Whoever’s Lemonade Stand Makes The Most Money Wins $1000

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you see how much and what everybody doesn't know is we are going to be having a competition we aren't making the same lemonade Sam we're gonna we're having two different lemonade stands my eliminate sin versus Everly's lemonade stand so it's kind of a dad versus daughter and we're gonna see who can make the most money at their lemonade stand so there's a lot of factors we're gonna go to store and we're gonna try have to pick out something to make our stand with so you want your stand and look really good you gotta make a poster board with like a really good riot e to people who are drawn in to buy your lemonade you gotta have delicious women age didn't know how to make lemonade the right amount of water sugar limit all that stuff a lot is on plate then whoever makes the most money at their store keeps all the money so I make the most money I get to take your money as well but if you make the most money you're gonna take all of my money as well some good you're the kid but you know you know what I mean I'm like really a lot excited and maybe I'll even get baby Posey on my team because she's really cute and she cuz I have cut me out you think know what see okay so should we heard this door I get all the Flies yeah so you just go like this and then it'll rip off so you take a bag I don't see it says open you're gonna open right there get like 20 lemons Oh cuz they're only 30 cents each so yep you get 20 lemons to 3:19 that's a good as one away now that is a big bag of lemons [Music] let's do this I don't want to take the lid off step 2 open up your down load of water and now you're going to do is we're going to pour the water and the job and make sure that it doesn't come out these your clothes then we pour the gallon of water into the container you ready be careful also going to be help you okay then we need lemons now we don't need a knife this is where you have a parent make sure the parent cuts the limits for it because knives as we know can't be dangerous slice to slim it up I'll give you $3 [Music] already you can't close your mouth okay oh not even salad oh okay he's got yeah $3 richer okay and now we're going to fast forward because we got to have to squeeze a lot more limited here so we're back with network and so we squeeze all three lemons with aussicht so forever and when Alice not afford this pure lemon juice into our water you ready okay because this is very precious okay we're the sugar and add ice and eliminates done and then we just have to make our time so while sugar because the more sugar the better right it's not this is not your healthy eliminate yeah you want you can throw another one or two in there [Music] holding the thing [Music] he just puts it here come out you got me twist it turn it up fresh lemonade okay are you ready to face it okay says mmm that's really good you're driving do you think a little more lemony okay let's go so I make the money and see you with the challenge how much are going to show you a minute from your eliminate for two dollars from one cup of lemonade expensive maybe like one dollar you sure all right no you need your are strategy I'm gonna go cheaper and try and sell more she's gonna go expensive and try and sell less bo you got to make our sign with Austin okay so here's every sign fresh lemonade for $1 here's my sign fresh lemonade I don't want 25 cents because you know chief lemonade right all right true said of our sand coming be ugly more exciting everyone's going that way where's our armours at my stand-ups sorry bro she hasn't customer you better get them ready surfers customer oh yeah you want to get some lemonade have we never pass them that is so nice hope you like your lemonade so we are aiming for the cute factor to get people to come to the lemonade stand I think it's working we got one customer and we've only been out here for like one minute I think Everly alright get his cup ready we have another customer you guys you're already beaten your dad you know that's none so far cuz he's not even out here yet thank you thanks so much Bri how are you gonna win if it's free [Music] they don't want your lemonade how you doing over here still have two customers well make you feel better your dad has zero rest of the name all right we're having a contest nice way I always sold two cups of lemonade and made a dollar over half huh I'll be so rich by the end of the day yeah thank you guys Thank You Vicky mere dollars I can't believe they chose you over I know I made you buck so far Wow Everly I leave for a second and you have so many customers thank you [Music] it's going good every saw her friends so she's giving free lemonade to her friends thank you yeah you too Everly is being very generous and giving pretty LeMay to this little boys on his bike I thought like I wanted to like acknowledge young entrepreneurs so I'm tipping you the rest give you a hundred bucks my dad gave up so I won $15 that's crazy today no extra and turn on those vacations and I love you guys so much peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Everleigh Rose
Views: 7,862,420
Rating: 4.8370152 out of 5
Keywords: everleigh, opens, toys, lemonade, stand, challenge, wins, $1000
Id: wsE41kHGen0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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