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it looks like real food right it looks so authentic nice and i see a spring roll and dumpling what do you think wait this is japanese food yeah i just can't tell what it is and it kind of has a scary look looks like [Music] hey guys welcome to the studio space today i challenge two people from the studio space to make mini food you can eat challenge okay so one person will cook this yummy delicious noodle okay and the other person will make this really cool bento box those two will compete whoever makes the best looking delicious mini food you can eat wins and i'll be the judge okay good luck hey guys i'm bree i'm daniel and we are two studio space members here to do the many foods you can eat challenge let's get started hey i want the panda i got it first you know what i'll rock paper scissors you for it you're on all right rock paper scissors shoot that panda's gonna be mine ready yeah okay rock paper scissors shoot what come on no way you were gonna do paper gotcha i win looks like i'm making ramen all right let's open up these mini food kits and here are all my ingredients to make the very best mini foods i'm gonna beat daniel with all of these packages these are my ingredients so we're gonna do our best to follow all of these instructions on the back and the first one is i have to cut this into a whole bunch of pieces you know it's gonna be okay we're gonna beat daniel and make a way better looking tiny mini food okay guys i'm gonna make some broccoli now let's check it out so we take this little triangle thing right here and we fill up with water very carefully oh that's fine but then we poured it into section one right here pour the water like so next we get the green powder right here and we pour it in right there mixing around all right i am done with all of my plastic pieces so the first thing we're gonna make is some mango pudding uh we have this cool little pudding cup we're gonna fill it with water it says halfway and we're gonna try really hard not to make a mess everywhere okay then we're gonna mix it up what do you guys think does does that look like pudding it kinda looks more like baby food i think we need to we need to mix some more some serious mix action going on okay now we're moving on to the egg roll oh yeah this looks great i can already smell the sugary sweetness next up i'm gonna make the dough so it's the same process as the pudding we're gonna fill this up just a little bit of water and then we are going to add our powder and mix and mix and mix and mix and mix until we get a dough that we can roll out and play with next step is i'm gonna make some rice and i'll make it as a cute little panda bear wait little panda bear look at that oh that's a lot of rice now we have to mix it until it gets hard so we have our dough made look at that it's all good and doughy i hope now we get to make several shapes with it so for starters we have these little designs that we're gonna press into and make like a little egg all right guys so the rice is ready now we take this black powder and put it into the panda face spots right here and then we put the other black stuff in the egg roll shape right here then i'm gonna press this base into the panda face okay let's see how it turns out guys you'll see it first yeah it doesn't look like anything it's a bad thought right guys [Music] i thought it was gonna be cute you thought wrong like usually as a camera guy i don't really say anything but uh that warrants a reaction look at that oh boy so i didn't realize the packaging was supposed to be our plate and i kind of tore it um but i just found out thanks to the instructions that this is actually the pattern for a lot of my stuff and luckily i did not tear it by like the tiniest of bits so we're gonna have to be creative with our plating but we got this we're uh we got this we're just gonna make nice okay that doesn't look like a circle but that's fine we're gonna workshop this and make a little circle it'll be a circle oh i wish i saw that sooner i just gave him all the tips but don't worry guys my rice ball is gonna look amazing unlike my panda face see it's basically a triangle look at that time to press it in the black counter it's gonna be perfect guys a little pressing a little pressing and then we'll lift it up [Music] um well daniel i guess it's a little better uh not bad not bad at all okay guys we're gonna make some fried chicken so i finally have my circle made which means i can make my first gaiosa gyoza i'm not sure how to say that i'm sorry we're gonna put it in the mold and then push it in and fill it with this filling it just says ingredients [Music] we are going to smush it together and hopefully this works ready smush mush here goes nothing [Music] oh it's cute [Music] it's stuck here oh look at that almost like i know what i'm doing looks pretty good way better than that panda what what is happening what what is this it's burnt fried chicken like everyone likes it making spaghetti guys we add two cups of water next we get the spaghetti powder now i need to mix it looks yummy in my tummy i don't feel like filming this so moving on so it says that he put this spaghetti mix into this bag somehow like that okay yeah this is definitely really easy to do guys not making a big mess at all i think i'm getting the hang of this guys yeah it's looking pretty good yeah this is easy oh nope that's not in the bag oh okay well it's almost in there i like the christmas colors that's something yeah i think it's supposed to be some type of like meat look but you know we'll go with it look at that cute i got all the spaghetti powder in this little package now i need to squeeze it out to make my spaghetti yeah look at that beautiful spaghetti i want to eat it right now perfect what do you think of daniel's noodles that he keeps calling spaghetti they're wonderful keep it up daniel all right so brie is adding her finishing touches on these spring rolls how are you feeling bree i'm feeling pretty good um i took a look at daniel's work and um i'm feeling pretty good so here's how you make noodles actual noodles you take the bag you flip it inside out [Music] and then you fill it towards the bottom now you told me why would i tell you you're my competition yeah look at all spaghetti still in here now this is gonna be difficult though because it is tiny but you know it's fine we got this great boy i don't understand you're my competition why would i help you so now that we have our baggie we're gonna fill our egg now we're gonna drop our noodles in our soup wow that actually looks like noodles yeah it's called following directions children all right guys are we almost ready to show on our work we're getting close i'm just putting the finishing touches like my tiny little egg that's gotta go in my soup wait is that what it looks like right i don't i don't know i don't need eggs but i think that's what it looks like right guys what you think so right now brie is trying to finish her mango pudding but she has ran into some technical difficulties what happened brie i don't know i think i put too much water um can i just leave it in here and we just eat it out like eat it out of the thing like this uh i don't know we'll see you might lose points for that what if it's like a like a mash pudding like a it will make like a pudding ball that's a thing right all right daniel how are you feeling are you ready to go i've been pumped yes my plate looks amazing top-notch quality chef stop right here all right so you're feeling pretty confident and meanwhile bri how's the how's it going are you still struggling well i have like more pudding on my hands than on the plate but we're making it work okay so daniel and brie has finished their mini food you can eat here they send me a video for me to watch so i can't wait to see their food okay all right guys let's reveal your masterpieces to luanne and three two one go huh guys i'm so confused i can't tell what they're supposed to be i know a japanese food expert sean what's up okay so the studio space did a video on the mini food you can eat japanese food you're a pro oh yeah i'm an expert ask me anything about japanese food yeah okay so this is daniel's food what do you think wait this is japanese food yeah so any questions concern what are your thoughts when you eat it would you not eat it would it be in michelin star i think uh well i have a lot of questions so what is this i see a panda looking something is it a panda is that even edible yeah i think i see a two pandas i just can't tell what it is and it kind of has a scary look looks like he's angry at me i don't even know if i'm supposed to eat it what is that green thing the cream thing i have no clue it looks like a vegetable but gooey i don't know is it kiwi maybe and i see a yellow stuff is it egg maybe egg omelet okay what is that orange curly look like toothpaste thing could be toothpaste you might want to just clean your teeth after you're eating the rest of the food i think that's the message okay so now let's go to brie okay you ready okay well oh breeze food looks amazing it looks like real food right i see a ramen noodle it looks so authentic nice and i see a spring roll and dumpling oh it looks yummy okay what is that that that mushy orange [Music] i think it's a mango pudding and then somebody accidentally smashed it together yeah i think that's what it is would you eat that i'll still eat it yeah you did a really good job i think i'll eat this one i think the winner is free congratulations gray really i'm actually surprised because that pudding is pretty horrific uh just based off of texture my hands are still sticky but that's awesome all right guys if you like this duty space give us a big thumbs up and congratulation free and let us know which food you will choose okay wait we're not getting that food oh sorry again i will
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 6,179,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, food judge, food critique, mini food, tiny food, mini food you can eat, mini food you can eat challenge, food challenge, fun challenge, viral challenge, japanese food, ryan's mommy judge, ryan's daddy judge, testing foods, food test, diy food, diy mini food, diy tiny food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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