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hey there sugar Stars welcome back to my channel ABC if you came here for my short and you're ready to see me eat Hello Kitty food for 24 hours I got so much Hello Kitty food that I'm so excited to try I got all these from a Japanese Supermarket Japanese supermarkets are so cool because that's where you can find super rare Japanese snacks and food also this video is sponsored by Tokyo tree where you can also find super rare hard to find Japanese snacks and food but more on them later right now it's time for breakfast we are going to make some Hello Kitty bread you've probably already seen this in my short but I want to make this a little bit better if not it is pretty much a mold and we're gonna press it into the bread and then hopefully looks like this okay so y'all remember her she's the one that I made for the shorts let's see if we can make her even better I have one more piece of Japanese bread to use hopefully we don't mess this up so I think you're supposed to cut her out first oh I think I already messed up oh no and then taking her on the other side and pushing seems to work pretty good there she is she's coming out okay so now with this mold we take this it's kind of like a stamp and then we use that to push push push push push I'm shaking the whole table let's see what she looks like also I'm gonna eat her [Music] okay I think this came out way better you could see her bow a little bit better now let's eat her first Hello Kitty meal of the day let's do some ASMR shall we it's time it's time to it's bread with Hello Kitty's face on it there's hair in my mouth let's try it [Music] this tastes pretty good I like it even better because it's shaped like Hello Kitty I'm gonna eat it in one bite three to one oh that was so yummy now my watch is saying it's snack time and that means it's time for our next and that means it's time for our next Hello Kitty food so this is a Hello Kitty wafer cookie it is strawberry flavor perfect for Hello Kitty and it looks like there's cream filling inside let's open it up and try it wow oh my gosh look at the pack ing up it's so cute it says Hello Kitty on it man I don't want to throw this wrapper away it's like so pretty I'm gonna open it up see what we find oh my gosh whoa this is a very interesting looking wafer and they're like kind of small actually okay let's have a bite wow this is good it's crunchy and wafery kind of like a cookie but then it has a strawberry filling inside oh so good I can't get over how cute the packaging is I just want to like cut it out and put it on my wall this is such a great snack I rate it uh eight out of ten I wish there was more now that I ate some dry Wafers I am thirsty for some Hello Kitty okay when I saw this in the store I was so excited there's a lot of boba tea kits out there and some of them are good some of them are bad I'm excited to try Hello Kitty's version of it I've never seen this before only in the Japanese Supermarket so these are rare to find but if you don't live near a Japanese Supermarket you can always try Tokyo tree thank you so much to Tokyo treat for sponsoring this video Tokyo treat wants everyone including you to experience Japan from the comfort of your own home it is a monthly pop Japanese snack subscription box and you will get up to 20 of the latest most exclusive limited edition and seasonal flavored Japanese snacks that are only available in Japan for a limited time like Sakura Pepsi Japanese sake kitkats Ramen and many more this month's theme for April is Sakura picnic party spring is in the air and it means that Sakura season is finally here this month Tokyo treat in sakurako bring the beauty of Sakura season right to your doorsteps so you can have your very own Hanami picnic with our special Sakura themed snack box also features a stun Sakura box design some of my favorites from this box are of course the peach flavored Kit Kat the strawberry King cider as well as the Ghana chocolate cake bites this box also comes with a booklet so you can learn more about the snacks you receive as well as allergen information make sure to click the link in the description and use my code sugarstar for five dollars off your next box now it is time to try the Boba milk tea let's have a closer look at this shall we look at her face she is so excited to eat all of the Boba look at the Boba cup too it has like a bow on it this is made in Taiwan it is lacto vegetarian with real Boba and it is instant the package contains four tea powder packets four friendly paper straws and four instant tapioca pearl packets here we are at my desk it doesn't come with cups so I went and got a cup let's see what's inside would any of you guys try making Boba milk at home hopefully this is easy to understand oh oh no I can't with the cute packaging I'm Gonna Save one of these and put it on my wall she is so cute I'll literally buy anything Hello Kitty I would even buy like Hello Kitty ketchup if they had it whoa these are the straws okay then oh I found the balls I found them they look like they're already cooked they're squishy I'll only be making one Boba today so I'll put the rest away so here we have our main ingredients I didn't see any instructions in the box but I think they are on the back ah yes we can either boil water or we can microwave I think for today I will try the boiling water method use scissors to cut open the tapioca ball pack then use a spoon to scoop the tapioca Ball please do not squeeze the tapioca ball directly so I guess that means put the ball in cup should I listen to the directions and get a spoon maybe I should I think it's so we don't break any of the Boba balls we have to be careful around the Boba balls so they're sticky sticky sticky sticky they're stuck together oh okay I got some in ooh they smell pretty good they smell like okay you know the smell that hits you when you enter a boba store that's what they smell like it smells like Boba but like the good kind you know okay add 200 milliliters of boiling water okay here's my boiling water here I go oh okay maybe a little more because I'm spilled now it says to wait for 30 seconds I don't have a timer so I'm just gonna count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen fifteen eighteen nineteen twenty three one two three four five six seven eight twenty nine thirty okay now last step is put the latte powder into mug and stir then add 200 grams Ice Cube slash boiling water so it's time for the milk tea I'm so excited to see how this will taste let's see what color straw we're gonna get oh it's white this is a paper straw looks pretty solid remember back in 2020 when like this go girls were trending and everyone was obsessed with using metal straws metal straws and paper straws all right I have to stir it oh my straw is short it says to add like a little bit more water so I'm gonna do that just a tiny bit more okay okay that's enough that's enough now it is time to taste moment of truth let's see if Hello Kitty Boba is actually good this is the texture that's quite a bit of boba actually oh it's still hot though should I wait guys have you tried hot Boba it's like actually so good it's such a nice drink for cold weather it's very sugary I I just tasted the milk tea a little bit okay let me try the Boba oh y'all this is good this is delicious which camera are you looking at this one hello so you made this I did with my own hands it's really hot yeah I use boiling water that's my same face that I made it's surprisingly good yeah uh uh it it literally tastes like I went to a bubble shop yeah and but how much was this this was 13 for four packets 325 each and it's like a large it's like a little bit cheaper than if you buy it at the store it's a little bit surprisingly the boba's not bad like usually when you buy like this type of stuff from a grocery store yeah like it's like it's like really bad yeah I could say this is the best one yeah like the best oh best one we've had and the Boba like doesn't make you want to barf this is like they know what they're doing yeah it says Made in Taiwan Taiwan invented yeah no wonder why it tastes good definitely worth buying coffee likes it it's now dinner time but it's a different day more than 24 hours has passed I apologize but it's because our Hello Kitty pasta that's just it it's just pasta and I didn't know what sauce to put on it until I went to the store and found this Cheetos mac and cheese I know it's not Sanrio but I was desperate we're gonna mix these two together and see how this Hello Kitty pasta tastes all right cooking let's go it says so the bag says that there was a Hello Kitty shape and also a flower shape That's so exciting I have my water boiled we're pouring in the pasta it looks very cute already and here we have our Cheetos mac and cheese I'm so excited to eat this I'm struggling with the box of course and I also have the spicy I want to try the spicy as well hopefully it's not that spicy but let's see what's inside the box we have a bag it says um secret seasoning on it oh my gosh it's Cheetos secret recipe and it comes with pasta I'm just gonna dump it because we don't need it and then this bag was the same as the regular so like like what if I accidentally I don't know switch them so much pasta don't know what to do with it yet but I'm gonna play with it so the the pasta looks like it's good now ooh yeah it's ready out no it's hot I'm gonna straight it and we're gonna see what the results looks like wow so Stevie oh wow it smells good do we want to try the spicy are you scared but I want to try it all right so now we have to add the other ingredients and making mac and cheese is super simple all you have to do is get some butter I like to put a lot of butter because I love butter so so so much and then we have almond milk not regular milk well I use I use almond milk but you can use regular milk if you want I like my Mac and Cheese to be like soupy so I I add a lot of milk into it and I'm just gonna mix it around get it all like mix it mixed up now it's time for the Cheetos what am I saying and now it's time for the cheese I think it's this one hopefully it's not the spicy one and the color was crazy it was orange bright neon orange it's brighter in real life than the camera laughs whoa dude it's so orange oh my gosh this is a cool shot and now it's time for the spicy Cheetos flavor it smelled so strong and the color was so red it kind of looked a little scary it kind of looks like um I think you could tell me in the comment section I licked it and it was a mistake all right time to put it in the bowl it's already done and so it's time to taste both the orange not orange original and the spicy version which one am I gonna like better let's find out who's ready for Cheetos we're gonna eat cats [Music] this is Coco for babysitting him she's not mine it's my mama's I have to keep telling myself that so I don't get too attached I'm gonna try the Cheetos Hello Kitty pasta first I wanna get a tiny one let's do one Hello Kitty oh [Music] foreign bro it's like a Cheeto but then it's not a Cheeto because it's a a noodle do you like it here what about bigger mouthful you know the more you eat it the more good it tastes or maybe I'm just hungry yeah pretty good I kind of like it I think I prefer that now to the normal mac and cheese it feels like there's less cheese yeah because with normal mac and cheese I have to put in extra cheese usually on top to make it like more cheesy now it's time for spicy okay okay you want to go down I want you to try it first one [Music] oh my gosh oh my god oh I thought that was a real cat that's how spicy this is [Music] this is a lot it's the spicy noodles like the it's literally spicier than that what are you doing oh she likes to bite ankles please don't bite me please don't bite me they're so cute I'ma eat a whole spoon oh [Music] if I stop to think about it that's when it starts hurting I have one spoon bro it's better the second time yeah right and then like think about it yeah and then I'm like wait never mind what has been your favorite Hello Kitty food really no like the whole day so including um the Wafers that I let you eat oh um the Boba and then the bread boba boba well it was so good it's like I don't even like beans I'm eating Hello Kitties so what has been your favorite Hello Kitty food of the whole video let me know down below [Music] okay bye [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: SugarStar
Views: 4,104,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adopt me, roblox adopt me, adopt me asmr, roblox asmr, asmr, roblox, satisfying roblox, tower of hell asmr, tower of hell, sugarstar asmr, relaxing keyboard sounds roblox, relaxing obby asmr, sugar, sugar roblox, sugarstar roblox, sharla sugar, sugar star asmr, keyboard, keyboard sounds for study, study sounds, study asmr, i'm sugarstar, sugerstar, imsugarstar, sugarshar
Id: y_vD4u6Dha0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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