easy ways to make your notes neater 🖍 takes 5 seconds and literally 0 talent

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this video is sponsored by care of [Music] hey guys in today's video i'm going to be sharing a couple of easy and quick ways to make your notes look a little bit cuter i can testify that it is in fact possible to keep up with a teacher or professor who is just spitting a freestyle rap instead of speaking at a normal pace while incorporating a few of these tips and techniques so without further ado let's jump into the ideas our first category is a couple of easy but aesthetic and punchy title ideas because if you have a nice bold attention grabbing title design it can really distract from any absolute garbage pile mess disaster that may be happening below it and just for an organization technique it really helps to have a clear title that way you can flip through your notes and easily be able to tell what topic you're covering to start with i think the absolute easiest thing you can do to make your title stand out is to write as you normally would but using a nice thick juicy and crisp black marker instead of your normal pen or pencil to add a little bit of extra spice you can do the exact same thing but using a colorful marker i find that it's quite economical to get colored markers instead of colored pens anyways so use it in your titles color your little heart away you can also try out a couple of quick easy ways to change up your handwriting for instance cursive and no you don't need to learn the fancy calligraphy style i'm doing here i'm sure we've all just learned basic regular joined letters cursive in grade school although i am becoming an old woman so i'm not really 100 sure what they teach the kiddos in school these days something else you can try is tall thin capital letters which um i'm not sure i'd explain except for that they are tall thin capital letters hopefully the visual is self-explanatory next let's talk about add-ons which you can combine with the other methods that i previously mentioned or as the name would suggest you can just add on to your regular handwriting and the first is just a squiggly little line underneath the text you can also just draw a rectangle around your words which i know seems very basic but it looks really good and it works for everyone even if you think you have very little artistic ability so quadrilateral it up even if you think you can't do perfect red angles to make a rectangle this next idea is something i personally believe that i popularized in the study gram community because i started doing this like five years ago and i've been in this community for so freaking long maybe that makes me big headed but long-winded tangents aside the idea is basically to draw two horizontal bars using a highlighter or the thick side of a marker something else you can try with your highlighters is to highlight underneath your text kind of making a colored in box you can also add two cute little symbols on the sides of your regular title like stars or hearts or smiley faces or leaves or anything that you desire my final fanciest yet still simple title idea is to draw a banner and it's a lot easier than it looks you just draw a line on top of the text a line below the text and then a greater than symbol and less than symbol to close off that banner box alrighty it is me five hours later because i forgot to film this the first time here to bring you a word from today's sponsor care of care of is a vitamin supplement brand that also provides personalized resources i took the quiz and started using the daily vitamin packs about a month and a half ago and i've really been enjoying it so far the vitamins i have are calcium which supports bone health especially because i'm lactose intolerant iron which helps with energy and cognitive function and this is especially important for me because i have a diagnosed iron deficiency what up almost anemic gang and the last herbal supplement that they recommended for me is rhodiola which is meant to help with endurance and exercise recovery with the new year of vibes coming along one of the main things i'm trying to do is look for these smaller ways to take care of my health and make it joyful whenever possible and i feel like these cute little supplement packets with the daily quotes and adorable graphics just make me happier when i'm taking them and therefore more likely to actually do what is necessary to support my health care of also sets itself apart from other vitamin brands because they offer a holistic online quiz to help you identify what vitamins and supplements might help your needs and it's all conveniently delivered in one package to your door every month additionally the daily packs are made with compostable eco-friendly film that you can find out how to compost at take care of dot com p slash eco so if this sounds interesting you can take the quiz and see what vitamins and supplements care of will recommend for you at the link in the description and you can use my code studyquill for 50 off your first order that's all for the sponsored segment and now back to your note-taking tips next let's talk about a couple of swaps you can make within your studying toolkit one thing to keep in mind though is that don't focus too much on this section if you haven't yet like mastered your actual note-taking methods because supplies are not the thing that will make you organized and studious you're the only one who can do that that reminder to be mindful of your consumerism aside here are my swap recommendations first i definitely recommend making the swap from taking notes in pencil to black pen it always looks nicer for some reason i think it's because the black pen contrasts more sharply with the white paper and the lighter gray or blue lines on the page and although the difference doesn't look so stark on camera for some reason the pencil gray is significantly lighter than the black of a black pen so it doesn't look as nice with highlighter over it i know it's a bit scary but once you get used to using white out instead of an eraser it's pretty much the same experience except more aesthetically pleasing you've probably already heard of my next swap idea but just in case you haven't let me introduce you to the wonders of pastel highlighters the muted color palette is just so much easier on the eyes than neon traditional highlighters and if you don't want to buy new highlighters you can also just use a crayola super tip set they've got a lot of nice pastel and muted colors in there speaking of highlighters i would also recommend opting for thinner tipped highlighters over thicker ones when you can maybe this is just because i do have quite small handwriting so it just looks more natural for me to use a thinner highlighter with my short small handwriting but i don't know to me it just looks a lot nicer also try to find paper with lighter or thinner lines printed on it so that it doesn't clutter up the page as much it doesn't stand out as much and draw away attention from the words you're writing down the third category is just some general formatting tips which is something you will kind of have to think about before you start taking notes and carry on throughout the entire process so it's not as much of an easy five second hack as the rest of them but here are some things to keep in mind the best way to prevent your notes from looking overly cramped is to leave a lot of white space wherever you can like skipping a line after each section or leaving your margins nice and wide you could also consider folding your page in half and writing with two columns instead of just one really large one it kind of eliminates the unevenness on the right hand side and instead corrals the text into two nice rectangles although your mileage may vary and lastly i want to point out two minor details about bullet points the first is that a dot circle bullet point tends to look a lot nicer than a dash in my opinion also if you have a mega long line of text that goes over to the next line below it make sure that you line up the start of that second line with where the first line of text starts not where the bullet point on the first line starts that verbal explanation just sounds very clunky so for the visual the one on the top just tends to look a little bit worse than the one on the bottom next let's talk about visual aids and contrary to popular belief on study gram you do not in fact have to go full-on picasso and make a masterpiece out of your sheet of binder paper instead here are a couple of ideas for ways you can add visual appeal and some actual useful studying tools all without having a single lick of artistic talent one thing you can do that requires literally zero artistic ability is to decorate with stickers it really appeases that inner third grader inside of me who's been collecting stickers for an entire decade i also recommend printing out diagrams whenever possible because it serves as a helpful reference for your studying and it means that you don't have to draw them yourself another thing to print out that will make your life easier is these various templates that kind of depend on the subject you're studying for example if you're doing polar coordinates you can print out polar graphs or for organic chemistry you can print out these hexagon writing paper sheets last but not least you can also print out photos that are relevant to the subject material and can both add a little bit of spice to the visual appeal of your page and just help you understand the material better for example for my film notes i put in a photo of the visual style that i'm discussing and those are all of the ideas i wanted to share with you i hope you found them helpful although one thing to keep in mind is that aesthetic does not equal effective studying so although some of these tips and tricks can increase your studying efficiency in some ways they really are focused on aesthetic if you would like some more functional note-taking techniques i will have more videos about that linked in the description anyways thank you for watching and i upload new videos about student life every week you can also check out my instagram my tick tock and my second channel for some study related and very much non-study related content see you next time [Music]
Channel: studyquill
Views: 696,619
Rating: 4.9857302 out of 5
Keywords: studying, college, school
Id: neM4Z4K8X2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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