Eating KFC in Indonesia

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In this video we be trying KFC in Indonesia! Let’s find and order all their special food! Starting with their rice bowls! They also sell just Egg Soup Spaghetti Wrap Another soup this time in cream version And a Indonesian snack which is Potato Fritter The chicken combo meal here is interesting You can have rice instead of fries And also add a music CD Next they have something called the Snack Bucket This comes with a variety of bite size chicken And something called Fun Fries Also let me try their double burger which is new to me With their new special float Also a Kids Meal With another burger called the Kids burger And Ovaltine as my drink And lastly desserts! Starting with this Koolz Chocolate A Cream Puff Wow cool! They even have Pukis! I picked the 3 pieces option So let me choose my flavors There we go A Sundae And a Pudding There is also a Coffee shop selection but I will skip it for now! Our KFC haul in Indonesia! As usual we shall start off with the ice cream before they melt! This is vanilla soft serve with added coco flakes It is milky with a light chocolate crunch Mixed the same as the McFlurry which is by their spoons It is a vanilla soft served with chocolate sauce and peanut toppings Though they was nice the soft serve here seems to have a bit more icy Now for their special sides! It is a oily fried patty of mashed potato Which was savory, flavorful and tasty! The soups are next! This is a clear soup with carrots, corn and chicken It is simple and very good! This is a creamy soup with bits of corn It tasted milky and a little sweet We do prefer the clear one The last 2 sides will go very well together! The Egg is cooked scrambled style The Twisty is a wrap with Crispy chicken strip, lettuce and mayo The Eggs were kinda too salty to have it on its own So adding it to the wrap will be perfect It has become a delicious breakfast meal! For this I chose the Avocado float as our drink Which was made up of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, coffee jelly and avocado flavoring It was nice and creamy! This would be our CD for the meal It comes with coupons for you to redeem goodies And 9 songs It turned out to be a DVD Karaoke so I guess we can watch and sing along to it too lol The rice used is organic and comes wrapped up like a burger It comes dense and compact! People here enjoy it with the chicken It was so yummy! The KFC chicken here is so meaty and tasted amazing! Having it with the rice was so satisfying! The drink for this would be the Buttercream float This was made up of vanilla ice cream topped with cookie crumbs, Coke, butter caramel sauce and yellow jelly It actually tasted very similar to Harry Potter Butter Beer which is a buttery and creamy soda! The fries here are skinny shoe string kind It had a flavorful enough shell that doesn’t need sauce The burger is made up of 2 Original chicken patty, cheese, lettuce and mayo with chili sauce It is like eating the KFC Original chicken in burger form! Flavorful and juicy, I like it! The Ovaltine is mini size for the kids meal It seem more thick and chocolatey then the Ovaltine sold in my country! Then we get a packet of fries for the side which is same size as the normal meal The Kids Burger is made up of mayo, chili, lettuce and a Crispy chicken patty instead of the Orginial one It was quite spicy so I guess they start their spice tolerance really young here! RJ the alpaca from BT21 was the chosen toy for this meal It is a non moveable cute play set This would be the Bucket version of the Shaker Fries with BBQ as its seasoning! It comes with 4 pieces of what they call Chicken Balls! Which is meatballs with a coating of batter They were interesting things to eat with their bouncy and crispy texture! Next we have 2 pieces of Crispy Chicken Strips Which is pretty much Chicken Tenders with KFC Crispy Skin coating Then would be 2 Crispy Wingers 2 Crispy Drums And Fun Fries which is bascially fries with the BBQ seasoning Being coated in the BBQ seasoning made them extra sweet and smokey tasting A tasty fun bucket to share! Now lets try their unique bowls A rice bowl with Crispy chicken strips drizzled with a sweet yakiniku sauce and a sprinkle of chili powder This was pretty good! The Japanese sweet and savory flavors went well with the Crispy chicken and rice For this bowl we have Crispy chicken strips, sesame seeds, drizzled with sweet chili and mayo The flavor of this was sweeter and creamier This time we have Spaghetti bowl with Crispy chicken strips! Inspired by Jolliebee perhaps! It was really good actually! The pasta was al dente and the sauce was savory with a spicy hit! And lastly we have the desserts! It is jumbo size Cream Puff! The pastry was pretty hard and thick while the cream portion were only at the tips! This would be a chocolate flavored pudding It was jiggly with light chocolate flavor For this I chose Choconut Cookie Crumb And Cheese They are Indonesian Kue that taste similar to a thick pancake They were delicious and definitely a must get if you visit the KFC here!
Channel: DancingBacons
Views: 131,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, dancingbacons, dancing bacon, relaxing, satisfying, vending machine, asia, japan, thailand, singapore, Convenience food, street food, kfc, mcdonalds, fast food, restaurant, fried chicken, original chicken, crispy chicken, burger, hamburger, chicken burger, ice cream float, limited edition, special, jollibee, spaghetti
Id: zsuXrvN55nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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