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pink flavor [Music] [Music] I don't have it yeah it's always something like thank you people who watch the videos whatever every bottle pop it the other day if you guys don't bop it's our than your true 90's kids what about have a puppet competition for four hundred thousand million dollars and pop it contest right now nobama promo we just a pop it here are you ready you only get one try okay when try only [Music] you got three loser I saw this challenge on this fail YouTube channel called the Dorset I don't see many other videos but this video popped up on time I know it's really fun you put a bunch of colors in a hat and you pull a color and whatever color you pull you can only eat that colored food you can only eat that colored food all day long breakfast lunch dinner every snack in between and there's colors like green so you could only like broccoli and stuff all day or brown like doodoo all day long you know like oh should we do hello pink red yellow white why blue pink red green yellow white brown is there any other food color you got yellow green blue purple black okay guys so Posey is gonna go first let's see what she's gonna get oh she got one oh she got white she was already in yeah okay a beauty good next guys I will be okay with anything but wait what would be agreed all of us don't like vegetables in this house would you see whatever he gets you got pink let me see hey what do you eat that's pink I only got a few clothes left don't look don't cheat don't be a cheater you got one yeah yeah hurry camera okay can we have white yellow green and pink before we go to breakfast we have to change into the color outfit that we picked out so posies white which is easy as pink which ought to be pretty easy for EM Samantha green which would be kind of funny and I'm yellow so that'll be alright y'all don't even try to tell me this ain't the freshest yellow outfit you've ever seen you boys coconut it up before we leave Carl hasn't been in a vlog in a few days because we've been out of town but Carl is so cute and happy and alive and well and we always have a good friend of our stay at the house with him while we're out of town for those asking he's always at her house with someone watching himself he's always he's always perfectly taken care of this is a side note but you guys on Carl is always been super fluffy we haven't ever done anything to him we've seen a lot of people wear their Pomeranians give them like a really cool haircuts and we think because it's summer it might be good to cool him off when I can really cool fresh dog cut so you guys like tweet us and Sue grandmas lessons now if you think that we should cut and style Carl up alright so we got the white girl we got the green girl green girl she's wearing a denim jacket which I didn't approve of which has a nursing bra so I thought she's so nursing okay she has mainly green oh my word and pink and sassy we're just gonna go to breakfast and try to find something that we can eat so for breakfast we want to play it safe and make sure that we don't fail this challenge first meal so we're gonna go to a smoothie place so we need to find whatever colored smoothie we are um fruit smoothie so strawberry banana would probably be pink I'm gonna do like peaches and cream or something oh it doesn't have yellow I'm gonna I'll do a yellow Pina Colada donut and whatever yellow smoothie you can all right Everly here's your key a smoothie and your pink donut that works out we got Savannah just say green boba tea fee I never so then watching that bottom isn't green though but what kind of and then the yellow donors but they specially made me a special you know donut just with a challenge so that's awesome and then a mango so this is a mango that's strawberry banana and that's just green tea all right no I like a challenge where you think that you like it all right what flavor is it pinkish is it big flavor pink flavor okay so we are at lunch and we got to find you gotta find to the green very sad how are you hi Soompi on a kids menu Oh salmon its calories on the peak and I gotta buy something yellow what are we gonna find you like that yeah I guess I would like so over pasta by the end of the day yeah I guess pasta oh they just brought a fruit plate grab really you don't we eat the peaks up none of our berries no no blueberries no grapes Ichi or you lose a challenge that's kind of yellow so that's technically my bread your hand that over to maybe oh you guys saw to your first ever Li lost the challenge yep we're gonna we're gonna keep encouraging her to finish this challenge but me and Savannah are not gonna I'm not personally gonna give up I'm gonna I'm gonna make it 24 hours Josias soup Cody's only had built house he's doing great Posey he had milk for breakfast oh he's gonna weigh yeah I got a bread bowl which i think is yellow enough it's kinda yellowish widest brownish but I think counts as yellow so they got like a green salad is she's taking the colors off and Emily trying to hide her food over there because she got mac and cheese she got back a cheese and vegetables which are not he have you have any words why you lost why why you choose pink you just knew it all right date for you guys that Posey as well caved during lunch she's having Alba Cod oh she's having avocado which is green that's mom's color so Posey I hate to say it but you're a little cheater and you know it celery avocado suppose E is downing this celery dipped in avocado I good like intro part yeah yeah it looks like I'm eating it huh kind of yeah yes you know what this doesn't really have anything to do with the challenge but we're taking a pit stop circus tricks do some jumping before we eat again [Music] all right we're gonna know the car oh we do sign we're gonna triple he plays for a while how's the baby oh she was asleep in hotel from all the millions of aerials you guys just saw she's pretty excited about it oh cool but now it's nap time so we gotta go get a snack just go to a gas station because they got everything she's a good green baby's gonna get white let's go dude there's a lot of stuff those lost if I mean look you could get this guy you those juicy juicy drop gummies yeah no okay you can get yeah perfect and baby you can get honestly either you or I give you Funyuns it's I guess the funnies themselves yellow I can get Funyuns guess beer and gum I get juicy fruit lemon lime Oh guys I'm in the jackpot here okay so Everly picked out a bunch of peak snacks she got her peak gatorade juicy fruit gum starburst pink ones all the way o --jc juicy drug drop Savannah got this green apple Gatorade some green potato chips chips themselves aren't in that green weather you know there's like a really light green so kosub a pistachio so that's good and that pineapple Fanta that I've never had before so that should be good some Funyuns and whatever the heck this is Savannah pick yourself or me I think it's like a UH I really I don't even know okay I can't even tell you and then every I mean pose you had our breast milk again we are at dinner now still in the yellow paint green and white and we got both the girls are at one girl sleep on me one girl asleep I can just the one hand on Savannah good morning good good nap all right so other than my chicken I would say that the pasta char not really yellow I got a little no they just dropped it as a grass got on your like it turned out really green ring and then we got everybody's which is I think is as pink as pasta can get this kind of oranges reddish but I would say I'm gonna say that counts for P yeah Chasez does it taste peak you like it well you do it she almost yeah but you really don't like you that was good what is he's like normal pasta dude he had to eat that okay so we got big pasta which every I guess doesn't like but that's that chick alfredo and what that pesto from yeah all right next is dessert we are killing this challenge we're at dessert there's only one paint that's a strawberry so that's what you have to get shoppers at circuit and the only one braids yeah it meant I think I think I think the most yellow one is that vanilla yeah elevate the tryna canvas bonito lemon ice but I think the Frenchman is equally as yellow together that's why that's yellow there's a difference yeah just a light yellow [Music] paint for the pink girl [Music] Green for the green girl with yet you got cookie dough and racism there and I got Oreo Reese's okay guys it's a little white but still kind of yellow we're gonna let it slide no you chief you cheated with the mac and cheese for lunch you have any words why you lost why why you to speak your mom never technically she is too technical your mom as a winner yeah all right the vlogs over that's it if you liked this video give it a big thumbs up if you wants to do a challenge again it's pretty fun I liked it we'll definitely do it again if this video does alright um subscribers won't subscribe all you click is the red subscribe button right there and boom your subscribe and you get to see all of our videos whenever we post them so I'm also lastly falls on in scrim right down here because we give shout outs in every single vlog new followers and old followers we like her pictures whenever we post so this video shout outs go to all these people these are all new followers on my Instagram so if you see your name you rock we got Trish we got Trevor hopper we got friends the show xox Oh Maddie starlight Alecia Jana Alexandria Chelsea hog in amber burry oh so a little sick well catch you guys next vlog thanks for watching we love you all have a great week [Music]
Channel: The LaBrant Fam
Views: 17,360,983
Rating: 4.8306375 out of 5
Keywords: cole and sav, the labrant fam, labrant fam, the labrant family, the labrant fam youtube, youtube the labrant fam, youtube sav and cole, cole sav and everleigh, everleigh, cole labrant, sav and cole labrant, savannah soutas, vlogs, family friendly, family vlogs, food, eating, challenge, 24 hours
Id: 9uNNQ49GnNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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