Eat These 5 Superfoods to Stay Young! Dr. David Sinclair’s Anti-Aging Guide

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well we're in a remarkable time for aging because we've moved from just understanding what's causing it and how we might intervene to truly understanding what can be done and now we're in a phase where it the question is what are the right combinations of diet exercise so if you can keep the body younger and functioning like it did when we're in our 20s you're you're literally not going to get heart disease you're not going to get Alzheimer's get most of your protein from Plants occasional meat is fine but I I try to restrict my meat I know there are a lot of carnivores out there yeah Joe Rogan doesn't like it when I tell him that meat might be but you also don't need carbohydrates so people get confused carbohydrates can be good right so right broccoli is a carbohydrate but so is you know a bagel and they're very different exactly right and and you know and you've spoken a lot about this so I don't need to hammer it too much but the right carbohydrates for sure uh but yeah be hungry once in a while so that's that's the first point um so keep your blood sug go low um if you can um but not too low cuz you need your energy you need your brain needs glucose uh another thing I do is I um I exercise now I'm always at a keyboard or on my phone so it's it's hard so I spend about 4 hours at the gym uh on a Sunday with my son which is does two things it's fantastic four hours yeah well I have to make up for it somehow I don't think it works like that you don't okay I'm probably wearing out my body but I I do a combination of Weights uh and then some aerobic yeah some high impact uh training intensity training and then I also do something else that's that I think is becoming more common which is um so those are two uh what I call hormetic what you would call hermetic indues stresses small stress better exactly what doesn't kill you makes you live longer so that that was one of the theories that I put out xenesis the idea you can get the messages from stressed plants and get them for our body yeah um so the other stressors which we know less about but there's enough data which I put have put in the book that says this is probably real is uh sauna and cold stress oh my God I do that all every day really I have like a steam shower and SAA and I have a big bathtub and I go hot and I go in the ice bath fantastic hot ice bath it's like the best thing ever well it'll certainly wake you up and it makes you feel good if nothing else but I've looked into the data I did a lot of research for the book and so the cold stress um it'll boost your brown fat Brown fat has a lot of mitochondria puts out a lot of good molecues so that's what you can cryotherapy is not nonsense I don't think so but you know there's not hasn't been long-term studies but it makes sense um and a true Harvard Professor but there's not been long-term studies I always have to do that uh you're tenured now you can say whatever you want I get slept on the wrist uh but the the the what's interesting about it is that the the brown fat we didn't know it existed in humans until fairly recently only a decade ago but it seems more you have the better and the best way to induce Brown fat is to be cold especially across your back there's a lot of it back there if you can induce it the problem is I found that at least in animals the older you get the harder it is to build up so you want to start early in life if you can and and build it up then the heat stress I looked into and I was really skeptical that any of this was real my my wife told me about SA come on that that can't be good for you but you look and actually there's a lot of studies in Helsinki MH of course they're selling the the saers so they they they've done a lot of research so thousands of Finnish men mostly have been studied and in in those studies it's pretty clear that men who go to the sauna a few times a week have less cardiovascular disease risk and heart attacks now there's one caveat which they actually admit in one of the papers is that people who are sick or in hospital don't go to the SAA as often so there's that caveat but I looked at the data to me it looks like it could be real mhm um so I monitor myself fairly regularly um I'm I'm not crazy about it I don't like having my blood drawn often but you know I'm looking at myself with rings I've got the watch I've got the blood draws if something goes out of whack and I change my diet or I do something I'll know about it I measure through inside tracker you others can do that about 34 different things and you know I'm I'm adding things I'm subtracting them like you I know if something's going wrong so I just had a blood test because I'm going to Africa and uh I sat down with a with the nurse actually yesterday and she took me through my blood test yeah and she went perfect perfect better than perfect better perfect and so she said and you're turning 50 and you've got those blood markers yeah she goes I'm jealous I said what do you think and she goes just keep doing what you're doing right right so I think that's that's the proof that that we're not hurting ourselves and we'll know it if we were yeah maybe longterm you don't know yeah we we see it all the time I see it you know treating patients where they their literally biology can reverse at any time you know you see people who are in their 60s who have all these endstage diseases like heart failure and diabetes and severe obesity and hypertension and kidney failure and you see these things go away when you start to modify these factors that drive inflammation and blood sugar and mitochondria it's pretty amazing yeah well there have been a few Paradigm shifts in the field so when I started out and this is we're talking about the early 1990s the idea was uh our bodies are like cars we eventually wear out there's not much you can do about it you can slow down the rusting free radicals and that's about it but what we discovered in the '90s thanks to works by Cynthia Kenyan and Lenny GTI and and others is that these genes s tuin and there are some others we can talk about later I think um but these these protective Pathways exist we didn't know that we had protective Pathways it's as though we've discovered the not just that our bodies are better than cars that we actually have inbuilt repair systems yeah it's like a like a selfcleaning uh oven right yeah and and they get they get lazy if you if you're lazy they get lazy if you become obese and don't eat well and if you eat too much um there are other things you can do to kick them into action with how you eat what you eat but also what we found is that that you can they're basically inbuilt survival mechanisms that are very ancient they're found in yeast cells and plants in our bodies probably our microbiome plays a role um and that so we can we can basically make a call to the to the Pentagon of the body and they can send out the troops without actually damaging the body you don't have to have a war to get ready for war and these protect us against diseases and many cases reverse aspects of Aging another Paradigm Shift was that we could delete the the bad cells in the body the ccent cells that accumulate and there are some molecules in in clinical trials as well that might be Paradigm shifting how do you delete those well they're they're called senolytics uh senent litics litic meaning lice the cells kill them yeah and there are molecules that can do that there are some natural molecules cortin cortin from onions and apples uh deatin nibs a drug on the market we uh well actually work at the Mayo Clinic primarily in Judy cesy out at the buck Institute found that you can treat animals and delete their sent cells and they get younger yeah we call these the zombie cells uh C cells zombie cells they they they they're half dead they sit there they should be dead but they they're actually causing Havoc they're they're secreting inflammation factors cyto kindes that cause other cells to sess and to become um potentially cancerous and when you delete them uh might live longer and what's exciting about that technology science is you can instead of taking a pill every day which is the kind of stuff that I work on if their stuff works you can have a treatment once every decade maybe and that's it and the treatment is a drug is it a supplement is like you said well you you can supplement there's nothing fully proven in humans yet uh there are some early studies from the Mayo Clinic um just this year a study in humans came out that was promising from Jim Kirkland uh but in mice a lot of studies now point to this being a phenomenal way to address aging well we're in a remarkable time for aging because we've moved from just understanding what's causing it and how we might intervene to truly understanding what can be done and now we're in a phase where it the question is what are the right combinations of diet exercise food supplements and eventually drugs that are on their way well there are plenty of animals and certainly species across the planet that live longer than we do it's not a biological impossibility to live hundreds actually thousands of years there's even some corals that live for 10,000 years so it's it's not a fact of life that we have to die at 120 U if you remove predators and War and disease species evolve longer lifespans it's happening right now on a Japanese island where a lizard was released and it's got no predat Predators it's breeding slower and living longer that's what happens and give us a few more it doesn't it doesn't ex just it sits there in the sun all day right well you know we we don't have we we you know we don't have to necessarily live at the bottom of the ocean like a Greenland shark or on a rock but what what these organisms show us is that life lifespan is malleable it Chang over millions of years sometimes in the course of a few Generations as we're seeing with this lizard what is happening that's what we I want to figure out what is it about those organisms that we can learn from and instead of letting us evolve by having to wait for us to evolve over millions of years why don't we just accelate Gene editing or is this going to involve more of these other kinds ofies I touch on Gene editing in the book in my lab where we're using gene therapy to kind of Leap Frog uh and really see how powerful our genome can be we're having some remarkable results in mice and truly reversing the clock of aging and seeing what can happen and uh know maybe maybe I'll tell I'll reveal that later okay where we're at with gene therapy is so there are a couple of drugs on the market that are used for rare diseases cuz that's usually where new technologies are first used uh you know there are scientists who could probably do this to themselves if they were crazy right now technology is there where we're not not at the science doesn't doesn't allow us to change every cell in the body right now even in a mouse where we've been studying this longer um and my lab does this every few weeks in in the lab the problem is we can infect about 30% of the cells and it infects and changes the genes in some organs more than others yeah so it's very easy to change most cells in the liver but not so much in the muscle and the brain and you only get one or two shots at it because an adenovirus which is what carries the gene therapy causes an inflammatory response right that's not good uh so you know I'm not I'm not planning on doing that anytime soon yeah uh but if I had a rare disease and I was it was going to kill me or I was 95 and I had nothing else to lose maybe I'd consider it unbelievable so the whole goal here isn't just to extend lifespan right is to expend extend health span right which is how long sure of vibrant ears you have and uh there there was a lot of thinking that if if we extend lifespan there's going to be a lot of old people who are going to be sick and cost the system money and drain this you know our society and that's not a great thing and yet there are others that sort of pointed to research that maybe that's not the case that if we figured out how to create Health that we can do what we call rectangularization healthier and just didn't get sick they just basically fell off the cliff and died as opposed to long slow painful deaths they died quickly painlessly and cheaply yeah well that's what the science is pointing to and in my lab we see that a lot when we intervene with a molecule uh we see those mice they are healthier for longer and actually you know when I talk to people about living longer and I ask how long do people want to live a typical answer is oh I wouldn't want to live over 100 cuz they people have seen what 100y old looks like it you know God forbid that get there but what changes their minds is what if you could be 100 and still play tennis and hang out with your great grandkids and still be productive you don't have to be earning a living you can be helping the community nonprofit work and then everyone raises their hand pretty much um so it's all about health and that's the key Point um I want everybody to know that I don't know how to extend lifespan without keeping people healthy in fact the reason that's how you do it that's how we do it that's the only way we can extend lifespan is to keep animals and eventually people free of disease for longer and then eventually something gives out fairly quickly typically and that's the idea someone like my father who's 80 now and still traveling the world and going out every night and but that's a life that that I think is is well lived and if he can keep going and helping my family and his community which he's doing for another 10 or 20 years the the economics show and we've modeled this for Australia we've done some others have done this for the UK GDP goes up it's not that there's a drain at all in fact the the amount of healthcare it's 17% of GDP right now in the US it's only going to keep going up the reason is we're getting older and sicker the last 10 years of life can be spent um in in wheelchairs and not going outside and being spoonfed but I think the best way to tackle the problems we have is actually first solve the biggest drain on the planet which is taking care of the sick and the elderly and then like you said there's trillions of dollars if we could uh just reduce one disease of by 10% it's about $3 trillion over the next decade we're talking about a lot more than that and that's money you can use to to to fix the world and your thinking is actually the thinking that I think can solve the problem because in medicine most the thinking is focused on disease you're focused on the mechanisms of Health well sure I mean it's important to know why people die and we have a list of 14,000 diseases in well it's now 155,000 yeah but but but knowing why people full for Cliff I would argue it's also just as important if not more important to know what drove them to the cliff in the first place MH first of all just philosophically let's talk about that um is aging a condition well I believe it is I think you could argue I make the argument in the book that um disease is something that happens over time that's delerious reduces function uh if it happens to less than 50% of the population if it happens to 51% we call that aging and it's arbitrary and the m fact that it happens to most of us um if we live long enough and if we're lucky enough doesn't mean it's any less important in fact I would argue it's more important uh and so the one of the the things that I'm I'm very keen on explaining to everybody is that that aging is something that we can tackle just as we've been tackling cancer and heart disease and this inevitability uh cancer is inevitable if you live long enough so is heart disease so is dementia the longer you live the more chance you'll get it okay but not inevitable well I would say every disease of Aging is inevitable as long as you live long enough right so you don't you have to die of something can't die of old age uh well something has to go wrong but what is the driver of all of those diseases science says it's aging you if you're if you're a teenager you don't get Alzheimer's you don't get cancer and we don't often think why that is but the most important factor by a factor of 100 or more is the aging process so if you can keep the body younger and functioning like it did when we're in our 20s you're you're literally not going to get heart disease you're not going to get Alzheimer's yeah and as we learn more and more about how to reverse not just the effects of Aging but actual the age of cells themselves I believe we we will be able to prevent in large part these diseases because we've removed the largest cause of these diseases well I I call it wacka medicine the way we do it now which is fine um you know I think any anybody who focus on medicine and research um is doing a great service to to the world I do think we can have a big impact if we can find out what's driving all those diseases and and it's not intuitive unless you're in the field that what's driving those diseases that we all see in our families there's something common and actually in the book I have a a theory that explains why what is the underlying cause of all the diseases that we get as we get older not just all the diseases wrinkles and gray hair and all of that stuff it's all the same I believe it's all the same process that can not just be slowed down but even reversed we started out with the question why do organisms grow old in the first place simple question very few people had actually asked it and uh so we studied yeast cells from you know Bakers and Brewers use it all the time why do yeast cells not live forever and they typically live a week we actually found out that these genes that you mentioned Sans are Regulators of yeast aging and we have seven of these genes in our bodies and they do phenomenal things they repair DNA help teal a and one of the things we found they do very well is keep the mitochondria healthy and actually we found what was surprising was how reversible the Aging of mitochondria are in animals at least and we're now doing human studies and clinical trials that within just a week of treatment with a molecule that a few molecules that we've tested that enhance the function of cerin Resveratrol was a famous one we we worked on now NAD boosters all seem to be able to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction within days and we never knew that aging was that malleable until then so sugar you're saying accelerates aging and restricting sugar actually helps increased longevity in these well certainly for yeast and a lot of data on humans that lower sugar is better in fasting blood sugar is lower as better to for longevity but there are other ways to kick the cuns into action uh so there's Inhumans um intermittent fasting is is easier I find than calorie restriction well eating is one of life's Pleasures um but I find uh if for me if if I skip breakfast it's no big deal yeah right so intermittent fasting is basically Tim restricted eating where you eat within a certain time window of eight hours or or 10 hours right yeah there there are plenty of varieties uh I talk about them in the book there are some other books that talk about that um you mentioned this many times on your show the there are some uh Skipper meal protocols that skip 2 days a week yeah there are some people uh pet teers doing skip a week of food he says after 3 days magical things happen he thinks I haven't tried that yet but I'm going to uh but yeah no one knows actually what the optimal amount of fasting is what I can tell you is some time of being hungry is good the last 10 years have been remarkable just made my head spin we can we can challenge and test hypotheses in a week things that used to take a decade um so the the the we now have these Hallmarks of Aging that we've all in the field agreed on cause aging mitochondrial dysfunction tmis uh we've heard them all pretty much siness and cells I mentioned um there's been a new change um and it it's we're undergoing a new paradigm shift and it's it's a it's a theory that I put in the book called the information information the the of aging and the idea is that all of these Hallmarks actually are manifested by a loss of Sailor information from when we when we were young
Channel: Eternal Health
Views: 2,338
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Keywords: anti-aging foods, Dr. David Sinclair, superfoods, reverse aging, stay young, longevity, youthful skin, healthy aging, diet tips, anti-aging diet, health and wellness, nutrition, anti-aging secrets, healthy eating, vibrant life, superfoods for aging, youthful appearance, aging gracefully, anti-aging guide, longevity tips, top anti-aging foods, wellness, natural anti-aging, skin health, age-defying foods, healthy lifestyle, anti-aging research, life extension, healthy habits
Id: pwZu_3Be41g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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