Last Family Member To Drop Their iPhone Wins New iPhone 11

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I love you guys oh yeah how's that lady so much [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I would just open up the blog with how cute pogies baby hair is on top of her head with her little bow posy what you think what you think we're going to Disneyland savanah took every to Disneyland where she was like which was like two weeks old and she wanted to do that with Posey but I said that's not any fun because he doesn't know what's going on I want to wait until pose he's like aware and like her first times I could really fun so post except or we're now super happy super smiley and she like totally loves animals and like people in costumes so and rides so this can be so much fun [Music] all right we made it with the parking garage Gabo kiddos Godhead on in what you think Posey we make idli we're gonna ride your very first ride ever let's go right now first ride a very first ride I don't know we got Dumbo we got Pinocchio we got the Myrtle Little Mermaid so many of us know why so many options so we chose the ride with the shortest wait which was no way la what some scary but I don't think those even know the scary means yet so come on here we go the very first ride [Applause] really good lighting on this right to rule your lighting so can't really see too much on this ride guys there's a pile of coal there's a wicked which is a pretty terrible pride [Music] so guys because everybody gonna be seven soon they let her get her own Dumbo she gets her very old she'll be going friend of Bergen miners we should go in front so I gotta get the vlog in see here he was so excited to go to ride this ride by yourself now you hold it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] like women in Nevada [Music] oh yeah we have five minute wait guys that's what I'm talking about well here we go [Music] always but here we go inside the small town off due to the copyright it's a small world being held by the Walt Disney Corporation we will replace the song with a semi similar royalty free version released a ride so what it's Cinderella oh not quite Belle it's Belle and a monster alright now we're about to go on the girls favorite ride [Music] we will replace the song but this mi similar royalty free version [Music] okay ah we're home Disneyland how do you explain Disneyland Disneyland is if you like a little Disneyland you're not gonna like what we're gonna say no I love Disneyland though I really do I love Disneyland but today was just very hot it was like 95 250 95 96 degrees but you know you're sort of surrounded by some pretty intense heat so everybody can vouch that Disneyland while it's hot with kids and big crowd a big crowd of people and just a lot of stuff it's not the best but you go for just like a couple hours and it gets cool out and it's not crowded and you just go watch the prey that night ahem yeah the way to do Disney it's just like 2 or 3 hours in and out and I suppose you had to go for the first time and get the day experience so ok so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the challenge because as you guys know the new iPhone 11 is coming iPhones 11 Pro is a powerful new video camera system and we're so excited but they're gonna high demand so we'll probably be able to get one of them so how we're gonna do this is we all have our phone there are real phones you can see that the iPhone today I got hers she's like the silver one I'm sure you sure that is your phone there you go that's under text like there's more people but that's a real phone we're gonna be hanging them over we have like a little balcony right here Posey's gonna be inside watching it I was like the perfect actually because we're actually to do with them on their channel very soon so keep it out of there okay awesome thank you telling me that I didn't know about that we were going to be hanging our phones over this at two stories high so if we drop our phone it's probably gonna crack and break I mean this is I've never seen it's dropping on this straight concrete and yeah we're gonna get into it y'all know how this game goes and the last person hold their phone could drop their phone I think is gonna be like fire to make it out cuz all we're gonna do is one do I challenge like like after the first minute you gotta let go of one finger after two minutes Oh jump up and down so we're gonna make it really fun where you get really nervous and the winner gets the new iPhone 11 okay we are not a friend of everyone's I just don't think everyone awake I'm not even worried about it like I'm letting her do the challenge she's using one of our older phones actually everybody's my phone yeah cuz I don't want to win this so you can use my phone here use my phone that's a black one okay and I'll use the other so one okay don't drop it don't drop it okay okay where you going to set the camera up here and just filming there you go okay here's the ledge I could drop I promise you it's going all right here we go I said and how I go you can hang on to it just just one hand however you want so full-on grip okay yeah yeah pull under it hand up I feel like I could do this for a while honestly all right we stopped them spots got my phone so fast okay okay what about if it's no phone keep blocking beat there you go every spot the spot okay I know thumbs no thumbs no thumbs no thumbs so I have no thumbs Oh yeah everything okay now now something I've always make it religion now you're gonna throw it in catch it but yeah you catch with two hands two hands to catch it okay okay sorry dude no she's working her sweat off keys here anyone yeah throw and catch with one hand okay get ready I'll go first hey overs I'm pretty sure this phone's going down oh yeah I see one hand throw over the edge over the edge scare up a little morning know your button get your body closer ready oh that didn't count that wasn't even throw though no not a throws yeah bees can be a real throw got to be a real throw come on throw it oh my god how did you do that okay I thought that was gonna fix that that's what we get in your bad hand okay this is my left hand so everything you do with us on let's go to here back in try go the right watch here I'm confident I can do this here we go whoa okay yeah are you gonna go okay good boy this is scary cozy its gang jeez House will be dropping their phone okay I don't know what I was like we could get harder we're doing two for these two fingers nope and I suspect this sounds like this two fingers and only two things like that guys okay ready guys extended on to extend send all the way all the way up all the way up out more apps all the way up oh this is actually a second or no cheating honestly I don't think everybody on the stone y'all gonna give up singing with my phone like this back and forth using three fingers you cheater you three look one there you go that's it yeah that's it go for it oh my arm certain of bourbon okay take it okay guys guys one finger [Music] look one finger the whole the whole film is balancing on that one finger a meet you this is leaning leaning is leading okay oh my god whoa okay and we are doing good okay everyone [Applause] I love you guys you see oh oh yeah how's that lady so much [Music] [Applause] oh you guys actually see the glass shattered that's bad baby your phone is actually destroyed can I go daddy takes it all home we gonna count that you're doing these babies drugs you're doing these baby girls you see me the furniture has me over my head and I catch it alright you ready yeah the phone has to go over my head then come back down and I catch it like this I'm gonna miss that bone just didn't go out with a bang make sure to over the edge no oh my gosh guys she literally threw it behind her and I landed and shattered all right hey looks like you're getting the new iPhone we all saw that one coming oh it's probably not ruin though that's the good thing about your phone is like we can own me we can just we could just get the screen it's obviously not gonna turn on that's just the gospel is not gonna tell the back perfectly fine it's just the glass by the front so chatter but dad wins it the new iPhone 11 I don't think comes out like another like two weeks now I don't we we work on every good sport news thank you didn't clean every mess okay well we're getting the video here if y'all what do you say so no shoutouts this video but gonna be next video shout out whenever I have the new phone hopefully you sure folks are right now here we'll go get double the shot also follow us on this trip if you definitely won a good chance to be next Peter shut up I'm gonna control then love y'all peace out thanks for watching the little bit same peace out [Music]
Channel: The LaBrant Fam
Views: 5,963,854
Rating: 4.8275132 out of 5
Keywords: cole and sav, the labrant fam, labrant fam, the labrant family, the labrant fam youtube, youtube the labrant fam, youtube sav and cole, cole sav and everleigh, everleigh, cole labrant, sav and cole labrant, savannah soutas, vlogs, family friendly, family vlogs, last, person, to drop, phone, iphone, iphone 11, last to leave, challenge
Id: N1aapDKjZyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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