow thing today nope i actually announced the exact date calendars are helpful sometimes [ __ ] your face literally [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate that room so much it's what I would say pausing incredibly pissed off Oh leave it leave it leave it leave it could get a black heart here - yeah sweet black heart appreciate it love it tinted rocks would be nice to find right now I really want a reason too dark Judas even the turrets super-speedy packs looking for a higher offense not yet you nerds throw a chair at a class y backseat Hut's at the game he's beat at least three times how do I play this game you guys what do I do next I want you to direct every single tear chute left okay shoot up once shoot right move forward okay wow what a [ __ ] room what a [ __ ] room [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude I've never seen afterbirth plus is like seven bajillion gazillion did bazillion times harder than rebirth you have no idea the introduction of the voids was just a ginormous go [ __ ] yourself I really wish I got my eden streak back when it was just rebirth alright alright alright alright fire fire it would just be nice overall COFF COFF not that one okay I kind of want it step on red poops for upgrades [Music] do it um you know ones the Dark Souls thing the fact that you know that the Dark Souls thing exists but don't know the date I should uh I should have totally dark Judas first because that was a health upgrade I saw the video but when is it can you also buy me a calendar and then write it down on the calendar oh come on guys come on come on guys Piko a guy 2 months up welcome back [Music] 27th of October tiny kapa we're not even gonna get a deal with the devil on this floor that's how bad this is going I'm a very forgetful person will you please remind me when the dark souls thing is October 8th Tuesday next Tuesday not this Tuesday next Tuesday got it on a completely unrelated note if somebody wanted to buy a full armor set like a fake armor set and doesn't want to get some crap from Halloween Express where would they go someone have Amazon open right now yeah saw that coming a mile away ah that's just not gonna deal with the devil it's even an Excel floor oh good extra [ __ ] me right to my neck ah great there we go hey Gert Rick what's up two dollars hey how it's wasn't sure I'd make the stream today did you happen to get the gift message I sent yes I did and thank you death row to Canada have not played it you know I think it's gonna suck this up there's double items Wow speed range and luck the top three things on my list really good holy [ __ ] I I haven't played it I can't guarantee that I'm going to play it it's one of those things that like I don't know if anyone really cares about the game anymore besides the people who are like of course it was an awesome game right a nice stream in there like well I've already played it I'm gonna watch that love II would sell in 40 months I've done it for zero part of the 4-0 Club I just just like walked into that I don't know if I panicked just literally just threw my own [ __ ] face right into it and now we don't get a devil deal because I decided to get frisky with my own face that's nice and there's a soul heart right there great watching us play games is more fun than playing games most of the time I've got a slate by seeing my shell he's unhappy let's just clear my throat angrily let me happily joyously [ __ ] me in the face the boy laughed goodnight woken I still watch you play something new Hut's or new to you there's definitely always gonna be a handful people that will watch and be like what a totally [ __ ] watch you're crazy and dumb for thinking that I won't watch cuz I will watch so what each one of you guys gets your top 100 friends and we'll call it a party just your top 100 friends though please at this point I'm kind of just thinking that's the smartest thing to do would be to try to naturally get a double deal and well we can't come back we literally can't come back so did really wish I kept my strength card because if we turn into dark Judas and we didn't get a health upgrade we can use the strength card to get a deal with the devil I [Music] [ __ ] hate this room handle it well though with dignity the spinning [ __ ] turrets you guys holy [ __ ] turrets totally fine super annoying can sometimes hit you you just gotta like be smart get good at the game spinning turrets it's like [ __ ] it I'm not anything to try to dodge it my brain can do it nope no no no [ __ ] no can't do it will not do it there's no way I can balance and turn a spinning turret as well as other enemies that are chasing me down or teleporting my location it's just literally I cross my fingers I close my [ __ ] eyes and I say please don't hit me and then I get hit he's the Hermit to teleport out of your mom yeah that's true I think I'd rather turn jart a jerk rod rather turned dark Judas and strength card for a free deal of the devil but so I'll probably get hit in the mom fight regardless which means that you know because if I was able to protect myself with like one soul heart I wish I could try to do I'm gonna just buy this there's no reason not to at this point in time Jacques Judas brah my brain is non-functional today and I don't see it getting better flora so big because it's Excel whoa what Excel means big oh I'm just sewing you guys maybe it's not gonna be a great day to stream the more I try to pay attention the more of my brains like yeah [ __ ] you turning off but I check my bio settings in my head restarted due to a faulty power supply I'm not sure what I was supposed to do about that you know it's bad when I came and handle the room with these [ __ ] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo let's go check what this card was over yonder shortcut was it a strength there is a strength card so we could totally dark Judas in strength card and use that method instead should be full clear just in case there's more soul hearts waiting for us yeah if this health is meaningless might as well make some use out of it trying to look for more health bomb there's three or more I feel like skulls are probably worth it pretty nice PSU issues that's my computer shut off restarted came back on automatically open BIOS said something like it shut off due to a faulty power supply pop something about a power surge I'm almost touching this one is that the general method that you guys say to to dodge these spinning tourists you just basically close your eyes and hope for the best goodness man game slot for yell louder Jesus yo Dawg I heard you don't like these spin [ __ ] I liked how they fixed it so that the Krampus he hasn't tell now whenever he's gonna do the spin [ __ ] he like does a like jumpy thing and then they put turrets like that in their Hut slap is talking to you clock I talked back to him stop yelling ay ay to fam prime sub welcome my friend why are people screaming at me I don't understand just kinda hoping for like a tinted rock or something fire rate okay good clock doesn't listen sis lobby doesn't listen while screaming at me for not listening that power supply fail with an issue similar there was a short inside the PSU didn't fail often but it would more frequently keep an eye on it so don't want to fry your other components of surge protection fails to kick in yeah wonder if it's like something's turning off or something's getting disconnected or if it actually is like sending out like a power surge which of course could destroy worlds let's try from the black cart well we tried okay now I want to find some place to lose some health that I leave a fire yeah okay dark Judas now grab the rest of the health take our strength card in if we manage to get a deal with the devil we'll use that to buy it ad astra I saw ad astra love space movies Brad Pitt I was like ooh yeah I didn't like it really didn't like it keep insane two months in a row guess who's back what's up they dip their toes into so many different like the movie could have been this the movie could have been that the movie could have been this and they just missed the mark and every single one of those only good parts were the CG I'd planets that was like five seconds worth though it was like this is gonna be about going crazy over space travel nope this is gonna be all amazing visuals nope I'll give you two minutes though this is gonna be about a weird [ __ ] thing that happened on the space station that I'm not gonna go into good spoilers nope merrily just like everything is like it had so much potential just go into one of them pick one go for it disagree I loved ad astra I was so disappointed super fanatic 35 months in a row one more month until three years what did you like about ad astra that'd be my question i guess what am i missing what are people like oh it was good because of this because i just really don't understand there's an okay movie hoping for something else the moral was really cool didn't even really capitalized in the moral though that was another thing where it was like yeah this like really cool idea of like oh you that you're right and i was like nah then once again they spent like two minutes explaining it here's a moral now we're done here's visuals now we're done ever trying to sell a deeply personal story in an artistic way and I thought they nailed it I'm gonna suck that up instead I would say the past 20 times I've taken the experimental treatment it's actually giving me good stuff better damage better fire rate and this time I didn't trust that I didn't I didn't get the message at all I I know the message they were going for and I thought they just blocked hard but that's just mean I was excited to hear about that message ready for a good cry you know we didn't get in anyways doesn't matter take our Polaroid we're gonna get a next floor and now we have a way to pay for it we're in good condition out of its gotcha dollar heading out to work glad I can catch you for a few minutes at least huts happy thanks the bed shadow there's so many like here's the thing and it was what I was talking to was I saw the movie with Josh and Ryan and I was talking to them like I didn't hate the movie why are we listening to this like Christmas carols like stop never ever monster cat no one ghosts you for Christmas carols no one stop it it's never a thing that you should ever have done anyways oh oh okay what was I saying oh yeah yeah there are so many other space movies right we were like oh man the visuals yeah but if I'm gonna go for space visuals how about like these 30 movies that are all it's just beautiful amazing well there was the whole like theme behind the like you know don't just live to work and like blah blah blah and I'm like oh once again these are their 30 movies I could watch any of those that would hit the mark 300 times more well I mean yeah but it was about like this like space travel a hundred movies pick one of them and it knocks that out of the park I didn't hate it didn't hate it I fall back on my whole like it dipped its toe into every one of the things and was like oh sigh Christmas music and [ __ ] off at game slap all right hey Christmas music says slap there's definitely some Christmas needs like that uh is nostalgic ah see here's the thing I don't mind listening to Christmas music what I hate is listening to other people listening to Christmas music if I don't want to hear the Christmas music it is the worst if I'm like ooh you know what I actually kind of feel like listening to that one Christmas song and that gives me some like you know nostalgic vibes of Christmas is past and it's great it's perfect some happy memories oh I don't even [ __ ] know you were there you piece of [ __ ] wolf Prime self what's up wolf tempted to take that honestly it's not the worst thing to have here I mean I'll probably just suck the health upgrade for shot speed fryer I mean fire speed fire stick the mine Christmas music on the radio or in a store or whatever but I won't go out of my way to look it up Isaac's head seemed extra large to anybody else it was pretty normal to me a Martian I thought the Martian was great they nailed it you know that was diving into like specifically like what would you do if you were stranded like they actually jumped in like I feel like I learned something like I didn't really but I feel like I learned something and I had some laughs along the way and it was like hey very specific what they were going for and they [ __ ] did it my daughter Malia I don't know what I was doing the whole like hand thing we could suck that up damage best use of that item I think I've ever seen in my life potatoes is all the movie told me yeah but now you can grow your own potatoes with your own [ __ ] you're welcome is this a fire it upgrade yeah it totally is let's six-to-five is fantastic mmm good 15 damage five fire eight we've come a long ways was it only me that got bored watching gravity yeah the one I yeah gravity was okay get it done without it sunshine though interstellar was like I felt like it was on the right side of [ __ ] up now in made your brain melts of course it's gonna be a bunch of people like nah ah let's know it works I like that [ __ ] though the stuff that makes you go like wait what oh maybe Apollo 13 of course Marcellus seven months in RL eight total hey dad finally can catch one of your streams love the video on Stygian do you think that you will make more vids about the game um I I don't plan on it I was never originally planning on playing the game at all right until the sponsorship but I do know I do find myself being like maybe he'll play some stingy and it's like kind of see what happens right cuz I thought it was actually a really well planned out storyline I want to play that guy cuz we'd have polaroid invincibility but I think it'd be pretty stupid how much health we have this is not gonna be so bad with our damage I don't think I do want the health upgrade okay I want the health upgrade now we strength by this then by this and we're totally fine suck that out for luck really nice well we have at least six black hearts an incubus now we're in good shape plans for Halloween nope I'm Irish you can never have too much potatoes sleep is very important now we're in real good shape right now wouldn't it be nice if Mongol actually mimics Incubus manga vez all right Chad since we're on the topic favorite space movie go funny space movies counts gravity only one I've seen love space movies I love that [ __ ] Solaris have not seen it asteroid a lot of people said space balls alien of course of course no one said Armageddon Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy I expected to see that one Treasure Planet Space Chimps I never watch a space movie before hmm missing out some of my favorite stuff Star Wars I was trying to pull my inky butts up there I think I walked into a tear are we ready to go there's a library we should probably ate that up I should probably just get this seal if I can baby Ellis doesn't that sounds like a porno remake of a Disney movie reading Hitchhiker's Guide is it a good read okay that was not even fair long [ __ ] distance spider spinning I think we have a new world record yeesh thousand bits from rainbow baby hey it's just wanted to show some support super excited about the Dark Souls stream thank you so much my friend I am uh as excited as I can Book of Shadows there should be a bookworm we could totally use this for half price into this it's an awesome read okay why should we suck him up how the jump is not really something that I want but um you know sure zombie man three months of stop bug to the best welcome back fifth elements was it good movie let's see yeah know what I was looking for there would have been a fortune-telling machine I probably would have played it with all of my money for soul hearts and trinkets um let's peek our heads in just in case something sexy in here we could go for this go Titan is pretty and they named a planet Bob Titan is that the one where they go to the moon above like [ __ ] Neptune or some [ __ ] it's pretty recent Green Lantern is in space oh my goodness I almost walked into that red pooop' my speed is up there the Iron Giant came from space did he tighten the AE what's the one that I'm thinking about then it's a movie that came out like maybe like two years ago or some [ __ ] about going to a moon of Jupiter or some [ __ ] I don't think anybody in Chad's really I'm thinking no one cares moving on next conversation Batman went to space one time in lego movie that naiis an old cartoon space movie huh Europa could have been europa holy [ __ ] not a space film but from space iron giant counted Jupiter ascending no it was just one word it was the name of like the moon what's the big moon that's made of ice and everyone's like could support life underneath the ice we don't know is that Titan I think that is Titan right I L [ __ ] know clearly not a scientist I love all three hundred wente eight people that are on this streams is Alex you know what I bet you one of them can prove you wrong nice just trying to find the way to the boss from here oh my gosh second Steam sale why did I take it for the principle of the matter kind of really done with more shot speed you're right I love it when they shoot when you can't see them crushing it 18 damage 5 fire rate pretty good run pretty nice we got what at least like two damage maybe from the void okay [ __ ] baby you can shoot flies right yes so we don't want any more familiars I don't really want any of that [ __ ] so we suck it all up four shot speed range and look oh man the void is really struck out today little the onion 14 months eat it distracting me with your Yeats taking damage for this [ __ ] but conjoins you know conjoined is actually a damage downgrade yeah but you can shoot fuse out of this side of your head and hit no one with them what an excellent trade conjoin is not really worth it unless you have tractor beam for me wrong these blanks I don't think I will be playing Borderlands 3 I'll go for it yeah suck it up yeah I'll take the damage yeah oh yeah I'm getting over here well I could guide the battery suck up again and maybe it'll tell me where these secret rooms are nope plot equals Bugs Bunny what happened to fine [Applause] it's an empty red heart doesn't affect me until I actually take health lowly onion five gifted substitute tickle pickle quivering sir Lord lost math penguin and chef T Devon thank you so much little onion welcome you guys we're putting out a lot of damage here 20 20 damage now we're doing it was that a secret room on the left side of the first two by the two room well it's not open it that's it you mean fruitcake sounds like fun until we get it back ACK because we have high fire rate it makes that okay and some shot speed look at this nonsense this with fruitcake by the way I can't see what's going on I can't see at the screen whoa we win yay fish strainer bits hey guys how's it going good
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,740
Rating: 4.7883596 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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