how to take pretty notes for lazy people

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so I'm sure at this point you guys have already seen pictures to people with extremely organized and pretty notes or maybe you're someone that actually has those kind of notes see I used to be someone that spent countless hours making aesthetically pleasing notes in high school that was back when I had time and I know that it's not always the case for everyone the moment I went to uni I decided that life was not for me I basically switched to typing on my notes but sometimes I would miss having handwritten notes plus you retain more of what you learn if you have physically written it down I wanted to make this video to show you guys that you don't have to sacrifice having pretty notes just because you're in a rush or you have no time or maybe you do have time but you just want to put a minimal effort of course it will still require a little bit more effort than when you mess lise crumble everything down in it notebook but at least will be easier for you to reference when you're studying for a test and possibly help you learn better here's what you'll need since we're keeping this super simple all you'll need is your favorite writing tool and two highlighters yes I know that a lot of people use graph paper a regular line paper is also superior so I don't actually have anything to study for at the moment so I'm literally just copying some random sparknotes summary for the sake of this video if anyways that's beside the point like I said before we're keeping this simple you don't have to do any fancy cursive or banners to make your title look pretty sometimes just reading the topic and all caps with your highlighter is more than enough to make it stand out I personally like to use microns because this way it won't smudge when I highlight over them for subtitles you can use a bold pen so it can really stand out okay so the part that I really want to emphasize as a whole color scheme you don't need to have like ten different colors on your page to make it look pretty I like to stick to two colors max for example you can go with a darker color to highlight the headings then a lighter one for the subheadings or definition words below it or you can mix and match colors that go together [Music] and that's pretty much it keeping it simple and organized but this kind of system will make your notes look nice and take away less time it may not look the fanciest in comparison to a lot of other notes out there but what matters the most is that it's efficient and you can study off of it this part is completely unnecessary but let's say you do want to make your notes look a little bit more cuter you can do two little drawings on your notes during the time when you go back to review them for an exam also please excuse how bad these drawings are I don't know why they look like that obviously it wouldn't be smart to draw these during class or the lecture cuz he most likely won't have time but if you do - while you're reviewing it will probably also help you memorize the terms a lot better - so you can't say it's a waste of time I know this video is in anything groundbreaking but I hope it also serves as a reminder that you don't need to have the best looking notes out there it's all about having notes that work the best for you having aesthetically pleasing notes is really nice but also just keep in mind what kind of learner you are what you're learning and just how much time all of it takes so as always thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Jem
Views: 2,195,982
Rating: 4.9792585 out of 5
Id: qov6HcoBiH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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