Eddie Murphy EXPLAINS Why Kevin Hart is TERRIFIED of Katt Williams?!

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I'mma do it again cuz I got to break Kevin's new record I got to get back on the stage cuz this new record that Kevin got I got to have it back Kevin I've talked to him Eddie what the you doing get on stage I don't know I don't know man maybe but Jesse smle going to keep lying until you say we don't believe you I don't know what records nobody broke Kevin you can't ignore that Kevin Hart is one of the most famous comedians around these days but recently his name has been popping up everywhere and not for good reasons it looks like he's become a Target especially for other black comedians and we all know how tough the comedy world can be one minute you're on top of the world and the next you're the joke all because of a few words so it makes sense that Kevin might be feeling a little nervous but why would someone as successful as Kevin be worried about what other comedians say enter Eddie Murphy a true legend who's apparently about to spill some Secrets there's a rumor that Kevin has some skeletons in his closet and we started to see some of this when Cat Williams shared a bit earlier this year Kevin tried to respond but it was clear he was rattled now with Eddie and others rumored to be revealing more it seems like Kevin's troubles aren't over it looks like he's still not in the clear let's get into it Eddie Murphy is like that cool Uncle who's always calm and doesn't start any drama so if he's coming after Kevin Hart you know it's something big despite their mutual respect and past collaborations like on the movie Meet Dave Eddie's not holding back so what's all the fuss about rumors have been flying about how Kevin made it to the top like getting cozy with influential people in the industry or maybe even stepping on others along the way then there's talk about some questionable things he might have done Eddie's been around since the '90s so he knows how things work in Showbiz if anyone knows the truth about Kevin it's him plus consider what Cat Williams said on the club Shay Shay podcast he outright called Kevin an industry plant noting how fast Kevin became famous Landing a sitcom and starring in Soul Plane all in his first year in La according to cat this is suspicious and makes Kevin's rise to fame seem not so straightforward He suggests Kevin had his deals lined up from the start we heard of a comedian that came to LA and in his first year in La he had his own sitcom on network television and had his own movie called so plan that he was leading what do you think a plan for those who might not know about the drama between Cat Williams and Kevin Hart it all started with a movie called Fool's Gold back in 2008 Williams was supposed to be the star but because he was dealing with some legal issues he couldn't go to Australia where the movie was being filmed that's when Kevin Hart stepped in and took the role people say this is when the tension between Williams and Hart first started Cat Williams didn't keep quiet about his thoughts he made it clear he was worried about letting people who might not always tell the truth control the story without anyone questioning them he talked about how it's unfair that the ones who aren't honest have all the advantages and resources making it hard for everyone else to keep up and he doesn't believe that just because someone has a lot of resources they're telling the the truth cat thinks it's a big problem to let these not so honest people shape the story especially when they have so much power and resources but cat also knows that speaking up could make him look bad he understands that some might see him as just another jealous comedian when someone asked him if he was worried about the backlash for speaking out Williams had a response ready Satan can't create anything that includes blessings for his people that's why you know what the number one job of somebody that sold their soul in Hollywood is is to act like didn't happen the theory that Kevin Hart might be what some call an industry plant ties back to a rumor in Hollywood that's been going around for a long time there's this idea that famous people are sometimes pressured into wearing a dress in a movie almost like it's a test they have to pass to become more famous and Cat Williams isn't the only one who's talked about this Dave Chappelle has brought it up too back in 2006 when he was on Oprah's show Dave shared why he decided not to take a huge $50 million deal from Comedy Center Central he explained that it wasn't all about the money for him because sometimes big money offers come with big problems having been in the entertainment world since he was 14 Dave knew all too well about the weird stuff that can happen behind the scenes he mentioned how Mariah Carey got a $100 million deal and then suddenly people started saying she was crazy or how Martin Lawrence after becoming really successful ended up in a scary situation on the street yelling that someone was trying to harm him these stories made Dave very care careful when Oprah asked him if he had heard such stories Dave said yes he had seen things like this happen especially when someone's career was about to Skyrocket Dave felt like he was being pushed to make jokes that made fun of him not with him almost like he was being asked to embarrass himself for money and there's even more Dave Chappelle remembered a time when he was asked to wear a dress for a movie scene with Martin Lawrence he walked into his dressing room saw a dress and thought it was a mistake but it turned out the dress was for him to wear in a scene where Martin's character tries to escape from jail by disguising Dave as a woman Chappelle's like nah I'm not doing that it wasn't in the discussion they really pushed him telling him the scene would be super funny but Dave Chappelle stood firm he said he didn't need to wear a dress to get laughs the pressure was on from the writers directors and producers but Dave didn't give in finally they thought of a new scene that didn't need the dress and Dave wondered how did you come up with that so quickly he didn't like the idea not because wearing a dress was a problem in itself but because he felt the industry was trying to force black comedians to do whatever it took to be successful they didn't stop pushing until they saw Dave wouldn't change his mind this moment was a big deal for Dave being asked to wear a dress made him see that he wasn't the only one facing this kind of pressure a lot of other black actors had been asked to do similar things Martin Lawrence was in Big Mama's House Eddie Murphy was in The Nutty Professor series Jamie Fox was ugly Wanda on In Living Color and the Wan's brothers were in White Chicks and don't forget Joanna man though it wasn't as big then there's Tyler Perry famous for his media movies around this time Kevin Hart started speaking up sharing advice about artists needing to protect their image and set limits Kevin was clear about his own rules no wearing a dress for him when asked if he'd ever been in a situation like wearing a dress for a role Kevin said no he emphasized knowing what you stand for and protecting your image Kevin even talked about turning down a chance to dribble a basketball on a talk show because it might make him look silly for Kevin it was all about keeping his brand safe definitely have ran in to put on the dress I mean you know you you have to have you have to have boundaries you have to have limits that you refuse to cross so things took a surprising turn just one year after saying no to dresses Kevin Hart appears on an SNL skit dressed as 9-year-old Oscar nominee Kenan Wallace is 9-year-old Oscar nominee Kenan Wallace this move didn't sit well with his fans they started accusing him of going back on his word and being dishonest it was as if they were saying wait a minute weren't you just talking about setting limits and protecting your image Kevin this unexpected change left fans feeling disappointed and they didn't hesitate to voice their opinions pointing out that he was doing the very thing he advised against but then Kevin Hart did something unexpected he changed his stance on wearing dresses he had previously been adamant about not wearing one saying it was a firm no from him but when the chance came up and he saw humor in it he thought why not let's go for it but here's where it gets complicated Kevin go goes on the defense arguing that no one forced Martin Lawrence into Big Mama's House Tyler Perry into becoming Media or Jamie Fox into wearing Wanda's dress they chose to do it he said I was actually I was actually one of those comedians that said no I wouldn't wear a dress there's no way I would wear a dress and and then when proposed with the opportunity of what I felt was funny I said oh that's funny I'm going to do it it's all about choice you know nobody makes you do anything nobody says this is what you got to do this the only way that you're going to do it is now saying it's all about personal choice however there's a strong argument going around that it's not just about choosing before the big money was offered Kevin wasn't cool with the dress idea but as soon as there's talk of a big payday it seems like sticking to one's principles isn't as important money has this power to change Minds making people do things they once said they'd never do and when it comes down to it the introduction of money into the equation often shows what people are truly willing to do remember when Steve Harvey made that shocking statement about integrity he openly said if you give me $10 million I'd embarrass myself all the way to the bank he admitted he'd set aside his principles for a large sum of money it's a tough truth to hear but he didn't shy away from saying it after Kevin Hart wore a dress on TV his career skyrocketed he became the comedian who made more money than any other before him some people might say he gave up his principles but Kevin ended up making a ton of money from his comedy then there's Mo'Nique talking about a tough time time when Kevin supposedly wasn't there for her especially when she was dealing with big names like Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry and it seems like Kevin has been getting closer to both Tyler Perry and Oprah to make his way up in Hollywood in 2021 Kevin Hart had Mo'Nique on his podcast comedy gold mins where they talked about her career and her challenges with Oprah and Tyler Perry Mo'Nique has had some ongoing disagreements with them during the podcast Monique shared how hard times were for her family feeling like they were backed into a corner Kevin being the good guy he is offered his support he told Mo'Nique she was like family to him a mother an aunt and a sister all in one Kevin didn't just offer kind words he took action Kevin said he didn't really know Oprah but he promised to talk to Tyler Perry for Mo'Nique and he did after talking to Perry Kevin came back to Mo'Nique with good news Perry was willing to make peace and move on from the past Kevin encouraged Mo'Nique to do the same saying they should focus on the future and leave the bad stuff behind behind Kevin's help didn't end with just words in a talk with Shannon sharp Mo'Nique said Kevin also offered to work with her professionally he said he'd help produce any project she wanted to start Mo'Nique shared what Kevin told her saying Mo I talked to Tyler he said he didn't want to revisit it but I'll tell you what let's move past that Mo let's just do great things together don't even worry about it whatever you want to do I will partner with you I'll executive produce with you you just let me know Monique also shared how Kevin really stepped up giving her a big loan and guess what she even paid him back plus some some extra for his help now here's the exciting part after Kevin promised to help her relaunch her talk show Mo'Nique was over the moon imagine having Kevin Hart helped produce your show could make it a huge hit she quickly shared the news with her team and her media production company and everyone was pumped about working with such a famous person but then there was a shocking twist two weeks later Mo'Nique got some surprising and upsetting news in De Mall the company involved revealed that Kevin Hart's manager Dave Becky called them to say Kevin was having doubts Mo'Nique picked up the phone right away hoping Kevin would explain what was going on and what did she get a vague reassurance we'll talk Tuesday don't worry about it he says fast forward 2 years and Mo'Nique hasn't heard a single word from Kevin Hart but hold on now some fans are playing detective they're starting to question if Kevin ever really planned to help Mo'Nique in the first place they point to his somewhat questionable past like the time he claimed to not really know Oprah Winfrey how could anyone forget when Oprah sent him flowers after his car accident in 2019 in a conversation with Ellen they dove into this with Ellen asking about Kevin's accident and back surgery Kevin mentioned he got a lot of flowers from people wishing him well but it was Oprah's flowers that really stood out Kevin went on to describe Oprah's flowers as something out of a fairy tale they've been growing non-stop practically turning his house into a jungle it's become a bit of a joke in his house everyone wondering when Oprah's super flowers will finally give up he even joked that there must be someone secretly taking care of them because despite being neglected they just keep on thriving these flowers have become so significant they've taken over the dining table forcing the heart family to eat on the floor rather than disturb Oprah's Unstoppable plant and now he's claiming he doesn't really know her that seems a bit suspicious doesn't it then there's the rumor mill churning out stories about Kevin making deals with the likes of Oprah and Tyler Perry it suggested that if he had done anything to help Monique's career it might have put his own career at risk now circling back to Monique's long-standing issues with Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry this drama dates back to 2009 when Mo'Nique starred in Precious a movie produced by Oprah and Tyler Perry and directed by Lee Daniels the real conflict started when Oprah and Tyler suggested Mo'Nique promote the film without receiving any pay Mo'Nique stood her ground saying nah not in my contract Mo'Nique said she was paid only $50,000 for the entire movie which wasn't much and now they expected her to travel all over the world to promote the film without getting paid Mo'Nique wasn't going to agree to that but Oprah and Tyler didn't like her saying no they began to ruin her reputation in the movie World telling people she was hard to work with Mo'Nique shared that Tyler Perry told her you may want to consider promoting this film because if you get nominated for an Oscar your next film is $3 to $5 million and if you win your next film is $6 to 8 million Mo'Nique was like Mo hold up I'm a black woman where are they paying those salaries brother she straight up told Tyler I can't work for free I've done what I was supposed to do I can't go overseas and do this for free their back and forth continued with Tyler saying he doesn't believe in giving money away for free and Mo'Nique firing back with I don't believe in working for free so we on the same page Mo'Nique also said that Tyler Perry really tried to interfere with her other acting jobs she explained it all started when she said no to going to France for the can film festival to help promote precious the movie people wanted her to fly to France but Mo'Nique being busy with her talk show her comedy work and her family politely said no they even offered to give her a better hotel room to make her say yes but she and her husband were firm in their decision saying nah we're going to spend this time with our family she said Oprah I'm doing a talk show I'm doing a comedy tour I have a husband and I have babies I have a little bit of downtime and I am going to take advantage of it so I'm not going anywhere because I'm not obligated to go anywhere I've done my part so we mutually agreed to disagree that was it next thing I know I am considered difficult and hard to work with when the third call came and they asked what's it going to take to get Mo'Nique to France her husband straight up asked is there a number associated with it that's when they made it clear that they wouldn't pay for anyone's promotional activities Mo'Nique pointed out she only got $50,000 for working on precious but for her it wasn't about the money she agreed to do the movie because a friend was involved when the interviewer pressed her saying she needed the money for her family's needs and to pay bills Mo'Nique answered I think that's what America believes everyone says I can't work for free she explained that when the movie studio refused to pay for her can's appearance they didn't make a fuss but then the report started flying painting Mo'Nique as demanding and difficult and the whole thing went down to a simple request that they understood couldn't be met but suddenly Mo'Nique found herself labeled and that's where the drama bounced in then Kevin Hart found himself in hot water when word got out that he might have been cheating on his ex-wife T Hart with his now wife aniku Hart té and Kevin ended their marriage in 2011 after being together for 8 years it was té who initiated the divorce claiming she caught Kevin cheating with several women and the talk around town is that anyu who Kevin is married to now was one of the women he was involved with while still married to té té Shared how she had hoped she and Kevin would become a strong team but those hopes were crushed by their divorce she confessed to feeling upset not just because she's against divorce but also because it was hard for her to escape seeing Kevin everywhere from Big advertisements to events in Hollywood I thought she really stood up for black people especially strong black women grow in their own way to become their own Legends I lost total respect for Oprah and Tyler Perry and here's something even more shocking té wasn't just Kevin's wife she was also the brains behind a lot of his work coming up with jokes for his movies and standup routines what's really unfair is that Kevin never acknowledged her talent and contributions worse still he's accused of using the money he earned from those jokes to spoil the women he was seeing on the side even after betraying té Kevin had the nerve to make jokes about his infidelity in his standup acts imagine being the one who supported him before he was famous helped him succeed and then having to hear yourself being made fun of in his comedy shows but things look like they could be getting even more complicated for Kevin because torai is setting out on tour with Cat Williams Kevin and Cat are pretty much enemies so the news that té Hart Kevin's former wife is teaming up with cat Williams for a tour is making everyone do a double take and ask what's going on here té let everyone know on Instagram by posting a photo of herself with her good friend Cat Williams She's Not Just joining him for any show but on cat's Dark Matter tour that's happening now to spice things up her post even had a clip from that explosive Club Shay interview where cat didn't hold back in criticizing Kevin and several others when Kevin was later asked in an interview about té going on tour with cat he attempted to respond in a collected and grown-up way however it was pretty clear that he was bothered by the whole situation he's clearly working hard to stay calm despite Kevin addressing and dismissing the rumors about him pretending they nothing to worry about it's probable that they've still affected how people see him what do you think about all this share your opinions in the comments and I'll see y'all in the next video
Channel: Flame
Views: 342,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity gossip, black celeb, celeb gossip, black comunity, hollywood news, celebrity, celebrity news, Eddie Murphy REAVEALS Why Kevin Hart is TERRIFIED of Katt Williams..., celeb news, urbanpulse, black entertaintment, eddie murphy, kevin hart, katt williams, hollywood, black comedy, entertainment news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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