Easy to Make Creamy Mushroom Soup | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hello there friends i just finished making this beautiful mushroom bisque i'm going to show you exactly how to make it don't forget thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell let's get going with our beautiful soup well hello dear friends today we're making one of my favorite soup you know all the soups are my favorite soup uh mushroom soup i love a mushroom soup we're gonna make it a mushroom bisque and what's the difference in the best kind of soup the bisque is uh is cream it's a creamy very fancy world but it's just a mushroom soup so um let me get going because some people are gonna say oh here you go again it's gonna start talking oh uh i got some butter going on over there friends and uh and we're gonna start testimonial now they know the onion it's gonna take a little while remember the onion is always number first don't forget that i know you know i know you don't forget uh but some of you i said i'm being redundant i know but you know during the holiday we got like 50 or 60 000 new subscribers in just the months of december it was amazing so they don't know so i gotta explain it to them they may have just watched one or two video where i didn't talk about the audio so always make sure the onion goes first and we want to caramelize them otherwise they test like nothing so it's gonna take a little while here look look look how many onions i just put in here that was like three big onion okay so they're gonna take a little while to uh uh to caramelize them and you don't wanna if you wanna make sure you caramelize them all off let me turn the heat a little harder i got chicken stock in here and i got beef stock for those of you that have watched my video on how to soup up the how to uh customize a little bit of beef stock now you can make the original which is what that is right here that's the original beef stock right here look let me show you right there beautiful look at that let's see a nice integrity some people say it's tomato soup not tomato soup it's got tomatoes in there tomato paste it gives it a beautiful flavor it's really important you don't want to make it that way just take the can the the the bee stock you buy the store you know the um the prepared one i still got to do a video of a time which one is the best out there i'm gonna do it soon and then i got my chicken stock plain beautiful chicken stuff okay so if you if you don't want a chicken or beef you want a vegetable stock great for vegetarian if you're cooking for vegetarian god bless you no really really vegetable stock i'm going to show you i'm going to make a video on how to make a great vegetable stock okay good it doesn't have to be bad because it's vegetable quite a contrary you can make some phenomenal vegetarian food out there all right i'm done talking uh we have onion then we have shallots friends i got i gotta show you i can show you i gotta show you look at those scallops check those out remember i used some of the canadian shallots they were great but now i'm using the french one look at this check this out and those are shallots i don't know if you ever seen them like that they call it banana shallots oh mamma mia in the meantime i'm burning the butter i'm gonna saute the mushroom i got portobello mushroom and i got regular mushrooms see regular mushrooms portobello mushrooms i'm gonna put them in here now whatever mushroom you can find by the way some people are telling me those are not portobello they baby portabella that's why we call them in florida okay i don't know what you call them whatever steak you in but trust me that's what we call them here i remove the stem the stem that's like nothing you want to keep it on just keep it all right and then we're going to saute them we're going to get rid of all the water now as you can see i got a lot of mushroom in there right between this and this i got like uh 12 ounces of mushroom that's a lot of mushrooms so i slice them up really quick white mushroom portobello mushroom wild mushrooms whatever you want and then you know what i'm gonna do they help me get rid of the um the porcini porcini porcini where is the porcini mushroom uh habanero stains there you go no uh well guess what oh yeah here it is porcini mushroom um i gotta get rid of the water you know mushrooms friends mushrooms as you know are full of water full of water 80 water 90 water you like water in your food you keep it in there i hate water i mean i don't like i mean i use it if i have to okay so we're gonna get rid of all the water in the mushroom and what's gonna help me get rid of the water in a mushroom salt i got this porcini mushroom salt porcini mushroom that's amazing we're gonna put it on there friends now if you don't have porcini mushroom salt not everybody got porcini mushroom salt that's for sure you know what you use a regular salt and it'll be all right too but now i'm putting mushroom flavored salt on top of a mushroom so i'm gonna have some really amazing flavor of mushroom you see now look for those of you that are new to the channel you know there's a lot of tic tac toc recipe out there where they go one two three bam we have no idea what they're doing here we take the time to explain because i want you guys to be able to do what i do not complicated i promise you cooking is not complicated okay it's not rock and science as i say all the time we're not sending a man on the moon no we're not we're just making a mushroom soup anybody can do this no i guarantee you can do it you can do it saute the mushroom if you could be here and smell this oh you know i used to have a life cooking classes every night for 22 years when i had the school people loved it they could smell it they could really i'm telling you um and then the restaurant we used to make this it was very popular soup it's very simple people make it more complicated than what it is so here's what i'm gonna do friends it's gonna take a while and i don't want to talk to your ears off where i'm doing the whole thing right so i'm going to caramelize the onion i am going to get rid of all the water in the portobello mushroom and then i'm going to go to those so i'm not going to bore you to death but i'm doing all this so i'll do this and then i come back and we put the whole thing together i'll show you how i'm doing it i got all right let me finish the mizan plus so i got fresh sage you don't want to use fresh sage use thyme use rosemary those two together would be great too shallots just if you can't find shallots don't worry about it i got leeks licks are very difficult to find these days we used to find these big organic not galileo skinny no good licks so i use the white and the light green part of it right i got my garlic puree if you have never seen this or made that video and it got it puree it makes it easy keep it in the freezer you need a boom take it out put it back put it back in the freezer look look look look look come over here folks look at this you see all that is water that's like nothing we're going to replace that nothing testing water with stock not only is the water in a mushroom don't taste good but it destroys the texture you know like i said have you ever had a cane mushroom don't do it don't do it if you can't have fresh mushroom don't use no you can have dry mushroom and how do you rehydrate them you see all the people we actually mentioned you know how they do it they rehydrate them in water it took 20 minutes for somebody to get rid of the water like i'm doing right now and they put them back don't put the water back in there you're going to use dry mushroom put stock broth chicken stock vegetable stock beef stock whatever it is now all of a sudden you've got much wine do it in wine you could put wine in there too you know in that soup right there i think it'd be fibrous to put white now for us if you didn't drink wine i think i'm going to do it though what i'm doing in this i'm going to go get a bottle of masala or maybe pork just a little bit of wine in there always makes a nicer it takes the edge if you just drink a little bit okay oh my god all right so uh elise i told you about that the garlic okay i told you about everything and then the cornstarch we're gonna thicken it with cornstarch and then we'll put a little bit of bottle of course and then we're gonna put cream at the end all right so it's gonna take a while look at this i've been here like a few minutes already uh and uh and and sure enough nothing is happening in the onion it's gonna take a while before the caramelizer and look at this this is pretty good all right i'll be back in a few minutes when all the mushrooms saute and we put it all together okay so don't go anywhere i'll be back in a few seconds for you but take me a few minutes to do all this well it took a lot longer than i thought i was like at least 15 20 minutes and check this out so when the onion were nice and golden brown you can see it i i added the shallots and the leek and saute those for a while too but till the end you know they don't need to caramelize as much as the shallots okay so i got them in there and look at the mushroom you remember where we started with we start with those two big bottle mushrooms it looked like a lot look at this good nothing left so here's what i'm going to do folks i'm going to take them and uh i'm going to take uh i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to take some of those mushrooms out of here just a little bit this is for serving we're going to take a little bit of it because you're in a soup i like a little texture and then we're going to take a little bit of those onion also and this oh also i'm going to put an opacity i didn't tell you about opacity because i forgot i'm going to take a little bit of parsley right there chopacity and then this friends it's going to be like a little salsa if you will maybe a couple more mushrooms then we're going to serve we're going to serve on the soup because we're going to you'll see you'll see stick around so we're gonna serve it it'll be nice to serve it with all right so now we're gonna take all those mushrooms put them all in there and then we're gonna continue doing the seasoning all right for the seasoning friends we got little garlic you don't have to put garlic if you don't want to this is the the equivalent of two or three uh garlic cloves big one big one big one big one garlic cloves right two or three or four it doesn't really matter a little bit of fresh sage put it in there right there and we're gonna cook this for a second to release the fragrance of the garlic remember here anyway on this channel we do not brown garlic some people like to do it is their garlic and they can do whatever they want i don't like burning garlic i love cooking garlic very slowly so we got the aroma of the garlic without the burn the bitterness and the acidity of the garlic if you burn it that's what happened if you saute it too long okay let's make sure i didn't forget anything i got this i got this i'm ready to go so now all i need find is suppose my talk so my stock i'm gonna put in like i say you don't have chicken stock yeah it's a 12 ounce little i just want to make sure that i'm correcting my uh so so so far as two and uh and then that's three and then that's four all right four twelve ounce little and then we're gonna move this guy around and this is also a 12 ounce little now up to you like i said you want to put vegetable stock in there there'll be nothing wrong with that my friends nothing wrong with that so that's two and uh and three so a little bit less of the uh of the beef stock but you like them all just put more don't worry but you want to put equal amount with equal amount this is really simple i mean a child could do this maybe so we're going to let it cook for a little while i don't need to cook very long because the mushroom will get the water out there's the onion caramelized everything is nice already uh maybe i'll add a little more stock what do you think maybe one more right there all right now um when this is cooked for about 15-20 minutes we're going to thicken it and i'm going to show you how to do it now a lot of people put flour in there you can put flour in your soup if you want i just find it then cornstarch is easier cornstarch arrowroot tapioca powder there's a bunch of thickener if you have a roux you can use a cook roux if you want to add flour you can add flour but if you're going to flour you got to do it now before it cooks so you have time to cook the flour i'm going to do it with cornstarch i find that in coast station it's an easy way to handle it it's half coast half water it's called cornstarch slurry i got it right here i'm going to use it at the end see what if you leave it seat which which is what we did it goes in the bottom so you'll have to mix it you know and it should mix that at the end you have a consistency of like heavy whipping cream tapioca powder is kind of a nice thickener also i don't know if you've ever used that i see right there this is all it is right here so what we're going to do we're going to put this at the end when it cooks for a little while 15 20 minutes doesn't need to cook that long at all okay we'll let it cook and we come back we'll finish together and i'll show you how to have the perfect perfect texture it's all about the texture we're gonna add the cream it's all about the texture friends so i'll show you how to create that magical texture then stays on your tongue it's all about the tongue so i'll show you all right so stick around and uh and we're gonna do it all right when it cooks 15 20 minutes okay friends it's cooked it actually takes it could take 20 minutes half hour slow cook don't be going out there blue blue blue blue blue very little blue blue blue gently remember the blooping things very important so look a texture of a soup is everything you're gonna have the greatest flavor soup in the world if it is too thick or if it's too thin it's not working i'm gonna show you so if you look right there a soup has got no texture at all for those of you that would have put flour in here now you would have some texture in here but i didn't do it because i wanted to show you how to do it with a technique first of all don't forget salt and pepper we gotta really season it at the end a little bit toward the end you know i'm gonna make a video because that's something that i used to teach in my school how do we know we'd have enough salt takes a little too long to explain and this this video right now because then taking me a while but i want to explain to you how do you know how do you know what we know when we got too much salt how do we know we don't have enough salt there's a trick so anyway friends this is the wrong texture i got um arrowroot uh cornstarch whichever one you want to use diluting water remember before that works it has to be completely mixed mixed about half and half maybe a little bit more water that's one of the time we go to the enemy we use a little bit of the enemy but it looks really good um and uh make sure you your your mixture whatever it is is at the boiling point another thing we can add also is a little bit of wine port wine madeira be great also in here you certainly don't have to but just a little bit there you go don't tell anyone they won't know uh you know you certainly don't have to do that but uh i think it's nice to do it we're going to put a little bit of the cornstarch and now be careful with cornstarch friends as wonderful as it works if you put too much that's why i always have some stock based in here and what takes you you do it it's really up to you this is not something then you can tell everybody oh this is how you do it it's it's up to you it's how you like it i don't like my uh mushroom soup to be too thick but i certainly don't want it to be too liquid i want it to stay on the tongue remember it's all about the tongue if your soup is too liquid you swallow it before you know it well you don't know you test but i have no idea what just happened make a little thicker and you'll see if you made my onion soup i teach that a little bit in the oven soup recipe so look look look at now look at that look look you see how much better it is already you see look it's not as liquid as it was we're not quite there yet uh like i said you always have your uh your uh your stock ready you just have a couple of ounces of stock just in case you put too much a little bit of heavy whipping cream a little bit of heavy whipping cream you can skip the cream uh but that's what makes it kind of special so here we have it a little bit of heavy whipping cream here friends you see just a little bit of heavy whipping cream put as much or as little as you want friends it's really up to you and right there i think we are looking quite delicious let me give it a final test at one time i mean i i already tested earlier it was pretty good i just needed almost salt in there so i could use a little more salt just a little bit remember my stock has no salt because it's all made so if you buy a store bought you got to be careful with the salt so you test only at the end all right so now i'm happy maybe just a little bit more cream it's it's really up to you how much you want to put in it's all about the texture you test it and you say do i like it thick like that do i want a thinner it's up to you there's no right or wrong wrong would be really too liquid and obviously wrong would be too thick yeah you don't want to be serving a mashed potato consistency soup okay for sure so now uh i you know i when i eat a soup i love texture so you know i have this um this uh israeli couscous that i made uh this morning for something else you could use a quinoa you could use rice you could use barley whatever makes you happy you could do that you don't have to do this but this is kind of a really really cool texture there do you see right there friends look really really simple right you know i like to make things simple they're not too complicated you don't have any of that don't put it in either it doesn't matter right let me put this out of the way let me take this out let me put this right there all right i don't need any more thickener because obviously i am i have the right thickness look at it look at beautiful daddy's face look at this look at this it's gorgeous it's gorgeous gorgeous and it tastes amazing remember a soup as wonderful as we like to eat them hot too hot is no good if it's too hot you can't test anything no really i promise you if it's too hard you can't taste anything what's the sense of making it so hot so serve it let them cool at the restaurant i would always take don't sell them to the yet because they're going to go right away and then they're going to burn themselves and then before you know in two hours you can't test nothing because you tend your test but it's like i'm i'm not coming out of there it's way too hot okay so i'm just thinking of all the new people that are here for the first time they're going these guys nuts so look look look take a little bit of this mushroom that we saved earlier you see right there my friend right here very simple right and then and you know what you could do because sage is an important herbs in here and put it in the leaves of sage in here and you're going to say what is that doing you know what that does it tells the people you serve it they sage in there so all of a sudden they know what they expected and they appreciate it and they welcome it because they know it's sage friends this is all you got to do very simple cream of mushroom soup it tastes amazing i promise you i'm not going to test it again because i know i'm going to burn myself and i've done that enough time but i promise you it's amazing i hope you enjoyed this segment remember thumbs up if you like it don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you again in the next few days with another fantastic video and thank you for all of you guys that have supported us last year we we really started this channel i know we started years ago but i wasn't involved at the beginning of it and uh and we really started about a year a year and a half ago and we have 500 000 subscribers you guys have been amazing we've had an amazing holiday so god bless you all i have an amazing new year i know it's already passed but uh you have a great new year anyway and and we'll see you guys soon alright thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 361,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make mushroom soup, Easy mushroom soup, How to mushroom soup, Best mushroom soup recipe, Creamy Mushroom Soup, Mushroom Bisque Recipe, How to make mushroom bisque, Easy creamy mushroom soup, How to make a creamy mushroom soup, Mushroom soup, Mushroom Bisque, Easy mushroom soup recipe, Easy Creamy mushroom soup recipe, how to make mushroom soup at home, creamy mushroom soup, cream of mushroom soup, mushroom soup recipe, cream of mushroom soup recipe
Id: 7oIvek99fRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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