Eclipse Final Thoughts

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hey folks final thoughts time for it clips um like I said right up front I mean this game is currently sitting at number eight on board you geeks overall ranking based on you know user rankings you know across the spectrum of gamers and you know that's saying something now yeah okay but you know getting ranked the eighth best game in the world that's that's a big big claim and in all honesty this is a case where I don't really have I can't argue against that it's a really amazing game so smart so elegant um you know so many different things you can do you know so much variety that pops out every single time you play and also for how deep and rich the game is it plays pretty quickly I mean it's not unreasonable to be able to get a two-player game of this done in around an hour or so and you know with four you know you could get this game done as a four player game within a couple of hours to two and a half hours which is pretty rare for games that really kind of cover this kind of scope and breadth and depth of gameplay and I think one of the reasons this game can play so well so quickly is because of the brilliant brilliant user interface design for lack of a better term these boards I'm going to mess one up now are wonderful you know whether you're playing on the human side or the alien side you know took of the kaalia the designer of this a very nice guy actually met him a couple years ago at cardboard and son 2013 you know really smart guy this is definitely a case of you know standing on the shoulders of giants because this concept of hey you know what the more cubes or discs you take off of here to put onto the board that represents additional costs or additional abilities you're giving yourself you know he didn't invent this this as far as I know I think the first time this was ever done was blood of Shibata land through the ages it's brilliant there it's brilliant in Hansa to Tonica it's brilliant in oh what's a really light version of it in a lovely michael shot game about oconee island it's brilliant in Coney Island it works every time it's such a a lovely simple way to create a shorthand for what would otherwise be a very very complex system that would be almost impossible to track if you weren't playing a full on computer civilization game or something like that but by oh I just poke this cube here and I put it over there okay I can keep track of what my income and out going on resources and you know money is really wonderful and you know the fact that I mean this game has a lot of ran it's a no mistake as you're exploring you know you get random tiles you're finding random systems that will push you down certain paths depending I mean you might just get a lot of bad luck right off the bat and just find oh look I'm completely surrounded by aliens there's nothing to do but like Jen in the window the run through I did Jen when she drew a tile she didn't like she dumped it I think that's a lot of people complain about hey I can't get totally screwed by by a terrain draws and you know get myself trapped in the corner don't place those tiles then you don't have to it's a shame it's still an example very very bad luck for you that you didn't explore you probably paid some money to do it and then those circumstances you found nothing but it's better to find nothing than to trap yourself in a corner um but even still I think for the most part there is so much variety so much going on you know what if you got get screwed by that probably that's around that you want to pass early so that if at the very least you can grab first player so you can have a better around next time around I mean so there's always mitigating ways to deal with the luck no matter what the game throws at you and it's really interesting I love the way the technology advances every - every round new potential research options come up so you will have games where based on the draw certain tiles will never come out certain technologies will never become available and you might be banking on that one be and it just might never come out but if it does come out you better bet you want to be first player because if you want really bad chances are other people want it bad too so there's a lot of really cool stuff I mean it's very deep and rich and rewarding to have all this really all these tech trees or these research opportunities that you know you vie for and then you get to take all that technology and customize and build your own fleet of ships and I think that's really awesome too that you could literally turn your little guys into ships they just move around the galaxy really fast and try to explore and expand um and you know make your big ships really big slow heavy things or make them really fast life like Klingon ships with lots of you know defense but not much office so many cool things you could do other weird technologies like remember I was talking about after combat is over if I move into Jin's sector of space and I defeat her Armada I then get an opportunity to attack her planet I might fail because I still got a role like normal to hit her planets um and then that gives her a chance to move in and kind of push me back out without losing the influence there but there's stuff like the neutron bomb that if I had that power if I have that ability I can just wipe out everybody in a sector all at once and so I could be the ultimate denier the ultimate like aggressive okay I never really scored very many points but you better believe I'm going to take away every point you ever scored in this game you or you know if you do nothing but research you can make a lot of points just by pushing these things all the way up to the top end which is what this particular race is very good at because they get all their research bonuses so the game has a lot of flexibility the race you get the random draws you get a really push in a certain direction and so I respect and admire it a lot and I am infinitely sad that this is a game Jen and I will never play because to us it is unthinkable what I talked about in here that what I was going to have to do to win this game after I built up my Armada and took out those aliens I have no choice I'm going to lose this rat this game unless I move into Jen sector of space and start wiping her stuff out that is an Anatomy it is unthinkable to me to do that after she spent so much time and so much loving care building up her lovely peaceful society and it's wonderful it's great and then I come in like a rampaging Marauder just pillaging and destroying everything she it would make her feel terrible it would make me feel terrible I neither gender I have the gene the killer instinct that allows us to even understand how anybody could find that fun to us it is so the anatomy of fun to literally crush our enemies hear the lamentations other women and see them driven before us to to misquote Cohen am sorry about that it's just unthinkable and it's such a shame because 50% of this game is devoted to combat I know some people say well you can just play a peacenik just everybody stays in their own sector you only build up your your military to defeat the way called the aliens but if you ignore half of this game then you really throw in the balance out of whack you really really are never man your much more of a luck fest because it does then come down to oh well who got luckier with the drawers if because the combat the fact that if you get crazy lucky I can come in and I can steal from you I can take your stuff I can boot you too I can you know kick you to the ground and see all your stuff that's the balancing mechanism if you take that out this game becomes you know a very very lopsided runaway leader luck of the draw thing and so I don't think it could work that way now I think is such a shame I think this game would have to change very very little to be turned into an excellent amazing cooperative experience so I all this game needs is basically a deck of event cards that represent the return of the Ancients that at the end of every round at the beginning of every round you draw some ancients cards and that makes events happen and if everybody is playing a hundred percent cooperatively and everybody's trying to expand and explore and exploit and exterminate as fast as they can but the only thing they want to exterminate is these aliens but they keep popping up all over the place then players could kind of fall into the rhythm of okay well I'll build up my military I'll be the one taking out you actually you'll funnel all your stuff into research and get us the technology then you funnel that research to me this game could be an amazing cooperative game it was just an edition of a deck of cards that would drive the expanding forces and you hey you have nine you have nine um you know space years to wipe out the thing at the center of the galaxy or do some other kind of objective or heck maybe there's several different objectives maybe there's several ways you could win uh maybe you can't wipe out the thing in the center of the galaxy until you've taken out at least six of these things and then the door open there's lots of ways that this game could be turned or you know this guy could change from a standard thing into hey there's bosses and there's several different types of bosses you have to fight and you have to build up and power up and deal with all the events that are hitting you this game could be amazing so much fun as a cooperative game and it would become probably one of the gems in my favorite games of all time easily but as it is it is designed to be a game where you crush your enemies and see them driven before you and for us it is unthinkable we can't imagine a way that we could ever enjoy playing this game so it's a shame but it doesn't change the fact that it's brilliantly designed so smooth so I remember when I was talking with Tuco a couple years ago and I we were talking about some other game that I was really enamored of and I was sure he would like and I was shocked when he said he didn't like it and I but that's except it's the perfect game that you should laugh some love that game and he said the times well my problem is you have to spend too much time looking at the rules um you know there's not enough of the game on the board there's too much of the game in the book and stuff on the board and I thought that was a really interesting way to look at it and that's definitely true he puts as much of his game out here you much of the mechanics are on plane open easy to you know follow sight I was it's true I was having to look through the rules a few times and expand because I just literally didn't remember how to play the game at all but I think it's brilliant that the game comes with all these like little rules short hands that anybody could just look at that'll get you most of the answers you need most of the time just summed up on those little cards and um you know every way you can make victory points it's here on the board you don't have to have a full list of what are all the ways I can make victory points you can see all the ways they're all right in front of you and it's a brilliant graph that's why I set up front the user interface design on this game considering how rich and robust and media it is is second to none and honestly I think that's why this game deserves to be in the top 10 games of all time it's just a shame that Jen and I don't have a violent bone in our body and we cannot derive enjoyment from the misery of others but if you can there's a reason this game is so wildly popular and has such a huge following to this day and you'll keeps on you know putting out really big successful seek or not sequels expansions I just hope someday to Co realizes just how awesome a co-op game this would be ah to Co do me a favor buddy from one designer to another or xdesign or to a designer but that's it folks I'm going to stop right there after apologizing for all the mistakes I made I'm sure I made quite a few because as it is I've only ever played this game all the way through once had a miserable time because every time I fired a shot I just felt terrible never played it again until today so I'm sure I made a few mistakes here and there but in spite of that you should have a very good idea of what this game feels like to play and you should know of whether it's for you or not and if not let me know why I'd be really curious to see how if somebody could tell me how I failed to capture the feel because that's all I'm trying to do with these videos but in the meantime any questions comments concerns if you notice any errors please let me know we'll get them annotated as always apologies for the extra-long video remember you can always watch my videos double speed I recommend everybody do it it's so much more pleasant but I live with that I'm going to bid you a good day so long talk to you later bye bye
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 30,118
Rating: 4.8488374 out of 5
Keywords: game, rhado, board game, boardgame, baord games, boardgames, baordgame, radho, baordgames, baord game, board games, rahdo
Id: Rt_34kZYvMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 20 2014
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