The Best Diet According To [18] Studies

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the best longevity diet isn't keto or vegan or carnivore or Mediterranean and as we go through the research in this video see if you can figure out the best longevity diet and I'll reveal it at the end a top priority in selecting a diet is making sure that that diet helps to control our weight obesity rates are skyrocketing over 42% of us are now obese this is bad for diabetes blood pressure arthritis so I see a truckload of patients in the clinic with severe back pain can sleep apnea and fatty liver the goal of a great diet is to prevent treat or reverse the complications of obesity and improve the quality of life so which diet is best for weight loss well one of the most famous reviews of the diet literature was published in 2014 it combined over 48 unique randomized control trials that looked at a variety of different diets and included a total of over 7,000 individuals after a 12-month period significant weight loss was observed with any low carbohydrate or lowfat diet and the differences between the different diets were small this supports the practice of recommending a diet that a patient will adhere to in order to lose weight but that was 2014 what has happened since then another analysis was done in 2016 that also found that a variety of different diets can help with weight loss but the 2014 and 2016 analyses pale in comparison to the one that was published in the British medical journal in 2020 this one involved over 121 randomized control trials involving just under 22,000 people the individual trials tested 14 different diets and once again at the 12-month period the weight loss effects were broadly the same over and over again the studies show the same thing people can lose weight over the short term but it's incredibly difficult to keep that weight off over the long term so why does this happen and what can be done about it well one of the most famous diet researchers Professor Kevin Hall wanted to answer this in 2018 in a shocking statistic more than half of the lost weight is regained within 2 years and by 5 years more than 80% of the lost weight is regained unfortunately it appears that the body fights this weight loss so in recent years there's been a reemergence of low carbohydrate diets to help fight this weight regain it centers around a concept called the carbohydrate insulin model of obesity which posits that diets high in carbohydrates are particularly fattening because they increase the secretion of insulin and thereby Drive fat accumulation unfortunately though multiple randomized control trials have been done which were included in the metaanalyses that we went through in this video and overall it shows that the carbohydrate insulin model of obesity has failed experimental interrogation so overall what diet is best to help us stay at a healthy weight and fight the weight regain well there's no one siiz fits all diet for weight loss but there are some critical fundamental that we're going to build upon when designing the perfect longevity diet we know that we need to reduce refined carbs and sugar I don't need to tell you that we need to cut down on chips biscuits and cupcakes we want to replace fizzy drinks and juices including fruit juice with water we want to prioritize Whole Foods including non-starchy vegetables for the fiber content and if someone wants to consume whole grains like I do we need to make sure that they are truly whole grains not refined and not mixed in with sugar we want to eat a small early dinner and then immediately brush our teeth that's an incredibly powerful signal that eating has finished for the day but most of us already know all of that instead what most people don't know is how we can use protein to help keep the weight off in a randomized control trial of 773 participants the group that was on the high protein diet had less weight regain compared to those in a low protein diet and a high protein intake is not just for weight control a 2020 metaanalysis public in the British medical journal showed that higher protein intakes are associated with lower all cause death rates that effect is probably to do with muscle mass a growing body of evidence suggests that higher muscle strength is associated with lower all cause death rates we want to maximize our muscle strength in youth maintain that muscle strength in adult life and minimize the loss in older life and high protein diets mixed in with resistance exercise can help us do that specifically from a 2018 metanalysis the magic number that we're after is 1.6 G of lean protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day that amount of protein appears to maximize the benefits of exercise now it used to be thought that we had to have hits of protein intake as in we had to have multiple meals of protein spaced throughout the day and while that strategy may offer a small additional benefit most of the benefit comes from Total daily protein intake as per an important study that was published this year 24 but before considering high protein intake for the optimal longevity diet we need to have a look at the other side because some longevity scientists such as Professor Volta Longo suggest that we should be lowering our protein intakes referencing studies such as this one from 2014 this study tested 25 different diets on mice and it found that the diet that had the lowest protein intake was associated with the longest lifespan but it's important to remember that our lives are vastly different to those of lab mice we need to optimize for resiliency in the real world we're exposed to viruses bacteria pollution attacks on our immune system and it's a classic case that we need to put far more attention on the human clinical research rather than what happens in lab animals to wrap up the high protein section of this video what types of proteins are best well When selecting protein sources an important factor to consider is their Lucine content Lucine is an essential amino acid and it plays a role in initiating muscle protein synthesis animal-based proteins are typically rich in Lucine so for those following a plant-based diet achieving the same amount of Lucine intake requires a higher overall protein consumption and there are fantastic plant-based protein sources that you can consider for example chickpeas lentils and pea protein powder soy protein is another option and despite all of the noise on social media we've got fantastic human research showing that soy protein has no effect on testosterone levels or estrogen in men speaking of social media you may hear some people talking about the concerns of high protein intakes and Kidney Health multiple human Studies have looked at this and overall there's a lack of scientific evidence linking higher protein intakes to adverse outcomes so in addition to the longevity diet fundamentals that we've already gone through we should add High lean protein intake to that list but why do I mention lean protein and this leads us nicely into talking about different typ of dietary fats we've got fantastic evidence from Cochran that cutting down on saturated fat intake leads to a 17% reduction in the risk of heart disease saturated fat is typically from animal sources but it's important to remember that unsaturated fats can be brilliant for us in 2022 a study called the cordio priv study was conducted and it compared the Mediterranean diet which is rich in unsaturated fats to a lowfat diet over 1,000 patients were included and they were followed up for 7 years the study found that for secondary prevention the Mediterranean diet was superior to the lowfat diet in preventing major cardiovascular events so unsaturated fats can be brilliant for us this includes things like avocados nuts seeds extra virgin olive oil and certain types of fish so we'll add to our list that we should replace saturated fat with unsaturated fat next is salt intake specifically sodium we've got great evidence showing that as sodium intake increases so too does our blood pressure not what we want it puts needless strain on our blood vessels and contributes to heart attacks and strokes and about 80% of the sodium intake in the United States comes from restaurant and packaged foods and while many people enjoy the taste of salt the taste of salt is malleable meaning that if you cut out salt from your diet your food May taste a bit Bland for 4 to 6 weeks but if you get through that the taste buds adjust and your flavor comes back so we'll add low sodium intake to our list and the final concept I want to discuss which I've briefly touched on earlier in the video is fruit and vegetable intake fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium and potassium helps to lower our blood pressure fruits and vegetables are also rich in fiber fiber helps us to feel Fuller for longer so what's the best longevity diet to help you live a healthy 90 plus years the best longevity diet is the diet that you can stick to over the long term one that makes you feel energized and decreases your canc cancer risk and heart disease risk factors When selecting and designing a diet there are some fundamentals that we should try and stick to we want to reduce refined carbs and sugar replace fizzy drinks and juices including fruit juice with water we want to prioritize Whole Foods and if you do consume whole grains make sure that they're whole and not mixed in with sugar have a small early dinner and then immediately brush your teeth we want to prioritize a high lean protein intake aiming for 1.6 G of protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day we want to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats such as avocados nuts seeds extra virgin olive oil and some types of fish we want to reduce salt intake and as part of that avoid processed foods and watch out for sources because often sauces are packed with salt finally non-starchy vegetables and fruits are fantastic for potassium and fiber intake in addition to those diet fundamentals I also take microv vitamin to help me reach the recommended daily intakes of vitamins and minerals without the risk of mega dosing but remember that just because I take a supplement does not in any way mean that you should as well and make sure to check out this next video here about all of the strategies available to us today to significantly reduce our risk of heart attacks and a massive thank you to all of the patrons supporting the channel
Channel: Dr Brad Stanfield
Views: 48,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: longevity, anti aging, longevity diet, health and longevity, healthy food, live longer diet, healthy foods to eat, healthy lifestyle, longevity secrets, best diet, keto diet, carnivore diet, best longevity diet, best anti aging diet, anti aging diet
Id: xMTrASz2igo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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